Thursday, September 15, 2011

"The Pig with the Froggy Tattoo"

Seriously.  Seriously.


  1. Man, I love the Muppets.

    On an unrelated note, I also love watching Leverage. I want you guys to get paid for my viewership. But I really wish there were more options to watch the show AND get you guys your money besides "buy episodes forever and ever on iTunes/Amazon" and "subscribe to my hateful cable company and pay too much for awful customer service, bad hardware, and a bunch of terrible stuff I don't watch."

    I can understand TNT yanking free, ad-supported episodes from its site (although doing so RIGHT before the season finale was just cruel). But I would rent the HELL out of new Leverage episodes at 99 cents a pop. Just sayin'. Otherwise, looks like I'll have to wait and Netflix the DVDs.

  2. Yeah, seconding what Nato said about "wish there were another way" to pay for the show besides cable or iTunes/Amazon.

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Sorry - gonna have to third it. Still haven't seen Queen's Gambit.

    Seriously - what is up with TNT?

  4. Well.
    That was pretty much totally awesome. That actually made my day measurably better.
    Thank you.

  5. I know, right? I just keep watching it over and over and laughing and laughing.

    It's been one of those days at work where I need the laugh.

  6. Better yet - pop up a tab with that. Now pop up another tab with the actual Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trailer. Mute the first, hit play, wait 5 second, play the second. Enjoy.

  7. Anonymous6:05 PM

    It will be a very sad day when the muppets stop being cool.

  8. Anonymous10:40 PM

    This is possibly the greatest thing my eyes have beheld as of late. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Anonymous11:52 PM

    re the "I wish there was another way": add "internationally, no matter where you are" to the wishlist. Just saying. I mean I buy the DVD sets when they come out, but even then I'm an evil pirate because I buy the Region Code 1 ones because at least for the first season, Region Code 2 was missing the commentary track.

  10. My brain still hasn't caught up to my eyes.

  11. @bourgon – Oh, God, that makes it even better!

    I have so missed The Muppets! Their Christmas Carol is the first version we watch every year.

  12. Anonymous7:15 PM

    The Muppets are still the greatest. I recently introduced my daughter to some bits of the original Muppet movie.

    "I'm going to New York to break into public television."

    "Turn left at the fork in the road."

    "Myth! Myth!" "Yeth?"

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Meep. Ode To Joy. Long live Beaker. Age of the Muppet Geek, baby!

  14. GinaFan2:15 PM

    Sesame St. / Muppets Casting Plan

    Tim = Kermit
    Gina = Snoggleupagus / Miss Piggy
    (I don't like to think of Gina as Miss Piggy)
    Beth = Big Bird / ?
    (Beth is totally Big Bird)
    Aldis = Ernie / Grover?
    Christian = Bert / Animal
    (Christian thinks Bert was a dick, and is a BIG fan of Animal)
    Mark Sheppard = Oscar

    This can be extended into the production staff:
    Kearie Peak = Count von Count
    Nadine Haders = Mumford the Magician
    (Nadine requested Mumford because she "pulls things out of thin air on a daily basis")
    Rachel Olshan = ?
    John Rogers = Statler?
    Chris Downey = Waldorf?
    Dean Devlin = Fozzie?

    Any help further defining these would be appreciated. :)

  15. GinaFan3:54 PM

    Google is celebrating Jim Henson's 75th birthday!

    and it's the same day of the year as my birthday. Twilight zone moment there.

  16. GinaFan11:38 AM

    Christian, Tim, Beth, Gina, Aldis, Sterling in my estimate. :)

  17. "It's Not That Easy Being Green"

    As for TNT.TV, I think the focus should be on attaining NEW viewers, not ostracizing the ones they already have.
    I own Leverage DVD Series Sets with Commentaries... I Love Them!
    I also subscribe to cable [TNT].
    But because my cable provider isn't in bed with TNT.TV I can no longer watch Full Episodes online.
    The new login for "next day" viewing is BS. I can't even login to watch the archived episodes.
    I consider myself lucky to have "Leverage" on TNT, DVR, DVD.. even VHS.
    I wish TNT would make it easier to share "Leverage" with friends/family, I haven't seen my Season 1 DVDs in Months!

  18. Here ya go:

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  20. Anonymous2:46 AM

    I can understand TNT yanking free, ad-supported episodes from its site (although doing so RIGHT before the season finale was just cruel). But I would rent the HELL out of new Leverage episodes at 99 cents a pop.forklift training

  21. cool,that really rocks.

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  22. Anonymous9:35 PM

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