"Hey, it's that guy!" "No, I think the other one would win!" "Aww, that's sweet!" And all the other stuff you yelled at the screen. Go ahead and post, and I will get liquored up and address your Comments.
First-Love love love Beths hat. Second-I would pay more than $15,000 for a date with Christi....er, I mean Elliott. Third-Love love love loooove Elliot describing food. Mmmm mmmm mmmmm! Fourth-Worried that Nates going to have to call in that favor for something big and bad ass. Fifth-Ohhh, just saw the suspenders. Sixth-I was hoping that Christian wad going to play Nd sing!
Kudos to the writer (is this really her first? 'Cause it's out of the ballpark), director, cast and crew!
Nate is quite the multi-tasker, opening up to Sophie while running a sweetheart con.
Isn't it interesting that all the con artists know more about Nate's feelings for Sophie than he's willing to admit? Not surprising, but interesting.
And, of course, Eliot FTW, in every possible way. I remember you mentioning several times that Eliot has a rich and full personal life outside of the team. I believed you then, but I know it now . . . Good writing!
Nice to see the Inside Trader again. Nate appears to be gathering resources this season . . . for The Trader or something else? Can't wait to find out!
great christmas present from kerry glover. loved every minute of it, maybe too much! it had a lovely balance of everything i love about leverage and the cast were brilliant.
First of all, props to Jonathan Frakes for all of the Eliot fight scene cinematography! several questions though... (1) a) any ideas as to what the thought process was behind the way those scenes were shot? and b) how were those shots set up? (2) I loved the scene between Eliot and Hardison about the bet being null; how much of that was scripted by (the fabulous) Kerry Glover and how much was ad-libbed? (3) Whose idea was it for Eliot to send the flowers? and finally, (4) did more of Hardison's "date" get cut? it would have been fun to see more of that!
Awwwwwww...I think this is my favorite episode like, ever. Sweetest thing ever! And there was a kiss! A legit Nophie kiss! Without a slap! Nophie fans throughout the world rejoice! Seductive Sophie is just flat-out SCARY, dude. Major props to Gina there. My questions: 1. Was the kiss/Nophie interlude after their "date" a play just in case Meredith was still watching them, or was that legit? 2a. Was Parker's plant a Venus flytrap? b. What was the flower Sophie got at the very end? 3. Did Eliot buy/obtain the gifts at the end and save the respective asses of Nate and Hardison? Just wanted to be certain.
I second the comments on Beth's hat. It really compliments her.
I noticed the conversation at the end with Latimer and whoever he was talking to. It seems obvious to me that Latimer is not in charge. I'm asking who's behind him just to see how you'll not answer the question.
I especially liked the scenes between Nate & Sophie. It seems to me that he's finally decided or admitted to himself that she's what he wants and he's willing to actually expose more of his real self.
Merry Christmas to you and your fabulous cast and crew!
And merry Christmas to us, courtesy of Kerry Glover! What a wonderful ep! It was everything I love about Leverage – the con, our crew at their bad-ass best, lots of teamy goodness … and horndog!Eliot as a true romantic. With a nice bit of foreboding at the end.
I don't have any questions right now (way too much eggnog … heavy on the nog), but I just wanted to say what a wonderful cap to Christmas this was.
Parker had a purse on at the beginning of the episode. What’s in her purse? She actually had on a purse and a skirt. Both things seem very un-parker like.
Just wondered how much of that episode was ad-libbed and how much scripted, and was the bit in the restaurant where Eliot was describing the Argentine Malbec a nod to Kane? (it is his favorite wine)...
Random question: I've noticed that Nate has been wearing the same dark blue hoodie a lot when in the apartment/bar this season and that, in general, Nate really seems to be more and more ragged looking this year. While I'm probably reading way too much into it, is this done to show how Nate's state of mind? In other words does Nate just not give a crap anymore?
Awesome ep as always! My question is Why didn't Oscar/San Guillermo recognize Hardison at the restaurant? Or did he recognize him but not say anything because he was in on the whole thing all along?
Hmm, Eliot remembered that Parker likes her presents to 'do' something, pays attention to the way his girlfriends like to be described ('it's flight attendant!'), appears visibly offended when someone claims he doesn't learn their names and spends enough time talking with them to use what he learns about their lives on jobs ('I dated a flight attendant/neurologist/lot of models').
A thief's inbuilt attention to detail, or would Eliot Spencer actually make an awesome boyfriend, sans the effects of that unfortunate 'used to kill people for money/currently atoning through a highly dangerous life of robin hood crime' issue?
I can take a first crack at answering Liz Hughes' questions... 1) We have a great, experienced DP & crew, in addition to the wonderful Frakes at the helm of this one. The docks where we shot were floating and we had to put one of the cameras on a barge-like boat. I think it was our first Leverage scenes shot on water. 2) The Eliot & Hardison scene was a collaboration. Originally, it did not mention the bet, but Christian pointed out to me that we never paid that off and (dammit) he was right! When another scene was cut and another shortened, I had the opportunity to add in the part about the bet being off. John Rogers was the one who suggested the part about Eliot teaching Hardison about wines, which I then wrote. That said, Christian and Aldis are superb improvisors and all the stuff about the "Bro Handbook" was all them. Short answer: I wrote the intent of the scene, guided by our supreme overlord (whose blog this is) and the actors made a meal of it. 3) It was my idea to have Eliot send the flowers at the end. However, Christian objected strenuously to how I had written Eliot taking credit for it and having the show end with Sophie and Parker thanking him. He said Eliot would never undermine his guys like that... and he was absolutely right! Here, the audience gets to know that Eliot is wisest in the ways of romance, while Nate and Hardison get to reap the kudos.
I LOVED the personal interactions throughout this episode - it felt like every possible pairing got at least one, solid character-to-character moment.
And I loved how Nate passed the lead to Sophie at the auction, then, at the restaurant, Eliot was the point person (coaching Haridson & encouraging Parker). It's nice that the leads were dictated by the con, rather than Sophie or Eliot requesting to take the lead and things unfolding from there. This felt very smooth, very natural.
In the last post you made answering our comments, you wrote, if any of the characters had to kiss, it would be Eliot & Parker who would be the two to keep it completely professional. Then, in tonight's ep we got Nate & Sophie kissing (both privately in the hotel room & then outside while running the con). It was nice that your blog-answer to a question about a different episode gave me some added depth to what I was watching in this episode. So, thank you again for having this blog & answering so many of our questions!
And, speaking of questions... At the auction, Nate & Sophie were standing/walking together quite a bit - at one point Meredith & Oscar both walked right behind them. How could Meredith & Oscar not notice them together and realize they knew each other? Sophie was in a particularly eye-catching, sparkly, gold dress!
When Parker was in the office with all the pictures of the grifters on the wall, was that the trick vial-case from The Double-Blind Job on the shelf just as she walks into the room?
Eliot seems to push his hair out of his eyes a lot when he fights - isn't that an unnecessary annoyance for both Eliot & Kane?
Has Kane inadvertently given Eliot any new scars during this season's filming? I can't remember seeing a "fucking Oklahoma" tweet from you in quite a while.
Kudos to everyone involved in this episode! Excellent dialogue, beautifully filmed, steady pacing, nuanced performances... just the whole nine yards!
Just wondering how Oscar didn't recognise Hardison as both a bachelor up for auction and the wine expert? Was the change in accent meant to cover it? Am I derailing the fun train?
Aw, that was a sweet little Christmas confection. My grinch-sized heart grew three sizes.
The interactions felt so natural between the cast. It was very slice-of-the-team's life, and I love those kinds of moments - Nate and Eliot just sitting in the bar reading together, Sophie popping into Nate's hotel room at the end of her eve with San G, Eliot and Hardison setting up the restaurant staffing together and Nate and Sophie's very real conversation about Fenway.
And Eliot buying the flowers and not taking credit was perfect.
Also, it was nice to see Nate and Sophie being nice to each other. I was beginning to wonder why they bothered compromising, but this reminds me that they do care about each other.
Thank you so much for last night episode! It was a great episode! You made Nate and Sophie fans are happy! We're so happy! :) You ever said to me, I'll be happy with it, now I can say "Yes I am" and I think It's enough for our Nate and Sophie! Nate and Sophie are work together, with sweet scene, just keep them in a relationship. :) Okay so.. and of course Parker and Hardison was good, They're so cute together, and Lovely Eliot, what he did on this eps, It just so cute... Thanks!
Not really a question, but Emma Caulfield? Score. Do you have someone who is like a guest star gremlin that just wanders around trying to find exciting actors to come on the show?
Eliot seemed so happy in this ep! Is that just me? Joking around with Parker, his smile while bantering with Hardison, the FLOWERS! I loved it, he's great when annoyed of course but it's great to see him be cute and happy sometimes too :) How much of that was direction/script and how much Kane?
And I'm joining everyone else in praising the Sophie/Nate arc in this one. Very well-done and extremely cute!
@En_route... Thanks for your informative answers! I feel a mite guilty about disagreeing with anyone who works on the show about the characters, but honestly, I feel that Hardison is wisest in the ways of romance. He's so patient and sweet and understanding with Parker and her multitude of issues. (While I love Parker with all my heart, it can't be very easy to be her boyfriend or sort-of boyfriend or whatever Hardison is right now.) Eliot had a great idea about the flowers, but give me Hardison for the long haul.
I've been watching a lot Season 1 and 2 on DVD, and especially early in Season 1, Nate seemed to have a real joy for the cons that isn't as prevalent anymore (slapping Hardison on the shoulder in excitement when Sophie hooked Dubenich in Nigerian Job, his little "oo, I like it" when they decided on the con in Two Horse Job, etc.)
I know he's in a different place now, and I admire how consistent you've been about having him become a harder person, and his arc makes total sense, but those moments in Season 1 were awfully fun and added great energy to the show.
Will we ever see Nate find that joy again or has he just evolved to a point where he's not really going to have that anymore?
When are we going to see the team dress in crazy outfits again? I thought it was really funny in the earlier seasons not it seems they’ve prefer the dresses and more casual wear.
Fabulous episode. Just the right touch of teamwork and romance. And Portland's riverfront district never looked so lovely posing as the Hamptons.
My question: This episode depended a lot on outdoor sunny scenes. When did you film it? Did you have a "Plan B" in case Portland's rainy season came early?
Awesome ep! Big Nate and Sophie fan here. When she approached him on the bed with her seductiveness, my heart started pounding and the hairs on the back of my neck became "teased". Fell in love with Nate all over again when he told her she was really beautiful. Nice touch.
Seeing David Ogden Sties was a nice treat. Especially after the passing of Harry Morgan recently. (RIP)
Couple of questions. Why is Nate chewing so much gum lately? I've noticed him chomping even when he was not in the middle of a con. Does it have anything to do with trying to stop his need of alcohol consumption in his morning coffee? Could not miss the shot he poured in his cup.
Speaking of which, Eliot walked in as Nate was doing it and he basically shrugged it off. Doesn't Eliot care anymore? Especially now that their relationship has turned to a more personal one. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Nate needs to want to stop.
When the flowers were delivered and Eliot got up to leave I noticed he winked at Nate and Hardison. Did they then figure out Eliot was one responsible for the gifts?
One more question. Was that a porkpie hat I saw on one of the guests at the auction? Anyone a Buster Keaton fan among the crew?
Jesus, from the building up of the final two eps for this season, shouldn't you of waited and called these last ones The Big Bang Job?
Couple funny bone moments: Steakums!
"Fifteen thousand" being heard in all the ear buds because Hardison was flabbergasted.
Nate apologizing to Parker for using the word fight instead of argument. He sure has come a long way!
So happy we are getting a season 5! This is the best thing to come along since MASH in my book. You are all geniuses!
Just wanted to mention that although I see a lot of people on here asking about the Eliot-giving-flowers scene, I thought it was perfectly obvious that he had bought them and that both Nate and Hardison figured out it was him.
That was a great little character-beat, btw. Loved Eliot in this one. And Parker's plant that does something! I love that you guys care so much about these characters that we get a payoff this late from the S1 "what does it DO?" scenes.
1 Question: Ok, we KNOW Parker can kick ass so there is some debate on that fight scene. Even though Parker didn't know the difference between "argument" and "fight" (as Nate used the word), that fight was a bit...lacking. Was it because even though Parker didn't know the difference in the method, she did know that it was a distraction technique more than anything too serious?
1 Comment: Please let's not do another episode like that again any time soon. The chemistry between Tim and Gina was HOT!!! Damn those two are good together! My screen kept steaming up and I had to wipe the poor thing down a few times.
Merry Christmas to all of you! The episode was a lovely present, thanks;) Loved Emma Caulfield and the room full of grifters, Sophie really had to stretch her stuff!
@SaffieDarling, yes, and yes, methinks...but he makes an even better friend. Prime rib AND perfect flowers? What would they do without Eliot?
Loved this episode! It was a great Christmas gift, even if I wasn't able to watch it until the day after Christmas.
Loved rule number 7! Made me smile.
I have to say, I'm not a big Nophie fan, but this was so romantic and charming and it was lovely. Their date was so sweet, and I loved that line at the end. "I chose YOU," which happily referenced all the way to the very first episode and it made me squee~
Where did Parker get the cab?
When Eliot gave the guy with the guitar 20 bucks, I thought he was going to play. I was a little bummed that he didn't.
Sophie and Parker's dresses during the event was amazing. Loved them~!
Hardison for $15k over Eliot for $10K...man oh man, I definitely would have gone higher for Eliot. Teehee.
I figured Oscar was in on it early on, but it was still fun.
Loved the "Parker, you and me" Eliot says, because Eliot just KNOWS he and Parker are the most dangerous of the crew.
"Fisticuffs? Really?" Also made me chortle.
Parker's plant was highly interesting in shape. I love how she wanted to feed it flies~
Oh yeah, Latimer! I vaguely remember him! Nate's going to take him down at the end, right?
Anyway, kudos for the fantastic episode. Keep up the good work! Congrats to all~!
Merry Christmas!! And, what a great Christmas present from the Leverage crew to their fans!
As always, this was another great episode! It's great to bring back mommy and daddy interactions after the season full of kidcentric shenanigans. I laughed so hard throughout the whole thing, from Nate's efforts to woo Sophie, to Eliot coaching Hardison through wine lessons, to Parker being pouty over the fight affair. That was adorable, by the way. And to end Eliot off proving that he really is as much of a charmer and romanticist as he often implies. That was the perfect ending.
Anyway, onto questions! ... and I can't think of any at this moment.
I'll come back later with them if I figure them out! Again, thank you for the excellent episode!
OHMYGOSH I LOVED THAT EPISODE!!! I am a HUGEEE Nate/Sophie fan, so this is my all time favorite episode!! Just wondering, 1) are we going to see more Nate/Sophie scenes? Because this was sooo sweet, he actually had to woo his girlfriend, or whatever they happen to be. 2) will define their relationship anytime in future...SOOOON!!! 3) Will their be anymore cons where Nate has to woo Sophie or she has to seduce him? Because I loved the whole episode, especially when Sophie came into Nate's room late at night in that beautiful gold dress! LOVED THE EPISODE!!!
Thank you for this great present. I loved the episode.I had to smile at the demon Anyanka (Emma Caufield), Charles Emerson Winchester III (David Odgen Stiers), angel (Leon Rippy) and lawyer for demons (CK) all guided by Number One (Jonathan Frakes). It was a fangirl's giggle. The characterization within the episode deepened each of the characters greatly. That was great to see. We're in season four and STILL learning more about these people. YEAH! Listening to what Latimer was describing as the job, it sure sounded a lot like what brought them together in the first place with Dubenich stealing the plans from a rival company. So am I close???
Cheers until next week! I am saddened that we only have three more episodes left this season but knowing you start filming in a few months lessens this sadness.
Upon rewatching, I find I have some more questions: 1. In King George Job, we believed there was great truth in Lady Charlotte Prentice, 18th Duchess of Hanover. In this ep, Sophie uses it as an alias (though she did prevent Meredith from taking her picture). Explanation please? 2. Walt Whitman Wesley--any relation to Hugh Whitman from the Gone Fishing Job?
I'm not sure I understand how Leon Rippy's character is supposed to be a bad guy. He is more like an opportunist, and not really an enemy. He doesn't even come off as sinister to me, just greedy. He is a thief, so this is to be expected.
Now we know there is someone behind him, pulling the strings. Its clear he doesn't WANT to cross Nate. He is aware that doing so is pointless and costly. And he has seen what happens to anyone who crosses Nate Ford.
His last line, "Then war it is..." seems to make him out as someone who clearly doesn't want to go into battle. Obviously, Nate is aware of this (its pulp tv after all). Does Nate think of this character as an enemy to be taken down, or a victim of the fight between Nate and his boss?
I loved how Parker was putting on the ice pack to guilt Nate into making sure he would clarify in future!
Also, I totally loved the flower scene. Eliot is good at that shit, whether or not he uses it with every girl he sleeps with! He's also the one whose the most "normal" As has been said, he's already been on a redemption path. He has a lot of different aquaintances and all in all he seems like he's got some of it together.
What I love most about this show was on full display in this episode: elements of serial drama were skillfully incorporated into the set story structure.
This is done in a way that rewards the hardcore fans without alienating casual viewers. It is a balancing act that shows like the X-Files were unable to achieve.
The way that Nate told Sophie that she was the only team member he chose fit perfectly within context of the episode and for casual viewers it was a satisfying payoff to Sophie's challenge to Nate to take her on a real date. It was also a reward for fans of the show who can recall how the team was formed and are familiar with the history of their relationship.
It also worked on a deeper level. Nate uses honesty as a weapon and there was something poetic about him deploying it after he and Sophie sold the con. It was Nate at his best: finally responding to Sophie's desire for more and better emotional intimacy in their relationship by verbalizing something she already knew to be true. It was the honest man's version of a con: telling the truth rather than lying but achieving the same result. It would not have worked unless she knew it to be true and he knew it was exactly what she wanted to hear!
Brilliant stuff this week. Writing of this quality should be celebrated, especially given how wickedly understated it is.
Like every hormone-addled giddy shipper-watcher out there, the last scene drives me to gleeful squees. Eliot giving the other boys romantic tips just feels so hilariously right. A plant that does something. Dang, but you've got some callback muscles.
I wonder how many angry Christian Kane fangirls there are because Hardison went for more than Eliot? Eliot's nice and all, but I sure ain't arguing. Age of the geek, baby.
That little Nate/Sophie interlude after their park date (you know the one--the one with the kiss)--that wasn't part of the act, was it? I mean, it was definitely a little familiar So when Meredith drove up, was Nate nervous that they'd been made as, ah, past associates?
Also, completely random note: don't think we've ever seen a fight in flashback before. That's different.
So, the real question everyone wants to know the answer to:
Who's more romantic really, Eliot or Christian Kane? ;)
Add me to the list of people who loved the moment at the end with Eliot buying the flowers for Nate and Hardison. It fits perfectly with his character - yeah, the implication tends to be that he has no problem with the ladies, but the show has also been quite consistent in that he takes time to learn and remember things about them, even if they aren't long term things - the various references to things he knows based on the professions of women he's dated, for example.
It's kind of interesting that Eliot is the one we know has killed and done really horrible things, and Nate was originally the 'good guy' but at heart they seem to be essentially reversed - Eliot's a good guy who has made some mistakes, and Nate is, well, kind of a bastard. (A bastard on a journey, yes, but still.)
Ooh! I want to say it first: Eliot dated a florist. Right? Okay, maybe not...But that scene was so very awesome. (BTW, are you aware that there's a fanfic from sometime in Season 1 that has Parker owning a Venus flytrap? I bet, somewhere in the world, that author is ecstatic that she got that right.)
"Let's go steal a spider." LOL!
Let me just say, Oscar's pants were absolutely horrible. I couldn't stop staring at them. Intentional?
Last question: What book is Eliot reading at the beginning?
@JasTray You can order the bro handbook, I believe. Barney Stintson from How I Met Your Mother does this whole thing on it. It's cool.
@Melissa Nate tells Meredith that he has a team. Meredith (and Oscar) find out that Hardison and Elliot are Nate's team. They don't know about Sophie or Parker.
@Izzie Nate's an academic. Or just really really smart. He likes to throw it around sometimes.
I've successfully gotten all 10 people who were at my house at Christmas to watch Leverage regularly now. This episode was glorious.
@Izzle, Eliot was reading The Art of War. Which he then used as a weapon, lol.
I just have to ask: Eliot quoting the Bro Handbook … to Hardison … admitting they are bros … to Hardison …
Is this a sign of the apocalypse?
Also, I noticed (couldn't help it, really) Oscar's jacket at the auction (plaid? patchwork? what does one call that?), but only on my second viewing noticed the matching pants he wore in the restaurant. Nadine Haders is a genius, lol.
Did I catch the obscure-ist of two-percenters in this episode when Eliot commented on the "Fraanch" the woman who'd won him spoke? Or was it just my own crazy apophenia seeing a Better Off Dead shoutout?
No offense intended but honestly I think somewhere along the way the ball got dropped on this one. The "meat" of this episodes con is "can Nate Ford have a good date with Sophie" which to my ear sounds more like something out of your average sit com than the most fast pace heist dramadey I've come to know Leverage as.
The very final act was up to your usual standard, but when it came to the process of getting the villain on the hook, it left a lot to be desired in my opinion. -James Firecat
I'm getting to a broken record on the casting stuff, but David Ogden Stiers and Emma Caulfield were great. When DOS was talking about his wife's death - his delivery on about 4 lines was so precise and understated and effective.
Will we be seeing Nate call in that favor this season?
I don't disagree with James Firecat that the con was light in this episode, but to me that still works when you get your meat somewhere else e.g. with great character moments and humor, and I thought this ep had plenty of both.
Loved the intro where Eliot and Nate are just hanging out in the bar, the book fight and Eliot grabbing DOS's arm when DOS grabbed Nate's arm. Bodyguard Eliot is super cool! And then Eliot's "kicking Nate when down" bit, cause snarky Eliot is super cool too.
So was Eliot there just hanging out at the bar cause sometimes those two have some alone time (and I mean that in the most platonic way of course) or was Eliot playing bodyguard intentionally b/c of the Latimer threat that's hanging out there?
Parker's idea of what starting a fight means and her total disregard of finding a facial match at the auction were both awesome bits, as was jealous Nate and sweet Nate. It was refreshing to see Nate and Sophie having fun and smooching after some of their harsh moments.
Thought it was interesting that Sophie asked Nate the personal question at the table since Nate was supposed to be the one on the grift. Any significance to that or was she just helping him out with the con?
Thanks for the nifty little Christmas gift. Fun script and great directing and great cast moments all around!
The Hardison-Eliot banter was awesome, and I like how Eliot seemed quietly pleased that Hardison was insisting on Eliot cooking for him. That leads to the questions: does Eliot cook for the team? Who enjoys it most? Does anyone besides Hardison go out of their way to get a taste of Eliot's cooking?
Eliot's a good guy who has made some mistakes, and Nate is, well, kind of a bastard. (A bastard on a journey, yes, but still.)
Well, if by making some mistakes, you mean murdering a bunch of people in cold blood, including some innocent ones, well, yeah, he's had a few slip-ups. ;)
Eliot definitely is better at personal interaction than Nate - much better, and he always has been. But I'm not sure I'd characterize either man as a "good guy" in the strictest sense of the word.
@Ryuu – Eliot has cooked at least three times on camera for the team: first season in "The Wedding Job," second season in "Three Days of the Hunter" and this season in "Long Way Down." Plus, we know from "Office Job" that he makes great sandwiches. ;)
@Kylee: I should have been more clear. I meant that Walt Whitman Wesley(?) was the name of the "victim," which means the poet name is a writer-ism, not a Nate-ism. It's just that I noticed in the last episode that Shelley (Percy Bysshe Shelley?) was the name of Eliot's friend, and Eliot's name itself could be an homage to T. S. (also, the sailor with the pearl eyes mentioned in the Hardison hazing during "The Experimental Job" were from "The Waste Land"). That's what I meant by "again with the poets."
@ SueN: Thanks! I missed seeing the title and it was driving me crazy! "The Art of War" - How apt!
Another thing to add: Eliot being the owner of Baron Oil (did I hear that correctly?) - Wasn't that the company mentioned at the very end of "The Rashomon Job" with the snooty guy on the news? (And *giggle* at Eliot's enraged reaction to his character being from Austin, Texas - Christian or Eliot?)
@Melissa and RavenousCartoon: It's implied before the restaurant scene (maybe even explicit, as he says he sets up the bachelor-auction events) and definitely explicit by the end on the boat that Oscar/San Gui is in on the con with Meredith. Meredith believes Eliot and Hardison (but not Sophie, and not, I think, Parker) are part of Nate's crew, so, presumably, so does Oscar. To them, Eliot and Hardison are part of Nate's "audition."
AWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ from a hopelessly romantic girl, this episode is perfection!!!!!!!
I know this is repeating other comments. Sorry but I'll still do it lol.
First, LOVE the Nate & Eliot hanging out at the bar. And how they can't handle a crying guy, gonna get Sophie and all. Also how Sophie believes in true love and then rolled eyes saying alright she's a grifter lol.
Second, kudos to Nadine for those splendid team outfits. And San Gui (preferred Oscar)'s outfit is totally hideous *grin*
Third, Parker's fight lol. Definitely not her best fight but that was funny. She made me laugh the whole episode. Especially her face expression when saying spider. Beth is just too pretty!! And it seems that Eliot-Parker interaction is more and much better in this season, starting from The Long Way Down Job.
Fourth, ELIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, this guy. I've never been much fan of the character to be honest. But what he did in this episode (scripted or not) is AWESOME. And so sweettttttt!! I went to smile with stupid goofy smile on my face. What a thoughtful one choosing a plant that actually does something for Parker.
Fifth, AMAZING WRITER. For those words Nate said to Sophie. I just can't describe my happiness for this Christmas.
Question: Was it camera's mistake when Meredith and Oscar walked behind Nate & Sophie talked? Nate & Sophie was talking quite loud (I mean they're shown not whispering) and the villains walked right behind. Was Meredith in rush? But Oscar should've seen Sophie with Nate then.
Can't believe only 3 episodes left. Then we have to wait until season 5 T______T What am I supposed to watch T_______T
Sorry for spamming you, Mr. Rogers! I'll definitely send more messages :p
One of my favorite episodes ever, from Parker trying to figure out "Let's go steal. . ." to the flowers at the end. And a million moments in between. Thank you!
So many fantastic moments, 'let's go steal a spider', the Sophie and Nate bits, and of course the last flower scene!
I third Parker's hat! A silly question, but I love knowing the behind the scenes facts:
When she was taking it off, she tossed it into taxi, but it sort of fell on the street. Did anyone catch that, or was it just a 'doesn't matter' moment?
The scene where Nate and Eliot were sitting in the beach chairs. Was that a real beach, or just a set? I think I remember seeing a twitter picture of it...
Oh and I loved the sped up sunset just before that! Whose idea was that? Frakes'?
I actually thought Nate and Sophie were dealt with quite well. One of my fears is that a show puts so much into building up a relationship that it can't actually carry it out. But this is nice. We get tiny mentions of them throughout the season--their secret friends with extras, then the reveal to the team. Then we've got Nate openly checking Sophie out and whatnot. They're kind of running around in the dark about it, but they do a good job. So now they approach another issue: romance. And it's kind of a date but not really and Nate is not really romantic because it's for the job (except he really is). The progression seems natural. For Nate and Sophie, who are not "normal" by any means. There also hasn't really been a Nate and Sophie centric episode for a while. So yes. Kudos on the pacing! I am quite impressed.
Was I the only one having major Veronica Mars flashbacks? All those shots of Emma Caulfield sticking that camera lens out the window of the sedan...seriously...wow...
Super fun episode. Can't think of anything I disliked. What a lovely Christmas present. Thanks!
Having David Ogden Stiers in what was more or less the throw away "client" role seems like a big expense for the little use (I say not knowing anything about actor rates, and just assuming based on him being a fairly well known actor), but depending on how the "favor" plays out, it obviously can just be set up...
Not episode specific, but I was wondering, how do the "plug in flash drive, steal the data" flash drives work? Some kind of auto-run program on them (with the hacker hoping "Auto-run" isn't turned off or it's a Mac or Linux system)? Movie magic? Orange Box or Ledger?
Ahem. Sorry. Just transcribing my reaction to seeing David Ogden Stiers appearing on my screen this episode. That made this M*A*S*H fan super happy, especially with the recent passing of Harry Morgan.
I also couldn't think anything but, "Of course you're rich and powerful. You're a Winchester!" =P
And Anya too! This episode was awesome with the guest stars. Nice.
So many good character beats, too--Eliot and Hardison's bet, Eliot agreeing to make him a steak dinner, Nate telling Sophie he chose her, Eliot helping out Hardison and Nate at the end (getting Parker a PLANT THAT DOES SOMETHING oh Eliot, ilu).
Still love this ep so much for all the wonderful character moments (almost all of which have been enumerated above, so I won't repeat).
The Nate and Sophie scenes just get better on repeat, and the Eliot-Hardison bits just funnier. I also really like seeing Eliot and Nate as peers (the opening the bar and the beachside chat), though I do enjoy at Eliot's "Sometimes it's fun to kick a man when he's down." And, of course, Eliot as wingman.
I do have one question. Is Eliot really going to make Hardison's prime rib well done? 'Cause that's just sowrong …
So, was this Christine Valada's first job for Meredith, or do we have to assume at some point we'll see Hardison in mourning for Len Wein in the Leverageverse? : -)
David. Ogden. Stiers. Huge M*A*S*H fan here, and I squeed as soon as he walked in the door. And he was amazing with that role--in just a few lines, we totally got the character. The only problem is that he was SO good, I figured out (at least part of) what was going on. By the end of his scene, I knew that the pretty, young wife had been truly in love with him. (When did Dorky Charles Winchester become Hot, Distinguished, Older Guy?)
What is the rationale behind using an established alias (Sophie's "Duchess Charlotte"), over a new alias in certain episodes? I understand that a big part of it has to do with the legal issue of clearing names, but is there any rhyme or reason to it?
Can we assume that since Eliot remembers that Sophie likes white roses and Parker likes plants that do something, he also knows very well what kinds of characters Hardison and his friends play in their online adventures?
Lauren -- I think it made a lot of sense for the team to have Sophie use one of her best aliases, that would withstand a thorough background check. By contrast, Hardison's and Eliot's The-Bachelor aliases were burners -- I expect that Nate's plan expected to reveal that they were fake fairly early.
When the mark is also a con artist, it's normal to let them think that they've uncovered the hidden truth, so they don't look too hard for the more-hidden truth.
The bottom line is that Eliot remembers everything. The real genius of the group, he almost made me weep. You and your writing crew are so beautifully consistent, while resisting the urge (okay my urge) to switch from episodic to serial (shoot, is that right, terminology wise?)...anyway, I'm fighting another urge, expecting u to payoff on a huge character thing not with Eliot though...he's clear, although he would sacrifice himself for the gang...but are u going to payoff on scenario "M"? I hate myself for thinking it, but with the all the throwbacks to the first season being repeated in almost every episode this season that's the one I fear (not really, because u wouldn't kill off Hardison). But u may just scare the pants off the fans...you know, just for fun?
Oh, loved this episode. Frankly, as a newbie fan who watched the first three seasons in a long weekend this summer, I have enjoyed every eppie, including the office job...:)
When Sophie said "do you let them hate the real you or love the fake you?", was she simply stating the general grifter's dilemma or was it a sign that she's still struggling with her own identity?
Joining the discussion on whether Eliot is a good guy; I'm actually a bit confused and maybe those who read this blog more consistently than I do can help me out here:
Is Eliot the "good guy" in his side jobs? I guess this goes back to the beginning of Beantown Bailout, where everyone else basically says they want the team back together because they're bored, but Eliot is not bored; he was in Pakistan dealing with hinky stuff. Instead, he wants the team back together because "the thing about being the good guys is it gets under your skin", which I think suggests that in his other secret job, he's not actually the good guy?
Ah, the great David Ogden Stiers! When I saw him walk into the bar, I was hoping he'd be the villain, maybe channel a little Charles Winchester. But to have him as the client was fun as well. And there's nothing saying he couldn't show up again as the villain. It make him a challenge, since he knows about the Leverage team and what they're capable of.
Video Beagle: Just that here on Earth-Prime, Len's married to Christine, which wouldn't seem to have boded well for him in the Leverageverse (after her name's full reveal, I wondered if all the Ws in Steirs' character's name was an homage to Len, and/or why either Leonard or Wein wasn't worked into his name ("Len Wein" being presumably familiar to a large enough number of folk to cause problems, although a fair number may have found "Christine Valada" vaguely familiar from her Jeopardy! win streak and Tournament of Champions appearance a couple of seasons back).
Alas this is a belated comment due to belated viewing. Convincing the family to watch anything other than football or Glee is like pulling teeth.
I am convinced your writing team is conspiring to turn me into an Eliot fangirl which may be fatal since I go into anaphylactic shock when subjected to excessive squee-ing.
Many thanks to En Route (whom I'm assuming is Kerry Glover) for the feedback.
1) Was Julie's photo a "To Wong Foo" reference? When I saw it my mind immediately flashed to the boys in drag and I would like to burn that image from my brain retinas.
2) What is the significance of Hardison's user name being g_alpha? I was digging my brain and google for the source but came up empty.
@SueN "I do have one question. Is Eliot really going to make Hardison's prime rib well done? 'Cause that's just sowrong …"
In my head, Eliot has a collection of recipes covered in irritated scribbles about what the rest of the team will and won't eat. And every time, there is a lament about how their ridiculous preferences are ruining his dishes. But he makes them anyway.
Wow, this is my favorite episode! I just loved everything about it! I did have a few questions though. 1) How did Meredith not see Sophie and Nate talking to each other, or when Sophie stopped and whispered to Nate "You have to try a it harder than that" when he was about to ask her out the first time. 2) What does Parker mean by Sophie is the challenge, not the noble woman?
Why doesn't Sophie recognise how good Eliot really is with women? Sophie is very intuitive and reads people well, but she seems to underestimate this side of him.
In this and past episodes Sophie tells Eliot what to do in the con when he has to connect with a woman, to which he always replies 'I know'. There was a time in season one when he needed help to con the actress for the orphanage job, but surely his skills will have improved since then and wouldn't Sophie recognise that. I know how Eliot often talks about the women he meets but wouldn't Sophie see through that?
I'm probably reading way too much into this but is there a hint of these two characters clashing skills and neither can best the other. The team members are all at the top of their respective games. Sophie could never out-thieve Parker, nor could Parker out-grift Sophie. But Sophie and Eliot's skills overlap in some areas (I'm thinking particularly of Sophie working people to extract information and Eliot resisting techniques to extract information). If Sophie can read Eliot then he's done, and if he can resist her techniques then she is. ...Or maybe its just funny to see Eliot get angry.
I'm sure I'm way too far down the list for an answer, but I shall ask anyway: This is the second time we have seen Nate and Eliot alone in the bar seemingly working on "something". First in the "lets do it" scene and now here. Are they plotting something the rest of the team doesn't know about? Or do the rest know and they are just letting them do the heavy lifting?
Aside - a great episode. I love how they are all not quite in their rolls, but much better at handling stuff. I like how Eliot is stepping into his 2inC role. And his own little mini-manipulation at the end is great.
Thank you, Leverage team, for another great episode.
I LOVE YOU...Man, I LOVE YOU!!!I just...I LOVE YOU! Merry Christmas btw, I wanted to congratulate on A EXTRAORDINARY FUN ep for me and THANK YOU!!! I have one question but it's a more general one- will you be going back to Sophie's secret from The King George job in the future?
Late to the comment party thanks to the busyness of the holidays. Really enjoyed this episode; please have Kerry back! I didn't think it was possible, but think I'm even more of an Eliot fangirl... And, thank you, thank, thank you for all the continuity porn; I am a very happy grifter!
* Baron Oil * Comms don't work in water combined with Parker driving like a maniac * A plant that does something
All my ohter questions have already been covered in previous comments, so... Eliot obviously cooks for the team; has or does Christian ever cook for the cast during a long break between takes?
Loved the episode and I have a quick question, in the final bar scene was Parker's sláinte scripted or Beth's improv?
On another note do you know the Irish stand up comedian Tommy Tiernan? because Nate reminds me of him, he considered being a priest, is a slightly mad, angry, ranting, very funny Irish man, I can see him being related to Nate, please make it so.
I don't still have the episode on my DVR, so I can't check, but... When the flowers were delivered at the end, is there any chance that the name used for Sophie was the real one? And if so, WHAT WAS IT AGAIN?!? (I'm as bad as Nate!)
At the start of the episode, Eliot is reading "The Art of War". At the end, Lattimer says "Then war it is." Nice connection!
That scene with Nate and Eliot in the bar reading reminds me of the similar scene at end of "The Experimental Job" with the two of them in the bar, when Nate says "Here we go" or something like that. Nate and Eliot know the war is coming, and I think the two of them have their war councils down in the bar. Nate's going through relevant papers while Eliot looks for inspiration to Sun Tzu, who was a sneaky bastard himself.
In the alternate universe where Leverage and Warehouse 13 coexist, Rich Guy Lattimer is somehow related to W13's Pete Lattimer. :)
Great job on the season. I got a bit of a Christmas present and got to watch the finale in Netflix Canada before their oops got fixed (am assuming). When is the actual release for season 4 due out on Netflix?
I rather enjoy the nonchalance Nate has about Eliot as his muscle. First in the bar at the start, he sits there calmly while Eliot takes care of the guards, then on the boat. He headbutts Oscar to get out of being shot, but then turns away unconcerned, knowing Eliot will take care of the trash. It's just some great moments.
Something I remember reading someone asking on Roger Ebert's blog surfaced here. When Nate puts Sophie in the taxi and closes the door, he taps/pats the car twice before it drives away. This is seen often in movies and TV. Is that just a thing, or is it a signal in acting/movie/tv making that "I've closed the door and will not get run over when you drive off."?
It took me long enough to remember to get here and ask my question/post my comments, but glad to see you're taking your time getting here, too. :)
LOVED this episode - everything about it made me smile. As a person who recently lost her ability to believe in romance, you have re-inspired my attempts to believe. Nate's moments with Sophie, where he wooed her...when he said he chose her...when he told her she's beautiful... *happy sigh* And Eliot with the flowers? And his smile? So sweet... It's always nice to know (or half-heartedly hope) that there really are men out there who can see when a girl needs a flower. Anyway, onto the questions: 1- "Thanks for everything. - Julie"? Was that at all a nod or wink at "To Wong Foo: Thanks for everything. Julie Newmar"? The phrasing (and the fact the girl's name wasn't Julie) caught me off-guard. 2- What was the flower Parker received? I know it's a carnivorous plant, but it was pretty and my brother-the-horticulturalist offered to get me one if I can give him the name of it. It was pretty and it eats flies - I'm sold. :)
And, thanks again for this episode. Kudos to all involved!!!
Oh my, he was reading The Art of War! I squeezed; it has been my favorite book since my dad read and explained it to me when I was a kid. (I don't read Chinese.)
Bythe way, Eliot's reading The Art of War in English. Does this mean we have finally come across a language Eliot doesn't know?
I'm really intrigued by Emmz Caulfield's delivery on that "hmmm" when she's listening to Nate and Sophie and again when she says there's no such thing as love. Feels like there's a story there waiting to be told.
Great ep! I was re-watching it and was struck by a particular scene. In the scene where Parker is sitting with her sad puppy dog face waiting for Nate to apologize about "fight" vs. "argument", is she purposefully mimicking Eliot when he's injured? I just noticed the hoody and ice pack which both went away when Nate apologized...
Eliot's cover in this ep is Jackson Cooper from Texas, who owns Barron Oil.. is it the same Barron Oil from Rashomon Job? and did Eliot got to own it after Rashomon?
loved seeing Emma Caulfield in this epi, you should just have every star from the Buffy/Angel verse as gueststars on your show(save for the ones who are busy on their own shows), they'd all make perfect marks and/or clients...ohh and if you do get James Marsters please make him use his british accent...thanks for making an awesome tv show
Q) Did we in fact hear Sophie's real name (Denise) when the flowers were delivered?
I think I laughed hardest during the "the steak bet is off" scene at the very end, over the fairly blunt double entendre, "bone-in, well-done." Kane's smirk just slew me. Christian and Aldis improv really well together and they clearly love teasing one another.
@JasTay: All Eliot said was that there was A Rule #7 on page 189. The book has multiple sections; each section restarts the numbering.
Wonderful episode. I'm not a Nate/Sophie 'shipper at all (don't care either way), but I thoroughly enjoyed their interactions.
WV: poloww. What happens when you get whacked with a stray mallet during polo.
Adorable ep; I really liked that is was a fairly simple con-story and there was a little more of seeing how the family works on emotional/relationship levels. But that's not why I'm writing. Watching every ep and reading this blog for a few years now, I have noticed the pairing of Eliot and Parker is mentioned a lot (professionally and romantically). I always thought they would make an interesting couple, but I've given up and accept that they just make a good working (big bro, little sis) pair. But I was thinking, how funny would it be if somehow Hardison got the impression something else was going on between Eliot and Parker and got jealous. Then, Eliot figures out what Hardison's thinking and decides to mess with him (either with or without Parker knowing what is going on at all). Obviously, this would all take place as a side story to the con, but I could see something like that really f***ing up a con and causing someone to make a mistake. It was just something I thought of and it made me laugh could I can so picture some of the things that would be said amongst the group.
I have a plot question (and I really do tend to get hung up on logistics):
So, they said that Lacey was in the system because she's missing. At this point, that could mean picture, DNA, or finger prints. I'm guessing that they could have gotten her fingerprints from their client.
So, then, what were they searching for on the picture? Why did they need that finger print in particular? And what were they comparing it to? Because if they already had it, why did the finger print on the picture lead them directly to her, when the others didn't.
Thanks! It was an excellent episode that I really enjoyed.
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Merry Christmas, you drunken Irishman.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to the cast and crew (and all you posters here too!)
ReplyDeletewv: glegests -- guest stars on Glee that have had too much to drink.
It's only fair. I'm already liquored up to watch it. *g*
ReplyDeleteFirst-Love love love Beths hat.
ReplyDeleteSecond-I would pay more than $15,000 for a date with Christi....er, I mean Elliott.
Third-Love love love loooove Elliot describing food. Mmmm mmmm mmmmm!
Fourth-Worried that Nates going to have to call in that favor for something big and bad ass.
Fifth-Ohhh, just saw the suspenders.
Sixth-I was hoping that Christian wad going to play Nd sing!
Most excellent ep! Congrats to Kerry Glover for her first ever episode. What a high bar she set for herself!
ReplyDeleteI have to watch again to get all my questions and comments formulated!
Kudos to the writer (is this really her first? 'Cause it's out of the ballpark), director, cast and crew!
ReplyDeleteNate is quite the multi-tasker, opening up to Sophie while running a sweetheart con.
Isn't it interesting that all the con artists know more about Nate's feelings for Sophie than he's willing to admit? Not surprising, but interesting.
And, of course, Eliot FTW, in every possible way. I remember you mentioning several times that Eliot has a rich and full personal life outside of the team. I believed you then, but I know it now . . . Good writing!
Nice to see the Inside Trader again. Nate appears to be gathering resources this season . . . for The Trader or something else? Can't wait to find out!
Excellent holiday gift--Happy Merry y'all!
Bwahaha, Hardison went for $15,000! Take that, Elliot!
ReplyDeleteBut NATE! Whoa! When he wants to be charming, he can be so VERY charming. More of that Nate, please?? :-)
And merry Christmas!
(And Parker with a plant that does something is just too, too perfect.)
great christmas present from kerry glover. loved every minute of it, maybe too much! it had a lovely balance of everything i love about leverage and the cast were brilliant.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, props to Jonathan Frakes for all of the Eliot fight scene cinematography! several questions though... (1) a) any ideas as to what the thought process was behind the way those scenes were shot? and b) how were those shots set up? (2) I loved the scene between Eliot and Hardison about the bet being null; how much of that was scripted by (the fabulous) Kerry Glover and how much was ad-libbed? (3) Whose idea was it for Eliot to send the flowers? and finally, (4) did more of Hardison's "date" get cut? it would have been fun to see more of that!
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwww...I think this is my favorite episode like, ever. Sweetest thing ever! And there was a kiss! A legit Nophie kiss! Without a slap! Nophie fans throughout the world rejoice! Seductive Sophie is just flat-out SCARY, dude. Major props to Gina there.
ReplyDeleteMy questions:
1. Was the kiss/Nophie interlude after their "date" a play just in case Meredith was still watching them, or was that legit?
2a. Was Parker's plant a Venus flytrap? b. What was the flower Sophie got at the very end?
3. Did Eliot buy/obtain the gifts at the end and save the respective asses of Nate and Hardison? Just wanted to be certain.
I second the comments on Beth's hat. It really compliments her.
ReplyDeleteI noticed the conversation at the end with Latimer and whoever he was talking to. It seems obvious to me that Latimer is not in charge. I'm asking who's behind him just to see how you'll not answer the question.
I especially liked the scenes between Nate & Sophie. It seems to me that he's finally decided or admitted to himself that she's what he wants and he's willing to actually expose more of his real self.
Merry Christmas to you and your fabulous cast and crew!
ReplyDeleteAnd merry Christmas to us, courtesy of Kerry Glover! What a wonderful ep! It was everything I love about Leverage – the con, our crew at their bad-ass best, lots of teamy goodness … and horndog!Eliot as a true romantic. With a nice bit of foreboding at the end.
I don't have any questions right now (way too much eggnog … heavy on the nog), but I just wanted to say what a wonderful cap to Christmas this was.
Oh oh oh, I do want to say specifically how much I loved Nate telling Sophie, "I chose you." Lovely, and perfect.
ReplyDeleteParker had a purse on at the beginning of the episode. What’s in her purse? She actually had on a purse and a skirt. Both things seem very un-parker like.
ReplyDeleteAnd the moment when Elliot and Parker were deciding on the "Let's go steal a..." tagline? Adorable
ReplyDeletewv: baggyr-a very growly set of bagpipes
Just wondered how much of that episode was ad-libbed and how much scripted, and was the bit in the restaurant where Eliot was describing the Argentine Malbec a nod to Kane? (it is his favorite wine)...
ReplyDeleteYou had me at "fisticuffs".
ReplyDeleteRandom question: I've noticed that Nate has been wearing the same dark blue hoodie a lot when in the apartment/bar this season and that, in general, Nate really seems to be more and more ragged looking this year. While I'm probably reading way too much into it, is this done to show how Nate's state of mind? In other words does Nate just not give a crap anymore?
ReplyDeleteAwesome ep as always! My question is Why didn't Oscar/San Guillermo recognize Hardison at the restaurant? Or did he recognize him but not say anything because he was in on the whole thing all along?
ReplyDeleteHmm, Eliot remembered that Parker likes her presents to 'do' something, pays attention to the way his girlfriends like to be described ('it's flight attendant!'), appears visibly offended when someone claims he doesn't learn their names and spends enough time talking with them to use what he learns about their lives on jobs ('I dated a flight attendant/neurologist/lot of models').
ReplyDeleteA thief's inbuilt attention to detail, or would Eliot Spencer actually make an awesome boyfriend, sans the effects of that unfortunate 'used to kill people for money/currently atoning through a highly dangerous life of robin hood crime' issue?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI can take a first crack at answering Liz Hughes' questions...
ReplyDelete1) We have a great, experienced DP & crew, in addition to the wonderful Frakes at the helm of this one. The docks where we shot were floating and we had to put one of the cameras on a barge-like boat. I think it was our first Leverage scenes shot on water.
2) The Eliot & Hardison scene was a collaboration. Originally, it did not mention the bet, but Christian pointed out to me that we never paid that off and (dammit) he was right! When another scene was cut and another shortened, I had the opportunity to add in the part about the bet being off. John Rogers was the one who suggested the part about Eliot teaching Hardison about wines, which I then wrote. That said, Christian and Aldis are superb improvisors and all the stuff about the "Bro Handbook" was all them. Short answer: I wrote the intent of the scene, guided by our supreme overlord (whose blog this is) and the actors made a meal of it.
3) It was my idea to have Eliot send the flowers at the end. However, Christian objected strenuously to how I had written Eliot taking credit for it and having the show end with Sophie and Parker thanking him. He said Eliot would never undermine his guys like that... and he was absolutely right! Here, the audience gets to know that Eliot is wisest in the ways of romance, while Nate and Hardison get to reap the kudos.
I LOVED the personal interactions throughout this episode - it felt like every possible pairing got at least one, solid character-to-character moment.
ReplyDeleteAnd I loved how Nate passed the lead to Sophie at the auction, then, at the restaurant, Eliot was the point person (coaching Haridson & encouraging Parker). It's nice that the leads were dictated by the con, rather than Sophie or Eliot requesting to take the lead and things unfolding from there. This felt very smooth, very natural.
In the last post you made answering our comments, you wrote, if any of the characters had to kiss, it would be Eliot & Parker who would be the two to keep it completely professional. Then, in tonight's ep we got Nate & Sophie kissing (both privately in the hotel room & then outside while running the con). It was nice that your blog-answer to a question about a different episode gave me some added depth to what I was watching in this episode. So, thank you again for having this blog & answering so many of our questions!
And, speaking of questions...
At the auction, Nate & Sophie were standing/walking together quite a bit - at one point Meredith & Oscar both walked right behind them. How could Meredith & Oscar not notice them together and realize they knew each other? Sophie was in a particularly eye-catching, sparkly, gold dress!
When Parker was in the office with all the pictures of the grifters on the wall, was that the trick vial-case from The Double-Blind Job on the shelf just as she walks into the room?
Eliot seems to push his hair out of his eyes a lot when he fights - isn't that an unnecessary annoyance for both Eliot & Kane?
Has Kane inadvertently given Eliot any new scars during this season's filming? I can't remember seeing a "fucking Oklahoma" tweet from you in quite a while.
Kudos to everyone involved in this episode! Excellent dialogue, beautifully filmed, steady pacing, nuanced performances... just the whole nine yards!
Just wondering how Oscar didn't recognise Hardison as both a bachelor up for auction and the wine expert? Was the change in accent meant to cover it? Am I derailing the fun train?
ReplyDeleteExactly how big is the Bro Handbook if Rule #7 is on page 189?
ReplyDeleteAw, that was a sweet little Christmas confection. My grinch-sized heart grew three sizes.
ReplyDeleteThe interactions felt so natural between the cast. It was very slice-of-the-team's life, and I love those kinds of moments - Nate and Eliot just sitting in the bar reading together, Sophie popping into Nate's hotel room at the end of her eve with San G, Eliot and Hardison setting up the restaurant staffing together and Nate and Sophie's very real conversation about Fenway.
And Eliot buying the flowers and not taking credit was perfect.
Also, it was nice to see Nate and Sophie being nice to each other. I was beginning to wonder why they bothered compromising, but this reminds me that they do care about each other.
Thank you so much for last night episode! It was a great episode! You made Nate and Sophie fans are happy! We're so happy! :) You ever said to me, I'll be happy with it, now I can say "Yes I am" and I think It's enough for our Nate and Sophie! Nate and Sophie are work together, with sweet scene, just keep them in a relationship. :) Okay so.. and of course Parker and Hardison was good, They're so cute together, and Lovely Eliot, what he did on this eps, It just so cute... Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNot really a question, but Emma Caulfield? Score. Do you have someone who is like a guest star gremlin that just wanders around trying to find exciting actors to come on the show?
ReplyDeleteLoved it again!
ReplyDeleteEliot seemed so happy in this ep! Is that just me? Joking around with Parker, his smile while bantering with Hardison, the FLOWERS! I loved it, he's great when annoyed of course but it's great to see him be cute and happy sometimes too :) How much of that was direction/script and how much Kane?
And I'm joining everyone else in praising the Sophie/Nate arc in this one. Very well-done and extremely cute!
@En_route... Thanks for your informative answers! I feel a mite guilty about disagreeing with anyone who works on the show about the characters, but honestly, I feel that Hardison is wisest in the ways of romance. He's so patient and sweet and understanding with Parker and her multitude of issues. (While I love Parker with all my heart, it can't be very easy to be her boyfriend or sort-of boyfriend or whatever Hardison is right now.) Eliot had a great idea about the flowers, but give me Hardison for the long haul.
ReplyDeleteA question that's not really episode related:
ReplyDeleteI've been watching a lot Season 1 and 2 on DVD, and especially early in Season 1, Nate seemed to have a real joy for the cons that isn't as prevalent anymore (slapping Hardison on the shoulder in excitement when Sophie hooked Dubenich in Nigerian Job, his little "oo, I like it" when they decided on the con in Two Horse Job, etc.)
I know he's in a different place now, and I admire how consistent you've been about having him become a harder person, and his arc makes total sense, but those moments in Season 1 were awfully fun and added great energy to the show.
Will we ever see Nate find that joy again or has he just evolved to a point where he's not really going to have that anymore?
LOVED it! That's all.
ReplyDeleteWhen are we going to see the team dress in crazy outfits again? I thought it was really funny in the earlier seasons not it seems they’ve prefer the dresses and more casual wear.
ReplyDeleteFabulous episode. Just the right touch of teamwork and romance. And Portland's riverfront district never looked so lovely posing as the Hamptons.
ReplyDeleteMy question: This episode depended a lot on outdoor sunny scenes. When did you film it? Did you have a "Plan B" in case Portland's rainy season came early?
Elliot makes sure the team has a smooth exit, from fisticuffs to flowers... nice!
ReplyDeleteAwesome ep! Big Nate and Sophie fan here. When she approached him on the bed with her seductiveness, my heart started pounding and the hairs on the back of my neck became "teased". Fell in love with Nate all over again when he told her she was really beautiful. Nice touch.
ReplyDeleteSeeing David Ogden Sties was a nice treat. Especially after the passing of Harry Morgan recently. (RIP)
Couple of questions.
Why is Nate chewing so much gum lately? I've noticed him chomping even when he was not in the middle of a con. Does it have anything to do with trying to stop his need of alcohol consumption in his morning coffee? Could not miss the shot he poured in his cup.
Speaking of which, Eliot walked in as Nate was doing it and he basically shrugged it off. Doesn't Eliot care anymore? Especially now that their relationship has turned to a more personal one. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Nate needs to want to stop.
When the flowers were delivered and Eliot got up to leave I noticed he winked at Nate and Hardison. Did they then figure out Eliot was one responsible for the gifts?
One more question. Was that a porkpie hat I saw on one of the guests at the auction? Anyone a Buster Keaton fan among the crew?
Jesus, from the building up of the final two eps for this season, shouldn't you of waited and called these last ones The Big Bang Job?
Couple funny bone moments: Steakums!
"Fifteen thousand" being heard in all the ear buds because Hardison was flabbergasted.
Nate apologizing to Parker for using the word fight instead of argument. He sure has come a long way!
So happy we are getting a season 5! This is the best thing to come along since MASH in my book. You are all geniuses!
Just wanted to mention that although I see a lot of people on here asking about the Eliot-giving-flowers scene, I thought it was perfectly obvious that he had bought them and that both Nate and Hardison figured out it was him.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great little character-beat, btw. Loved Eliot in this one. And Parker's plant that does something! I love that you guys care so much about these characters that we get a payoff this late from the S1 "what does it DO?" scenes.
1 Question: Ok, we KNOW Parker can kick ass so there is some debate on that fight scene. Even though Parker didn't know the difference between "argument" and "fight" (as Nate used the word), that fight was a bit...lacking. Was it because even though Parker didn't know the difference in the method, she did know that it was a distraction technique more than anything too serious?
ReplyDelete1 Comment: Please let's not do another episode like that again any time soon. The chemistry between Tim and Gina was HOT!!! Damn those two are good together! My screen kept steaming up and I had to wipe the poor thing down a few times.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
ReplyDeleteThe episode was a lovely present, thanks;)
Loved Emma Caulfield and the room full of grifters, Sophie really had to stretch her stuff!
@SaffieDarling, yes, and yes, methinks...but he makes an even better friend. Prime rib AND perfect flowers? What would they do without Eliot?
Loved this episode! It was a great Christmas gift, even if I wasn't able to watch it until the day after Christmas.
ReplyDeleteLoved rule number 7! Made me smile.
I have to say, I'm not a big Nophie fan, but this was so romantic and charming and it was lovely. Their date was so sweet, and I loved that line at the end. "I chose YOU," which happily referenced all the way to the very first episode and it made me squee~
Where did Parker get the cab?
When Eliot gave the guy with the guitar 20 bucks, I thought he was going to play. I was a little bummed that he didn't.
Sophie and Parker's dresses during the event was amazing. Loved them~!
Hardison for $15k over Eliot for $10K...man oh man, I definitely would have gone higher for Eliot. Teehee.
I figured Oscar was in on it early on, but it was still fun.
Loved the "Parker, you and me" Eliot says, because Eliot just KNOWS he and Parker are the most dangerous of the crew.
"Fisticuffs? Really?" Also made me chortle.
Parker's plant was highly interesting in shape. I love how she wanted to feed it flies~
Oh yeah, Latimer! I vaguely remember him! Nate's going to take him down at the end, right?
Anyway, kudos for the fantastic episode. Keep up the good work! Congrats to all~!
Merry Christmas!! And, what a great Christmas present from the Leverage crew to their fans!
ReplyDeleteAs always, this was another great episode! It's great to bring back mommy and daddy interactions after the season full of kidcentric shenanigans. I laughed so hard throughout the whole thing, from Nate's efforts to woo Sophie, to Eliot coaching Hardison through wine lessons, to Parker being pouty over the fight affair. That was adorable, by the way. And to end Eliot off proving that he really is as much of a charmer and romanticist as he often implies. That was the perfect ending.
Anyway, onto questions! ... and I can't think of any at this moment.
I'll come back later with them if I figure them out! Again, thank you for the excellent episode!
OHMYGOSH I LOVED THAT EPISODE!!! I am a HUGEEE Nate/Sophie fan, so this is my all time favorite episode!! Just wondering, 1) are we going to see more Nate/Sophie scenes? Because this was sooo sweet, he actually had to woo his girlfriend, or whatever they happen to be. 2) will define their relationship anytime in future...SOOOON!!! 3) Will their be anymore cons where Nate has to woo Sophie or she has to seduce him? Because I loved the whole episode, especially when Sophie came into Nate's room late at night in that beautiful gold dress! LOVED THE EPISODE!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this great present. I loved the episode.I had to smile at the demon Anyanka (Emma Caufield), Charles Emerson Winchester III (David Odgen Stiers), angel (Leon Rippy) and lawyer for demons (CK) all guided by Number One (Jonathan Frakes). It was a fangirl's giggle.
ReplyDeleteThe characterization within the episode deepened each of the characters greatly. That was great to see. We're in season four and STILL learning more about these people. YEAH!
Listening to what Latimer was describing as the job, it sure sounded a lot like what brought them together in the first place with Dubenich stealing the plans from a rival company. So am I close???
Cheers until next week! I am saddened that we only have three more episodes left this season but knowing you start filming in a few months lessens this sadness.
LOVED Emma Caulfield; she was on (I THINK) Mentalist last week too!
ReplyDeleteI was really expecting a bit where Nate has already told the team the name of the boat, when he tells Caulfield's character that he's "All In".
Upon rewatching, I find I have some more questions:
ReplyDelete1. In King George Job, we believed there was great truth in Lady Charlotte Prentice, 18th Duchess of Hanover. In this ep, Sophie uses it as an alias (though she did prevent Meredith from taking her picture). Explanation please?
2. Walt Whitman Wesley--any relation to Hugh Whitman from the Gone Fishing Job?
I'm not sure I understand how Leon Rippy's character is supposed to be a bad guy. He is more like an opportunist, and not really an enemy. He doesn't even come off as sinister to me, just greedy. He is a thief, so this is to be expected.
ReplyDeleteNow we know there is someone behind him, pulling the strings. Its clear he doesn't WANT to cross Nate. He is aware that doing so is pointless and costly. And he has seen what happens to anyone who crosses Nate Ford.
His last line, "Then war it is..." seems to make him out as someone who clearly doesn't want to go into battle. Obviously, Nate is aware of this (its pulp tv after all). Does Nate think of this character as an enemy to be taken down, or a victim of the fight between Nate and his boss?
I loved how Parker was putting on the ice pack to guilt Nate into making sure he would clarify in future!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I totally loved the flower scene. Eliot is good at that shit, whether or not he uses it with every girl he sleeps with! He's also the one whose the most "normal" As has been said, he's already been on a redemption path. He has a lot of different aquaintances and all in all he seems like he's got some of it together.
Enough "Rule #7" references already. WE GET IT.
ReplyDeleteThe ending with that thing Elliot did was the BEST THING EVER. I absolutely love that moment so much.
ReplyDeleteYou guys just keep doing better and better. I am so impressed.
Going to war with the Leverage Team seems like a really bad idea.
ReplyDeleteThey have taken down A major aerospace company, Blackpool Insurance, A Mayor of a metropolis, and Damien Moreau.
The bad guys reaction should more be along the lines of this
What I love most about this show was on full display in this episode: elements of serial drama were skillfully incorporated into the set story structure.
ReplyDeleteThis is done in a way that rewards the hardcore fans without alienating casual viewers. It is a balancing act that shows like the X-Files were unable to achieve.
The way that Nate told Sophie that she was the only team member he chose fit perfectly within context of the episode and for casual viewers it was a satisfying payoff to Sophie's challenge to Nate to take her on a real date. It was also a reward for fans of the show who can recall how the team was formed and are familiar with the history of their relationship.
It also worked on a deeper level. Nate uses honesty as a weapon and there was something poetic about him deploying it after he and Sophie sold the con. It was Nate at his best: finally responding to Sophie's desire for more and better emotional intimacy in their relationship by verbalizing something she already knew to be true. It was the honest man's version of a con: telling the truth rather than lying but achieving the same result. It would not have worked unless she knew it to be true and he knew it was exactly what she wanted to hear!
Brilliant stuff this week. Writing of this quality should be celebrated, especially given how wickedly understated it is.
Also, nothing to do with the episode, but Blu-Ray players connect to the internet. Can Hardison hack one sometime?
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas one and all!
ReplyDeleteLike every hormone-addled giddy shipper-watcher out there, the last scene drives me to gleeful squees. Eliot giving the other boys romantic tips just feels so hilariously right. A plant that does something. Dang, but you've got some callback muscles.
I wonder how many angry Christian Kane fangirls there are because Hardison went for more than Eliot? Eliot's nice and all, but I sure ain't arguing. Age of the geek, baby.
That little Nate/Sophie interlude after their park date (you know the one--the one with the kiss)--that wasn't part of the act, was it? I mean, it was definitely a little familiar So when Meredith drove up, was Nate nervous that they'd been made as, ah, past associates?
Also, completely random note: don't think we've ever seen a fight in flashback before. That's different.
Also: I'm assuming the last scene means that Eliot no longer owes Hardison a steak dinner?
ReplyDeleteSo, the real question everyone wants to know the answer to:
ReplyDeleteWho's more romantic really, Eliot or Christian Kane? ;)
Add me to the list of people who loved the moment at the end with Eliot buying the flowers for Nate and Hardison. It fits perfectly with his character - yeah, the implication tends to be that he has no problem with the ladies, but the show has also been quite consistent in that he takes time to learn and remember things about them, even if they aren't long term things - the various references to things he knows based on the professions of women he's dated, for example.
It's kind of interesting that Eliot is the one we know has killed and done really horrible things, and Nate was originally the 'good guy' but at heart they seem to be essentially reversed - Eliot's a good guy who has made some mistakes, and Nate is, well, kind of a bastard. (A bastard on a journey, yes, but still.)
Ooh! I want to say it first: Eliot dated a florist. Right? Okay, maybe not...But that scene was so very awesome. (BTW, are you aware that there's a fanfic from sometime in Season 1 that has Parker owning a Venus flytrap? I bet, somewhere in the world, that author is ecstatic that she got that right.)
ReplyDelete"Let's go steal a spider." LOL!
Let me just say, Oscar's pants were absolutely horrible. I couldn't stop staring at them. Intentional?
Last question: What book is Eliot reading at the beginning?
I forgot to add: Walt Whitman? Again with the poets...not that I mind at ALL.
ReplyDelete@JasTray You can order the bro handbook, I believe. Barney Stintson from How I Met Your Mother does this whole thing on it. It's cool.
ReplyDelete@Melissa Nate tells Meredith that he has a team. Meredith (and Oscar) find out that Hardison and Elliot are Nate's team. They don't know about Sophie or Parker.
@Izzie Nate's an academic. Or just really really smart. He likes to throw it around sometimes.
I've successfully gotten all 10 people who were at my house at Christmas to watch Leverage regularly now. This episode was glorious.
@Izzle, Eliot was reading The Art of War. Which he then used as a weapon, lol.
ReplyDeleteI just have to ask: Eliot quoting the Bro Handbook … to Hardison … admitting they are bros … to Hardison …
Is this a sign of the apocalypse?
Also, I noticed (couldn't help it, really) Oscar's jacket at the auction (plaid? patchwork? what does one call that?), but only on my second viewing noticed the matching pants he wore in the restaurant. Nadine Haders is a genius, lol.
Did I catch the obscure-ist of two-percenters in this episode when Eliot commented on the "Fraanch" the woman who'd won him spoke? Or was it just my own crazy apophenia seeing a Better Off Dead shoutout?
ReplyDeleteNo offense intended but honestly I think somewhere along the way the ball got dropped on this one. The "meat" of this episodes con is "can Nate Ford have a good date with Sophie" which to my ear sounds more like something out of your average sit com than the most fast pace heist dramadey I've come to know Leverage as.
ReplyDeleteThe very final act was up to your usual standard, but when it came to the process of getting the villain on the hook, it left a lot to be desired in my opinion.
-James Firecat
I'm getting to a broken record on the casting stuff, but David Ogden Stiers and Emma Caulfield were great. When DOS was talking about his wife's death - his delivery on about 4 lines was so precise and understated and effective.
ReplyDeleteWill we be seeing Nate call in that favor this season?
I don't disagree with James Firecat that the con was light in this episode, but to me that still works when you get your meat somewhere else e.g. with great character moments and humor, and I thought this ep had plenty of both.
Loved the intro where Eliot and Nate are just hanging out in the bar, the book fight and Eliot grabbing DOS's arm when DOS grabbed Nate's arm. Bodyguard Eliot is super cool! And then Eliot's "kicking Nate when down" bit, cause snarky Eliot is super cool too.
So was Eliot there just hanging out at the bar cause sometimes those two have some alone time (and I mean that in the most platonic way of course) or was Eliot playing bodyguard intentionally b/c of the Latimer threat that's hanging out there?
Parker's idea of what starting a fight means and her total disregard of finding a facial match at the auction were both awesome bits, as was jealous Nate and sweet Nate. It was refreshing to see Nate and Sophie having fun and smooching after some of their harsh moments.
Thought it was interesting that Sophie asked Nate the personal question at the table since Nate was supposed to be the one on the grift. Any significance to that or was she just helping him out with the con?
Thanks for the nifty little Christmas gift. Fun script and great directing and great cast moments all around!
The Hardison-Eliot banter was awesome, and I like how Eliot seemed quietly pleased that Hardison was insisting on Eliot cooking for him. That leads to the questions: does Eliot cook for the team? Who enjoys it most? Does anyone besides Hardison go out of their way to get a taste of Eliot's cooking?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEliot's a good guy who has made some mistakes, and Nate is, well, kind of a bastard. (A bastard on a journey, yes, but still.)
ReplyDeleteWell, if by making some mistakes, you mean murdering a bunch of people in cold blood, including some innocent ones, well, yeah, he's had a few slip-ups. ;)
Eliot definitely is better at personal interaction than Nate - much better, and he always has been. But I'm not sure I'd characterize either man as a "good guy" in the strictest sense of the word.
@Ryuu – Eliot has cooked at least three times on camera for the team: first season in "The Wedding Job," second season in "Three Days of the Hunter" and this season in "Long Way Down." Plus, we know from "Office Job" that he makes great sandwiches. ;)
ReplyDeleteSo, yeah, he cooks for the team.
@Kylee: I should have been more clear. I meant that Walt Whitman Wesley(?) was the name of the "victim," which means the poet name is a writer-ism, not a Nate-ism. It's just that I noticed in the last episode that Shelley (Percy Bysshe Shelley?) was the name of Eliot's friend, and Eliot's name itself could be an homage to T. S. (also, the sailor with the pearl eyes mentioned in the Hardison hazing during "The Experimental Job" were from "The Waste Land"). That's what I meant by "again with the poets."
ReplyDelete@ SueN: Thanks! I missed seeing the title and it was driving me crazy! "The Art of War" - How apt!
Another thing to add: Eliot being the owner of Baron Oil (did I hear that correctly?) - Wasn't that the company mentioned at the very end of "The Rashomon Job" with the snooty guy on the news? (And *giggle* at Eliot's enraged reaction to his character being from Austin, Texas - Christian or Eliot?)
@Melissa and RavenousCartoon:
ReplyDeleteIt's implied before the restaurant scene (maybe even explicit, as he says he sets up the bachelor-auction events) and definitely explicit by the end on the boat that Oscar/San Gui is in on the con with Meredith. Meredith believes Eliot and Hardison (but not Sophie, and not, I think, Parker) are part of Nate's crew, so, presumably, so does Oscar. To them, Eliot and Hardison are part of Nate's "audition."
AWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ from a hopelessly romantic girl, this episode is perfection!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know this is repeating other comments. Sorry but I'll still do it lol.
First, LOVE the Nate & Eliot hanging out at the bar. And how they can't handle a crying guy, gonna get Sophie and all. Also how Sophie believes in true love and then rolled eyes saying alright she's a grifter lol.
Second, kudos to Nadine for those splendid team outfits. And San Gui (preferred Oscar)'s outfit is totally hideous *grin*
Third, Parker's fight lol. Definitely not her best fight but that was funny. She made me laugh the whole episode. Especially her face expression when saying spider. Beth is just too pretty!! And it seems that Eliot-Parker interaction is more and much better in this season, starting from The Long Way Down Job.
Fourth, ELIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, this guy. I've never been much fan of the character to be honest. But what he did in this episode (scripted or not) is AWESOME. And so sweettttttt!! I went to smile with stupid goofy smile on my face. What a thoughtful one choosing a plant that actually does something for Parker.
Fifth, AMAZING WRITER. For those words Nate said to Sophie. I just can't describe my happiness for this Christmas.
Was it camera's mistake when Meredith and Oscar walked behind Nate & Sophie talked?
Nate & Sophie was talking quite loud (I mean they're shown not whispering) and the villains walked right behind. Was Meredith in rush? But Oscar should've seen Sophie with Nate then.
Can't believe only 3 episodes left. Then we have to wait until season 5 T______T What am I supposed to watch T_______T
Sorry for spamming you, Mr. Rogers! I'll definitely send more messages :p
One of my favorite episodes ever, from Parker trying to figure out "Let's go steal. . ." to the flowers at the end. And a million moments in between. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHi I'm back again! Lol.
ReplyDeleteForget to say favorite line is "Parker, you're with me."
Is it scripted? Or just Kane's improvisation? Because he's damn hot when saying that *-*
Awesome episode!!!
ReplyDeleteSo many fantastic moments, 'let's go steal a spider', the Sophie and Nate bits, and of course the last flower scene!
I third Parker's hat! A silly question, but I love knowing the behind the scenes facts:
When she was taking it off, she tossed it into taxi, but it sort of fell on the street. Did anyone catch that, or was it just a 'doesn't matter' moment?
The scene where Nate and Eliot were sitting in the beach chairs. Was that a real beach, or just a set? I think I remember seeing a twitter picture of it...
Oh and I loved the sped up sunset just before that! Whose idea was that? Frakes'?
Thank you !
I actually thought Nate and Sophie were dealt with quite well. One of my fears is that a show puts so much into building up a relationship that it can't actually carry it out. But this is nice. We get tiny mentions of them throughout the season--their secret friends with extras, then the reveal to the team. Then we've got Nate openly checking Sophie out and whatnot. They're kind of running around in the dark about it, but they do a good job. So now they approach another issue: romance. And it's kind of a date but not really and Nate is not really romantic because it's for the job (except he really is). The progression seems natural. For Nate and Sophie, who are not "normal" by any means. There also hasn't really been a Nate and Sophie centric episode for a while. So yes. Kudos on the pacing! I am quite impressed.
ReplyDeleteJust please don't pull a House and Cuddy.
Was I the only one having major Veronica Mars flashbacks? All those shots of Emma Caulfield sticking that camera lens out the window of the sedan...seriously...wow...
ReplyDeleteSuper fun episode. Can't think of anything I disliked. What a lovely Christmas present. Thanks!
Having David Ogden Stiers in what was more or less the throw away "client" role seems like a big expense for the little use (I say not knowing anything about actor rates, and just assuming based on him being a fairly well known actor), but depending on how the "favor" plays out, it obviously can just be set up...
Not episode specific, but I was wondering, how do the "plug in flash drive, steal the data" flash drives work? Some kind of auto-run program on them (with the hacker hoping "Auto-run" isn't turned off or it's a Mac or Linux system)? Movie magic? Orange Box or Ledger?
ReplyDeleteAhem. Sorry. Just transcribing my reaction to seeing David Ogden Stiers appearing on my screen this episode. That made this M*A*S*H fan super happy, especially with the recent passing of Harry Morgan.
I also couldn't think anything but, "Of course you're rich and powerful. You're a Winchester!" =P
And Anya too! This episode was awesome with the guest stars. Nice.
So many good character beats, too--Eliot and Hardison's bet, Eliot agreeing to make him a steak dinner, Nate telling Sophie he chose her, Eliot helping out Hardison and Nate at the end (getting Parker a PLANT THAT DOES SOMETHING oh Eliot, ilu).
Great stuff, great stuff.
Still love this ep so much for all the wonderful character moments (almost all of which have been enumerated above, so I won't repeat).
ReplyDeleteThe Nate and Sophie scenes just get better on repeat, and the Eliot-Hardison bits just funnier. I also really like seeing Eliot and Nate as peers (the opening the bar and the beachside chat), though I do enjoy at Eliot's "Sometimes it's fun to kick a man when he's down." And, of course, Eliot as wingman.
I do have one question. Is Eliot really going to make Hardison's prime rib well done? 'Cause that's just sowrong …
So, was this Christine Valada's first job for Meredith, or do we have to assume at some point we'll see Hardison in mourning for Len Wein in the Leverageverse? : -)
ReplyDeleteDavid. Ogden. Stiers. Huge M*A*S*H fan here, and I squeed as soon as he walked in the door. And he was amazing with that role--in just a few lines, we totally got the character. The only problem is that he was SO good, I figured out (at least part of) what was going on. By the end of his scene, I knew that the pretty, young wife had been truly in love with him. (When did Dorky Charles Winchester become Hot, Distinguished, Older Guy?)
ReplyDeleteTyg...are you aware about something with Len Wein's health that the rest of us aren't?
ReplyDelete(knowing you, yes you may well)
What is the rationale behind using an established alias (Sophie's "Duchess Charlotte"), over a new alias in certain episodes? I understand that a big part of it has to do with the legal issue of clearing names, but is there any rhyme or reason to it?
ReplyDeleteCan we assume that since Eliot remembers that Sophie likes white roses and Parker likes plants that do something, he also knows very well what kinds of characters Hardison and his friends play in their online adventures?
ReplyDeleteHaha holy shit Elliot is like the ultimate wingman. That's probably my favorite scene in the entire show.
ReplyDeleteLauren -- I think it made a lot of sense for the team to have Sophie use one of her best aliases, that would withstand a thorough background check. By contrast, Hardison's and Eliot's The-Bachelor aliases were burners -- I expect that Nate's plan expected to reveal that they were fake fairly early.
ReplyDeleteWhen the mark is also a con artist, it's normal to let them think that they've uncovered the hidden truth, so they don't look too hard for the more-hidden truth.
WV: "cereflos" -- a cord used in mental hygiene
The bottom line is that Eliot remembers everything. The real genius of the group, he almost made me weep. You and your writing crew are so beautifully consistent, while resisting the urge (okay my urge) to switch from episodic to serial (shoot, is that right, terminology wise?)...anyway, I'm fighting another urge, expecting u to payoff on a huge character thing not with Eliot though...he's clear, although he would sacrifice himself for the gang...but are u going to payoff on scenario "M"? I hate myself for thinking it, but with the all the throwbacks to the first season being repeated in almost every episode this season that's the one I fear (not really, because u wouldn't kill off Hardison). But u may just scare the pants off the fans...you know, just for fun?
ReplyDeleteOh, loved this episode. Frankly, as a newbie fan who watched the first three seasons in a long weekend this summer, I have enjoyed every eppie, including the office job...:)
Thank you for doing this blog, and the show!
When Sophie said "do you let them hate the real you or love the fake you?", was she simply stating the general grifter's dilemma or was it a sign that she's still struggling with her own identity?
ReplyDeleteJoining the discussion on whether Eliot is a good guy; I'm actually a bit confused and maybe those who read this blog more consistently than I do can help me out here:
ReplyDeleteIs Eliot the "good guy" in his side jobs? I guess this goes back to the beginning of Beantown Bailout, where everyone else basically says they want the team back together because they're bored, but Eliot is not bored; he was in Pakistan dealing with hinky stuff. Instead, he wants the team back together because "the thing about being the good guys is it gets under your skin", which I think suggests that in his other secret job, he's not actually the good guy?
Has Rogers ever clarified this point?
Seconding Tom Galloway's question, with a followup: is it a smart idea to use the name of a lawyer as a character?
ReplyDeleteAh, the great David Ogden Stiers! When I saw him walk into the bar, I was hoping he'd be the villain, maybe channel a little Charles Winchester. But to have him as the client was fun as well. And there's nothing saying he couldn't show up again as the villain. It make him a challenge, since he knows about the Leverage team and what they're capable of.
ReplyDeleteVideo Beagle: Just that here on Earth-Prime, Len's married to Christine, which wouldn't seem to have boded well for him in the Leverageverse (after her name's full reveal, I wondered if all the Ws in Steirs' character's name was an homage to Len, and/or why either Leonard or Wein wasn't worked into his name ("Len Wein" being presumably familiar to a large enough number of folk to cause problems, although a fair number may have found "Christine Valada" vaguely familiar from her Jeopardy! win streak and Tournament of Champions appearance a couple of seasons back).
ReplyDeleteAlas this is a belated comment due to belated viewing. Convincing the family to watch anything other than football or Glee is like pulling teeth.
ReplyDeleteI am convinced your writing team is conspiring to turn me into an Eliot fangirl which may be fatal since I go into anaphylactic shock when subjected to excessive squee-ing.
Many thanks to En Route (whom I'm assuming is Kerry Glover) for the feedback.
1) Was Julie's photo a "To Wong Foo" reference? When I saw it my mind immediately flashed to the boys in drag and I would like to burn that image from my brain retinas.
2) What is the significance of Hardison's user name being g_alpha? I was digging my brain and google for the source but came up empty.
Lovely episode.
@SueN "I do have one question. Is Eliot really going to make Hardison's prime rib well done? 'Cause that's just sowrong …"
ReplyDeleteIn my head, Eliot has a collection of recipes covered in irritated scribbles about what the rest of the team will and won't eat. And every time, there is a lament about how their ridiculous preferences are ruining his dishes. But he makes them anyway.
Wow, this is my favorite episode! I just loved everything about it! I did have a few questions though.
ReplyDelete1) How did Meredith not see Sophie and Nate talking to each other, or when Sophie stopped and whispered to Nate "You have to try a it harder than that" when he was about to ask her out the first time.
2) What does Parker mean by Sophie is the challenge, not the noble woman?
Why doesn't Sophie recognise how good Eliot really is with women? Sophie is very intuitive and reads people well, but she seems to underestimate this side of him.
ReplyDeleteIn this and past episodes Sophie tells Eliot what to do in the con when he has to connect with a woman, to which he always replies 'I know'. There was a time in season one when he needed help to con the actress for the orphanage job, but surely his skills will have improved since then and wouldn't Sophie recognise that. I know how Eliot often talks about the women he meets but wouldn't Sophie see through that?
I'm probably reading way too much into this but is there a hint of these two characters clashing skills and neither can best the other. The team members are all at the top of their respective games. Sophie could never out-thieve Parker, nor could Parker out-grift Sophie. But Sophie and Eliot's skills overlap in some areas (I'm thinking particularly of Sophie working people to extract information and Eliot resisting techniques to extract information). If Sophie can read Eliot then he's done, and if he can resist her techniques then she is. ...Or maybe its just funny to see Eliot get angry.
I'm sure I'm way too far down the list for an answer, but I shall ask anyway: This is the second time we have seen Nate and Eliot alone in the bar seemingly working on "something". First in the "lets do it" scene and now here. Are they plotting something the rest of the team doesn't know about? Or do the rest know and they are just letting them do the heavy lifting?
ReplyDeleteAside - a great episode. I love how they are all not quite in their rolls, but much better at handling stuff. I like how Eliot is stepping into his 2inC role. And his own little mini-manipulation at the end is great.
Thank you, Leverage team, for another great episode.
I LOVE YOU...Man, I LOVE YOU!!!I just...I LOVE YOU! Merry Christmas btw, I wanted to congratulate on A EXTRAORDINARY FUN ep for me and THANK YOU!!! I have one question but it's a more general one- will you be going back to Sophie's secret from The King George job in the future?
ReplyDeleteLate to the comment party thanks to the busyness of the holidays. Really enjoyed this episode; please have Kerry back! I didn't think it was possible, but think I'm even more of an Eliot fangirl... And, thank you, thank, thank you for all the continuity porn; I am a very happy grifter!
ReplyDelete* Baron Oil
* Comms don't work in water combined with Parker driving like a maniac
* A plant that does something
All my ohter questions have already been covered in previous comments, so...
Eliot obviously cooks for the team; has or does Christian ever cook for the cast during a long break between takes?
Hi John,
ReplyDeleteLoved the episode and I have a quick question, in the final bar scene was Parker's sláinte scripted or Beth's improv?
On another note do you know the Irish stand up comedian Tommy Tiernan? because Nate reminds me of him, he considered being a priest, is a slightly mad, angry, ranting, very funny Irish man, I can see him being related to Nate, please make it so.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteIs the "soulgaze" thing a nod to the Dresden Files?
ReplyDeleteI don't still have the episode on my DVR, so I can't check, but... When the flowers were delivered at the end, is there any chance that the name used for Sophie was the real one? And if so, WHAT WAS IT AGAIN?!? (I'm as bad as Nate!)
ReplyDeleteAt the start of the episode, Eliot is reading "The Art of War". At the end, Lattimer says "Then war it is." Nice connection!
ReplyDeleteThat scene with Nate and Eliot in the bar reading reminds me of the similar scene at end of "The Experimental Job" with the two of them in the bar, when Nate says "Here we go" or something like that. Nate and Eliot know the war is coming, and I think the two of them have their war councils down in the bar. Nate's going through relevant papers while Eliot looks for inspiration to Sun Tzu, who was a sneaky bastard himself.
In the alternate universe where Leverage and Warehouse 13 coexist, Rich Guy Lattimer is somehow related to W13's Pete Lattimer. :)
Great job on the season. I got a bit of a Christmas present and got to watch the finale in Netflix Canada before their oops got fixed (am assuming). When is the actual release for season 4 due out on Netflix?
ReplyDeleteRewatched last nite:
ReplyDeleteI rather enjoy the nonchalance Nate has about Eliot as his muscle. First in the bar at the start, he sits there calmly while Eliot takes care of the guards, then on the boat. He headbutts Oscar to get out of being shot, but then turns away unconcerned, knowing Eliot will take care of the trash. It's just some great moments.
Something I remember reading someone asking on Roger Ebert's blog surfaced here. When Nate puts Sophie in the taxi and closes the door, he taps/pats the car twice before it drives away. This is seen often in movies and TV. Is that just a thing, or is it a signal in acting/movie/tv making that "I've closed the door and will not get run over when you drive off."?
It took me long enough to remember to get here and ask my question/post my comments, but glad to see you're taking your time getting here, too. :)
ReplyDeleteLOVED this episode - everything about it made me smile. As a person who recently lost her ability to believe in romance, you have re-inspired my attempts to believe. Nate's moments with Sophie, where he wooed her...when he said he chose her...when he told her she's beautiful... *happy sigh* And Eliot with the flowers? And his smile? So sweet... It's always nice to know (or half-heartedly hope) that there really are men out there who can see when a girl needs a flower. Anyway, onto the questions: 1- "Thanks for everything. - Julie"? Was that at all a nod or wink at "To Wong Foo: Thanks for everything. Julie Newmar"? The phrasing (and the fact the girl's name wasn't Julie) caught me off-guard. 2- What was the flower Parker received? I know it's a carnivorous plant, but it was pretty and my brother-the-horticulturalist offered to get me one if I can give him the name of it. It was pretty and it eats flies - I'm sold. :)
And, thanks again for this episode. Kudos to all involved!!!
Oh my, he was reading The Art of War! I squeezed; it has been my favorite book since my dad read and explained it to me when I was a kid. (I don't read Chinese.)
ReplyDeleteBythe way, Eliot's reading The Art of War in English. Does this mean we have finally come across a language Eliot doesn't know?
I'm really intrigued by Emmz Caulfield's delivery on that "hmmm" when she's listening to Nate and Sophie and again when she says there's no such thing as love. Feels like there's a story there waiting to be told.
ReplyDeleteAny chance we'll be seeing her again?
Great ep! I was re-watching it and was struck by a particular scene. In the scene where Parker is sitting with her sad puppy dog face waiting for Nate to apologize about "fight" vs. "argument", is she purposefully mimicking Eliot when he's injured? I just noticed the hoody and ice pack which both went away when Nate apologized...
ReplyDeleteEliot's cover in this ep is Jackson Cooper from Texas, who owns Barron Oil.. is it the same Barron Oil from Rashomon Job? and did Eliot got to own it after Rashomon?
ReplyDeleteloved seeing Emma Caulfield in this epi, you should just have every star from the Buffy/Angel verse as gueststars on your show(save for the ones who are busy on their own shows), they'd all make perfect marks and/or clients...ohh and if you do get James Marsters please make him use his british accent...thanks for making an awesome tv show
ReplyDeleteOne question, some comments:
ReplyDeleteQ) Did we in fact hear Sophie's real name (Denise) when the flowers were delivered?
I think I laughed hardest during the "the steak bet is off" scene at the very end, over the fairly blunt double entendre, "bone-in, well-done." Kane's smirk just slew me. Christian and Aldis improv really well together and they clearly love teasing one another.
@JasTay: All Eliot said was that there was A Rule #7 on page 189. The book has multiple sections; each section restarts the numbering.
Wonderful episode. I'm not a Nate/Sophie 'shipper at all (don't care either way), but I thoroughly enjoyed their interactions.
WV: poloww. What happens when you get whacked with a stray mallet during polo.
Adorable ep; I really liked that is was a fairly simple con-story and there was a little more of seeing how the family works on emotional/relationship levels. But that's not why I'm writing. Watching every ep and reading this blog for a few years now, I have noticed the pairing of Eliot and Parker is mentioned a lot (professionally and romantically). I always thought they would make an interesting couple, but I've given up and accept that they just make a good working (big bro, little sis) pair. But I was thinking, how funny would it be if somehow Hardison got the impression something else was going on between Eliot and Parker and got jealous. Then, Eliot figures out what Hardison's thinking and decides to mess with him (either with or without Parker knowing what is going on at all). Obviously, this would all take place as a side story to the con, but I could see something like that really f***ing up a con and causing someone to make a mistake. It was just something I thought of and it made me laugh could I can so picture some of the things that would be said amongst the group.
ReplyDeleteGreat post...
ReplyDeleteI have a plot question (and I really do tend to get hung up on logistics):
ReplyDeleteSo, they said that Lacey was in the system because she's missing. At this point, that could mean picture, DNA, or finger prints. I'm guessing that they could have gotten her fingerprints from their client.
So, then, what were they searching for on the picture? Why did they need that finger print in particular? And what were they comparing it to? Because if they already had it, why did the finger print on the picture lead them directly to her, when the others didn't.
Thanks! It was an excellent episode that I really enjoyed.
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ReplyDeleteHaha holy shit Elliot is like the ultimate wingman. That's probably my favorite scene in the entire show.
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ReplyDeletePenyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
ReplyDeleteBagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
ReplyDeleteBerapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
ReplyDeleteBukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
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ReplyDeleteKadang disertai
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Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
ReplyDeletepenyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
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memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim *************************************
ReplyDeleteBismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************
ReplyDeleteBismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................
ReplyDeleteBismillahirrohmannirrokhim ...............................
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