Oh, they are so rocking the Torchwood right there, aren't they?
Oh my god, the streams just crossed.
Also, the Leverage team would be way better at Torchwood's job than Torchwood actually is. You know this. Though, I would pay good money to see Tosh and Hardison onscreen together.
Oh honey... Sarah Jane Smith and the kids are actually way better than Torchwood, at Torchwood's job. They save the world in 22 minutes and with no guns.
(That said, I'd like to see Hardison take a crack at mr Smith someday.)
Gwen? Really, Rogers? Really? Gwen? I mean, I have nothing against Gwen in theory, but why have Gwen when you can have Tosh? Or even Jack? Everyone loves Jack. Everyone.
And Children of Earth was amazing. Mostly. The ending was just kind of muddled and contradictory.
I love pics like this. They also drive me crazy, because I start wondering what's going on in that episode! Have to wait till sometime in winter to find out.
You know, of all the people I'd love to see on Leverage as bad guys, John Barrowman never occurred to me. Now, of course it must happen. We should add him to the wishlist, right up there with Patrick Stewart and Alan Cumming. (And Avery Brooks, while we're rounding out Star Trek actors. also: Gates McFadden. And Michael Dorn.)
And while I'm here, congratulations on a Season 4 pick up! I know I know...it was mentioned by someone else on the Gone Fishing post. But. CONGRATULATIONS!! Here's to taking down more snakes in suits (or camo...)
It looks the tiniest bit like Parker is holding a sonic screwdriver, too. Just saying.
I am adding my vote for John Barrowman as a baddie on Leverage. Have they done a theatre job yet? Cause I'm sure you could come up with something good. Maybe he could be running a porn movie company using impressionable girls/boys from his theatre company or something.
Question...have you seen Steven Moffatt's Sherlock yet? Because it is fantastic.
Mr. Rogers, thank you so much for also having a "Gwen problem" as you put it. I'm not much of a fan either, although she was a bit more enjoyable in Children of Earth.
This picture is just priceless. I want to do a side by side comparison now.
And for Tara O'Shea, you are absolutely right about Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde, and Maria!
I was just discussing the other day about Eliot fighting Worf! I flashed back to the Nigerian Job and it was quite funny!
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? KutilPadaKepalaPenismiripbungakolataujengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
Only, you know... BETTER.
(this is me, making happy sounds of glee.)
They are adorable!!!
"The 21st Century is when everything changes... and ya gotta be ready."
It certainly looks like Parker and Hardison are set to kick some Weevil ass.
Oh, they are so rocking the Torchwood right there, aren't they?
Oh my god, the streams just crossed.
Also, the Leverage team would be way better at Torchwood's job than Torchwood actually is. You know this. Though, I would pay good money to see Tosh and Hardison onscreen together.
Oh honey... Sarah Jane Smith and the kids are actually way better than Torchwood, at Torchwood's job. They save the world in 22 minutes and with no guns.
(That said, I'd like to see Hardison take a crack at mr Smith someday.)
Looking QUITE badass. Niiice!
Oh dang... fangirl overload. How awesome would it be if Barrowman was a baddy next season. He was pretty sinister on Desperate Housewives.
I'll have no Torchwood bashing. CHILDREN OF EARTH was amazing, and I have a serious ... Gwen problem.
Also: River Song = Captain Jack after a sex-change.
Gwen? Really, Rogers? Really? Gwen? I mean, I have nothing against Gwen in theory, but why have Gwen when you can have Tosh? Or even Jack? Everyone loves Jack. Everyone.
And Children of Earth was amazing. Mostly. The ending was just kind of muddled and contradictory.
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Thanks for posting the fun picture, such a great looking couple...
Very Torchwood. Two of my favorites mashed into one very cool picture.
I love pics like this. They also drive me crazy, because I start wondering what's going on in that episode! Have to wait till sometime in winter to find out.
That's funny...I have a problem with Gwen, too. Oh, wait. That's not how he meant it.
Great photo, tho.
You know, of all the people I'd love to see on Leverage as bad guys, John Barrowman never occurred to me. Now, of course it must happen. We should add him to the wishlist, right up there with Patrick Stewart and Alan Cumming. (And Avery Brooks, while we're rounding out Star Trek actors. also: Gates McFadden. And Michael Dorn.)
Part 3 coming too? Don't forget the rest of your cast!
@Keith, Michael Dorn? Now I so wanna see Eliot fight Worf!
@SueN.: Yes! With "bat'leths"!
Gorgeous on-screen sorta-couple-to-be!
And while I'm here, congratulations on a Season 4 pick up! I know I know...it was mentioned by someone else on the Gone Fishing post. But. CONGRATULATIONS!! Here's to taking down more snakes in suits (or camo...)
It looks the tiniest bit like Parker is holding a sonic screwdriver, too. Just saying.
I am adding my vote for John Barrowman as a baddie on Leverage. Have they done a theatre job yet? Cause I'm sure you could come up with something good. Maybe he could be running a porn movie company using impressionable girls/boys from his theatre company or something.
Question...have you seen Steven Moffatt's Sherlock yet? Because it is fantastic.
Mr. Rogers, thank you so much for also having a "Gwen problem" as you put it. I'm not much of a fan either, although she was a bit more enjoyable in Children of Earth.
This picture is just priceless. I want to do a side by side comparison now.
And for Tara O'Shea, you are absolutely right about Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde, and Maria!
I was just discussing the other day about Eliot fighting Worf! I flashed back to the Nigerian Job and it was quite funny!
So you're excited about the new ten hour Torchwood serial, then?
Oh my god, the streams just crossed.
I wish I had said that.
BTW, if you were to have John Barrowman on "Leverage" as a guest villain, I would completely lose. my. mind.
I absolutely match with anything you've printed.
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This was a fantastic article. Really loved reading your we blog post. The information was very informative and helpful...
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dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
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Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
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Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
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