Sunday, December 04, 2011

LEVERAGE #412 "The Office Job" Question Post

Here you go -- where was Dwight?  Did Jim hit on Parker?  All your Office-y questions and complaints answered.


  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    When did you get the idea to do an "Office-themed" episode? Whose idea was it?

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    What was the funniest thing that happened on set while filming this?

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Why did you have to waste an episode on this? Leverage is a brilliant show. This episode is not.

  4. Anonymous6:37 PM

    So where can a get a gross of the f*$&k you cards? I know a fee people who I'd like to send one too.

  5. (1) I was just curious about how hard it was for the actors, who normally have to act as though the cameras don't exist, to be almost constantly aware of the camera itself. Is how they react to the camera something that was scripted/recommended by the director, or was it the actors who made those choices? Aldis Hodge in particular had a great glare for the camera. (2) Whose idea was Eliot's warehouse chase? It had a great comedic sense to it, almost reminiscent of old cartoon chases where the people go in the door on ones side of the hall and come out on the other side... It's possibly my favorite part of the episode, watching him fling himself over boxes, but from the security camera view...

  6. Ok, no, I lied. My favorite bit was the way Aldis Hodge goes over the side of the roof. That... Should not be so funny. Hodge and Kane were so on.

    Plus Parker's cards. Forever.

    And I'd really like to pick up the F*** this card. Seriously, brilliant.

  7. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Great comedy in this ep! Loved it! Never get tired of Eliot/Hardison bickering or of Eliot smiles/laughs! But PLEASE tell me...what did the card say that Nate gave Sophie????

  8. Right, another question -- Who came up with the recipe for the infamous sandwich? Is that something that Kane eats regularly, or is it a writer's favorite?

  9. Brilliant. All of it. Just sheer, unadulterated brilliance. Bravo!

  10. @Sandwich: it's a Frakes episode, so I'm guessing he had a finger in there.

    That said, kinda not one of my favorite episodes. I understand that the style is messy and shaky, yet this overdid that to the point of overwhelming the con to the point where it was anti-con. Had to explain to my GF what other roles "the spirit fingers guy from Bring It On" had done, which kind of underlined how much Stormare seemed to be phoning it in...

    feedback over, question time:

    --Were there scenes that were cut that explained the identity breakdown? Or was it intended to be throwaway non-committment to the game?

    --At mid-season break, there was an interesting angle brought in. Will we be seeing more of that?

  11. Oh, that was just... really awesome. I did not stop laughing for the entire episode. And now I'm lightheaded in a big way. My very favorite Nophie moment of pretty much all time: "Shrew?! SHREW?!" Priceless. Loving it. Questions:
    1. Did you guys have fun with this episode? Because thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
    2. Were those emotion exercises from Sophie's crazy drama classes? I have taken drama classes and done things eerily similar to that (no, I did not stick my finger in someone's ear, but I was forced to do some weird stuff. I have been dropped in a trust circle, though).
    3. That little red book of Sophie's...was it really a book of times Nate disrespected her contribution? It seems like a logical explanation. And definitely something Sophie would do.
    4. Follow-up: If yes, what other incidents does she have in there?
    5. How did you throw Hardison off the roof?
    6. (in-general question) How much characterization is scripted or directed, and how much is the actors? I mean for the con roles, like Miss Crystal or Mindy. Do the actors get to do a little formulating of the con characters?
    7. What did the card say that Nate gave Sophie? (sorry to repeat a question)
    8. At the end there, when Nate and Sophie were drinking together, it looked to me as though Nate had an empty glass. Am I seeing things?
    9. Did Hardison end up buying dinner?
    10. A Nophie question: did Nate and Sophie see what the other said in the interviews with the wackjob documentary guy (who, by the way, was HYSTERICAL).
    11. Follow-up: Do you ever get sick of us relentless Nophie shippers? :)

    Again...loved it! All of our fabulous five acted the hell out of this episode. My glowing praise to them all, as usual. That right there, folks, is how you do comedic television.
    The promo...god, are you TRYING to give me a heart attack?

  12. @EKB - Stomare has done a lot of stuff, but "Spirit Fingers Guy" from Bring It On is not one of them. "Feeding Buscemi Into a Woodchipper Guy" - definitely Stomare.

    I thought the ep started slow but hit a big stride. The sandwich bit was hysterical - LOVED the punchline in the end of Hardison finally owning up to it.

    Also liked Nate and Sophie arguing via proxy with the camera and the fact that Bartley could only speak footballese.

    It was definitely a see-through con, but that wasn't the point in this one, I know.

    Also, kudos to Frakes on the set up for that fight scene - or was it written that way? Switching from the camera on the ground to the surveillance camera was super cool.

  13. I'd probably have found it funnier if I'd ever seen an episode of "The Office." I did enjoy the escalating comments between Nate and Sophie! :) Did the prop people write up the entire notebook for Sophie, and if so what else does it say? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I was betting on Parker having eaten the sandwich. ;)

  14. This is a beautifully awkward ep.

    Did Christian ad lib that kiss to his tie camera?

    I love Sophie keeping a running tab on dismissive Nate-isms. And zipping his tie down. And the fight--oh, my God, the fight. Watched it three times.

    You can see the exact moment when the director fell in creepy, shuddery lust. Ugh. Well done.

    But as a former IT person, my absolute favorite bit was the answer Hardison got from the whole room about the printer: "It's not working!" Yeah . . . Thanks.

  15. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I've only ever seen like one episode of The Office and didn't especially like it, but none the less I really enjoyed this episode.

    It seemed like Season 4 has given you guys the chance to do really "outside the box" episodes, like this one and the one told half in FLashbacks with the Painting.

    Do you think that you might do episodes based on other famous TV shows at some point in Season Five?

    For example, I can't be the only one who would love an Arrested Development themed episode of Leverage, after all Arrested Development's theme of a family of rich people laundering money through their business would be right in the Leverage Team's wheelhouse!

    Also I loved the scene where it went back and forth between Nate and Sophie each of them having the camera man ask the other painful questions with the questions getting more painful and the responses getting more outrageous. The one thing I didn't see coming was Hardison having eaten the sandwhich... honestly for some reason I felt so sure that Nate would have eaten it....

    --- James Firecat

  16. Peter Stormare will always be Satan to me.

    Giving him a German accent doesn't really change that :).

  17. PurpleOps7:40 PM

    Can you say "over the top"? This one not only leapt over the top, but passed it a couple of extra times running. Funny episode, and Frakes' direction was quite apropos, but it was impossible to take seriously. And clearly, it wasn't SUPPOSED to be taken seriously, but...

    1. Lots of confusion, particularly in the second half of the episode, with people's names. "Hardison" and "Parker" were used "on camera" instead of their character names. Of course, the digital footage was wiped at the end, but still... Was that done on purpose, to keep the audience aware of who were being referenced, or more of a "we don't really care, as long as it stays funny" feeling?

    2. Hate to expose a possible blooper, but it sounded like Aldis blew the pronunciation of "embezzling" or "embezzlement" in one scene. It came out "embelzement". Any chance of a looping for the DVD? :)

    The teaser for next week - NOW we're talking! Return of a long-awaited... uh... return. Looking forward to it!

  18. When Eliot starts talking about cooking, who is responsible for coming up with the recipes? Because as someone who cooks, most of the stuff he outlines would work really well. And have you considered pulling them together into a cookbook?

  19. Great episode, as always.
    Any plans for an elliot cookbook?

  20. @Ally -- the "SHREW??" part was funny, but my favorite part of that Nate/Sophie routine was "FUNCTIONING alcoholic. She always leaves that part out." :-)

  21. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Always enjoy a funnier moments ep. Kane's expression about throwing Hardison off the roof was hilarious. Hardison has changed from the nerd to the cerd (that's cool nerd) or from hacker to cacker. I think you know where I'm going with this. What was on the card Nate gave Sophie?

  22. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Absolutely loved the Nophie fight scene and how they used the camera as their means to do it! That was worth the wait for some Nophie moments!
    How long did it take Tim and Gina to make it through that fight?

    Whose idea was the F*** This card?
    Why didn't Parker eat that sandwich?
    What made you want to do a spoof on The Office and pull it off?
    Thanks, Zee-Zee

  23. Anonymous8:41 PM

    This one was a great romp. Very fun and enjoyable. The passive-aggressive dynamic was very fitting for the team. It's good to see how the team works through its obvious differences.

    No questions tonight but I did want to say "squee Jeri Ryan." I can't wait for next week.

  24. The card Bartley is pitching at the end has "it's" spelled incorrectly on it. I feel like someone should have caught that.

  25. Anonymous9:32 PM

    (Long time listener, first time caller)

    This isn't a question about this episode, but about the two-part finales and the theme of betrayal in them. It seems that in the first season finale, Sophie betrayed the team. In the second, Nate. In the third, it was Eliot by not telling the team that he had worked for Moreau. Was this a conscious choice to include in each finale? And will the trend continue?

    And, on a completely unrelated note, does Maggie have any siblings? (I've loved Kari Matchett since Power Play. I've heard she's returning. Can't wait.)


  26. Cazimier9:38 PM

    First I have to say awesome job! I don't care what anyone else said about this epi, I was ROTFLMAO! And I don't even watch The Office regularly, maybe I'm not "feeling" the characters like I do these guys.
    1) what is this little red book Sophie is keeping. Will we see it again? She has definitely been miffed about this for a while. 2) loved the Gone Fishing Job reference... High-Five for moral! And Eliot fell for it! GO Hardison!! You have to be quick if you mess with that man. I can't blame Eliot though. You don't take someone's food from the work fridge. It's just rude. :-0 This would be a great issue to bring back now and again. It's a hoot! 3) Loved Parker's credit card snag! Good Job girl! 4) It seemed like Eliot entertained the idea of throwing Hardison off the roof for more than a second. He wouldn't would he??? LOL Love the dynamics between those two. 5) And you all should encourage Christian to do a cookbook. I'd buy it! He's made dinner for his team a few times, does he actually cook on the show (a man in an apron...sigh) or is it brought in? Do any of the other cast bring personal traits on screen like that? If so who and what? When he did "Thinking of You", I thought he had an amazing voice (even if it was pitchy), but recently, I learned he cut a CD plus caught his Kane performance in my town last month!! Are the rest of the cast as amazing and multi-talented?

    Keep it up! It's awesome! What a way to start the week! Kudos to you all!

  27. Anonymous10:03 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Anonymous10:06 PM

    This may have been asked before. Where do the names of the cons come from when they talk about which con to use? Are they just random phrases? Or is there an actual list of scenarios?

  29. Anonymous10:58 PM

    We've fans of Leverage since the beginning, but if "Office Job" had been the first episode we would never have watched another. Leverage is a class act, "Office Job" was plagiarism of crap. Maybe you arte looking for a new audience. If so, let us know and iwe will remove it from our #1 spot on our DVR.

  30. What a very funny episode - it looked like everyone was having a great time playing with the unusual documentary-style format.

    So many really excellent moments. The one I have to mention is near the end, while they were wrapping things up at the office, at one point, Eliot stares right into the camera and mugs a face that looked exactly like Jim from The Office. It was the perfect cap to this episode!

    I liked the twist with the clients - that he actually wanted to have the company bought out - that was a nice change and cleverly unveiled.

    Given that you all have been at this long enough that the need to switch up the types of jobs is imperative to keeping things fresh, I wonder if you've ever thought of writing an episode about Home Owner Associations (I won't say anymore than that, in case pitching story ideas is a no-no here, but I do know someone who could use the team's help).

    Anyway, fun episode - nice change of pace! I'm definitely looking forward to next week's offering.

  31. Not a fan of this. Maybe it's just because I've never seen the Office, but the documentary just doesn't work for Leverage. We didn't get your normal incredible camera work, the team seemed to forget the earbuds, and the film crew observing them made the normal Leverage staples all seem a bit ridiculous to me. Sadly, and no offense intended to anyone involved with this episode, but it seemed like the worst of the series to me.

  32. Anonymous11:33 PM

    How how HOW can people not love the brilliance of this episode? From the preview last week, to seeing it was Frakes directing, to all the small bits of amazing thrown in to make this both a perfect homage to The Office and a stand out 'fun' episode. We giggled constantly - the kind of giggles that come with self hugs of glee. The only thing that could have made it better, is if there was more squeezed in - a more incompetent boss, more team snark, more Parker cards.
    Where did the idea come from? The choice of The Office was perfect for Leverage. Did it start with a mock documentary, or a desire to send up another great show?

  33. This is an enjoyable episode precisely BECAUSE it's not a typical one; it stretches the format as far as it can while still remaining a LEVERAGE show (and, of course, it couldn't be done early in the life of the show).

  34. Wow, that seems to have been rather... polarizing. I guess I'll have to be strange and say I neither loved nor loathed it. More of a *shrug* than anything.

    I second the idea of an Eliot Spencer Cookbook.

    As a question... hasn't it already been established that Parker can actually draw quite well? Or is it the fact that she was creating from imagination, versus copying something she'd seen that gave her a problem?

    And is it really that depressingly easy to get hold of decent counterfeiting supplies? I already KNOW there are people out there ditzy enough to believe that money out of the office copier would be legit. Great job bolstering peoples' faith in the currency system, guys. ;P (Not that a lot of people out there would know what devaluation WAS, but...)

  35. Tracey12:57 AM

    This was a crackerjack eppy

    Completely mad! and I loved it :D, Frakes directing was great as always and i loved the Riker name plate on the desk at the beginning of the episode, was that his idea ?

    Everything was making me LOL, especially the Nate/Sophie scenes, oh those two ;), lovely ending with them too, any clues on what the end card said ;)

    Who had the most hard time getting through their scenes without laughing?

  36. thebacardiqueen1:09 AM

    Funniest episode i've seen in a long time - loved the Eliot/Hardison foreplay re: the sandwich!

    Can't wait to see the outtakes on the DVD bloopers reel...what was the funniest thing that happened whilst filming..?

  37. thebacardiqueen1:11 AM

    ...and I definitely think there should be an Eliot cookbook!!!

  38. MaggieCat1:49 AM

    The card Bartley is pitching at the end has "it's" spelled incorrectly on it. I feel like someone should have caught that.

    I think that might be a really serendipitous mistake if they're all trying to pass off the card as something he thought up -- did he strike you as the sort of person who'd get that right?

    Heh, I think that might actually be funnier now.

  39. xjill2:29 AM

    Okay, based on the comments so far I REALLY want to know how the love/hate on the episode coincides with people who watch The Office vs. those who do not.

    POLL IT!

    In other news, that sandwich sounded freaking delicious. Would also like Havenward love to know how much of a challenge it was for the actors to acknowledge the camera.

  40. static4:37 AM

    Loved the Rockford Files reference, Nste as (Jimmy)Joe Meeker.

  41. I thoroughly enjoyed that, and for anyone on the fence, I'd say rewatch it. I caught parts of it twice, and on second view, it was even better. I was used to the tone of the parody and could just roll with it.

    For those who clearly didn't even get that it was a parody . . . [facepalms]

    The Nate/Sophie stuff was hysterical - not just the fight, which was brilliant on so many levels (that they can't address those issues face to face fits them perfectly), but everything leading to it. Sophie sending the HR chick after Nate for reverse favoritism and then Nate demonstrating it by making her watch film? Awesome.

    Loved getting to see Gina Bellman flex her conmsiderable comedic muscle as Sophie, not as Sophie playing a con, because she's funniest when she's playing Sophie's quirks.

    The sandwich gag - brilliant. And you could tell AH and CK were having a blast. It's been too long since those two got to roll together in an ep.

    Parker finally bonding with Stomare over her cards, if only for a second - hysterical.

    Casting - superb as always. Stomare is great, but Bartleby was just as awesome. I love that Nate had to translate everything into "football" for him. And yes, I took the misspelled card as totally intentional.

    Finally - Frakes, I do love thee. So many geat sight gags and decisions. Both action sequences were awesome, and I especially loved all the little tongue in cheek stuff in the roof fight. Stomare was awesome taking a moment to kick the guy who was down!

    Questions - 1) how did you guys get Stomare and how much was he cracking TH up in that first scene together? (I swear TH looked about to break character at one point.) 2) Was Stomare always behind the camera or only when the script called for him to be speaking offscreen? 3) Any tricks in the Nate-Sophie fight scene - was someone reading the other character's complaint for them to respond to?

    And guys - way to wuss out on the card (shakes fist). Unless it was the Fuck This card, which would kind of fit the moment but it should have been made more clear. Although I supect it was something more serious, given Sophie's reaction.

  42. I've seen bits and pieces of The Offices, so I was nervous about this ep. Having said that, this was one of the funniest episodes I've seen. I truly laughed hard and out loud during this ep. My sister and I were cracking up!

    Parker's cards were insane, and yes I'd buy them.

    The back an forth between Nate and Sophie was entirely too much fun. "Shrew? SHREW?" The book she kept of all of his 'Nate-isms' was perfect.

    I gotta say, the sandwich situation sounds familiar having had food stolen from the office fridge before. That sandwich sounds great. May have to try that one. I thought for sure Parker ate the sandwich and didn't care cause she's not scared of Eliot and it looked good.

    Mr. Stormare is one of my favorite actors. Thank you for using him.

    I salute you all! Thank you for a great, GREAT episode.

  43. One of my favorite eps of the season, and it's because you guys made it a great episode of Leverage, The Office-style, instead of just one long The Office joke. Fantastic!

    John, be honest. You have been sitting on that particular documentarian character since Day One, haven't you? Stormare was fantastic from beginning to end, but the whole thing really came together when he zeroed in on Parker as the object of his Herzogian mania. SHE HAS THE NUCLEAR WINTER INSIDE OF HER. Brilliant.

    Major kudos to Frakes for - well, just in general for being a god of comedy, obviously, but specifically for really capturing a sense of urgency in this ep. I think you had to believe the wheels were coming off even faster than usual to accept that the team would allow themselves to be filmed, and even get the documentary crew involved, and it worked really well. Loved the "countdown" of the slowly-emptying water cooler.

    (Also, I'm pretty sure Eliot's shirt went from tucked to half-tucked to untucked as the con progressed, though I took that primarily as a sign of his growing frustration. Eliot's shirt was the Kyle Chandler's hair of this episode.)

    Absolutely loved the sandwich argument, particularly how Aldis ran away with it in the tag. I've missed the bickering brothers dynamic a little this season, and they were in fine form.

    Oh, it's all fun and games 'til somebody throws Hardison off a roof. The team's response to Hardison in danger always plays nicely, I think, even when it's mostly for comedy as in this ep; you can't tell me "Nobody throws Hardison off a roof. Except maybe me." isn't one of the nicest things Eliot's ever said :) Conscious decision to go there in multiple eps this season, or just a consequence of Hardison's tendency to find himself in harm's way?

    Odds that your DVD commentary for this ep will consist entirely of you narrating in your best Herzog impression? Think about it.

    At the end, when Sophie tries to walk back her comments about Nate, how much of that is sincere, and how much is her natural tendency to keep Nate functioning? Conversely, how much of his (apparently) sweet gesture was an attempt to head off that exact discussion? I love them together, so I'm pleased to see them meeting halfway no matter what their motives; I just wonder where, or if, their manipulative mastermind tendencies leave off when it comes to each other.

  44. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I absolutely loved this ep. I watch the office and find it hilarious and to see the guys of leverage pull it off was so much fun. I couldn't stop laughing. I too loved the Sandwich bit, I thought Nate was gonna pull the sandwich out at the end and eat it but the fact it was Hardison even funnier. Nate and Sophie were brilliant and you gotta love Parker being Parker. Great ep, great season, can't wait for next week.

    I too woul love CK to do a cookbook, that sandwich did sound delicious.

  45. @ James Firecat

    You have given me a glimpse of a world with The Banana Stand Job in it, and now nothing will ever be the same.

  46. Now I'm imagining that the card Nate gave to Sophie at the end says "F**k This". ;)

    Another vote here for the Eliot cookbook! With Nate writing the wine/beer/alcohol recommendations. (Whisky goes with everything! As does orange soda.) Plus it needs a Nebraska Chicken Fried Steak recipe.

  47. LeverageFan17:47 AM

    Well you all certainly dropped a big turd there, didn't you?

    Stick with what works, Mr. Rogers. This is something I'd have expected from a season 8 "we're all out of ideas" sort of thing.

  48. The Banana Stand Job... I totally see Eliot as Michael Bluth, the straight man to everyone else's wacko. And Nate is a wacko in his own way.

    Will need to watch this again, because I don't understand why the team would let in the director on their con. Was it because the camera crew was just too ubiquitous to avoid? Needing access to their footage?

    Also, Stormare was awesome and the camera in his belt buckle... "Is there something wrong with your back?" I like that Parker was totally oblivious to his, um, contortions.

  49. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Despite only having seen bits and pieces of The Office, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Everyone was hilarious and I loved how you embraced the weirdness of an episode like this and ran with it.

  50. James T.8:22 AM

    Went to bed early last night and just woke up and watched this on my DVR.

    I must say this episode is very representative of season 4. Which for me; someone who has watched the show since the pilot, has not been good.

    It is very obvious this year that there is a whole new writing staff. Either that or John Rogers has quit rewriting every script for each episode. This season has had some great concepts but few have been pulled off.

    In seasons 1-3 there was a tightness and solidness to all the episodes. An evenness to the series. The stories were all within the world of Leverage as we've come to know it. This season it seems like the new writers have come in with big ideas but little knowledge of how to execute them.

    Case in point is The Office Job. Why even do this? I felt like I could hear the cast and crew laughing at how clever they all thought they were while filming this episode. You just tried too hard. If you are going to attempt this type of episode then at least keep it in the zeitgeist of the show instead of turning your back on the audience and making them feel like they are watching a party they weren't invited to.

    This felt like you gave the actors the week off and said "Indulge yourself!" And boy, did they. WAY TOO MUCH. An exact opposite of this was The Van Gogh Job which was absolutely brilliant. It was just as big in risk as this one, but the writing was so much better and more so, the episode, while going way outside the box, was still within the zeitgeist of the show and the characters. I think it is no wonder that one was written by Chris Downey and this was written by some of the new writers.

    This season only The Boiler Room Job and The Grave Danger Job stand out as excellent offerings by new writers. Everything else has felt like it was trying too hard. Even the season premiere which had John Rogers's name on it did not feel like a Rogers episode and I believe that was because half was written by one of the new writers.

    Leverage is at its most vulnerable when it tries to have too much fun or be too cute. The Office Job did both and failed. The Boiler Room Job was a textbook funny Leverage episode. I believed it all. But for me, a longtime and loyal viewer I prefer the Leverage of old; the one where the funny stuff just comes from our characters in funny situations; not in different worlds. And also Leverage is great when it is being cool and exciting.

    And by exciting I don't mean car chases or Eliot fights; though I love Eliot fights! I mean exciting as in I don't know what's coming but I give a damn. I have not given a damn on many episodes this season. I gave a damn all the time in seasons 1-3.

    If it is the new writers then I encourage John Rogers to get more involved in the scriptwriting. If it is not the new writers then I fear the show is on its last legs. Either way please please PLEASE go back to more episodes like:
    The Van Gogh Job
    The Boiler Room Job
    The Experimental Job
    Those were the standouts of this season. Those episodes felt like the Leverage I know and love. Not stupid murder mysteries or carnivals or chess tournaments and especially DON'T try to be like some sitcom on non-cable tv.

    I almost forgot my question!!! I wanted to ask; did you have to get permission from NBC or The Office to do this episode, or can anyone make fun of anyone else on tv?

    Thank you for providing this forum.

  51. I see that this ep was polarizing. I like that Leverage tries different formats. Otherwise, it's like Law and Order. You always know how it'll be set up and played out.

    OTOH, I'll watch L&O anytime it's on...

  52. Yeah, very polarizing.

    Theme vs. variation on a theme.

    And actually, the most memorable things about this ep were the LEVERAGE specific bits, such as the Nate/Sophie "argument", which wouldn't work or even happen without the parodic elements.

    (Note: not a viewer of THE OFFICE).

  53. @James T - To each his own of course. I thought the Boiler Room Job was by far the worst 1 or 2 episodes of the season, and the Grave Danger Job - despite some very strong stuff in the second half - basically gave us half of a good episode.

    And I would say that this season is far stronger as a whole than Season 3.

    I'm more than willing to see them occasionally break format every once in a while. Do I want cheeky parody Leverage all the time? No. But cheeky Leverage once in 4 seasons - yeah, plenty of room for that.

  54. I thoroughly enjoyed this ep! Frakes really knows how to get the best out of this cast, doesn't he?

    Kane's expressions as he goes through the "Nobody throws Hardison off the roof … except me … no" bit were hysterical. To me, it played like the comedic sibling of the beat back in "Future Job" when he offered to kill Ran. As in, "I know it would be wrong, but I'd really enjoy doing it." One deadly serious, one for laughs.

    And Gunter's now going to be stalking Parker in hopes of making a documentary/porno with her, right? ;)

    I adore Sophie's book of outrage.

    And when will Parker's "Eskimo Kisses" cards be available?

    One question: When Parker was presenting her cards to the buyout folks, she seemed to be doing a bit of sign language with it. Any particular reason why? Or was that just considered something Parker would do? (And I do love Nate's discomfort at the prospect of Parker presenting to actual people, and Sophie's conviction that it would be fine. Heh.)

  55. MacSTL8:51 AM

    I am also in the group of fans who are - 'Meh'

    It was okay. I didn't love it nor did I hate it. But - I didn't like The Office... so there you have it.

    and yes... I understand that it was a parody.

    I think the 2nd half was much better... and it did have some great moments... I appreciate the actors having fun...and Frakes having fun....

    but overall....not one of my top episode... lower 1/4 of the list I think.

  56. I just really want to know why Nate isn't doing the "Let's go steal us a ...." line this season. It doesn't seem right without that!

  57. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Least favorite episode of the series-to-date. (I watch & enjoy The Office for those keeping tabs on that) Did like the sandwich bit, and thought Eliot's expression during the whole 'nobody throws Hardison off the roof. Except maybe me.' was the highlight of the episode. Completely sick of Nate/Sophie, just don't see any reason why either of them would want to be with the other at this point. I'm with the others who think this season has been a little underwhelming overall.

  58. Anonymous9:51 AM

    First, I enjoyed the episode. And as much as I love the 5's facial expressions in REGULAR Leverage episodes .. they all KILLED me in this episode.

    I loved Eliot saying that no one can throw Hardison off a roof except him. That's exactly how siblings are with each other. Same with Hardison stealing Eliot's sandwich and denying it like crazy; even Eliot taking Hardison's orange soda to "prove a point." :)

    Sophie and Nate using the documentary to ... "discuss relationship issues" ... well I'm guessing they don't feel comfortable talking about them with Parker, Hardison or Eliot. Funny stuff. :)

    And between Parker trying to avoid the camera and her new greeting cards designs... well, Beth is an awesome actress.

    I don't think I have original questions, but I'll post them anyway:

    Christian tweeted something about episode being based on an idea of HIS. True?

    The sandwich that Eliot described: is that a Kane special or was it 'just' scripted?

    I know Christian does all his own stunts (except for the rare ones where he WANTS to, but you won't let him) - so just wanted to ask if that was all him in the warehouse stunt with the leaping midair tackle. It looked great! (Also curious how many takes that took).

    Adlibbing: I'm going to guess there's at least SOME in there ... anything in particular come to your mind?

    Thanks John!

  59. Whose idea was it for Parker to use American sign language during her presentation?

  60. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Pretty obvious the Head Writer guy is Dwight. He nailed him. And 'F*ck This'? Classic.

  61. Mr. Mood11:26 AM

    Put me in the camp of loving this episode. I was eating Cheezits and nearly spit them out laughing in some points. Suffice to say, that wouldn't have been fun to clean up later.

    The Nate-Sophie argument was what made it for me, as well as the creepy Gunther. His disturbingly hilarious fixation on Mindy!Parker was awesome.

    Parker's cards and her presentation style pretty much make me think that this is how she perceives presentations are made (reminded me of the bad early 90's infomercials). Parker is the Superman of thieves, and when she's in an alias, she acts how she believes real world people act. Wrap your noodle around that...

    The rooftop battle was too funny for words. This was just one fun episode, and nice break from what we usually see the Leverage crew do. I can't wait to get back home and watch it again.

  62. zeyneb12:15 PM

    I am one of the people who has been with Leverage since the beginning and I thought I would put my two cents in.

    Even though I enjoyed the episode and laughed it didn't feel like Leverage. I have never seen the office so maybe that was one of the reasons but someone said it earlier where was the awesome camera work, the amazing color? The con that leaves me surprised? The funny moments that are funny because of the situation and not set up like this?

    I would second (triple?) a CK cook book if that recepie was his, or how about a Leverage cook book?

    And I also thought that it would have been Nate that would have eaten the sandwich - he hasn't said it enough this season but he does live there!

  63. I don't watch sitcoms and the crime stuff felt a little soft to me, but the character stuff was terrific! I think it's great that you're willing to experiment instead of settling for the same-old same-old. Nate and Sophie's escalating argument-by-proxy was gold.

  64. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode! I thought it was hilarious!! Questions: 1) Did you guys find yourself laughing a lot during filming? 2) what is in that card that Nate gave to Sophie?!?!?!?!

  65. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I understand that Leverage is a fun, light-hearted show and the writers don't want the drama to overpower the comedy, but the scales were tipped too far to the comedy side in this episode.

    Comedy is funniest for me when it comes out of real character moments, and often the more dire and heavy the situation, the easier it is for these character moments to shine (the old 'comedy is other people's pain', mantra.)

    In an episode like this, where satire and goofiness are the driving force, the comedy begins to appear forced and stale. And with no heavy stakes, I begin to loose interest in the narrative thread (something about counterfeiting, right?)

    Please keep the comedy in Leverage, but keep it as comedy RELIEF. Don't turn the show into a satirical, gag-a-minute yuckfest. Keep the danger, ruthless criminals, and high stakes please! While I admire the willingness to take risks, I think it's important to acknowledge when those gambles fail.

  66. USRaider4:06 PM

    For the first time, I can say that an ep of Leverage wasn't my cup of tea. I've never been a big fan of "The Office" and the storytelling style of this ep left me indifferent.

    Now, I've read through the comments and I'm not going to go into the category of outright hatred of the ep. Every ep cannot be an Emmy winning performance; sometimes you have to change the pace and have some fun. That is how I'll look at this one.

    There were some funny moments, however. Nate and Sophie's camera exchange, the sandwich and the director's pursuit of Parker (whom a nilhist German director would immediately fall in love with) were worth the price of admission.

    Question...Was there some thought of how to make the PR head just a LITTLE more believable as the operator of a counterfeiting scam? It almost seemed she was ready to pull a "Scooby Doo" and say at the end, "If it wasn't for those meddling efficiency people, I'd have gotten away with it!"

    Sure I might come up with more later, but always looking forward to the next ep no matter what!

  67. I loooooved this one! I really appreciate you bringing back Eliot's culinary side again, I loved it back in S1 and I dont think we've really seen make an appearance since! I hope we get backstory one day about Eliot and his forays into the culinary world. I bet he would have been a great chef.
    Also Hardison denying he ate the sandwhich so much and then turning out he ate it afterall? HAHA! I love Hardison "Yeah I ate the sandwhich, and if he wouldnt kick my ass I'd thank him for it!"
    My question that I am not sure you will answer or not is what did the card that Nate give to Sophie say?

  68. GinaFan4:41 PM

    Ok, this is quite the coincidence.

    A friend of mine, who works in my office, is named Gunther, and makes and sells dead deer Christmas cards.

    He also serves as photographer at company events. I will have to show him this episode. :)

  69. GinaFan5:18 PM

    And Gunthers wife learned sign language to help with early communication with their daughter, before she was old enough to talk and stuff. :)

  70. Was Crane & Co. of Dalton MA ever mentioned in the writer's room? They make the paper used in U.S. and also stationary, including greeting cards. I liked how Nate determined instantly that counterfeiting was going on, based on the type of paper the football guy appeared to be stocking.

    Whenever the USA considers the totally sensible proposal of abolishing the penny, one of the coin's most steadfast defenders has been my Congressman, John Olver (D, MA-01). This is because it would be equally sensible to abolish the dollar bill, and that would reduce the demand for currency paper and thus cost many jobs in western MA.

    WV: "zedium" -- chemical element discovered in Britain and named for the 26th letter of the alphabet.

  71. Duh, "used in US currency"...

  72. Elaine7:00 PM

    Was I the only one who caught Parker's "moment" with the money paper? Nice call-back - she has such an unhealthy relationship with money that she can sniff it out when it isn't even money yet.

  73. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I really liked this episode! I usually prefer the more serious ones, but I really love the relationship between Eliot and Hardison, and they were great in this! : ) I'm kinda over the whole Nate/Sophie thing, though. How about spending that time on backstories for everybody instead? Or am I the only one who feels that way?

  74. Anonymous8:10 PM

    OMG, I think this episode was freakin' awesome!!!!! I will totally watch it again a gazillion times. Question: Exactly how much fun did everyone have doing this ep, particularly with Jonathan Frakes directing?

  75. MagzMc2:05 AM

    Hi John, I really enjoyed this episode, it was very different and a great hour of tv. Parker/Gunter was priceless and the sandwich! Did someone steal your sandwich from the writer's fridge?

    But for me the best part was the Nate/Sophie spat, I can't believe he brought her AGE into it! I watched it with my boyfriend and there was an audible gasp from him at that ageism crack. Was it all scripted?

    I do have a question for you, Nate was quick to call Sophie out for leaving him and the team in the past, has he forgiven her for that? She got to be mad at him for most of Season 3 (even when what he did was for good reasons in his mind, taking responsibility for his mistakes, & protecting his team by taking the fall) but this is the first indication that her leaving still bothers him. Does he think she'll do it again?

  76. Anonymous4:53 AM

    HOnestly this episode sucked

  77. I was a little surprised to come on here and see so many differing opinions about this ep. I loved it and I don't think I've laughed as much during any other episode. I actually think Season 4 is my favorite season so far because there isn't an emphasis on a season long plot arc, but, rather, the focus is on the characters themselves. It feels like we're finally getting payoffs from the last three seasons with Nate/Sophie, Hardison/Eliot, and, of course, Parker/Hardison. The dynamic among the group seems more relaxed, probably because they're not under constant threat from some Big Bad.

    Look at the way the characters have grown. Compare Hardison's grifting skills in the Ice Man Job to the Experimental Job. See how not-stabby Parker's become! Eliot's been hugging! Sophie even seems a little more normal to me as her relationship with Nate is eroding her normal cool and controlled demeanor. Nate transitioned from a deeply grieving father to a somewhat functioning person. I don't know if it's deliberate, but Nate/Alcohol hasn't been very present this season either. He's still drinking, but he's not getting up to refill his glass during every scene either. He seems more 'with it.'

    For me, the Office Job functioned as a therapy session for Nate and Sophie, and reinforced the fact that these characters have lives outside the episodes, as evidenced by Eliot's & Hardison's fight. One could argue that without the distraction of the documentary crew, the team would've found the counterfeiting operation much faster, but it wouldn't have been as hilarious or as chock full of character-goodness.

    I feel like Leverage has always been equal parts character-driven and a procedural. This season, the procedural is just taking a back seat to letting the characters shine.

  78. @eveningshadow - my one complaint with this season is that there - FOR ME - seems to be a disproportionate emphasis on Parker and Hardison as a couple. (I am apparently one of the few people who doesn't fall over dead from their cuteness everytime they're together.)

    But otherwise, I have to agree with everything you said. Nice post.

  79. Okay, another question (either for Rogers or the hive brain here):

    Eliot was supposed to be looking for something "fragile." I couldn't for the life of me figure out what that was supposed to mean, until on third or fourth watching I thought I heard Hardison say (when he and Eliot are in the office together), "fragile … ent."

    So, does "something fragile … ent" mean "fraudulent"? Eliot's looking for evidence of fraud?

    And count me as another who loved Parker smelling the paper/money-to-be. Does she ever walk into a bank and just stand there, inhaling? ;)

  80. Rachael9:07 AM

    That just didn't work for me. The different format took me completely out of the story. I couldn't focus on what was going on because I just kept noticing everything about the camera work and the acting and stuff that was different.

    I think if a show is going to be a show that does parodies it needs to be established early on, like with Community. When Community does a parody it's because Community does parodies, but for you guys to randomly throw one out in the 4th season just didn't make any sense.

    It didn't make me laugh, it didn't draw me in, it just felt ridiculous, and that made me sad because I love this show and I hate disliking an episode. *sigh* I appreciate the effort and I understand the desire, but no. It just didn't work.

    And for the record, I've seen some clips of The Office, but I find it incredibly annoying, so...yeah, I watch Leverage for the Leverageiness.

    I am, however, very much looking forward to next week! Yay!

  81. @Tai: I hope we get backstory one day about Eliot and his forays into the culinary world.

    There was the flashback of Eliot's jock friends teasing him for taking home ec in high school -- until the buxom teacher showed up to show him how to hold a knife. I suspect Eliot cooks for his own pleasure; I just don't see him working in a restaurant kitchen.

  82. Random question and I’m looking ahead quite a bit here but recently TV shows that have wrapped have been going an extra season in graphic novel/comic form. Smallville is doing it and Buffy the vampire slayer has done it with lots of success.. Do you think that’s something Leverage would do?

  83. dugsdale3:03 PM

    I'm about a season behind y'all, not having cable--I wait for the season DVD to come out, watch each ep, then watch the "comments-on" version. Am REALLY liking the show, and kind of sorry the action speeds by so fast that the "deeper" stuff your writers know and/or have learned about the circumstances our heroes address (those of them that are based on real, heinous, larceny & corruption in mostly high places), doesn't get to come out.

    In addition, Mr. Rogers, may I say how much I miss your general commentary on the KF website. (I still link to "Lions Led by Donkeys" when I want someone to read really sparkling, first-rate commentary with a savage and appropriate bite to it.) I wonder if you have thought about a section of the season's DVD set that includes either you, or the ep's writer, talking a little about each show's evildoer and the real-life situations (if any) the show is drawn from. I like that the Leverage team functions as a moral force in the world of the show; I guess I'd like a clearer sense of the show's linkage to what we laughingly refer to as "real life."

  84. Murphy9:34 PM

    Loved the episode.

    The sandwich sounded delish. I probably would have eaten it too.

    Can't wait for next week's episode. Kudos all.

  85. Miette11:23 PM

    Uh.. You know the reason we watch Leverage because it's not like any other TV Show. I gotta say this is the weirdest episode of Leverage I've ever watched and I didn't mean it in a good way.

    I think the directing is brilliant and totally loving Hardison/Eliot bickering. But the storyline is 'meh' and yes I don't watch The Office :D

  86. Miette11:24 PM

    Oh and I would like to request for Eliot Cookbook please ;)

  87. Famous4it5:57 AM

    Oh my gods! This episode had me in fits!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never cared much for The Office, but I loved this episode! I think I liked it more than the last one even =)

    Highlights for me! The Sophie/Nate fights, Parker's cards, Gunter and his Parker obsession! Very clever episode, and loved the sandwich gag. I also loved the cast's expressions all the time hehe.

    So just one question really, where did the F*** This Card come from? One of Parker's designs? Doesn't really seem Goodcheers style ;) As for the card Nate are an evil man and I know asking you is pointless, thus I shall not!

    Thanks to everyone for another fantastic episode! The promo for next week looks very exciting! Boom baby boom!!!!

  88. Did someone on staff actually MAKE the sandwich recipe? You know, for quality control testing. :D

  89. This is the season of bad german accents. The Germans in "the long way down" were awful but what Peter Stormare (whom I really like by the way, ever since Fargo)did was way more French than German. Would really love if you were more careful with that.
    Other than that I liked the episode, but it's not one of my top 5, even from this season.

  90. While a ton of folks hated the Officeyness of this one, I find more and more layers of Officey goodness every time I watch. eg for those of use who have worked their share of corporate office jobs, it was perfection that the ultimate bad guy was an HR person. As one of my coworkers says "It's weird that they call them Human Resources, since they aren't human or resources."

    Question on the Nate card - last season Sophie wrote a private note on a napkin, and this season, Nate gives her a card we never see. Was the parallel intentional? Is this going to become like the glass of liquor that Nate and Sterling are constantly passing back and forth? Why not share those things with the audience, because honestly it seems like a bit of a cop out to have characters share something onscreen but never let the audience see what it is?

  91. Pete Sears12:31 PM

    This is an open message to LeverageFan1 and to any others of his ilk:

    You know, it's ok, to not like things, as long as you're not a dick about it. I don't know what forum you came from, but frankly that sort of commentary is not welcome, nor appreciated here. And in case it wasn't explicit, let me be the first to tell you. Not Cool.

    There may be a few episodes that I liked better than others. But whether I liked them or not does not devalue the time, effort, energy, and love, that were invested in the writing, the rehearsal, and the production of this series.
    And the fact that that time,effort,energy, and love shine through each week is a testament to the quality television that is being produced. A quality of television that you seem to be SPOILED by.

    I can only make an educated guess as to your age, but in terms of maturity, i have a very good idea as to how many rings you have around your trunk. You might want to give some serious thought to how you express your disappointment with a particular episode. There are many reasons for this. If you can be more constructive, people might take you slightly more seriously. They might think you less of an asshat. They might not trace your IP, hop on a plane, locate you in an unguarded moment, and punch you in the throat for the Lulz.

    Not that I or anyone else is suggesting that's going to happen. But you never can tell, can you?

    TL;DR Stop being such a thoughtless prick, it's not really called for.

  92. PurpleOps7:48 PM

    Since I haven't seen anyone else ask explicitly, I will do so. How was the "F--- This" card represented in the script - was it stated right out, and was it stated that it should be blurred (or was that left as an exercise for the censor)? And what was the network's reaction when they saw whatever it was in the script?

  93. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Here's another one for the category of "Eh."

    I neither loved it, nor hated it. Some things had me laughing, other things were quite boring and unfunny.

    Seems to me the show is it it's best humor-wise when it doesn't try so hard. I think someone else already mentioned that.

    I will say this, though, as a longtime and loyal viewer: I am sick and tired of Nate and Sophie. EITHER TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL OR ELSE DROP IT AND MOVE ON!!!!

    This is the most useless meaningless "relationship" in all of television.

    My suggestion for next season is Sophie starts dating someone right there in Boston and it drives Nate crazy, but then Nate falls for someone and we at least get some freshness into their relationship.

    And the F*#@ This card was truly hysterical. How did you get THAT ONE by the censorship board?

  94. Slothy2:39 AM

    This episode was a little uneven for me, but the stuff I liked, I LOVED so overall I came out happy.

    Gunther and his obsession with Parker left me pretty cold and I didn't feel all that interested in any of the other secondary characters, but I was down with nearly everything else. I loved Gina getting the chance to indulge her sitcom roots in the team-building scenes and the look on her face at the 'ageism' comment was pitch perfect.

    I loved Eliot and Hardison's feuding, and I loved the callback to Eliot's reaction to the mob wife in The Wedding Job. Boy can cook, but boy is oh so very sensitive about his creations. Oh and Christian deserves mad props for his flawless impersonation of the Jim Halpert camera mug right at the end.

    Overall, a little indulgent maybe. But fun, and four seasons in, you've put in the effort to earn it.

  95. MacSTL11:12 AM

    @Pete Sears I have been out of town for a couple of days so i am just catching up.

    I read your comment and I thought to myself, 'There was a post bad enough to warrant this much outrage from another poster? I don't remember seeing that.'

    So - I searched.... and then I laughed out loud. Because unless something else was posted and deleted --- that was mild - and I did not think it at all offensive.

    In fact - your post gave me more issues than the original.

    Just goes to show we are all different.

  96. @ Famous4it...

    The 'Fuck This' card is the reaction to the being prodded by Sophie. The interview scene with the Head Writer was deeply cut from the filmed version, but the character is asked 'How do you feel after being treated like that by that woman?' In the team building exercise the Head Writer is ordered to be silent, to express himself only in writing. He takes his 'Bunny card' and writes the response, 'Fuck This'.

  97. I'm certainly not an Office fan, but I loved this episode all the same - for diving in just this once. It's the fourth season, we need the occasional show with a new hook. Well done.

  98. Little comment on detail. When they first came I thought I saw Parker's hair in braid. But later on, it's a normal hair tie and the braid is gone. Just sayin tho.

  99. A Hardison question, not about this particular episode, but about what's going on in the videogame industry right now:

    Is Hardison gearing up to play "Star Wars: The Old Republic", or is he an one-MMO sort of guy, still actively playing World of Warcraft? If he is going to play SW:TOR, what sort of character would he make? Also, does Hardison try to get into game beta tests, or does he not have time for that? For that matter, would he hack his way into the approved beta tester list for a game he was interested in, or would he feel bad about doing that?

  100. MacSTL6:40 AM

    @lyn - they were at 'The Office' two days. Everyone's clothes changed - if even just slightly

  101. I loved this episode and all the Eliot and Hardison interaction - but especially the "Bring yo ass!" moment where both of them snap at the filmmaker over Parker. <3 OT3

    I do have a quwation! Is there a foodie in the writing staff or do the details of Eliot's culinary skills fall to google? Also, can he make me a sandwich?

  102. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I just want say that this was probably one of my favorite episodes. Yes, it isn't the "normal" leverage episode, but I think that's the point. All the banter between characters makes them seem a little more human.

    Love it.

  103. Anonymous7:17 AM

    hey why can't we see more of parker-hardison romance??

  104. Anonymous8:22 AM

    All i have to say is I LOVED IT.It was funny.You hit the spot on THE OFFICE(another show I love).Don't worry you didn't waste an episode.Screw them :) Couldn't be done any other way.Thank you

  105. Like someone else said, if this was the first episode of Leverage I'd seen, I'd never watch it again. I WILL watch again because I know this was an 'unusual' episode. And I believe (hope) the producers want honest opinions from all sides. I love Leverage and I'm neither a 'moron' or a 'hater' as those with negative opinions about this episode have been called on the Leverage FB page.

  106. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Yes, I agree with Anonymous #3. I LOVE Leverage, but I did not love or even like The Office Job. Sorry

  107. Anonymous3:38 PM

    NBC's "The Office" comes from a well respected genre known as the "mockumentary", which pokes fun at the documentary style of filmmaking. I'd love to have seen a mockumentary Leverage episode, however, this was not what we got.

    No offense, but this felt like a high school drama club putting on a skit for talent night. Rather than being an original mockumentary, this was a satire of a satire, which is one too many layers. Kinda like when a friend does an Austin Powers impersonation at a party and nobody laughs.

  108. Cerusee11:09 AM

    The entire conceit of the episode was worth it just for that golden moment when Nate settles resignedly in front of the interview camera, and at the very last second, flicks up his eyes to look directly at it, a la Tim/Jim (and cuing us in on exactly what's to follow). It was hilarious--kudos to Hutton for making it work.

    Count in among those who enjoyed this all-comedy episode--I could nitpick a few things (was it really necessary to use the hand-held cameras even for the scenes when there's not supposed to be a camera crew present? It was distracting and confusing), but I laughed long and hard through the whole episode, and which is exactly what I hope to get out of comedy. Leverage is a drama, but it's a drama with a lot of humor, and I'm more than okay with seeing it tip towards the comedy side from time to time, especially this late in the show's.

  109. taffismom4:02 PM

    A couple questions, but only one related to The Office Job. Was I the only one who found it disconcerting when the characters suddenly appeared in different clothes? Obviously it was supposed to be the the next day, but Nate had given the team specific assignments in the scene just prior, then when they started actually searching they were suddently in different clothes with no real indication it was a new day. And since they had less than 24 hours to do the job, why would they wait until morning to search the office?
    Second question is from The Queen's Gambit Job. When the team is talking with Stirling at the chess competition and the men from Kazikstan arrive, we see a two-shot of Eliot and Stirling and Eliot has his arms crossed. Then there is a wide shot of the team and Eliot's hands are in his pockets, followed by a cut directly to the same two-shot of Eliot and Stirling, and Eliot's arms are crossed again. Was this a composite of two different takes and a continuity error slipped by? If Eliot had re-crossed his arms we would have noticed the movement because there was no break between the wide shot and the second two-shot.
    I don't mean to sound super picky or like I'm complaining. I really love the show and find it a bit jarring when something sticks out and distracts me from the story.

  110. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Must admit..I'm one of those that this was not a favorite..but I certainly can appreciate that it seems that this was a blast for the cast and Frakes to film...I have two questions..1- you have mentioned in your commentaries how great Gary is with the camera work...did he have any input on how this was shot...or did that come from the mind of Frakes?..2-not episode related...I to have noticed that Eliot's hair seems that Christian's choice..or is that productions decision?

  111. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I loved the episode, it was hilarious! (I watched it right after the Community satire of Glee, which I also found hilarious.) I've only watched a couple episodes of the Office and don't really enjoy it.

    I would buy an Eliot cookbook.

    My question isn't really about the episode. I was looking for a good Leverage poster or two, and I couldn't find them anywhere. Where can I find some?

  112. Miette1:19 AM

    Nate used to be Sophie's biggest fan for her awful acting. Why did he come up and mock Sophie about the acting during these days? Because they're already a couple?

    *I keep coming back and asking lol

  113. Geek Girl6:00 AM

    Another "meh" from me. I like "The Office" and I thought a lot bits in "The Office Job" were funny but I don't think the con held together that well. For one thing it was just so complicated and there were so many characters who seemed to have, like, one line a piece. Why did the company have to be on the verge of being bought out? Why did they have to try to kill the boss? Wouldn't just discrediting him, as they tried at the end, work just as well?

    But the thing I really, really wanted to see was Sophie talking to the boss and figuring out he wasn't in on the counterfeiting scheme. That would have been a lot funnier than Sophie just telling everyone about it. And it would have set up the whole "the boss only understands football terminology" beautifully.

    I suppose, in the end, I just had very high hopes for this episode and it didn't meet them. And, no, I don't think this edited in Final Cut X - too much multicam work in the fight scene

  114. Just wanted to throw in, that while I don't watch The Office (tried the British one, didn't care for it, never bothered with the US one) I really enjoyed this episode.

    WV: Truffil - when you eat a few too many expensive mushrooms

  115. GinaFan4:07 PM

    Gotta say the ogling of Parker gave me a creepy feeling.

  116. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Since the comments above either plead for the card, or diss the Sophie/Nate relationship, I've got to toss in my two cents:

    I <3 Nate/Sophie, but I DO NOT want to know what was in the card. I like that Nate wrote it, and that Sophie seemed touched by whatever he wrote. Hats off to the writers for stopping there. Revealing the details usually ends up treacly or jarring. Much better to leave it to our imaginations. Or to fanfic. ;-)

    Oh, and for the poll--I never could get into watching The Office...I think I've seen portions of 2 eps max...but I laughed my way through this Leverage ep.

  117. Aldis Hodge in particular had a great glare for the camera. (2) Whose idea was Eliot's warehouse chase? It had a great comedic sense to it, almost reminiscent of old cartoon chases where the people go in the door on ones side of the hall and come out on the other side.Do best, no regret!giubbotti moncler outlet 2012 good topic, I will concern on.

  118. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "My suggestion for next season is Sophie starts dating someone right there in Boston and it drives Nate crazy, but then Nate falls for someone and we at least get some freshness into their relationship. "

    You don't need a love triangle to make a relationship interesting, you need writers who give a damn about making that couple interesting by writing actual personal scenes between them and develop their characters and relationship that way.

  119. Not my favourite Leverage ep, ever. I found it messy and incoherent - possibly I might like it better when I get it on DVD with subtitles. Because I may have missed some finer points, I never really understood why the film crew was necessary at all, from a plot perspective. Seemed to me the team got all the evidence they needed without the documentary crew.

    Have to say it's the only ep of the entire series so far that's made me want to hit the fast forward button. Guess it just wasn't my kinda ep, but that's my problem, not yours, so please ignore me :)

    I must counterbalance the negative stuff above by noting I adored "Experimental Job" and am looking forward to the Night Out Jobs so much, I'm saving "Girls Night Out" to watch when "Boys Night Out has aired, so I can watch them back to back.

    Thank you again for continuing to read and answer our crazy stuff. Always appreciated and enjoyed.

  120. ellabell5:15 PM

    In trying to game this blog:

    "They're resilient. They could even bounce back from, say, a shocking death ... "

    Um, WHAT? Is this a real spoiler? Or are we reading too much into the stuff you say on the blog? (I'm seriously hoping for the latter.)

  121. Riley75:27 PM

    Amazing episode, major kudos dude. 1)Did Christian Kane actually do that stunt where he tackles that guy from those boxes?2)Did that director have a crush on Parker or was he just fascinated by her weirdness? For the record I would have totally gone with " Eskimo Kisses".3) Whose idea was the ingredients to Eliot's sandwich?4)Is there a chance that there was another copy of the documentary that comes back to bite the team in the ass? Again, awesome ep.

  122. Gina Bellman was gold.

  123. oregonlamb11:54 AM

    So, on behalf of humankind, I want to apologize to the jerks that are rude and think they know more than John Frickin' Rogers and Jonathan Freakin' Frakes!!!! WTH People!!!

    I digress.

    So, why in day 2 was the back of Eliot's shirt hanging out? Did we film a fight scene first that day and just didn't get tidied up? Or is Kane trying to be casual?

  124. oregonlamb11:57 AM

    Seriously, everything else had been asked or said.. this was a stretch. I could just tell you how brilliant the ep was over and over. Loved Christian kissing the tie cam, loved the creepy German, Sophie/Nate fight, Hardison trying to telegraph info to Eliot with code words. No question, just praise.

  125. Anonymous11:52 PM

    First off, I want to say that this show is amazing. I've watched all the episodes (except boy's night out, because I'm travelling and can't re-task satellites), most of them at least twice.

    In this episode specifically, I have to say, I love the line "for morale", and I LOVE that Eliot fell for it. Just like he fell for razor-blade apple. He has an odd team.

    I have some questions about Hardison:

    1) In Big Bang Job, why did Eliot choose Hardison to go with him to hit Moreau?
    Hardison has been established as the worst grifter and the least level-headed character. Moreover, Eliot knew he was going to reveal his own past during the con, and Hardison was the most likely to freak out about that; in Homecoming, he was the first to say "I didn't sign up for this; the stuff I did before nobody got hurt".
    So why bring him? Is it because Nate isn't the only one who thinks Hardison is expendable? (C, F, and M-Q...)

    2) Speaking of which, IS Hardison expendable? Everyone's going to hate me for saying this, but he is weaker than the other characters, isn't he? I mean, no-one stands a chance against Eliot (Dayan, Roper, Quinn, Butcher of Kiev, etc.), and Parker can hold her own against Apollo, but the entire team is needed to beat Chaos.

    Moreover, even Eliot, the most technophobic character, can not only run background intel on someone (3 Days of Hunter), but can SSH into a server and destroy it remotely from a machine that doesn't even speak the same language (Reunion; I'm assuming he SSHed because if Manticore were running locally, he could have destroyed it by smashing the CPU. Also 1985 machines don't have enough processing power). If your hitter can do that, why do you need a hacker?

    Lastly, Hardison does pre-job intel and post-job cleanup, but if he's any good at it, why can't he figure out what happened at the warehouse? A dozen corpses with bullet holes and a fire? Geeks are curious; he must have checked.

    3) We also know that all that Eliot learned about computers, he learned from Hardison. Has he been teaching Hardison anything in return?

    4) Will Hardison ever grow up? He seemed to be making some progress in Gone Fishing Job and Big Bang Job, but then he immediately swings back into whiny, showy, and annoying mode for later episodes.

  126. Was Sophie's hysterical regional accent Gina's choice or a subtle tip-of-the-hat to the original UK office?

  127. GailJ5:29 PM

    This was the funniest thing I've seen in ages. Pure glee. I want to know who had the idea of merging The Office with Werner Herzog. That alone would have been brilliant, but then you had all the other things--the sandwich, Sophie's little book, Parker's hideous greeting cards. I couldn't stop laughing.

  128. Wonderful episode. You showed that the genre or the show's style can be changed, without changing the characters. Loved it. The "F*** This" card was great, think there should be one in every office. Question 1)Will there be another 'sandwich' incedent of some sort between Eliot and Hardison? 2)Will there ever be a time where Nate is so out of it, that they have to bring in another mastermind to sub for him? 3) I am writing a spec'd script to enter into a contest, and I chose this show. Any advice?

  129. Hi... I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

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