Sunday, August 21, 2011

LEVERAGE #409 "The Cross My Heart Job"

Hey, almost a bottle show! Kinda. Salutations, cheers and jeers, put 'em in the Comments.


  1. Eddie G9:01 PM

    Great Episode. My focus was on Elliot this episode as he was grifting away at lightning speed. Also the way he has got to know Hardison to be able to have him called on the PA (Picard Kirk). The best shot of the evening, for me, was when Elliot and Parker are undressing he throws his shirt at the camera. Can't wait for the summer finale.

    My question: Was it just me or was Elliot almost flubbing the badge lift off of the flight controller?

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Great episode! Tim Hutton was delightfully creepy at the end! Loved that they did this one "naked". Love watching the team "jump the hurdles" they encounter. Speaking of naked...Eliot in a tank top? Nice! No shirt at all would be even better (for future reference) =) Any chance of an ep covering the con they had just finished? Seemed like a good one!

  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Lol Good old PDX.

    Gotta ask, 108. Shout out to Lost or to Buddhism?

  4. Excellent episode.

    LOVED that they were without their gadgets and had to improvise on the fly.

    LOVED that we got to see every little bit of the con. I like it when my con show gets a little procedural.

    Seriously LOVED me some Tim Hutton in this ep. The emotion when he talked about Sam was sweet and not overdone - exactly what you would expect for someone a few years past the moment, and then he was downright SCARY when he threatened to kill the guy and then again at the end of the ep.

    1) Eliot and Parker changing clothes together and Sophie hanging on Eliot while changing shoes. A deliberate wink to the Eliot shippers out there?

    2) Is there some symbolic significance to the shipbuilding at the end?

    Another great ep. This season has been just really nice nice stuff. Can't wait for next week and November.

  5. Mrs Arkban9:20 PM

    Do they ever worry about people getting in trouble because of the con? They pulled a lot of badges in this ep and I wonder if they have a plan to CYA the people whose badges were used, just in case. I'd hate to be Francesca on my next shift. . .

  6. So much to love!

    Setting it in Cincinnati for one (though I would have made the Crab-o-Rama a Cincy chili place).

    I assume you made up your own airport so you could do what you wanted with the place and actually put it in Ohio near a hospital intead of in Kentucky near nothing much -- assuming you based it on the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (used to be called the Greater Cincinnati Airport)? Or did you use the Cincy Municipal Airport (Lunken Field)? Because that place is a bit small.

    This was definitely the Star trek ep -- "Stone knives and bear claws" and "Kirk Picard." Beautiful! But I think my favorite line was Parker's throwaway: "Set Nate on fire?"

    Speaking of Nate, he's getting . . . sadistic again. And it really does make him more attractive.

  7. Wow, seriously awesome episode! Huge kudos to Bernstein for this one. It's just become one of my all-time favorites!

    The intensity had me on edge throughout, which made the flashes of humor even more effective. And I loved seeing our team stripped down to basics, bereft of their "toys" and forced to use whatever they could con, steal or just cobble together. Great reminder of just how good our team is and why.

    Everyone rocked it out tonight, but Tim was absolutely gripping. First, so close to losing it because this one cut deep, but still managing not just to hold it together but to make his rage and grief work for him, and then, at the end, as the uber-scary wrath of God. Nate Ford is terrifying when he wants to be.

    I don't have any questions right now … except when are we gonna see "The Volcano Job" or "Emerald of the Caribbean Job"? ;)

  8. Anonymous9:26 PM

    LOVED dark Nate! I am really digging him this season.
    LOVED the Eliot/Parker partnership once again. They really do work well together.
    LOVED even more the locker room scene. Thanks for that little fuel for the P/E camp!

  9. NoIllusions9:47 PM

    Loved the episode--especially Eliot! I just have one question: WHY THE HELL DIDN'T WE GET TO ACTUALLY SEE ELIOT FIGHTING THREE GUYS ARMED WITH SPEAR GUNS UNDERWATER?! :)

  10. A) Competence porn all the way.

    B) Nate Ford is NOT a nice man. Brrrrrr.

  11. NougatCat10:27 PM

    Holy crap, you guys.... funny /and/ really unnerving again... familiar basic story, but love how it's always twisted so well for the Leverage-verse.
    As several others have already said, awesome seeing the team relying on their own skills (as good as they are), and dark Nate is....... eep. Grumpy!Eliot was also... grumpy! But hilarious, with all his little digs, and how he and Parker always work together! Loved it!
    But I, too, was wondering about the poor saps on the sidelines that get shuffled whenever the team needs to tweak an area for a job. And also with Nate's decision to tell the guy exactly who he was crossing... that's going to leak around and come back and bite him, isn't it?

  12. Nice! It was quite the on-the-edge fast-paced episode. The time constraint aspect was well done and I liked that the victims were very present throughout. Most times, we see the victim at the beginning and again at the end, but in the middle it's 100% focus on the con. So, this was a nice change of pace - in all respects.

    Aldis' Frank/Francesca scene was comedy gold! The security guy/straight man was terrific as well - those two should take the act on the road!

    I really like the Eliot/Parker dynamic which has grown over the seasons. Their working relationship is far more interesting than any romantic relationship between them could have been. When they changed, Eliot didn't turn his back like he had in the pilot - that seems very telling of the type of relationship they've developed.

    THANK YOU for the "Mr. Picard. Mr. Kirk Picard" page - not because it was a Star Trek reference, but because you didn't explain it. It was like a little Easter egg for us long-time, die-hard fans, but it also didn't break the flow of the scene even for those who didn't get the reference.

    Finally, you're just mean for teasing us with not one, but two unseen Eliot fights - underwater spear guns & a nerf sword!! But this reminds me, are we ever going to find out the current whereabouts of the infamous Sapphire Monkey? Or are you saving that for the side-project/summer blockbuster "The Adventures of Eliot Spencer and the Curse of the Sapphire Monkey"? Because, if you are, just know that I would totally pay to see that movie, twice.

  13. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Anonymous #1 - It wasn't PDX. it was the Portland Convention Center, which has doubled for PDX since season 2.

  14. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Correction - actually, the convention center has doubled for Logan Airport since season 2.

  15. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Good Job Frakes! And Writers, etc. Please calm the fans and let them know if the bandage on Eliot was a prop. One assumes it from fighting underwater. Reading comments above, there's just a normal sexy man/ sexy women ease going on with Eliot and either/both women right? No hints of anything to come, just people having weird fantasies?

  16. Oh, Hardison. The Frank/Francesca scene was awesome. And I think that's about the third time he's said something about being Jewish, but that's usually during a grift. IS he Jewish? I mean, is Nana Jewish and raise Hardison to be one? It's something that he keeps bring up. Otherwise, it would be just a funny throwaway line. (By the way, there was another black Jewish character on Supernatural recently. I think that might be why I zoned in on that.)

    How did Eliot fight with the Nerf sword? Strangle his opponent with it?

    Nate is scary. He is scarier than Eliot sometimes. I like it. :D

    PS Did Sophie say "nude beach"? O.O Ummmm...

  17. Anonymous11:46 PM

    well played! it just gets better every week. hats off to the writers and hutton for making a kaniac forget about eliot in tank top. (more hardison in tank top now and again would be awesome, too.) the mid-season break is going to be torture. why only 15 eps for s5 when s4 had 18?

  18. All-around great ep. Lots of nice touches. Interesting to see the crew at its bare minimum, how they get along without all the gear to which they're accustomed.

    "Stone knives and bearskins" was a great subtle Trek nod, and Hardison was the perfect one to deliver it. And Eliot actually having hung around Hardison long enough to know to do "Kirk Picard." :D That made me laugh out loud.

    Lots of excellent development in the interpersonal relationships. E&P being comfortable with each other, Sophie holding Nate's hand and tearing up a little on his behalf, and the wonderful "we don't like it when you drink, but we trust you when you do" bit.

    I feel like this is the first time we've seen the clip of Sam in the hospital since the end of Season 2, isn't it? When Nate saw Bonanno's son in the waiting room at the hospital?

    Also it's great to be reminded that Nate is a creepy bastard. Will be be seeing Principal Strickland again?

  19. @Lol Good old PDX.

    Actually, that was the Portland Convention Center. The big metal sculpture was a dead giveaway. They even came out of the entrance!

  20. Not related to this ep, but can I just add my voice to those clamoring for subtitles in future DVD releases?

    I have several deaf friends I know will LOVE this show, and every DVD I hope that you'll have added subtitles so they can enjoy, but have so far been disappointed :(

    Help me share the love!!

  21. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Was Elliott's line about sword fighting in Marakesh (can't recall exact words) a reference to his filming Secondhand Lions?

  22. Famous4it3:52 AM

    I re-watched the Bottle Job yesterday ;) so was this cheaper, or that? I'm guessing that was.

    Wee! Loved the start, with all the team's complaining :) Eliot and spearguns... Now that would be awesome. Will we see an Eliot water fight this season? I think I had seen a beach twit pic a while ago...

    Wow, the Nate bits were really intense, and I love that this time he let Sophie comfort him. Nate is a scary, scary man...

    Now everyone has already mentioned this, but I really enjoyed watching the team make do with whatever they
    had, and the makeshift HQ was the best!

    Loved Eliot and his mop moment , reminded me of Raquel. Deliberate callback or just happenstance?

    I was just going over some old post-games, and you had mentioned Leverage tie-in novels... Is that still a serious possibility? If it is, can I get a signed copy :P

    Thanks for another awesome ep. Very excited about next week's with Sterling!

  23. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Really enjoyed the episode - for all the reasons already listed.

    Odd question here: they said the heart can last up to 4 hours outside of a human body before chances of success drop, and then they went ahead with using up the 4 hours...but...doesn't time in the surgery itself count as "time outside the human body"? Shouldn't they have strived for 3, but used the 4th hour as a last resort?

  24. Great, great season 4. Every episode a keeper. Already looking forward to DVD.

  25. Whoa, big dose of Old Testament-style wrath from Nate at the end there. Tim Hutton was amazing in this one!!

  26. @Sarah W -- "Set Nate on fire?" was hilarious. You can always count on Parker to lighten the mood!

  27. Kudos to PJ Pesce and Jeremy Bernstein. And the cast was great throughout, but Tim Hutton really stood out. He's been doing great work all year, and this ep was the icing on the cake so far.

    The best parts for me:

    Lo-tech and improvising!

    Reminding us that Sam's death still influences Nate. It was a lovely choice for Nate to talk about where Sam would have been had he lived, since so often, our only references to Sam are his stark death scene. The writing and acting were perfectly understated.

    Scary Nate! Nice to see you, sir. It's been a while. Missed you. Nate's absolute indifference to Chesney in the last scene and then his last line were chilling.

    And then the moment at the end where Sophie says "You did it," and the camera goes over the three parents who almost lost their child but didn't thanks to the crew and then back to Nate who did lose his child. Just as poignant for me as Nate's Sam speech.

    My wv - ships. Win.

  28. Loved the "MassDOT Special" callback to "The Gone Fishin' Job."

    I believe I saw a "Kao, Jenn" on the heart transplant waiting list. I assume she doesn't actually need a heart transplant!

  29. Anonymous5:42 AM

    LOVED this episode - it felt like Leverage bingo, where it was ticking off everything I love about the show ^_~

    Someone asked if Hardison is Jewish, or that his Nana is. Hardison never admits to his own religion, but he has specifically stated that his Nana is a Jehovah's Witness; remember him telling Parker he learned to talk to people by going door to door in a bow tie? It was first season some time, either The Juror #6 job, or The Stork Job, I'm not sure.

    Also, Timothy Hutton was both heart breaking and chilling, which is insanely impressive with the space of a single television episode. Dude deserves his Oscar and then some! :p

  30. @Sarah W, IANJR, but based on some quick searching, I don't think it could be Cincinnati Municipal, which only has one restaurant and one shop, neither of which come close to what we saw in the episode.

    Not that I spent any time last night researching what alternative hacking tools Hardison would have had on hand at an airport other than Windows 3.1 and a credit card machine's phone line. No, of course not.

  31. Loved this episode and seeing our crew do a job completely from scratch and on the fly. Saw some of the skills they have picked up from working with each other too.

    I so want to see the job they were coming back from!! Sounded like a fun one (for us, not them) and Sophie--

    "why do I have to be the French heiress on the topless beach?" Ouch for the sunburn but LOL.

    But maybe not...the references to that job were perfect to ease some of the tension from the time restraints as well as the seriousness of their task....and maybe I'd like to fill in the details with my imagination. ;)

    Nate was definitely scary!Nate threatening the baddie here. And I believed he would defintely rain down his wrath upon the baddie

    The Kirk Picard reference--awesome and I laughed out loud when I heard it.

    Probably actual questions later upon viewing again as I always catch something new every time I watch!

  32. Rhombus6:30 AM

    Great episode, and sort of a Bottle Episode variant, and full of Noodle Incidents that had me cracking up all the way through. Eliot swordfighting with a nerf sword in Damascus? That's awesome. Hardison causing a volcano? Awesomer!

    Nate brought the blood-tipped wings and flaming sword in this episode. I haven't seen him this angry in a long time. Glad we got a proper reminder that Nathan Ford is not a nice person. Do not screw with this man. Holy crap.

    I just loved how the team kept on going, and how Nate wouldn't give up--he was pushing the team, and they delivered, in spades.

    And the trailer for next week's summer finale? Oh, can't wait!

  33. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Really liked tonights ep. Like many other commentors, I would love to see an ep or scenes from the job they were coming home from, but I know you guys will not be showing that; although, another reference in a different ep would be fun too. I was thinking Eliot not turning away while he and Parker were changing was because, well, he's Eliot and there is a shirtless girl in front of him. I really enjoyed them having to work without any of their toys or a plan, but I'm guessing that was how this ep got started in the writer's room.

    I was a little confused about one thing - while trying to narrow down the heart transplant list, it was said that the donor and the patient would have to be around/near the same height and weight, but the heart the old dying man was stealing for himself was initially for a little boy, and it was implied that the heart came from someone more the height and weight of the bad guy - wouldn't that heart have been too big for the boy, or wouldn't it have been too small for the old man?

  34. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I must be getting jaded because I saw the entire "have the bad guy's mook steal the fake heart container" trick coming from the moment he got away with it. Probably because at that late point in the episode there was just no other way for it to have a happy ending.

    That said I have enjoyed how much of Season 4 has been about putting Nate in Episodes where the Clients or Marks manage to be dark mirrors of himself in one way or another, though I worry that it will be hard to top this one for situations that are guaranteed to get Nate's dander up.

    Either way looking forward to next week after an entire third season without Sterling it'll be great to have "Evil Nate" back on the show!

  35. PurpleOps7:10 AM

    Another very well done episode! THIS is the way to mix humor with a serious situation: there were plenty of laughs, but (with one or two Hardison exceptions) the crew knew when to knuckle down and get to work. Also, as so many have said, THIS is the way to illustrate that "Nate is not a nice man."

    Eliot really needs to take a chill. He's getting REALLY irritated - and sometimes irritating - and I'd like a real explanation (in story) for it.

    The DVD commentary tracks have often stated that research indicates that most seemingly absurd things are more than plausible. In this episode, despite its huge hilarity, the Francesca/Frank bluff just seemed over the top as far as being accepted by the security people. Was this researched - and if so, how?

    It seems this season has been largely an exercise in seeing how the team responds to stripping them of many of their traditional tools. It's good once in a while, but it shouldn't be done quite as many times as we've recently seen it. Like the Mission: Impossible TV show of old, I like to see HOW the team will accomplish their task, not so much IF they will accomplish it.

    There was no tie-in or reference to the tag in last week's show. Was this just to keep the episode "pure", or were they shot out of order? Or some other reason?

  36. I must be getting jaded because I saw the entire "have the bad guy's mook steal the fake heart container" trick coming from the moment he got away with it.

    On the other hand, there's some research out where some viewers LIKE this sort of tell; there are folks who enjoy the craft of con when we know it's coming (and it was in noting that the baggage handler had their face averted during the switch)...

  37. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Was Sophie's comment about not traveling with handcuffs "this time" a reference to the Mile High Job?

  38. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I think I remember from the live chat ages ago that Aldis had done a flight lesson. Did he bring forth any input on how the communications between the tower and the pilots might sound? I only ask because I'm working on my pilot's license and tend to focus quite a bit on the radio communications.

  39. Ha! I was an agency assistant with Scott. Must email him. Happy for both of them, especially given such a fun episode.

  40. Sophie on a topless beach? You shameless teases...

    My favorite little background moment is probably Parker telling the rescued girl that they'll buy her a taser, but there are so many to choose from.

    I echo the kudos for the security guard dealing with AngryTransGender Hardison. I particularly liked the pitch of his voice when he asked to have the PIN confirmed.

    Nate really hates God, y'know? He doesn't trust God to do the right thing, so he's going around showing God how it's done.

  41. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Awesome ep last night. Ya'll are only getting better as the season goes on. Nothing is more exciting than dark Nate. I am so glad he still exists. Reminds us all what an excellent actor Tim Hutton really is.

    Question: Did Nate give Chesney his real name because he figured Chesney would not live? Or did Nate decide evil Chesney would find a heart elsewhere and want revenge against Nate? And Nate not being a nice person and evil himself for all the right reasons, wants Chesney to come after him? What an ep that will be!!!!

    Has Aldis been hanging around with Robin Williams? He's a one man show!

    Parker actually had a bra on this time. In the other scenes where they had changed cloths together she was la-natural.

    Sophie and her shoes.

    LOL@ Eliot for kicking the guy under the table one more time after Nate asks him if he was done.

    Best family moment (I look for them every week by the way) is all of them coming down the escalator whining, trying to "up" each others woes and Father Nate just being quiet listening to his family.

    More E/H moments please...

    One last thing. Did Nate take a drink? Sophie told him it was okay to do so. Sounds like to me a red flag went up in Nate's mind. If Sophie says it's okay to drink then maybe it is time to STOP DRINKING....

    As always, I love you all.

  42. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Don't forget the 'Leverage1701' call out to Star Trek as well.

  43. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Loved it, just loved it and loved it. Not going to repeat everything everyone else had said as that would be boring.
    I have not really been enjoying this season as I had the other ones. I used to watch a Leverage episode and right away wanting to re-watch it, it had not been happening to me this season but this one - already watched it twice.
    I have a general question or an inquiry if I may: We have seen every character lead the major role of the grift except Eliot. I know he always does the little grift in the major one but he has never been the central character, is there a reason for that? I think it would be great to see him in that position especially in a role that he is not really comfortable with. Eliot Spencer always seems to be the one in control - always a little irritated at everything. He was great way back when in the 12 Step Job in trying to get Hardison out of the car - not super confident. Anyway just a thought from one of the fanatic Leverage watchers since season 1.

  44. but he has never been the central character, is there a reason for that?

    Eliot's job is to open the escape hatch if things should go wrong. You can't do that from center stage.

  45. I was also a little surprised by Sophie's offering of Nate the drink and especially by her saying that "we trust you more when you're drinking." Which doesn't seem to really be true.

    Sooo - do they really trust him more when he's drinking?


    Was Sophie really trying to say that she accepts that Nate is a functional alcoholic and knows that sometimes a drink helps him focus and they needed a quick fix to help him focus?


    Was offering the drink her way of coming at him from an unexpected angle - as a good grifter would - to throw him off base a bit and get him to confront some of his emotions and find some calm that way?

  46. zeyneb12:28 PM

    Thank you for an excellent episode - it is going on my favorite top 10 list. I won’t mention all the cool things people have said but I loved Parker and Eliot as well. And Eliot in a dark striped shirt looked gorgeous, your costume designer should get him out off those checked shirts more often. (Also into more tank tops – he wears too many clothes in my opinion.) I have a few questions – don’t know why you take the time to answer them I’ll never know but we your viewers appreciate it. I might have been a CK fan before the show however not only will I follow the other great actors on this show onto their next projects but you and Dean Devlin as well. Thank you for bringing fun into my living room once a week.
    1. What was the third thing Parker stole?
    2. Wouldn't it have been easier to just steal a random person’s laptop? I mean almost all travelers have one with them these days and wouldn’t it have worked better then the desk top Parker managed to find.
    3. Was there a reason why Sophie looked so uncomfortable when Eliot knocked the kidnapper unconscious?
    4. Can you actually break a lock by just hitting it?
    5. Nate said that the ambulance guy was the 7th contingency plan. What was the eight? Was it ever written?

  47. @ChelseaNH -- "Nate really hates God, y'know? He doesn't trust God to do the right thing, so he's going around showing God how it's done."

    That is VERY insightful! I never thought of it that way before, but it makes a lot of sense!

  48. Just wanted to say that this was a fantastic episode. It's always fun to see the team improvise instead of just being light years ahead of everyone. Also appreciated the callbacks to past episodes (Star Trek paging codes! Eliot's learning!) and getting a glimpse of the interesting jobs they're doing between episodes.

    Just one question - the MASSDOT Special. Reference to the con they ran on the Massachusetts Department of Transportation with the rockslide in Gone Fishin', or am I reading too much into that?

  49. @Calla, I don't know - as much as I would love to see The Sapphire Monkey Job ("Let's go steal something Eliot's stolen before"), I feel like at this point there's no way it could live up to how much I've built it up in my head. :)

  50. Bubblegumm1041:45 PM

    The minute that went off the air my exact words were "Wow, Nate Ford is really NOT a nice man."

    Is this the direction he's heading now? Forget ruining the marks or sending them to jail, just send them straight to hell?

  51. 1) "The Adventures of Eliot Spencer and the Curse of the Sapphire Monkey" needs to be made; any medium is fine. Even a spec drawing.

    2) great way to show that Nate's not a nice man. Does the way Nate treat Chesney point the way to how the crew will treat others, like those the Leon Rippy character sends their way?

    3) Is this the first time we see the crew coming back from an unfilmed job?

    4) liked Eliot throwing his shirt at the camera.

    5) and yes, what happens to Francesca afterwards? And the others in all the situations where their badges stolen by the crew?

  52. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Please let the concerned masses know...was Eliot's injured arm (in the locker room scene) an actual injury received while filming or part of the "costume" since the team was just coming off a con involving underwater spear guns?

  53. Anonymous3:31 PM

    It looked like the mark actually died at the end of this one, no?

  54. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I have LOVED this whole season, but this episode is my new favorite.

  55. @ChelseaNH -- "Nate really hates God, y'know? He doesn't trust God to do the right thing, so he's going around showing God how it's done."

    @ Gina- That is VERY insightful! I never thought of it that way before, but it makes a lot of sense!

    I think Nate sees himself more as an instrument of destruction FOR god. Seminary student after all. He just fills in to help go where he can. Like he said, god killed the guy, he just made sure it stuck.

  56. Playing devil's advocate, I'm not sure that this establishes that Nate's not a nice man-- I mean, I'm not arguing that he is a nice man, but I don't think this particular episode showcases that he's not. The mark knowingly tried to kill a child, evinced no remorse about it, and expressed a willingness to try to do it again. While what Nate did was creepy (and it's kind of disturbing that he wants to play God), I think it was kind of... tit for tat.

  57. This is probably my favorite "time limit" episode. Can't compare it to episodes with the long con, which give Sophie's characters a spotlight. But it's crazy fun watching the team improvise. Nate in a three steps ahead kind of way, and especially Hardison in his over-the-top character way.

    Loved Hardison and the ancient computer with the CRT monitor.

    Did the team hack that snow globe?

  58. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I've really been enjoying all of Season 4! This episode was no exception.

    I do have a nit to pick. I don't mind the straining of credulity for the Homeland Security/FAA regulations of the con. I don't mind the unrealistic hospital "visit" because it was necessary for the emotional tie to the story.

    But a SEAFOOD restaurant in an airport in Midwestern state Ohio?! Chili. Pizza. Sure. CRAB?! I've been to Cincinnati. Would never eat crabs there.

    Thanks so much for the entertainment!

    P.S. Regarding the captioning issue. I have an older (non-hd) tv and dvd player. I can never read Leverage's closed captioning on it (I'm one of the early ones that griped to you about it). I happened to bring my dvds on a business trip to watch in the hotel during some down time (don't judge) and discovered on THEIR hd tv, you CAN see captioning, so I think it's something in Paramount's caption coding that's not working for older systems.

  59. Anonymous4:42 PM

    "God killed you. I just made sure it too."
    You and Joel Watson need to turn that into a T-Shirt NOW! I'd buy it in a heart beat.

  60. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I meant to type took not too. Damn it! Why do I always screw up the spelling on these things?

  61. WOW. That was just right. Started out very funny, got serious quick, with little splashes of hystericality thrown in there. My very favorite moments:
    "So, we're gonna set Nate on fire."
    "I hate playing the French heiress on the topless beach."
    I have some questions...
    1. Can we ever find out what the con was that they were doing before? The one with the shipwreck and topless Sophie and Eliot's spear fight (are you kidding me? We didn't get to see Eliot spear fight??!!)
    2. Does Sophie just travel prepared to con at any moment? The dress thing makes me wonder a little...and heels in the purse. Heels, in my opinion, are the bane of all existence, by the way, and I applaud Gina for being able to walk in them at all, much less pretend to twist her ankle. Heavy emphasis on pretend. If I were to try that, there would be a legitimately broken ankle, forget about twisted.
    3. So we actually got to see just how fast Nate's mind works. It's scary. Does he think this quickly planning the normal cons that don't have to be executed in 108 minutes or less?
    4. I TOTALLY sympathize with the sunburn thing (I have no pigment in my skin--seriously. Not an albino, just no pigment. So sunburned is a common state for me, and I feel qualified to provide expertise in that area). But the one thing that seemed a little odd: with Sophie's darker complexion, it would definitely be harder for her to get sunburned in the first place. Not impossible, and certainly very probable, just harder. (Yeah, running a con on a topless beach, but still). And even so, I figure Sophie would be smart enough to put on at least a teensy bit of sunscreen? Ah, well, running a con on a topless beach. You can't just say "Scuse me, gotta go sunscreen up, avoid melanoma here." And trust me, I know, it looks weird with the sunscreen all over you.
    5. Nate is a model ship person?
    6. "No, God killed you. I was just making sure it took." Another reminder Nate went to seminary school (reminiscent of the "just moving God's plans along" line from Miracle Job)? Or Nate trying to play Gabriel? Or something else entirely? Please tell!
    7. I just wanted to point out that Christian looks very nice in a tank top, and next time could we just forget the shirt altogether, please and thank you?
    8. Parker pulling shield duty while Sophie "changed" was funny, and kinda a normal thing for a normal woman--not really Parker. I'm sure Sophie would have done it for Parker if the roles were reversed, but if Sophie weren't there, would Parker really care? Everyone remembers the Nigerian Job elevator strip, and now tonight Parker and Eliot changing in the locker room. And if Parker weren't there, and Sophie really were changing, just how awkward would it have been for poor Eliot?
    9. Relating to my above question: what happened to Sophie's pants? She took them off, and then they kinda just...vanished.
    10. When Sophie told Nate he should have a drink, was she saying, "we need a quick fix to get your head back on straight" or was her hint, "if I think that's what you need to start functioning normally, that's a PROBLEM."?
    11. Totally unrelated to this episode, but to the N/S/alcohol deal: is Sophie's aversion to Nate drinking a direct result of William, the mysterious deceased fiance who appeared to have died of a heart ripped in half by Sophie, helped along by drowning himself in alcohol? (Love my poetic-ness there, huh?)

    I wanna see MORE SOPHIE, folks. But she was doing a good job in here; choking up when Nate started talking about Sam made me cry too. Anyway, fantastic ep. And regarding the finale promo? "Eliot's gone,": what exactly do you mean by 'gone?' Out of range? Working some other part of the con? AWOL? Gone rogue and left the team? (PLEASE say no...)

  62. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Yeah, the Cincy snow-globe was cool, but I was kind of hoping the Crab-a-Rama would pay off in the end and they'd send him a crab on ice. Did you have to have crab wranglers on set for this one?

    Anyway, three cheers for The Unfilmable Job! Sophie on a topless beach, Eliot fighting underwater with spear-guns, and Hardison hacking a volcano? Comic book, please.

  63. Anonymous6:11 PM

    So the team know about Nate and Sophie. When are we going to get to see Nate and Sophie act like a couple? Even thought they aren't? Is there more to their relationship the second half of the season??? Btw, it was a great episode. I like how Nate fought for the boy's life.

  64. Anonymous6:22 PM

    My son's reaction to Eliot and the mop fight:
    "And this is why you don't bring a weapon to an 'Eliot fight', he'll take it and use it against you."

  65. I ended up liking this ep at the end, but I didn't really buy it. One: Parker dragging that big-ass library monitor to where Hardison was. Those things can weigh as much as 70 pounds. Although, I my favorite line in the ep was Hardison's: "What you lookin at? You act like you never seen a man carry around a desktop before." Priceless.

    Two: pulling the tornado con off so quickly. Weather geeks are chained to data streams now. Even if they did get a shitload of phone calls, there is no way they would ground planes without local confirmation of conditions. Got a scenario that proves they could actually do this in the time they did it?

    Last question: Can you give us a hint how quickly Nate exposing himself to the dying guy (name escapes me right now) is going to bite the team in their collective asses?

  66. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Congrats on a great episode. I think you did make it morally ambiguous this time. For the first time in 4 seasons I feel more for the bad guy than the team. The bad guy is fighting for his life obviously. He may be an ordinary person who does crazy things he is not proud of because he has only a short time to live. The vehemence Nate showed turned the tide for me. I felt it was a little unnecessary to be so mean to that dying guy. The con was still top notch

  67. @Anonymous (just above) – The "dying guy" had just stolen a heart intended for a 15-year-old boy by having another woman's child kidnapped. And he didn't show any remorse at all. In fact, he was pretty clear that, if given the chance, he'd do it again.

    Also, he was already on Nate's "list of bastards we need to take down," but just wasn't a priority because he was dying.

    Chesney was NOT "some ordinary guy who does crazy things he's not proud of because he only has a short time to live." He was a soulless asshole who was willing to kill a kid (and possibly two) so he could live.

    I figure he's lucky Nate didn't just send Eliot to rip his bad heart out of his chest and roast it on a spit.

  68. NougatCat8:20 PM

    @Red - 3) Is this the first time we see the crew coming back from an unfilmed job?
    Remember the 'Gone Fishin' Job'? It started with Eliot complaining about a break to go relax and fish (natch), after getting back from an intense job down in Juarez. Including the awesome bit about Parker being more than a little pleased about the pinatas she brought back. Pretty sure there's been other casual comments sprinkled in, but don't remember any other scenes.
    @Beth7 - Anyway, three cheers for The Unfilmable Job! Sophie on a topless beach, Eliot fighting underwater with spear-guns, and Hardison hacking a volcano? Comic book, please.
    Yes!! That would be so cool in comic-y style.

  69. Melody9:27 PM

    Anonymous said, "When are we going to get to see Nate and Sophie act like a couple?"

    Really? I think they do, and kind of always have. I mean, they're not walking around with their hands in each other's back pockets or anything, but that would be very out of character for both of them.

    But the way that Sophie was monitoring Nate's emotional state during this episode, doing her best to keep him clear-headed and support him -- and especially the way that Nate opened up to her about his son's death -- that felt quite couple-y to me. Have we ever seen Nate really talk to anyone about his son? (Except maybe his ex-wife Maggie in the "Second David Job"?) The fact that he was willing to say anything to Sophie about the death of his son says to me he trusts her and is willing to be emotionally vulnerable in front of her.

  70. Fantastic episode! I'm from Cincinnati and I was just curious why the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky airport's name wasn't used.

  71. An excellent episode! I really like how the start of this episode showed them in their coming back from a con. It's one of the few times (first times?) we see how they travel back afterwards, and I thought its a nice moment to see them discussing things after a job.

    All my questions are already covered by other fans in the comments, so I'll just wait eagerly for the answers to those.

    I think this episode finally made me understand some of the other things Nate did over the course of this season. I had wondered during the Carnival Job when Nate told Eliot to "do your worst" but the ending of this one really brought home the changes Nate is continuing to go through. Like you said before, he really isn't a good guy, is he? And he seems to be getting worse...

  72. @Seph – Nate is a good guy. He's just not a nice guy. ;)

  73. Anonymous11:34 PM

    1. Parker steals sunglasses (to pick the lock where the PC is); the snow globe they put in the decoy cooler; and a T-shirt? What was the T-shirt for? Did she end up wearing it?

    2. Chesney had 8 contingency plans. By Nates count the ambulance driver (that Nate punches out) is #7. What was #8?

    3. How did the restaurant employee NOT see the kidnapper bound & gagged under the table? LOL

    4. Loved the nod to the Gone Fishing Job with the MassDOT bit. Am I right?

    5. Was the bandage on Eliot's arm a "fake" supposedly from an injury in the con they just finished or and actual injury received while filming?

    6. Enjoyed the Star Trek references - I counted 3. did I get them all?

    Love every single episode! Please don't ever leave my livingroom. Thank you!

  74. Two quick questions:
    1.) Does the rest of the team see that Sophie and Nate are in fact in a relationship even if those two are too dumb to see it?

    2.) Do you think you guys will ever do companion books and/or comic books? I know you guys (or someone who is somehow related) did a tabletop RPG, but I for one would LOVE to read about the cons we don't get to see.

  75. Janah3:28 AM

    I really liked the episode! Tim Hutton was fantastic! Loved that Nate opend up to Sophie and talked about Sam with her. An I liked that they all had to improvise because they didnt have their stuff with them and just a few hours to get the job done - it shows that they really are the best at what they do.

  76. Anonymous6:33 AM

    @Red - 3) Is this the first time we see the crew coming back from an unfilmed job?

    And in the first season there was the 12 step job which showed the team coming back from a con and they were all pissed off with Parker. I'm pretty sure there is one or two more times that they show them coming from or it is implied that they just finished a job. Rogers has mentioned before that there are a lot of jobs we don't see off camera. Occasionally they will throw in a reference to an unseen job.

  77. I thought this was the best written episode of the entire series.

  78. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I episode EVER! It had all the best characteristics that make the show so great.

    My question...wouldn't Elliot, being the southern gentleman that he is, turn around while Parker was changing or at least while he was changing clothes? And are they boxers or briefs under there? Or does he prefer to go commando?!

    ps I like the allusions to other cons that we don't get to see. Especially those that are complete cluster f**ks. It makes them seem more real in an unreal world.


  79. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Ok this ep was just okay, it wasn't on the scale as far as 404,406,407. It had some parts that was a little cheesy. Hardison with the badge cmon if you couldn't tell that he was all man then you really need to have your eyes checked. It was just an ok ep. I thought the best thing from the ep was Nate that dude is sleeping dragon. When somebody wakes him up its over. I thought he showed why he is the mastermind and why you just really need to leave him alone. It showed in the scene when everyone was looking at the boy and happy about what they did. Elliott looks at Nate and its like he knows Nate is in a different mind state. Cause right after the look he tells H/P Let's go. Nate is truly the one who will do what the others will not do. Yeah Elliot will kill someone. But Nate will not only have you killed but even your family and try to destroy your lineage. Nate is a Str-8 beast! and he demonstrated that tremendously in this ep. But this has been a great season thus far can't wait for the rest

  80. Anonymous10:01 AM

    My absolute favourite episode this season.

    Everyone was who they are best at being.

    Sophie rocked her distraction to the limit and the scenes with her and Nate were so good-just what I love about them and they have been kinda flat for me, this had them right back to their best.

    Nate was so badass. He was right-but it was chilling to hear him talk to Chesney. It is sad but true, that his grief is still raw, after all, his entire existence is different since losing his son, he is a whole new man who will never be at other's mercies again-though they may be at his. Makes me curious to see how he would react when he is not in control-when back up plan x fails...

    Hardison was so funny, I adore it when he is on his own in these because he is a one man band of hilarity. The Frank/Francesca thing was just too funny, and the Star Trek stuff and the snark with Eliot. Loved it.

    And Parker & Eliot working together again makes me so happy-they just work so well as a team and the banter cracks me up-I loved the whole changing scene, felt like wink to camera lol, and Parker was so funny, I like how her and Eliot are together. We got action, humour, drama, angst, suspense...

    To me, this is why the show works. Everything has a natural flow when you have everyone do what they rock at-and every one felt in voice for the first time in a couple of eps. It felt like old school Leverage, and I am now stupidly excited for the summer finale-props to everyone who made such an awesome episode.

  81. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Oh, and props to the gate agent dealing with the irate platinum card member. He sees Eliot lift the wallet, turns his head and watches him walk away, yet keeps his expression impassive. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

    @zeyneb, re stealing a random laptop
    The platinum card guy was being an ass, so nobody feels badly for him when his credit card gets used to buy a pile of walkie-talkies. Can you imagine losing your cpr in an airport? It would ruin my week...maybe my next six months, and just picturing it has me reaching for the back-up scheduler. Plus, Hardison has none of his equipment with him. (I'm not sure I believe he doesn't have a flash drive with an OS in some pocket, but I'm going with it.) In which case, they'd have to steal a laptop that was open and running. If a password locked screen saver kicked in before they had the chance to change the password, they'd be screwed. So, script-wise, I think the desktop gag was a nice alternative to creating another hateful character.

  82. @Katie: I think Nate sees himself more as an instrument of destruction FOR god. Seminary student after all.

    But a seminary dropout. I think young Nate saw the Church as a sanctuary from the chaos of his childhood. And even though he didn't pursue the priesthood, he still had a sense of comfort.

    And then Sam got sick, and died, and Nate and God had a very messy breakup.

    Nate is angry. That anger comes from a deep sense of betrayal, and that only comes from someone you loved. He doesn't take any comfort in God now. If he did, he'd be more at peace.

  83. I have a question re: 409...

    Why was this episode better than mine?

  84. Tracey1:56 PM

    I loved this episode!, the emotional intensity of it all.

    Great to see the team doing a Con on the fly so to speak, quick thinking wins the day.

    Have to say loved seeing Nate's dark side come out in this episode, just goes to show do Not mess with Nate when it's something personal to him. Tim Hutton was amazing in this eppy

  85. Does Nate have a "black-ops" team going on? I can't see any of the main team being okay with bugging the old-mans house... so who did it?

  86. David Hunt2:59 PM


    It seems obvious to me that Hardison has hacked into the security system of the old guy and that is how Nate is keeping tabs on him. It's not like he can go for a walk in his back yard to avoid microphones and can't risk getting rid of all the stuff monitoring him because that keeps him alive.

    And I don't think the team would have the slightest problem spying on this guy. Most of the team's targets are quickly arrested (or worse) but no one outside Nate's crew and nurse knows that he was even involved. And as he said himself, left to his own devices he'd just try again since it's been graphically demonstrated that he has no qualms about killing people to cheat death for just a little longer.

    I'll go out on a limb and say that he is definitely going to try to steal another heart. He's a dead man if he doesn't, so the risk/return tradeoff is going to look appealing even with Nate's obvious advantages in keeping track of him. So the Leverage team is going to keep track of him so they can foil his next attempt to murder a legitimate heart recipient.

    I don't think that we'll ever see that Job and that it will be one of the various jobs that never make it into an episode, but he's sure to get desperate enough to try again.

  87. @SueN -- Good distinction. Like Aslan: "Not a tame lion." :-)

    It didn't hit me till this morning where I'd seen Chesney before -- on "Nero Wolfe"! Are all Tim's old costars from that show going to show up here? (Except the late lamented Maury Chaykin, alas.) 'Cause that would be awesome.

  88. @Kieron Farrell – Why in the world would anyone on the team be unwilling to bug Chesney's room? It's kind of what they do. And this guy distinguished himself as being a particularly nasty piece of work, willing to condemn one child to death and kidnap another.

    Bugging would be the least of things the team would probably want to do to the old man.

  89. re: Yeah, the Cincy snow-globe was cool, but I was kind of hoping the Crab-a-Rama would pay off in the end and they'd send him a crab on ice. Did you have to have crab wranglers on set for this one?

    I had to answer this one: we actually filmed a version where Nate put a crab in the icebox and sent it to Chesney--I filmed it myself--but I felt in the end that the snow globe had more emotion (referencing back to the little boy and all), so I didn't use it in my director's cut.

    Of course, Rogers and Devlin made the ultimate decision, but I'm glad they went with the globe.

    And yes, we had "crab wranglers!"

  90. Anonymous9:06 PM

    After the ep I seriously said to my friend "that was kindof a bottle episode" NO LIE.

    Loved Sinister Nate and loved the bottle ep qualities of the ep, made it very fun and it moved so quickly. Also loved the repeated references to the case they had just finished that we didn't get to see.

  91. @NotJeremyBernstein - you would say that, sir. ;)

    JR - I saw you tweet that Nate never would have said the "God killed you, I just made sure it stuck" line in Seasons 1-3.

    I took his line as him saying "It's your time in the natural order of things, I'm making sure you don't cheat that by hurting someone else," as opposed to Nate expressing a grim view of how God operates. But your tweet made me rethink that. So:

    Is Nate losing his religion more and more as he confronts so many bad people?

    Where does he think the work with the team leaves him in God's notebook? Does he see himself as damned and he just doesn't care? Or does he really see himself as doing God's work (okay . . . SUPER creepy)?

  92. Damn...Nate's such a badass in this ep. He totally reminded me of Liam Neeson in "Taken." He might as well have said the whole "I have a very particular set of skills..." speech. While I think Eliot is awesome, I've considered Liam my personal standard of badassery for the last few years. I'm seriously reconsidering that...Nate Ford is not a nice man. I guess Chesney's arrogance offended

  93. Any particular reason why Cincinnati was used, or was it just a matter of "pick a random city, Cincinnati sounds good, sure"?

  94. Alan Scott5:50 AM

    Is it really just a woman with a lunchbox cooler? please tell me that's a ledger

  95. Who is the actress who played the transplant nurse? Wasn't she in another episode of Leverage? Driving me nuts where I've seen her before...

  96. David Hunt8:52 AM

    @Alan Scott

    I think I read about ten years ago that the transport container for organ transplant was nicknamed the "hatbox" based on it's shape. I took the made up cooler as an easy visual that the the produces knew the audience would instantly recognize. I find it inconceivable that it's just a standard cooler with a logo.

    However, I'm not the least bit surprised that a single (highly qualified) person is transporting the organ. It generally would do no one any good to steal it and highly qualified transplant nurses (and their travel expenses) have got to be really expensive.

    p.s. Welcome back from the dead! I knew the Ring wouldn't let a mere snowstorm kill you!

  97. Hugin9:15 AM

    Is there any particular reason you guys haven't had an actual GLBT character on the show? So far we've only had 2 Hardison cover stories and a few hints about Parker, and it's starting to bug me.
    When Nate recognized the crab place, was it because he'd seen it earlier, or does he just know every airport bar in the country?
    Is it just me, or have there been a lot of episodes this season with kids in danger, and if so, is that trend intentional?

  98. Anonymous9:48 AM

    @Alan Scott - if you google images for 'organ transplant box' you'll see that they mostly look like cool-bags or boxes. is an example of one that doesn't.

  99. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Excellent episode. Nate gave me shivers at the end. Just a few questions, if you would be so kind: why did Eliot keep the gun he took from the guard when they took the ambulance? Was it because he didn't want to leave the pieces lying in the street? Or is this fallout from 315?

  100. On Chesney - he wasn't just willing to condemn one child to death. Little Tanya was going down too according to Eliot, to eliminate any witnesses. Chesney was cold blooded.

    from Pesce
    Of course, Rogers and Devlin made the ultimate decision, but I'm glad they went with the globe.

    Me too - the crab would have been funny but totally undercut the darkness and intensity of the last phone call between Chesney and Nate.

    Now, had the kidnapper been left in a body bag full of crabs . . .

  101. Marisa10:16 PM

    Another great episode filled with gems of hilarity and intensity. It was great to see the crew stripped down (wish more literally) to desktops and walkie-talkies. The huge emotional investment by Nate was heartbreaking. Even more evocative was Nate's true darkness coming through with a vengeance. I thought that was a great touch and Tim did a fantastic job conveying really all that it meant to him. Even in that darkness, you had to be behind him. Such a visceral response.
    I also love the hint of the "job not shown" and how they were bickering about it. It is such a lovely family.

    Did the kid at the end who received the heart have any idea who those people were staring at him through the window? I understand them going to the hospital to solidify for themselves that the boy was okay, but the look and smile by the boy at Nate seemed a little too "knowing." Just curious.
    I am sad the summer season is ending this weekend and that I have to wait until after Thanksgiving for more of my favorite show, but I'm thrilled for season 5 and could not be happier with the job the cast and crew does every day bringing this intelligent, captivating, and highly addictive show to us. Thanks!!

  102. This was an excellent episode especially for exploring Nate’s character. Most of the time we see Nate grift and con people with over the top acting (done on purpose to make it funny), drinking too much, telling the ‘kids’ his plan/what to do or have commitment issues with Sophie. It is refreshing to see the ‘tortured’ Nate that has a cold vengeful side which we saw in earlier seasons. He did not even crack a look when Parker mentioned about setting him on fire as a distraction. It was excellent acting seeing Tim Hutton play vulnerable and yet menacing in one episode. Wonderful character development.

    The scene where Hardison did the whole Frank/Francesca bit was hilarious but so was that huge grin of his the moment he got into the tower.


    Do Internet connection still use dial up at airports? I do not understand why they stole a desktop despite Hardison saying airport Wi-Fi is a joke. Can’t laptops use patch cables too?

    And I am very curious what the 8th contingency was supposed to be.

    On a side note, I enjoyed seeing James Tolkan (Chesney) again. It would have been nice if both Tim Hutton and Tolkan acted in the same room though. I really enjoyed watching both of them in ‘Nero Wolfe’. And the last movie Tolkan was seen acting in was also with Tim Hutton in a movie called ‘Heavens Fall’ in 2006.

    Please continue to bring more Nero Wolfe cast members into Leverage. It’s a shame the late Maury Chaykin is not around. He would have made an formidable antagonist for the Leverage crew.

  103. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I haven't heard any reports suggesting he might have done anything wrong and am not inclined to impugn his reputation, but I still wonder whether Steve Jobs might have done anything hinky to get that Liver transplant? And now I'm ready to draw a causal connection between the broadcast of this (yet another fantastic) episode of Leverage and Steve Job's subsequent resignation from Apple, Inc. Do you care to comment?

  104. I take it back a little bit: Nate is not as angry as he used to be. He has a few other emotions to deal with now. On the one hand, his whatever-it-is with Sophie is probably doing him some good; on the other hand, he has at least a touch of asshole fatigue.

  105. Loved the episode--especially Eliot!

  106. I didn't even catch it until the second time through, but--Elliot broke the padlock on the clothes locker *with his hand*. As a throwaway. That's just--is that actually possible, and did Christian really break the lock?

  107. So, given that this was (sort of) a bottle episode... that mean Nate was building a ship in a bottle at the end?

  108. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Like everyone else I love the episode we didn't see. I have to ask - just how long as the speargun fight been on the board before you decided it was too expensive to film?
    Also - is Nate building the Peqoud?

  109. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Radical idea - Leverage taking down the Sons of Anarchy.

  110. GinaFan8:45 PM

    Gina's sign is the crab. Stealing a heart. I love it.

  111. Hey, it's me again! With a Star Trek reference that I'm pretty sure nobody's caught yet. So far, we have stone knives and bearskins, and "Mr. Kirk Picard." Another one:
    When Hardison is in the radio tower, talking to Nate over the "comms," he says, "Leverage Enterprise 1701" (as in USS Enterprise, NCC 1701).

  112. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Late to the party on watching this episode, and I have two questions really -
    I remember seeing a video that said Christian is the most like his character - does he find it hard to be as grumpy as Eliot is or does he walk around scowling and growling all day too?
    Which brings me to the next question - Eliot seems much grumpier, much more grouchy and pissed off this season, is that intentional and is there a reason for it?

  113. Excellent episode. Really liked the way the team had to pull it together.

    You've said before that Nate isn't a good man -- he's the protagonist, not the hero.

    Does Nate consider himself a good man? Is he atoning for his sins with his crew, filling in the places God missed?

    Or is Nate too full of pride, thinks he can't be forgiven (he can't forgive himself, or God, for that matter) and does what he does, no matter the consequences?

  114. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Love this show. Love this cast. Love the writing.

    But mostly, loved watching Cheney die of a bum ticker. Wait. Sorry, not Cheney. "CheSney". Right. wink wink.

  115. Cassandra9:57 PM

    Eliot/Parker team-ups are the BEST. They are by far the most interesting/entertaining pair to watch. Kane & Beth play off each other beautifully, and the ease with which the characters understand each other is great. Always my favorite scenes.

    Though I wouldn't cry if you gave me more naked locker room scenes. ;)

    Anyway, gushing about my two favorite characters aside, any plans to let Bernstein write another one? This was the best episode of the initial run, and he really seems to get all the characters.

    It's too bad there's no budget (apparently) to shoot the job from which they were coming. Sounds juicy.

  116. @Rogers-Can I ask if the Eliot throwing his shirt to camera was just a clever cutaway or a cheeky wink to Eliot & Parker shippers (of whom there are a few!)?

    Also, did we actually get all the different plans Chesney had in place? I know Nate was counting but despite watching multiple times I think I keep missing them if they are there?

    And also again; Are more lo-tech jobs planned? Hardison shines in these eps where he has to be awesome without his usual kit. I adore the dynamics of the team when working on the fly.

    Great great episode for all concerned-favourite of the first half of the season by a mile. :)


  117. Chase6:42 AM

    I absolutely loved this episode. And the delight (or possibly Eliot and Parker getting changed) definitely got some of my friends to watch the show with me.

    I really enjoy the fact that the writers incorporate post-9/11 security into each airport con and somehow, for whatever reason, I find that extra awesome.

    As a trans person who's a fan of the show, though, what were the motivations to make Hardison say he was trans? I don't think I've ever seen that done. (Whereas fake gay probably has its own TVTropes page.)

  118. Anonymous10:59 AM

    A friend and I are wondering if the reason James Tolkan had no scenes with the main cast could be that his scenes were actually shot in the New York area, where he lives and has been working on another film project?

    We had a fun chat with him at a film festival a few years ago. Tolkan is a great actor -- the umpteen characters he played on "Nero Wolfe", among many other things -- and a delightful man. Nice catch for "Leverage." He had told us he was retiring, glad he didn't mean it. :-)

  119. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Just rewatched this one with my lovely wife and had another one of these moments where I _think_ I recognise an hommage of sorts:

    When Hardison enters the Tower-room, he does a very credible Eddy-Murphy-as-Axel-Foley grin. Impressive!

  120. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Being new to the blogger world, I have to say it is interesting to see that I am not the only one that raised an eyebrow at Sophie's sudden alcoholic enabling of Nate.

    Hopefully without stepping off the abyss with this topic (which can be volatile enough), I would simply note that for me anyway, I would not consider this to be a realistic conversation and/or scene. In real life (which this show is not, of course, because this a TV show), enablers and alcoholics simply do not behave this way. But, for the show, maybe it was necessary for some unknown reason.

    So, by putting my faith in the powers that be, I will simply sigh, raise my eyebrow and turn my head to the writers and say HUH?! Did you do that on purpose?

    If not, sorry. Didn't mean to post a negative when there are so many other postives in this episode.

    Can Hardison's character pull one over when he needs to or what? HAHA!

    And I heard the Picard Kirk thing too. I would like to think that Eliot's character is really smarter than his antics give him credit for. It's the perfect disguise.

  121. The overall look of your web site is magnificent, as well as the content.

  122. LOVED that they were without their gadgets and had to improvise on the fly.

  123. Esser-Z8:08 PM

    So, my sister has been going to a Cincinnati children's hospital for years and years for heart stuff. So, in my personal canon, the Leverage team was there, near where she got her stent. And before they realized he needed a transplant, the kid totally had her doctor. Made an awesome episode even more personally awesome.

    And despite what some people are asking for, I know you know, because you're awesome, not to ever show more of the island job. It's one of those things--like, in my mind, the Clone Wars should have been--that should never, ever actually be shown. It would never, ever live up to everyone's imagination.

    Fantastic, wonderful episode. I'm really loving this entire season.

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  125. Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

  126. Kutil pada alat kelamin luar bisa diangkat melalui laser, krioterapi (pembekuan) atau pembedahan dengan bius lokal. Pengobatan kimiawi, seperti podofilum resin atau racun yang dimurnikan atau asam trikloroasetat, bisa dioleskan langsung pada kutil. Tetapi pengobatan ini memerlukan waktu beberapa minggu sampai beberapa bulan, bisa melukai kulit di sekelilingnya dan sering gatal.

  127.  obat kencing nanah De Nature

    Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri  Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23

  128. Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,

  129. Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.

  130. Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan

  131. penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.

  132. Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
    saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
    memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

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