No, good Lord, I'd never have the temerity to hit you folk up for money for myself. (Somewhere, my manager and agent just winced) But we're kicking up enough traffic here, we should harness this little swarm for some good.
From now on, I'll be
blogging for a cause. It'll rotate once a month -- there will be representative graphics up once I figure out how to do that, but for now just a listing. The PayPal button goes to a new account made for this purpose. At the end of the month, everything in the kitty goes to the listed charity, and we flip.
I promised Phil Carter, creator of the great blog
Intel Dump and who's currently heading to Iraq with the 101st, that we'd start with some of the military support sites he links to. You can read about the
Army Emergency Relief Fund and what it does
here. At a time when those who say they "support the troops" while sending them to war improperly armored and then short-changing their care when they return, we need to step up here.
We'll be flipping between the Red Cross/refugee relief organizations and troop-support sites for the first few months. There is, after all, a war on.
So, seeing as screenwriting forums & college programs are apparently passing this blog around like the Hot Coffee Mod at a middle school ... and a couple thousand folk a day find my writing of some small value ... I'd like to see a
single buck a month if you find anything useful or amusing here. Not even per item. But if you find yourself swinginging by on even a weekly basis, or one of the Links to the right brings you somewhere interesting -- donate. That alone will raise a whackload of cash for very deserving people taking it in the neck for no good reason.
Kung Fu Monkey: transforming hot air and bullshit into a tiny bit of good, one post at a time.