Yes, I'm linking to Jim. Author. Music journalist. Emmy Winner. Artist. Designer. Comic book writer. With Tom Fassbender, started his own publishing company Ugly Town which now spews forth original crime fiction of the old-school pulp/noir tradition.
Not only is Jim a perfect example of mini-branding and 4GM, he's a disturbingly natty dresser. Seriously, he is the only human I know who could carry a sword cane and somehow pull it off.
Go check it out.
Thank you, kind sir! I will say that I have been informed by members of my Iraqi cabinet (actually it was just Kowe, my Music Supervisor) that the piece of equipment to which you refered is "called a cane sword by the hoods and playas" not a sword cane.
Jeez, can't a brother get a little respect?
If i had had the money, that would have been my groom's gift when I got married for my groomsmen. I still plan to give each of them one one day.
The publishing looks good. I am a sucker for pulp fiction style books, so you can know I will be getting a couple to read and review.
Jim and John, I was wondering what yall think of the Hard Case Crime series of books?
I don't know Hard Case. I;d swing by Jin's blog, post a question over there, more likely he'll see it.
Hard Case Crime does some really nice looking stuff. I always felt like Tom and I were onto something when we did our first book, By the Balls, as a "neo-retro pulp fiction book." The boys at Hard Case Crime have really perfected the new dime-store paperbacks.
However, I haven't read any of their books. So while I can comment on the sizzle, I can't speak to the steak.
Thanks for yall's replies. I have read a few of the Hard Case books and enjoyed them. I am a sucker for pulp/noir books.
Jim I will be getting a couple of yall's soon to read and hopefully review.
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