Sunday, November 27, 2011

LEVERAGE #411 "The Experimental Job" Question Post

Reactions, questions and snark in the Comments, kids.  Welcome to the back 8!


  1. MacSTL5:07 PM

    We have missed you all, Rogers!

  2. The Return of Leverage almost took me by surprise. The Oregonian had a little run-down of the episode.

    DVR locked in!

  3. Lydia5:36 PM

    Will definitely be watching! Have missed you and the gang!

  4. Hey, when is the gang going to steal a dog show? I would LOVE to see Eliot having to run a poodle :)

  5. KaraCaputo16:15 PM

    The Prisoner's Dilemma. And Zilgram like Milgram??

  6. I just have to take a moment, not but half way through the episode, and say that I absolutely love the balance the show has built by splitting the perspective between Eliot and Hardison. It highlights the disparities gorgeously.

  7. Wait a minute. Did you get the name Zilgram by combining Zimbardo and Milgram?

  8. On that note. If you did, awesome. Zimbardo's "The Lucifer Effect" is one of the best books I've read this year.

  9. Anonymous6:52 PM

    All I can say is if this is what the rest of the season is like.....we're in for a HELL OF A RIDE! Hot Eliot! Kick ass Parker! LOVE IT!!!

  10. I have been reminded why I really love watching Leverage and how I have missed it!

    Looks like an intriguing new "you have attracted my interest" person in the mix.

    Well done all!

  11. This is my favorite episode so far! Going to be a great season!

  12. That was a frickin' awesome episode, Rogers.

    We are SO glad to have you back!

  13. Lydia7:05 PM

    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I can say right now; I love this show so much. Questions after I watch again (and again).

  14. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Loved the ep! The responses Eliot gave when being "interrogated" (wanna know what food was on their breath?), were these "true" Eliot responses drawn from his past experiences or "scripted" for the con? I know what I think...just want to see if I'm right.

  15. Will what the interrogator said to Eliot ever come back to haunt him? I feel like all the characters have able have multiple showings of emotional imbalance and I REALLY want to see a vulnerable Eliot.

  16. Seriously, this show gets better and better every single episode... and it was fantastic to start with!

    Parker and Hardison! Parker as the blanket fairy! Eliot... just being Eliot. So much love.

  17. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Great episode! I love this show. I missed Leverage and Elloit. Leverage just keeps getting better and more awesome every season. Kick ass Elloit ;)

  18. Love Christian Kane ( Elliot ) and Parker saved Ardison he kick a little ass love this show watching every Sunday wish I could join the cast

  19. Excellent!!!! Welcome back!!!!!

  20. Awesome ep! Great way to start the winter run. So here's my question: Was "psychology" misspelled on the door at the very end of the ep?
    Sure I'll be able to check when I watch again online, but it was one of those blink and miss it things.
    Why, why are you guys so awesome?

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Yes it is miss spelled on the glass door! I have the dvds

  21. darcie norman7:09 PM

    Love the show! Been trying to get season three on dvd for months! Missed seeing the show, thought I could continue to watch it on tnt-tv website, but for some reason, it won't allow me to view any of the show. I have a cable provider and internet access, but it still won't let me. Was hoping to catch it at a friend's house, but they had a party to go to, so I have no clue how I'm going to catch up on the best show ever. Are there any jobs up in Portland for a girl from Wichita? Too many out of work people here and no way to get a job otherwise.

  22. Hugin7:11 PM

    I'm sure it will be revealed, but why didn't the team take down the CIA guy? My guess was that he's too well-protected, but to not even try to find the recordings seems a bit out of character for Nate.

    I would also like to say thanks for the policewoman.

  23. That was awesome. Bloody brilliant is all I'm going to say. The split perspective of Hardison and Eliot was really nice--it really added to the entire character dynamic. Again, Nate is astonishingly clever.
    1. Are we going to see ramifications of "I spent x days in hell, while you played computer games and hung out with your preppy buds" in the future? We did see a little in the ep, but will there be more?
    2. Just how many people has Eliot killed?
    3. a. What agency was Sophie's character from? b. Who was the other lady? I'm sure I was supposed to recognize her. c. How did they get her to go along with their con?
    4. What does Hardison's CIA file say?
    5. Does the rest of the team have scary CIA files? And if yes, what do they say?
    6. Like I said before, Nate is scary how smart he is. Was the prisoner's dilemma mind-trick thingy the plan all along? I assume it is, because that's just how smart these guys are.
    7. Is Conrad a new big bad?
    Again, this was a really nice episode. I'm so excited for the rest of the back 8!

  24. Amanda Pike7:15 PM

    Of COURSE Eliot's subject number 7 with Let Me Go written on the wall behind him. lol Amazing episode, shadowed only by the excitement of a new season.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Excellent episode. Only 1 question, what are the 7 different 'whups'(sp)?

  27. I really loved this episode first off!

    And loved the fact that you worked two famous psych studies in there at once! (Milgrim and Zimbardo)

    Speaking of, I have a question about Parker, I know at times she has trouble feeling empathy, clearly in the case of the psych study and the electric shocks, though she does in fact have it, if only seen on rare occasions (see 1x06). But what would she be classified as? A functioning sociopath, somewhat akin to Sherlock Holmes? Or is not so much sociopathic behavior but rather a symptom of her (according to many dvd commentaries) Aspergers?

  28. What a wonderful episode! A shirtless Hardison is always nice, do we get a shirtless Eliot this season too?d
    I do like how everyone is very much working as a team and the juxtiposition of Hardison's situation with Eliot's was very well done.
    I like the set up for the long con, I'm hoping to see the investment guy somehow involved in the take down. Now, were those real CIA files? or planted somehow?
    I hope you will express to all the writers on your show how much we appreciate all the fantastic work all you writes do for us. Thank you!!!

  29. You've mentioned in past postings that Eliot has 'agreements' with some 'men in suits'. Will any of those agreements kick in (or get cancelled) as part of the blowback for this job?

    Also, Parker is getting really good at the undercover work!

  30. Not a specifically episode related question, but some of the Parker/Hardison moments in this did remind me of the niggling question: What exactly is the state of Hardison and Parker at this time? Are they actually dating? As much as anyone in their situation could be, anyway. Sometimes I think they are, but other things just confuse me.

  31. It's so nice to have you all back! Liked the juxtaposition between Eliot's and Hardison's trials. Brilliant dialogue, especially Eliot's speech to the interrogator about the people he's killed. We got to see a little into his black past. Just hope the crew isn't blackmailed into something by the CIA..
    Thank you for a great episode..

  32. PurpleOps7:38 PM

    NICE episode. (Alright, nice is probably the wrong word, as there was a lot of ugliness abounding, but you know what I mean.) Loved the nickname HP for Hardison; quite apropos. (Never mind that it's also Hardison-Parker...) Nice callback to Sophie's wine-tasting experiences.

    Was Eliot Hall in honor of our favorite ex-military man?

    My two complaints about this episode were both in the scene where Hardison is abducted. Would the villain really leave the CIA file on the floor? And it seemed the only reason for Hardison to have removed his earbud at that particular juncture is to provide Eliot with a sequence (which was admittedly interesting) to turn the tables on his torturer. Both bits seemed a bit too convenient. Other than that, superb writing!

    I wonder if the CIA man at the end might eventually be of use against the other long-term menace of the season...

  33. Anonymous7:43 PM

    So, now that my suspicions of Sophie and Eliot have for the most part been confirmed that they were both pretty darn close to being super spys; who is the higher ranking officer? I know different countries have different rank systems (sorta) but I was just wondering, Is Eliot higher up in the ranks or is it Sophie because she knew about the stars and bars trick from Three days of the hunter but Eliot is the go to Military man. Love the show and can't wait for more!
    Thanks, Zee-Zee

  34. I too loved the comparisons between Hardison's and Eliot's experiences, with the hazing run across campus and sleep deprivation not being much different from the stress the veterans were put under. I think Hardison was "breaking" a bit, in that he was getting caught up in the fraternity's world and starting to like it. Eliot didn't break, but I definitely believed every word he said to his interrogator.

    "Here we go." I'm looking forward to finding out where this long term plan of theirs is going! That was a nice beat at the end with Nate and Eliot drinking as peers.

    How did they get that lady cop to go along with the scam? Or is that to be revealed later? Does she talk to Bonnano?

    Did the homeless veterans' shelter receive a large monetary donation from mysterious sources after all this was over and done with? ;)

  35. Craig7:46 PM

    Something I want to know. If Parker and Eliot were on a mission together and had a moment where they had to kiss for the purpose of the mission. Would they actually do it or would it be too weird?

  36. monilyn897:46 PM

    I loved the Episode. I really enjoyed Eliot taking the upper hand in the interogation. I'm wonderign if we will see Eliot displaying side effects of this 'study'. Either through him trying to regain his internal sleep cycles or Nate confronting him about some tidbit of information he learned?

    Thanks for creating a show with such well developed characters that we truely care what happens to them.

  37. So great to have you back! What a great episode. I'm going back to watch it again...

  38. meanderling7:49 PM

    Loved the episode! It seemed a little bit different than the average Leverage ep...i dunno why, I guess it's 'cause the teamed stayed 'character' for longer than usual? Maybe the fact that Nate was kind of squeezed out for time issues? I dunno.

    Loved Hardison as a sorta-frat-boy. The way he's kind of weirded out by his newfound popularity makes me smile for some reason--geeks unite, I guess? (also, fanservice is always nice, yes)

    Some questions: How much of the psych experiments in this ep were based on real life? I know that they do sleep dep experiments (I saw a poster for one on my campus, that kind of creeps me out...), but would a psych department really keep a small prison in its basement for that purpose? I understand CIA funding does make a lot of things go away, but that seems to stretch the line a bit. Also, are electric shocks still approved for psych tests?

    (Also also: I heard that crack about undergraduate researchers, yes.)

  39. Things I adored about this episode, in no particular order, include: the lesbian cop who apparently has no scruples, not that I’m complaining (really, really hoping we’re going to be seeing more of her—can she be the next Bonanno? Pretty please!); Eliot and Hardison being tortured in parallel by the same guy in two different ways; Eliot freaking out the interrogator; Hardison and Parker as college students and Parker getting all method on him.

    Questions: 1) Did the team expect them to find Eliot’s file and catch on to Hardison’s deception? That’s sort of what I assumed when it happened, but by the end I wasn’t so sure. Shouldn’t Hardison have been able to prevent that if he’d wanted to, or was this a level of CIA file that he simply doesn’t have access to? 2) Why did the team let the big bad CIA guy go? I mean, the kid was rotten, but taking down a 22-year-old college student, even if he’s a well-connected college student, isn’t exactly their greatest triumph. And taking the kid down while letting the guy with the real power who was actually pulling the strings get off seems a bit … well … toothless. Are they setting up the CIA guy to take him down later? I didn’t really understand the implication of Nate’s call with him the end. I’m worrying now that I’ve forgotten important arc stuff from the first half of the season and my confusion is the fault of the hiatus.

    Mostly, though, I’m just giddy with joy that you’re all back! There’s no other show on television that I enjoy as much as this one.

  40. So, once again, excellent work by casting - the mark, the CIA bonesman and the lady cop were all awesome.

    Liked Eliot's scenes with the interrogator - not just the big I'm A Killer speech but all of those scenes were good. Also nice the way they set Travis up with the Prisoner's Dilemna.

    One complaint - I have to say that Parker seemed a bit OOc delivering her you're a geek badass speech to pump Hardison up. Maybe it was her look (which was beautiful but very unParker) or the delivery of all those "thingies" in the speech, but I literally lost the character of Parker there for a bit and it was like I was watching BR play someone else. Don't ever do that again people!

    Loved Nate and Eliot throwing down the gauntlet with the CIA. Because that's just how BAMF they are. But seriously, did they really just throw down the gauntlet with the CIA? Is this something we'll see a "consequence" of in S4?

  41. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Eliot is totally gorgeous even when he's scruffy!

  42. @meanderling - the "shock experiment" idea may be derived from this:

    Of course Parker's take on it was hilarious!

  43. JoellaBlue8:00 PM

    Welcome back! It's been a longish wait but very much well worth it. Hardison was so uncomfortable in the crowd & Parker of all people pulled him out of it. SHe's grown so much since season 1. Was the party on Wednesday since she didn't stab anyone?
    As my dad is a VietNam vet, this episode struck closer to home than any of the others. I'm glad the plight of vets past and present was brought into the forefront-thank you.
    I'm a bit surprised that Eliot doesn't file his fingerprint pads on a regular basis. It just seems like a housekeeping thing he'd do.
    I was trying to figure out the raw eggs and then a beat later got the payoff. The flashbacks in this episode really kept things moving without halting the action as they sometimes do to help clear things up.
    I wasn't clear on how they were able to get the CIA guy to play along as well as the cop. She was in the 15 Minutes Job where the mark confessed to the hit and run yes?
    Once again welcome back; I am thankful for Leverage.

  44. Help me out, guys -- my DVR cut off the last bit, after Nate ended the call with Conrad. Did Eliot and Nate say anything after they clinked glasses?

  45. I have no trouble believing that Parker would have had fun delivering those shocks, even if there were no need for it. :-)

    Loved her in this episode. Especially when she was the blanket fairy! And all her scenes with Hardison -- so sweet.

  46. I'm guessing that getting the attention of a bent CIA guy can be used in taking down their new would-be benefactor, or vice-versa. I'm just not entirely sure how they might work it yet.

    I loved the electric shock experiment scene. Reminded me of Dr. P Venkman's Study of Negative Reinforcement on Psychic Ability.

  47. MacSTL8:13 PM


    Nice catch on the return of the lady cop from 15 Minutes Job! I had to go back and see and I think you are certainly right

  48. I liked it that the frat thug (the one Parker hit on, couldn't find his name at the time of this comment) was the one to pass along Eliot's fingerprints.

    He was natural and well-rounded through the whole episode, I thought. You hire good spear-carriers.

    Of course, I still muttered, "Be an order-following slab of muscle or be clever, but not both -- it isn't fair !"

    Which was completely unfair of me . . .but I'm part of the viewing public, so there you go.

  49. That "Here we go" line of Nate's sent chills down my spine. What kind of plan does Nate need the CIA as involuntary participants for?

    This whole episode was a nasty little piece (in a good way of course).

  50. Okay, question. After watching all of the DVD commentaries (is it even really watching?), I am aware that all of the episodes are based in fact. How much of this episode is based in fact?

  51. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Fabulous episode. A little less twisty than normal but I expect the setup will pay off in the next couple of episodes.

    Did anyone out there happen to catch the end of Nate's speech to the CIA guy. I got through "he'll stand trial..." but I couldn't figure out what the last bit was despite repeated DVR rewinding and relistening.

    One question, I am unsure of the legal precedent but it seems like the lady detective participating in the fake interrogation might provide cause to drop some charges. From a character perspective it seems rational given her earlier sentiments so it isn't a question of her participating but it seems like something a lawyer might bring up in court proceedings. I realize that the CIA bigwig probably made it all go away to cover his tail but I thought I'd ask anyways.

  52. This was tremendous. I was frustrated when Eliot's prints returned a file that included Hardison as a known associate, because that seemed much too sloppy for our intrepid band. But based on Nate's "here we go," is it safe to assume that the entire file was a plant? (One that probably didn't include other known associates like, say, Sophie and Parker and Tara, whose pictures I don't believe we saw?)

    Also, at what point in the con did the team shift from an end goal of Mr. Connor withdrawing his protection to an end goal of taking out Mr. Connor altogether? Or am I misreading the play at the end?

  53. In the show The Equalizer (which I find Leverage similar too in concept), the title character advertised in the classifieds to spread word of his services. How do people find about The Team?

  54. i really love that Eliot and hardison were featured. it was a great episode! Thank you for your work! :)

  55. Loved the episode! So glad to have new episodes back. Again with the number 7 - which is Rule #7, right? Is that the writers, Kane's request or Nadine doing that?

  56. I cannot tell you how much I loved this ep! Made the long wait entirely worthwhile.

    Loved Nate's "Do you want to skip the 'behold my genius' bit?" Snarky Nate is snarky. And Parker with the quail-hunting and volunteer-zapping … creepy Parker is creepy, lol.

    I also loved the juxtaposition between the frat boy party and the homeless shelter. Seemed particularly pointed in these days of focus on the 1 percent vs. the 99 percent. And statistics regarding our returning vets and what they return to are truly depressing.

    And Eliot truly is one scary, blood-drenched man, isn't he? His mini-speech about the people he's killed, down to "the food they had on their breath" and his "I can't forget" … chilling. (And, yeah, count me as one who doesn't think that was scripted for the con. I believe that was him.) Kudos to Christian for that bit of acting.

    It was interesting seeing Hardison as a college kid. With a few different choices, that could have been his life. (And, yes, thank you for the blatant fanservice. Aldis in skivvies … guh!)

    And Sophie with MI6 contacts? Of course! (Seriously, she could take over the world if she tried, couldn't she?)

    Loved the cop, and am intrigued by the CIA guy. New villain, or an asset Nate is cultivating for use against Latimer? Not that I really expect an answer.

    My question, did Eliot leave his fingerprints on that taser on purpose? It seemed a bit careless, especially in contrast to his care in not touching the glass. And he did obviously give in and let the guy tase him.

    If so, then was Zilgram supposed to get the team's files? And were those files real, or fabricated by Hardison?

    I really loved the final scene with Nate and Eliot, two professionals, two equals, and two scary men. I got the feeling that having put themselves on Conrad's radar was exactly what they wanted.

    Again, just a fantastic, intense ep. Good Lord, I've missed you all!

  57. Murphy10:39 PM

    This episode wasn't the typical "find a mark, do a con, get the bad guy" episode, but I think it was really great. Even though it wasn't quite the typical setup we've gotten used to after three and a half seasons, I really liked the way you portrayed Eliot and Hardison here. There were moments where Eliot seriously sent chiils down my spine (good chiils, of course) and Hardison managed his geektastic-cool great.

    Parker's mini pseudo pep-talk had me chortling. She's a doll.

    Anyway, no questions this time around, but fantastic job on the episode. Kudos to all!

  58. What was the music playing during the "sleep study"?

  59. I know this probably says something unpleasant about me, but I find Miserable Bastard Nate delightful! When he was practically taunting Zilgram (that was the kid's name, yes?) with his impending prison sentence during the "game" in class, I was clapping my hands with glee. I have a feeling it's going to bite poor ol' Nate in the ass, but I'm going to enjoy his bastardry while it lasts.

  60. Anonymous12:06 AM


    I also immediately thought of Dr. P Venkman's Study of Negative Reinforcement on Psychic Ability.

    So, I have a question - was this a Ghostbusters reference (or nod, I guess), or are you both just doing your take on the Milgram study?

  61. This episode was perfect. I mean it.
    Hardison was amazing...that scene with the wine-tasting reminded me of the chocolate and AH.

    Parker and Hardison are so perfect. He is still unsure of their boundaries and that little slip where he almost called her 'Babe' SLAYED ME.

    A+ Rogers!!

  62. Calla2:04 AM

    It was great to finally have new episodes again!

    This episode, though... well, I was pretty much lost the entire time. Which, I'm sure is completely me and means I just need to watch it again.

    What I did find interesting was the torturing of Eliot. Clearly he's been trained to endure torture (torture worse than cold and loud rock music) and we know he's was tortured regarding that golden monkey statue thingy mentioned way back in season 1, right? So this was a walk in the park for him, as opposed to guys who were truly suffering from PTSD.

    I would like to see Eliot in a situation where he does actually get tortured - not because I'm sadistic, but because I don't think we've see Eliot come anywhere near close to his real limits and, without having a flashback episode (which you've said you don't like) having something in the present that would showcase his training, what he's had to endure, what his tricks are for not breaking... I don't know - I think it would be interesting. Interesting like the episode of Firefly where Mal and Wash we taken prisoner and Zoe had to negotiate their release.

    I just think it would be interesting to see him really pushed to that point.

    Anyway, that's for the episode! And for the reading our comments here! I'm definitely going to wash this one again as soon as I can.


  63. Nancy2:14 AM

    That was an awesome episode! Christian Kane is such an amazing actor, I would love to see more episodes with him playing larger parts in the cons.

  64. Morgan Essex3:08 AM

    well there are seven different types of waves that make up the electromagnetic spectrum... so maybe that has something to do with the number of woompa woompa's there are! Just a guess obviously

  65. @PurpleOps My take on Hardison taking out the ear bud was that he was about to have a really personal conversation with Parker (apologizing, etc) and didn't necessarily want the rest of the team a part of it...

    @Nekussa (& others) I figured the lady cop went along with it because she was pissed off to have seen justice perverted by 'favors' from powerful friends... She said as much when she 'accidentally' left Sophie & Elliot the file at the start.

    also loved the shout outs to Milgram's & Zimbardo's experiments. :)

    @meanderling: If you google "The Stanford Prison Experiment" you'll find they did actually once build a prison as part of a psych experiment - back in the heady days before ethics committees prevented researches from destroying their subjects...

    That and the Milgram experiments with electric shocks (where the people giving the shocks were actually the test subjects -see Nekussa's link) are classic experiments taught to all social psych students, but which wouldn't get ethics approval now...

  66. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Could there please be more Nate/Sophie interaction because 5-second-long scenes are nothing, they don't contribute to any character or relationship development. They barely share any scenes at all. If I didn't know any BTS information I'd think you're phasing Sophie and Nate out of the show because it seems like everything has been about Parker, Hardison and Eliot lately, and by 'lately' I mean since you made Sophie leave in the middle of season 2. They don't seem crucial to the show anymore because you give a lot more air time and significant scenes to other characters and dynamics. I don't feel like it's the show I fell in love with anymore. The writing for Sophie and Nate has been very weak lately. What's the deal?

  67. allison4:52 AM

    LOVED IT. Also, new commenter, and I love that you do this!

    My question: I really expected Eliot and his army of homeless guys to be going after Hardison. Was it really in the plan for Parker to go in by herself, or did she just take off? Oddly, I was expecting Eliot as long as Hardison was holding his own, but once he was on the floor getting his ass kicked, in that last split second I knew it was going to be Parker. And of course it was awesome.

    Also, exactly how nice did Sophie have to be to that cop? :)

  68. allison5:04 AM

    Sorry, one more: Surely by the end the cop didn't believe Sophie was a novelist anymore, did she? Who does she think Sophie is?


  69. Faltenin5:21 AM

    I really loved the parallel deep dives into two worlds that couldn't be further apart, from the scandalous treatment of so many of those that went to fight for our liberties, to the secret societies of the rich and powerful... And of course the KISS! a great smooch that could only come when Parker is playing a role!

    Had to suspend belief for a few mns though at the end, where somehow all these sleep-deprived homeless guys happen to find uniforms and participate in a con in the midst of lots over powerful secret service guys, with no prep, but also that a real cop would play along, putting her career on the line for a wild bet on timing (that the kid would state he'll give up the CIA dude just the minute he's watching, etc.)

  70. Oh, I missed the "Let Me Go" on the wall! Gotta look for that next time!

    Seconding the request for Eliot with a poodle. That would be hysterical. (Like the James Thurber piece about the garagemen who looked at him with hatred when he was holding an umbrella over his poodle's head.)

  71. So Eliot has a limit when it comes to tequila shots? I guess it is the price to pay for making sure a professor is "under the weather". I thought the hangover treatment scene with Eliot and Sophie (giving him aspirin) was great!

    I also liked there being 7 different whump sounds. I was waiting for the "they're very distinctive" line.

  72. Oh, and by the way, that was a very nice fight scene for Hardison! He's come a long way from his early "I hit the injured" days.

    I know Christian choreographs his own fights, but does he also help with fight scenes he isn't in?

  73. Really liked the episode overall, but the incident with the blankets felt off. It seems like by bringing in the blankets/jackets, the vets were set up for abuse they wouldn't have otherwise gotten for the sake of getting tape of the frat guys rushing and beating them to determine the source. Was additional explanation cut for time?

  74. Would love to see more of Val Landrum aka Lady Cop aka Detective Grayson. Nice touch on the lesbian bit! ;)

  75. Jessa8:07 AM

    Did Eliot really eat the raw eggs when he was supposedly hungover

  76. @Anonymous at 4:20 a.m.–

    since you made Sophie leave in the middle of season 2

    Really? You mean when Gina Bellman was pregant and they wrote around that for as long as they could, and then took pains to include her in every episode they could after that? And then had Sophie save the day in the season finale? That time they made her leave?


  77. MacSTL8:57 AM


    Thanks Sue -- I was getting ready to respond to @Anonymous but you beat me to it.

    So - the CIA has info on an FBI file... that lists Hardison's real name.. but his age as 33.

    I thought he was in his late 20's in the Leverage universe...

    The question came up before - FBI/CIA file real or planted?

    WV: hisifull

    I so wanted it to be hisifit when i first saw it

  78. One other loose end for me: the first indication we had of the guys beating up vets was in the video at the end. It felt like that was supposed to be a doctored video based on the way they beat up Hardison - meaning he had a button cam on, recorded it, then spliced it into shots from the prisoner button cam POV. But I can't find any support for that in the episode, other than my gut. Am I imagining things, or did something get cut for time that would have explained that?

  79. @MacSTL - In "The San Lorenzo Job" Nate says "I have a 24-year-old with a smartphone and a problem with authority" which pegs Hardison's age pretty definitely.

    Perhaps the reason the CIA has print files on Eliot and the others is specifically because Hardison keeps hacking the digital versions? Well, that and it's been established that the government in the Leverageverse hasn't always kept up with technology.

  80. Happy happy joy joy!

    Little nitpicky bit: Parker's rambling reclamation of "slut" before planting one on Hardison seems too culturally aware for her. However, I will believe that she was quoting one of Sophie's ticked-off rants.

    I'm not sure I agree with Nate's position on the Prisoner's Dilemma, at least as a police tactic. If nobody talks, then everybody walks -- unless the police have forensic evidence against someone. And the police are allowed to lie about having forensic evidence. But if they have evidence, you'd be under arrest, not just under interrogation.

    Yes, I've watched all 20 seasons of Law & Order.

    What agency was Sophie's character from?
    She told the detective she was a true crime writer; she didn't tell Zilgram anything.

    would a psych department really keep a small prison in its basement for that purpose?
    I noticed that, too. But campus basements are full of strange things. If it's a relic of some older days, they would have had to evict all the couple using it as the campus Lover's Lane.

    Was that Reed College?

  81. Wow! Leverage just went from being awesome, to being goooood.

    Hi, call me Lina, Mr. Rogers and I'd like to thank you for this opportunity.

    I really loved this episode - loved the split narratives, the irony in the episode, especially Hardison's "torture" to Eliot's torture was so well done. My other favourite was both Eliot and Parker jumping to Hardison's defense.

    I'll confess at first I was confused about why Nate got the Prisoner's Dilemma wrong - it's always better for the prisoner to NOT confess, but it's the nature of the zero sum game that makes it more likely that both the prisoners will confess if kept separate. Then at the end of the episode, I realised with the flashback that Nate / you guys were just planting the idea in the kid's / audience's head to simply and shorten things, and that was really cool.

    So, without further ado, here are my questions:
    1. What made Parker wave the white flag?
    2. What was Nate looking at?
    3. Weren't the boxers unusually large? I somehow think they are usually smaller.

    And finally to the individual who said the following:
    "I would like to see Eliot in a situation where he does actually get tortured - not because I'm sadistic, but because I don't think we've see Eliot come anywhere near close to his real limits and, without having a flashback episode (which you've said you don't like) having something in the present that would showcase his training, what he's had to endure, what his tricks are for not breaking.." I think that's what The Big Bang Job was about. We saw Eliot break a little, and it's only Moreau's defeat which helped Eliot get back off the edge.

  82. Welcome back! I loved this episode!

    -I found it really funny the way Eliot just -let- the guy taser him. But one little thing: You had that scene lead to something pretty big (fingerprints), but in one angle, Eliot had his hand on the actual taser, and in another, he didn't (his hand was over the other guy's).

    -history of cross-stitching in America! As a stitcher, I really appreciate that dig. *glare*

    -Eliot, the killer who can't forget. *wibble* And uh, looks like torture does work...Did he kill the guy or just knock him out? He looked kind of dead.

    -"Don't touch my food."

    -lesbian cop? Awesome. Did she and Sophie...have a nice dinner?

    -Hardison has stripey boxers! LOL

    -T.S. Eliot :D

    -To Dustman frat boy: It's bad to be a geek? I don't think I got that memo.


  83. Ack, Lina, again, sorry.

    2 more questions:
    1. Why did everyone get a coat except Eliot?
    2. Not episode related, but do you think you'll ever do the #315 & #316 Post games?

  84. Hats off to Scott Veach, he did a spectacular job, as well as the rest of the crew! I loved the juxtapose narratives, both of them being tortured in different ways. And thank you, thank you (please thank Roskin for me, too!) for all of the "Kane-isms"!

    Is it wrong that I was laughing hysterically when Parker was shocking that poor test subject? Eliot being turned down by a lesbian cop... hilarious, and nice nod to continuity.

    Was the exterior of the college Reed College? Did you actually get to shoot inside, or was that a separate location?
    2. Was Psychology purposely mispelled?
    3. Parker is only shown picking up and looking at the CIA file - whatever happened to Hardison's earbud?
    4. Did Parker lift anything (and maybe put it back for fun) while she and Hardison were at the party? Temptation was everywhere...
    5. What was the rock music they were blasting during the experiment? Was it Alice in Chains?
    6. If Parker hadn't brought the coats yet, what was Eliot huddling under when his teeth were chattering?

  85. Just though of one more thing... Reed Colloge's crest is a griffin, similar to the house of Gryffindor, so the the tie/bow tie color, while being a Harry Potter references, is also a shout out to the filming location, isn't it?

  86. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Very entertaining liberties with student research. I enjoyed the echoes of Tuskegee, Milgram and the like, but honestly, you stretch the ledger element pretty hard in this one -- ever heard of human subjects review boards and faculty advisors? Doc students wouldn't have the liberties our little villain did, much less an undergraduate.

    That said, it was a dandy episode and he was a great villain. The Eliot and Hardison elements were a treat (who chose the stripey boxers?)

    Now, to the question: I assume all the HP stuff was largely product placement, you having sold out to Microsoft after having maintained loyalty to the far superior Apple the first seasons. But is there also any in-joke associated with Steve Jobs having attended Reed College, where you filmed?

    @ Anonymous, PLEASE don't start again. We understand that you love, love, love Nate and Sophie, but you need to recognize you're not watching a romantic comedy, and that means they might not always have the scenes you want.

  87. @Lydia – Eliot went in wearing a jacket, so that's probably what you were seeing.

    @Izzi – I'm not sure I'd call what Eliot did to the interrogator to get him to talk "torture." That was just more a flat-out beat-down, lol.

    One more question, Rogers: Is it fair to assume that a certain homeless shelter in Boston that caters to vets is getting a new and large infusion of cash?

    The more I watch this ep, the more I love it.

  88. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Really enjoyed the ep, especially the Parker/Hardison stuff, like him taking off his comms to have a heart to heart with her. You are really pacing them well. Loved all the verbal parallels when Eliot and Hardison were "infiltrating" their respective places.

  89. Anonymous12:13 PM

    p.s. Parker/Beth doing her best "Dog Day Afternoon" had me laughing ridiculously hard.

  90. Wow, missed the "Detective Grayson" name the first time through. DC reference?

    This episode stretched the earbud believability for me a bit. How did Elliot manage to have enough battery life for a week without a recharge?

  91. zeyneb12:35 PM

    Great episode – thank you. For the first time this season I had to watch it again after the first viewing and then again tonight. Loved it, will probably watch it a few more times before next weeks episode.
    I have a few questions or inquiries for you if I may? But before that have I mentioned that you are a most awesome person for doing this? I told a few friends about your blog and how you answer our questions and they wouldn’t believe me. The age of the geek baby!!
    Why didn’t Parker bring Eliot a jacket? I was disappointed that we did not get that scene, would have loved Parker being nice to Eliot.
    Was there a speech of evil in this episode that I missed? We never got to hear why this guy was doing this – unless he was a psychopath? He was thinking that he was coming up with better methods for getting information out of people right? In that case this brings me to my next question…
    Why was the CIA hiding the guy and protecting him? I am sure the CIA has better people with better degrees to figure out how to get information out of people, and more secret locations to torture them?
    Not that I am for secret societies and stuff but wasn’t there a decent human being among them to rat out what was happening to someone? I mean at first I just thought that it was music and the cold but then we saw the university students beating up the test subjects – not everyone in this world is evil? And if these so called “dust men” do grow up to be high position people in the world secret organizations, isn’t some of them – I don’t know good? Believe in good? Don’t we still believe in 007?
    Thank you again for a great episode!!

  92. Slothy1:16 PM

    Hmm, interesting Nate/Eliot dynamic we haven't really seen before. They're planning something. I am filled with a deep sense of foreboding.

  93. At first I was sitting down to enjoy a normal episode of Leverage. Started off like most, but was I seriously blown away by that con! I love the dynamic contrast between Eliot and Hardison. Also not to forget the relationship between our beloved geek and our thief! The idea of this episode was amazing, but I wish we could have seen more of Eliot going through torture! Of course, stupid time restraints couldn't allow that, which is a real shame! Leverage is too good to be squeezed into just an hour! :D Nonetheless, what Eliot went through would surely effect his mindset, even if slightly, don't you think? Can't wait to see what's happening next week. The preview looked SO COOL! I love Christian Kane, and the whole crew for that fact! Wonderful acting tonight, to everybody- including the extras. And of course, brilliant writing as always. Glad to see the Leverage team back in action!

  94. After the magnificent speech Eliot gives to his interrogator, I got to thinking: is Eliot secretly relieved that now that he's one of the "good guys," he rarely has to kill anybody? It's one thing to be good at the job of beating the snot out of people, but Eliot hasn't been presented as someone who enjoys the actual killing part of being a mercenary/soldier.

  95. @Hugin: How did Elliot manage to have enough battery life for a week without a recharge?

    They run off brainwaves...

    @zeyneb: Why didn’t Parker bring Eliot a jacket?

    We saw Parker deliver 3 jackets. There were more than 3 test subjects other than Eliot. Why conclude that Eliot wasn't given a jacket?

    @KaniacMonster: what Eliot went through would surely effect his mindset, even if slightly, don't you think?

    Was Eliot all that disturbed by what was done to him? He didn't start out in a vulnerable state (like the actual homeless), he wasn't cut off from his support system, and he knew exactly what they were doing. I think he's been in worse situations.

  96. bluehex4:01 PM

    Thank you for a lovely episode - you sure came back from hiatus with a bang! Parker was to die for, as usual, but the others had great performances, too.

    Not gonna nitpick on the fun train - may it never derail!

    Kudos for keeping Nate/Sophie low key - as someone rightly observed, it's not a romantic comedy.

    One question bugs me to no end, though: Hardison's CIA file lists him as DIVORCED!!! Intentional or accidental? If intentional, please, please, give a hint? Even a tiny one?

    Already waiting for next week....

    captcha: tuedise. French female Tuesday.

  97. bluehex4:07 PM

    Also, Hardison's CIA file shows his age as 33 - slightly too much - but his birth date shows as December 1956, which would make him 55. Way too much.

    I know, I know. Fun train.

    captcha: evedipp. I've got a few ideas, but none of them fit for print...

  98. Was Christian given the Rorschach Watchman comic (#6, IIRC) to read in preparation for the interrogation scene in which he explained that he remembers everyone Eliot killed?

  99. Jessa4:47 PM

    Did Eliot kill the guy who was interrogating him? Or was he just very beat up

  100. Heather5:19 PM

    Loved the episode. Way to come back.

    Really, by now, shouldn't they know not to take their earbuds out? Bad things always go down when they take their earbuds out. They should just have those things grafted to their ears. XDDD

    Can't wait till next week's episode!

  101. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Excuse my language, but this episode was fuckin awesome! i thought i knew what was gonna happen but you guys took me by surise. and btw, i like how you guys show that hardison can stand u for himself as in fighting and beating ppl up. -chelsey

  102. I'd like to know who the guy was that they kept reflecting on near the end. He was in the food line, he was with the CIA agent at the police station, and he was also in another spot. I didn't get why that guy was important. Thanks!

  103. @Rider3 – They made a point of showing him in flashback to show that he wasn't a real cop, but one of the homeless guys, and thus to hammer home that when Zilgram was first "arrested," it was part of the con.

  104. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Loved this episode!!! Just wondering if we will see more of the military background of eliott?also would love to see more of the dangerous side of the parker-eliott team..

  105. At last, you're back!

    YES to seeing Nate and Eliot having adult interaction and not snarking like children. Eliot should spend more time at the grown-ups table.

    And thank you thank you for not making Eliot a woobie. Like others have said, I love that the show is willing to go tough with some of its character choices, and bastard Nate and dark Eliot are awesome, especially working together.

    I know they're supposed to be these two gunfighters, but this is the first ep where it truly felt that way for me, because you let us see Eliot's mental prowess with the interrogator - no gimmicky fights, just Nate and Eliot planning together and then Nate sitting back and listening while Eliot manipulated that guy. And the shot at the end over the CIA thing to top it all off - awesomeness. Probably my favorite Eliotcentric episode of the series.

    QUESTION: 1) Did Nate pick up something for his tool chest listening in on Eliot and the interrogator? 2) Was everyone listening in on Eliot, cause we only saw Nate and then Hardison briefly when he was in Nate's apartment?

    And finally, I have to have a little chuckle at the lack of irony in all the indignant "it's not a romantic comedy" snark when someone brought up Nate and Sophie, cuz ya'll really. That picnic scene and the little convo on the quad? Parker and Hardison doing the dance scene in Queen's Gambit and then him humming to her? TOTALLY romcom territory, with a heist background.

    There actually IS quite a bit of romantic comedy in these eps this year, mainly with Parker/Hardison so far, but looks like we're going to get a lot with both couples before the season is over.

    Frankly, I'm at the point where I might rather get past this whole "they're couples" thing. It's taking away from the development of the platonic relationships - Nate/Parker, Eliot/Hardison, Sophie/Eliot, Nate/Hardison,etc. etc. Those are just as interesting, if not more so, than either couple.

  106. This is such a great start for the winter season! Well worth the wait!! After the tension we've seen in the last few eps with Nate, it's so nice to see them all working together again. I couldn't shake off the feeling that Nate wants to draw the attention of the CIA here.

    So, questions...

    1) I'm so very curious, when Eliot snarled back that there's seven "whoompa whoompa" that he knows, was he pulling Hardison's leg with a random number, or does he really know seven helicopter/motor blade sounds?

    2) When they tried matching Eliot's fingerprint and came back with a file, was that something Hardison planted in the past for cases just like this, or was that really Eliot Spencer's file? If it was a fake file, how could they link him to Hardison? If it was the real deal... Shouldn't they have taken better precautions?

    And Eliot rolling his eyes and letting himself get tasered? That. Was. Hilarious.

  107. 2) When they tried matching Eliot's fingerprint and came back with a file, was that something Hardison planted in the past for cases just like this, or was that really Eliot Spencer's file? If it was a fake file, how could they link him to Hardison? If it was the real deal...

    This is a very interesting question, because of Eliot's shady past. He was definitely military, and he's a well known retriever and a well known merc. I would guess there's only so much the team can do to cover up his traces. I guess my main bet would be to throw a lot of misdirection out there, Just how prominent WAS Hardison's file....

  108. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Hey there! Nice to see all of you! Very entertaining episode. Good job!

    Parker. My, oh my! Parker is a NUT! LOL! Did someone let her eat too much sugar again or what?! Zinging around this episode. Wow! Good for her!

    Parker and the buzzer. On the floor I was, laughing so hard!

    Parker being thrown out of the building. Question. What does she say coming down the stairs? I heard "get your hands of me... (mumble mumble)”

    Parker's dress. So LOVELY. Such a good job dressing and playing her part of the con.

    Eliot in the flashback. Again, laughing so hard at Eliot hopping up and down with the girls! LOL!

    Eliot's woompa woompas. My guess, I'm assuming 7 distinctive sounds helicopter blades?

    LOVED the coffee stain by the policewoman. SO FUNNY!

    My favorite line of the evening. "You have 4 minutes to prove me wrong." LOL!! Yep. Yep.

  109. MacSTL10:45 PM

    @Mouse Scott Leach (the writer of this episode) posted on twitter tonight...

    I am loving all the diff ways the lines Parker yells while getting kicked out the psych bldg (in last nights #leverage ep) have been quoted.

    BY FAR my fav is from the a/v club review - - he heard, "Attica! Ten Pez a night! Stupid good food!" #leverage

    "Ten Pez a night!" is SO MUCH better than what I actually wrote, which was: "Attica! Take back the night! Soup is good food!" #leverage

  110. MacSTL10:47 PM


    Typo this late at night

    Scott VEACH not Leach

    I need to sleep! So Sorry Scott

  111. To clarify a few points, as an old Reedie:

    Yes, that's Reed College campus.

    No, Eliot Hall is not named after Eliot Spencer. It's named after Thomas Lamb Eliot, noted 19th-century theologian and scholar, and one of the inspirations for Reed's original endowment.

    Not all the interior locations are actually on campus; I suspect some of them were sets. (Unless there's a basement prison facility on campus that I just somehow missed.)

    Holy shit you guys used the Thesis Tower as a classroom and that high angle meant you had the camera on the catwalk and thus standing right next to where my thesis is immured for posterity OMG.

    Also I have had an orgy in at least one of the rooms in this episode. No, not the dorm room, either.

  112. Would you consider Parker more of a geek or a nerd?

  113. I don't know about geek or nerd, but Parker flies her freak flag pretty high, I'd say.

    So, I looked up Scott Veach, and in the spirit of good natured ribbing, I have to say . . . what does that dude have against Sophie, LOL?!?!

    He wrote or co-wrote last night's ep, Queen's Gambit and Carnival Job. Very tight scripts, for sure, but they totally follow a pattern of Sophie dropping out of the action after the second half - holding a distraught father's hand, holding a lesbian cop's hand, detained and waiting for rescue.

    Like dude, what'd the Kiwis ever do to you? ;)

    Which makes me wonder on a more serious level - in the writers room, are some writers considered "Eliot" writers or "Parker" writers, etc, or is there nowhere near that level of specialization?

    It seems to me like every season, Nate is the leader, so his arc drives a lot of the action, then there are at least two Eliot-centric eps, a couple Parker eps, etc, so as writers, do you guys view it as - we need to get X-character featured in this next ep, or do you guys focus more on the arcs and storylines and let those dictate who gets put into the forefront in any particular episode?

    I'll go back and re-read the blogs where you talk about the writers room, so if you've answered this before, totally ignore me - or ignore me anyway ;).

  114. Miette6:51 AM

    Shouldn't The Girls Night Out Job be the 4x11? You stated before in the post game 4x3 post. Any reason why changing?

  115. talea8:06 AM

    Several folks have commented on this season's "Sophie lite" episodes. Is part of this Gina Bellman's choice to spend more time with her little toddler?

    I'm a Sophie fan, but I haven't been imagining any big conspiracy, although others obviously have. I do believe Gina's performances -- even if abbreviated -- give much weight to the entire show.

    I can't imagine Leverage without "a Sophie."

  116. David Hunt9:27 AM

    Somebody waaay toward the top asked what the status of Parker and Hardison’s relationship is. I am going to give my own layman’s speculation:

    Parker and Hardison keep trying to find things that they can do together outside of the “work.” We’ve seen Hardison asking her if she’d like to go on a trip with him to (IIRC) Japan, just to be tourists. Parker’s comments about his WoW(?) exploits this episode to prop him up are a good indicator that they just hang out some of the time. I imagine Hardison trying to come up with various date-like activities for them to go to (Parker’s “date” ideas would all involve felonies), and most of them not being fun for at least one of them…and then they go back to his place and hump like bunnies. The show has never given us any confirmation that they’re “doing it” but I interpret Parker as being more comfortable with sex than with more “casual” dating activities and Hardison being a guy in his mid 20s who’s not going to turn down the girl that he’s sweet on.

    I could be wrong . I’m probably wrong. However, I remember Rogers saying that the answers to questions about the sexuality and activities of the characters was always…whatever answer that makes you watch the show more. I expect that the answer to the question regarding just how “nice” Sophie was to that cop would follow those lines as well.

  117. Glad to have you and Leverage back.

    I saw the comment about the rest of the season. Sophie has always used alias's, why have the rest not? At least consistently...

  118. @talea - I hope my post didn't come off as a conspiracy-theoryish. That wasn't my intent. While I do think this season has been Sophie Lite, and I do think they could do more with her character, it's not something I lose sleep over. I actually do find it amusing that the same writer basically put her in a box at a similar point in each of the episodes he wrote.

    Maybe it's the kid thing, maybe after they get the couples entrenched, they'll focus on her, maybe there's more to come later this season? I kind of wonder if it's not just harder to write grifter-centric episodes? Her super power is that she's alluring and charismatic and reads people well. That strikes me as a different and more difficult thing to capture in a TV script than punching someone or hacking into something or fighting someone or even making a plan.

  119. Rachael10:03 AM

    This has been said already, but I really can’t stress it enough; the juxtaposition between what Eliot had to do in this con and the world Hardison infiltrated was absolutely amazing. I’m almost ashamed to admit that I lost track of the actual con halfway through just because I was so focused on their unfolding experiences (I also have to admit that when I first read “the team goes to college to solve a case” in the upcoming episode summaries I was a little nervous about how it would play out, but of course you guys delivered).

    I love the look we got into Eliot’s darkness; because it’s something we all know is there but something that he keeps hidden from us and the team on a regular basis. My questions about that are, 1) Will we be seeing anymore of Eliot’s darkness in upcoming episodes? (vague question, yes, but I’m fishing for a spoiler). 2) Who’s decision was it to not show the rest of the team reacting when Eliot gave his epic answer about all the people he’s killed? It was established that the others could hear him the whole time (unless I missed something), but there were no camera cuts in that scene. (Which I loved, and wouldn’t change for anything, but was there a specific mentality behind it?) 3) Eliot totally killed that guy, right? (And, unless “No” is somehow relevant to future episodes, please say yes).

    I also loved the way Eliot and Nate interacted in this episode; like equals. They’re dynamic is one of my absolute favorites of the show and I’d love to see more of it. You’ve established (either in this blog, in the commentaries, or both – I can’t quite remember) that Nate and Eliot knew each other before the crew became a crew. And not just in a ‘Nate used to chase him because it was his job’ kind of way, but that they’ve worked together. Are we ever going to see flashbacks of that nature? Or even just have them talking about it?

    All in all, one of the best episodes of the whole series. Can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for the rest of the season.

  120. Can I dare to hope we'll see more of Detective Greyson? It's kind of nice seeing queer characters in my genre shows/outside of specifically queer media.

  121. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Aldis Hodge! You have been hiding them muscles...under them clothes...ALL THIS TIME?! Wow!

    And your interview recently calling that scene "man candy". LOL! You guys crack me up!

    HAHA!! Any chance of a training scene between Eliot and Hardison, where Eliot gives Hardison some pointers? Like at a gym or in the ring? I'm seeing those big inflated sumo suits...HAHA! Just kidding! No sumo suits! Just boxing or something. :)

  122. Jeff Sutphen1:34 PM

    I always miss the show when it is not on, and miss the post-games when you are unable to indulge us. Are some episodes being skipped forever? Or posted somewhere else? For example, I'd been watching for #313 answers, and never saw it.

  123. julie1:50 PM

    Are you going to put the outtakes on the DVD that Beth has been tweeting about ? Not just from this episode but the ones she apologized to Christian about for having to do so many takes. And would it be possible to put some at the end of the episode during the credits ? They're great when they act weird in the show, but it's awsome when they mess up the takes. :) Thank You

  124. Very much glad to have you guys back. Was also pleased to see that both a) Hardison has been paying attention when Eliot talks to him about self-defense (the first punch he lands against the frat boy) and b) Parker's been paying a LOT more attention than Hardison has. In fact, I'm very much appreciative that Parker's been the strong hand in their relationship - she's saved Hardison's life twice now, and she clearly wanted to sell that kiss. (I particularly loved the look Aldis had Hardison have, which, to me, said "I ... had something important... to say but that's all gone now. Ohman!" Also the "this? This is my moment!" look on his face when he volunteered to play Black Ops? Way to knock it out of the park. Didn't beat Eliot's 'Then we start tomorrow.' line/delivery, but man, this was a great episode for actor moments.

    To me, the CIA guy at the end seemed, perhaps, a little heavy handed, but are the relationships of both Parker/Hardison and Nate/Sophie also going to figure into the whole "consequences" theme of the season? I really, really like the dynamic Parker/Hardison have in trying to get a relationship to work, although I feel like you might be playing it a little too coy with Nate/Sophie, especially since it's out that they're... involved. Hoping that'll change a little more in the back half.

    Oh, has a "theme" been picked for the fifth season yet? Here's your opportunity to say something horrifically cruel and cryptic - which I know you love. :)

  125. I want to know how the writers came up with Eliot's speech. Most of it was pretty much what I would've expected, but "wanna know what food was on their breath?" was just brilliant. Creepy, but brilliant.

  126. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Just a question for this great episode. Part of the dilemma of Prisoner's Dilemma is if both prisoners croaked. Then both prisoners will be worse off. Or is that too complicated for this episode:)

  127. Anonymous9:53 PM

    @ChelseaNH: Seemed to me that Nate's take on the Prisoner's Dilemma was part of the con. Didn't he say that the best option was when everyone took the betrayal option? Actually the optimal strategy is for everyone to stand mute. He was setting the kid up to start squealing in the "real" interrogation later.

    "I assume all the HP stuff was largely product placement"

    Product? What product? /snark

    I figured the HP references were a reference to HPs recent inability to decide what if any technology they're going to sell - sure, the frat rats thought it was a compliment, but Hardison was so not impressed.

  128. Anonymous10:39 PM

    DOH! I have been caught in a mis-quote My bad. :) The line is actually: "I've got 4 minutes to prove you wrong."

    I heard "soup is good food" this time. Still funny! HAHA!!

  129. Anonymous11:01 PM

    HP = Harry Potter since Hardison is "a wizard with technology"...not Hewlett Packard.

  130. Anonymous11:40 PM

    yes, HP = Harry Potter, probably a reference to Brad Neely's brilliant "Wizard People" - here's a youtube link,

  131. Anonymous12:37 AM

    I wasn't cheering when Eliot beat up the interrogator. I was feeling grossed out and thinking, well, this is an unusually morally ambiguous Leverage episode... because it looked like we were out to stop the torturers, but then we become the monster we're trying to stop....

    Yes, there is a difference of degree between torturing innocent folks and torturing creepy experimental interrogators, but to me, Eliot's violence was his trauma emerging, not a moment of triumph. In a paradoxical sense, for that moment, the bad guys won.

    Because this is the Leverage team. These people have Sherlock Holmes levels of insight, as proven many times throughout this very episode. So don't tell me that Sophie or Nate couldn't speedily intuit/logic where this bunch of frat boys had taken Hardison. Don't tell me that Parker, who was very close by, couldn't notice her friend being smuggled, hooded, out of a college dorm at gunpoint... or that, at least, she couldn't track/trace signs of that kidnapping... again, in a very public building on a public campus. Eliot had other, morally sounder options for finding Hardison. He just didn't take them.

  132. Anonymous1:50 AM

    When Parker was going into the lab how did she see the graph with the numbers to the combination? Hardison-specialized glasses?

  133. Geek Girl2:46 AM

    Just one question from an editing geek girl... Was "The Experimental Job" edited in Final Cut Pro X??? There were some pretty distinct "X-ish" looking effects.

  134. Mr. Rodgers, thank you for doing this. It's an opportunity to get inside the creative minds of a show I love that I haven't experienced since the heady days of online message boards, etc. for Buffy:).

    But this episode still has my stomach in knots. Brilliant, and more tension and sustained foreboding than any ep to me since 'The Big Bang Job'.

    A few things I loved extra much.

    1) the irony of Eliot claiming he didn't count his kills. You've established his insane acute memory and how he counts everything. 'number of seconds he could leave Hardison in the pool, seven whompa whompa's etc. every moment of that speech had me mesmerized, and Kane! Well, he nailed it. Thank you writers for his moments in every ep, but this one...deep.

    2) Aldis's performance was outstanding,too, very different from what we usually see him do. It was as if the writer's stripped him of his theatrical safety net by forcing the actor to play his least over the top role to date. He played it brilliantly IMHO. Way to stretch the actor's chops while showing the vulnerability of the character.

    3) Love Parker and Hardison. Just promise me you won't break my heart with these two, or Eliot, or Sophie or Nate. After some brutal days with Buffy, I appreciate watching a show that has tested my heart strings beautifully, but no grinding it into dust...promise (but then again you writers live to torture your characters:)

    Sorry this is so long...took me three days to get up the courage to post.

  135. See I knew I'd mess up something really important - excuse the typo Mr. Rogers:)...

  136. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Finally Leverade returned.
    I wondered if the story would be better than the first ones. It was. But that was not hard… I was really disappointed of the first ten eps. It was a great, great show in the beginning. And now I have hope it will return to the quality of the first seasons. :-)

    My question: Parker seemed more grown up in the last eps but acts now more "childish" like she did it in the beginng. Why?

  137. When Parker was going into the lab how did she see the graph with the numbers to the combination? Hardison-specialized glasses?

    No, that was an effect showing us that she heard the beeps and translated them into the correct numbers. Similar effect on the BBC's Sherlock last year.

  138. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Thank you, PTB for a helluva welcome back! This was perhaps one of my favorite episodes so far.

    I can't get over what a BAMF Parker is. You have always said that she and Eliot are the most dangerous members of the team, and we just saw that. There was no hesitation, no planning and no back up- just Parker using whatever happened to be available to rescue a team member. It was particularly interesting to me that Eliot was okay with that division of tasks, since he was busy setting up the fake interrogation room. The moment was sort of like the flip side of the cave scene from The Long Way Down Job.

    Oh, and Parker kicking the bad guy in the face was AWESOME!

    There were just so many great moments in this episode that I can mull over until next time.

    wv="garbrit": the dialect Sophie was speaking in Parker's version of Rashomon.

  139. Dr. Matt11:34 AM

    @jamoche: The best outcome for the pair is for both to stay mute. The way the situation is usually presented, the best outcome for an individual is if they squeal while the other stays mute. Nate-as-professor is right about what the game-theory math says: if you assume that the other person has made their choice, then regardless of what it is you're better off talking than not talking.

    Hardison's response about "superrationality" comes from Douglas Hofstadter's columns about the Prisoner's Dilemma from Scientific American in the early 80s (and hence the name-check of "Hofstadter's Theorem"): if we assume that rational people in the same situation should come to the same decision, then the real choice is between "(we both) talk" and "(we both) stay silent", and the latter is a better outcome.

  140. I'm so glad my favorite show is back!!I loved the episode!! But Sophie didn't really have a part which sucked. Question 1: What are the teams view on Nate and Sophies relationship? (We never got a very clear answer on the show)Question 2: Does Eliot have a thing for Tara?

  141. I am so happy Leverage is back! But I am disappointed in the lack of Sophie scenes and the lack of Nate/Sophie moments. Will there be more Sophie scenes in future episodes? As well as more Nate/Sophie moments?

  142. @Salted Carthage: Ha ha, my interpretation was that Parker was reading the woman's subtle arm movements to figure out the numbers! But the beeps idea makes more sense. :)

  143. k2k2b610:32 PM

    Oh I'd just kill to see the Leverage gang steal Nanny-Daycare.

    I could just picture Elliot & Hardison haggling with little tykes....or Parker reasoning with a hyper-imagiative 6-year old. Priceless!

  144. Anonymous9:03 AM

    HP: Harry Potter

    D'oh! Well, "wizard" was a geek term before JK Rowling started writing, so it wasn't enough to kick me out of geek-terminology mode :)

  145. Riley73:31 PM

    Not trying to diss the plot or anything, but how come Parker and Eliot are never in a situation where they have to pretend to be a couple? I mean I guess it does make sense because there is the whole Parker and Hardison thing, but it just seemed a little unrealistic that it would never happen. I'm sooo excited for this Sunday's episode, SO much respect for doing a parody of 'The Office'!

  146. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I just wanted to say "thank you"--one of the scenes from this show is now going to be my new Psych 101 demonstration for how "negative reinforcement" is the most frequently misused term in all of psychology :) (For anyone who cares, they were using *punishment* when they shocked the guy, which is the total opposite of negative reinforcement.)

    On a separate note: Shirtless Hardison. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  147. Anonymous7:37 PM


    "demonstration for how "negative reinforcement" is the most frequently misused term in all of psychology"

    I thought I was the only one that misuse of terminology drives totally mad.

  148. Anonymous12:36 AM

    If we're already saying thanks, I want to say thank you, thank, you, thank you for Nate never being shirtless (with Sophie), for no Nate/Sophie relationship development, for no Sophie character development. Thank you Mr. Rogers for making sure every character and relationship gets an equal spotlight in the show, in every episode. You are a genius!

  149. I'm aware "a dwarf, an elf and a thing with a tail" is primarily a reference to dwarves, elves and however you spell the knockoff Tieflings in WoW, but...

    The Fell's Five connection still made me smile.

    (Also, the one telling Hardison this was the innocent sociopath thief who's been know to accidentally stab people.)

    I'd love to see you talk a bit about the D&D comic here, but I suspect your workload is near-lethal as it is.

    So, I'll just say thanks and keep up the good work.

  150. USRaider3:01 PM

    Is it from watching too much Leverage or my own personal knowledge that I knew Eliot was talking about a helicopter when he asked about the "whumps"? (I'll let you all try to figure that out!) I've done this before with each character at some point or another.

    A brilliant resumption of the season with "The Experimental Job." My PhD wife, who knows something about collegiate experiments, brought up the factor that such a project would have to go through an IRB, but bought that the CIA would somehow be able to circumvent that protocol. She also was a bit stunned when I pointed out previous American government experiments (the A bomb, Agent Orange, etc.) that a supposed "free society" has done on its people in the past.

    My questions:

    1) What would happen if there was one member of our squad that was not available for duty? For example, if Parker wasn't available for some reason, who would do the thief work? While they have been able to adapt, to have an entirely new person step into an area that they lack expertise might be dangerous.

    2) Why involve the female detective at all at the end? Nate and the crew could have just as well set the situation up for the kid to turn on Conrad, so it seemed it was unnecessary.

    3) We now have two figures that have their crosshairs on the team. As this season is about consequences (and it looks as though there are some severe ones on the horizon), how will the team recover?

    4) Might be a silly question, but was it intentional to set up the secret society party and the homeless shelter in such stark difference?

    5) A Sophie driven con would be good for Christmas!

    Once again, a fantastic job by all!

  151. CGI Yoda8:44 AM

    Nice to have the team back.
    Unrelated question: Does the bartender at McRory's know what Nate and the gang do (like Eddie in Hustle)?

  152. j-bird1:29 PM

    This was a fun episode. A couple of notes/questions:

    1) I especially liked the scenes where the interrogator tries to intimidate Eliot and fails miserably (and hilariously). Eliot looks like he's trying not to laugh when the interrogator is yelling about cutting his tail off. :) Also, the whole "how many people" sequence was great.

    2) Also, hurrah for delightfully dastardly frat boys. It seemed a bit improbable that they could get that experiment past an IRB, not to mention that it would be run completely by undergrads ... so are we to assume that the whole thing was really a CIA project, conducted without the knowledge of any professors or the usual funding sources like the NSF?

    3) One quibble about Parker's fight scene. She hits "#42" (the tall football-player guy she was flirting with before) with a chair leg and he seems to fall down near the stairs. But a second later, when she and Hardison leave, the landing is clear. Where did he go? Did he run off for reinforcements? It didn't look like she hit him hard enough to really disable him.

  153. j-bird1:35 PM

    Oh, one more note: Hardison's interactions with the 206 club members were well-written and well-played. I've definitely met kids like Zilgram and been in awkward, out-of-my-element situations like the garden party; the whole thing rang very true.

  154. Speaking of the elf/dwarf/draenei comment... isn't Hardison Horde? Or was that just the guy he pretended to be when infiltrating an office back in the day?

  155. Anonymous2:50 AM

    @FNB said...
    If we're already saying thanks, I want to say thank you, thank, you, thank you for Nate never being shirtless (with Sophie), for no Nate/Sophie relationship development, for no Sophie character development. Thank you Mr. Rogers for making sure every character and relationship gets an equal spotlight in the show, in every episode. You are a genius!


    Oh, grow up, FNB.

  156. ZettaComposer10:46 AM

    Great episode! Is Parker rescuing Hardison going to be a recurring thing? First a grave, now a fraternity/secret organization.

  157. Famous4it11:29 AM

    Finally managed to see the episode! Wretched exams...

    I'm so glad Leverage is back! loved this episode, CK really rocked I, and the Hardison/Parker bits definitely met expectations =]

    No questions as such, just where did you film the campus scenes? Sorry if this has been asked already.

  158. Fiona612:40 PM

    @ Lizzy

    I feel like all the characters have multiple showings of emotional imbalance and I REALLY want to see a vulnerable Eliot.

    I totally agree - vulnerable Elliot would be so cool. Would definitely add more depth to the character, IMO. Also, that Myanmar flashback from season 1 really keeps haunting me. Too bad that there is no chance we'll learn more about that story. Well, the little glimpses we get about Elliot's past are some comfort ;)

  159. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Was that great big "7" that Elliot was wearing as a test subject a Prisoner Reference? (What with the main hero of that show being Number 6 and all?)

  160. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I have to chime in on CGI Yoda's question. The bartender would be a good bit part for added dimension.

    What say you, oh powers that be? Is the bartender "aware" of his surroundings? Or is he just part of the back drop?

  161. I can't remember her name, but do you plan on bringing back the cop? She's kind of my new hero.

    It was a great episode, but I've gotta admit the simplification of the Prisoner's Dilemma bugged me. If you cut down the second half of the dilemma because you thought it was too complicated for the audience, I've seen the whole concept explained on a single page in a magazine for 8 year olds, so trust me, they can take it. If you cut it out because the scam would be ruined if Zilgram heard more than the "ratting makes the most sense" part, then I'd argue that a senior at what is presumably an Ivy League school would probably have at least heard of the Prisoner's Dilemma.

    Meh. Maybe I'm just old and crotchety because Numb3rs did the same kind of thing when they covered the Prisoner's Dilemma, and you are the two shows that I know put effort into research. Such flagrancy in the face of game theory!

  162. GENIUS MASTERPIECE IS GENIUS. Awesome episode.

    1. Is the female detective a replacement for Bonnano? Where is Bonnano then? (in the TV show, not real life)
    2. If it's known associates then you mean it's Leverage right? Because they combine Eliot and Hardison together. Why doesn't the file have Nate and Sophie's picture as well? (because if it has I guess the last con on "interrogation room" won't work, isn't it?)

    Thanks for keeping up with fans! We love Leverage!

  163. So I was re-watching the ep, with my cc's on, of course, and I noticed something odd.

    In the scene when Parker rescues Hardison from the library, she knocks the guys out and then she's bending down to get Hardison, saying 'Okay.' He's on his stomach, reaching over like he just grabbed something from the student's pocket or from around his neck, and he says, 'Got it.'

    This is the last we see of the two during this ep. Was this moment in relation to something that cut, is it foreshadowing related to Nate's 'Now it begins,' or was there some change in the dialogue?

  164. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Love Leverage...hated the episode The Office Job. It was hard to follow, not funny or witty or even very creative and the bouncy camera made me so dizzy I had to stop watching about half way through.

  165. Anonymous7:45 AM

    evening shade- I saw that as well, and I think it was when Hardison grabbed the 206 pin so he could give it to the CIA guy as an "in."

  166. ScottyGrrl4:55 PM

    This may be a repeat question, but I don't feel like reading through 150+ comments to find out. If it is a repeat, you can just ignore it.

    Why did the CIA guys get a bunch of graduate students at a college to do this experiment? Doesn't that pose more risk of discovery? Why didn't the CIA just do secret experimenting in a secret lab somewhere? The episode itself was great, but that one question kind of made the fun train bump on the tracks a little bit.

    Anyway, good episode. Not great. Can't wait to see what else you've got lined up this season.

  167. So... you didn't just mention the Prisoner's Dilemma, but Hofstadter. Douglas effing Hofstadter.

    You guys are awesome.

    Now, can you find a plausible way to mention "Martin Gardner's column", in proper context? :D

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