A link to Frontier PAC, dedicated to electing progressive politicians in the West. Now, I don't usually link to straight political blogs, but one of the FP's main foci is energy independence and renewables. They're a great source for links to emergent technologies, and have a very market-savvy approach to getting their point across. We like.
On a related note, if I see you driving a Hummer or Esplanade and you have an "I Support the Troops" bumper sticker, I get to force you off the road in my Prius and crush your trachea with a crowbar. Fair warning.
A link to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer on, well ... learning to say ain't. Just pointing out that I'm not alone in noticing there may be some issues that require addressing.
And on the lighter side thanks to Gizmodo -- cupcake sheaths!
"On a related note, if I see you driving a Hummer or Esplanade and you have an "I Support the Troops" bumper sticker, I get to force you off the road in my Prius and crush your trachea with a crowbar. Fair warning."
Best quote of the week, by far.
They call him Bruce?
I believe his real name is Brian.
Sorry, 3 am mistype.
Um, most of the cupcakes in that picture appear to be upside down.
What is the icing made of anyway?
I'm just saying.
John, I am in an office with someone who drives a large Yukon. Now while he does not have the bumper sticker mentioned, can I give him one for his car so you can go looking for him?
Just wondering
Upside-down? Precisely! Little spiky-grips hold the cupcake secure within thesheath, so there is no internal contact, whilst the sheath prevent external interference. GENIUS!
Hey, I was just thinking how much your page would be improved by a two-character-space left margin.
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I'll see your cupcake sheath and raise you a muffin-pan sponge.
"If you find yourself blurting out expletives as you try to remove baked-on spills after cupcake duty, this uniquely shaped Casabella sponge will help clean up the tin-and your language, young lady." -Real Simple Magazine
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