Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Credit where credit's due, I bitched and moaned about Democrats constantly wearing the Frasier Crane mask. Webb brings it old school. Strong narrative, two and only two points, lots of emotional connection with the audience in order to fix those two points in their minds. It's like watching Yastrzemski hit.

And yeah, sure he's a "conservative" progressive. The man's practically wearing a "No War But Class War!" armband.

Dibs on coining "Webb-heads" as the moniker for the inevitable "Draft Webb" members, for those pushing for a VP slot in 2008 or his run in 2012. Hmm, I wonder if I can start making t-shirts now ...

(EDIT: To clarify, I don't actually support Webb in a run at this time or even 2012. I'm a big believer in "This is my rifle", and having Senators and Congressmen who stay Senators and Congressmen form part of the ideological fusillade is vitally important. A man with these priorities is desperately needed in the Senate, and I hope he enjoys a long career there.)


Anonymous said...

Please, not 2008. This guy has a chance to do some really, really good things in the Senate over the next decade. If he chooses to remain a Senator for as long as Virginians keep sending him back, and he keeps up with the ideals he's espoused, we should be grateful for that.

2012 - maybe. I STILL want to see Senators do some real administratin' before they start Presidentin'. Webb's military background gives him some stronger leadership marks than say Obama or Clinton, but I still prefer seeing governors from states with strong governor positions run for the spot (not states like Texas where governor seems to be a part-time, low power position).

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'd like to see him stay in the Senate for at least a couple of terms ... at least until we've completely taken over Virginia. Oh and by "we", I mean the reality based community. Oh sure, there will always be Bushista hold outs in the mountains but I think they are in their last throes if you will.

Anonymous said...

"Wearing the Frasier Crane mask"

That is a perfect distillation of everything that's been frustrating me about the Dems. Someone came close when, after the first Kerry-Bush debate, he characterized Kerry as having gone from Thurston Howell III to the Professor.

But no, Frasier Crane. Elegantly put.

tavella said...

Webb may have been my favorite pickup of the 2006 election. Not just because he's good, but because he knocked out a real bastard out of both the Senate and the 2008 election race.

Allen was one of those characters that seem to come out of a novel, the sociopath protected by his family's wealth and power, rising to the highest level of politics. You know, the one the hero has to take down before he destroys the country. Broke his sister's bones when they were little, fanboyed southern racists even though he was raised in southern California... nasty piece of work.

Alex Epstein said...

C'mon, you still owe us the DON'T YOU DARE KILL OBAMA shirts.

Anonymous said...

Webb is a very mixed bag. (And I say that as someone who strongly supported him.)

Pro, he's everything you say and more. Writer, screenwriter, and producer. He understands message. Everyone was amazed that he wrote his own speech: Duh, people. He is that good.

Con, he's deeply fucking weird. He's got a huge chip on his shoulder about being Scotch-Irish and a "cracker". Remember Zell Miller? Same thing. (No, I'm not saying he's a complete dickhead like Zell. Just that they share a kink.)

"...certain immigrant groups have the 'right genetics' and thus are natural entrants to the 'overclass,' while others, as well as those who come from stock that has been here for 200 years and have not made it to the top, simply don't possess the necessary attributes." -- Jim Webb, shortly after the election.

The "attitudes towards women" thing is real too. No, that wasn't a slur by the Allen campaign -- blind pigs, stopped clocks, etc.

Favorite presidents: Andrew Jackson, Ronald Reagan.

Hey, I like the guy. I'm glad he's in the Senate, and I'm more-than-glad that he took George Allen off the board.

But I'd never want his finger anywhere near the button.

Doug M.

Anonymous said...

i agree with doug m., aka anonymous.

with a few twists and turns, webb is more like to end up as zell miller,jr., than, say, chuck schumer or evan bayh.

i hope to hell it doesn't happen, but i remember one politco who had a big chip of resentment on his shoulder.

his name was richard nixon.

Rory Leahy said...

Uh, Doug M? I'm not a Webb partisan or enemy, but the full quote is: "an unspoken insinuation seems to be inundating our national debate: Certain immigrant groups have the "right genetics" and thus are natural entrants to the "overclass,"..." etc.

He was critiquing whack job racist social darwinism, not advocating it.

dress boots said...

look that guy wearing man suit I think grey suit is better.

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Anonymous said...

cara yang alami menyembuhkan penyakit wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat

Anonymous said...

wasir ambeien bisa sembuh tanpa harus di operasi maupun injeksi cukup dengan obat wasir ambeien herbal ambeclear herbal de nature dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil

ekstrakalam said...

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

pengobatan herbal

Unknown said...

Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................

Unknown said...

Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas

Unknown said...

Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...


Unknown said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...


Obat Keputihan Herbal Alami said...


Unknown said...

manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur

obar herbal manjur alami said...

Cegah Wasir ambeien anda bertambah parah dan segera untuk melakukan pengobatan yang cepat dan tepat dengan obat terbaik apabila sobat sedang mencari obat Ambeien yang ampuh dan cepat sobat sedang berada di web yang tepat karena kami ini menjual obat Ambeien yang aman cepat dan ampuh segera kontak kami di 0823 2528 0340

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

obat ambeien wasir paling manjur mengobati penyakit wasir ambeien tanpa efek samping terbuat dari bahan alami herbal seperti daun ungu mahkota dewa kunyit putih

Anonymous said...

هل تبحثون عن حاويات دمار و مخلفات البناء لكل استعمالاتكم للبناء

نحن هنا بصدد توفير جميع انواع الحاويات التي تبحثون عنها سواءا كانت حاويات دمار او حاويات مخلفات البناء او حاويات نفايات او  حاويات نفايات لانقاض البناء حاويات ايجار نحن نوفرها لكم عبر افضل أسعار الحاويات الخاصة بالنظافة