Sunday, August 01, 2010

LEVERAGE Question post for #308 "The Boost Job"

Yes, I'm behind, but you know, finale. 2 am wrap. Thne scouting today on train tracks. Because Dean is insane.

Post your questions and comments here, and I WILL catch up at least two in the next two days. Have fun.


Meg Clohessy said...

Hii :D I don't have a question...I just wanted to say hi :) LOL

Sammie323 said...

Congratulations on the 4th season renewal. When you started the show, did you anticipate it would last 4 seasons?

Thanks for a great show.

gwangung said...

Have fun? Sounds like YOU'RE having fun!

Zenkitty714 said...

High-five for the 4th season! (YAY!) Mark Sheppard says to ask you if Sterling is coming back. :-)

Proxiehunter said...

Comcast screwed up their channel guide and I almost turned off the TV and missed the episode! Wonder how many people this screwed up. Congrats on season 4.

Jennifer said...

Was the Shelby Cobra on tonight's episode an original or a kit built.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so did you know shark week was starting today, or are the Jaws quotes and references just a coincidence? I always wished to know more about Parker and her past, but as it keeps flowing out each week, I don't like knowing so much. Is there really no chance of a burn notice cross over? That and Leverage are the only show I watch, and tonights ep seems to be an almost dead ringer for a burn notice ep.

Anonymous said...

I thought maybe you were expecting last weeks ep to be the first night of shark week and this would be the end, so you were book marking them with your refernces. I would also love to see a xover between Leverage and Burn Notice - Fiona and Parker playing with bombs together, and seeing what kind of spark there might be between Fi and Eliot. My question - what are we seeing exactly between Parker and the teen - mentor, older sister, seeing "herself"?

Murphy Jacobs said...

Ok, only halfway through. Two things already:

1) I'm used to seeing Tim Hutton as an evil ass -- you've conditioned me -- but you made me scared of Bill Engvall. NOooo! Bill Engvall isn't evil! He isn't scary. NoooO!

2) What's with the humanizing of Parker? Seriously, I love the development, but it's playing with my head.

You guys keep pulling out the surprises!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, gotta agree with Sherri about Parker, it's freaking me out. And what is up with the near death experiences? I don't remember such close calls in the first and second season - is this because they have worked together for so long and are getting over confident, so they are taking on more powerful and dangerous jobs? Loved Parker and Hardison laughing while there were guns pointed at them - I got a little scared there, more at the fact they were laughing. Have we ever seen Eliot kill someone? I don't really recall we did, but it seems like we are going to, real soon.

Andrew B. said...

"They hit me with a car!"

If I remember my Venture Brothers dialog correctly, there was a line from the first episode (not pilot) that went, "They hit me with A TRUCK!"

Has Eliot entered Brock Sampson levels of resilience?

(aka jarodrussell)

whimseyrhodes said...

Another awesome episode, as always! Loved Bill Engvall, as his comedic roots lit the character in the same semi-humorous light as the rest of the cast. You can tell he had a lot of fun with this!
Ok, the question I know everyone wants to ask: Did Christian do his own stunt when Eliot got hit by the car? and an off-shoot of that, Eliot seems to be pretty invulnerable--will there be an ep where he actually gets hurt and needs rescue, as in, SERIOUS rescue?
Another question, when Eliot zapped the cars on the big rig, how did he avoid hitting the rig itself? Are we to assume it was a very-super-ultra-uber localized beam like a bullet, and wouldn't stray from it's trajectory?
Thanks for the consideration and answers!

Jen_Ann_W said...


Engvall was a great choice for this role. He really brings the redneck/greaseball/snarky vibe, so kudos to whomever had this brilliant idea.

I love the Parker side to this ep. Her history is starting to come to light, and I like how she's visibly growing a bit - deleting the files in the last ep, trying to help Josie in this one. Although I did keep expecting to see the mysterious Kelly appear - will we ever see him?

I liked the roundy-round at the end, we don't see those as often as the gloat. It reinforced that sense of family, especially after the issue with Parker. Good touch.

Also, congrats on a 4th season!!

WWWeaves said...

I really enjoyed that.

Anonymous said...

Great episode, (despite GF asking me what was happening every, five freaking seconds, lol. Will watch the western feed after she kips).

While I really enjoyed the humor, seriously...flying bullets, hit and run, near drowning, kidnap with intent to make very dead, knee to the 'nads...and Parker gets a pass because she "meant well"? Please don't go Mick Belker with my favorite crazy person. I don't want to see Our Lady of Perpetual Insanity crying every episode and being overtly sentimental.

*Brought to you by The Coalition To Keep Parker In The 5-lb Bag, Rev. Trask, President

Jon S. said...

I'm very pleased with how this week's episode turned out. Well done, everyone who is involved in this production, casts and production included.

I don't know how common it is to see a woman that know a lot about workings of a car (I would assume quite moderate occurrence since I have yet to run into any women like that but that's probably because I don't live in a big city...).

It's nice to see Parker know a lot about them and has been car thief since age of 12. I don't think it's news to us about her being car thief before, though. I mean, how else would she have gotten a car in, say, "The Bank Shot Job" when posing as FBI agent together with Hardison before dumping the van?

Jon S.
Never con a car thief... that'll end badly...

Rick said...

My only question for this episode is the same I asked on Twitter:

The EMP Cannon; Ledger or Black Box?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being renewed! For this episoded the girl that played the character Shorty...I know I've seen her before, but I can't remember where. Do you know either who she is or what else she's been in?

Oona said...

Yay, I'm back on the fun train! I thought this ep was really entertaining - highlights for me were Bill Engvall (comics make some of the best bad guys), Sophie getting back at Nate for the ass slap, and the arguing between Hardison, Parker and Eliot in the car - especially the flashback and Hardison's ultimate reaction shot.

No ep is ever perfect, but the best ones make it easy to overlook the imperfections, and this was one of those for me. A lot of fun.

However, I will second the wish that Parker does not grow so much that we lose what made her so great to begin with. While I'm glad to see her character develop, I would hate to see her lose the 20lbs of crazy.


Nate has been fairly easy on Parker, both in the Inside Job and here, when she made rash decisions that turned out badly. Is Parker sort of the "favored" baby of the family to him or is he just feeling the most protective of her because he knows she (seemingly) has had the toughest time of it or something else?

The ending with the big dinner was awesome - such a nice throwback to the Wedding Job. Was that scene fully scripted or did the cast just riff?

Bethia said...

At the beginnning, the guy in the truck was said to be a school teacher on the "newscast". At the end, Nate said something about the client's landscaping business. I'm confused. Thanks!

CindyD said...

Josie ("Shorty") was played by Malese Jow.

CindyD said...

The client said he was a teacher who had a landscaping business on the side to help make ends meet.

Erin said...

First, congrats on a well-deserved Season 4! I can't believe it was really in question, considering the extent to which you guys have been kicking major ass this year both onscreen and in the ratings, but it's still awesome news and I'm sure it was a nice pick-me-up at a stressful time :)

I've enjoyed seeing more of Parker's softer side this season, and I *loved* how you followed that theme to its logical conclusion which, with Parker, would involve doing something incredibly dangerous and borderline crazy without really thinking of the consequences. The team was put into an unnecessary amount of danger by her actions, which seems to make Parker's emotional growth Eliot's problem - so, putting aside his reliably hilarious annoyance at getting hit by a car, is this actually going to affect how much he trusts her to stay professional in future cons?

And, yes, I'll admit that the thought of *Hardison* being the only team member Eliot trusts not to get dangerously emotional makes me laugh. A lot.

Anonymous said...

Direction EMP is called a HERF gun.

Anonymous said...

I'm just not feeling Leverage lately, not for the last few episodes. Something missing for me. I'd like to see more about Sophie, inside into her character, not only her playing other characters. I loved what we got on her last season, Berg did an outstanding job but then she was gone for half of the season and even now, I kind of miss her character even when she is on the show, if that makes any sense. Gina does a great job with what she's given but I think she should be given to do more of the personal stuff... Why are we spending so much time on Parker? She's not everybody's favorite. Please, let's move on.

Congrats on the season 4 renewal!

SueN. said...

Loved the ep! Though we just bought a used car a couple of days ago, and now I have a serious urge to check the VIN. *g*

At this point I only have two questions (been a long day, I'm sure I'll be back), and one was asked up-thread. 1) Why didn't Eliot zap his truck's system when he zapped the cars? (Oh, and much love for Eliot with a raygun! *g*)

2) The Challenger was Eliot's. So, did he trade in his truck from last season, or does he collect vehicles? (And will he get the Challenger back from Nate? *g*)

Loved Parker's reaction to Josie, and the tidbit we learned about Parker's history. Poor thing, she really has been screwed over royally her whole life, hasn't she? No wonder she loves her new family so much!

Wich, actually, brings up a third question. (It was bound to happen.) For two and a half seasons now, we've heard Eliot bitch and bark at Parker and call her crazy (and tonight threaten to kill her). And, granted, annoyed!Eliot is funny!Eliot. To us.

But what about Parker? Does she take his barking and bitching and "there's somethin' wrong with you" seriously, or does she understand that anger is Eliot's particular kind of craziness? We know that Parker lives in a very literal world. Does she take Eliot literally, or does she clue in from watching the others (esp. Hardison) that, where the family is concerned, Big Bro's bark is worse than his bite?

And, finally, because I'm too tired to fight my inner shallow fangirl, thank you, THANK YOU for wet!Eliot. After taking the 13-YO to Dallas for a Disney pop princess sighting, I desperately needed that!

gwangung said...

But what about Parker? Does she take his barking and bitching and "there's somethin' wrong with you" seriously, or does she understand that anger is Eliot's particular kind of craziness?

Good question. A) I think Eliot works with Parker enough so that he can take the edge off when he's teaching her (or she takes it in the same vein when he's teaching her). B) He's Batman. The 1970s Denny O'Neill version, who'd knows how far to push her and when to bring her back on the ledge.

Charlie said...

Couple of things I'd just like to mention, loved the episode btw. Hope to be emailing you an outline for a story I'm writing soon, got an idea for fourth season.

I really like the family dynamic of the characters and how you guys have examined that with out losing sight of the action aspect of the show. In this one especially I noticed how Parker and Hardison are like younger versions of Nate and Sophie in a lot of ways.

Also, I thought the whole sexualizing of car sales that Gina did for the scene at the dealership was... interesting. It felt awkward as hell but at the same time I thought, if you really wanted to sell that many cars I guess it would probably help to put a little bit of sexy into it.

Also am I alone in thinking that Parker was "with" this Kelly guy at the time, and that's what exacerbated her problems with trusting others?

Celeste said...

hi...just wondering...did Parker say she "raised the compression ratio on the piston"... can you do that without taking the engine apart? TV magic?

Ian said...

I just wanted to say that the decision to make the EMP gun have the same warm-up sound as the Ghostbusters' proton packs -- and then have Hardison say "this chick is toast" -- was pure genius.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this one. it had a more natural feel to it then last weeks, which felt like it was built out of the Hardison and Elliot vs the Militia and you had to find a scam to fit.

I'd like to ask if the Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start for cars really exists but I'm kind of afraid of the answer.

As for the truck. If it's older and turned off it's likely that a directed pulse like that wouldn't hurt the truck any where near as much as the active systems on the higher end cars.

Kathleen said...

Much love from an avowed Leverageite!

Congratulations on Season 4, please have many more.

Thank you for wet Eliot, please have many more!

Mostly, thank you for showing Parker knowing her way around a cars. I'm female and I've loved cars and motorcycles since I was knee-high to a Harley saddle bag.

So how about seeing Eliot undercover in a biker gang?

Did you know that there's a whole bunch of us who get on the Leverage Facebook page all week long and especially on Sunday night to discuss the episodes? Not just this week's, but all the seasons and all the episodes. We're ready for Jeopardy: The Leverage Edition.

As long as y'all are there, we'll be here!

babysmoke said...

@Marquis: This was tweeted by Albert Kim

Great ep as always! No questions. Yet.

LarryFleming said...

John, when you build the Leverage theme park, this episode has to be supported. I want to drive that Shelby! I love the way you are bringing out the character backgrounds. Parker's is as always, very interesting.
Who's the stunt man that roles off the car?, very well done.

dizzykj said...

Squee - happy fangirl! Loved the show, loved Josie (and how much does she want to be Parker when she grows up?!).
Will we get to see her again? (will begging help? Seriously?)

Maria said...

Excellent episode. I don't have a single question...just really felt you needed even more praise. It was a great ride. And PLEASE pass on to Bill Engvall that he was fantastic. Oh, and the whole humanizing of Parker thing---let's go easy on that next season. We like our mysterious superheroes to be just that ;)

Anonymous said...

Another good episode. Keep them coming. Congrats on the new season btw. No real questions on the episode yet.

Would like to ask if you've seen Inception and your thoughts on it?

Anonymous said...

Loved, loved, loved Sophie and the way "mothered" Parker by tempering Nate's lecture/punishment...not to mention the payback for the ass slap. Nate always does an excellent double take!

Courtney said...

Gonna take a guess here and say that Eliot has had dive training at some point? I'm starting to wonder if he wasn't a Navy SEAL in another life.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed seeing them sitting down for dinner together at the end. Not only a call back to the wedding job, but also to a lot of eps from season 2 - eating/food make it seem like a family/friends hanging out, relaxed, at home. That happened a lot in season 2, and a little in season 1. Don't think we've seen that yet this season. It's nice to get them back in family mode. Miss seeing Eliot cooking, like he did in season 2.

SueN. said...

An actual plot question, maybe (probably) nitpicky.

When Eliot gets out of the truck and is surounded by bad guys, he throws the keys to (I assume) the stolen cars into the air. Later, Penzer uses the keys to shut off all the car alarms.

So … where did Eliot get the keys? Parker and Hardison stole the cars without them, from what we saw.

Just one of those things that made me go, "hmm."

Oh, and @gwangung, it's a testament to my husband's influence that I know *exactly* what you're talking about. Denny O'Neill is a revered person in our household. lol!

MacSTL said...

More comments/questions after I watch about --- three more times..

But wow - Marc Roskin did an amazing job. I loved how he transitioned from the client meeting directly into the living room team debrief. Most excellent..

and like everyone else - the team roundy round at the bar at the end.

One question for now - We have seen the team use the bar much more for the con. We know Hardison owns the building. Did the team work out some special deal with Cora? What is the relationship now.

USRaider said...

First off, congratulations on the Season Four renewal. Only six more seasons to go to reach what I believe would be a perfect series!

Bill Engvall was the perfect villain for this episode. It's been mentioned before, but he did bring the right mix of comedic touch and outright sleazeballness (did I create a word there?) that the role required.

I also liked the physicality of "selling the bit" between Nate and Sophie (Gina). They seem like a couple, although the knee was a bit much. Then again, she's already slapped him a couple of times...Sophie had to step it up!

I thought Nate's (Tim) treatment of Parker (Beth) was right on target. Even though it was reinforced by Sophie, Nate knows that he has to handle Parker a certain, softer way...not as the "baby" of the family, but he can't harang her about what she does because she IS growing as a person.

My question is: you probably write at least a half an episode more than what we see on the screen. What are the decisions that go into what actually makes an episode and what happens to the material you don't use?

Unknown said...

I applaud you sir! While I always look forward to the newest episode, seeing one of my favorite comedians in this one shot it to new heights.

May I ask, what made you all choose him to play the villain?

And a new season? Score!

USRaider said...

Oh, just another question.

Noticed that, after the job was finished and Nate and Sophie were discussing Parker's "punishment," when Nate called Parker over, she seemed to have that "revering" look that she had with Archie at the end of "The Inside Job." Does this mean that Parker has accepted Nate as her new tutor or is it more of the familial dynamic that the team has created?

24jg13 said...

Malese Jow played Anna on Vampire Diaries.

Congrats on the 4th season, most important question of all, is con con on for March 2011 in Portland now that you know you will be filming? Please say yes!!!

Loved the episode though you are killing me with the Eliot in trouble scenes. Be careful with my man CK thanks.

Allie said...

I liked seeing how the Leverage team actually DID give the real owners of the car dealership a vacation to Hawaii. In previous episodes many nameless people get conned so that the plot can advance. I think it would be interesting to see an episode where the client is someone that the Leverage team hurt by accident.

SueN. said...

@Allie, but that would make the team the marks, wouldn't it?

Liz said...

Thanks to Albert Kim, first off, for a cool episode and for later posting links on Twitter explaining some of the tech in tonight's episode! My brother used to work in a dealership, so I was aware that there were cheat codes for certain settings, but had no idea there was even a code to start the car.

Definitely looking forward to the commentary on this one, to hear all the nitty-gritty.

Good, solid episode. Liked how all hell broke loose at the end, especially. This is another one that seemed to go by really quickly. I looked at the clock at one point and was startled to realize there was only ten minutes left.

Joe Helfrich said...

"You can hack anything with a battery, right? ... You now have 1 minute thirty seconds."

This is how Parker flirts, isn't it?

LawMonkey said...

No questions, but just wanted to say that this was the best episode so far this season for me. Loved the flashback of young Parker driving the getaway car! And it's just gonna keep getting better, right? :)

Interesting to see the 360 on the evil duo of evil (plus potential proto-Parker). Was that a first, or did we have a 360 on the 2 Live Crew Job?

Unknown said...

Loved the episode and congrats on a 4th season!

Parker told Eliot she'd been a thief since she was 9. Now we find out she was boosting cars at 12 and was a getaway driver before that (sometime between ages 9 and 12). She was a pickpocket when she met Archie. How old was she when she met up with Archie? We know she lost a brother as a child, will we ever see what happened to her real parents and why she was in the foster system? In the pilot, did she blow up her real parents' home or her foster parents'?

jenniebee said...

Love the show, love the blog, and I found something new and interesting for Hardison. It's a new kind of phishing attack called tabnabbing. Cool, eh?

Odie said...

Another fine episode. I laughed loudly at the juxtaposition of the two Parker 'old bat' scenes. I also enjoyed the final scene with the team eating together.

Which leads to questions: why wasn't Eliot eating? In scenes like that, where they're all talking at once, or like the one where Nate told Sophie to stall, are their lines scripted, or do they just improvise? Who hit Eliot with the car?


Moxie said...

If Hardison's EMP gun was directionalized enough that it could disable the cars without disabling the auto-carrier, how is it that it knocked out Eliot's earbud (which was in the opposite direction)?

Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy said...

Two questions:

1. This is the second time I've noticed a possible reference to Dark Angel, first Manticore and now the EMP. Is this deliberate?

2. Please tell me Christian did NOT do the 'hit by a car' stunt, because it really looked like him. **sigh** Maybe you should import his mama...and her wooden spoon.

Anonymous said...

No question this week. Just wanted to say:

Season Four: FTW!!!!

Bob Roland said...

John, First I wanted to thank you both for Leverage and the comic Blue Beetle. I took my son to a comic book store last week (he just caught the bug) and found back issues of the book. I bought them all, and both my son and I loved him. The humanity you brought to the character was refreshing. I recall reading some talk about a live action Blue Beetle show. If there was such a show, would you ever have an interest in writing for Jamie again?

About the episode, I loved it, but I had some concerns about the EMP gun. I get that technology in the Leverage universe is a bit more magical than in ours, but are you worried about having to explain away in future episodes why they just don't use this device on a regular basis? It seems to me that having access to a magic "make electronics not work for a half hour" device would we too easy a way out for many stories.

Can't wait until next week. You guys are doing great!

Jimbo said...

Brief question - was Gina saying "nicking" in the script, or her addition?

On a similar note, do you have anyone in-house to help with the English slang or is it just Gina?

eric k said...

Sue N,

I had the same thought about the keys for the stolen cars, but then I got to thinking, they must have a way to create duplicate keys for the cars they steal, how else would they be able to sell them?

Anonymous said...

Diesel engines don't have spark plugs; the fuel compresses until it sparks. An EMP would kill power steering and power brakes (if present) but not the engine.

Tori Angeli said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU fifty zillion times for the family dinner scene at the end. It made my week. And all the rest of my weeks.

And, because I have ovaries, I, too, am obligated to thank you for wet!Eliot.

Lily said...

I've noticed in all the episodes Eliot always gives Parker the fed up look or just the I can't stand you look. Eliot gave Hardison the high five for morale in the last episode so will there ever be a time when he actually supports/tolarates Parker?

babysmoke said...

@Lily: I think Eliot does support and tolerates Parker. And she knows that he is all bark and very very little bite. The scene that comes to mind is during the Inside Job when Parker decides that it's important to take down Dr. Hannity, and she was confident that Eliot would back her up when she went back.

Eliot's mad at everything and everyone, but I think, in his own way, he loves the family and will do anything to protect and support them. Not just because it's his job as the hitter to take the punches.

And if one goes back to the previous eps and seasons (I love that I can say "previous seasonS"!!), you can see Eliot shooting dirty looks at Hardison and Nate too. Don't remember any ep where he did that to Sophie, but...I trust the collective memory to fill in the blanks.

Nina May said...

will there ever be a time when he actually supports/tolarates Parker?

Those words, I do not think they mean what you think they mean (sorry, couldn't resist). I'm assuming you mean where he actually encourages Parker? Because he supports and tolerates her all the time, he just doesn't feel the need to cheerlead over it.

Like the others, loved the family scene at the end, although considering where we are in the season, I'm worried that was the final ray of comfort before the downward spiral, as kicked off by the alternate family issues beginning next week. *worries* Not that I expect an answer, but just how much will Jimmy Ford be involved in taking down Moreau and bailing out his unwilling son? Because I can't see you guys wasting that kind of dramatic potential.... (Wait ... Moreau isn't an Annie-Croy-style alias, is it? You wouldn't do that, would you? *worries some more*) Also – Tom Selleck? *high fives for morale*

Okay, I do have another question, not specific to the episode, about Sophie's real identity. I thought I'd better ask it before that issue completely dies away for now, and we get inundated with Ford father issues. (I hope but don't expect to have it answered – but the hivemind might be able to come up with something.)

So Sophie's rings are a loose kind of code, right? The moonstone one is the stongest "Sophie" identity, which she rarely wore on jobs; the black one, jet or onyx, is her most ruthless one; and the rest are more theatrical and specific to the persona or the con, and there's been more variety there since she came back. Left is her passive hand to wear them on, right is her aggressive one.

The reason I especially noticed was the one she wore when visiting Nate at the beginning of Jailhouse Job – when she wasn't "Sophie" but her real identity – was a turquoise one which I'd never seen before, and which only turned up once again early in the season, while her identity was still in the foreground (although I can't off the top of my head remember which ep). I've been trying not to read too much into all this, but given Sophie's love of thematic significance and constructing identity, I'm having a very hard time believing it's random. So the question is, what significance does the turquoise ring have for who she really is?

Nina May said...

Ah, sorry, didn't see you there. :)

To make amends, I reach into my area of the collective memory.... Dirty looks at Sophie? Well, there was all his snarking after she screwed things up for the team in First David, and he certainly wasn't batting his eyelashes at her after she programmed him to serve her tea.... Not to mention his initial skepticism at the theatre in Chicago!

Anonymous said...

Quoting Anonymous:

Diesel engines don't have spark plugs; the fuel compresses until it sparks. An EMP would kill power steering and power brakes (if present) but not the engine.

Actually, it will still kill a diesel. Modern trucks use electronic injection and computer controlled timing just like passenger cars. They also have car-like alternators and safety features. Most also have car-like starting systems as well, though I have seen air-starters on a few trucks from the 90's.

Ian said...

@Stacy: I don't think something as generic as an EMP is a Dark Angel reference. Might as well say that the fact that there are cars in it is a reference to the cars Dark Angel.

EMPs exist. In the real world. "Cool real tech thing" doesn't have to be a reference to anything at all.

Sean Fagan said...

I'm going to have to wonder when every evil scheme I hear about is going to end up on this show, aren't I? (I think I read about this particular scam... three years ago? It infuriated me with how evil it was, and how completely unfair it was for the victims to be hung with the bill.)

Was that Pepsi truck product placement, or a coincidence?

SueN. said...

@eric k, Okay, that makes sense. Since they have the VIN numbers and access to a car shop, duplicates would be feasible. *smacks forehead* Duh!


SueN. said...

@lily, Let's not forget that Eliot offered to kill the fake psychic for Parker last season. If that's not support, I don't know what is. *g*

Also, in Juror #6 in S1, he reminded her that *she* had made a friend, and not Alice White.

So he's had his supportive moments. He's just not going to be mushy about them.

Micah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Micah said...

LOVED the episode. Parker's absolute faith in Hardison is adorable, as is her trying to warn the girl. "You weren't supposed to TELL them!"

Basically, anything with Parker + feelings = adorable.

However! I do have one little nitpick. When the guys are watching the basketball game, it appears to be 80-78, Memphis leading Boston. Which is fine. But the clock reads 8:27 in the 2nd quarter. There is no way that many points have been scored that quickly in a professional basketball game.

Lesley said...

Congradulations on another season!!! I am already looking forward to it. I really enjoyed the episode, but now I'm worried about my car getting stolen. (So ya'll did a great job.)

Whose idea was it to get Bill Engvall? He was a great.

jenks said...

Re: Parker's craziness. I know everyone wants to keep their 20lbs of crazy Parker, but I don't think you lose that when you find out how she became who she is, or when we see her make choices that seem less crazy. . . in fact, I'm inclined to believe her character more.

I know this question should have come with the Inside Job, but we've now met at least one person from everyone's past except Hardison. Is that ever going to happen? (Please say yes. . . )

And finally: thank you for wet Eliot. But even more, thank you for the return of Eliot in tie and glasses. So very very good looking

Katie said...

I've said it about other episodes, but again I have to express my love for 'mama Sophie'. She's so much more a mother figure/big sister this season and it's WONDERFUL! I'd like to chime in about when the heck we're going to get to see more of Sophie's background. In my head she's actually a girl from a very small, very poor mid-western town that chose an English accent and a French name to make herself feel more sophisticated. Far fetched I know, but I'm just throwing it out there, would explain a few things, most specifically how well she understands the American high school system. And also it makes me giggle a little. But for serious, when do we get to see her background story? Will we ever get to see more flashbacks of Nate chasing the team. If my memory serves we've only seen him actually chasing/catching Sophie, but it could be fun to see more of their past that led them together.

xjill said...

Congrats on well deserved S4 and stay sane during train track scouting...;)

This was a medium ep for me, though I did enjoy certain bits and a medium Leverage ep is still a hell of a lot more entertaining than most.

Please pass along kudos to your costume designer because I totally want both of Sophie's outfits from the episode.

Who was driving the car that hit Eliot? And why DID Nate go easy on Parker in YOUR opinion?

Anonymous said...

When the guys are watching the basketball game, it appears to be 80-78, Memphis leading Boston. Which is fine. But the clock reads 8:27 in the 2nd quarter. There is no way that many points have been scored that quickly in a professional basketball game.

You're forgetting that either team can still score while playing defense. This isn't baseball!

babysmoke said...

@Nina May: I knew Sophie wasn't "special" that way! Collective memory rules!

and what SueN said.

Have rewatched this ep about 5 times now, and still no questions. It's just scary how sexy Parker and Hardison make car-jacking look. And that cheat-code for starting cars is just plain disturbing. I know it's legit and probably understand the rationale for it from the manufacturers' point of view, but it's still disturbing.

Oh. 1 more thing. Just needed to put it out there. I don't want a crossover between Leverage and any other show. Sorry. I just don't. Somehow, it doesn't seem to fit. I love Leverage the way it has been and the direction it's heading, and having in-verse characters crossing over will take me out of it. I'm just sayin'.

Come to think of it, maybe I do have a question for Mr. Rogers. Has a crossover ever been tabled or carded for future shows/seasons? If yes, which shows have been tossed around?

Katie said...

One more question, how much of Nate and Sophie's stalling fight (kneeing him was brilliant btw) was Sophie legitimately being pissed at him and airing her grievances while she had the chance? The comments about him being drunk and her paying made me think she was being serious. And what's with Sophie being violent with Nate lately? There's been a couple slaps and now a junk-shot. Oh, and was Sophie honestly pissed about him slapping her ass? Did Nate do it just to cop a feel? He seemed pretty unashamed about it...

Nina May said...

would explain a few things, most specifically how well she understands the American high school system.

Don't want to harsh your squee, but anyone who grew up outside the states and yet watched more than maybe three American high-school movies has a pretty good handle on American high school conventions (especially those regarding the cheerleaders). Speaking as one of those people, I'd say that high schools are one of the most over-portrayed settings/tropes of Hollywood, apart from explosions of course. Anything a non-American needs to know is right there, because what's more, the movies seem to inform how everyone remembers high school. Just sayin'. (Also, speaking as a non-American, I'm quite keen to keep a little real international flavour in the team. But I can see why you'd like your theory too ... in short, mmv.)

Collective memory rules!

Don't we just? ;) And – what SueN said.

Katie said...

@NinaMay- Fair enough, although from my experience high school was nothing like that. However, I like Sophie being British, I just think it would be a hilarious twist, though admittedly jumping the shark. And how can non-Americans stand American-high-school movies. I've lived it and it bores me to tears, can't imagine anyone else being interested, it's just so unrealistic..... Sorry, lost my train and rambled :)

Nina May said...

Oh, it's exaggerated, sure, but anyone with a good grasp of human nature and how we tell stories about our memories can glean a hell of a lot. As to standing the movies, like anything else, 90% IS crap. There are some that are beautifully done, though I can't actually think of many off the top of my head. 10 Things is an enduring favourite, of course.... :)

Anonymous said...

That was fun. I've got a new favorite episode (until maybe next week.) And I totally dug the morph segue following Nate from the client meeting to the team briefing. As subtle as it was, it looked terrific. Tim matched the expression perfectly. It couldn't have all been done in post, right?

Dawn/StL-MO said...

Gonna take a guess here and say that Eliot has had dive training at some point? I'm starting to wonder if he wasn't a Navy SEAL in another life.

PLUS…The fact that he only sleeps 90 minutes a day would have come in handy if he WAS once a Navy SEAL

@Katie & @Nina May RE: Sophie’s upbringing:

Think there was a commentary on 2nd season DVDs (Beantown Bailout) where John mentioned they received a lot of comments about Sophie going ‘out of character’ (changing her accent) when she follows Nate up to his apartment & buttheads the goon trying to kill Nate. Thought John said it was a clue to where she really comes from – it wasn’t British. And, I’m from mid-west (MO) & it didn’t sound like here or our surrounding states, but it could just be my hearing. Gina is actually from New Zealand, but DAMN her accents are always dead on. (my 2nd season loaned to friend, or I’d double check)

Teen 'Oldies but Goodies' flicks: Pretty much anything John Hughes-16 Candles, Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Some Kind of Wonderful, Ferris Bueller, etc.


Anonymous said...

@odie: I also wondered why Eliot wasn't eating. Then I remembered that he grows all his own food.

Dawn/StL-MO said...

But what about Parker? Does she take his barking and bitching and "there's somethin' wrong with you" seriously, or does she understand that anger is Eliot's particular kind of craziness? We know that Parker lives in a very literal world.

Although Parker can be upset (when recalling her brother) she doesn’t UNDERSTAND Eliot’s anger - John has mentioned on numerous occasions that Parker has a mild case of Asperger's syndrome (an autism spectrum disorder). Characteristics of that syndrome include, but not limited to: significant difficulties in social interaction; restricted patterns of behavior/interests; problems with cognitive development; limited empathy; & poor communication skills. Her mental processes of perception, memory, judgment & reasoning are NOT NORMAL.
Therefore, Parker can’t always decipher peoples’ intentions, understand their feelings or even recognize her true feelings. EXAMPLES: Hardison suggests they go on vacation together & her response is ‘What are we gonna steal?’; Hardison suggests she visit an art museum (for relaxation/enjoyment)- when telling him about her visit, she only talks about the alarm systems the museum uses - NEVER mentions paintings; her comments to other jurors about their breath (smelling like gravy) & grandchildren; & she doesn’t even realize what she’s feeling (jealousy) about Hardison paying attention to another women other than the fact that she doesn’t like it.


Sullivan said...

Congratulations on season 4!

And your twitter tease re. the "Saint" story is tantalizing. When describing Leverage to friends I've often included "and a little bit of The Saint" along with the M:I, ITAThief, etc., comparisons.

But, now I'm wondering if I can reread all of my Saint collection before the finale airs. Do you realize that there were over a hundred "Saint" stories? So can you narrow it down a bit? Was it post-Patricia Holm? Pre- or post-WW2? Was Teal or Fernack involved? Please don't keep us in suspense forever - as the bishop said to the actress.

Dawn/StL-MO said...

Has there ever been a scene you wrote that ended up being totally unworkable - one or two you would have loved to have pulled off?

Also, nice to hear 'Dean is insane' at least I'm in good company.


Dawn/StL-MO said...

SORRY - in comment about 3 answers above (Beantown Bailout) that should be "headbutts" NOT "buttheads" - must have Bevis on the brain. Odd thing to have at 4 am


MN Amy said...

This is a more general question, but will we ever see how people come to find the Leverage team? You have episodes w/ victims from all over the place and I've always wanted to see at least one of them show how they found the crew.

ScottFlowers said...


I can't check since TNT pulled Leverage from Netflix, but ISTR that scene from the Beantown Bailout job, and Sophie's Dickensian curse that bookended the headbutt.

SOPHIE: "Oi! Does your mother sew? (Sophie headbutts Nate's attacker) Stitch that!"

Dawn/StL-MO said...

Sorry one more - If LEVERAGE CONSULTING & ASSOCIATES was real & listed in the Yellowpages, would it be listed under Consulting or elsewhere?


Nina May said...

it was a clue to where she really comes from – it wasn’t British.

I don't have any of the commentaries, but did they say she wasn't British or she wasn't English? There's a rather significant difference, in spite of Americans blithely using them interchangeably. If they said English, I'm pretty sure it's a nod to the Scots. If they said British, all we're left with is the Republic of Ireland, which doesn't quite sit right. (It's not from the colonies, AFAIK.)

Chelsea said...

This makes me think of all the dealerships on Route 1, the Automile!

Anna said...

Awesome episode. Although eps where the heroes are really in danger give me that anxious feeling I get on rollercoasters, they are definitely the most fun!

1. A 12-year-old as a getaway driver? Was that like the world's worst foster father (and most definitely the stupidest)?
2. Those laser transponder car thingies don't seem like they should've been around during Parker's stint as a car thief. I thought she was exclusively a diamond thief when she joined up, so does that mean she had a 'thief' relapse during her time with the crew? Or did she just steal cars and tell no one?
3. NLP again! Yay! Will we see other characters using this technique as well?

SueN. said...

@Dawn/StL-MO and Nina May:

*heaves martyred sigh* For the common good I forced myself to watch the commentary (*hand to forehead* such a hardship*), and forwarded to the Sophie's accent scene. What John says is, "She says something in an accent … It's actually a subtle clue to what Sophie's real voice sounds like." And Gina also hit Tim really hard with the tray. *g*

So that's it from the commentary. And her accent is, well, Annie Croy's, so I'm thinking lovely, posh Sophie actually has much lower-class origins. East End-ish, perhaps? (given my very limited knowledge of London)

(And if anyone has any questions about the steam fight scene from 2 Live Crew, I'm sure I could muster the fortitude to trudge through et!Eliot footage …)

SueN. said...

And that should be "wet!Eliot."

As, really, all things should …

Anonymous said...

I've noticed a lot of mutiny this season - Parker taking the job with Archie AND not leaving the building when they come to rescue her; Eliot and Hardison not getting on the train; Parker telling the girl at the garage not to show up the next day. Are they in a way rebelling against Nate, or is something else going on? Does Nate even notice?

My other question: Are we to asume Parker is a virgin? She's not only awkward around men, but she has a tendancy to cause bodily harm if they come on to her. Has she ever had any romantic relationship, ever?

gwangung said...

She's not only awkward around men, but she has a tendancy to cause bodily harm if they come on to her. Has she ever had any romantic relationship, ever?

Personally, I think she's had one, maybe two sexual relationships (not romantic ones). Being awkward and violent doesn't necessary match up to a lack of romance--it may line up with bad experiences.

And that awkwardness not unique to Parker (which makes me think it's just few and not none).

Heather said...

So, this is something I've been wondering for a while but the last ep really highlighted for me -- what happens to the employees of the big corporations that the team takes down? Like the sexting dude from the wheat company or the receptionist that Eliot flirted with in the pilot. They were able to send the rival mom and pop salespeople to Tahiti or Hawaii or whatever, but they can't do that for everyone. Is this ever going to come back to bite them in the ass? Are they going to be contacted by someone who's been unemployed and gotten in debt and then find out the client lost their job because of something the team did?

ChelseaNH said...

I remember seeing the red muscle car in The Gone Fishin' Job and figuring it must be Eliot's. I do enjoy being right...

Dawn/StL-MO said...

@Nina May
Should have clarified it more - The line “it wasn’t British” was MY input. The commentators just said “an accent”. Truly sorry for the error, but I’m one of those Americans who used them interchangeably. Honestly didn’t mean to offend anyone.
Enlighten me more - I may regret this question but: Many Americans think we speak English & Londoners speak with a British accent, if you’re from the UK & speak English, what do you call the language we Americans speak?

Dawn/StL-MO said...

@Nina May
Above question should have read:
Many Americans think we speak English & Londoners speak English with a British accent, if you’re from the UK & speak English, what do you call the language we Americans speak?

Sorry - Edit wouldn't work & couldn't get it to delete either.


Stacy said...

And John Rogers says: "Post your questions and comments here, and I WILL catch up at least two in the next two days. Have fun."

Famous last words? Do we get to razz you forever if you don't make the deadline? :-)

Jeff said...

Quite a few people have pointed out that the hammer hasn't come down on Parker for willfully endangering the crew twice so far this season.

Would it be wrong to assume that there's going to be a third and that said third time will have some weighty consequences for someone?

babysmoke said...

Many Americans think we speak English & Londoners speak English with a British accent, if you’re from the UK & speak English, what do you call the language we Americans speak?

Can't speak for the Brits on this one. Outside of Britain, in some Commonwealth countries, England English is Queen's English to us, and Americans speak "English with the American slang" or 'American English".

Interestingly, Australians refer to the language as "Australian". I've had conversations with many Aussies, and they seem to view the English spoken here as unique and unrelated to British(??) English. One example goes something like this "if you can't speak Australian or not willing to learn it, then you shouldn't migrate here" It jars me 'cos I'm thinking "huh?! Australian? Isn't it still English?"

But we could all be splitting hairs here.

Unknown said...

Since no one else has said it, I'd like to thank the show for Sophie's racing outfit she wore earlier in the episode. Gina Bellman...whew!

Nina May said...

@babysmoke & Dawn/StL-MO:
re all things accents

First, I didn't mean to give the impression that I was offended (although I've met people who are pretty sensitive about it!) A few more smileys probably could have helped with that one. Sorry to have caused any worries, mates. ;)

Just to clarify what we're talking about, I'll offer what I understand the definitions are. *puts on lecture cap and assumes pompous pose*

"English" as a language is what we speak (even Australians, although I'll get to that).

"English" as an accent is what people from the country of England have; Americans have an American accent, etc. Like any sufficiently large population with a long history, there is a lot of variation of accents within the countries (hell, even within a few of the cities). For comparison, take a Texan accent vs a New York accent. Overall, if you're from England (or America), you can be reliably said to have an English (or American) accent at least.

"British"/"Brits" is usually used interchangeably for the citizens of England, but "Britain" actually means the UK. That is, the United Kingdom of Great Britain (the island which includes the countries of England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland. It's vaguely like using "North America" interchangeably with "USA" – the meaning kind of gets across, but there are a few countries who'll want to have a word with you over it. Only, much more, in Britain's case. It may be splitting hairs, but they're very important hairs to quite a lot of people.

Speaking for Australians (which I can), we speak English. With Australian accents. We're just ... difficult about some things. If they're going on about people needing to learn "Australian", they're either: a) winding you up (leading you on), without ever giving it away, because that's no fun; or b) talking about "Strayan", which, see above, re: difficult (pain in the ass).

So. Um. What was the question?

Oh. Right. So I'd say that Americans speak English, with American accents/idioms. The English speak English with English accents. The Brits speak English with English, Scotish, Welsh or Northern Irish accents. Etc. Does that help?

wv: blatings. Grandiloquent blatherings with delusions of edification, which land with all the élan of cheesecake meeting pavement.

Nina May said...

Oh! Also, SueN, we humbly thank you for your sacrifice and selfless dedication to the cause of Leverage minutia.

*sits and tries to think of a Two Live Crew/fight scene question*

Um.... Was it ... does he ... um. Ah! How does wet!Eliot adapt his fighting technique to the different challenges of enclosed space/hot woman and open space/ambushed boring mooks? Well? Get to it! Uncle Collective Memory needs YOU!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Dawn/StL-MO said...

@Nina May
Above question should have read:
Many Americans think we speak English & Londoners speak English with a British accent, if you’re from the UK & speak English, what do you call the language we Americans speak?"

That depends what language you are speaking! If you're speaking Spanish, it's Spanish but if you're speaking English, it's American. Or more properly American English.

I'm hoping that you don't really think that Londoner=English=British.

msd said...

The teacher thanked Nate for bailing him out. Doesn't that mean there has to be an advertisement in the yellow pages or somewhere? How did he find Nate to bail him out??

I know John keeps saying that Nate is not a nice man, etc. but I do think he has a soft spot for Parker. I think the more Nate finds out about Parker's past there is a little bit of protectiveness. Then again, maybe I still hope there is some good in Nate Ford.

While I love happy endings the teacher just taking Josie on as a landscaping assistant was a little too neat...and somehow a little creepy. He just took the race car and the girl and was going back home to his family?? And Josie just blithely went along with him? There must have been a long conversation we weren't in on!

Then we have Eliot who doesn't want any publicity but drives a bright orange car? I would think he would want something a little less flashy.

ah, details, details!

wv: nuteralp - that other mountain

novamouse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Codger said...

While working as Nate's pit crew, Elliot's coverall patch read "J.D." which is okay, but Parker's cover identity was "Cliff"?

And I just thought of a question from the way-back machine. In the pilot Nate was about to fly out of Chicago, which happened to be where Sophie was living and Nate knew where she was working. Was Nate in Chicago to try to work up the nerve to go see Sophie and chickened out before Dubenich came to hire him?

SueN. said...

@Nina May, it will be SUCH a chore, but I'll drag myself back to Two Live Crew to study the adaptive processes of wet!Eliot. No sacrifice too great for the common good.

Y'all just … talk among yourselves. I may be a while. ;-)

Lily said...

thanks so much for answering our questions! (1) to what extent was the emp gun based on feasible technology? and (2) was Eliot truly upset with Parker? i wasn't sure how much was him deciding that he was sick and tired of her being crazy and untrustworthy as opposed to him just being understandably pissed about getting hit by a car and giving her shit because it *was* her fault. and (3) did Sophie's talk with Nate actually influence his decision to give Parker a break? or did he appreciate for himself how significant Parker's screwup was in terms of her interpersonal skills?

thanks again ... and congratulations on season 4! so very happy for you all, and (to be selfish) for all of us as well!

Nina May said...

Y'all just … talk among yourselves. I may be a while. ;-)

Take your time. With something this important, you can never be too meticulous. We're counting on you.

Dawn/StL-MO said...

John –
Marc Roskin did an outstanding job directing Boost Job! Dean tweeted the other day that we were in good hands with Marc directing the finale (instead of Dean directing). After seeing ‘Boost Job’ I predict : Dean Devlin’s insanity + Marc Roskin’s directing = phenomenal S3finale!!! Can’t wait.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a big risk of another "Cousin Jimmy" complication cropping up? With Penzer's history as a race driver, it would seem as though he'd have had the sources and connections to check out Nate's cover.

Unless Hardison finally figured out how to "hack a hick". *g*

(Okay, count me in with the "we need an 'edit' feature at" crowd)

Anonymous said...

Twice Parker says "Outta my way, you old bat!" and in the Gone Fishing Job the wallpaper on one of the computers Parker is using is a cat saying "Outta my way, you old bat!" Is this an in-joke with the writers?

ACK said...

Great episode. Few questions though because of the scene showing them stealing the (cops) cars:
1) Why did the car alarms not ring when the cars were initially stolen at the parking lot?

2) If they had the keys to begin with, why go through the scene of them breaking in and hotwiring the cars?

3) Why didn't the gun kill the big rig?

Thanks!! These flaws are kind of nagging at an otherwise great episode

Kate said...

Come to prostrate myself to the writers of Leverage on the internet this time, rather than the LeverageCon and it's haze of glory and hilarity. 1.) I was wondering if taking Hardison to steal an unstealable car was maybe Parker's idea of a date? She mentioned in the Juror #6 Job that if she made a friend she'd take them to steal a painting. Kind of like how I make mine watch Leverage. I was wondering what she thinks of as a date then. 2.) I've noticed that the episodes this season seem to have a pattern of highlighting individual characters or the relationship of two of them (i.e. The Studio Job being about Eliot, or the Gone-Fishin' job focusing on him and Hardison), and I was wondering if this episode was part of that pattern and if so who the focus was? Parker's seeing herself in Josie seemed certainly an important character growth point, but didn't quite seem the focus of the episode.

LDRydr said...

Great episode. Tell Paul B. the scene with the flying keys turned out great. Nothing like a good distraction to confuse the bad-guys right before a fight.

I'm surprised nobody has commented on the scene in which former Portland Trailblazers GM Kevin Pritchard plays one of Penzer's salesmen. While watching basketball on TV he says "But it's the playoffs", to which Penzer replies "Yeah, and it is about to be the LAYOFFS!". Great line (who thought it up?). And as Prichard was fired as GM not long after this filmed, it turned out to be a bit prophetic, too.

And can I just mention, as an extra who worked on this episode, that you have a really great crew of folks that are a blast to work for. I hope to see everybody again for Season 4. WOOT!

Keith R.A. DeCandido said...

There was a chance there to seriously screw with the team -- the original Cobra that Penzer was driving didn't have any electronics in it. Of course, it's completely plausible that Penzer would've tricked it out -- it could've even been a kit car that was made to resemble a Shelby Cobra or it could've been an original that Penzer added just an electric starter to to do the trick -- but it would've been amusing for Hardison to point the EMP and have absolutely nothing happen because the original model of the car predates vehicular electronics. :)

Excellent episode as ever, sir, and congrats on season 4!

woodburner said...

No questions, just wanted to say that "Get off the facebook!" line was hysterical.

Also? Parker and Hardison? In their badass black car thief get-ups? OMG SO HOT. Especially Parker with that hair and dramatic duster. UNF.

Anonymous said...

Can Hardison hack a PS3? The whole "hack anything with a battery thing" got me thinking of the deemed unhackable device.

Unknown said...

2 Questions:
1-Hardison hacked Sterling's car in the Two Horse Job, so why was he so freaked out when Parker asked him to do his thing on the one in the Boost Job?
2-If they had the keys, why did they have to break into all of those cars? Did they make the keys later, or yoink them from a valet board?

Just curious :). LOVE the show, I just can't turn off that part of my brain.


jill said...

As a fellow New Englander (from right next to Nashua... VERY weird to hear it called out in a national TV show), how badly did you want to rewrite, "Don't try to sell to a salesperson" to "Don't bullshit a bullshittah"?

I know, yeah, the FCC would have kittens...

StacyB said...

This is the Leverage I've been waiting to see this season. The other eps have felt a little ... all over the place. That could be a product of having to watch with commercials cutting up my show (dear TNT, reacquaint yourself with Netflix, plz.) But this episode was solid. Very solid. I like Kim's Leverage a lot. He gets a high five for morale and a job well done.

ChelseaNH said...

I'm in the mood to answer questions today.

@Oona:Is Parker sort of the "favored" baby of the family to him
I do think Nate's relationship with Parker is somewhat parental (see his confrontations with Archie), but he seems to be careful to deal with her as one professional to another. And as a professional, Parker knew she messed up. I think she was expecting Nate to chew her out when he called her over, and he saw that. As long as Parker knows she screwed up, Nate's job is done. So no need to belabor the point.

@Erin:is this actually going to affect how much he trusts her to stay professional in future cons?
Eliot knows Parker is unpredictable (e.g. The Stork Job), so his opinion is probably much the same as it ever was.

@SueN:Does she take Eliot literally, or does she clue in from watching the others (esp. Hardison) that, where the family is concerned, Big Bro's bark is worse than his bite?
If Parker ever felt Eliot was a physical threat, one or the other would no longer be on the team.

@Charlie:Also am I alone in thinking that Parker was "with" this Kelly guy at the time
I hope so. SHE WAS TWELVE!

@Amy:I've always wanted to see at least one of them show how they found the crew
Well, there was the Double Blind Job, but I suppose "by happy accident" is not the answer you were looking for...

ChelseaNH said...

@Anna:I thought she was exclusively a diamond thief when she joined up
We saw her stealing art while the team was on their break. She's too much about the money to specialize like that, I'd say.

@J:I'd like to thank the show for Sophie's racing outfit she wore earlier in the episode.
Vroom vroom indeed.

@msd:How did he find Nate to bail him out??
Maybe (probably) Nate found him.

@lily:was Eliot truly upset with Parker?
Why wouldn't he be? And why wouldn't he calm down after everyone was safe again?

@RevTrask:With Penzer's history as a race driver, it would seem as though he'd have had the sources and connections to check out Nate's cover.
But did A.J. Lucas ever claim to be a racer? Or just someone who could out-drive Penzer?

ChelseaNH said...

1) Why did the car alarms not ring when the cars were initially stolen at the parking lot?
Because they're better thieves than that.

2) If they had the keys to begin with, why go through the scene of them breaking in and hotwiring the cars?
They didn't have the keys to begin with. The current assumption is that they made copies, what with having access to a car dealership.

3) Why didn't the gun kill the big rig?
Presumably Eliot didn't aim it so it would hit the truck's electronics. Based on how Hardison needed Nate to line up on Veronica, it sounds like the pulse cannon has a fairly tight beam.

@Heather:1-Hardison hacked Sterling's car in the Two Horse Job, so why was he so freaked out when Parker asked him to do his thing on the one in the Boost Job?
Presumably Sterling's car didn't use a laser-cut, rolling code key.

Anonymous said...

This was a fabulous episode. I hadn't realised until watching this that seeing the team infiltrate high-tech offices etc was becoming just a little.... wearing is too strong a word, but I adored the freshness of a totally different and new setting. That's not to say I haven't enjoyed each and every episode to date because I have, but I did enjoy this very different setting.

As others have said, I was particularly appreciative of the group/family meal at the end. I also loved Eliot blowing smoke from his ray gun!

And SueN: you always have a way of cutting to the chase when it comes to identifying the *important* things in episodes. Wet!Eliot is definitely a highlight of this one.


Kevin said...

2nd @woodburner's comment on beth letting her hair grow long? it looks great!

ChelseaNH said...

Since the cars were stolen one day and delivered the next morning, Eliot had to continue suppressing the alarm systems every half hour, all through the night. No wonder he's so grumpy.

At the race track, Hardison reacts to Penzer's protest that no one could be his record by 15 seconds. Did the team put the bug on Penzer or his pit crew?

Did John Schneider coach Tim Hutton in whoopin' 'n' hollerin'?

Anonymous said...

NOTE: (somebody said) John has mentioned on numerous occasions that Parker has a mild case of Asperger's syndrome (an autism spectrum disorder)....(continues with details)

Parker does not have Asperger's syndrome. I think Rogers mentioned once (or maybe twice) that he thought that she might have it. But she doesn't, for the same reasons that Lisbeth Salander does not have Asperger's syndrome. Although various commentators speculated that Salander did, Asperger's experts insisted she did not. And it's the same type of situation with Parker. Parker is the product of growing up without a social support system and being so far outside the box that she can't even see the box. That's all. It's very different. So, for example, her responses to Hardison's vacation suggestions (what will we steal?) are simply representative of how she has experienced the world so far. She has always been in survival mode up until very recently. This is completely different from a person with Asperger's syndrome whose brain literally cannot think outside a very small box. Apples and oranges. With razors.

Kris said...

Missed it on Sunday; finally got it through my cable's On Demand tonight. My favorite episode of this season since The Inside Job, I think. So Parkertastic. It's interesting how she, more than anyone except maybe Nate, can so consistently throw everyone else on the team off-balance, even Hardison (I LOVED his "Hey, nobody's gonna kill anybody... or Nate's gonna kill you.").

Twenty pounds of crazy in a five pound bag is one thing, and already lots of fun, but seeing how the extra fifteen pounds keep spilling over and affecting others (beyond mere amusement or bemusement) is what not only makes Parker a great character, but Leverage a great team show.

This episode made me think of what you (Rogers) said more than once on the DVD commentaries about the right way(s) for things to go wrong for the team. This was one of the best Leverage setbacks ever because it came from such a character-perfect mistake. I liked that it wasn't a gesture of arrogance or rebellion, just a slip-up that made total sense for Parker to consider insignificant when it occurred to her.

For Eliot to regard it as utterly unsurprising ("I KNEW it!") was perfect in at least three ways: as a continuity nod for Leverage devotees (and particularly Parker-philes), as a reminder of Eliot's tactical mindset, and as a way of showing/reminding us that being a team isn't just about badassery resultant from the "greater than the sum of its parts" rule but about those relationships and rhythms and surprises-that-shouldn't-really-be-surprises. For me, at least, that sense of "of course you did" made the getaway shout-fest not only very funny, but also a satisfying dramatic climax to the character thread of the story. And Parker's relieved smile when she realized Nate wasn't going to rip into her was a perfect cap and seal.

I did not expect Bill Engvall to be that good.

Nice touch that in one line Kane/Eliot was able to convey his resentment about Sophie's previous ribbing ("I KNOW she's doing NLP; you don't have to lecture ME of all people--damn her and her tea").

Also, not to take anything away from Parker wearing black on black on black with a long coat (long coats make everything better), or from the ladies' appreciation of wet!Eliot, but wow, Ms. Bellman and the Leverage make-up and wardrobe teams really turned up the sexy for Sophie on this ep.

Random question: That accent Sophie used when she was getting the dealership owners out of town--I guess I'd call it her go-to American accent? Is it supposed to be region-specific? Just curious. I don't have a great grasp on that sort of thing, and that's just one of my favorite Sophie voices. Something about it is very... not exactly calming or soothing, but reassuring, I guess? Definitely a voice you want to trust.

Thanks as always for the ep, and thanks as always for reading/replying to our questions and miscellaneous ramblings.

D' Lan 88 said...

really cool ep! questions: 1) when did eliot zapped the cars with the gun thingy? was it when they were on their way to rescue sophie and nate? coz his clothes should be wet that time, and where was hardison?
2) whose car was it, nate's or eliot's? 3) what kind of car was nate and penzer driving?

Anonymous said...

i was just wondering why the name "penzer" was used so much is it someone from the shows name?

Kris said...

I know it's already been asked but:

That car hit - CK? Really?

Now an actual question: With CK doing things like that, how does your insurance company not have KITTENS every episode?

(I did like the start up sequence thing - my dad has a Prius and when we needed a third key it was $ridiculous to get one programed by the dealer, but lo, you could order blanks online and get them cut at a normal key shop, and then you just had to put it in the car and go through a truly silly feeling series of key turn, door open, shift, pedals, etc. to program the key for the car.) (This is for the 2002 Prius, which uses an actual key with an electronic component, not the newer ones with the little boxy key.)

Cara B. said...

1) This is the only TV show I'm keeping up on while on my four month stint in Chile and I'm extremely happy that I am. :)
2) This episode was hilarious! I loved the Eliot/Parker yipping banter in the car. Pure goodness. :) And the "Nate's gonna kill you" line from Hardison was unbelievably good.
3) Question 1: How hurt is Eliot? I mean, really? The dude gets shot at (but escapes) and then gets hit by a car, dumped into a (probably cold) bay, beats more dudes up, and then just chills with a beer? I know he's tough, but he's not quite Superman.
4) Question 2: What is with Nate's hat/beret? It seems to be universal (i.e. he uses it for shady/good characters) but it's not exactly flattering.. ;)
5) Please, keep it up. Oh, and thanks for it all. :D

Anonymous said...

Finally got to see this episode. Great job all around but one GIANT problem.. VIN Number.... Really??

It's a VIN. Vehicle Identification Number. You don't hear Parker talking about getting the PIN Number or cracking an ATM Machine do you?

Sorry, just a HUGE pet peeve of mine. As you were...

Anonymous said...

First off - just like everyone else says - You (collective Leverage folk) are Gods and you, Mr Rogers, are utterly fantastic to let all of us badger you when you are obviously extremely busy.

Thank you

I thought that this was the first time Eliot ran away from the bad guys (and quite warranted, as they had many guns and his batman armour wasn't on, but then I watched the Studio job again. ;o) Pretty sure those screaming girls qualified as bad guys.

Again, thank you for sharing. I absolutely LOVE this show.


R. Earl Grant said...

Can't say enough good things about the show and this forum. Thanks to you all.

I had to log in to ask if the race between Nate and Engvall is an homage to the race in the "Never Send a Boy King to do a Man's Job" of the Rockford files. If so, I thought it was very well done. This show is done with so much craft and dare I say love that references and homages come across sincerely.

I am not looking forward to the fall hiatus.

BTW: It's not really fair of you to say things like "Gina has a magnificently filthy story about what happened when she recorded a series of radio advertisements for a newspaper in England. Pray you are lucky enough to hear it before you die."

What amount of top shelf liquor do I have to send to whom to buy such luck?

TRS-80 said...

The aliases used by Parker and Hardison really stumped me (Danielle and Major). I thought for sure they'd be a "Gone in 60 Seconds" reference, or at least an old Steve McQueen movie, but no luck as yet. Any hints?

JGossard said...

Hardison has hacked cars before. In the horse episode in season 1 he messed with Sterling's car & in the Two Live Crew Job him & Chaos set of the car alarms in the parking lot. So why was he so hesitent to hack the car him & Parker were suppose to boost? Did he think he couldn't do it? Did Parker catch him off guard when she said she can't boost it & that she expected him to do it? Was he too nervous & felt the pressure since they had to do it in 2 min? Was it because he was unfamiliar with the model or the specs of the car?

Monica said...

Oooh, Leverage has been renewed? That just made my evening! Congratulations!

I just wanted to say that this episode made me very glad that I have the car I do. While just about any car thief could steal my car, I doubt there's much of a market for stolen 10-year-old minivans. Also, will Hardison's sonic car gun ever show up again?

escort barcelona said...

Goodness, there is a lot of useful data here!

Anonymous said...

obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan
obat ambeien // obat kutil kemaluan

Anonymous said...

Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?

Anonymous said...

Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.

Unknown said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Unknown said...

Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,

Unknown said...

Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.

Unknown said...

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.

Unknown said...

Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu AmbeclearAmbeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia

Unknown said...

Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan

Unknown said...

Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************

Unknown said...

Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan

Unknown said...

penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.

Unknown said...

Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas

Unknown said...

Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur

obar herbal manjur alami said...

alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami

Anonymous said...

yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..

Unknown said...

شركة رش مبيدات بالدمام

شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام

شركة مكافحة الصراصير ببقيق

شركة مكافحة الصراصير بعنك

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شركة مكافحة الصراصير براس تنورة

شركة مكافحة الصراصير بسيهات

شركة مكافحة الصراصير بالخبر

شركة مكافحة الصراصير بالدمام

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum wr.wb, Salam Sehat semuanya. numpang komen ya gan.

Unknown said...

 Apabila menemukan ada daging atau seperti Kutil yang tumbuh di area kemaluan atau alat ...

Anonymous said...

Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Sipilis
Obat Kencing Nanah Manjur
Obat Kencing Nanah Manjur
Obat Kencing Nanah Manjur
Obat Kencing Nanah Manjur
Obat Kencing Nanah Paling Ampuh
Obat Kencing Nanah Paling Ampuh
Obat Kencing Nanah Paling Ampuh
Obat Kencing Nanah Paling Ampuh
Obat Kencing Nanah Pria
Obat Kencing Nanah Pria
Obat Kencing Nanah Pria
Obat Kencing Nanah Pria
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil

Unknown said...

Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
Obat Sipilis De Nature
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Tanda-tanda Peyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria

Unknown said...

Obat Tradisional Untuk Gejala Wasir
Mengobati Wasir Dengan Buah
Mengobati Wasir Dengan Bawang Merah
Mengobati Wasir Dengan Bengkoang
Gambir Untuk Obat Wasir
Obat Generik Untuk Mengobati Wasir
Obat Untuk Gejala Wasir
Obat Untuk Gatal Wasir
Cara Mengobati Benjolan Wasir
Cara Mengobati Wasir Dengan Bahan Alami
Www.Ciri-Ciri Penyakit Sipilis
Ciri-Ciri Terkena Penyakit Sifilis Pada Wanita
Penyakit Sipilis
Penyakit Sipilis Pada Wanita
Penyakit Sipilis Adalah
Penyakit Sipilis Pada Pria
Penyakit Sipilis Pria
Penyakit Sipilis Bisa Sembuh
Penyakit Sipilis Lelaki
Penyakit Sipilis Wanita

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