I'm busy shooting the finale, that's why these are stacking up. Please post your Usuals for the first of tonight's episodes, "The Grave Danger Job", written by formally "Filthy Assistant" and now currently "Shiny New Writer" Rebecca Kirsch!
Parker and Hardison are so adorable together. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for them in the back half of the season. (Of course, if you happen to feel like divulging which episodes I can look forward to for them, that might make the wait easier. ;D )
The acting was just flawless in this episode. Flawless. On everyone's parts. I love how Parker hesitated on "friend" in her speach, their interaction in the last scene was spot-on.
So, no questions really, just this: I have a new favorite.
wow is all i have to say i am still speechless such an amazing job tonight parker and hardisons relationship has gone to the next level i love it keep up the good work john and crew
I LOVED this episode. I especially loved Eliot's reactions to Hardison's situation. You can tell how close they've become. He was really choked up when he hugged Hardison and it was such a sweet moment.
Also, the Parker/Hardison stuff was SOOOOOOO cute.
And this villain was very creepy. How did you come up with her scam?
And nice touch at the end with the Mexican drug guys.
This has probably been one of my favorite episodes ever. The emotional weight was great, and the cinematography was wonderful. Seriously, Aldis Hodge and Beth Reisgraf should win Emmys for this one.
As for questions, since some of Parker's past was again semi brought up tonight, Sophie referenced what we had found out about her brother from "The Future Job" will we ever really see exactly what happened, or how Parker got put in the system, or will we ever meet her parents?
Loved some of the choices in this ep. Parker dealing with falling in love via grief is such an interesting choice. Are you finding Parkers emotional choices through research or just really 'knowing' her as a character?
I also loved how Parker walked away at the grave site and Hardison walked away in the bar. Written or actor choices?
This is such a good show its scary. First you can actually see the growth of all the actors but none more than Hardison. That dude is a gem! This ep he showed how good of an actor he is. I mean I knew he was a good actor but was great in this ep. The scene when Hardison gets out the coffin. Just so well done. Parker and her starting to finally let her walls down. Is really intriguing to watch. This is one of my top five all time. I mean this season you guys have just exceeded expectations, please keep up the great work. Truth
This episode was so tense. My little sister kept trying to find out if Aldis Hodge is in the next episode so that she'd know if hardison survived,(she was so worried he was going to die).I was also a little worried and by the end I was crying. loved the line where the cholo-looking guy says,"What the hell's an Eliot?" It reminded me of the pilot where Eliot says,"What the hell's a Sophie?" Literally had me in stitches. loved the episode.
John - Know Parker told Hardison to move to the left in the coffin & she shot to the right to make the holes for air; but how did she deciphr what end his head was located? (would have made a major difference). Loved both episodes tonight, but already upset the early part of the season ends August 28th.
"The Grave Danger Job" was note perfect emotionally. So far, Mr. Hodge is owning this season. And Parker is developing beautifully.
Not only that, but I remember reading articles about funeral home and cemetery scams over the past five years or so --- I was relieved (but not surprised) that you all kept to identity theft and left out all the myriad possibilities for corpse desecration out of it. That wouldn't have fit the tone of the show at all!
Please let Rebecca Kirsch know that her Episode was awesome! It seems Kane is missing in a lot of this episode only to be the first one Hardison hugs out of the coffin.
Seems Leverage is now officially a legitimate hit. Felt like there were more commercials than show, but the show still rocked!!!
OMG, I LOVED this episode. I had to literally get up and stand when watching Hardison in the coffin. I felt as trapped as he did. It is amazing how much these characters have grown.
Really liked the scene with Parker and Sophie. Apparently Sophie is quite aware of Parker and Hardison's feelings for each other.
Eliot's big hug at the end was a nice touch, too. Even as the tough guy, it's great to see his growth as a person.
You guys rock. This show just keeps getting better. And congrats on the Season 5 pick up.
Well, parts of this episode were great, but it certainly wasn't a great episode overall - at least not for me.
From the moment that the cartel guys walked in on Nate and Hardison with the funeral home folks - awesome.
The rest of it? . . . eh. Just OK.
This reminded me of the 10 Lil Grifters, where you can so see the "pitch" for the episode, but then the first 20 minutes feel shoehorned on to get to the "pitch." I would have liked to have seen this one start and stay with Hardison in the coffin and just focus on that and it's impact on all the team members.
I know you've got to get the con in there, but let's all be honest -no one gave a shit about the funeral director or the dead dad. Let's go non-traditional with the episode structure and just have it all be about the cartel and the action and the emotional distress!
Also, thought the touch of making Hardison claustrophobic was unecessary. Being buried alive in a coffin would be traumatic for anyone. Adding the claustrophobia almost made me think he should have been way MORE freaked out than he was.
Don't mean to bitch - even an uneven ep of Leverage is more enjoyable than a lot of other stuff out there. Just was disappointed that the first part didn't quite achieve the levels of the last part of this ep.
I loved the "dual wrap up" of this episode the likes of which we haven't seen since the Fashion Show job, but I have a few questions... one of them was, what exactly was Javier's plan for the smuggling run beyond just get a huge 18 wheeler, stuff it to the gills with coke, and run it past the border? Granted, I guess there wasn't really time to establish two villains as evil masterminds but it makes the victory against him seem hollow if he didn't have some kind of great plan that the Leverage Team managed to screw up.
This goes hand in hand with the question of what exactly happened to Hardison's ear bud... the bad guy was smart enough to take it off of Hardison which in theory could have lead to some interesting situations where the team needed to be talking to each other over cell phones/walkie talkies because the bad guy might have been listening in on their plans over the thing. Doubtlessly they were talking with Hardison over that cell phone, but it seemed like they were still risking discussing plans with each other over the ear buds while they were in the ambulance /cop car... In turn, the plan to bust the guy seems to rely on him keeping the ear piece on him, while that is a nice touch, it's also a bit chancy... I mean even though he wouldn't know it could be use to track him, wouldn't he only keep it after his escape if he has some kind of pathologic need to keep track of his "victories" or "almost victories" by holding onto something that belongs to those people. It might have been even better if the team had somehow managed to sow locators into the most recent brand of fake ids and used those trackers which the bad guy WOULD have to keep on him if he wanted to use the ids in order to round him and the rest of his gang in one fell swoop....
One final thing... I was somewhat irked by the line "thanks for not hanging up." While I love Parker and Hardison as much as the next guy, I think this was a horrible line, because honestly who would have hung up on Hardison in that situation? No other member of the team would have hung up on him simply because of the utility of keeping track of him so that they could try and track him down and rescue him. Honestly something like "Back then, I needed you to breath." Would have been way better, as something that would have kept the focus on the things only Parker would do for Hardison...
I have to say that you hit on one of my worst nightmares--being burried alive--and I was So glad that this was followed by a second episode so I could get the intensity out of my head. No nightmares, thank goodness.
Loved the touches at the end with the captures of the funeral director and drug cartel.
How did Anne Marie Johnson like playing such a despicable character? I only know her for sitcoms and In The Heat Of the Night and never like this.
Sweet Parker scenes with her dealing with the idea of opening herself up enough to love. With love sometimes comes loss too and that is always scary
An emotionally strong episode. Particularly nice acting work from Aldis Hodge - not to short Ms. Riesgraf at all. I could have done without the comedy eulogy (an overused cliche) from Nate and Sophie, but it was funnier than it had a right to be.
I liked the extended reveals at the end tying up the story, although they almost felt like an act that had gotten cut earlier.
While I don't feel that the show needs to explain its tech too much, the rules around the earbuds might have to be made clearer at some point. For example, can someone deactivate an earbud remotely if it falls into the wrong hands? Can the voice feed be deactivated without turning off the GPS function (which appeared to be the case here)?
All those bullets tearing up all those gravestones - eww!
This was another new favorite of mine. It was very emotional to see Hardison go thru his coffin trauma and Parker help him thru it. Parker grew a bit more during this show. I know people thought this should have been the huge hug and kiss between Hardison and Parker, but I thought the sweet kiss on the cheek for her was perfect at this stage. The little teary, happy smile of hers was perfect, too. And Parker knew which side of the coffin to shoot becuz she could see where the head would go, since they'd uncovered enuf of it, and told him to roll to his left and she shot to the right.
I think it's a combination of the hype and the fact that I've seen the buried alive thing done a bazillion times in film and TV, so while I wanted to feel Hardison's terror, I really really did, it felt pretty sanitized compared to the last few seconds of the Vanishing, e.g. I mean seriously, there's a LOT of buried alive TV and film out there.
Also, I REALLY wanted to love Sophie's scene with Parker - the family stuff probably my absolute favorite thing about this show - but the dialogue was too too cliche, right down to the "that's why they call it FALLING in love." I mean seriously. That's the best a grifter can come up with?
The funeral director's scam was interesting and creepy though. Excellent idea for an episode. I just kinda wish this had focused on her scam without anyone getting buried alive.
Loved the episode. I was wondering why, after Parker shot the lock on the coffin, she and Sophie stood around and called on Nate to open the lid and let Hardison out.
Whoa! After all these episodes and everything you guys have come up with, you've finally made an episode I can't watch all the way through -- Hardison in a COFFIN? I'll wait until the end to peek and watch it later...my heart started over reacting as soon as he started freaking out.
Ok, I got over my hyperventilation and watched the rest of the episode. Worth it for the hugs. I'm smooshy like that.
On the other hand, the coffin looked really convincing -- how did you guys cut it to get a camera in there? Did you have to have two (one for the straight on face on Alec, and one showing the torn up inside lid parts?)
'What the hell's an Eliot?' BAM! Booyah! That's what you get for messing with our Hardison!!!
Wow, talk about an emotionally charged episode! I love how it started with Parker questioning all of this fate, and grief thing, and slowly you can see she's understanding. And at the end she has let her walls down, and she has that teary smile. It's just perfect. The chemistry and emotion Aldis and Beth put into that kiss on the cheek, it was better than any lip-lock ever could be. I really can't wait to see more of them, they couldn't have been more perfect in this episode.
Aldis was amazing, please tell him that!!!!! And Beth, she portrays Parker so beautifully, her growth and everything!
My other favourite moments were the hugs (especially Eliot and Hardison's!) , and the 'Bloody Hell' distraction! And dead body Parker, hehe. Oh and when Darlene picked up the phone and said Wickett Funeral Home, it sounded like Wicked Funeral Home XD
Loved Sophie and Parker's talk, and how when Sophie alluded to her brother, Parker sort of tensed up, wonderful acting. Sophie wasn't there during the Future Job though, so a pointless question really, but just to satisfy my curiosity, if you don't mind: Who updated her about Parker's entire 'breakdown'?
Kudos to Rebecca, and the rest of the Leverage team! This truly was a fantastic episode! Thank you!
Great episode! Great acting by Aldis Hodge and Beth Reisgraf. Next time Hardison but a tracker in your own shoes!
I love it how Elliot was telling Hardison to never do that again.
At first I thought Elliot would beat up the guy fast and go after the other guy with the gun but glad to see the rest of the team was able to handle it as well.
IMForeman said... If you aren't sending this episode out with "For your consideration" on getting Aldis an Emmy, then drop what you're doing and get on that now.
Great episode, loved Hardison's reaction when he was shown the coffin early on 'I touched it', so funny!!! It seems like our folks are in peril a lot more this season, is this to demonstrate that the stakes are higher for them personally and emotionally this far into the series so you needed to show that physically? No complaints, it's great to see the family developing.
Not really a question about the episode, but how come "Filthy Assistants" are required to be formal and - I guess - '"Shiny New Writers" can go casual?
I hate to post twice for one episode but in the words of a certain bureaucrat from Futurama "that just raises more questions!"
Okay, so the entire catching the villain relies on him keeping Hardison's ear bud which they can use to track him....
Except that if he had kept it on him to start the episode after he took it away from Hardison then couldn't they have tried to use it to track used it to track him to the graveyard straight away without needing to use the ambulance and police siren plan?
Now granted it is a risky move to think that the bad guy HAD to be waiting next to Hardison (or in the general area) but if they were wondering if he was, why not just check the GPS rather than calling him to see if they could hear the Siren? If they had done that it also would have made it a night Checkov's gun for how they track the villain again at the end of the story....
Yeah... why didn't the team try tracking the bad guy through Hardison's ear piece the moment that it turned out that he had taken it from Hardison?
@jamesfirecat – We've seen the team try to use Hardison's tracking setup before ("Ice Man Job"), and it didn't go well. They've come a ways on their computer use, but there are some things that apparently only Hardison can do.
And re: your earlier question about what Javier planned to do with the smuggled coke – depending on where he fell in the cartel food chain, he was either planning to get it to his distributors for them to sell, or to his boss for him to get to the distributors. That's how the cartels get stuff into the country. Arrests are frequently made at the Texas border (and New Mexico, Arizona and California, I imagine) with vehicles "crammed to the gills" with drugs.
Now, Rogers, allow me to add my love for this ep. Aldis played the hell out of it, and Beth was every bit as amazing. Those two had me alternately tearing up and sighing happily.
I adored "Mama Sophie" talking to Parker about opening oneself up to feelings. Her words mirrored her own journey over the past couple of seasons. And, btw, Beth and Gina's RL rapport just shines through those kinds of scenes and adds real depth to them.
Loved Nate's funeral scene, but even more I loved his intensity while they were searching for Hardison. And it was wonderful to see him, who just is not a touchy-feely guy, give Hardison that hug. That alone spoke volumes about how much these people mean to him.
And I just adored Eliot grabbing Hardison into that fierce hug and saying, "Don't do that again. Don't do that again." Behind the snark and the snarl, our hitter really does love his annoying family. ;)
Two questions:
1) (And, to be honest, my husband brought this up.) How is it that they stole an ambulance and a police car, right out from under the noses of the cops and the EMTs, and no one pursued them?
Thanks for your reply and while I can certainly buy that Hardison might be the only one who can use the GPS to track the ear buds... the plan they end up using is still reliant on the bad guy taking the ear bud out of Hardison's ear, and then proceeding to hold onto it, well after its use to him has passed since he'll no longer need it to listen in on the team's conversations given that they'll doubtlessly have changed to a different frequency/whatever?
The fact that it requires him to still keep it on him seems a bit unlikely to me.
I guess to me a better way for the episode to go would be for Hardison to keep his ear bud, but the team not be able to trace it without him, and so they have to find him the old fashion way. In the process of finding him they fight the bad guy, knock him out, and leave him with some fake ids which have been carefully doctored/altered to include some kind of extra small bug which they use to figure out where the guy is, since he would need to hold onto the fake ids to use them. That seems much more logically consistent and less reliant on blind luck...
So was Aldis in a closed coffin at any point for real or was one side open the whole time. Give him tons of credit for playing those scenes for as long as they aired. Excellent episode!
Loved the brotherly love between Hardison and Eliot after he pulled him out of the coffin. and Parker, can't say enough about her acting she rocked it last night.
I have somewhat of a random question. We've seen several of cars that belong to or are used by:
Nate (or the team cars in general in general): Mercedes Sl 63 AMG, Tesla, Mercedes S-Class Hybrid (which I feel like Sohpie and Hardison picked out while Nate was in jail), silver and black Hyundai Genesis Sedans and black Genesis Coupe, Yukon that you said you guys shot the hell out of, and Prius
Eliot: Charger R/T, old F-150,and Silverado, Saturn Aura he used to hit Parker with in 2 Days and the Hunter
Hardison: his various vans (love the new Benz Lucille 3, btw) and Ferrari F355
Sohpie: FJ Cruiser (although i feel like that would be more of a team car than Sophie's)
My question is: what are Parker and Sohpie's daily drivers? I could totally see Parker with like a black Honda S2000 or even a motorcycle. I see Sophie as having a larger Mercedes, Jag, Audi or BMW.
So, Nate has referred to Sophie as his compass, and now it looked like Parker was holding the compass that she must have gotten from Hardison. Intentional reference back to the Maltese Falcon Job? And is Hardison now Parker's compass?
OH MY GOD, don't put me on that kind of emotional roller coaster EVER AGAIN. Seriously. I think my heart stopped for a couple of moments there. *breathe*
(a few minutes later...)
Okay, a few questions: 1) Were those keys in the coffin from Hardison's pocket?
2) Did we miss Sophie and Parker actually reaching the coffin? It seemed like they were digging, then getting shot at, then they came back to the grave and the coffin was already uncovered.
3) This one's kind of for Rebecca Kirsch, but was it easier for her to write the episode and the characters because she's already spent time assisting on the show? Did she land the promotion just by paying her dues, or by handing in script, or just by coming up with a great idea? (Please tell her congratulations as well!)
4) My brother and I watched The Boost Job the other night, and we were wondering, how old is Malese Jow's character supposed to be? Is she a high school dropout, or still in school, or what? I only ask now because it doesn't look like anyone asked that in the original questions post.
Finally, the way that everyone reacted to the impending crisis was what really sold this episode for me. Aldis in the coffin, Eliot's genuine panic, Sophie starting to crack, and of course Parker trying to hold everything together, all of it was completely and utterly heart-rending. The whole thing was absolutely brilliant on both the actors' and the writer's parts. Please tell your Shiny New Writer that she had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, and that if she ever wrote a horror movie I'd skip it for fear of dying of fright. Seriously, this has been shaping up to be a great season.
Also, sorry for the double post, but as great as this episode was (Seriously, GRIPPED WITH FEAR over here), I have to agree with Allyone that the claustrophobia bit was a bit unnecessary. I'm not claustrophobic but I'd still completely freak if I woke up in a coffin. It's not that it couldn't add to the drama, but Hardison's claustrophobia hasn't been mentioned till now, so it just kind of felt like a really cheap gimmick. Still, an excellent episode, just one teensy off note.
So lest I be mistaken for a complete party pooper for my negativity above, I will say that Aldis Hodge and Beth Riesgraf did a great job, and the rest of the actors did as well. Nate's idea to use the ambulance and police car was brilliant, and the brightly lit, outdoor scene at the cemetery with all the action was exciting to watch. I do really like it when the show gets a little action-y on me.
It also seems to me this season that there are more planning scenes with just Nate and Hardison. It makes sense that the two of them would spend a lot of prep time together on cons, or in this ep, the revenge. But I don't recall seeing them together in paired-off scenes as much before.
I recall you saying that you guys liked to play with the pair-offs, so are the Nate-Hardison scenes just another way of mixing it up this season or will they have some thematic/plot significance? Will we see any more tension between them about Hardison wanting to run his own crew?
It's kind of trivial question, but who picked the Bach for the ring-tone on the phone in the coffin? I ask this because it's rare that I ever recognized ring-tones in real life.
Oh and p.s., I don't think anyone's mentioned it, but I was struck by Parker's calling Hardison "Alec" during her almost break-down on the phone. I was sitting there at home going "say Alec", not quite out loud. I don't think anyone on the team has ever used his first name when they were talking to him before then, but it was exactly the right thing to call him there.
@jamesfirecat: the plan they end up using is still reliant on the bad guy taking the ear bud out of Hardison's ear, and then proceeding to hold onto it
I don't they needed Javier to keep Hardison's ear bud. They know which names they sold him and therefore which names to look for crossing the border. The ear bud just made it even easier.
John, Iknow you do this out of the goodness of your heart but i gotta ask, What purpose was there in having Parker do flips and cartwheels while being shot at ? It had no place in the scene, no reason just like Eliot doing the "Matrix" move on the Big Bang Job. It just doesn't belong. Everyone is aware Christian is a good stunt actor but you might want to rein him in on his "Christian Segal or Jean Claud kane" acting. Now he's pulling Beth in with him. It just looks silly !
@ Anonymous: "What purpose was there in having Parker do flips and cartwheels while being shot at? It had no place in the scene, no reason just like Eliot doing the 'Matrix' move on the Big Bang Job. It just doesn't belong. Everyone is aware Christian is a good stunt actor but you might want to rein him in on his 'Christian Segal or Jean Claud Kane' acting. Now he's pulling Beth in with him. It just looks silly!"
I think the Parker cartwheel thing was justified, since she's trained herself to flip and slide Entrapment-style to avoid lasers in security. She probably thought of the bullets as moving lasers. Why change a technique if it works?
Eliot's slide in the Big Bang Job--I don't know what exactly the character motivation for that was, aside from maybe a "gonna go out with a bang and take as many bad guys as I can with me" mentality. But it was really, really cool, so it was totally okay to use it, imo.
I really love this and that you haven't turned Parker normal. She's so broken and it shows, a wonderful change from the instant fix most troubled charachters get on a show when romance is involved.
Phenomenal episode! I, too, was standing while watching it. It was so gripping, emotionally and suspense-wise. Everyone did a wonderful job acting, especially Beth and Aldis.
Favorite parts: Eliot/Hardison hug (that whole scene really, I must have watched it like 50 times, it was so genuine) and Eliot's threat to Hardison, "I'm gonna hit you so hard your ancestors hurt." Priceless!
I want to know if I'm missing something, so this is an important question for me. There does not seem to have been any explicit payouts in any of the cons so far. Is the crew doing pro bono work since they've made tons of money in earlier seasons? I've been trying to think...they found the book and got the guy arrested for the murder in Long Way Down (maybe there were hinkey stock things going on with the buyout?). 10 Little Grifters - they got the plans and gave them to the lawyer. 15 Minutes - Got the guy arrested for the manslaughter/DUI and helped Nate's friend with campaign & they gave that money to the couple Van Gogh - Found nearly priceless painting and gave it to Glover to donate to museum. Hot Potato - Retrieved piece of the super tuber for the research girl, money used to frame CEO and Jana Carnival - retrieved chip (no payout) and Molly Grave Danger - gave all money to the victims of the scam artist Boiler Room - gave the money back to the victims of Mako (or blowfish or gefilte fish!! again, priceless!)
So, there doesn't seem to be any focus on what the team is getting out of these jobs, besides the self-satisfaction of doing the right thing. They have to spend a lot of money on their tech equipment/travel, etc... This has been making me think all season.
Congratulations on Season 5! I would expect no less. The whole team, cast, crew, writers, continue to do a brilliant job keeping the stories fresh and engaging. And I have to say, the suspense level is at a new height this season. Keep doing what you guys are doing. I'm continuing to convert people to the new religion of Leverage!
Oh, and "briddie" - Parker knew to tell Hardison to move to the left because the porthole adornment on the lid was on the top half of the coffin where the head should be (assuming they put him in the right way, which they would have instinctively put his head on the pillow)
I'm going to second the question about who told Sophie about Parker's brother. I loved that scene, Parker and Sophie scenes are the best, but judging from Parker's reaction she sure as hell wasn't the one to fill Sophie in on that one. Also, what was the deal with the compass and the metal detector? Do metal detectors mess with compasses? Did she scan the grave? I was so confused, maybe the explanation was cut out? Loved the whole thing, all of it was amazing but it really bothered me that Parker didn't hug him. They had a rather long hug in The Long Way Down Job, so we know Parker is okay with touching now, at least in emotional circumstances. I just felt like the kiss on the cheek wasn't a fitting end to the emotional roller coaster, I wanted a real kiss dammit! Which is probably why you guys write the tv and I watch it.
The Parker stuff this episode was great. It was the first time you guys really conveyed in a non-jokey way just how hard this normal human emotional stuff was for her.
I guess my question is where the hell is this relationship at? Parker says the magic P word last season and... they're a couple? Trying to be a couple? Having sex? Not having sex? I'm left unsure where the characters are at emotionally.
finished watching this episode then watched it again.
love where the eliot/hardison brother relationship has gone. ditto for the couple developement with parker/hardison. just tell me, if hardison had died would eliot have killed the drug guy?
BTW, I liked the moment in the beginning when Nate tells Parker that they know someone's in a better place because of "Faith." Just a little reminder that Nate was a seminary student at one point.
HOLY. HECK. That was easily the BEST Leverage episode I HAVE EVER FREAKING SEEN. And where are Aldis, Beth, Gina, Christian and Tim’s Emmys? Where are they??!! This was sooo worth the wait. I dig the intensely emotional, oh-my-god-we-have-to-go-get-him-out-of-the-coffin episodes, and this was just PERFECT. Brilliance. Give Christian my love, purely for when they got Hardison out and Eliot hugged him and was like, “Don’t ever do that to me again, man.” I began to cry right there. There is no crying in Leverage! I do have a question (or two): 1. Parker said, “Move to your left,” and fired a gazillion shots into the coffin. How did she know which way he was oriented and which way he would move? “Parker’s spidey sense” is an acceptable answer. 2. Where did the R in Nate’s “Javier” go? 3. When Sophie and Nate pulled that distraction while Parker was dangling in front of the window, Sophie threw in Uncle “Adam.” Did Sophie just pull that name out of nowhere, or is she observant enough that she saw the name somewhere and remembered it, just in case they needed it? The people in the crowd didn’t look at all surprised to hear her calling the dead guy Adam. 4. As others have mentioned above me, I LOVED the Sophie/Parker heart-to-heart. Or, I guess, heart-to-slightly chipped wall. And when Sophie mentioned her brother and Parker immediately started to close up, I cried a little bit. But as others have also pointed out, Sophie was off discovering herself during the Future Job, when the brother information was revealed. Who filled her in on Parker’s breakdown/past? It really could be anyone, but I think Tara would be the one most likely to share that, solely because she didn’t have as much of an emotional attachment to Parker and would feel more comfortable sharing something that personal. And plus, she’s a good friend of Sophie’s who would have felt Sophie needed to know that about Parker. Well, I guess any of the rest of the team would have felt Sophie (especially Sophie) needed to know that. 5. Relating to my above question: was Sophie and Parker's conversation a hint to some things about Sophie, too? We've learned about William, the deceased ex-fiance, which definitely could have explained how Sophie and Parker were conversing, but is there somebody else, like a parent or sibling or best friend, that Sophie's lost? 6. A nonepisode question: from King George, it looked like Sophie had lived with her aunt. Could you please clarify that for me?
Parker's ninja bullet evasion? Pretty wicked awesome. It made up for her falling off the window, which didn't completely sell me. But the subsequent comedic eulogy scene was hilarious, so it worked. Everybody's happy.
I want more Sophie, folks. Can you make that happen for me? But shiny tomato, that was just AWESOME. Make more like that one!
1) I am not a fan of the 360 camara swing thingy around actors - I think it is overused - but wow! It really worked great when the camara kept circling around Elliot as he worredly looked for the kidnapped daughter. It gave a real sense of tension to the scene all the while subliminally conveying that Elliot is constantly looking about searching. It really worked very well. Kudos!
2) I experienced a 'cringe' moment early in the episode when Nate was interviewing the client. She mentioned that her father died of pancreatic cancer. Didn't Jim Hutton die of pancreatic cancer?
3) Lastly, congrats for getting another season and THANK YOU and all involved for such a wonderful series. Leverage is one of two rtelevision shows I make a point to never miss.
@TexasTracy: Shovels are badly balanced for use as a weapon, unless you're swinging it in a huge arc. Jagged wooden clubs are way more functional at that range.
@Katie: Metal detectors are basically electromagnets.
Ally: Re: Parker telling Hardison to move to the left...
There was apparently more digging that wasn't shown because when Parker shot at the casket, it's lid was showing, and the porthole adornment on the lid was towards the end where the head would be, the pillows are secured, and when they put him in the coffin, they would have put his head on the pillow. Hence, the move to the left order...
Kudos to Kane on the townie accent. Most people go a little New York when trying to do Boston. Did he get any coaching from Tim and/or you?
@TexasTracy: "Why have Eliot break the shovel during the fight?"
I'd guess it's because a staff weapon (just the handle) is better in that kind of situation than a polearm (the whole shovel). And maybe a little because the breaking itself is a cool moment.
@allyone -- I'm pretty sure Hardison's claustrophobia was already established in a previous episode.
@Anon, re: Parker-fu and Eliot-fu -- How many times do we have to say it? Do not stop the Fun Train! They do it because it's cool.
As for Nate pronouncing Javier without the "r", well, I just chalked that up to Nate/Tim knowing French rather than Spanish. (One of the perils of actors having to read a script and learn their lines before hearing how other people pronounce things.)
@JK: what are the Wonder Twins and some of your other former writers up to these days?
The Wonder Twins moved on to Hawaii Five-0, which is not nearly so well-plotted as Leverage but enjoys much of the same ridiculous chemistry among the cast.
Maybe it's just me, but Parker's flips and cartwheels are completely justified by the simple fact that we get to see Parker doing flips and cartwheels.
Nobody's mentioned it yet, so I just want to give a shout out to Gina and her nosy neighbor accent. We've heard her use accents to suggest different nationalities, regions, social classes, and personalities, but I don't think she's changed her age before. Anyway, it was awesome.
Re: the Parker/Sophie scene... Certainly, any one of the team members could have filled Sophie in on Parker's meltdown, but Sophie doesn't have to know about Parker's brother for the scene to work. It's common team knowledge that Parker grew up in the system until she ran away. She didn't attend high school, and judging by Order 23, her real father was a piece of work. For all that to happen, she lost people early.
I've had to see episodes this season out of order - which vexes me to no end - so this is one of the first episodes I've gotten to sit down and watch...and I loved every second of it.
Everyone is saying that Aldis and Beth did a phenomenal job with their scenes and I wholeheartedly agree. However, I think for the fabulous five, it was truly an ensemble effort. Each of them had a moment in the cemetery scene where you could see that they truly were dealing with the reality that they could lose a member of the team. Parker and Hardison's scenes were amazing...and I truly enjoyed Elliot and Hardison's chemistry. Nate and Sophie's moments were a little more understated...but just as profound. I think sometimes the more understated and subtle things can pack a more powerful punch.
Aldis did shine in this episode, hands down. I can't help but feel that even though his confidence is growing as a peer to Nate and potentially being able to run his own crew, this incident might make him take a step back and rethink his readiness. IMHO at least...=-)
Question....Is the cemetery that is used in the episode Mt.Calvary? The sprawling lawns look like it might be that one....( I feel sort of odd that I had to actually google cemeteries for the name of that one.)
And btw, tell your location scouts one thing.....St.Helens, OR....;-)
There's a common device used in this show that I'm hoping you could explain. Who decides to open the episode with a clip from the show, and then cut to "a short while earlier"? It's a recurring pattern, so someone somewhere likes it, but I've never understood the attraction.
The scenes don't advance the story at all, because there's no context. Often (as in this episode) they reveal something that would otherwise be dramatic, but can't give any follow up. As a viewer, I feel like I'm being told "wait around, there will be some tension later in the episode". Do you need to tell audiences this? Or is there some other need the device satisfies?
I'm honestly puzzled at the reasoning. Flashpoint uses the device effectively (it's almost the premise of the show), but most shows would be better off without the scene entirely.
Based on the season 3 commentary discussions about Gina's less than perfect American driving skills, I'm going to guess that she wasn't really driving that ambulance around Portland. True?
A totally wonderful episode! Love how emotional it got between Parker and Hardison, and the Parker-Sophie moment, the Elliot-Hardison hug, Sophie's great elderly neighbour accent...
As a med-student I have to ask one thing, though. What was the "hold your breath" thing about? Was it psychological? 'Cause I can think of no other sensible reason to hold your breath while suffocating. (I'll totally let slide that the high carbon dioxide content would make someone breathe very hard and then pass out, before lack of oxygen makes them suffocate. You're there to entertain, and all. :)
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I'll have to watch it again, but how did Parker know which side of the coffin to shoot?
ReplyDeleteParker told him to go to the other side of the coffin. PARKER AND HARDISON ARE THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER. FLAWLESS EPISODE!
ReplyDeleteNew. Favorite. Episode.
ReplyDeleteParker and Hardison are so adorable together. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for them in the back half of the season. (Of course, if you happen to feel like divulging which episodes I can look forward to for them, that might make the wait easier. ;D )
The acting was just flawless in this episode. Flawless. On everyone's parts. I love how Parker hesitated on "friend" in her speach, their interaction in the last scene was spot-on.
So, no questions really, just this:
I have a new favorite.
Please tell me Nate and Sophie's distraction in the funeral for Parker when she's hanging from the window was referred to as 'The Fletch.'
ReplyDeleteWhy have Eliot break the shovel during the fight?
ReplyDeletewow is all i have to say i am still speechless such an amazing job tonight parker and hardisons relationship has gone to the next level i love it keep up the good work john and crew
ReplyDeleteWhich graveyard did you film at? It looks like the VA graveyard but that's on a hill. Actually everyone I know in the portland area is on a hill...
ReplyDeleteI LOVED this episode. I especially loved Eliot's reactions to Hardison's situation. You can tell how close they've become. He was really choked up when he hugged Hardison and it was such a sweet moment.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the Parker/Hardison stuff was SOOOOOOO cute.
And this villain was very creepy. How did you come up with her scam?
And nice touch at the end with the Mexican drug guys.
If you aren't sending this episode out with "For your consideration" on getting Aldis an Emmy, then drop what you're doing and get on that now.
ReplyDeleteThis has probably been one of my favorite episodes ever. The emotional weight was great, and the cinematography was wonderful. Seriously, Aldis Hodge and Beth Reisgraf should win Emmys for this one.
ReplyDeleteAs for questions,
since some of Parker's past was again semi brought up tonight, Sophie referenced what we had found out about her brother from "The Future Job" will we ever really see exactly what happened, or how Parker got put in the system, or will we ever meet her parents?
Oh shiny tomato, I loved this! Cool script, great acting, sigh...
ReplyDeleteLoved some of the choices in this ep. Parker dealing with falling in love via grief is such an interesting choice. Are you finding Parkers emotional choices through research or just really 'knowing' her as a character?
ReplyDeleteI also loved how Parker walked away at the grave site and Hardison walked away in the bar. Written or actor choices?
This is such a good show its scary. First you can actually see the growth of all the actors but none more than Hardison. That dude is a gem! This ep he showed how good of an actor he is. I mean I knew he was a good actor but was great in this ep.
ReplyDeleteThe scene when Hardison gets out the coffin. Just so well done. Parker and her starting to finally let her walls down. Is really intriguing to watch.
This is one of my top five all time. I mean this season you guys have just exceeded expectations, please keep up the great work.
Hmm... looks like the partially obscured gravestone behind Hardison's grave might say "Rogers" - a consideration when choosing the site?
ReplyDeleteThis episode was so tense. My little sister kept trying to find out if Aldis Hodge is in the next episode so that she'd know if hardison survived,(she was so worried he was going to die).I was also a little worried and by the end I was crying.
ReplyDeleteloved the line where the cholo-looking guy says,"What the hell's an Eliot?" It reminded me of the pilot where Eliot says,"What the hell's a Sophie?" Literally had me in stitches.
loved the episode.
John - Know Parker told Hardison to move to the left in the coffin & she shot to the right to make the holes for air; but how did she deciphr what end his head was located? (would have made a major difference). Loved both episodes tonight, but already upset the early part of the season ends August 28th.
"The Grave Danger Job" was note perfect emotionally. So far, Mr. Hodge is owning this season. And Parker is developing beautifully.
ReplyDeleteNot only that, but I remember reading articles about funeral home and cemetery scams over the past five years or so --- I was relieved (but not surprised) that you all kept to identity theft and left out all the myriad possibilities for corpse desecration out of it.
That wouldn't have fit the tone of the show at all!
Please let Rebecca Kirsch know that her Episode was awesome! It seems Kane is missing in a lot of this episode only to be the first one Hardison hugs out of the coffin.
ReplyDeleteSeems Leverage is now officially a legitimate hit. Felt like there were more commercials than show, but the show still rocked!!!
I loved Parker and Hardison in this one, both as a couple and as friends. And Eliot hugging Hardison!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I LOVED this episode. I had to literally get up and stand when watching Hardison in the coffin. I felt as trapped as he did. It is amazing how much these characters have grown.
ReplyDeleteReally liked the scene with Parker and Sophie. Apparently Sophie is quite aware of Parker and Hardison's feelings for each other.
Eliot's big hug at the end was a nice touch, too. Even as the tough guy, it's great to see his growth as a person.
You guys rock. This show just keeps getting better. And congrats on the Season 5 pick up.
Well, parts of this episode were great, but it certainly wasn't a great episode overall - at least not for me.
ReplyDeleteFrom the moment that the cartel guys walked in on Nate and Hardison with the funeral home folks - awesome.
The rest of it? . . . eh. Just OK.
This reminded me of the 10 Lil Grifters, where you can so see the "pitch" for the episode, but then the first 20 minutes feel shoehorned on to get to the "pitch." I would have liked to have seen this one start and stay with Hardison in the coffin and just focus on that and it's impact on all the team members.
I know you've got to get the con in there, but let's all be honest -no one gave a shit about the funeral director or the dead dad. Let's go non-traditional with the episode structure and just have it all be about the cartel and the action and the emotional distress!
Also, thought the touch of making Hardison claustrophobic was unecessary. Being buried alive in a coffin would be traumatic for anyone. Adding the claustrophobia almost made me think he should have been way MORE freaked out than he was.
Don't mean to bitch - even an uneven ep of Leverage is more enjoyable than a lot of other stuff out there. Just was disappointed that the first part didn't quite achieve the levels of the last part of this ep.
I loved the "dual wrap up" of this episode the likes of which we haven't seen since the Fashion Show job, but I have a few questions... one of them was, what exactly was Javier's plan for the smuggling run beyond just get a huge 18 wheeler, stuff it to the gills with coke, and run it past the border? Granted, I guess there wasn't really time to establish two villains as evil masterminds but it makes the victory against him seem hollow if he didn't have some kind of great plan that the Leverage Team managed to screw up.
ReplyDeleteThis goes hand in hand with the question of what exactly happened to Hardison's ear bud... the bad guy was smart enough to take it off of Hardison which in theory could have lead to some interesting situations where the team needed to be talking to each other over cell phones/walkie talkies because the bad guy might have been listening in on their plans over the thing. Doubtlessly they were talking with Hardison over that cell phone, but it seemed like they were still risking discussing plans with each other over the ear buds while they were in the ambulance /cop car... In turn, the plan to bust the guy seems to rely on him keeping the ear piece on him, while that is a nice touch, it's also a bit chancy... I mean even though he wouldn't know it could be use to track him, wouldn't he only keep it after his escape if he has some kind of pathologic need to keep track of his "victories" or "almost victories" by holding onto something that belongs to those people. It might have been even better if the team had somehow managed to sow locators into the most recent brand of fake ids and used those trackers which the bad guy WOULD have to keep on him if he wanted to use the ids in order to round him and the rest of his gang in one fell swoop....
One final thing... I was somewhat irked by the line "thanks for not hanging up." While I love Parker and Hardison as much as the next guy, I think this was a horrible line, because honestly who would have hung up on Hardison in that situation? No other member of the team would have hung up on him simply because of the utility of keeping track of him so that they could try and track him down and rescue him. Honestly something like "Back then, I needed you to breath." Would have been way better, as something that would have kept the focus on the things only Parker would do for Hardison...
Why did Nate keep leaving the R off of "Javier"?
ReplyDeleteLoved the episode and Aldis Hodge is awesome!!
ReplyDeleteI have to say that you hit on one of my worst nightmares--being burried alive--and I was So glad that this was followed by a second episode so I could get the intensity out of my head. No nightmares, thank goodness.
Loved the touches at the end with the captures of the funeral director and drug cartel.
How did Anne Marie Johnson like playing such a despicable character? I only know her for sitcoms and In The Heat Of the Night and never like this.
Sweet Parker scenes with her dealing with the idea of opening herself up enough to love. With love sometimes comes loss too and that is always scary
An emotionally strong episode. Particularly nice acting work from Aldis Hodge - not to short Ms. Riesgraf at all. I could have done without the comedy eulogy (an overused cliche) from Nate and Sophie, but it was funnier than it had a right to be.
ReplyDeleteI liked the extended reveals at the end tying up the story, although they almost felt like an act that had gotten cut earlier.
While I don't feel that the show needs to explain its tech too much, the rules around the earbuds might have to be made clearer at some point. For example, can someone deactivate an earbud remotely if it falls into the wrong hands? Can the voice feed be deactivated without turning off the GPS function (which appeared to be the case here)?
All those bullets tearing up all those gravestones - eww!
This was another new favorite of mine. It was very emotional to see Hardison go thru his coffin trauma and Parker help him thru it. Parker grew a bit more during this show. I know people thought this should have been the huge hug and kiss between Hardison and Parker, but I thought the sweet kiss on the cheek for her was perfect at this stage. The little teary, happy smile of hers was perfect, too.
ReplyDeleteAnd Parker knew which side of the coffin to shoot becuz she could see where the head would go, since they'd uncovered enuf of it, and told him to roll to his left and she shot to the right.
Sadly, I was underwhelmed by this episode.
ReplyDeleteI think it's a combination of the hype and the fact that I've seen the buried alive thing done a bazillion times in film and TV, so while I wanted to feel Hardison's terror, I really really did, it felt pretty sanitized compared to the last few seconds of the Vanishing, e.g. I mean seriously, there's a LOT of buried alive TV and film out there.
Also, I REALLY wanted to love Sophie's scene with Parker - the family stuff probably my absolute favorite thing about this show - but the dialogue was too too cliche, right down to the "that's why they call it FALLING in love." I mean seriously. That's the best a grifter can come up with?
The funeral director's scam was interesting and creepy though. Excellent idea for an episode. I just kinda wish this had focused on her scam without anyone getting buried alive.
Loved the episode. I was wondering why, after Parker shot the lock on the coffin, she and Sophie stood around and called on Nate to open the lid and let Hardison out.
ReplyDeleteMoving this to the correct place>
ReplyDeleteWhoa! After all these episodes and everything you guys have come up with, you've finally made an episode I can't watch all the way through -- Hardison in a COFFIN? I'll wait until the end to peek and watch it later...my heart started over reacting as soon as he started freaking out.
Ok, I got over my hyperventilation and watched the rest of the episode. Worth it for the hugs. I'm smooshy like that.
On the other hand, the coffin looked really convincing -- how did you guys cut it to get a camera in there? Did you have to have two (one for the straight on face on Alec, and one showing the torn up inside lid parts?)
Freaked me out, guy. Really.
'What the hell's an Eliot?' BAM! Booyah! That's what you get for messing with our Hardison!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, talk about an emotionally charged episode! I love how it started with Parker questioning all of this fate, and grief thing, and slowly you can see she's understanding. And at the end she has let her walls down, and she has that teary smile. It's just perfect. The chemistry and emotion Aldis and Beth put into that kiss on the cheek, it was better than any lip-lock ever could be. I really can't wait to see more of them, they couldn't have been more perfect in this episode.
Aldis was amazing, please tell him that!!!!! And Beth, she portrays Parker so beautifully, her growth and everything!
My other favourite moments were the hugs (especially Eliot and Hardison's!) , and the 'Bloody Hell' distraction! And dead body Parker, hehe. Oh and when Darlene picked up the phone and said Wickett Funeral Home, it sounded like Wicked Funeral Home XD
Loved Sophie and Parker's talk, and how when Sophie alluded to her brother, Parker sort of tensed up, wonderful acting. Sophie wasn't there during the Future Job though, so a pointless question really, but just to satisfy my curiosity, if you don't mind: Who updated her about Parker's entire 'breakdown'?
Kudos to Rebecca, and the rest of the Leverage team! This truly was a fantastic episode! Thank you!
Your best episode, hands down. AMAZING.
ReplyDeleteGreat episode! Great acting by Aldis Hodge and Beth Reisgraf. Next time Hardison but a tracker in your own shoes!
ReplyDeleteI love it how Elliot was telling Hardison to never do that again.
At first I thought Elliot would beat up the guy fast and go after the other guy with the gun but glad to see the rest of the team was able to handle it as well.
IMForeman said...
ReplyDeleteIf you aren't sending this episode out with "For your consideration" on getting Aldis an Emmy, then drop what you're doing and get on that now.
I second that!
Great episode, loved Hardison's reaction when he was shown the coffin early on 'I touched it', so funny!!!
ReplyDeleteIt seems like our folks are in peril a lot more this season, is this to demonstrate that the stakes are higher for them personally and emotionally this far into the series so you needed to show that physically? No complaints, it's great to see the family developing.
Not really a question about the episode, but how come "Filthy Assistants" are required to be formal and - I guess - '"Shiny New Writers" can go casual?
ReplyDeleteI hate to post twice for one episode but in the words of a certain bureaucrat from Futurama "that just raises more questions!"
ReplyDeleteOkay, so the entire catching the villain relies on him keeping Hardison's ear bud which they can use to track him....
Except that if he had kept it on him to start the episode after he took it away from Hardison then couldn't they have tried to use it to track used it to track him to the graveyard straight away without needing to use the ambulance and police siren plan?
Now granted it is a risky move to think that the bad guy HAD to be waiting next to Hardison (or in the general area) but if they were wondering if he was, why not just check the GPS rather than calling him to see if they could hear the Siren? If they had done that it also would have made it a night Checkov's gun for how they track the villain again at the end of the story....
Yeah... why didn't the team try tracking the bad guy through Hardison's ear piece the moment that it turned out that he had taken it from Hardison?
@jamesfirecat – We've seen the team try to use Hardison's tracking setup before ("Ice Man Job"), and it didn't go well. They've come a ways on their computer use, but there are some things that apparently only Hardison can do.
ReplyDeleteAnd re: your earlier question about what Javier planned to do with the smuggled coke – depending on where he fell in the cartel food chain, he was either planning to get it to his distributors for them to sell, or to his boss for him to get to the distributors. That's how the cartels get stuff into the country. Arrests are frequently made at the Texas border (and New Mexico, Arizona and California, I imagine) with vehicles "crammed to the gills" with drugs.
Now, Rogers, allow me to add my love for this ep. Aldis played the hell out of it, and Beth was every bit as amazing. Those two had me alternately tearing up and sighing happily.
I adored "Mama Sophie" talking to Parker about opening oneself up to feelings. Her words mirrored her own journey over the past couple of seasons. And, btw, Beth and Gina's RL rapport just shines through those kinds of scenes and adds real depth to them.
Loved Nate's funeral scene, but even more I loved his intensity while they were searching for Hardison. And it was wonderful to see him, who just is not a touchy-feely guy, give Hardison that hug. That alone spoke volumes about how much these people mean to him.
And I just adored Eliot grabbing Hardison into that fierce hug and saying, "Don't do that again. Don't do that again." Behind the snark and the snarl, our hitter really does love his annoying family. ;)
Two questions:
1) (And, to be honest, my husband brought this up.) How is it that they stole an ambulance and a police car, right out from under the noses of the cops and the EMTs, and no one pursued them?
2) Eliot killed Javier's henchman, didn't he?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your reply and while I can certainly buy that Hardison might be the only one who can use the GPS to track the ear buds... the plan they end up using is still reliant on the bad guy taking the ear bud out of Hardison's ear, and then proceeding to hold onto it, well after its use to him has passed since he'll no longer need it to listen in on the team's conversations given that they'll doubtlessly have changed to a different frequency/whatever?
The fact that it requires him to still keep it on him seems a bit unlikely to me.
I guess to me a better way for the episode to go would be for Hardison to keep his ear bud, but the team not be able to trace it without him, and so they have to find him the old fashion way. In the process of finding him they fight the bad guy, knock him out, and leave him with some fake ids which have been carefully doctored/altered to include some kind of extra small bug which they use to figure out where the guy is, since he would need to hold onto the fake ids to use them. That seems much more logically consistent and less reliant on blind luck...
So was Aldis in a closed coffin at any point for real or was one side open the whole time. Give him tons of credit for playing those scenes for as long as they aired. Excellent episode!
ReplyDeleteLoved the brotherly love between Hardison and Eliot after he pulled him out of the coffin. and Parker, can't say enough about her acting she rocked it last night.
I have somewhat of a random question.
ReplyDeleteWe've seen several of cars that belong to or are used by:
Nate (or the team cars in general in general): Mercedes Sl 63 AMG, Tesla, Mercedes S-Class Hybrid (which I feel like Sohpie and Hardison picked out while Nate was in jail), silver and black Hyundai Genesis Sedans and black Genesis Coupe, Yukon that you said you guys shot the hell out of, and Prius
Eliot: Charger R/T, old F-150,and Silverado, Saturn Aura he used to hit Parker with in 2 Days and the Hunter
Hardison: his various vans (love the new Benz Lucille 3, btw) and Ferrari F355
Sohpie: FJ Cruiser (although i feel like that would be more of a team car than Sophie's)
My question is: what are Parker and Sohpie's daily drivers? I could totally see Parker with like a black Honda S2000 or even a motorcycle. I see Sophie as having a larger Mercedes, Jag, Audi or BMW.
Loved this ep btw
Could also totally see Sophie with a old Jaguar XKE convertible
ReplyDeleteSo, Nate has referred to Sophie as his compass, and now it looked like Parker was holding the compass that she must have gotten from Hardison. Intentional reference back to the Maltese Falcon Job? And is Hardison now Parker's compass?
ReplyDeleteIs Hardison over his claustrophobia now? Parker got rid of her fear that way. ;D
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD, don't put me on that kind of emotional roller coaster EVER AGAIN. Seriously. I think my heart stopped for a couple of moments there. *breathe*
ReplyDelete(a few minutes later...)
Okay, a few questions:
1) Were those keys in the coffin from Hardison's pocket?
2) Did we miss Sophie and Parker actually reaching the coffin? It seemed like they were digging, then getting shot at, then they came back to the grave and the coffin was already uncovered.
3) This one's kind of for Rebecca Kirsch, but was it easier for her to write the episode and the characters because she's already spent time assisting on the show? Did she land the promotion just by paying her dues, or by handing in script, or just by coming up with a great idea? (Please tell her congratulations as well!)
4) My brother and I watched The Boost Job the other night, and we were wondering, how old is Malese Jow's character supposed to be? Is she a high school dropout, or still in school, or what? I only ask now because it doesn't look like anyone asked that in the original questions post.
Finally, the way that everyone reacted to the impending crisis was what really sold this episode for me. Aldis in the coffin, Eliot's genuine panic, Sophie starting to crack, and of course Parker trying to hold everything together, all of it was completely and utterly heart-rending. The whole thing was absolutely brilliant on both the actors' and the writer's parts. Please tell your Shiny New Writer that she had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, and that if she ever wrote a horror movie I'd skip it for fear of dying of fright. Seriously, this has been shaping up to be a great season.
Also, sorry for the double post, but as great as this episode was (Seriously, GRIPPED WITH FEAR over here), I have to agree with Allyone that the claustrophobia bit was a bit unnecessary. I'm not claustrophobic but I'd still completely freak if I woke up in a coffin. It's not that it couldn't add to the drama, but Hardison's claustrophobia hasn't been mentioned till now, so it just kind of felt like a really cheap gimmick. Still, an excellent episode, just one teensy off note.
ReplyDeleteCould u please tell Mr. Hodge he did 1 hell of a job in this episode?
ReplyDeleteSo lest I be mistaken for a complete party pooper for my negativity above, I will say that Aldis Hodge and Beth Riesgraf did a great job, and the rest of the actors did as well. Nate's idea to use the ambulance and police car was brilliant, and the brightly lit, outdoor scene at the cemetery with all the action was exciting to watch. I do really like it when the show gets a little action-y on me.
ReplyDeleteIt also seems to me this season that there are more planning scenes with just Nate and Hardison. It makes sense that the two of them would spend a lot of prep time together on cons, or in this ep, the revenge. But I don't recall seeing them together in paired-off scenes as much before.
I recall you saying that you guys liked to play with the pair-offs, so are the Nate-Hardison scenes just another way of mixing it up this season or will they have some thematic/plot significance? Will we see any more tension between them about Hardison wanting to run his own crew?
It's kind of trivial question, but who picked the Bach for the ring-tone on the phone in the coffin? I ask this because it's rare that I ever recognized ring-tones in real life.
ReplyDeleteOh and p.s., I don't think anyone's mentioned it, but I was struck by Parker's calling Hardison "Alec" during her almost break-down on the phone. I was sitting there at home going "say Alec", not quite out loud. I don't think anyone on the team has ever used his first name when they were talking to him before then, but it was exactly the right thing to call him there.
ReplyDeleteto correct my earlier post, Eliot's Challenger, not Charger
ReplyDelete@jamesfirecat: the plan they end up using is still reliant on the bad guy taking the ear bud out of Hardison's ear, and then proceeding to hold onto it
ReplyDeleteI don't they needed Javier to keep Hardison's ear bud. They know which names they sold him and therefore which names to look for crossing the border. The ear bud just made it even easier.
wv: bluke is a fluke of a blooper
John, Iknow you do this out of the goodness of your heart but i gotta ask, What purpose was there in having Parker do flips and cartwheels while being shot at ? It had no place in the scene, no reason just like Eliot doing the "Matrix" move on the Big Bang Job. It just doesn't belong. Everyone is aware Christian is a good stunt actor but you might want to rein him in on his "Christian Segal or Jean Claud kane" acting. Now he's pulling Beth in with him. It just looks silly !
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous: "What purpose was there in having Parker do flips and cartwheels while being shot at? It had no place in the scene, no reason just like Eliot doing the 'Matrix' move on the Big Bang Job. It just doesn't belong. Everyone is aware Christian is a good stunt actor but you might want to rein him in on his 'Christian Segal or Jean Claud Kane' acting. Now he's pulling Beth in with him. It just looks silly!"
ReplyDeleteI think the Parker cartwheel thing was justified, since she's trained herself to flip and slide Entrapment-style to avoid lasers in security. She probably thought of the bullets as moving lasers. Why change a technique if it works?
Eliot's slide in the Big Bang Job--I don't know what exactly the character motivation for that was, aside from maybe a "gonna go out with a bang and take as many bad guys as I can with me" mentality. But it was really, really cool, so it was totally okay to use it, imo.
I really love this and that you haven't turned Parker normal. She's so broken and it shows, a wonderful change from the instant fix most troubled charachters get on a show when romance is involved.
ReplyDeletePhenomenal episode! I, too, was standing while watching it. It was so gripping, emotionally and suspense-wise. Everyone did a wonderful job acting, especially Beth and Aldis.
ReplyDeleteFavorite parts: Eliot/Hardison hug (that whole scene really, I must have watched it like 50 times, it was so genuine) and Eliot's threat to Hardison, "I'm gonna hit you so hard your ancestors hurt." Priceless!
I want to know if I'm missing something, so this is an important question for me. There does not seem to have been any explicit payouts in any of the cons so far. Is the crew doing pro bono work since they've made tons of money in earlier seasons? I've been trying to think...they found the book and got the guy arrested for the murder in Long Way Down (maybe there were hinkey stock things going on with the buyout?).
10 Little Grifters - they got the plans and gave them to the lawyer.
15 Minutes - Got the guy arrested for the manslaughter/DUI and helped Nate's friend with campaign & they gave that money to the couple
Van Gogh - Found nearly priceless painting and gave it to Glover to donate to museum.
Hot Potato - Retrieved piece of the super tuber for the research girl, money used to frame CEO and Jana
Carnival - retrieved chip (no payout) and Molly
Grave Danger - gave all money to the victims of the scam artist
Boiler Room - gave the money back to the victims of Mako (or blowfish or gefilte fish!! again, priceless!)
So, there doesn't seem to be any focus on what the team is getting out of these jobs, besides the self-satisfaction of doing the right thing. They have to spend a lot of money on their tech equipment/travel, etc...
This has been making me think all season.
Congratulations on Season 5! I would expect no less. The whole team, cast, crew, writers, continue to do a brilliant job keeping the stories fresh and engaging. And I have to say, the suspense level is at a new height this season. Keep doing what you guys are doing. I'm continuing to convert people to the new religion of Leverage!
Oh, and "briddie" - Parker knew to tell Hardison to move to the left because the porthole adornment on the lid was on the top half of the coffin where the head should be (assuming they put him in the right way, which they would have instinctively put his head on the pillow)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to second the question about who told Sophie about Parker's brother. I loved that scene, Parker and Sophie scenes are the best, but judging from Parker's reaction she sure as hell wasn't the one to fill Sophie in on that one. Also, what was the deal with the compass and the metal detector? Do metal detectors mess with compasses? Did she scan the grave? I was so confused, maybe the explanation was cut out? Loved the whole thing, all of it was amazing but it really bothered me that Parker didn't hug him. They had a rather long hug in The Long Way Down Job, so we know Parker is okay with touching now, at least in emotional circumstances. I just felt like the kiss on the cheek wasn't a fitting end to the emotional roller coaster, I wanted a real kiss dammit! Which is probably why you guys write the tv and I watch it.
ReplyDeleteThe Parker stuff this episode was great. It was the first time you guys really conveyed in a non-jokey way just how hard this normal human emotional stuff was for her.
ReplyDeleteI guess my question is where the hell is this relationship at? Parker says the magic P word last season and... they're a couple? Trying to be a couple? Having sex? Not having sex? I'm left unsure where the characters are at emotionally.
finished watching this episode then watched it again.
ReplyDeletelove where the eliot/hardison brother relationship has gone. ditto for the couple developement with parker/hardison.
just tell me, if hardison had died would eliot have killed the drug guy?
beautiful p/h moment at the end.
BTW, I liked the moment in the beginning when Nate tells Parker that they know someone's in a better place because of "Faith." Just a little reminder that Nate was a seminary student at one point.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't Hardison be able to hear the siren through Parker's phone?
ReplyDeleteHOLY. HECK. That was easily the BEST Leverage episode I HAVE EVER FREAKING SEEN. And where are Aldis, Beth, Gina, Christian and Tim’s Emmys? Where are they??!! This was sooo worth the wait. I dig the intensely emotional, oh-my-god-we-have-to-go-get-him-out-of-the-coffin episodes, and this was just PERFECT. Brilliance. Give Christian my love, purely for when they got Hardison out and Eliot hugged him and was like, “Don’t ever do that to me again, man.” I began to cry right there. There is no crying in Leverage! I do have a question (or two):
ReplyDelete1. Parker said, “Move to your left,” and fired a gazillion shots into the coffin. How did she know which way he was oriented and which way he would move? “Parker’s spidey sense” is an acceptable answer.
2. Where did the R in Nate’s “Javier” go?
3. When Sophie and Nate pulled that distraction while Parker was dangling in front of the window, Sophie threw in Uncle “Adam.” Did Sophie just pull that name out of nowhere, or is she observant enough that she saw the name somewhere and remembered it, just in case they needed it? The people in the crowd didn’t look at all surprised to hear her calling the dead guy Adam.
4. As others have mentioned above me, I LOVED the Sophie/Parker heart-to-heart. Or, I guess, heart-to-slightly chipped wall. And when Sophie mentioned her brother and Parker immediately started to close up, I cried a little bit. But as others have also pointed out, Sophie was off discovering herself during the Future Job, when the brother information was revealed. Who filled her in on Parker’s breakdown/past? It really could be anyone, but I think Tara would be the one most likely to share that, solely because she didn’t have as much of an emotional attachment to Parker and would feel more comfortable sharing something that personal. And plus, she’s a good friend of Sophie’s who would have felt Sophie needed to know that about Parker. Well, I guess any of the rest of the team would have felt Sophie (especially Sophie) needed to know that.
5. Relating to my above question: was Sophie and Parker's conversation a hint to some things about Sophie, too? We've learned about William, the deceased ex-fiance, which definitely could have explained how Sophie and Parker were conversing, but is there somebody else, like a parent or sibling or best friend, that Sophie's lost?
6. A nonepisode question: from King George, it looked like Sophie had lived with her aunt. Could you please clarify that for me?
Parker's ninja bullet evasion? Pretty wicked awesome. It made up for her falling off the window, which didn't completely sell me. But the subsequent comedic eulogy scene was hilarious, so it worked. Everybody's happy.
I want more Sophie, folks. Can you make that happen for me? But shiny tomato, that was just AWESOME. Make more like that one!
Three quick things....
ReplyDelete1) I am not a fan of the 360 camara swing thingy around actors - I think it is overused - but wow! It really worked great when the camara kept circling around Elliot as he worredly looked for the kidnapped daughter. It gave a real sense of tension to the scene all the while subliminally conveying that Elliot is constantly looking about searching. It really worked very well. Kudos!
2) I experienced a 'cringe' moment early in the episode when Nate was interviewing the client. She mentioned that her father died of pancreatic cancer. Didn't Jim Hutton die of pancreatic cancer?
3) Lastly, congrats for getting another season and THANK YOU and all involved for such a wonderful series. Leverage is one of two rtelevision shows I make a point to never miss.
I TOTALLY LOOOVEEEE it when Eliot hugs Hardison. It was so sweet <3 Wish we could have a lot more of Eliot/Hardison brotherly moments!
ReplyDelete@Ally: How did she know which way he was oriented and which way he would move?
ReplyDeleteWhen Hardison saw the compass move, he told Parker that she was standing right by his head. That gave her his orientation in the space.
So was that Sophie's "real" accent that slipped out when she saw Parker hanging from the window and shouted "Bloody hell!"?
ReplyDelete@TexasTracy: Shovels are badly balanced for use as a weapon, unless you're swinging it in a huge arc. Jagged wooden clubs are way more functional at that range.
ReplyDelete@Katie: Metal detectors are basically electromagnets.
ReplyDeleteRe: Parker telling Hardison to move to the left...
There was apparently more digging that wasn't shown because when Parker shot at the casket, it's lid was showing, and the porthole adornment on the lid was towards the end where the head would be, the pillows are secured, and when they put him in the coffin, they would have put his head on the pillow. Hence, the move to the left order...
FYI - Kirsch has now written three of my top eight favorite Leverage episodes. GO SHINY NEW WRITER!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, what are the Wonder Twins and some of your other former writers up to these days?
ReplyDeleteSuch a gut-wrenching episode.
ReplyDeleteKudos to Kane on the townie accent. Most people go a little New York when trying to do Boston. Did he get any coaching from Tim and/or you?
@TexasTracy: "Why have Eliot break the shovel during the fight?"
I'd guess it's because a staff weapon (just the handle) is better in that kind of situation than a polearm (the whole shovel). And maybe a little because the breaking itself is a cool moment.
@allyone -- I'm pretty sure Hardison's claustrophobia was already established in a previous episode.
@Anon, re: Parker-fu and Eliot-fu -- How many times do we have to say it? Do not stop the Fun Train! They do it because it's cool.
As for Nate pronouncing Javier without the "r", well, I just chalked that up to Nate/Tim knowing French rather than Spanish. (One of the perils of actors having to read a script and learn their lines before hearing how other people pronounce things.)
@JK: what are the Wonder Twins and some of your other former writers up to these days?
ReplyDeleteThe Wonder Twins moved on to Hawaii Five-0, which is not nearly so well-plotted as Leverage but enjoys much of the same ridiculous chemistry among the cast.
Is it safe to say that Eliot doesn't like Plan M anymore?
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just me, but Parker's flips and cartwheels are completely justified by the simple fact that we get to see Parker doing flips and cartwheels.
ReplyDeletePlus, fun train.
Nobody's mentioned it yet, so I just want to give a shout out to Gina and her nosy neighbor accent. We've heard her use accents to suggest different nationalities, regions, social classes, and personalities, but I don't think she's changed her age before. Anyway, it was awesome.
ReplyDeleteRe: the Parker/Sophie scene...
Certainly, any one of the team members could have filled Sophie in on Parker's meltdown, but Sophie doesn't have to know about Parker's brother for the scene to work. It's common team knowledge that Parker grew up in the system until she ran away. She didn't attend high school, and judging by Order 23, her real father was a piece of work. For all that to happen, she lost people early.
Man, this one pulled on my heart strings hard. Beth and Aldis had me tearing up. Good work, guys.
ReplyDeleteI've had to see episodes this season out of order - which vexes me to no end - so this is one of the first episodes I've gotten to sit down and watch...and I loved every second of it.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is saying that Aldis and Beth did a phenomenal job with their scenes and I wholeheartedly agree. However, I think for the fabulous five, it was truly an ensemble effort. Each of them had a moment in the cemetery scene where you could see that they truly were dealing with the reality that they could lose a member of the team. Parker and Hardison's scenes were amazing...and I truly enjoyed Elliot and Hardison's chemistry. Nate and Sophie's moments were a little more understated...but just as profound. I think sometimes the more understated and subtle things can pack a more powerful punch.
Aldis did shine in this episode, hands down. I can't help but feel that even though his confidence is growing as a peer to Nate and potentially being able to run his own crew, this incident might make him take a step back and rethink his readiness. IMHO at least...=-)
Question....Is the cemetery that is used in the episode Mt.Calvary? The sprawling lawns look like it might be that one....( I feel sort of odd that I had to actually google cemeteries for the name of that one.)
And btw, tell your location scouts one thing.....St.Helens, OR....;-)
There's a common device used in this show that I'm hoping you could explain. Who decides to open the episode with a clip from the show, and then cut to "a short while earlier"? It's a recurring pattern, so someone somewhere likes it, but I've never understood the attraction.
ReplyDeleteThe scenes don't advance the story at all, because there's no context. Often (as in this episode) they reveal something that would otherwise be dramatic, but can't give any follow up. As a viewer, I feel like I'm being told "wait around, there will be some tension later in the episode". Do you need to tell audiences this? Or is there some other need the device satisfies?
I'm honestly puzzled at the reasoning. Flashpoint uses the device effectively (it's almost the premise of the show), but most shows would be better off without the scene entirely.
Why didn't they just track the phone signal? Hardison could have told them how, right...?
ReplyDelete@Chris L – As Hardison tells them it's a old-school phone with no GPS.
ReplyDeleteBased on the season 3 commentary discussions about Gina's less than perfect American driving skills, I'm going to guess that she wasn't really driving that ambulance around Portland. True?
ReplyDeleteSo much useful data for everyone!
Oh my god, there's a great deal of useful material in this post!
ReplyDeleteA totally wonderful episode! Love how emotional it got between Parker and Hardison, and the Parker-Sophie moment, the Elliot-Hardison hug, Sophie's great elderly neighbour accent...
ReplyDeleteAs a med-student I have to ask one thing, though. What was the "hold your breath" thing about? Was it psychological? 'Cause I can think of no other sensible reason to hold your breath while suffocating. (I'll totally let slide that the high carbon dioxide content would make someone breathe very hard and then pass out, before lack of oxygen makes them suffocate. You're there to entertain, and all. :)
Oh my GASH! My thoughts are of the same direction, could it be true?
ReplyDeleteHi... I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!
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Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
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Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di http://obatkutildikemaluan.blogdetik.com/ untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.
ReplyDeletesalah satu cara yang efektif untuk menghilangkan kutil yang tumbuh di vagina adalah dengan obat herbal denture indonesia.Obat yang mamapu menghilangkan kutil sampai akar akarnya.Obat herbal denature penghilang kutil kelamin aman untuk organ kewanitaan karna obat herbal denature terbuat dari bahan herbal pilihan.
ReplyDeleteKutil pada alat kelamin luar bisa diangkat melalui laser, krioterapi (pembekuan) atau pembedahan dengan bius lokal. Pengobatan kimiawi, seperti podofilum resin atau racun yang dimurnikan atau asam trikloroasetat, bisa dioleskan langsung pada kutil. Tetapi pengobatan ini memerlukan waktu beberapa minggu sampai beberapa bulan, bisa melukai kulit di sekelilingnya dan sering gatal.
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ReplyDeleteobat kencing nanah De Nature
ReplyDeleteObat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
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ReplyDeleteApabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami http://obatkutilkelaminwanita.blogdetik.com cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
ReplyDeleteBerhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
ReplyDeleteBagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
ReplyDeleteBerapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
ReplyDeleteBukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
ReplyDelete1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ReplyDeleteMANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ReplyDeleteMANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******
ReplyDeleteCara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan
ReplyDeleteMANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********
ReplyDeleteMANTAB *
ReplyDeleteKadang disertai
ReplyDeletedengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
ReplyDeleteSekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
ReplyDeleteObat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas
ReplyDeleteSebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
ReplyDeletesaya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................
ReplyDeleteBismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************
ReplyDeleteBismillahirrohmannirrokhim ...............................
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ReplyDeletealami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami
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