Monday, October 10, 2005

Dingo redux

The blog-novel DINGO updates again today, with the nice Mr. Nelson showing us his old-school action-sequence chops.


  1. Totally OT, but I thought you might find this amusing, J. :-)

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I thought the action sequence was sort of ordinary, with the "then I saw" and the clear-thinking-in-the-middle-of-a-fight "punched him here, kicked him there" narration. The latter style is pretty common and tends to remind me of the thought balloons narrating fights in '60s and '70s superhero comics: "He's got me in a choke hold! I've got to break his grip before I lose consciousness!"

    Which is a roundabout way of asking, John, how do you, a professional, write fight scenes? What writers -- novelists, screenwriters, what have you -- write fights in a way that you admire or imitate?

    I like the action descriptions in Richard Morgan's recent "Altered Carbon," particularly the detail of one character's shooting a fleeing car full of several hundred bulletholes. The Travis McGee books evoke the confusion, fear and blackouts that one would think a real fight might inspire.

  3. What namely you're writing is a terrible mistake.

  4. I guess that novel is awesome.
