I didn't want to be late to this post, since I finally have a question. I found the technical side of this episode intriguing and am now hoping that a bts production video was captured. It would make a great addition to the Season 5 DVD. Also, I bet this concept could have filled a full 2 hours, was it difficult to decide what to include in the script, how much was shot and cut for time? Can't thank you enough for this conduit. KungFu Monkey love.
I was wondering, who is going to be on the Season 5 DVD commentaries this year? We missed Christian last year, hope he will be on them this year. Also, keep the gag reel's, bloopers, and extended scenes coming they are awesome
@Jessica Agreed!Would like to hear Gina or Tim especially on The Frame-Up Job, Christian On Rundown or Low, low Price job would be appreciated as well. Thanks!
"Trippy" is the word! That was fun, though a terribly risky venture -- they could have genuinely driven him around the bend, and with that at stake, I can't believe Sophie didn't come clean right away. I know ethics isn't exactly the team's strong suit, but this was probably their least ethical venture yet.
However, it's nice that the idea was to redeem someone who was going bad. (A redeemable villain! Nice contrast with last week's Snidely Whiplash. ;-) )
I loved the use of the name "Dodgson" with a "White Rabbit" con. :-) And I loved that it all came down to Parker -- Beth was magnificent. And I loved "Make something."
I don't know how no one guessed that the locked room was all about guilt, though -- it seemed pretty obvious from the get-go.
Wow, that was a good episode. Great job taking the team in a different direction with this job and giving us something new and exciting.
But that said, I have to ask.. so how much Silent Hill have you guys been playing around the office lately? Because honestly that faceless office worker with the red jacket turned into a straight jacket, I could totally see that as an enemy in a Silent Hill Game starring a CEO who has purposely driven his company into bankruptcy. That, maybe some kind of gigantic horrible mechanical contraption that's a combination paper shredder/printer/who knows what else machine that spewing razor sharp slips of pink paper or if can grab someone will horribly mangle their body turning it into a slushy before giving a whole new meaning to the term "canned"... okay maybe I'm the one who is over thinking this. But hell, Konami seems to be throwing darts at a board to figure out who will make the next Silent Hill Game, it could be you guys if you don't get renewed for season six!
Anyway keep up the good work and forgive me for taking the horrible metaphorical possibilities you started up and running with it straight to crazy town.
Charles Dodgson was, of course, Lewis Carrol's Real name. And Parker, aka Alice White, was central to the con. (Loved that from her by the way, a huge sign of her development as a character. Season 1 Parker would probably have pushed him.)If this were any other show I would accuse it of jumping the shark, but Leverage makes the trippiness believable. My question: was Sophie telling the truth about not having successfully pulled the White Rabbit before? It just seemed suspicious at the end.
How much influence did Inception have when writing this episode?
Also, love the development of Parker, I can't see Parker of the early seasons getting Charles off that ledge. "People thought I was crazy, but I wasn't."
I loved the episode but most important i loved the acting between Beth and Chris. Christian and Beth have proven that they work really well together, Kane and Riesgraf have managed to prove to everyone that they have this beautiful and sweet chemistry/friendship that no one can destroy, you can tell on the show and off the show that they r the best of friends. One question when will Chris sing again we love his songs. And when will they show more of Eliot/Parker? they r great together
This was definitely a satisfying installment to the Leverage universe. I think it perfectly showcased the maturity of the team and how they've grown as characters. You definitely couldn't have done this in an earlier season. Many kudos to the writing staff and crew. I'm sure this had to be a bear to shoot.
I especially like that it took the anti-grifter to complete the White Rabbit. It seems right that the reason the con always fails is because the grifter can't extricate themselves enough from the mark's mind to safely navigate through the endgame.
So questions...
(1)What was the origin of the numbered employees? At first I thought this was a prison work program. As the episode progressed I guessed that it was a hold-over from the father's reign as the head of the company and his dehumanizing, money-motivated business style. The thing that didn't make sense (and please someone correct me if I'm wrong) was that there was a few years of "good" Charles before the breakdown so why did he leave it in place?
(2) Whose decision was it to use the Star Trek hypospray sound every time the patches were applied? I kept waiting for Dr. Crusher to pop up in the background.
(3) Whose decision was it to have Charles wearing the Steve Jobs getup at the end? Was it intended as satire or an homage?
Again, excellent episode. I just wish that the commercial breaks didn't keep interrupting the dramatic tension. This episode more than any other was in desperate need of "limited commercial interruptions." I guess that's the point of releasing the DVDs.
A lot of people have mentioned noticing the Lewis Carroll references (which I loved) but I also loved when Sophie called herself Sally Sparrow. Thanks for the Doctor Who reference. Now for my completely unrelated question. Is there a reason we got two episodes in a row about helping to save a small town, one by closing a big company, one by saving it?
Ok, so pretty neat con...no questions, just a suggestion...any chance you could pull a White Rabbit Job con on the TNT execs that handle programming and get them to pull their finger out and renew you for a season 6...just an idea :)
Loved this episode and all the Wonderland references. I have a quick question though. I noticed in the partners presentation where Dodgson is falling asleep, that all four of the companies in the powerpoint are from previous cons, is this just a reference to past episodes to tie everything in or is there something coming up involving these four companies?
Alice White, Charles Dodgson, Liddell... you guys pulled out the stops on this one.
Now if only the folks at TNT would stop taking plays out of Gary Bettman's book. That season I hold no hope for. Leverage... for Leverage I will cling to whatever faint hope exists.
Trippy, yes, but cool episode. And it's a nce change of pace to see the team working to save the "villain" (though he wasn't really).
Also, kudos to Andrew Bowen for his portrayal of Dodgson. He really made me want the team to help him for his sake, and not just because I like it when the team wins.
I didn't get all the Alice in Wonderland references, but I snickered at "dreamnasium." ;)
Also, it was very nice to see Parker saving the day. I loved the call-back to "The Future Job" and the loss of her brother, and it was a lovely sign of just how much she's grown that a) she was able to relate to Dodgson through that loss and b) realize and articulate what the team has meant to and for her. Her "you're not alone" was truly touching.
And I would be horribly remiss if I didn't throw out some love for Eliot in the "Hamlet" bit. Because Eliot+armor+sword = my happy place. Just sayin'.
My only question so far: Just how close was Beth to the car? (And how much do you blame Kane for that?)
So, at the end, when Sophie said they'd successfully pulled the White Rabbit Con, and Nate responded "Parker, huh?"... does that mean that Sophie feels the successful White Rabbit wasn't in finding Dodgson, but in how the team has gotten into Parker's head and revealed what was underneath?
I have a question unrelated to the episode. In the San Lorenzo Job and the Last Dam Job, Eliot is shown wearing a harness/holster type getup. Since he doesn't use guns, what's it for? It's been bugging me.
P.S. Anyone else find the "Prove your not a robot" words illegible?
@ the anonymous right after me: I asked that question before with basically the same "but he doesn't use guns" observation in connection to both episodes having to do with making a choice to kill or not to kill, and people were kind enough to tell me that what he was wearing was a holster for throwing knives.
1) Is kidnapping a man, driving him insane and brainwashing him into the desired state of mind by invading his dreams the logical escalation of Nate's 'sicko love of controlling people'? 2) Did anybody in the writing room question the morality of kidnapping a man and brainwashing him? 3) After the job, will anyone from the Leverage Crew question the morality of literally (and repeatedly) kidnapping and brainwashing the mark?
In case you didn't guess, I have a very strong issue with the morality of brainwashing someone. Yeah, not a fan of this one.
As I sat there watching the "White Rabbit Job", I couldn't help but reflect on last season #509 and #510 episodes.
I think you have two different good shows masquerading as one. 1. #509 - Eliot, Parker and Hardison These three would make a very successful TNT show (action/comedy/technology). I would recommend TNT begin bidding on this.
2. #510 - Sophie and Nate could find success as a crusading con team, using their criminal knowledge to catch thieves.
I know my suggestion won't be popular amongst the die-in-the-wool leverage fan, but Leverage is quickly losing it's magic but the upside is #509 and #510.
Love this ep! Such a HUGE contrast to last week's! This one did not give me whiplash from extreme choppiness; it seemed more like the best scenes from a movie I'd like to see. And this week Nate actually had his head in the game—or his game in the head, as the case may be.
I love that Parker may not have gotten to steal anything shiny, but she totally stole the con. The best part was that she did it as Believable Season 5 Parker, not After-School Special Parker ("Gimme a K," I'm looking at you).
This psychocon opens up huge new territory that it will take at least one more season to explore. Right?
Absolutely loved this episode. My only question is regarding the ending. Was he intended to look like Steve Jobs and, if so, who made that sartorial decision?
Agree, the fight sequence with the guards was great, just because Eliot was so reluctant to do damage, kind of incredulous that the middle-aged, out-of-shape, guards were going to keep messing with him. And the old guy with the gun was hilarious, the way he just walked away once Eliot took his gun.
I've loved every episode of Leverage for 5 seasons (and still hoping for a 6th) but aside from outstanding acting and amazing FX, I am unhappy to have to say this is the first episode I actually did not like. I'm with commenter oppyu above, and feel a moral line was crossed by the Leverage team. Kidnapping, drugging and brainwashing... what could possibly be bad enough in a Big Bad to justify that? IMHO this mark's faults didn't even come close.
Yes, I know this stuff happens in the real world by "good" people doing bad things. But Leverage isn't the real world--it's the fantasy I get to live in for an hour where "heroes" actually do the right thing. Although to be fair, it seems like Nate was the only one who actually believed what they were doing was right. Won't the team ever learn to say no to his hubris? And I thought he was past all that ego trip where he thinks he can do whatever he wants?
Questions above are mostly rhetorical, so no need to answer. Thank you for the space to vent. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love this show so much. I really hope the ending of the show isn't the team blowing up because they got too big for their britches. ;-)
Is it just me or did Nate already pull off the 'white rabbit con' - on the team. He has gotten into their heads and changed them all completely, just look at how they react during this episode compared to say how they would have in season 1. Just a thought.
I really love this series...please please please can we have a season 6
This put me in mind of some of the classic "Mission Impossible" where they would kidnap the bad guy and put him in some elaborate set to convince him of whatever they wanted him to believe.
I'm also with those who say this was very ethically questionable. Nate is capable of justifying pretty much anything to himself at this point. I am hoping you'll come back around to this and deal with it again. Where would Nate draw the line at this point?
@Nekussa -- yeah. I love Nate and have always spoken up for him whenever people have run him down. I've always thought he was genuinely good at heart. But this . . . this definitely crossed a line.
I loved so much the mark's name was Charles Dodgson. And then you threw in Sally Sparrow, which just added to the wonderful.
So...silly question...have you ever made up a crossover idea with Leverage/Doctor Who, just for funzies, and how well do you think it would work. And which Doctor would you most like to see the team with?
I have to agree with the posters above me, I really didn't like the ethical line that got crossed. I mean fuck, they drove the guy to almost commit suicide. I think Hardison had it right in the beginning of the episode, if the guy wants to be a dick that's his prerogative. You can't mind rape someone into changing just because you don't like who they are. It just seems really violating.
Not to mention given Sophie's ability to figure people out I think they could have found a way to help the guy figure out his issues without all kidnapping, questionable drugging and brainwashing. It all just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I also really wasn't a fan of the first part of the episodes with Hardison's holodeck like warehouse. It was just too unbelievable and far-fetched for me and in the end turned out to be irrelevant because they stopped using it anyway. I hoping you have a link to some already existing technology that can do all that I can read to prove me wrong though because that sort of stuff would be cool. I just think it would have been better for them to find away to break into the offices to begin with.
The scene where Eliot has the guy over his shoulder and puts him back to bed, was that a dummy? He tossed him down pretty hard!
Also, I want a spin off with that old, gun totting security guard! Maybe he and Eliot could form a security team or private detective agency.
Even though I didn't like this particular episode much, I do love you and love this show. I'd be very sad if there wasn't a season 6.
Another good episode - keep them coming! (That goes for a season 6 too...)
@Izzie - nice call on the blue pill/red pill! Although I think they got the patches the wrong way round - it should have been the red patch that sent him to la-la land to "see how far the rabbit hole went", and the blue patch leaving him waking in his bed believing whatever he wanted. (Er, that makes me look like I can quote The Matrix off the top of my head, doesn't it? Oh dear.)
I also loved Eliot's fight scene. I know you've said Eliot doesn't enjoy fighting, but I find that hard to believe (must be Kane's enjoyment coming through). I reckon even Eliot enjoyed that one though.
I agree it's murky ground on the whole kidnap/brainwash issue. Instead of looking at it from the 'no one's bad enough to deserve that' POV, how about the 'do whatever it takes to save someone' POV? Think of it as extreme accelerated therapy? He's being going to therapy for however many years and the team fix him in less than 10 days? That's my fun train, and I'm staying on it :)
Based on this ep and "Low, Low Price," it looks like Hardison's in a very contrarian mood these days. (Yes, I know two episodes make for an awfully small sample size.) What's going on there? Greater assertiveness (he's thinking of himself as more of Nate's equal)? Annoyance with Nate over the Secret Plan of Secretness? Something else?
As for the episode: I thought it was well-done, and Beth Riesgraf was terrific, but I have to agree with those who feel that Nate went too far. I hope he gets some sort of comeuppance...as long as it's non-fatal...and doesn't bring down the rest of the team...yeah.
Loved this one, discovering all the subtle references was fun. I just watched the episode again and caught a few more. My favorite scene was Eliot and tho older guard. Stop... Gimme the gun.... I can't stop laughing. Thanks for another enjoyable episode. Andrew Bowen responded to every tweet fans sent him last night,that was classy and appreciated by the fans.
I was too busy Tuesday night watching the extended version of "The Measure of a Man" (plus commentary!) from the ST:TNG Season 2 Blu-ray set to watch Leverage until tonight on the DVR; my apologies. As for this episode, to quote John Lennon, "Strange days, indeed! Most peculiar, mama."
Questions and comments:
1. It seemed to take the team a surprisingly long time to ask what might have changed Dodgson. Isn't it important to determine the mark's motivations in order to have a successful con? 2. That Hamlet scene seemed more like a John Rogers - D&D sequence than Thorne. Any ghost writing there? 3. Several have mentioned Sally Sparrow, but no one mentioned Steed. Strange bedfellows... 4. And someone mentioned Wilbur Robinson, but wasn't "Keep moving forward" Walt Disney's motto? After Lucasfilm, did the Mouse buy you guys, too? :) 5. How long do companies keep their security cam footage? All of that data from three-plus years ago? Seems excessive. 6. That locked door Hardison banged on seemed a bit flimsy; I thought I could see it sag and some light shine through it. 7. Parker as a brunette - mrowr! 8. I'm so glad you redeemed the villain. While watching, I kept thinking he really should wind up being a good guy, and for once, he was! 9. Talk about perception: I really was thinking that the show had increased the number of act breaks. I went back and counted; there are only six. But while watching, it just seemed like it was constantly cutting to commercial. Strange.
While this certainly won't be my favorite episode of the season, it's good to see the show experimenting in this way. Counting down...
"Every grift is an exchange. The trick is to give them enough to hold them up, but not enough to pull them over." Taking the truth and bringing it out, without breaking the mark. So... Parker was the mark, right?
Okay that fight scene was hysterical. I hope then next show you write is a comedy so you can hire Mr. Kane!
I think this whole season is the long con to teach Hardison, Parker and Eliot that they can do this on their own.
I'm not sure Eliot wanted Sophie to tell that he had "sedatives". And how did she find out? And what did she use the first time she pulled a white rabbit?
Curiouser and Curiouser.
And what the heck is Triexedor 329 listed on the wall behind the drugs? Is this something we should/should not know about which should or should not be in the news?
Your writers make us think, Mr. Downey. What an amazing thing you do!
LOL at Parker coming out of NOWHERE to contrive some sob story making this episode all about her. Thought for sure we'd get a nice Sophie moment this episode.
Can you talk for a moment about how you structure an episodes so I understand how b story, c story, etc work?
Is it my imagination or were the companies listed as partners in the company buy-in all corporations that have been busted by the leverage team. It seemed as if some of the names were familiar.
1. Was it just the prop department sleeping on the job, or did that guard's pistol was supposed to be fake? It looked like a dollar store toy. 2. You went waaaay overboard with this one. A con that requires this sort of technical prep, not to mention digging info on the mark, and Hardison misses an elephant-sized clue? Makes no sense. Yes, Willing Suspension Of Disbelief included. 3. Also, Inception. Using drugs and high-tech devices to get into a guy's head and plant an idea? It felt like a Syfy "Original".
I really liked this episode for a variety of reasons that would probably bore most people. I do agree that the team was going over the ethics line, but a lot of what they do is technically unethical if you're going to split hairs.
It appeared to me that Nate really wanted the challenge of doing this job. Even though he said Sophie was to be the lead, several times he overrode her objections after the con started. And he wasn't at all flustered by the fact when she admitted that she hadn't really pulled off a White Rabbit con successfully before.
As for whether or not they actually pulled that particular con off, I would have to say that technically they didn't, but the fact that they were able to salvage it so it ended well probably makes it the most successful attempt at a White Rabbit con.
Having worked in the mental health field, I couldn't help but think that they would have been more successful if they had someone with better knowledge of mental illness, grief, and treatment. But a licensed professional could never do such a job without losing their license. And I think that's why I like this episode as much as I do, because it showed WHY ethical professionals would not choose such a technique. And yet the team still ended up succeeding because Parker did something that research has shown makes one of the biggest impact on people - she was honest and real. She showed real concern for Dodgson's life, she was just open enough with her own experience to make him realize that they had a connection, and she suggested a solution that played to his strengths, while leaving him to determine how to do it.
Of course, Parker would not make a good therapist in general, but at that moment of crisis, she managed to do the right thing, except that she walked away before making sure he was physically some where safe. Granted, he may have needed that, but if she had been a mental health professional, she would have been obligated by law to make sure he got somewhere safe.
For me the real strength of the episode was how it showed the potential pitfalls of such an approach to intervention - the chance of frying the mark's brain with drugs, the fact that easy to obtain supplements can mess with drug interaction, the unpredictability of someone else's inner demons, and the fact you can make some things worse, while trying to make it better.
A lot of people fantasize about "straightening" others out against their will. There is a multitude of reasons why many of these fantasies don't work and I liked the fact that some of them were shown here.
Okay. This is what happens when I post comments at 3am in the morning. I just realized that I didn't actually ask my question, while responding to some of the themes I saw in other comments. I touched upon it, but didn't asked it straight out.
My question is - did Nate let his thirst for a challenge override his caution? Was he driven to take this job by his ambition and curiosity, just so he would have the opportunity to try his hand at the White Rabbit con?
@anonymous Parker's story was in no way contrived. It is established back in season two (The Future Job) that she had a brother who she taught to ride a bike, and then he got hit by a car while he was riding that bike. If you can not see how this situation could leave her feeling just as vulnerable and guilty over the death of her brother as the mark does over the death of his cousin then.... well then the two of us will just have to agree to disagree,
@Sophie Ford 11:44 I LOVE that idea, that Nate pulled off the White Rabbit on his team. Headcanon!
Question: Did Parker not have her earbud in when she was on the roof? Why did it seem like no one knew what was going on up there / she didn't tell them was what going on / she wasn't asking for advice?
Also, the "Parker" comment right at the end made sense when I was watching it, but I would LOVE more context into it. Did Sophie ever think before hand that Parker was the one that would pull it off? Or did she push Parker to do it the whole time because she knew that she COULD do it?
I think this is only our second villain that ended up redeeming himself / actually being a nice guy, with the other one being from The Carnival Job. I think that they were even approached somewhat similarily. Was this brought up at all in the writers' room during the character development?
Thanks! Seriously, that was a GREAT episode. I loved it, and can't wait until next week!
I think I'm in agreement that it was slightly... skeevy?
I love the idea and the execution of the Inception style dream layers in the real world was clever. I can also see that it's hard to make drugging someone and playing with their mind seem like the 'right' thing to do.
But the team essentially exploited that guy's existing mental health issues (his panic attacks and guilt issues) by drugging him and then messed with his head until he was driven to trying to kill himself. What if Parker hadn't gotten to the roof door in time?
I think most of my discomfort comes from the fact that the only real problem any of the team had with it is 'oh, the con won't work if we break the mark so let's try not to do that!'
I was trying to figure out why this made me more uncomfortable than last week's episode where the team messed with the woman's hotel room to drive her crazy. But I think there is a difference - the hotel stuff just stressed her out and made her tired so that she would snap more easily. There weren't any lasting effects to that one whereas this one could have had major consequences that no-one seemed to think of/care about.
I don't know, I usually love the show and have no complaints with how issues/characters/storylines are handled and while I really enjoyed parts of this episode, it also just made me really uncomfortable.
I remember a sequence in "Stars my Destination" where a professional mind-games group tries to immerse the hero into a fantasy world where he is rich and successful, in hopes of tricking him into giving up the location of a powerful device.
I'm not sure I see the issues with the morality. I mean, yeah, it was immoral, but we're still a bunch of thieves and crooks on the Leverage team. In the past, the team and/or members have:
1) Parker gave a guy with anxiety issues speed to further ramp up their ability to manipulate him;
2) They made a guy believe that he had either killed his date or his date had died in his bed;
3) Nate hypnotized Hardison without his knowledge so he could tap into his innermost violin skills;
4) Nate (with Parker's approval) had Hardison administer mild electric shocks to a mark;
5) They made two different marks believe that they had contracted some sort of terrible disease/illness;
6) They made a mayor believe he was about to be tortured to death;
They've humiliated countless people and isolated their human weaknesses for the purpose of manipulating them to achieve a desired end.
Was this really that significantly different from a number of other things they've done in the past?
I just want to point out I agree with Allyone. Did not see the morality issue in this episode -- oh but wait. All of the things they've done in the past weren't done to younger, attractive, white-male marks, were they? My bad. CLEARLY that's where the morality line needs to be drawn. *eyeroll*
@ellabell, three converts - 12 step/Boy's Night Out jobs (though he was never really a bad guy). There's a fourth - Ho Ho Ho job...
I think that the difference between other episodes and this one is how it was directed/written. Almost all the examples cited by @allyone were played for laughs, except maybe the Order ## job in season 1? Also, very few manipulations last for as many acts as this one did.
"Did not see the morality issue in this episode -- oh but wait. All of the things they've done in the past weren't done to younger, attractive, white-male marks"
That's total BS--most of the Leverage marks are white and young to middle-aged. The line the team crossed was driving someone to madness and suicide with drugs. And this is someone who only fired people from his own company, not a criminal.
The First Contact Job was similar, but they used the (young, white) mark's own arrogance and selfishness to make him fall for the bait. In The Low, Low Price Job they put something in the (young, white) mark's makeup to irritate her, but they didn't almost kill her.
It's kind of like the difference between interrogating and water-boarding--there's no guarantee that you can keep that person alive and/or sane at the end of that kind of torture.
I've had several friends tell me that they had to turn off this episode because of the line crossed--it was not acceptable to them. It made me squirm. There comes a time when the end does NOT justify the means.
I love this show, but maybe this episode is what causes the "heartbreak" at the end--Sophie rightly had concerns, I found it hard to believe that Eliot was okay with doing to others what was done to him, if the team truly are the "good guys" now, they should have stopped it and found another way to find out how to make the mark get over his guilt. Maybe they need to rethink their priorities. And TNT-willing, come back better and stronger next season.
Enough about morality issues, I want to know the important stuff, haha!
Sometimes little Kaneisms are slipped in, having to do with his music. So, was the "Knight" written as such, or since it was potentially a flexible thing, did it evolve during filming?
I just caught this on the when i paused the replay... I noticed Wakefield (Potato Job), Beckworx (10 little grifters) in the list of potential bidders for the company (as well as braddock aeronautics (first contact) not their adversary though, but they helped their client find a job there)... just curious.. aren't those 2 company near bankruptcy and in the wrong industry?
also.. i saw a company i don't recognize (annandale communications) a potential opponent for the team later?
So Parker can now grift. Really grift. Let the cross-training continue. Do we get Eliot hacking? or Hardison hitting? They've each already taken point on a job, so that's covered. You've ony got 3 more eps this season, so I imagine we'll see more of that. At this point, I guess all we're sure of about the finale is that they won't all die in a huge explosion or plane crash.
I'm beginning to think it's time to get all Providence (as in "I have friends in Providence" you're probably familiar with the concept, John, the rest of you - fill in the name of the reputed local home of the more violent branch of the Mob) on TNT's asses. This is getting ridiculous. They have to renew you, they've got shit to put in if they cancel.
Loved this episode, it's just like what the Kremlin would do.
A small business man decided for whatever reason to sell off his company and move on, but a worker decided that he shouldn't be allowed to see his own company, so he brings in brain-washers to correct his defective thinking. These brain-washers drug and delude him and drive him to the point of insanity where he thinks he can jump from a building and not be hurt, the brain-wash team then stops him from jumping and declare victory. Perhaps there are residual effects of all that drugging and later he will try to jump off another roof top, this time without the brain-washers there.
Finally the brain-washers have corrected his defective mind and he now is mentally forced to keep his factory/company open.
I just think he was ungrateful for not thanking the Leverage team for rearranging his brain.
Amanda Barncord -- just to say I appreciated your 3 a.m. rant. This wasn't my favorite episode, though the Parker/roof scene was very good. It struck me as a take on _A Christmas Carol_, as well as one on _Mission: Impossible_ where they did this stuff all the time. Your post helps me realize that _Leverage_ is actually thinking about the ethical issues various other people are raising here, in a way that MI never did. (Though they did have a mastermind, a female grifter, a white strongman, and a black technical expert...)
In Mission Impossible, the enemies were operatives and Terrorists not a lowly small business owner who was trying to express free human will, which was snatched away from him because he didn't know how to our satisfaction, properly handle freedom.
MI dealt with terrorists and bad governments Hustle Dealt with greed unscrupulous characters Leverage dealt with a business guy who didn't deserve freedom of self determination. I see nothing wrong with that. Believe me I enjoyed seeing his brains turn to mush, because he deserved it, I'm a fan after all.
I adore the show and love the blogs since I enjoy my media more when it's sprinkled with a little analysis.
Two questions(and forgive me if the general one has been asked before, I'm working my way through these backwards)
A. If the Mark had died, would it have broken the team for good?
B. The team has always seemed a little metahuman in their abilities, particularly in the Nigerian job though it has been toned down some. Was that intentional or a consequence of needing them to be able to accomplish certain things?
I think maybe some people are taking this a bit too seriously; especially the Kremlin guy (is there a Godwin rule for bringing in Soviet Russia?)
But at any rate, the script was liberally sprinkled with the team questioning whether or not they were doing the right thing, I do not think the writers were trying to say that the White Rabbit was a good thing, hence the roof top scene. They got lucky and they know it.
And the 'workers' weren't trying to 'force' the owner to do anything. He was ruining a perfectly good business that was basically the employer for an entire town. If he didn't want it any more, he could have just sold it, but he was deliberately ruining it and then selling it, because of reasons that I'm not going to state because it's in the bloody script.
They didn't want to ruin HIM, they wanted to help him, and this was the way Nate thought he could do it. Why? We don't know. Nate is complicated. We know this because we watch the show.
Not so sure on this one. Love Leverage especially eliot loved his fight scene was really funny. The rest I felt was so far removed from what they usually do
@Carol I'm sorry but your thinking about this is defective, I think we need to help you think in a different way. We can accomplish this in 4 days of h4eavy drugging and delusions, at the end we will have HELPED you to think more like our collective thinking.
Also, you comments are ruining perfectly good blog postings, so it's our/my duty to "change your mind" to keep you from ruining yourself, it's now incumbent on me to fix your thinking
By the way: in the script the business owner did say he was trimming the company to sell it, and he had buyers lined up. the problem was he wasn't fulfilling the will of the collective.
I am not attacking Leverage I do like and watch Leverage but I do retain my moral principles at all times, and this episode was not what the Leverage team would do, in fact it is what the bad guys would do and Leverage team would try to stop.
That was fascinating. It took me a time to get into it but really only because you were fighting my prejudices: I have never before seen a drama using any kind of virtual reality that worked for me and trippy tales just never seem to come off in a one-hour drama. Yet I was actually moved by The White Rabbit Job.
Plus you do repeatedly give great roles to the guest star but I think this is the first time that the guest was a good guy. Good guys are boring: how did you pull that off so well?
You did do computer stuff that can't work so I was happier when you moved into having Charlie in the real factory. But I would've liked to have seen more investigation into the events of five years before – sorry, was it five? whenever Charlie failed to take that call. I think that it turned, for him, on a missed phone call was very smart because it's the kind of tiny moment that we can all completely believe in, that we can imagine feeling, that we can so very easily identify with the possibility. And wonderfully for a crime show, of course, it's about the teeniest of clues you can have.
I did just feel that if something or someone has changed over a certain period, you automatically look at the time that started. Naturally you couldn't have the team find the missed call in act 1 so you'd have needed some way to quickly establish that there appeared to be nothing to find. Just as you can't prove a negative, you also can't make it interesting: so you'd have had to find something else, some other step there and of course I've no idea what that could've been.
I'm not happy saying that because I think it would've been very join-the-dots kind of writing and filling in things we didn't need – except that I think for me it would've rescued a moment later on that we did. When Nate had Hardison call up the security footage, that was instantaneous retrieval of precisely the right moment from several years ago. If they'd already looked, if they'd already retrieved because they were investigating that day, this moment would've worked for me.
Perhaps that would also have avoided the issue with Hardison not finding Patience: again, you'd have had to have him find something else that led away from her, but the Elliot/Hardison argument felt like a band aid over a little story burr. Smartly done, smartly played, but a band aid.
I truly loved the moral issues being raised right at the top. Very effective. Very brave, actually, as I don't think other con shows even allude to it. It's unusual to see a meaty issue debated right at the front of any episode and that you did it so quickly was quite amazing. All issues raised, all done in the guise of a debate where everyone had valid points, yet it wasn't a lecture and it was done both fast and satisfyingly.
You didn't need that moment and as I say most other shows wouldn't have done it, but I loved that you did. Oddly, I wouldn't have wanted you to do more even if you had the time:: it was a just-perfect little spot. I think there was time, too: the very last scene felt like more of an explanation than you usually do. I was just thinking that they had actually pulled off the White Rabbit after all when Sophie began telling us and persuading us that they had.
Oh! And that it turned on Parker being honest: a gorgeous moment.
Forgive my analysing away here: I'm new to your blog but have relished the show for years. And I'm in the UK: I got so hooked I managed to get a US iTunes account in part so I could buy the episodes months or a year before they air here. The downside of which is that while I know very many people who love the show, I don't know any who buy it from the States so I don't get to talk to them about the detail.
I realize that Nate is trying to get the team to work and function without him (Broken Wing, Gimme a K). However it seems like with this episode, Nate stayed completely out of it, stepping in only when they really needed it, even though he is arguably the one who should have been trying to get into the mark's head. Why didn't he? He is still on the team right now.
Most people are of the opinion that making anonymous personal attacks against other posters is the sort of thing that "ruin[s] perfectly good blog postings"
So much great stuff for Sophie and Parker in this episode. I think every time I've gotten sniffly and/or weepy watching Leverage it's been Beth Riesgraf's fault.
Also, there's something about hearing someone in panic say to an unflappable Gina Bellman, "You're the Doctor" that reeeally makes me want to see her in THAT role.
@martianunlimited I saw that too. Maybe just previously cleared company names the writers felt could be used again. @Anonymous at 11:00 am Leverage has not been cancelled yet. nor has it been renewed. It is in limbo and no one has explained WHY TNT has not made a decision either way. I suspect It did not hold up well on sundaty this year compared to falling skied and was the TNT execs felt it might fight better w/ Rizzoli and Isles and steal/borrow some viewers from white collar on tuesday. So they are looking to the results from the next few weeks to determine how it's going is my guess.
@Kris: "Also, there's something about hearing someone in panic say to an unflappable Gina Bellman, "You're the Doctor" that reeeally makes me want to see her in THAT role." You mean THE Doctor?! Ohhh, come on!
Also, I noticed that the writing team didn't take on a widely publicized sort of con yet, namely a fake martial arts school. You know, one of those run by money-hungry delusional egomaniac douches. Bullshido.org has some material on the subject, and I'd love to see Eliot at work in this one. "The Kung Fool Job".
The immorality question of changing someone against their will, or correcting behavior just because you think they should do something else, does not apply here. This man's behavior had changed drastically from the character he was known to have, and he had known drastic psychological problems, manifested in panic attacks. Sophie correctly warned him that he could not find the source of the problem and be freed from its effects, unless he really wanted it. He said he did want it, and gave her permission to treat him, trusting her analysis enough to give her ten days to try and accomplish what all previous therapy had failed to do for him. ---anonymous named Jeff
I often describe LEVERAGE to non-grifters as, "Mission: Impossible meets the A-Team." (M:I, the TV series, not the wonderfully over-blown movie franchise with Tom Cruise.) This may very well be the closest episode to M:I you've ever done. The LEVERAGE team were all at least a bit uncomfortable with the drugging and rewiring of the marks head, but Mr. Phelps and team, they did it numerous times. A nice step in the evolution of the team. Well done, sir.
Maybe if Leverage gets cancelled that can be the first in the movie franchise. If there ever was a series ripe for the cinema, it's Leverage. If Mission Impossible and the A-Team ended up on the big screen, this should too.
It would be awesome to see Parker and Hardison hanging from the side of a building on a screen thats 20 feet high :)
I was looking through some of the old blogs, and found 'The Rashamon Job' one. In one of the answers, you said we would find out if Eliot ever got his hands on the sapphire monkey in season 5. Is this still a thing that will happen?
Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts.Any way Ill be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. idateasia review
I don't know if John's ever going to come back to this, but one thing I did want to say after recently re-watching the episode on the DVD... basically, my one big problem with the episode is that I have trouble buying that Hardison can make the virtual room look to the mark -- even if drugged -- like it does to the viewers. At one point, he even tells Sophie that the only things she can interact with are the doors, implying that somehow there are 3D projections she can see while completely sober. I could see if Hardison was doing some sort of augmented reality thing with headsets or special glasses, but it's just a bit of a stretch to suggest he's basically making a holodeck.
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Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di http://obatkutildikemaluan.blogdetik.com/ untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobatiAmbeienitusendiri. pengobatanyangterbaikuntukAmbeienadalahdariluardandalamsehinggaAmbeienbenarbenartuntasdantidakakankambuhlagi. obatAmbeienterbaik "AmbecleardariDeNature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? KutilPadaKepalaPenismiripbungakolataujengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
dapatkan obat kutil kelamin tanpa operasi yang aman dan ampuh untuk menyembuhkan kutil kelamin dengan cepat tanpa efek samping. obat kutil kelamin ini terbuat dari bahan herbal yang mujarab untuk merontokan kutil kemaluan sampai ke akarnya dan tidak tumbuh lagi. bahan herbal yang digunakan dapat menetralisir virus hpv secara alami tanpa harus ke dokter. Kutil kelamin adalah salah satu penyakit menular yang terjadi karena penderita melakukan hubungan seksual yang salah melalui vaginal, anal atau oral dengan orang yang terinfeksi. Kutil kelamin disebabkan oleh Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Dan penelitian membuktikan bahwa lebih dari 24.000.000 orang yang hidup di Negara maju seperti Amerika, sudah terinfeksi oleh HPV. Menurut sebuah survei juga yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat, mnegatakan bahwa kutil kelamin tetap diakui oleh 97 persen responden. Itulah penyebab kutil kelamin adalah masalah kesehatan yang signifikan yang hingga sekarag belum diketahui jenis obat dan perawatan yang benar-benar ampuh. Dalam ilmu kedokteran, penyakit ini diartikan sebagai infeksi virus yang dapat bertahan untuk waktu yang lama pada jaringan di daerah genital pada pria dan wanita. Seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya juga bahwa belum ada obat yang terbukti ampuh untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini dengan menghilangkan virusnya secara total, selain hanya menghilangkan kutilnya saja. Karena Virus tetap tinggal dalam daerah yang terinfeksi, maka dapat kambuh setiap saat. Itulah mengapa sangat penting bagi penderita memeriksakan diri ke ahli medis jika sudah mengidap penyakit kutil kelamin, dengan cara itu maka dapat dicegah penularanya ke orang lain. Pengobatan kutil kelamin terdiri dari beberapa solusi yang diantara lain adalah meliputi solusi topikal kimia, solusi anti virus, cryotheraphy, operasi pengangkatan, dan elektrosurgikal. Beberapa obat topical diantaranya adalah Aldara, krim, yang dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan virus. Sedangkan Condylox berkhasiat untuk menghancurkan jaringan yang terinfeksi. Dan TCA adalah perawatan kimia untuk membakar kutil kelamin ini. Jika obat topical tetap saja tidak efektif untuk menyembuhkan penderita, maka diyakini bahwa pembedahan yang lebih efektif. Ada banyak pilihan juga untuk metode pembedahan ini, yang diantaranya adalah : 1. Cryotherapy, yakni membekukan kutil dengan nitrogen cair. 2. Elektrokauter, menggunakan arus ectrical untuk membakar kutil 3. Pengobatan Laser, adalah pengobatan yang sangat mahal dan dapat digunakan untuk mengobati kutil, hanya saja metode ini terkadang sulit untuk dilakukan. 4. Obat medis yang diterapkan oleh ahli medis, seperti resin podophyllin, Fluorouracil dan interferon. Jika beberapa obat medis yang sudah disebutkan di atas ternyata tidak efektif untuk menyembuhkan, maka masih ada pilihan pengobatan alternative lain seperti obat herbal yang terbuat dari bahan alami, obat herbal ini juga diyakini tidak memiliki efek samping seperti obat-obatan kimia lainya sehingga lebih aman selain efektif untuk menyembuhkan. demikian adalah ulasan seputar penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus hpv. ketahui gejala kutil kelamin sejak dini untuk mendapatkan pengobatan yang tepat dan cepat serta aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping ataupun ketergantungan obat.
Buktikan khasiat obat kutil kelamin kami yang terbuat dari bahan alami asli indonesia tanpa efek samping dan sangat manjur. Penderita penyakit ini tentunya bertanya-tanya, bagaimana caranya untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini cukup di rumah saja dan tidak perlu repot-repot harus ke dokter. Atau ada beberapa alasan lainya yang menyebabkan seseorang tidak ingin menceritakan penyakitnya ini, dan anda jangan khawatir karena anda tidak sendirian dalam permasalahan ini. Kutil yang terjadi pada organ kelamin ini adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus menular bernama APV atau Human Papilloma Virus. Virus ini dapat ditularkan melalui kulit atau kontak kulit. Hal ini berarti bahwa seseorang bisa tertular virus ini HPV melalui hubungan seksual dan meski sudah menggunakan kondom. Biasanya penderita juga tidak menunjukkan tanda sedang mengalami penyakit kutil kelamin, sehingga hal ini juga mungkin orang lain untuk mendapatkan kutil kelamin dari penderita yang tidak memiliki tanda-tanda kutil kelamin tersebut. Misalnya jika pasanganya anda memiliki salah satu strain HPV yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan kutil kelamin, maka Anda juga bisa mendapatkannya. Keadaan juga bisa menjadi lebih buruk, jika penderita menyebarkan virus tersebut yang sudah berbentuk kutil. Dari membaca informasi di atas, seharusnya sudah jelas bahwa sangat mudah seseorang terkena virus ini yang kemudian dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan kutil pada alat kelamin. Kutil yang tumbuh pada alat kelamin ini juga bukanlah penyakit hina yang membuat anda merasa rendah diri dan malu untuk mengkonsultasikanya, apalagi jika ini masih berupa gejala awal, karena banyak penderita yang mengalami pertumbuhan kutil ini pada beberapa bagian alat kelaminya. Jadi jika anda bertanya-tanya bagaimana dapat menyembuhkan penyakit ini dari rumah, maka yakinlah saja pengobatan itu ada karena sudah banyak penderita yang menyembuhkan penyakitnya ini dari rumah. Sebenarnya juga ada beberapa alasan kenapa penderita lebih memilih penyembuhan penyakitnya ini dari rumah, yang diantaranya adalah : 1. Malu Ada sejumlah besar rasa malu yang terkait dengan semua PMS, salah satunya adalah kutil kelamin ini. Untuk alasan inilah mungkin anda ingin menyingkirkan kutil kelamin secepat mungkin tanpa harus memberitahu siapa pun, dan hal ini adalah wajar dan dapat dimengerti. 2. Privasi Pekerjaan anda mungkin yang berhubungan dengan kantor atau dokter, sehingga ingin menyimpan penyakit ini dari catatan medis Anda. 3. Waktu Mengobati penyakit ini dari rumah memang lebih efektif rasanya di jaman sekarang. Anda mungkin harus menunggu beberapa minggu untuk janji dokter dan kemudian harus kembali untuk banyak menindaklanjuti perawatan. Tapi jika anda menyembuhkan penyakit kutil Anda ini di rumah, perawatan dapat dilakukan lebih segera.
jual obat de Nature Indonesia ampuh dan herbal Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 442 0060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249.Dari namanya saja kita sudah tahu bahwa pengertian dari penyakit ini adalah pertumbuhan kutil yang terjadi pada organ vital atau alat kelamin manusia dengan mengidap penyakit yang seperti ini tentunya juga akan membuat penderitanya merasa sangat malu hingga bisa juga berujung dengan frustasi maka dari hal itu bisa disimpulkan bahwa konsekuensi dari penyakit ini bukan hanya dapat berdampak pada fisik tetapi juga emosi penderitanya Menyangkut masalah emosi ini maka paling utama yang dipertaruhkan adalah hubungan seksual penderita dengan pasanganya Jika sudah begitu maka apa lagi hal paling utama yang harus dilakukan selain dengan pengobatan yang ampuh Penjelasan di atas sedikit banyak juga sudah menyiratkan arti bahwa penyakit ini disebabkan oleh hubungan seksual atau seks oral yang pernah dilakukan penderita terhadap orang yang terinfeksi dan secara lebih khusus lagi dikatakan bahwa penyebab utama penyakit ini adalah virus HPV atau human papillomavirus yang sangat menular Ada banyak jenis HPV yang diduga menjadi penyebab terjadinya penyakit ini dan sekali lagi kami katakana bahwa pengobatan secara dini adalah hal yang harus anda lakukan jika sedang terkena penyakit ini Khususnya jika penderita penyakit ini adalah wanita maka biasanya daerah pertumbuhan kutil terjadi di bagian vagina vulva atau perineum anus dan leher rahim Gejala yang terlihat pada penderita bukan hanya dari penampilan kutilnya saja yang seperti kembang kol tapi pertumbuhan kulit yang terjadi di sekitar anus dan daerah vagina ini juga akan dirasakan gatal atau sensasi terbakar oleh penderita gejala paling parah mungkin penderita akan mengalami perdarahan selama atau setelah hubungan seksual Perlu juga diketahui bahwa virus HPV ini tidak akan menimbulkan masalah kesuburan tetapi jika penderita mengidap penyakit kutil ini selama kehamilan maka akan sangat tidak nyaman dan berisiko Penderita yang sedang hamil juga tidak dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi obat atau menjalani prosedur medis kutil kelamin seperti penderita umumnya
Cara herbal mengatasi kutil kelamin secara ampuh hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249. pertumbuhan kutil kelamin lebih sering terjadi dalam kelompok dan dapat terakumulasi menjadi ukuran yang lebih besar pada jaringan genital. Kutil juga sering kembali muncul setelah pengobatan, hal-hal itu tergantung pada faktor-faktor, seperti ukuran dan lokasi tempat pertumbuhan kutil. Untuk menyembuhkan penyakit kutil ini dapat diberlakukan dalam beberapa cara. Sedangkan penundaan berkepanjangan untuk mengobati penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kutil semakin berakar dalam, anda juga perlu tahu bahwa setiap kutil itu sangat menular. Gejala yang dialami penderita mungkin terdiri dari beberapa letupan, dan jika penyakit ini tidak di obati untuk waktu yang lama maka ada kemungkinan kutil tersebut tidak merespon pengobatan oral atau topical, maka salah satunya jalan adalah melalui operasi. Maka mengetahui betapa rumitnya pengobatan penyakit ini seharusnya menerbitkan kesimpulan penting pada diri kita untuk mendapatkan perawatan infeksi genital secara dini, karena penyakit ini sangat menular dan mungkin anda dapat menyebarkan infeksi kepada orang lain. Karena banyak penderita yang malu terlibat dalam pembicaraan tentang penyakit kutil kelamin HPV ini, maka mayoritas penderita kutil kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan biasanya tidak tahu apa jenis perawatan tepat yang dapat digunakan untuk kutil tersebut, khususnya pengobatan yang dapat digunakan secara privasi rumah mereka. Selain itu juga diketahui bahwa apapun jenis pengobatan yang dicoba oleh setiap penderita penyakit ini, belum ada yang benar-benar ampuh untuk menyembuhkan penderita sampai semua virus penyakitnya hilang.
Pengobatan herbal dengan menggunakan obat ampuh yang sudah terbukti khasiatnya de Nature Indonesia hubungi 28fe5a8b/081310563770/085846940249. Penyakit kutil kelamin yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan dapat menjadi sumber keprihatinan paling utama bagi ibu hamil. Ada kemungkinan juga bahwa kutil kelamin selama kehamilan dapat diteruskan kepada bayi. Dan pilihan Pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk wanita hamil berbeda daripada yang tersedia untuk perempuan lain. Jika seorang wanita yang sedang hamil mengalami penyakit ini juga merasakan gejala yang lebih buruk. Hal ini utamanya dikarenakan sistem kekebalan tubuh penderita secara alami ditekan selama masa kehamilan ini, hingga membuat penderita lebih rentan terhadan virus dan infeksi. Akibatnya penderita mungkin menemukan bahwa kutilnya akan tumbuh lebih besar. Yang menjadi penyebab utamanya adalah human papillomavirus (HPV). Tapi mayoritas wanita hamil dengan riwayat HPV memiliki kehamilan yang sehat dan pengalaman melahirkan. Tapi yang paling ditakutkan karena virus ini dapat ditularkan sehingga penderita beresiko mengidapn kutil kelamin, dan wanita hamil yang mengalami penyakit ini bisa juga mengalami gangguan pada proses kehamilanya.
sudah terbukti ampuh obat dari kami untuk merontokan kutil kelamin dengan cara memakai obat herbal dari de Nature Indonesia hubungi 28fe5a8b/081310563770/085846940249. Penyakit Kutil kelamin adalah salah satu dari dua penyakit menular seksual yang paling sering menular, dan disebabkan oleh virus. Penyakit satunya lagi adalah herpes genital. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus papiloma manusia sering disingkat sebagai HPV. Penyakit kutil seperti luka yang muncul ini juga disebut dengan nama kondiloma acuminate. Kutil tumbuh dengan ukuran kecil, tampak seperti daging berwarna di daerah genital dan anal. Dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 10-40% wanita yang aktif secara seksual terinfeksi HPV, meskipun kehadiran HPV ini pada penderita tidak selalu disertai dengan munculnya kutil kelamin. Jalur Penyebaran Kutil Kelamin Kutil kelamin menyebar melalui kontak langsung dengan orang yang terinfeksi, seperti melalui vagina, anal, atau oral seks. Sekitar enam puluh persen orang yang melakukan kontak seksual dengan penderita kutil kelamin akan mengalami gejala, dan biasanya itu terjadi dalam waktu tiga bulan semenjak hubungan intim. Virus papiloma masuk melalui lecet atau luka kecil di area kelamin yang terjadi selama aktivitas seksual. Setelah virus ini masuk, biasanya dibutuhkan sekitar tiga bulan untuk gejala pertama muncul, tetapi bisa juga memakan waktu lebih lama hingga bertahun-tahun.
Jika Anda mengidap kutil kelamin, tentunya penghapusan kutil kelamin ini adalah apa yang ada di pikiran Anda sepanjang hari. Kutil juga tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan Anda sehingga pengobatanya adalah pilihan anda sendiri, apakah ingin obat kutil kelamin atau tidak. Bahkan sebagian ahli medis yang melihat penyakit anda ini belum sebegitu parah hanya menyarankan supaya anda membiarkan penyakit ini akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Tapi jika kita perduli dengan kesehatan tentunya akan berpikir untuk segera mengetahui cara mengobati kutil kelamin menghilangkan penyakit ini jika sudah menginfeksi tubuh kita, ciri kutil kelamin yang berbahaya. Jual obat herbal kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249
Mengalami penyakit kelamin tentunya adalah hal paling memalukan yang dialami seseorang, terutama penyakit herpes dan kutil kelamin. Alasan sederhana sehingga penyakit ini terjadi adalah karena melibatkan alat kelamin tentunya. Sejak zaman kuno, berbicara tentang alat kelamin seseorang sudah dianggap sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran yang paling terlarang untuk dibicarakan. Bahkan di masa sekarang, berbicara tentang genital herpes adalah sangat memalukan. Karena itu juga maka banyak penderita yang terinfeksi, tidak memiliki keberanian untuk memberitahu dokter atau orang lain mengenai penyakitnya ini. Sebagian besar fakta mengenai bagaimana cara untuk mengobati kutil kelamin dan herpes juga belum diketahui hingga sekarang. Dalam situasi ini, akhirnya sangat sulit bagi orang yang terinfeksi untuk mencari obat kutil kelamin yang tepat dalam rangka menyembuhkan kutil kelamin supaya tidak terus menyebar. cara mengobati kutil kelamin, Jual obat herbal kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249
Kutil kelamin adalah penyakit yang sangat umum, dan bisa mempengaruhi lebih dari 5 juta pria, wanita dan anak-anak, seperti setiap tahun yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat. Penyakit ini memang jarang terjadi pada wanita yang sedang hamil, karena banyak penderita wanita yang mengalami penyakit ini setelah melahirkan. Tapi yang sangat disayangkan jika penyakit ini terjadi pada saat wanita sedang hamil tapi dia tidak pernah menyadari hal itu, dengan begitu maka akan ada kemungkinan penyakit akan terus berkembang menjadi lebih parah, satu-satunya jalan terbaik adalah dengan melakukan check up secara rutin, dan mencari penyebab kutil kelamin tersebut. Jual obat herbal kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249 Yang menjadi penyebab penyakit ini adalah Virus papiloma manusia (HPV) yang bisa menyerang siapa saja tanpa pandang bulu, termasuk wanita hamil. Dan obat kutil kelamin mungkin sulit untuk di temukan di apotik di daerah anda. Dan sesungguhnya wanita hamil memiliki resiko yang lebih besar jika terkena penyakit ini karena dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan janin yang sedang dikandungnya. Segera cari tahu apa ciri kutil kelamin tersebut. Tapi jangan khawatir karena di jaman sekarang ini, pengobatan kutil kelamin sudah dikenal secara meluas, intinya anda harus segera menghubungi dokter terdekat jika sudah terkena penyakit ini.
Salah satu cara yang dilakukan oleh praktisi medis untuk mendiagnosis kutil kelamin adalah dengan pemeriksaan visual langsung. Dan metode ini merupakan salah satu cara medis umum untuk menguji pasien wanita dengan penyebab kutil kelamin, infeksi HPV atau kemungkinan kanker serviks. Khusus untu pemeriksaan serviks dilakukan dengan menggunakan Pap smear test. Tes ini merupakan pemeriksaan menyeluruh dan mendetail dari sel serviks uterus yang dikorek. Jika praktisi medis mendeteksi adanya kelainan pada hasil tes, mereka mengirim pasien untuk pemeriksaan lebih lanjut untuk menentukan penyebab pasti dan sifat dari kelainan.
Pemeriksaan fisik untuk ciri kutil kelamin diagnosis kutil kelamin melibatkan pemeriksaan menyeluruh dari daerah pinggul dan paha. Kutil ini juga dapat berkembang di mulut atau tenggorokan, namun kasus seperti itu jarang. Dengan mata telanjang kita bisa melihat kutil tersebut muncul dan mengangkat berupa benjolan datar pada kulit. Ukuran kutil juga mungkin lebih besar atau kecil yang bertumbuh secara berkelompok atau individual. Terkadang bentuk dari obat kutil kelamin ini adalah menyerupai kembang kol, dan yang paling khas ada titik-titik kutil pada kulit organ kelamin. Jika ingin dijelaskan lagi maka dapat disebutkan bahwa kutil ini umumnya berbentuk daging berwarna atau sedikit lebih ringan daripada warna kulit pasien. Kutil kelamin sebagian besar menyakitkan selain gatal-gatal, nyeri dan bisa berujung pada pendarahan.Jual obat herbal ampuh untuk kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249
Jika penyakit kutil kelamin yang sedang anda derita sudah termasuk sangat parah, maka tindakan selanjutnya yang harus dilakukan adalah mencari obat kutil kelamin. Ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan, diantaranya adalah dengan metode konvensional menggunakan krim oles atau salep kutil kelamin, atau dapat juga penderita beralih ke obat resep dokter ketika mereka menemukan bahwa hasil metode konvensional ini kurang efektif. Khusus untuk pengobatan medis, biasanya metode ekstrem yang digunakan jika penyakit yang dialami penderita sudah semakin parah. Diantara beberapa metode pengobatan ekstrem tersebut adalah menggunakan CO2 atau operasi laser, di mana dokter akan menggunakan laser untuk membakar penyebab kutil kelamin. Metode pengobatan ini juga bisa sangat mahal, memakan waktu, dan menyakitkan atau cukup menakutkan. Metode pengobatan lainya yang adalah cryotherapy. Metode pengobatan ini melibatkan nitrogen cair untuk kutil yang akan membekukan kutil dari kulit. Lalu ada metode pengobatan Loop Electrosurgical Prosedur eksisi (LEEP), yang memanfaatkan alat berbilah berupa pisau yang berbentuk lingkaran. Alat ini dilewatkan sekitar dan di bawah setiap kutil untuk diangkat dari kulit. Tidak berbeda dengan metode pengobatan laser, metode pengobatan ini juga tergolong mahal. Selain itu belum ada jaminan bahwa obat mahal medis ini memang dapat menyembuhkan kutil kelamin secara tuntas, perlu kita ketahui bahwa kutil kelamin adalah penyakit yang sukar disembuhkan karena virus HPV yang menjadi penyebabnya sukar juga dihilangkan. Banyak pengobatan yang ada di jaman sekarang hanya dapat menghilangkan kutil, tapi tidak dengan virus penyebabnya.
There are certainly a lot of details like that to take into consideration. That is a great point to bring up. I offer the thoughts above as general inspiration but clearly there are questions like the one you bring up where the most important thing will be working in honest good faith. I don?t know if best practices have emerged around things like that, but I am sure that your job is clearly identified as a fair game. Both boys and girls feel the impact of just a moment’s pleasure, for the rest of their lives. jual obat gonore/kencing nanah cara mengobati sipilis dengan obat alami cara cepat menghilangkan kutil jual obat raja singa
Sifat air kelapa menjadikannya sebagai cairan intravena jangka pendek alami yang dapat diberikan kepada pasien. https://tipssehat.web.id Ya, tubuh mampu menerimanya tanpa reaksi samping. Jadi, tidak hanya itu dapat membantu rehidrasi ketika diambil secara lisan, tetapi air kelapa juga diberikan melalui rute intravena. Penderita diabetes harus berhati-hati ketika mereka minum apa pun selain air; air kelapa sepenuhnya aman bagi mereka.
I didn't want to be late to this post, since I finally have a question. I found the technical side of this episode intriguing and am now hoping that a bts production video was captured. It would make a great addition to the Season 5 DVD. Also, I bet this concept could have filled a full 2 hours, was it difficult to decide what to include in the script, how much was shot and cut for time? Can't thank you enough for this conduit. KungFu Monkey love.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering, who is going to be on the Season 5 DVD commentaries this year? We missed Christian last year, hope he will be on them this year. Also, keep the gag reel's, bloopers, and extended scenes coming they are awesome
ReplyDelete@Jessica Agreed!Would like to hear Gina or Tim especially on The Frame-Up Job, Christian On Rundown or Low, low Price job would be appreciated as well. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSo...granted, it's only five minutes in, but how much of this is influenced by Inception?
ReplyDelete"Trippy" is the word! That was fun, though a terribly risky venture -- they could have genuinely driven him around the bend, and with that at stake, I can't believe Sophie didn't come clean right away. I know ethics isn't exactly the team's strong suit, but this was probably their least ethical venture yet.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it's nice that the idea was to redeem someone who was going bad. (A redeemable villain! Nice contrast with last week's Snidely Whiplash. ;-) )
I loved the use of the name "Dodgson" with a "White Rabbit" con. :-) And I loved that it all came down to Parker -- Beth was magnificent. And I loved "Make something."
I don't know how no one guessed that the locked room was all about guilt, though -- it seemed pretty obvious from the get-go.
Whoo Leverage-ception!!! I was very excited by the preview last week and it didn't disappoint. :)
ReplyDelete1) Loved the Alice in Wonderland refs. Charles Dodgson, obv, but Alex Liddell was a nice touch.
2) Hmm, an inventor whose motto is "Keep Moving Forward"? Was Dodgson's grandpa Wilbur Robinson? :D
3) Nate just looks better and better. And next week the return of the hat!
Wow, that was a good episode. Great job taking the team in a different direction with this job and giving us something new and exciting.
ReplyDeleteBut that said, I have to ask.. so how much Silent Hill have you guys been playing around the office lately? Because honestly that faceless office worker with the red jacket turned into a straight jacket, I could totally see that as an enemy in a Silent Hill Game starring a CEO who has purposely driven his company into bankruptcy. That, maybe some kind of gigantic horrible mechanical contraption that's a combination paper shredder/printer/who knows what else machine that spewing razor sharp slips of pink paper or if can grab someone will horribly mangle their body turning it into a slushy before giving a whole new meaning to the term "canned"... okay maybe I'm the one who is over thinking this. But hell, Konami seems to be throwing darts at a board to figure out who will make the next Silent Hill Game, it could be you guys if you don't get renewed for season six!
Anyway keep up the good work and forgive me for taking the horrible metaphorical possibilities you started up and running with it straight to crazy town.
Charles Dodgson was, of course, Lewis Carrol's Real name. And Parker, aka Alice White, was central to the con. (Loved that from her by the way, a huge sign of her development as a character. Season 1 Parker would probably have pushed him.)If this were any other show I would accuse it of jumping the shark, but Leverage makes the trippiness believable. My question: was Sophie telling the truth about not having successfully pulled the White Rabbit before? It just seemed suspicious at the end.
ReplyDelete@Amelia -- oh yes, the hat! Can't wait! :-)
ReplyDeleteHow much influence did Inception have when writing this episode?
ReplyDeleteAlso, love the development of Parker, I can't see Parker of the early seasons getting Charles off that ledge. "People thought I was crazy, but I wasn't."
This show is the great love of my life. Does that sound weird?
ReplyDeleteFor my actual question...
Do y'all know yet about next season? Is there going to be one?
I loved the episode but most important i loved the acting between Beth and Chris. Christian and Beth have proven that they work really well together, Kane and Riesgraf have managed to prove to everyone that they have this beautiful and sweet chemistry/friendship that no one can destroy, you can tell on the show and off the show that they r the best of friends. One question when will Chris sing again we love his songs. And when will they show more of Eliot/Parker? they r great together
ReplyDeleteThis was definitely a satisfying installment to the Leverage universe. I think it perfectly showcased the maturity of the team and how they've grown as characters. You definitely couldn't have done this in an earlier season. Many kudos to the writing staff and crew. I'm sure this had to be a bear to shoot.
ReplyDeleteI especially like that it took the anti-grifter to complete the White Rabbit. It seems right that the reason the con always fails is because the grifter can't extricate themselves enough from the mark's mind to safely navigate through the endgame.
So questions...
(1)What was the origin of the numbered employees? At first I thought this was a prison work program. As the episode progressed I guessed that it was a hold-over from the father's reign as the head of the company and his dehumanizing, money-motivated business style. The thing that didn't make sense (and please someone correct me if I'm wrong) was that there was a few years of "good" Charles before the breakdown so why did he leave it in place?
(2) Whose decision was it to use the Star Trek hypospray sound every time the patches were applied? I kept waiting for Dr. Crusher to pop up in the background.
(3) Whose decision was it to have Charles wearing the Steve Jobs getup at the end? Was it intended as satire or an homage?
Again, excellent episode. I just wish that the commercial breaks didn't keep interrupting the dramatic tension. This episode more than any other was in desperate need of "limited commercial interruptions." I guess that's the point of releasing the DVDs.
A lot of people have mentioned noticing the Lewis Carroll references (which I loved) but I also loved when Sophie called herself Sally Sparrow. Thanks for the Doctor Who reference.
ReplyDeleteNow for my completely unrelated question.
Is there a reason we got two episodes in a row about helping to save a small town, one by closing a big company, one by saving it?
Ok, so pretty neat con...no questions, just a suggestion...any chance you could pull a White Rabbit Job con on the TNT execs that handle programming and get them to pull their finger out and renew you for a season 6...just an idea :)
ReplyDeleteLoved this episode and all the Wonderland references. I have a quick question though. I noticed in the partners presentation where Dodgson is falling asleep, that all four of the companies in the powerpoint are from previous cons, is this just a reference to past episodes to tie everything in or is there something coming up involving these four companies?
ReplyDeleteAlice White, Charles Dodgson, Liddell... you guys pulled out the stops on this one.
ReplyDeleteNow if only the folks at TNT would stop taking plays out of Gary Bettman's book. That season I hold no hope for. Leverage... for Leverage I will cling to whatever faint hope exists.
[small voice]: please?
Trippy, yes, but cool episode. And it's a nce change of pace to see the team working to save the "villain" (though he wasn't really).
ReplyDeleteAlso, kudos to Andrew Bowen for his portrayal of Dodgson. He really made me want the team to help him for his sake, and not just because I like it when the team wins.
I didn't get all the Alice in Wonderland references, but I snickered at "dreamnasium." ;)
Also, it was very nice to see Parker saving the day. I loved the call-back to "The Future Job" and the loss of her brother, and it was a lovely sign of just how much she's grown that a) she was able to relate to Dodgson through that loss and b) realize and articulate what the team has meant to and for her. Her "you're not alone" was truly touching.
And I would be horribly remiss if I didn't throw out some love for Eliot in the "Hamlet" bit. Because Eliot+armor+sword = my happy place. Just sayin'.
My only question so far: Just how close was Beth to the car? (And how much do you blame Kane for that?)
So, at the end, when Sophie said they'd successfully pulled the White Rabbit Con, and Nate responded "Parker, huh?"... does that mean that Sophie feels the successful White Rabbit wasn't in finding Dodgson, but in how the team has gotten into Parker's head and revealed what was underneath?
ReplyDeleteMr. Carroll! Charles Dodgson! Alex Liddell!
ReplyDeleteEliot's special sedatives? Flashback! I missed those!
"Propose the oath, my lord!" Eliot quoting Hamlet? LOL! That was really awkward-sounding. Actor choice?
Ooh, was that blue pill/red pill? The Matrix?
Eliot with the older guard with the gun? Hilarious!
Parker, oh, Parker. She has developed so much as a person.
I apologize for the overload of exclamation points in my previous post. That's what I get for commenting while viewing.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, loved the episode, especially how the climax was actually dramatic and personal.
I have a question unrelated to the episode. In the San Lorenzo Job and the Last Dam Job, Eliot is shown wearing a harness/holster type getup. Since he doesn't use guns, what's it for? It's been bugging me.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Anyone else find the "Prove your not a robot" words illegible?
@ the anonymous right after me:
ReplyDeleteI asked that question before with basically the same "but he doesn't use guns" observation in connection to both episodes having to do with making a choice to kill or not to kill, and people were kind enough to tell me that what he was wearing was a holster for throwing knives.
Ooh! I got an easy robot thingy!
1) Is kidnapping a man, driving him insane and brainwashing him into the desired state of mind by invading his dreams the logical escalation of Nate's 'sicko love of controlling people'?
ReplyDelete2) Did anybody in the writing room question the morality of kidnapping a man and brainwashing him?
3) After the job, will anyone from the Leverage Crew question the morality of literally (and repeatedly) kidnapping and brainwashing the mark?
In case you didn't guess, I have a very strong issue with the morality of brainwashing someone. Yeah, not a fan of this one.
As I sat there watching the "White Rabbit Job", I couldn't help but reflect on last season #509 and #510 episodes.
ReplyDeleteI think you have two different good shows masquerading as one.
1. #509 - Eliot, Parker and Hardison
These three would make a very successful TNT show (action/comedy/technology).
I would recommend TNT begin bidding on this.
2. #510 - Sophie and Nate could find success as a crusading con team, using their criminal knowledge to catch thieves.
I know my suggestion won't be popular amongst the die-in-the-wool leverage fan, but Leverage is quickly losing it's magic but the upside is #509 and #510.
Very surreal episode. Kudos to the FX team for great graphics. Absolutely loved Eliot's fight sequence. Very entertaining. I miss them.
ReplyDeleteLove this ep! Such a HUGE contrast to last week's! This one did not give me whiplash from extreme choppiness; it seemed more like the best scenes from a movie I'd like to see. And this week Nate actually had his head in the game—or his game in the head, as the case may be.
ReplyDeleteI love that Parker may not have gotten to steal anything shiny, but she totally stole the con. The best part was that she did it as Believable Season 5 Parker, not After-School Special Parker ("Gimme a K," I'm looking at you).
This psychocon opens up huge new territory that it will take at least one more season to explore. Right?
Absolutely loved this episode. My only question is regarding the ending. Was he intended to look like Steve Jobs and, if so, who made that sartorial decision?
ReplyDeleteHah--an answer to my comment about the Low, Low Price Job--yes, a villain will become nice!
ReplyDeleteA little creepy, the pushed drugs and all, and would have liked to know more about HOW Hardison was doing it all.
Parker was outstanding, and loved the villain, well cast.
Thanks for another fascinating episode!
@Anon at 8:51
ReplyDeleteAgree, the fight sequence with the guards was great, just because Eliot was so reluctant to do damage, kind of incredulous that the middle-aged, out-of-shape, guards were going to keep messing with him. And the old guy with the gun was hilarious, the way he just walked away once Eliot took his gun.
I've loved every episode of Leverage for 5 seasons (and still hoping for a 6th) but aside from outstanding acting and amazing FX, I am unhappy to have to say this is the first episode I actually did not like. I'm with commenter oppyu above, and feel a moral line was crossed by the Leverage team. Kidnapping, drugging and brainwashing... what could possibly be bad enough in a Big Bad to justify that? IMHO this mark's faults didn't even come close.
ReplyDeleteYes, I know this stuff happens in the real world by "good" people doing bad things. But Leverage isn't the real world--it's the fantasy I get to live in for an hour where "heroes" actually do the right thing. Although to be fair, it seems like Nate was the only one who actually believed what they were doing was right. Won't the team ever learn to say no to his hubris? And I thought he was past all that ego trip where he thinks he can do whatever he wants?
Questions above are mostly rhetorical, so no need to answer. Thank you for the space to vent. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love this show so much. I really hope the ending of the show isn't the team blowing up because they got too big for their britches. ;-)
Is it just me or did Nate already pull off the 'white rabbit con' - on the team. He has gotten into their heads and changed them all completely, just look at how they react during this episode compared to say how they would have in season 1. Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteI really love this series...please please please can we have a season 6
This put me in mind of some of the classic "Mission Impossible" where they would kidnap the bad guy and put him in some elaborate set to convince him of whatever they wanted him to believe.
ReplyDeleteI'm also with those who say this was very ethically questionable. Nate is capable of justifying pretty much anything to himself at this point. I am hoping you'll come back around to this and deal with it again. Where would Nate draw the line at this point?
@Nekussa -- yeah. I love Nate and have always spoken up for him whenever people have run him down. I've always thought he was genuinely good at heart. But this . . . this definitely crossed a line.
ReplyDeleteI loved so much the mark's name was Charles Dodgson. And then you threw in Sally Sparrow, which just added to the wonderful.
ReplyDeleteSo...silly question...have you ever made up a crossover idea with Leverage/Doctor Who, just for funzies, and how well do you think it would work. And which Doctor would you most like to see the team with?
I have to agree with the posters above me, I really didn't like the ethical line that got crossed. I mean fuck, they drove the guy to almost commit suicide. I think Hardison had it right in the beginning of the episode, if the guy wants to be a dick that's his prerogative. You can't mind rape someone into changing just because you don't like who they are. It just seems really violating.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention given Sophie's ability to figure people out I think they could have found a way to help the guy figure out his issues without all kidnapping, questionable drugging and brainwashing. It all just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I also really wasn't a fan of the first part of the episodes with Hardison's holodeck like warehouse. It was just too unbelievable and far-fetched for me and in the end turned out to be irrelevant because they stopped using it anyway. I hoping you have a link to some already existing technology that can do all that I can read to prove me wrong though because that sort of stuff would be cool. I just think it would have been better for them to find away to break into the offices to begin with.
The scene where Eliot has the guy over his shoulder and puts him back to bed, was that a dummy? He tossed him down pretty hard!
Also, I want a spin off with that old, gun totting security guard! Maybe he and Eliot could form a security team or private detective agency.
Even though I didn't like this particular episode much, I do love you and love this show. I'd be very sad if there wasn't a season 6.
Another good episode - keep them coming! (That goes for a season 6 too...)
ReplyDelete@Izzie - nice call on the blue pill/red pill! Although I think they got the patches the wrong way round - it should have been the red patch that sent him to la-la land to "see how far the rabbit hole went", and the blue patch leaving him waking in his bed believing whatever he wanted. (Er, that makes me look like I can quote The Matrix off the top of my head, doesn't it? Oh dear.)
I also loved Eliot's fight scene. I know you've said Eliot doesn't enjoy fighting, but I find that hard to believe (must be Kane's enjoyment coming through). I reckon even Eliot enjoyed that one though.
I agree it's murky ground on the whole kidnap/brainwash issue. Instead of looking at it from the 'no one's bad enough to deserve that' POV, how about the 'do whatever it takes to save someone' POV? Think of it as extreme accelerated therapy? He's being going to therapy for however many years and the team fix him in less than 10 days? That's my fun train, and I'm staying on it :)
Based on this ep and "Low, Low Price," it looks like Hardison's in a very contrarian mood these days. (Yes, I know two episodes make for an awfully small sample size.) What's going on there? Greater assertiveness (he's thinking of himself as more of Nate's equal)? Annoyance with Nate over the Secret Plan of Secretness? Something else?
ReplyDeleteAs for the episode: I thought it was well-done, and Beth Riesgraf was terrific, but I have to agree with those who feel that Nate went too far. I hope he gets some sort of comeuppance...as long as it's non-fatal...and doesn't bring down the rest of the team...yeah.
Loved this one, discovering all the subtle references was fun. I just watched the episode again and caught a few more. My favorite scene was Eliot and tho older guard. Stop... Gimme the gun.... I can't stop laughing. Thanks for another enjoyable episode. Andrew Bowen responded to every tweet fans sent him last night,that was classy and appreciated by the fans.
ReplyDeleteI was too busy Tuesday night watching the extended version of "The Measure of a Man" (plus commentary!) from the ST:TNG Season 2 Blu-ray set to watch Leverage until tonight on the DVR; my apologies. As for this episode, to quote John Lennon, "Strange days, indeed! Most peculiar, mama."
ReplyDeleteQuestions and comments:
1. It seemed to take the team a surprisingly long time to ask what might have changed Dodgson. Isn't it important to determine the mark's motivations in order to have a successful con?
2. That Hamlet scene seemed more like a John Rogers - D&D sequence than Thorne. Any ghost writing there?
3. Several have mentioned Sally Sparrow, but no one mentioned Steed. Strange bedfellows...
4. And someone mentioned Wilbur Robinson, but wasn't "Keep moving forward" Walt Disney's motto? After Lucasfilm, did the Mouse buy you guys, too? :)
5. How long do companies keep their security cam footage? All of that data from three-plus years ago? Seems excessive.
6. That locked door Hardison banged on seemed a bit flimsy; I thought I could see it sag and some light shine through it.
7. Parker as a brunette - mrowr!
8. I'm so glad you redeemed the villain. While watching, I kept thinking he really should wind up being a good guy, and for once, he was!
9. Talk about perception: I really was thinking that the show had increased the number of act breaks. I went back and counted; there are only six. But while watching, it just seemed like it was constantly cutting to commercial. Strange.
While this certainly won't be my favorite episode of the season, it's good to see the show experimenting in this way. Counting down...
That scene with Parker and Dodgson on the roof - Beth Riesgraf was amazing, I watched it three times! What IS it about Beth Reisgraf and roof scenes?
ReplyDelete"Every grift is an exchange. The trick is to give them enough to hold them up, but not enough to pull them over."
ReplyDeleteTaking the truth and bringing it out, without breaking the mark.
So... Parker was the mark, right?
Okay that fight scene was hysterical. I hope then next show you write is a comedy so you can hire Mr. Kane!
I think this whole season is the long con to teach Hardison, Parker and Eliot that they can do this on their own.
I'm not sure Eliot wanted Sophie to tell that he had "sedatives". And how did she find out? And what did she use the first time she pulled a white rabbit?
ReplyDeleteCuriouser and Curiouser.
And what the heck is Triexedor 329 listed on the wall behind the drugs? Is this something we should/should not know about which should or should not be in the news?
Your writers make us think, Mr. Downey. What an amazing thing you do!
LOL at Parker coming out of NOWHERE to contrive some sob story making this episode all about her. Thought for sure we'd get a nice Sophie moment this episode.
ReplyDeleteCan you talk for a moment about how you structure an episodes so I understand how b story, c story, etc work?
Is it my imagination or were the companies listed as partners in the company buy-in all corporations that have been busted by the leverage team. It seemed as if some of the names were familiar.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous (10:43 p.m.) – How was Parker's story "contrived"? She didn't say anything about herself that we haven't heard in previous episodes.
ReplyDelete1. Was it just the prop department sleeping on the job, or did that guard's pistol was supposed to be fake? It looked like a dollar store toy.
ReplyDelete2. You went waaaay overboard with this one. A con that requires this sort of technical prep, not to mention digging info on the mark, and Hardison misses an elephant-sized clue? Makes no sense. Yes, Willing Suspension Of Disbelief included.
3. Also, Inception. Using drugs and high-tech devices to get into a guy's head and plant an idea? It felt like a Syfy "Original".
I really liked this episode for a variety of reasons that would probably bore most people. I do agree that the team was going over the ethics line, but a lot of what they do is technically unethical if you're going to split hairs.
ReplyDeleteIt appeared to me that Nate really wanted the challenge of doing this job. Even though he said Sophie was to be the lead, several times he overrode her objections after the con started. And he wasn't at all flustered by the fact when she admitted that she hadn't really pulled off a White Rabbit con successfully before.
As for whether or not they actually pulled that particular con off, I would have to say that technically they didn't, but the fact that they were able to salvage it so it ended well probably makes it the most successful attempt at a White Rabbit con.
Having worked in the mental health field, I couldn't help but think that they would have been more successful if they had someone with better knowledge of mental illness, grief, and treatment. But a licensed professional could never do such a job without losing their license. And I think that's why I like this episode as much as I do, because it showed WHY ethical professionals would not choose such a technique. And yet the team still ended up succeeding because Parker did something that research has shown makes one of the biggest impact on people - she was honest and real. She showed real concern for Dodgson's life, she was just open enough with her own experience to make him realize that they had a connection, and she suggested a solution that played to his strengths, while leaving him to determine how to do it.
Of course, Parker would not make a good therapist in general, but at that moment of crisis, she managed to do the right thing, except that she walked away before making sure he was physically some where safe. Granted, he may have needed that, but if she had been a mental health professional, she would have been obligated by law to make sure he got somewhere safe.
For me the real strength of the episode was how it showed the potential pitfalls of such an approach to intervention - the chance of frying the mark's brain with drugs, the fact that easy to obtain supplements can mess with drug interaction, the unpredictability of someone else's inner demons, and the fact you can make some things worse, while trying to make it better.
A lot of people fantasize about "straightening" others out against their will. There is a multitude of reasons why many of these fantasies don't work and I liked the fact that some of them were shown here.
Okay. This is what happens when I post comments at 3am in the morning. I just realized that I didn't actually ask my question, while responding to some of the themes I saw in other comments. I touched upon it, but didn't asked it straight out.
ReplyDeleteMy question is - did Nate let his thirst for a challenge override his caution? Was he driven to take this job by his ambition and curiosity, just so he would have the opportunity to try his hand at the White Rabbit con?
@anonymous Parker's story was in no way contrived. It is established back in season two (The Future Job) that she had a brother who she taught to ride a bike, and then he got hit by a car while he was riding that bike. If you can not see how this situation could leave her feeling just as vulnerable and guilty over the death of her brother as the mark does over the death of his cousin then.... well then the two of us will just have to agree to disagree,
ReplyDeleteI LOVED this episode!
ReplyDelete@Sophie Ford 11:44
I LOVE that idea, that Nate pulled off the White Rabbit on his team. Headcanon!
Did Parker not have her earbud in when she was on the roof? Why did it seem like no one knew what was going on up there / she didn't tell them was what going on / she wasn't asking for advice?
Also, the "Parker" comment right at the end made sense when I was watching it, but I would LOVE more context into it. Did Sophie ever think before hand that Parker was the one that would pull it off? Or did she push Parker to do it the whole time because she knew that she COULD do it?
I think this is only our second villain that ended up redeeming himself / actually being a nice guy, with the other one being from The Carnival Job. I think that they were even approached somewhat similarily. Was this brought up at all in the writers' room during the character development?
Thanks! Seriously, that was a GREAT episode. I loved it, and can't wait until next week!
@TomR -- good observation. I like contrarian Hardison. The role suits him. :-)
ReplyDeleteI think I'm in agreement that it was slightly... skeevy?
ReplyDeleteI love the idea and the execution of the Inception style dream layers in the real world was clever. I can also see that it's hard to make drugging someone and playing with their mind seem like the 'right' thing to do.
But the team essentially exploited that guy's existing mental health issues (his panic attacks and guilt issues) by drugging him and then messed with his head until he was driven to trying to kill himself. What if Parker hadn't gotten to the roof door in time?
I think most of my discomfort comes from the fact that the only real problem any of the team had with it is 'oh, the con won't work if we break the mark so let's try not to do that!'
I was trying to figure out why this made me more uncomfortable than last week's episode where the team messed with the woman's hotel room to drive her crazy. But I think there is a difference - the hotel stuff just stressed her out and made her tired so that she would snap more easily. There weren't any lasting effects to that one whereas this one could have had major consequences that no-one seemed to think of/care about.
I don't know, I usually love the show and have no complaints with how issues/characters/storylines are handled and while I really enjoyed parts of this episode, it also just made me really uncomfortable.
RE dream / reality manipulation:
ReplyDeleteThis idea was around long before Inception.
I remember a sequence in "Stars my Destination" where a professional mind-games group tries to immerse the hero into a fantasy world where he is rich and successful, in hopes of tricking him into giving up the location of a powerful device.
I know it's a small thing, but I have to ask: is 'keep moving forward' a Meet the Robinsons reference?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I see the issues with the morality. I mean, yeah, it was immoral, but we're still a bunch of thieves and crooks on the Leverage team. In the past, the team and/or members have:
ReplyDelete1) Parker gave a guy with anxiety issues speed to further ramp up their ability to manipulate him;
2) They made a guy believe that he had either killed his date or his date had died in his bed;
3) Nate hypnotized Hardison without his knowledge so he could tap into his innermost violin skills;
4) Nate (with Parker's approval) had Hardison administer mild electric shocks to a mark;
5) They made two different marks believe that they had contracted some sort of terrible disease/illness;
6) They made a mayor believe he was about to be tortured to death;
They've humiliated countless people and isolated their human weaknesses for the purpose of manipulating them to achieve a desired end.
Was this really that significantly different from a number of other things they've done in the past?
I just want to point out I agree with Allyone. Did not see the morality issue in this episode -- oh but wait. All of the things they've done in the past weren't done to younger, attractive, white-male marks, were they? My bad. CLEARLY that's where the morality line needs to be drawn. *eyeroll*
ReplyDeleteLoved the episode!! Can't wait for next week.
@ellabell, three converts - 12 step/Boy's Night Out jobs (though he was never really a bad guy). There's a fourth - Ho Ho Ho job...
ReplyDeleteI think that the difference between other episodes and this one is how it was directed/written. Almost all the examples cited by @allyone were played for laughs, except maybe the Order ## job in season 1? Also, very few manipulations last for as many acts as this one did.
John, do you subscribe with me the conviction that "Keep Moving Forward" is nothing other than a direct homage to The Merry Prankster's bus?
ReplyDelete"Did not see the morality issue in this episode -- oh but wait. All of the things they've done in the past weren't done to younger, attractive, white-male marks"
That's total BS--most of the Leverage marks are white and young to middle-aged. The line the team crossed was driving someone to madness and suicide with drugs. And this is someone who only fired people from his own company, not a criminal.
The First Contact Job was similar, but they used the (young, white) mark's own arrogance and selfishness to make him fall for the bait. In The Low, Low Price Job they put something in the (young, white) mark's makeup to irritate her, but they didn't almost kill her.
It's kind of like the difference between interrogating and water-boarding--there's no guarantee that you can keep that person alive and/or sane at the end of that kind of torture.
I've had several friends tell me that they had to turn off this episode because of the line crossed--it was not acceptable to them. It made me squirm. There comes a time when the end does NOT justify the means.
I love this show, but maybe this episode is what causes the "heartbreak" at the end--Sophie rightly had concerns, I found it hard to believe that Eliot was okay with doing to others what was done to him, if the team truly are the "good guys" now, they should have stopped it and found another way to find out how to make the mark get over his guilt. Maybe they need to rethink their priorities. And TNT-willing, come back better and stronger next season.
Enough about morality issues, I want to know the important stuff, haha!
ReplyDeleteSometimes little Kaneisms are slipped in, having to do with his music. So, was the "Knight" written as such, or since it was potentially a flexible thing, did it evolve during filming?
I just caught this on the when i paused the replay... I noticed Wakefield (Potato Job), Beckworx (10 little grifters) in the list of potential bidders for the company (as well as braddock aeronautics (first contact) not their adversary though, but they helped their client find a job there)... just curious.. aren't those 2 company near bankruptcy and in the wrong industry?
ReplyDeletealso.. i saw a company i don't recognize (annandale communications) a potential opponent for the team later?
I think any show that makes us consider morality and character and relationships is art--it makes us think.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what side of the line you're on--Leverage makes us care. I especially care about a Season 6 :)
So Parker can now grift. Really grift. Let the cross-training continue. Do we get Eliot hacking? or Hardison hitting? They've each already taken point on a job, so that's covered. You've ony got 3 more eps this season, so I imagine we'll see more of that. At this point, I guess all we're sure of about the finale is that they won't all die in a huge explosion or plane crash.
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to think it's time to get all Providence (as in "I have friends in Providence" you're probably familiar with the concept, John, the rest of you - fill in the name of the reputed local home of the more violent branch of the Mob) on TNT's asses. This is getting ridiculous. They have to renew you, they've got shit to put in if they cancel.
Loved this episode, it's just like what the Kremlin would do.
ReplyDeleteA small business man decided for whatever reason to sell off his company and move on, but a worker decided that he shouldn't be allowed to see his own company, so he brings in brain-washers to correct his defective thinking.
These brain-washers drug and delude him and drive him to the point of insanity where he thinks he can jump from a building and not be hurt, the brain-wash team then stops him from jumping and declare victory.
Perhaps there are residual effects of all that drugging and later he will try to jump off another roof top, this time without the brain-washers there.
Finally the brain-washers have corrected his defective mind and he now is mentally forced to keep his factory/company open.
I just think he was ungrateful for not thanking the Leverage team for rearranging his brain.
Amanda Barncord -- just to say I appreciated your 3 a.m. rant. This wasn't my favorite episode, though the Parker/roof scene was very good. It struck me as a take on _A Christmas Carol_, as well as one on _Mission: Impossible_ where they did this stuff all the time. Your post helps me realize that _Leverage_ is actually thinking about the ethical issues various other people are raising here, in a way that MI never did. (Though they did have a mastermind, a female grifter, a white strongman, and a black technical expert...)
ReplyDeleteBingo-give the man a cigar re: A Christmas Carol.
I wasn't understanding a scene and Geoff referenced Scrooge and I was right there.
ReplyDeleteIn Mission Impossible, the enemies were operatives and Terrorists not a lowly small business owner who was trying to express free human will, which was snatched away from him because he didn't know how to our satisfaction, properly handle freedom.
MI dealt with terrorists and bad governments
Hustle Dealt with greed unscrupulous characters
Leverage dealt with a business guy who didn't deserve freedom of self determination.
I see nothing wrong with that.
Believe me I enjoyed seeing his brains turn to mush, because he deserved it, I'm a fan after all.
I adore the show and love the blogs since I enjoy my media more when it's sprinkled with a little analysis.
ReplyDeleteTwo questions(and forgive me if the general one has been asked before, I'm working my way through these backwards)
A. If the Mark had died, would it have broken the team for good?
B. The team has always seemed a little metahuman in their abilities, particularly in the Nigerian job though it has been toned down some. Was that intentional or a consequence of needing them to be able to accomplish certain things?
I think maybe some people are taking this a bit too seriously; especially the Kremlin guy (is there a Godwin rule for bringing in Soviet Russia?)
ReplyDeleteBut at any rate, the script was liberally sprinkled with the team questioning whether or not they were doing the right thing, I do not think the writers were trying to say that the White Rabbit was a good thing, hence the roof top scene. They got lucky and they know it.
And the 'workers' weren't trying to 'force' the owner to do anything. He was ruining a perfectly good business that was basically the employer for an entire town. If he didn't want it any more, he could have just sold it, but he was deliberately ruining it and then selling it, because of reasons that I'm not going to state because it's in the bloody script.
They didn't want to ruin HIM, they wanted to help him, and this was the way Nate thought he could do it. Why? We don't know. Nate is complicated. We know this because we watch the show.
Not so sure on this one. Love Leverage especially eliot loved his fight scene was really funny. The rest I felt was so far removed from what they usually do
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but your thinking about this is defective, I think we need to help you think in a different way.
We can accomplish this in 4 days of h4eavy drugging and delusions, at the end we will have HELPED you to think more like our collective thinking.
Also, you comments are ruining perfectly good blog postings, so it's our/my duty to "change your mind" to keep you from ruining yourself, it's now incumbent on me to fix your thinking
By the way: in the script the business owner did say he was trimming the company to sell it, and he had buyers lined up.
the problem was he wasn't fulfilling the will of the collective.
I am not attacking Leverage I do like and watch Leverage but I do retain my moral principles at all times, and this episode was not what the Leverage team would do, in fact it is what the bad guys would do and Leverage team would try to stop.
Sorry we disagree.
so much to say on this but this is John's blog so I'll sit on my hands and let him field everything.
ReplyDeleteit's fascinating, though, what some are getting out of the episode.
That was fascinating. It took me a time to get into it but really only because you were fighting my prejudices: I have never before seen a drama using any kind of virtual reality that worked for me and trippy tales just never seem to come off in a one-hour drama. Yet I was actually moved by The White Rabbit Job.
ReplyDeletePlus you do repeatedly give great roles to the guest star but I think this is the first time that the guest was a good guy. Good guys are boring: how did you pull that off so well?
You did do computer stuff that can't work so I was happier when you moved into having Charlie in the real factory. But I would've liked to have seen more investigation into the events of five years before – sorry, was it five? whenever Charlie failed to take that call. I think that it turned, for him, on a missed phone call was very smart because it's the kind of tiny moment that we can all completely believe in, that we can imagine feeling, that we can so very easily identify with the possibility. And wonderfully for a crime show, of course, it's about the teeniest of clues you can have.
I did just feel that if something or someone has changed over a certain period, you automatically look at the time that started. Naturally you couldn't have the team find the missed call in act 1 so you'd have needed some way to quickly establish that there appeared to be nothing to find. Just as you can't prove a negative, you also can't make it interesting: so you'd have had to find something else, some other step there and of course I've no idea what that could've been.
I'm not happy saying that because I think it would've been very join-the-dots kind of writing and filling in things we didn't need – except that I think for me it would've rescued a moment later on that we did. When Nate had Hardison call up the security footage, that was instantaneous retrieval of precisely the right moment from several years ago. If they'd already looked, if they'd already retrieved because they were investigating that day, this moment would've worked for me.
Perhaps that would also have avoided the issue with Hardison not finding Patience: again, you'd have had to have him find something else that led away from her, but the Elliot/Hardison argument felt like a band aid over a little story burr. Smartly done, smartly played, but a band aid.
I truly loved the moral issues being raised right at the top. Very effective. Very brave, actually, as I don't think other con shows even allude to it. It's unusual to see a meaty issue debated right at the front of any episode and that you did it so quickly was quite amazing. All issues raised, all done in the guise of a debate where everyone had valid points, yet it wasn't a lecture and it was done both fast and satisfyingly.
You didn't need that moment and as I say most other shows wouldn't have done it, but I loved that you did. Oddly, I wouldn't have wanted you to do more even if you had the time:: it was a just-perfect little spot. I think there was time, too: the very last scene felt like more of an explanation than you usually do. I was just thinking that they had actually pulled off the White Rabbit after all when Sophie began telling us and persuading us that they had.
Oh! And that it turned on Parker being honest: a gorgeous moment.
Forgive my analysing away here: I'm new to your blog but have relished the show for years. And I'm in the UK: I got so hooked I managed to get a US iTunes account in part so I could buy the episodes months or a year before they air here. The downside of which is that while I know very many people who love the show, I don't know any who buy it from the States so I don't get to talk to them about the detail.
Thanks for a treat of a series.
William Gallagher
I realize that Nate is trying to get the team to work and function without him (Broken Wing, Gimme a K). However it seems like with this episode, Nate stayed completely out of it, stepping in only when they really needed it, even though he is arguably the one who should have been trying to get into the mark's head. Why didn't he? He is still on the team right now.
ReplyDeleteMost people are of the opinion that making anonymous personal attacks against other posters is the sort of thing that "ruin[s] perfectly good blog postings"
ReplyDeleteI am reading that Leverage has been canceled. Is this true?? This is the best show on tv.
ReplyDeleteI loved the Fight scene this ep. Poor Eliot just seemed so hurt that the little old guard kept pointing the gun at him. :)
ReplyDeleteSo much great stuff for Sophie and Parker in this episode. I think every time I've gotten sniffly and/or weepy watching Leverage it's been Beth Riesgraf's fault.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there's something about hearing someone in panic say to an unflappable Gina Bellman, "You're the Doctor" that reeeally makes me want to see her in THAT role.
@martianunlimited I saw that too. Maybe just previously cleared company names the writers felt could be used again.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous at 11:00 am Leverage has not been cancelled yet. nor has it been renewed. It is in limbo and no one has explained WHY TNT has not made a decision either way. I suspect It did not hold up well on sundaty this year compared to falling skied and was the TNT execs felt it might fight better w/ Rizzoli and Isles and steal/borrow some viewers from white collar on tuesday. So they are looking to the results from the next few weeks to determine how it's going is my guess.
ReplyDelete"Also, there's something about hearing someone in panic say to an unflappable Gina Bellman, "You're the Doctor" that reeeally makes me want to see her in THAT role."
You mean THE Doctor?! Ohhh, come on!
Also, I noticed that the writing team didn't take on a widely publicized sort of con yet, namely a fake martial arts school. You know, one of those run by money-hungry delusional egomaniac douches. Bullshido.org has some material on the subject, and I'd love to see Eliot at work in this one. "The Kung Fool Job".
ReplyDeleteStill undecided on a season 6... but it sounds like the last 3 episodes are going to be "the end of the season as we always planned it".
The immorality question of changing someone against their will, or correcting behavior just because you think they should do something else, does not apply here. This man's behavior had changed drastically from the character he was known to have, and he had known drastic psychological problems, manifested in panic attacks. Sophie correctly warned him that he could not find the source of the problem and be freed from its effects, unless he really wanted it. He said he did want it, and gave her permission to treat him, trusting her analysis enough to give her ten days to try and accomplish what all previous therapy had failed to do for him.
ReplyDelete---anonymous named Jeff
I often describe LEVERAGE to non-grifters as, "Mission: Impossible meets the A-Team." (M:I, the TV series, not the wonderfully over-blown movie franchise with Tom Cruise.)
ReplyDeleteThis may very well be the closest episode to M:I you've ever done. The LEVERAGE team were all at least a bit uncomfortable with the drugging and rewiring of the marks head, but Mr. Phelps and team, they did it numerous times. A nice step in the evolution of the team. Well done, sir.
@SurfsideJack on Twitter
ReplyDeleteI'd pay to see the "Kung Fool job"
Maybe if Leverage gets cancelled that can be the first in the movie franchise. If there ever was a series ripe for the cinema, it's Leverage. If Mission Impossible and the A-Team ended up on the big screen, this should too.
It would be awesome to see Parker and Hardison hanging from the side of a building on a screen thats 20 feet high :)
I was looking through some of the old blogs, and found 'The Rashamon Job' one. In one of the answers, you said we would find out if Eliot ever got his hands on the sapphire monkey in season 5. Is this still a thing that will happen?
ReplyDeleteWasn't that the sapphire monkey Sophie was holding in the Japan scenes of the Broken Wing Job?
I would SO watch "The Kung Fool Job"!!
@Izzie: It was indeed. I've been a bit behind on episodes, so hadn't watched that one yet.
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I don't know if John's ever going to come back to this, but one thing I did want to say after recently re-watching the episode on the DVD... basically, my one big problem with the episode is that I have trouble buying that Hardison can make the virtual room look to the mark -- even if drugged -- like it does to the viewers. At one point, he even tells Sophie that the only things she can interact with are the doors, implying that somehow there are 3D projections she can see while completely sober. I could see if Hardison was doing some sort of augmented reality thing with headsets or special glasses, but it's just a bit of a stretch to suggest he's basically making a holodeck.
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Jika penyakit kelamin dibiarkan maka akan tumbuh seperti bonkol yang besar sekali, dapat tumbuh seperti kembang kol dan tidak menyebar. Karena kemiripan bentuknya, kutil kelamin pun sering disebut dengan jengger ayam. Meskipun kutil kelamin hanya tumbuh di alat kelamin tetapi lebih mengganggu dibandingkan kutil di bagian tubuh lainnya. Jika tidak diobati kutil kelamin menimbulkan beban psikologis bagi penderitanya.
ReplyDeleteObat Buat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Di Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Cara Mengatasi Penyakit Kelamin
Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kelamin
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Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah Gonore
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Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengatasi Kutil Kelamin
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Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengatasi Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Wanita
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengatasi Kutil Kelamin
thank you brother and i like share website
ReplyDeletePengobatan Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Pada Pria
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Ibu Hamil
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Wanita
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Cara Mengobati Kutil Pada Kelamin Wanita
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Obat Sipilis
Obat Sipilis De Nature Indonesia
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
ReplyDeletePenderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di http://obatkutildikemaluan.blogdetik.com/ untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.
ReplyDeleteKutil pada alat kelamin luar bisa diangkat melalui laser, krioterapi (pembekuan) atau pembedahan dengan bius lokal. Pengobatan kimiawi, seperti podofilum resin atau racun yang dimurnikan atau asam trikloroasetat, bisa dioleskan langsung pada kutil. Tetapi pengobatan ini memerlukan waktu beberapa minggu sampai beberapa bulan, bisa melukai kulit di sekelilingnya dan sering gatal.
ReplyDeleteCara mengobati sipilis pada pria
ReplyDeleteCara mengobati penyakit sifilis pada pria
Cara menyembuhkan penyakit sifilis pada pria
Cara mengatasi penyakit sipilis pada pria
Cara menyembuhkan penyakit sipilis pada pria
Cara penyembuhan penyakit sipilis pada pria
Cara pengobatan penyakit sipilis pada pria
Cara menyembuhkan sipilis pada pria
Pengobatan sipilis pada pria
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pengobatan sipilis pada wanita
pengobatan sipilis pada wanita hamil
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Organ vital atau organ reproduksi manusia merupakan bagian tubuh yang sangat penting untuk menopang kehidupan. Dengan organ ini manusia dapat melanjutkan keturunannya,
ReplyDeleteobat kencing nanah De Nature
ReplyDeleteObat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
cara yang alami menyembuhkan penyakit wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat
ReplyDeletewasir ambeien bisa sembuh tanpa harus di operasi maupun injeksi cukup dengan obat wasir ambeien herbal ambeclear herbal de nature dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil
ReplyDeletePenyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
ReplyDeleteBerhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
ReplyDeleteBagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
ReplyDeleteBukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
ReplyDelete1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ReplyDeletepengobatan herbal
ReplyDeleteMANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ReplyDeleteMANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***
ReplyDeleteObat Alternatif Kanker Serviks
Penyakit Raja Singa Dan Obatnya | Obat Herbal Penyakit Raja Singa
pengobatan kencing nanah
Obat gonore ampuh untuk pria
obat gonore untuk wanita
Pengobatan penyakit sifilis
kutil kelamin
Pengobatan penyakit sifilis
Cara mengobati ambeyen secara tradisional
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******
ReplyDeleteCara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan
ReplyDeleteMANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********
ReplyDeleteMANTAB *
ReplyDeleteBismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
ReplyDeleteKadang disertai
ReplyDeletedengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
ReplyDeleteSekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
ReplyDeletepenyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
ReplyDeleteObat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas
ReplyDeleteSebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
ReplyDeletesaya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................
ReplyDeleteBismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************
ReplyDeleteBismillahirrohmannirrokhim ...............................
ReplyDeleteAwesome and interesting article. Great things you've always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post.
ReplyDeleteHome and Roost
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Obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat sipilis
Obat wasir
Obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat kutil kelamin
Obat kutil kelamin wanita
Obat kutil kelamin di apotik
Obat kutil kelamin untuk ibu hamil
Obat kutil kelamin untuk wanita
Obat kutil kelamin mujarab
Obat kutil kelamin di anus
Obat kutil kelamin/jengger ayam
Obat kutil kelamin paling murah
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Obat sipilis pada wanita
Obat sipilis paling ampuh
Obat sipilis manjur
Obat sipilis atau raja singa
Obat wasir
Obat wasir berdarah
Obat wasir tradisional
Obat wasir ampuh
Obat wasir ampuh tanpa operasi
obat herpes kelamin
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ReplyDeletePenyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
ReplyDeleteTanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Obat Penyakit kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
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kami de nature Indonesia menyediakan berbagai macam obat untuk penyembuhan penyakit sipilis dan sejenisnya serta obat herbal untuk penyakit lainnya yang aman dan ampuh sembuhkan penyakit dengan cepat tanpa efek samping ataupun ketergantungan obat. untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi website kami secara langsung dibawah ini. terimakasi, salam eko priyanto
ReplyDeleteaplikasi dan gadget
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susu peninggi
dapatkan obat kutil kelamin tanpa operasi yang aman dan ampuh untuk menyembuhkan kutil kelamin dengan cepat tanpa efek samping. obat kutil kelamin ini terbuat dari bahan herbal yang mujarab untuk merontokan kutil kemaluan sampai ke akarnya dan tidak tumbuh lagi. bahan herbal yang digunakan dapat menetralisir virus hpv secara alami tanpa harus ke dokter. Kutil kelamin adalah salah satu penyakit menular yang terjadi karena penderita melakukan hubungan seksual yang salah melalui vaginal, anal atau oral dengan orang yang terinfeksi. Kutil kelamin disebabkan oleh Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Dan penelitian membuktikan bahwa lebih dari 24.000.000 orang yang hidup di Negara maju seperti Amerika, sudah terinfeksi oleh HPV. Menurut sebuah survei juga yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat, mnegatakan bahwa kutil kelamin tetap diakui oleh 97 persen responden.
ReplyDeleteItulah penyebab kutil kelamin adalah masalah kesehatan yang signifikan yang hingga sekarag belum diketahui jenis obat dan perawatan yang benar-benar ampuh.
Dalam ilmu kedokteran, penyakit ini diartikan sebagai infeksi virus yang dapat bertahan untuk waktu yang lama pada jaringan di daerah genital pada pria dan wanita. Seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya juga bahwa belum ada obat yang terbukti ampuh untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini dengan menghilangkan virusnya secara total, selain hanya menghilangkan kutilnya saja. Karena Virus tetap tinggal dalam daerah yang terinfeksi, maka dapat kambuh setiap saat. Itulah mengapa sangat penting bagi penderita memeriksakan diri ke ahli medis jika sudah mengidap penyakit kutil kelamin, dengan cara itu maka dapat dicegah penularanya ke orang lain.
Pengobatan kutil kelamin terdiri dari beberapa solusi yang diantara lain adalah meliputi solusi topikal kimia, solusi anti virus, cryotheraphy, operasi pengangkatan, dan elektrosurgikal. Beberapa obat topical diantaranya adalah Aldara, krim, yang dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan virus. Sedangkan Condylox berkhasiat untuk menghancurkan jaringan yang terinfeksi. Dan TCA adalah perawatan kimia untuk membakar kutil kelamin ini.
Jika obat topical tetap saja tidak efektif untuk menyembuhkan penderita, maka diyakini bahwa pembedahan yang lebih efektif. Ada banyak pilihan juga untuk metode pembedahan ini, yang diantaranya adalah :
1. Cryotherapy, yakni membekukan kutil dengan nitrogen cair.
2. Elektrokauter, menggunakan arus ectrical untuk membakar kutil
3. Pengobatan Laser, adalah pengobatan yang sangat mahal dan dapat digunakan untuk mengobati kutil, hanya saja metode ini terkadang sulit untuk dilakukan.
4. Obat medis yang diterapkan oleh ahli medis, seperti resin podophyllin, Fluorouracil dan interferon.
Jika beberapa obat medis yang sudah disebutkan di atas ternyata tidak efektif untuk menyembuhkan, maka masih ada pilihan pengobatan alternative lain seperti obat herbal yang terbuat dari bahan alami, obat herbal ini juga diyakini tidak memiliki efek samping seperti obat-obatan kimia lainya sehingga lebih aman selain efektif untuk menyembuhkan. demikian adalah ulasan seputar penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus hpv. ketahui gejala kutil kelamin sejak dini untuk mendapatkan pengobatan yang tepat dan cepat serta aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping ataupun ketergantungan obat.
Buktikan khasiat obat kutil kelamin kami yang terbuat dari bahan alami asli indonesia tanpa efek samping dan sangat manjur. Penderita penyakit ini tentunya bertanya-tanya, bagaimana caranya untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini cukup di rumah saja dan tidak perlu repot-repot harus ke dokter. Atau ada beberapa alasan lainya yang menyebabkan seseorang tidak ingin menceritakan penyakitnya ini, dan anda jangan khawatir karena anda tidak sendirian dalam permasalahan ini.
ReplyDeleteKutil yang terjadi pada organ kelamin ini adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus menular bernama APV atau Human Papilloma Virus. Virus ini dapat ditularkan melalui kulit atau kontak kulit. Hal ini berarti bahwa seseorang bisa tertular virus ini HPV melalui hubungan seksual dan meski sudah menggunakan kondom. Biasanya penderita juga tidak menunjukkan tanda sedang mengalami penyakit kutil kelamin, sehingga hal ini juga mungkin orang lain untuk mendapatkan kutil kelamin dari penderita yang tidak memiliki tanda-tanda kutil kelamin tersebut. Misalnya jika pasanganya anda memiliki salah satu
strain HPV yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan kutil kelamin, maka Anda juga bisa mendapatkannya. Keadaan juga bisa menjadi lebih buruk, jika penderita menyebarkan virus tersebut yang sudah berbentuk
Dari membaca informasi di atas, seharusnya sudah jelas bahwa sangat mudah seseorang terkena virus ini yang kemudian dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan kutil pada alat kelamin. Kutil yang tumbuh pada alat kelamin ini juga bukanlah penyakit hina yang membuat anda merasa rendah diri dan malu untuk mengkonsultasikanya, apalagi jika ini masih berupa gejala awal, karena banyak penderita yang mengalami pertumbuhan kutil ini pada beberapa bagian alat kelaminya.
Jadi jika anda bertanya-tanya bagaimana dapat menyembuhkan penyakit ini dari rumah, maka yakinlah saja pengobatan itu ada karena sudah banyak penderita yang menyembuhkan penyakitnya ini dari rumah. Sebenarnya juga ada beberapa alasan kenapa penderita lebih memilih penyembuhan penyakitnya ini dari rumah, yang diantaranya adalah :
1. Malu
Ada sejumlah besar rasa malu yang terkait dengan semua PMS, salah satunya adalah kutil kelamin ini. Untuk alasan inilah mungkin anda ingin menyingkirkan kutil kelamin secepat mungkin tanpa harus memberitahu siapa pun, dan hal ini adalah wajar dan dapat dimengerti.
2. Privasi
Pekerjaan anda mungkin yang berhubungan dengan kantor atau dokter, sehingga ingin menyimpan penyakit ini dari catatan medis Anda.
3. Waktu
Mengobati penyakit ini dari rumah memang lebih efektif rasanya di jaman sekarang. Anda mungkin harus menunggu beberapa minggu untuk janji dokter dan kemudian harus kembali untuk banyak menindaklanjuti perawatan. Tapi jika anda menyembuhkan penyakit kutil Anda ini di rumah, perawatan dapat dilakukan lebih segera.
jual obat de Nature Indonesia ampuh dan herbal Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 442 0060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249.Dari namanya saja kita sudah tahu bahwa pengertian dari penyakit ini adalah pertumbuhan kutil yang terjadi pada organ vital atau alat kelamin manusia dengan mengidap penyakit yang seperti ini tentunya juga akan membuat penderitanya merasa sangat malu hingga bisa juga
ReplyDeleteberujung dengan frustasi maka dari hal itu bisa disimpulkan bahwa konsekuensi dari penyakit ini bukan hanya dapat berdampak pada fisik tetapi juga emosi penderitanya Menyangkut masalah emosi ini maka paling utama yang dipertaruhkan adalah hubungan seksual penderita dengan pasanganya Jika
sudah begitu maka apa lagi hal paling utama yang harus dilakukan selain dengan pengobatan yang ampuh Penjelasan di atas sedikit banyak juga sudah menyiratkan arti bahwa penyakit ini disebabkan oleh hubungan seksual atau seks oral yang pernah dilakukan penderita terhadap
orang yang terinfeksi dan secara lebih khusus lagi dikatakan bahwa penyebab utama penyakit ini adalah virus HPV atau human papillomavirus yang sangat menular Ada banyak jenis HPV yang diduga menjadi penyebab terjadinya penyakit ini dan sekali lagi kami katakana bahwa
pengobatan secara dini adalah hal yang harus anda lakukan jika sedang terkena penyakit ini Khususnya jika penderita penyakit ini adalah wanita maka biasanya daerah pertumbuhan kutil terjadi di bagian vagina vulva atau perineum anus dan leher rahim Gejala yang terlihat
pada penderita bukan hanya dari penampilan kutilnya saja yang seperti kembang kol tapi pertumbuhan kulit yang terjadi di sekitar anus dan daerah vagina ini juga akan dirasakan gatal atau sensasi terbakar oleh penderita gejala paling parah mungkin penderita akan
mengalami perdarahan selama atau setelah hubungan seksual Perlu juga diketahui bahwa virus HPV ini tidak akan menimbulkan masalah kesuburan tetapi jika penderita mengidap penyakit kutil ini selama kehamilan maka akan sangat tidak nyaman dan berisiko Penderita yang sedang hamil juga
tidak dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi obat atau menjalani prosedur medis kutil kelamin seperti penderita umumnya
Cara herbal mengatasi kutil kelamin secara ampuh hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249. pertumbuhan kutil kelamin lebih sering terjadi dalam kelompok dan dapat terakumulasi menjadi ukuran yang lebih besar pada jaringan genital. Kutil juga sering kembali muncul setelah pengobatan, hal-hal itu tergantung pada faktor-faktor, seperti ukuran dan lokasi tempat pertumbuhan kutil. Untuk menyembuhkan penyakit kutil ini dapat diberlakukan dalam beberapa cara.
ReplyDeleteSedangkan penundaan berkepanjangan untuk mengobati penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kutil semakin berakar dalam, anda juga perlu tahu bahwa setiap kutil itu sangat menular. Gejala yang dialami penderita mungkin terdiri dari beberapa letupan, dan jika penyakit ini tidak di obati untuk waktu yang lama maka ada kemungkinan kutil tersebut tidak merespon pengobatan oral atau topical, maka salah satunya jalan adalah melalui operasi. Maka mengetahui betapa rumitnya pengobatan penyakit ini seharusnya menerbitkan kesimpulan penting pada diri kita untuk mendapatkan perawatan infeksi genital secara dini, karena penyakit ini sangat menular dan mungkin anda dapat menyebarkan infeksi kepada orang lain.
Karena banyak penderita yang malu terlibat dalam pembicaraan tentang penyakit kutil kelamin HPV ini, maka mayoritas penderita kutil kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan biasanya tidak tahu apa jenis perawatan tepat yang dapat digunakan untuk kutil tersebut, khususnya pengobatan yang dapat digunakan secara privasi rumah mereka. Selain itu juga diketahui bahwa apapun jenis pengobatan yang dicoba oleh setiap penderita penyakit ini, belum ada yang benar-benar ampuh untuk menyembuhkan penderita sampai semua virus penyakitnya hilang.
Pengobatan herbal dengan menggunakan obat ampuh yang sudah terbukti khasiatnya de Nature Indonesia hubungi 28fe5a8b/081310563770/085846940249. Penyakit kutil kelamin yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan dapat menjadi sumber keprihatinan paling utama bagi ibu hamil. Ada kemungkinan juga bahwa kutil kelamin selama kehamilan dapat diteruskan kepada bayi. Dan pilihan Pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk wanita hamil berbeda daripada yang tersedia untuk perempuan lain.
ReplyDeleteJika seorang wanita yang sedang hamil mengalami penyakit ini juga merasakan gejala yang lebih buruk. Hal ini utamanya dikarenakan sistem kekebalan tubuh penderita secara alami ditekan selama masa kehamilan ini, hingga membuat penderita lebih rentan terhadan virus dan infeksi. Akibatnya penderita mungkin menemukan bahwa kutilnya akan tumbuh lebih besar.
Yang menjadi penyebab utamanya adalah human papillomavirus (HPV). Tapi mayoritas wanita hamil dengan riwayat HPV memiliki kehamilan yang sehat dan pengalaman melahirkan. Tapi yang paling ditakutkan karena virus ini dapat ditularkan sehingga penderita beresiko mengidapn kutil kelamin, dan wanita hamil yang mengalami penyakit ini bisa juga mengalami gangguan pada proses kehamilanya.
sudah terbukti ampuh obat dari kami untuk merontokan kutil kelamin dengan cara memakai obat herbal dari de Nature Indonesia hubungi 28fe5a8b/081310563770/085846940249. Penyakit Kutil kelamin adalah salah satu dari dua penyakit menular seksual yang paling sering menular, dan disebabkan oleh virus. Penyakit satunya lagi adalah herpes genital. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus papiloma manusia sering disingkat sebagai HPV.
ReplyDeletePenyakit kutil seperti luka yang muncul ini juga disebut dengan nama kondiloma acuminate. Kutil tumbuh dengan ukuran kecil, tampak seperti daging berwarna di daerah genital dan anal. Dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 10-40% wanita yang aktif secara seksual terinfeksi HPV, meskipun kehadiran HPV ini pada penderita tidak selalu disertai dengan munculnya kutil kelamin.
Jalur Penyebaran Kutil Kelamin
Kutil kelamin menyebar melalui kontak langsung dengan orang yang terinfeksi, seperti melalui vagina, anal, atau oral seks. Sekitar enam puluh persen orang yang melakukan kontak seksual dengan penderita kutil kelamin akan mengalami gejala, dan biasanya itu terjadi dalam waktu tiga bulan semenjak
hubungan intim.
Virus papiloma masuk melalui lecet atau luka kecil di area kelamin yang terjadi selama aktivitas seksual. Setelah virus ini masuk, biasanya dibutuhkan sekitar tiga bulan untuk gejala pertama muncul, tetapi bisa juga memakan waktu lebih lama hingga bertahun-tahun.
Bukltikan khasiatnya obat herbal kutil kelamin de Nature Indonesia untuk pemesanan hubungi 28fe5a8b/081310563770/085846940249. Kutil kelamin laki-laki tentunya penyakit menular seksual yang sangat umum terjadi di kalangan laki-laki saja, khususnya yang aktif secara seksual atau memiliki pasangan seksual yang lebih dari satu. Hal-hal seperti ini yang bisa menjadi resiko peningkatan kesempatan untuk menderita penyakit ini. Kutil kelamin di sebabkan oleh virus yang dikenal sebagai virus papiloma manusia (HPV). Bahkan, HPV bertanggung jawab untuk semua jenis kutil. Penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa HPV terdiri dari lebih 40 jenis. Beberapa sumber bahkan melaporkan lebih dari itu. Anda juga harus tahu virus dapat ditularkan melalui kontak langsung atau tidak langsung. Jadi Anda mungkin Anda mungkin saja tidak tahu darimana penyakit ini berasal sehingga menghinggapi tubuh anda.
ReplyDeleteJika penyakit ini terjadi pada laki-laki, biasanya kondisi yang terjadi tidak seperti kondisi lainnya, penderita juga akan mengalami perubahan dalam kehidupan seksnya secara drastis. Kondisi ini kemudian menyebabkan penderita dihadapkan dengan banyak keputusan sulit, dan harus semakin berhati-hati jika mendapatkan mitra seksual baru. Artinya, jika Anda memiliki kontak seksual dengan pasangan yang terinfeksi, kemungkinan besar akan mengembangkan penyakit ini, dan biasanya itu terjadi dalam waktu tiga bulan. Karena itulah maka hal seperti ini yang harus sudah anda pikirkan dari sekarang, karena bisa saja anda mungkin tidak tahu sedang mengidap penyakit ini. Hal ini yang kemudian menyebabkan penyakit ini menyebar luas.
Untuk menemukan jenis pengobatan kutil kelamin yang benar-benar ampuh, kita tentunya harus melakukan hal yang sama oleh banyak orang pada umumnya. Dimulai dengan mencari ke berbagai toko obat untuk menemukan berbagai jenis obat itu yang bisa dalam bentuk krim, salep, atau beberapa jenis cairan lain yang diterapkan pada kulit penderita yang terkena. Jika pilihan medis yang dipilih, maka penderita akan mendapatkan pengobatan topical medis. Tapi penderita juga terkadang tidak memahami betul tentang penyakit ini, hanya tahu bahwa penyakit ini sudah membuat mereka tidak nyaman dan ingin secepatnya hilang dari kulit mereka. Tapi jika berbagai usaha kita untuk menemukan pengobatan ini ternyata tidak memberikan hasil yang memuaskan maka keputusan selanjutnya yang dipilih sebelum terlambat adalah segera memeriksakan diri ke dokter supaya bisa langsung menerima pengobatan dengan resep yang terkontrol. Biasanya pada saat itulah pasien akhirnya tahu bahwa yang menjadi penyebab penyakitnya ini adalah virus Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) dan nama penyakit ini juga dikenal dengan penyakit kondiloma acuminatum. Virus tersebut masuk ke dalam tubuh penderita melalui hubungan seksual dan obat yang biasanya akan diberikan dokter adalah obat topical kulit.
ReplyDeleteJika Anda mengidap kutil kelamin, tentunya penghapusan kutil kelamin ini adalah apa yang ada di pikiran Anda sepanjang hari. Kutil juga tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan Anda sehingga pengobatanya adalah pilihan anda sendiri, apakah ingin obat kutil kelamin atau tidak. Bahkan sebagian ahli medis yang melihat penyakit anda ini belum sebegitu parah hanya menyarankan supaya anda membiarkan penyakit ini akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Tapi jika kita perduli dengan kesehatan tentunya akan berpikir untuk segera mengetahui cara mengobati kutil kelamin menghilangkan penyakit ini jika sudah menginfeksi tubuh kita, ciri kutil kelamin yang berbahaya. Jual obat herbal kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249
ReplyDeleteMengalami penyakit kelamin tentunya adalah hal paling memalukan yang dialami seseorang, terutama penyakit herpes dan kutil kelamin. Alasan sederhana sehingga penyakit ini terjadi adalah karena melibatkan alat kelamin tentunya. Sejak zaman kuno, berbicara tentang alat kelamin seseorang sudah dianggap sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran yang paling terlarang untuk dibicarakan. Bahkan di masa sekarang, berbicara tentang genital herpes adalah sangat memalukan. Karena itu juga maka banyak penderita yang terinfeksi, tidak memiliki keberanian untuk memberitahu dokter atau orang lain mengenai penyakitnya ini. Sebagian besar fakta mengenai bagaimana cara untuk mengobati kutil kelamin dan herpes juga belum diketahui hingga sekarang. Dalam situasi ini, akhirnya sangat sulit bagi orang yang terinfeksi untuk mencari obat kutil kelamin yang tepat dalam rangka menyembuhkan kutil kelamin supaya tidak terus menyebar. cara mengobati kutil kelamin, Jual obat herbal kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249
ReplyDeleteKutil kelamin adalah penyakit yang sangat umum, dan bisa mempengaruhi lebih dari 5 juta pria, wanita dan anak-anak, seperti setiap tahun yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat. Penyakit ini memang jarang terjadi pada wanita yang sedang hamil, karena banyak penderita wanita yang mengalami penyakit ini setelah melahirkan. Tapi yang sangat disayangkan jika penyakit ini terjadi pada saat wanita sedang hamil tapi dia tidak pernah menyadari hal itu, dengan begitu maka akan ada kemungkinan penyakit akan terus berkembang menjadi lebih parah, satu-satunya jalan terbaik adalah dengan melakukan check up secara rutin, dan mencari penyebab kutil kelamin tersebut. Jual obat herbal kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249
ReplyDeleteYang menjadi penyebab penyakit ini adalah Virus papiloma manusia (HPV) yang bisa menyerang siapa saja tanpa pandang bulu, termasuk wanita hamil. Dan obat kutil kelamin mungkin sulit untuk di temukan di apotik di daerah anda. Dan sesungguhnya wanita hamil memiliki resiko yang lebih besar jika terkena penyakit ini karena dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan janin yang sedang dikandungnya. Segera cari tahu apa ciri kutil kelamin tersebut. Tapi jangan khawatir karena di jaman sekarang ini, pengobatan kutil kelamin sudah dikenal secara meluas, intinya anda harus segera menghubungi dokter terdekat jika sudah terkena penyakit ini.
Salah satu cara yang dilakukan oleh praktisi medis untuk mendiagnosis kutil kelamin adalah dengan pemeriksaan visual langsung. Dan metode ini merupakan salah satu cara medis umum untuk menguji pasien wanita dengan penyebab kutil kelamin, infeksi HPV atau kemungkinan kanker serviks. Khusus untu pemeriksaan serviks dilakukan dengan menggunakan Pap smear test. Tes ini merupakan pemeriksaan menyeluruh dan mendetail dari sel serviks uterus yang dikorek. Jika praktisi medis mendeteksi adanya kelainan pada hasil tes, mereka mengirim pasien untuk pemeriksaan lebih lanjut untuk menentukan penyebab pasti dan sifat dari kelainan.
ReplyDeletePemeriksaan fisik untuk ciri kutil kelamin diagnosis kutil kelamin melibatkan pemeriksaan menyeluruh dari daerah pinggul dan paha. Kutil ini juga dapat berkembang di mulut atau tenggorokan, namun kasus seperti itu jarang. Dengan mata telanjang kita bisa melihat kutil tersebut muncul dan mengangkat berupa benjolan datar pada kulit. Ukuran kutil juga mungkin lebih besar atau kecil yang bertumbuh secara berkelompok atau individual. Terkadang bentuk dari obat kutil kelamin ini adalah menyerupai kembang kol, dan yang paling khas ada titik-titik kutil pada kulit organ kelamin.
Jika ingin dijelaskan lagi maka dapat disebutkan bahwa kutil ini umumnya berbentuk daging berwarna atau sedikit lebih ringan daripada warna kulit pasien. Kutil kelamin sebagian besar menyakitkan selain gatal-gatal, nyeri dan bisa berujung pada pendarahan.Jual obat herbal ampuh untuk kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249
Jika penyakit kutil kelamin yang sedang anda derita sudah termasuk sangat parah, maka tindakan selanjutnya yang harus dilakukan adalah mencari obat kutil kelamin. Ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan, diantaranya adalah dengan metode konvensional menggunakan krim oles atau salep kutil kelamin, atau dapat juga penderita beralih ke obat resep dokter ketika mereka menemukan bahwa hasil metode konvensional ini kurang efektif. Khusus untuk pengobatan medis, biasanya metode ekstrem yang digunakan jika penyakit yang dialami penderita sudah semakin parah. Diantara beberapa metode pengobatan ekstrem tersebut adalah menggunakan CO2 atau operasi laser, di mana dokter akan menggunakan laser untuk membakar penyebab kutil kelamin. Metode pengobatan ini juga bisa sangat mahal, memakan waktu, dan menyakitkan atau cukup menakutkan. Metode pengobatan lainya yang adalah cryotherapy. Metode pengobatan ini melibatkan nitrogen cair untuk kutil yang akan membekukan kutil dari kulit. Lalu ada metode pengobatan Loop Electrosurgical Prosedur eksisi (LEEP), yang memanfaatkan alat berbilah berupa pisau yang berbentuk lingkaran. Alat ini dilewatkan sekitar dan di bawah setiap kutil untuk diangkat dari kulit. Tidak berbeda dengan metode pengobatan laser, metode pengobatan ini juga tergolong mahal. Selain itu belum ada jaminan bahwa obat mahal medis ini memang dapat menyembuhkan kutil kelamin secara tuntas, perlu kita ketahui bahwa kutil kelamin adalah penyakit yang sukar disembuhkan karena virus HPV yang menjadi penyebabnya sukar juga dihilangkan. Banyak pengobatan yang ada di jaman sekarang hanya dapat menghilangkan kutil, tapi tidak dengan virus penyebabnya.
ReplyDeletesemoga bermanfaat,,,
ReplyDeletemengobati kutil kelamin dengan obat herbal
mengobati iritasi pada kelamin
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There are certainly a lot of details like that to take into consideration. That is a great point to bring up. I offer the thoughts above as general inspiration but clearly there are questions like the one you bring up where the most important thing will be working in honest good faith. I don?t know if best practices have emerged around things like that, but I am sure that your job is clearly identified as a fair game. Both boys and girls feel the impact of just a moment’s pleasure, for the rest of their lives.
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ReplyDeleteThis is the right blog for anyone who wants to find out about this topic. You realize so much its almost hard to argue with you (not that I actually would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a topic thats been written about for years. Great stuff, just great!
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ReplyDeleteThis is a smart blog. I mean it. You have so much knowledge about this issue, and so much passion. You also know how to make people rally behind it, obviously from the responses. Youve got a design here thats not too flashy, but makes a statement as big as what youre saying. Great job, indeed.
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