Saturday, April 14, 2007

I Sense Your Confusion, TIME ...

... as to "Who Can Say What?". Allow me to clarify:

Cackling, rich old white men are not allowed to call innocent hard-working scholarship girls "nigger whores."

Didn't think that was so hard, but ... hey. Glad to be of help.

The article inside this issue of TIME, by James Poniewozik, is a magnificent piece of wankery. It starts:

But we also live in a culture in which racially and sexually edgy material is often — legitimately — considered brilliant comment, even art. Last year's most critically praised comedy, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, won Sacha Baron Cohen a Golden Globe for playing a Kazakh journalist who calls Alan Keyes a "genuine chocolate face" and asks a gun-shop owner to suggest a good piece for killing a Jew. Quentin Tarantino has made a career borrowing tropes from blaxploitation movies. In the critics-favorite sitcom The Sarah Silverman Program, the star sleeps with God, who is African American and who she assumes is "God's black friend." And the current season of South Park opened with an episode about a Michael Richards-esque controversy erupting when a character blurts the word niggers on Wheel of Fortune. (He answers a puzzle — N-GGERS — for which the clue is "People who annoy you"; the correct answer is "naggers.")

It launches on from that for about four pages of discussion, but then lands on, second to last paragraph:

You might say that there's no excuse and that I'm as big a hypocrite as Imus' defenders for suggesting that there is one. Which may be true. That's finally why "Where's the line?" is a misleading question. There are as many lines as there are people. We draw and redraw them by constantly arguing them. This is how we avoid throwing out the brilliance of a Sacha Baron Cohen — who offends us to point out absurdities in our society, not just to make "idiot comments meant to be amusing" — with a shock jock's dirty bathwater. It's a draining, polarizing but necessary process.

That's ... separated by four pages of writing? That's the WHOLE BLOODY POINT. All the people in his own example are using those transgressive phrases in a context. Even if you don't agree with the validity of the context, it still exists. Silverman, as magnificently over-rated as she is, is mocking her own racism. Borat is not supposed to be an admirable human. South Park is examining the ramifications of racist speech in modern society. The context justifies their use of the imagery. To pretend you need to explore other points before arriving at that conclusion is just justifying your penny-per-word count. Imus may have said "nappy-headed", but that's "nigger", plain and simple. To call someone a nigger without a context, even a half-assed one, is just racism. Period. And much like porn, we all know it when we see it.

At least the Poniewozick sensed the need for value in transgressive statements here, but is hampered by his own misunderstanding of how humor, at least in America, works:

Imus uses jokes to establish his power, in other words. He's hardly the only humorist to do that. But making jokes about difference — race, gender, sexual orientation, the whole list — is ultimately about power. You need to purchase the right to do it through some form of vulnerability, especially if you happen to be a rich, famous white man. But the I-Man — his radio persona, anyway — is not about vulnerability. (The nickname, for Pete's sake: I, Man!) That's creepy enough when he's having a big-name columnist kiss his ring; when he hurled his tinfoil thunderbolts at a team of college kids, it was too much. "Some people have said, 'Well, he says this all the time,'" Rutgers' team captain Carson told TIME. "But does that justify the remarks he's made about anyone?"

Almost, but no. Humorists don't use jokes to establish power. We use jokes to steal power. We use jokes to steal power from the audience. We use jokes to steal power from smarter, better looking people. We use jokes to steal power from powerful men and women, politicians and celebrities. I do believe that this balance, these scales are hardwired into us culturally. This is why we tolerate celebrity-bashing humor -- the comedian is our proxy in levelling the playing field. "Britney may be rich and beautiful but she's still a redneck" ... and therefore not better than I am. This is also why shock humor tends to work. The boundaries of polite, acceptable behaviour are set by society, which is immensely powerful. When you break those boundaries, you are stealing power from society at large. It does help, however, if you have a larger purpose in mind than petty larceny.

The power relationship is why you need to be self-effacing -- if you're not in a power negative position, you're kind of breaking the contract. A stand-up doing jokes about his wife running his life gets laughs from men, who feel (wrongly, but hey) that their wives have more control of their lives than they do. He gets laughs from women because by complaining about the situation the comic is in fact confirming the woman's superior position as the status quo. He has stolen power for the woman ... by insulting her. Tricky, eh?

(On a side note -- why don't many conservatives think Colbert and Stewart are funny? Because they're not. They're not stealing power from the right people for the conservative mindset, because for them power belongs to a different set of people (Same with liberals, by the way, just flip the framework). Rush is funny because he transgresses against the powerful media and politicians and Others who may be nameless, but they must be more powerful than I am, or why else would I be struggling to pay my bills and YOU GET 'EM, RUSH ...)

I think this is the key to understanding why the Rutgers incident suddenly brought the whole Imus parade to a halt. The guy's been a frikkin' cretin for years, and this was really not that different objectively -- you really have to listen to the whole thing, by the way, to get that this was a good solid chunk of time dumping on these young women, not just the magnificently constructed "nappy-headed hos" sound bite. McGuirk in particular is just hateful ... Anyway, why this comment and why now?

For all these years, Imus stayed, barely, on the right side of the power equation. Always gone after public figures, or his bosses ...

... but then he screwed up. He didn't steal power, he used it. Used it to say just shitty things about people who, in our minds, just didn't deserve it. He broke the power equation. And when he did, we balked, even if we don't quite understand why this one got under our skin. The wiring goes both ways. It's actually heartening, because it confirms one of the admirable things about American society at large:

America loves a rebel.

America loves a bad boy.

But America hates a fucking bully.

Is this the start of a sea change? I don't know. Some people are even distressed at all the attention being paid to this -- after all, he's a shock jock, he says shocking things, why are we doing the victory dance? I don't know about that. People lump all shock jocks together, never realizing the damage context-less bullies do while skating under the radar of other funny shock-jocks. These guys have gotten a pass for a long time, like our racist, drunk uncle at Thanksgiving. At some point you have to slam your beer down on the coffee table and say "That's not cool." Not everybody will agree with you, and your mom will accuse you of ruining the shared fiction of the family holiday, and let's face it, you're not really going to change anything ... but you know it's the right thing to do.


Rob Pugh said...

I agree with a lot of what you say, both here, and 99% of the time... but [there's always one of those, yeah?]... this bit - "Imus may have said "nappy-headed", but that's "nigger", plain and simple" - rings kind of untrue, to me leastways.

Nigger, as a word is so imbued with hatred and history, to say that nappy-headed is an equivalent is kind of a stretch, and to start down the road of saying "Well, he may have said 'this' but what he really means is 'that' and this is what that REALLY means" seems to require some serious cognitive and assumptive leaps. [sorry for that tortured sentence]

But what do I know? I'm living in Japan right now, and despite surfing the 'net, oh, constantly, my finger is far removed from the pulse. I'm still not entirely sure why Imus got the huge spotlight he has, given just the sheer vastness of hateful tripe on the radio and in the media.

The power dynamic is a pretty fascinating way to look at comedy, though like you say, the whole notion of who really has power and who deserves to be knocked down a peg or two is endlessly subjective and complex.

In a purely abstract way, it kinda depresses me to give it a lot of thought, as it makes comedy just another way to assert power over others.

Comedians may be stealing power, but all that stolen power has to go somewhere, yeah? In a way, isn't the comedian establishing power in a way? I mean, when I dig on Stewart and Colbert, part of that appeal is admiring just how clever THEY are as opposed to the politicians they skewer.

Like when you don't have the power to drop bombs like GWShrub, you gain power by showing how dumb he is and thereby showing your intellectual superiority.

All this power dynamic stuff does explain why Dennis Miller isn't funny anymore. To me, anyways.

Sorry for the rambling. It's Sat Nite and whiskey is my friend. Keep up the great blogging!

Joshua James said...

Bill Maher said much the same thing, that comedy is speaking the truth to power, and Imus didn't do that, he degraded those not in power and it was a mistake, though I don't know why his partner in crime isn't roasted equally, if not more . . . why isn't the other guy meeting Sharpton or the team?

But I don't believe Imus was the worse . . . I hope he's just the beginning and not some sacrificial lamb to the social fabric of acceptable behavior, I mean . . . Beck is almost as bad, O'Reilly is worse, Hannity is worse . . . Savage is worse . . .

Coulter just recently criticized the genocide in Darfur for TAKING TOO LONG, for fuck's sake . . .

Anonymous said...

This is the best analysis of the Imus affair I've seen anywhere.

I hope someone with a bigger megaphone gives it some eyes and airtime.

Teddy said...

Masterful piece of business as always.

moleboy said...

Gun Toting Liberal is trying to turn this into a first amendment issue.
Of course, what he forgets is that the first amendment gives you the right to say what you want.
Not the right to get paid for it.
Not the right to an audiance.

IMHO, the whole thing has worked EXACTLY like it is supposed to work.
Unacceptable thing said in media.
Public reacts.
Advertisers react.
Station looks at $$$.
Bad man go bye bye.

nolo said...

Brilliant analysis. Thank you. As for rob pugh's objection to equating "nappy headed" with "nigger," I refer rob and anyone else who's confused by this to Pam Spaulding's enlightening post on the racial politics of hair.

Unknown said...

I've got to go with Pam here. The problem is, Rob -- and lovely comment, by the way -- is that there's no other context for "nappy-headed". It's plainly meant as a judgment of inferiority of either appearance or implied social class, when you look at it in context fo the rest of the conversation -- oh hell, let's not get fancy here. It was an old guy looking to say "scary black people." That's "nigger." It's not like the phrase is being pulled from a random, unrelated sentence.

And yes, I agree, humorists are establishing power, but my point is rather that the in American society it seems like we only accept that process as long as the power equation is satisfied in some way. And no, I have no idea if I'm right. But I'l take the shot.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the correct way of putting it is: in American society, humor works not by "stealing power," but by "equalizing perceived power."

Sadly, that phrase doesn't sound nearly as funny.

Anonymous said...

Nicely put... I've found it weird that all the rhubarb seems to be only that Imus said "nappy-headed" (not much being said about him calling them "hoes") and that no one is bothering to actually go back and look at what he and his Cro-mag friend ("jigaboo"?... Christ on a Crutch, where'd he dig this guy up from?) said.

In a nutshell, he was lauding the nice girls from Tennessee for showing the ghetto whores their place... which is just plain un-American on so many levels. One of them being that you don't attack the underdog, and you sure as Hell don't kick 'em when they're down.

At least it was un-American in the ideal of America I was brought up to believe in...

Anonymous said...

Oh geez.

When will this end?!!?

When You Let Loose The Dogs Of War, Don’t Fucking Cry When They Turn On You And Bite Your Smug-Ass Face Off

Goddammit! Knock It The Fuck Off Already!

Maybe When We Surrendered To Crybabies About Speech?

Civility, Decency, And Democracy? You Don’t Know The Meaning Of Those Words!

Oh For Christ’s Sake! Shut Up Already!

First Apologize For Being A Gutless Eejit, Then...

>>>We tend to forget that slang words like nappy-headed and ho are just codewords invented by one group of people so that they can communicate in front of another group of people without them knowing what is being said.

How old are you?! Did you ever see Eddie Murphy doing "How To Be A Ho" on SNL?!

Joshua James said...

The difference between Eddie Murphy, or to make it current, Dave Chappelle, is that when Chappelle makes the nappy-ho jokes, he's not bullying them, per se . . . he's referencing his whole culture, and therefore speaking truth to power . . . the power of the black culture over a single black man.

In a sense, his audience has the power to shut Chappelle down at any time for referencing them, so it's different than the Imus thing.

The Imus thing is relative to five rich white guys hanging together telling black jokes to each other . . . the subjects being assaulted have no voice in correcting it . . . that's the difference being Imus and Chappelle, that I can see.

There's that and also, when Chappelle makes the jokes, they're actually FUNNY, which I don't know that can be said of Imus.

Personally, I don't mind that Imus was fired, but I'd rather he'd a been fired for something other than this, like, just being a dick in general, rather than just this one comment.

Sharpton is as full of shit as anyone, and has his own history of racist and bigoted comments, but Al has made a point of stating that this is not just about Imus but about hate speech as practiced for PROFIT by many folks, be they right wing pundits or rap stars . . . and Al has said that Imus and anyone can say whatever they want, freedom of expression is crucial, but we are just as free not to buy their products or advertise on their shows . . . can't say I disagree with that, really.

Imus can say whatever he wants . . . but public airways don't have to air it, if enough folks object, and we don't have to buy from his advertisers . . . Not a fan of Sharpton, but I like the point he made there.

Catherine Crier just did a breakdown of the hall of bigoted idiots, Beck front and center, it's on Crooks and Liars, John . . .

Unknown said...

Kind of missing the point here, Mike. Common sense is usually enough to tell the difference between subversion and bullying. IN this case, it's so plain as to even affect our sleepy populace on the atavistic lizard brain level.

Seriously, if you can't tell the difference between Imus calling a bunch of specific ACTUALLY LIVING AND BREATHING individuals names and slurs, demeaning them and their impressive accomplishments, and Eddie Murphy doing black culture jokes, then there's no point to discussion. NO, it's NOT an equal playing ground. But the unequal playing ground tends to favor us white guys 99.999999% of the time, so really, it's just childish for the self-righteous bitching about freedom of speech. Oh, no, I don't get to use the word "nigger" without consequence. I'll take the trade for not being pulled over for DWB and not suffering other racist indignities for my entire life. Seriously, I'm okay with that trade-off.

This is capitalism, folks. It's not a free speech issue, because the government isn't involved. It just so happens the money equation chnged while Imus wasn't looking. Poor baby. Two decades of getting rich off racial and sexual slurs. Not my fault if he didn't save up for the rainy, rainy day when America's living room decided to ask Uncle Don to stop saying that shit over the turkey and stuffing.

Booga said...

Just for starters. I love your blog and do value your opinions. I was a little disappointed to find this was your opinion of the matter. I do think it was a stupid thing for him to say, but that is his right and think the consequences are a little extreme. To all of the people it offends, I am curious who of them even listen to his program (by the way I don't).

You mentioned a uncle at holidays. The difference is that you have the choice to listen to this program.

Joshua James said...

The difference is that you have the choice to listen to this program.

You missed the point, too. We do have a choice and that's the reason Imus was fired . . . because those that employed him realized that, as a result of this bone-headed remark, a WHOLE LOT of people who had listened were going to stop listening . . . which was gonna cost them money . . .

Rob Pugh said...

For nolo, who said "objection to equating "nappy headed" with "nigger," I refer rob and anyone else who's confused"...

Well, I'm not really "confused" cause I disagree/object, I just disagree :)

From John - "there's no other context for "nappy-headed". It's plainly meant as a judgment of inferiority of either appearance or implied social class"

That's probably absolutely true for this context, but when you say there's no other context, I'ma hafta disagree.

I mean, I grew up in a southern town in NC with pretty big black/African American population, lots of ethnic mix in high school, best friend was/is half black, half Japanese, couple college roomates up north who were black [yes, "I have black friends" always sounds INCREDIBLY lame, but hey - context] and I can't even begin to count the number of times I've heard "nappy headed" or "napped up" in a huge variety of situations.

And just given all that, I'm just saying I don't think it's the same as calling somebody a nigger.

And thanks for calling my comment "lovely." I've clearly mastered this whole "Internet" thing and now will move on to world domination.

If I can find a clean pair of socks.

James said...


Both teams had black girls on them.

He called the Tennesee girls cute.

I'm not defending the statement. It was stupid. To which Imus agreed it was and apologized for it.

Let he who pretends to be perfect call himself Al Sharpton.

Anonymous said...

But America hates a fucking bully.

If only that were true. And maybe it was once, and will be again.

I do think it was a stupid thing for him to say, but that is his right

Sure, but he doesn't have a "right" to say it on the airwaves, or get paid for it. His advertisers have a right to bail, and his employers have a right to fire him.

He has a right to say whatever he wants, but he doesn't have a right to a megaphone.

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree one place. America loves bullies. bush the younger only being the most recent example (albeit maybe one of the worst and most disgusting examples).

Otherwise, you're spot on.

I spent some hours driving around my radio impoverished area on Friday and had to listen to fox sports radio's favorite redneck in residence, criag shemon, whine and mewl for almost four hours how tragic and important this Imus situation is.

He's wrong so many ways it's ridiculous.

And Mike also made an excellent point in follow-ups. This is capitalism from the network's viewpoint. Imus's career is over. Even if they kept him, who would want to be seen with him (aside from dick cheney and a host of other republicans)? The sponors didn't want to be there anymore and I am sure whoever produced that show shot themself after hearing Imus shoot off his ignorant mouth one time too many. Imus had no future.

I wonder how many of the people who think this is a first ammendment issue would put their money behind a new Imus national show? As stupid as those people making that argument are, I'm betting most of them would pass on that opportunity.

Nice piece. Well done.

Andrew Steven Harris said...

Wow. Spot on. As a journalist, I'm always amazed to read a high-profile article that doesn't understand the simple, basic nature of the story. Borat and South Park are okay because they're making fun of racists. Imus was just being racist.

And yeah -- calling someone a "nappy-headed ho" simply because they're black no different than calling someone a "hook-nosed money-lender" simply because they're Jewish. That it's racist should be dumbfoundingly obvious.

duncanralston said...

were you serious about limbaugh? do you really find him funny and colbert unfunny? that's the real issue here.
there's nothing wrong with saying somebody has nappy hair. it's like saying someone has a big nose, or is fat, skinny, short, homely, etc.
we are really blowing this issue out of proportion, and providing more fodder to the real racists. you know, the ones who'll now use the downfall of imus and michael richards as excuses to be racist.
and why was not much said about "grey's" isaiah washington's "fag" comments? because it's a cultural thing for black men to be homophobic?
3 words: white liberal guilt.

cringing2 said...

"America hates a fucking bully"

Did I miss something here? America is a bully and Americans are proud of that.

What was that John Stuart Mill quote again?

Unknown said...

Yes, he called the tennessee girls cute. And when he insulted the perfectly nice, pleasant, hard-working Rutgers girls, he used multiple phrases oriented around their "gorilla-like" appearance, culminating in "nappy-headed ho." But I"m sure that was completely just innocent context-less words he picked. he could just have easily, almost randomly picked "White-trash trailer-park honky cock-suckers." Sheer random chance he stumbled over to the nappy-headed hos side. Toss of the coin, really.

Seriously, what the fuck are the standards for you people? He didn't insult ALL black girls so it's not a big deal. (That's the second dumbest "gotcha" I have witnessed in 48 hours, and I particularly liekd the smug "ta-da" delivery. Your Kung Fu is not strong.) Rappers say "ho", so Imus can too, even though he uses it in a different context. Al Sharpton plays the race card, so Imus can never be judged for what he says, ever.

Listen, there's a very simple test here -- if Imus said that about your daughter, you'd punch him in the fucking throat. If he said it about somebody else's daughter in your living room, you'd throw him out. If you wouldn't then that's your problem, not mine. Does this mean he isn;t allowed to say those things? Of course not. Go ahead. But when the hell was somebody ever obliged to pay him for saying those things? I always chuckle when so-called conservatives are stunned when the free market actually lurches into action before their very eyes.

Rob: Yes, sadly "I have black friends" is precisely as lame as you admit. There's ALWAYS a matter of context. There are things I say to Tyrone that if I said to a random black person on the street, they'd be offended, and rightfully so. It doesn't matter that there are other contexts in which "nappy-headed ho" isn't racist. What matters is Imus' context. There are contexts in whicgh a loaded gun is not threatening. What counts is whether it's pointed at my head at the time.

duncanralston: No, of course I don't find Rush funnier than Colbert. My point was that humor is cognitive, and often not just a matter of opinion but mental hardwiring.

Saying someone has nappy hair is one thing. Saying it in the middle of mentioning how those people look like burly gorillas -- related to a common "monkey" racial slur -- is another. Saying I have a big nose is true. Saying I'm a big-nosed Jew is racist. I am not going to type the word "context" again, because apparently some of you people have some sort of brain injury which just causes static to appear when that assembly of letters sprawls across the page.

Anyone who uses richards or Imus' downfall "as an excuse to be racist" is out of luck, because there's no excuse to be racist. What the FUCK does that even mean?

"Look at those niggers."

"Dude, that's racist."

"Hey, man, look what they did to Don Imus!"

"... I'm sorry. What?"

"And Michael Richards!"

"You're ... still racist."

If somebody's dumb enough to think that excuses their racism, I doubt we had a chance to correct his behaviour through a more tolerant examination of those cases. Because that person is indeed a dumb. Fucking. racist.

Washington actually did cause quite a stir (See Americablog, actually), but he's not a nationally syndicated radio host who's paid to talk, and associates with powerful Washington DC figures. And again, I think the reason people freaked out was not even so much for the racism, but because this was plainly just nasty, un-American bullying of people who didn't deserve it.

You know the only people who throw around the phrase "white liberal guilt"? The people who want to convince themselves that their racism is somehow ennobled, because at least they're not being dishonest or craven and hypocritical. People who want to make their selfishness or narcissism into a virtue instead of a character flaw.

3 words: smug clueless cracker with an unjustified self-indulgent persecution complex.

Okay, spot me the extra 7. It's late.

Andrew Steven Harris said...

duncanralston said...
there's nothing wrong with saying somebody has nappy hair. it's like saying someone has a big nose, or is fat, skinny, short, homely, etc.

Does this really need to be pointed out here?: The women's hair wasn't nappy. "Nappy" means fuzzy, kinky, excessively curly. Here's a picture of them in action:

Do you see any "nap"?

Imus was just conjuring an unseemly stereotype to describe the women on the sole basis that they are black. If that doesn't qualify as racist, then we might as well just retire the word -- along with our common sense.

Joshua James said...

You rock, Rogers . . .

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The problem wasn't really what Imus said. He's said many MORE offensive things over the years. The problem was that he had enemies, and when political opportunists like Sharpton and Jackson (who have said nearly as many racially stupid and divisive things as Imus over the years) picked up this particular football and ran with it, the powers that be at CBS and Imus' sponsors realized that (a) this was their opportunity to get rid of the old prick, and (b) by cloaking his firing with a dubious racism charge, they would look like the winners in this. Now what he said may be considered "racist", but pick up the latest 50 Cent cd and tell me he does not denigrate his own people far worse than Imus. This kind of shit is why Stern fled for satellite; he knew it was only a matter of time before he slipped up and the powers that be would shut him down in disgrace. Long story short: Imus was railroaded. Read Jason Whitlock's article hear to experience an educated, non-liberal guilt affected take as experience by a successful black journalist.

Anonymous said...

>>>Don Imus is a rich white man who hangs out with other rich white men telling those uppity black women to go back to where they came from.

Oh, and you know this with personal knowledge how?

Anonymous said...

Hm. Back-to-back idiot comments from posters named 'mike'. What are the odds?

Mike80 - Here's a hint: When you want to sell your comforting fantasies to others, check to see if they make a damn bit of sense first.

mike cane - "Oh, and you know this with personal knowledge how?"

Those of us with a functioning cortex recognized "this" as a description of Imus' show.

E.Wurzel said...

Rogers at 3.12am

"You know the only people who throw around the phrase "white liberal guilt"? The people who want to convince themselves that their racism is somehow ennobled, because at least they're not being dishonest or craven and hypocritical. People who want to make their selfishness or narcissism into a virtue instead of a character flaw."

(E.Wurzel gets to his feet, applauds loudly).

Whole post was spot on.

Anonymous said...

I see the snarky reply. I now see the context you meant, which was the point of John's post.

Let me plead guilty here on two counts:

1) All I heard were the three words endlessly repeated. If Imus actually used the term "gorilla-like" to describe them, well that amps things up several notches. If anyone can point me to audio (or YouTube video) of the entire thing, I will listen (watch). Searching YouTube I've found these:

Was there a later continuation of this where the phrase "gorilla-like" was used? Or other phrases of real/possible offense?

The "jigaboo" made my jaw drop. But a Spike Lee film was mentioned. Was he correctly referencing the film with that clearly beyond-the-pale word?

2) Guilty to not reading all of John's post til now (which included the Time mag piece). And he is exactly right about humor stealing power. That's why we laughed like hell with Chaplin and with the Marx Brothers and WC Fields (among others).

3) mike80 starts off with a valid point about the possible corporate machinations behind everything. The rest of his post, feh.

4) I've done a lot more reading, including that GTL post (first time I've been to that site!). I share GTL's concerns. I don't know if anyone here if familiar with the awful things said about Kathy Sierra on blogs -- but this makes two speech issues in less than a month. And it's far too easy to see scary connections here (even though the issues themselves are vastly different).

All of you may be right about why Imus had to go (I am not conceding you are, though), but you are not being *seen* that way. And the consequences for that perception are going to cause you to gnash your teeth in 2008.

Rogers: Yes, no one likes a bully. Imus is now seen as having been bullied.

Phil Freeman said...

>pick up the latest 50 Cent cd and tell me he does not denigrate his own people far worse than Imus.

50 Cent cannot get Tim Russert on the phone. Presidential candidates are not groveling for 50 Cent's endorsement.

Joshua James said...

It's not a free speech issue . . . Imus got $10 million a year for what he does, which is talk.

So it's a PAID speech issue, and being that it is on the radio, it is subject to the discretion of those that pay him, those that adverstise with him and those in the audience who listen, not to mention government regulations . . .

So one is trying to regulate free speech . . . Because Imus wasn't giving it away . . . he charged for his speech, and plenty . . .

He can give it away now, if he wants, he can hook up a feed on the internet . . .

Anonymous said...

>>>He can give it away now, if he wants, he can hook up a feed on the internet . . .

Could he? Without people descending on his ISP or hosting service to force them to drop him?

Joshua James said...

Why not? There are plenty of different sites with all types of material all around.

He can blog -

He can stand on a street corner and talk . . . he can print up flyers and hand them out . . .

Unknown said...

Excellent, excellent post! I think you really hit the nail on the head about why Imus screwed up *this* time. Picking on college students (and not the drunk spring-break kind of college students) really went too far.

So here's my humor-related tangent: how does your theory of humor explain racist/sexist jokes? Do the people telling them think that whatever group they're mocking really has power? Or are they just not funny? Personally, I think they're just not funny, but that doesn't reall explain why the people telling them or laughing at them think they are.

Anonymous said...

OK, you guys will tell me this is a joke, right?

American radio icon Don Imus disgraced, fired after threat to reveal 9/11 secrets

This is really The Onion, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and here's Newsweek's take -- which I cannot read til tomorrow, so don't give me any test!

The Power That Was

anonymous said...

Speaking of penny-per-word count...

vespabelle said...

Great post.

It's disheartening to see liberals defending him. (Randi Rhodes defending him saying we should go after Rush et al instead.) Imus is a grown man with a ton of money, I'm sure he'll be just fine without anyone coming to his defense.

Thanks to Nolo for the link to Pam's blog. Her post is quite good and I hope lots of people read it. (I assume they will since it's on the first page of results when you google "rutgers womens basketball"

Anonymous said...

"If you don't get offended when your friend calls you an asshole, you're not allowed to object when a contemptuous stranger does so either!" That's what the apologists' argument boils down to, right?

Anonymous said...

Mike Cane said:

OK, you guys will tell me this is a joke, right?

(followed by link to Pravda article)

Christ-- have people forgotten the Cold War already? Mike, let me introduce you to the Russian version of Weekly World News. Mike, Pravda. Pravda, Mike.

Back in the "Good Old Bad Old Days" Pravda, and its sister paper Izvestia, were the print propaganda organs of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The CPSU has since gone the way of the Dodo but, as you can see, Pravda's talent for sensational fiction remains.

Anonymous said...

So that really *is* Pravda? OK.

Randi Rhodes defended Imus? Then she knows the score. The real deal.

2008 is already lost. She understands that.

Yeah, and I saw the per-penny snark. You could have answered some of my civil questions instead of playing to type.

Anonymous said...

The Nation and The Boston Globe both had interesting write-ups of the Imus situation, for anyone that wants another take. In the The Boston Globe piece there's actually a sociologist's discussion (Zina Magubane, for anyone interested) of the terminology that Imus uses. Her historical account supports everything that Rogers said, for what it's worth. Editorial originally ran on 4/12, but am not sure if it's hidden behind a pay wall now.

As someone that's on the left side of the spectrum by European standards, much less American, I can't really understand what the issue is here. No one has the right to make inflammatory speech over the radio airwaves, especially when you offend your advertisers. How is this a case of the market not working? Really, I don't understand. And how could this possibly make liberals look bad?! If anything it should look like we're taking on a bigot, in this case one who's been on the air far too long.

There's no compromise in values here. Just the power of the market at work. And in this case the market is motivated by both top down and bottom up action.

All that being said, if anyone has a cogent point to make about why this is a bad thing, I'd be interested to hear it. I'm certainly not in touch with mainstream American political values, given that I am on a side that doesn't even exist in this country in the mainstream.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this, and thank you for your response to "James."

Both teams had black girls on them.

He called the Tennesee girls cute.

Right. As long as he likes them, black girls are human beings. So it's okay.

Unknown said...

For Ice Weasel: "I am sure whoever produced that show shot themself after hearing Imus shoot off his ignorant mouth one time too many."

Imus' producer is Bernard McGuirk.

Mr. McGuirk's specific job is to egg Imus on. It's also Mr. McGuirk's job to say even more insensitive things so that -- after he's said them and the point and "joke" has been made -- Imus can rein him in and they can all laugh together.

If Mr. McGuirk shoots himself, it'll only be because his gravy train finally went off the rails -- but he was the conductor.


harmfulguy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Scott said...

Not to sidetrack the conversation, but 'duncanralston's "white liberal guilt" comment is really irritating.

Isaiah Washington did not get a pass on making homophobic comments because he's black, he got a pass because most people do. Michael Savage is the most homophobic man in media, every day bringing a new stream of vile hateful drivel, yet people just shrug.

I'm glad that the Don Imus affair has proved that people are still opposed to racist speech, at least.

Scott said...

Oh no, I was so annoyed that I forgot the original point of my post: that your commentary on this particular issue and the general idea of power in humour is the best I've seen.

I plug your blog every chance I get to people and this post only reaffirms why I do!

Anonymous said...

Mike: 2008 is already lost.

Quite right. After all, the worst thing that liberals could do is stand up for thier principles. That dooms us all. We would be much smarter just sitting back and letting things go - we can't afford to annoy voters. Middle America wants a war-i mean, racist homophobe on the radio, and we wouldn't want to look unpatriotic-oops, I mean, like bullies.

That's the substance of the argument, right? 'Cause it sounds really familiar...

Anonymous said...

South Park is examining the ramifications of racist speech in modern society.

Yeah - and Imus is just the kind of guy they were lampooning in that episode.

As for the rappers do it defense, take it to the record companies. Rappers get called on their misogynistic lyrics all the time - google "hip hop misogyny" if you don't believe me. It's just that their labels don't give a shit. MSNBC and CBS gave a shit. This is our

drinkof said...

Good post, and I agree with most of this. It's a mistake, however, to say categorically that 'nappy-headed' can't be used in a positive context.

Anonymous said...

>>>That's the substance of the argument, right?

No. But thank you for playing.

Snoop chimes in:

Anonymous said...

This is one of the best commentaries I've read on the whole Imus thing, John. Good job! Another one I liked was over at ArtsJournal, which included this tidbit:
The talk radio world, one that Imus worked hard to shape, is one where overpaid white guys who did well in the voting for the title of "Class Clown" at their respective high schools sneer at blacks, women, gays, what have you, in a dismayingly self-congratulatory tone. The self-congratulation comes not from the cleverness of their material--nobody could be that self-deluded--but from the fantasy that they're speaking truth to power and taking on The Man by being, and here hold tight while we flash back to the thrilling days of 1993, "politically incorrect." Their natural audience is people who hate their lives and, at least for a few minutes a day, like to imagine that they're outlaws by listening to some peabrain on the radio make fun of, say, homeless people or the victims of the 2004 tsunami.

Anonymous said...

Sorry-- a link that might actually work:

Aric Blue said...

Jesus, isn't two weeks of this on the news as actual "news" enough for you people? (Oh crap--I just mean, you internet people...)

Fire him, don't fire him, I don't care. But please stop showing his ugly ass face on the news, and let's stop talking about him.

Then maybe we can go back to real news, like that whole Anna-Nicole Smith's baby thing...

Anonymous said...

comedy is all about the target. He picked the wrong one. What he said wasn't funny... but it also wasn't "nigger whore." That's crazy.

He has the right to say whatever he wants... you have the right to think he's an asshole.

Scorpio said...

Did he notice that Imus was not making a joke?

I didn't think so.

Geoff Thorne said...

There is a disconnect at work in this country that serves hidden, entrenched racism in the wy that a similar disconnect serves sexism.

People seem to actually think that these issues died some time ago and it's only the odd crank or opportunist who even cares about them now. Racism is dead, man. Don't you know? Lighten up and laugh with us. What's wrong with a few niggers between friends?


Sorry, Opie. That ain't happening. Not now. Not ever. No matter what Ludicris barks at you from your Ipod. The homies dont' and never will play that.

While we acknowledge that great social strides have been made, mostly in terms of the Law, setting aside government's easy ability to crack the whip on ethnic minorites. (in theory. any non-white teen growing up in southern Cali might have a few words of disagreement about the undever application of governmental power when it comes to race) we do not agree that the problems caused by the model that ran this nation for 5 6ths of its history have left no lasting effects. We. Do not. Agree.

Yes, the laws changed. Yes, the Muppets made their lovely sales pitch and Halle Berry got her Oscar. Now we're all supposed to think, " Hey, wow, the good guys won."

As if, as with the end of a story, now that the evil king was well and surely beheaded, Robin and Marion can get down to riding the Last Unicorn around a Narnian forest. Or riding each other if you fantasies tend to the blue.

The past dies with the king and we're left with a lovely present leading us toward a beautiful future. Kumbaya. Lovely idea.

Only it's crap. A cop out that let's "liberals" feel like they've acheived something (and can rest from their exertions. maybe take in a show.) and conservatives get on with quietly rebuilding the castes and social hierarchies this nation was, supposedly, founded to be the antithesis of.

Imus, Stern, and whoever else who fits the title "shock jock" are, very consciously, tapping into the ongoing need to oppress that a few marches and murders made mostly illegal some time ago.

"Listen to us," they say. "It's all right to treat and think of women as whores. We're all just joking here. It's all in fun. And, really, behind closed doors, you ladies know what's what. Right?"

"Come on in. Let's talk about the wetbacks for awhile. Aren't they histerical with their generational poverty, corrupt governments on all sides and the brutal fuedal culture created by the drug and human traffickers? And dammit, those sonsofbitches can sell the hell out of a bag of oranges, right? Haha."

"Set your XM to my show. Let's the discuss the Pollacks and why those fuckers are so RELENTLESSLY, MINDBOGGLINGLY stupid. Sleeping with their siblings. Sticking their genitals in light fixtures and sockets. God damn they are a riot."

Imus's entire career is based solely upon giving a bunch of people who are otherwise too cowardly to vent their pent up, unfullfilled rage at what amounts to a fairly minor paridigm shift, a place to hang a virtual hat for a few minutes a day. yeah man. Go nappy heads! Ladies, you have nothing to lose and will leave her with some tassles and pasties. And a slap on the ass if you're very good."

Safety valve? Maybe. Better to talk than rape or lynch, I suppose.

But it disturbs me to see so many people expressing pantomime shock at his comments. IS it a shock? Really? Did we actually kill racism in 1968 or 72 or whatever? Did all those people just see the light on the same morning and realize the big mistake? Did Imus only come to use these terms because of HIP HOP culture becoming the modern Rock and Roll?

REALLY? I dunno. My folks raised me up dumb but not idiotic.

Because SOMEBODY is supporting the work these fucks pass off as comedy and it's that mass of agry somebody's that needs a good talking to.

Imus is nothing. Literally. He's rich. Fantastically, aweinspiringly rich. Fired? Please. He'll be back or somebody equally in need of a freindly beatdown will SURELY take his place.

Gambling? In THIS establishment?


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bets son -
bet wwts -
big bettys bingo -
bingo 777 -
bingo bank roll -
bingo cabin -
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bingo program -
bingo promoter -
bingo reward -
bingo royalty -
bingos -
bingos uk -
blackjack ballroom -
black pool bingo -
black widow casino -
break away casino -
bright right -
cabaret club casino -
cameo casino -
canadas best bingo -
can bet -
canbet casino -
canbet poker -
canbet sports -
capital bingo -
captain cooks casino -
captain cooks poker -
caribbean gold -
caribbean sun poker -
carnival casino -
car sands -
cash wave -
casino 365 -
casino 770 -
casino blasters -
casino bleu blanc rouge -
casino classic -
casino coins -
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casino domain -
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casino fantasy -
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casino fortune uk -
casino france net -
casino glamour -
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casino kingdom -
casino las vegas -
casino legance -
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casino lux -
casino mb -
casino onliner -
casino partners -
casino partouche -
casino pay check -
casino pays -
casino profit share -
casino rewards -
casino room -
casino treasure -
casino tropez -
casino us -
casino verano -
casino webcam -
cd poker -
celeb poker -
centre bet -
centre bet affiliates -
centre bet poker -
challenge casino -
cherry casino -
cindys poker -
cinema casino -
cirrus casino -
city club casino -
club dice casino -
club dice poker -
club euro casino -
club player casino -
club uk casino -
club usa casino -
cocoa casino -
college poker championship -
colosseum casino -
cool cat casino -
cote dazur palace -
crazy vegas casino -
crazy vegas poker -
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cs casino -
cyber sportsbook -
dash casino -
da vincis gold -
desert dollar -
deutsches grand monaco -
diamond casino -
diamond club casino -
diamond club poker -
diamond deal casino -
diamond gal -
dream poker -
earn united -
ecard room -
el bingo -
empire poker -
english habour -
english habour poker -
english habour uk -
enter casino -
euro grand -
europa casino -
euro poker -
everest poker -
fair deal sports -
fair poker -
fast win casino -
festive bingo -
first web casino -
five card charlie -
flamingo club -
fortune affiliates -
fortune junction -
fortune lounge -
fortune room -
g3 partner -
galactic bingo -
gambling federation -
gambling wages -
gaming club -
gaming club poker -
gaming club uk -
gaming income -
geisha bingo -
geisha lounge -
get 21 -
giant vegas -
giga slot -
gl casino -
global player -
go casino -
gold betting -
golden casino -
golden palace -
golden palace bingo -
golden palace mobile -
golden palace poker -
golden reef casino -
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golden riviera poker -
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golden tiger casino jp -
golden tiger poker -
gold gate casino -
gold key casino -
gold nugget casino -
good as gold casino -
gran casino royale -
grand aces -
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grand bay -
grand bay poker -
grand casino royale -
grand hotel casino -
grand monaco -
grand monaco uk -
grand online -
grand prix lotto -
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grand slots -
gut shot -
hammers casino -
hampton casino -
havana club -
holdem poker -
home casino -
hotel casino network -
hype gaming -
hype partners -
ibig casino -
imperial casino -
i net bet -
inter champs -
internet bingo -
inter tops -
i play tournaments -
isa bet -
island poker -
jackpot city -
jackpot factory -
jackpot joy -
jackpot palace -
jackpots in a flash -
jackpot wheel -
jet bingo -
joyland casino -
juegos 65 -
jupiter club -
king neptunes casino -
king solomons -
kiwi bingo -
kiwi bingo uk -
kiwi casino -
kiwi casino poker -
ladies bingo -
lady dream -
lake palace -
las seters -
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lucky nugget poker -
mad bingo -
magic box casino -
magic oasis -
mahjong time -
mapau -
mapau bingo -
mapau de -
maple casino -
merlins magic casino -
metro casino -
miami beach -
miami paradise casino -
millionaire casino -
miss bingo -
monaco gold casino -
mummys gold -
music hall casino -
my bookie -
new york casino -
nine -
nine am -
nine games -
nine poker -
noble poker -
nostalgia casinos -
oasis casino -
omni casino -
online casino -
online vegas -
only bingo -
orbital casino -
oyna 65 -
pacific poker -
palace of chance -
paradise 8 -
paradise affiliates -
paradise eight -
paradise poker -
party bingo -
party casino -
party gammon -
party poker -
peach casino -
pharaohs casino -
phoenician casino -
piggs casino -
piggs peak -
planet luck -
platinum play -
platinum slots -
play 4 free -
play 65 -
play and deal -
players club casino -
players vegas -
playgate casino -
playgate poker -
play united -
poker -
poker 333 -
poker affiliate -
poker cs -
poker forum challenge -
poker in canada -
poker metro -
poker ocean -
poke round -
poker rewards -
poker room -
poker room la -
poker share -
poker show -
poker time -
portofino casino -
prestige bingo -
prestige casino -
prestige poker -
pure platinum poker -
pure slots -
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pyramid casino -
race track casino -
refer back -
refer bingo -
refer spot -
revenue giants -
rewards parking -
rich webmaster -
river belle -
river belle poker -
river nile casino -
rock my wallet -
roxy palace -
roxy poker -
royal card club -
royal dice -
royal plaza casino -
royal vegas -
royal vegas poker -
ruby bingo -
ruby bingo uk -
ruby fortune -
sail away casino -
sandpiper casino -
sands of the caribbean -
s casino -
sci fi casino -
seven sultans -
seven sultans poker -
shark casino -
showdown casino -
sia casino -
sierra star casino -
silver dollar -
silver dollar casino -
slot fever casino -
slot land -
slots -
slots 24 -
slots alley casino -
slots cr -
slots plus -
slots royale -
slots village -
social paradise -

Anonymous said...

spass kasino -
speed bet -
spin palace -
spin palace poker -
sports interaction -
star luck casino -
stars and stripes bingo -
sterling house casino -
strike it lucky casino -
sunny diamonds -
sun palace casino -
sun poker -
sunset casino -
sun vegas -
super slots -
super slots bingo -
swiss casino -
tcads -
the sands -
the six shooter -
the star casino -
this is vegas -
tiger gaming -
tiki bingo -
titan poker -
top card casino -
top line bingo -
touch stone poker -
trident lounge -
trident poker -
triple win -
true earnings -
twin aces casino -
uk casino club -
ultimate bet -
united partner program -
usa casino -
vc casino -
vc poker -
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vegas affiliates -
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vegas experts -
vegas joker casino -
vegas lucky -
vegas magic -
vegas palms -
vegas partner -
vegas partner lounge -
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vegas slot casino -
vegas splendido -
vegas towers -
vegas usa -
vegas villa -
vics bingo -
victor -
victor chandler casino -
video poker grand -
villento -
vip -
vip casinos -
vip horses -
vip poker -
vip profits -
vip soccer -
vip sports -
virtual city casino -
virtual city poker -
wager junction -
wager profits -
wild jack casino -
wild jack mobile -
wild jack poker -
windows casino -
winward casino -
wssb casino -
wssb sport -
you bingo -
yukon gold casino -
zodiac casino -
24h poker -
24kt gold casino -
32 red -
32 red affiliates -
32 red poker -
32 vegas -
3 diamonds casino -
400 affiliates -
49er casino -
50 stars casino -
777 dragon -
7 sultans -
7 sultans poker -
888 -
888 casino -
absolute poker -
ace club -
aces high -
acropolis casinos -
all poker casino -
all star affiliates -
amber coast casino -
aposte -
arthurian casino -
aspinalls online casino -
atlantic lounge -
aztec riches casino -
aztec riches poker -
bella vegas -
bet 19 -
bet 365 -
bet 365 poker -
bet bet -
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bet direct poker -
bet euro -
bet fred -
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bet on games -
bet on races -
bet on usa -
bet wwts -
bingo 777 -
bingo day -
bingo fantasy -
bingo knights -
bingo promoter -
blackjack ballroom -
black pool bingo -
black widow casino -
break away casino -
cabaret club casino -
cameo casino -
can bet -
canbet casino -
canbet poker -
canbet sports -
captain cooks casino -
captain cooks poker -
caribbean gold -
caribbean sun poker -
carnival casino -
car sands -
cash wave -
casino 365 -
casino blasters -
casino bleu blanc rouge -
casino classic -
casino coins -
casino controller -
casino del rio -
casino elegance -
casino fantasy -
casino fortune -
casino fortune uk -
casino france net -
casino glamour -
casino king -
casino kingdom -
casino las vegas -
casino lucky dog -
casino lux -
casino mb -
casino onliner -
casino partners -
casino pay check -
casino pays -
casino profit share -
casino rewards -
casino room -
casino treasure -
casino tropez -
casino us -
casino verano -
cd poker -
celeb poker -
centre bet -
centre bet affiliates -
centre bet poker -
challenge casino -
cindys poker -
cinema casino -
cirrus casino -
city club casino -
club dice casino -
club dice poker -
club euro casino -
club player casino -
club uk casino -
club usa casino -
cocoa casino -
college poker championship -
colosseum casino -
cool cat casino -
cote dazur palace -
crazy vegas casino -
crazy vegas poker -
crystal palace casino -
cs casino -
cyber sportsbook -
dash casino -
da vincis gold -
desert dollar -
deutsches grand monaco -
diamond casino -
diamond club casino -
diamond club poker -
diamond deal casino -
diamond gal -
dream poker -
earn united -
ecard room -
empire poker -
english habour -
english habour poker -
english habour uk -
enter casino -
euro grand -
europa casino -
euro poker -
everest poker -
fair deal sports -
fair poker -
fast win casino -
festive bingo -
five card charlie -
flamingo club -
fortune affiliates -
fortune junction -
fortune lounge -
fortune room -
g3 partner -
gambling federation -
gambling wages -
gaming club -
gaming club poker -
gaming club uk -
geisha lounge -
get 21 -
giga slot -
gl casino -
global player -
go casino -
gold betting -
golden casino -
golden palace -
golden palace bingo -
golden palace mobile -
golden palace poker -
golden reef casino -
golden riviera casino -
golden riviera poker -
golden tiger casino -
golden tiger casino jp -
golden tiger poker -
gold gate casino -
gold key casino -
gold nugget casino -
good as gold casino -
grand aces -
grand banks casino -
grand bay -
grand bay poker -
grand casino royale -
grand hotel casino -
grand monaco -
grand monaco casino -
grand online -
grand prix lotto -
grand riviera -
grand slots -
gut shot -
hammers casino -
havana club -
holdem poker -
home casino -
hype gaming -
hype partners -
ibig casino -
imperial casino -
i net bet -
inter champs -
inter tops -
i play tournaments -
isa bet -
island poker -
jackpot city -
jackpot palace -
jackpots in a flash -
jackpot wheel -
joyland casino -
jupiter club -
king netpunes casino -
king solomons -
kiwi bingo -
kiwi bingo uk -
kiwi casino -
kiwi casino poker -
ladies bingo -
lady dream -
lake palace -
las seters -
las vegas usa casino -
luck n roll casino -
lucky emperor -
lucky nugget -
lucky nugget casino -
lucky nugget poker -
mad bingo -
magic box casino -
magic oasis -
mapau -
mapau bingo -
mapau de -
maple casino -
merlins magic casino -
metro casino -
miami beach -
miami paradise casino -
millionaire casino -
miss bingo -
monaco gold casino -
mummys gold -
music hall casino -
new york casino -
noble poker -
nostalgia casinos -
omni casino -
online casino -
online vegas -
only bingo -
orbital casino -
pacific poker -
palace of chance -
paradise 8 -
paradise eight -
party bingo -
party casino -
party gammon -
party poker -
peach casino -
pharaohs casino -
phoenician casino -
piggs casino -
piggs peak -
planet luck -
platinum play -
platinum slots -
play 4 free -
play and deal -
players club casino -
players vegas -
playgate casino -
playgate poker -
play united -
poker 333 -
poker affiliate -
poker forum challenge -
poker metro -
poker ocean -
poke round -
poker rewards -
poker room -
poker room la -
poker show -
poker time -
prestige bingo -
prestige casino -
prestige poker -
pure platinum poker -
pure slots -
purple lounge -
pyramid casino -
race track casino -
refer back -
refer spot -
rewards parking -
rich webmaster -
river belle -
river belle poker -
river nile casino -
rock my wallet -
roxy palace -
roxy poker -
royal plaza casino -
royal vegas -
royal vegas poker -
ruby bingo -
ruby bingo uk -
ruby fortune -
sail away casino -
sands of the caribbean -
s casino -
sci fi casino -
seven sultans -
seven sultans poker -
shark casino -
showdown casino -
sia casino -
silver dollar -
silver dollar casino -
slot fever casino -
slot land -
slots -
slots 24 -
slots alley casino -
slots cr -
slots plus -
slots royale -
social paradise -
spass kasino -
spin palace -
spin palace poker -
sports interaction -
star luck casino -
sterling house casino -
strike it lucky casino -
sunny diamonds -
sun palace casino -
sun poker -
sunset casino -
sun vegas -
super slots -
super slots bingo -
swiss casino -
the sands -
the six shooter -
the star casino -
this is vegas -
tiki bingo -
titan poker -
top card casino -
top line bingo -
touch stone poker -
trident lounge -
trident poker -
triple win -
true earnings -
twin aces casino -
uk casino club -
united partner program -
usa casino -
vc casino -
vc poker -
vegas 7 casino -
vegas affiliates -
vegas break casino -
vegas casino online -
vegas country casino -
vegas joker casino -
vegas lucky -
vegas magic -
vegas palms -
vegas partner -
vegas partner lounge -
vegas red -
vegas seven casino -
vegas slot casino -
vegas splendido -
vegas towers -
vegas usa -
vegas villa -
victior chandler casino -
victor -
video poker classic -
video poker grand -
villento -
vip -
vip casinos -
vip horses -
vip poker -
vip profits -
vip soccer -
vip sports -
virtual city casino -
virtual city poker -
wager junction -
wager profits -
windows casino -
wssb casino -
wssb sport -
you bingo -
yukon gold casino -
zodiac casino -
24h poker -
24kt gold casino -
32 red -
32 red affiliates -
32 red poker -
32 vegas -
3 diamonds casino -
400 affiliates -
49er casino -
50 stars casino -
777 dragon -
7 sultans -
7 sultans poker -
888 -
888 casino -
9 AM -
9 games -
9 poker -
absolute poker -
ace club -
aces high -
acf webmaster -
acropolis casinos -
action gold -
action poker -
affiliate lounge -
all jackpots -
all poker casino -
all slots -
amber coast casino -
aposte -
apues tas -
arthurian casino -
aspinalls online casino -
atlantic lounge -
aus vegas -
aztec riches casino -
aztec riches poker -
bet 365 -
bet 365 poker -
bet com -
bet direct casino -
bet direct poker -
bet fred -
bet max casino -
bet on usa -
bets son -
big bettys bingo -
bingo bank roll -
bingo cabin -
bingo cafe -
bingo day -
bingo for money -
bingo hall -
bingo knights -
bingo liner -
bingo palace -
bingo program -
bingo promoter -
bingo reward -
bingo royalty -
bingos -
bingos uk -
blackjack ballroom -
black widow casino -
bright right -
cameo casino -
canadas best bingo -
can bet -
canbet casino -
canbet poker -
canbet sports -
capital bingo -
captain cooks casino -
captain cooks poker -
caribbean gold -
caribbean sun poker -
carnival casino -
car sands -
casino 365 -
casino 770 -
casino blasters -
casino bleu blanc rouge -
casino classic -
casino coins -
casino controller -
casino del rio -
casino domain -
casino elegance -
casino euro -
casino fantasy -
casino fortune -
casino fortune uk -
casino france net -
casino glamour -
casino king -
casino kingdom -
casino las vegas -
casino lux -
casino mb -
casino onliner -
casino partners -
casino partouche -
casino pays -
casino profit share -
casino rewards -
casino room -
casino treasure -
casino tropez -
casino us -
casino webcam -
cd casino -
cd poker -
celeb poker -
centre bet -
centre bet affiliates -
centre bet poker -
challenge casino -
cherry casino -
cindys poker -
cinema casino -
cirrus casino -
club dice casino -
club dice poker -
club euro casino -
club player casino -
club uk casino -
club usa casino -
cocoa casino -
college poker championship -
colosseum casino -
cool cat casino -
cote dazur palace -
crazy vegas casino -
crazy vegas poker -
crystal palace casino -
cs casino -
dash casino -
da vincis gold -
desert dollar -
deutsches grand monaco -
diamond casino -
diamond club casino -
diamond club poker -
diamond deal casino -
dream poker -
ecard room -
el bingo -
empire poker -
english habour -
english habour poker -
english habour uk -
enter casino -
euro grand -
europa casino -
euro poker -
everest poker -
fair poker -
festive bingo -
first web casino -
flamingo club -
fortune affiliates -
fortune lounge -
fortune room -
g3 partner -
galactic bingo -
gambling federation -
gambling wages -
gaming club -
gaming club poker -
gaming club uk -
gaming income -
geisha bingo -
get 21 -
giant vegas -
giga slot -
global player -
golden casino -
golden palace -
golden palace bingo -
golden palace mobile -
golden palace poker -
golden reef casino -
golden riviera casino -
golden riviera poker -
golden tiger casino -
golden tiger casino jp -
golden tiger poker -
gold gate casino -
gold key casino -
gold nugget casino -
gran casino espana -
grand banks casino -
grand hotel casino -
grand monaco -

Anonymous said...

grand monaco casino -
grand online -
grand prix lotto -
grand slots -
gut shot -
hammers casino -
hampton casino -
havana club -
holdem poker -
home casino -
hotel casino network -
hype gaming -
hype partners -
ibig casino -
imperial casino -
i net bet -
inter champs -
internet bingo -
inter tops -
isa bet -
island poker -
jackpot city -
jackpot factory -
jackpot joy -
jackpot palace -
jet bingo -
joyland casino -
juegos 65 -
ladies bingo -
las seters -
las vegas usa casino -
luck n roll casino -
lucky emperor -
lucky nugget -
lucky nugget casino -
lucky nugget poker -
mad bingo -
magic box casino -
magic oasis -
mahjong time -
mapau -
mapau bingo -
mapau de -
maple casino -
metro casino -
miami beach -
miami paradise casino -
millionaire casino -
miss bingo -
monaco gold casino -
music hall casino -
my bookie -
new york casino -
nine -
nine am -
nine games -
nine poker -
noble poker -
nostalgia casinos -
oasis casino -
omni casino -
online casino -
orbital casino -
oyna 65 -
pacific poker -
palace of chance -
paradise 8 -
paradise affiliates -
paradise eight -
paradise poker -
party bingo -
party casino -
party gammon -
party poker -
peach casino -
pharaohs casino -
phoenician casino -
planet luck -
platinum play -
platinum slots -
play 4 free -
play 65 -
play and deal -
players club casino -
playgate casino -
playgate poker -
poker -
poker affiliate -
poker cs -
poker forum challenge -
poker in canada -
poker metro -
poker ocean -
poke round -
poker rewards -
poker room -
poker room la -
poker share -
poker show -
poker time -
portofino casino -
presitge poker -
prestige bingo -
prestige casino -
pure platinum poker -
pure slots -
purple lounge -
pyramid casino -
refer back -
refer bingo -
revenue giants -
rewards parking -
rich webmaster -
river belle -
river belle poker -
river nile casino -
rock my wallet -
royal card club -
royal dice -
royal plaza casino -
royal vegas -
royal vegas poker -
ruby bingo -
ruby bingo uk -
sandpiper casino -
sands of the caribbean -
s casino -
seven sultans -
seven sultans poker -
showdown casino -
sia casino -
sierra star casino -
silver dollar -
silver dollar casino -
slot fever casino -
slot land -
slots -
slots 24 -
slots alley casino -
slots cr -
slots plus -
slots royale -
slots village -
social paradise -
spass kasino -
speed bet -
sports interaction -
star luck casino -
stars and stripes bingo -
sterling house casino -
strike it lucky casino -
sunny diamonds -
sun palace casino -
sun poker -
sunset casino -
sun vegas -
super slots -
super slots bingo -
swiss casino -
tcads -
the sands -
this is vegas -
tiger gaming -
titan poker -
touch stone poker -
true earnings -
twin aces casino -
uk casino club -
ultimate bet -
united partner program -
usa casino -
vc casino -
vc poker -
vegas 7 casino -
vegas affiliates -
vegas casino online -
vegas country casino -
vegas experts -
vegas joker casino -
vegas lucky -
vegas magic -
vegas palms -
vegas partner -
vegas partner lounge -
vegas red -
vegas seven casino -
vegas slot casino -
vegas towers -
vegas villa -
vics bingo -
victor -
victor chandler casino -
video poker classic -
video poker grand -
villento -
virtual city casino -
virtual city poker -
wild jack casino -
wild jack mobile -
wild jack poker -
windows casino -
winward casino -
you bingo -
yukon gold casino -
zodiac casino -
24h poker -
24kt gold casino -
32 red -
32 red affiliates -
32 red poker -
400 affiliates -
7 sultans -
7 sultans poker -
9 AM -
9 games -
9 poker -
absolute poker -
aces high -
acf webmaster -
acropolis casinos -
action gold -
action poker -
affiliate lounge -
all jackpots -
all slots -
all star affiliates -
apues tas -
aspinalls online casino -
atlantic lounge -
aus vegas -
aztec riches casino -
aztec riches poker -
bella vegas -
bet 19 -
bet 365 -
bet 365 poker -
bet bet -
bet casino -
bet com -
bet direct casino -
bet direct poker -
bet euro -
bet fred -
bet game day -
bet holdem -
bet max casino -
bet on games -
bet on races -
bet on usa -
bets son -
bet wwts -
big bettys bingo -
bingo 777 -
bingo bank roll -
bingo cabin -
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Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu AmbeclearAmbeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.

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pengobatan herbal

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MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Gejala yang bisa terasa adalah sakit pada bagian tenggotokan, atau juga sakit saat menelan. Bila kencing nanah atau gonore ini sudah positif menjangkit, segeralah cari perawatan untuk benar-benar mengatasinya. Dengan menggunakan produk yang tepat, agar kondisi badan pun akan kembali sehat.

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Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????

Unknown said...

Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

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Unknown said...

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kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************

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