Monday, July 04, 2011

LEVERAGE #401 "The Long Way Down Job" Post-Game

This the first time we've started the season without the team split. This stripped us of a very valuable writing tool. As we've discussed, I'm a pulp writer. I like a good corner to be painted into, with the paint being ninjas and robots and redheads with guns. No corner -- that's a bit tricky.

Nicely enough, in the pre-season writing period of about 6 weeks, an interesting fact came up while we were breaking stories. Joe Hortua, one of our new Executive Story Editors, climbs. I mean climbs, spike-y bits and ropes and oxygen and screws-in-ice-walls stuff. When I say "climb" I mean "those goddam stairs to the writers' room."

In fourth season, we're far enough in to play with the format. The audience is familiar with con mechanics, we've plumbed the depths of security systems (although we found some funky real-life ones we're using soon) -- time to toss the team into some extreme circumstances.

I walked into Dean's office and said "How'd you like to shoot the premiere on Mt. Hood?"

To which he replied, "Will it be unreasonably dangerous and possibly kill us?"

No, he did not say that. But he might as well have. Because he is Dean Devlin, and the only thing he likes better than blowing shit up is impossible locations.

So, having our location, we constructed the episode. A con on a mountain was interesting, but most of that would play out in tents. Why the hell would our guys have to be on the mountainside? That led to a treasure hunt -- and stories of frozen climbers scattered across the great peaks of the world, lost forever, gave us macabre inspiration. And if you read any stories of the tragedies in modern climbing, you quickly come to the realization that a lot of rich people who should not be going up these mountains are going up these mountains. If I were going to dispose of an unpleasant colleague, doing so on a mountain in a blizzard would be a pretty surefire way to get away with it.

Alan Scott (thank Geoff Thorne for that, not me) had valuable evidence of corporate malfeasance hidden somewhere on his body. What evidence? For that the writers went to one of my little habits -- I have a Moleskine with all the Leverage season 3 & 4 notes in it. Every note, summaries of each week's work, re-breaks and outlines of most episodes, all my relevant research pulled from my Evernote files ... if you wanted to know what was going on in the Leverage writers room, hacking my email and Evernote would not help you. But if I had a sneaking suspicion that, say, Filthy Assistant-turned-Spunky-Staff-Writer Rebecca Kirsch were systematically poisoning the other writers in order to advance more quickly, you would find my evidence in my Moleskine.

So the writers -- with a little too much fucking glee, might I add -- pitched that I was dead on a mountain, and the Leverage team had to find me before Kirsch's foul plot came to fruition.

That began a week of "How many things can go wrong on a mountain, and how many ways can you die?" Short answer to both questions: A lot. For our mountain we took the real stats of Denali (formerly Mount McKinley), including the death and climb success rates. The idea that our guys would summit was ridiculous, of course, not to mention unfilmable on Mt. Hood. But experienced athletes and climbers like Parker and Hardison could pretty competently hack around base camp -- which led to our device of Alan Scott disappearing just shy of base camp. People almost making it back is a heartbreaking standard of climbing tragedy stories. The reason nobody had found the body was because the mountain was closed after the murderous blizzard that had claimed Alan Scott's life -- that timeline is the only one that makes senes, otherwise search teams might have found the body first.

We tweaked the height of base camp to make sure altitude sickness would kick it at the right spot -- at about 10,000, above base camp, which we established at 8,000 feet. There are people who are unaware that altitude sickness can kick in that low. Those people often wind up dead. Particularly for people who have not acclimated to this height like, say, a team of thieves who just choppered in, you're going to want oxygen tanks.

We also found out that even when the slope does not look too steep, and you are not too high, you want to be roped up. Why? This is why:

In a word: HOLYSHIT.

Mechanics aside, there were specific writing things we wanted to accomplish here. This was our first season in the same time slot in four years. We wanted to reset all the relationships from last year, make sure all our new friends from the Falling Skies premiere got a good sense of what the show was, and launch everyone's arc for this year.

Dean was the one who codified the theme for this year: Consequences. These people have been emotionally evolving, and also pissing off a lot of very powerful humans. You'll see a lot of the personal growth come to fruition (not always in the most positive way), and see some past actions start to catch up to them.

For Nate, this is the conflict between him being smart enough to know his anger, not his drinking would destroy him -- and at the same time knowing his anger was what drove him. He's not going to be angry all the time, of course, but what makes him a wolf is that single, primal urge to hunt.

For Sophie, it's confidence -- she's a full peer, able to run the crew when she needs to and operate as a full free agent. Much as Hardison does, she's going to chafe a bit at the limitations in her relationship with Nate, both personal and professional.

For Eliot, he's the anchor. This is a man who's, well, not a peace but at equilibrium with being damned. A man who knows his swing, as my grandfather would say. And with equilibrium comes the willingness to help others out in their time of -- disequilibrium.

Parker has to deal with the fact that with vulnerability, with emotions, with relationships, come a lot of good things ... and pain and doubt, for the first time.

Hardison wants to move the relationship with Parker along, and move along his own evolution as a team leader.

We managed to peg most of those in this episode, with good representative beats of what each team member did. The only thing we're missing is a representative Eliot fight. We had one -- a rock wall fight -- that was unfortunately nixed because the rock wall we picked was too dangerous to work on. Note, not too dangerous for Kane to want to work on it, but just generally "we ain't putting cameras on this thing" dangerous.

That said, Eliot gets, for me, the best scene in the show. Don't get me wrong, Beth nailed Parker's torment at wanting to do the right thing, her frustration at how she wants to -- well, she said it all in the scene, and much more than what was there in dialogue. It's one of the finest pieces of acting I've seen in twenty years as a writer. But Eliot's scene afterwards, explaining that it was okay to be Parker at the same time she was trying to be a better Parker -- that's not a speech anyone else would have given. That's why we need all five. Separately they're kind of broken, and together they make one pretty decent human being.

We can't move on from performances without mentioning Eric Stoltz, of course. He's an old friend of Dean's, and was super-generous to come in and play the two scenes we needed for Alan Scott. For the episode to work, Alan Scott's last speech had to be devastating. While filming it, the crew was watching ti through the video feed, meaning they saw it from the camera POV. By the end of the first take, people had to leave the set, they were crying so hard. Stoltz had mad chops, yo. As the kids say.

He also sat there and played a corpse, saving us dummy money. We owe him a steak, still, for that.

Right, this is long enough. I'll leave the stories as to how we almost died on the mountain filming this goddam thing at 8,000 feet for the DVD commentary. As Dean said: "It's not every day you see 'avalanche warning' on a call sheet." So we should end by giving a giant, very special shout-out to the CREW, who hauled all the equipment up that mountain in a blizzard, set it all up and kept it working, and then packed it all back down long after we'd hauled ass to warmer climes. Leverage has the best crew in the business, full stop.

To your filthy questions!

@Sherri: congrats on getting 18 episodes -- did that change anything for the season? Was it harder to find 18 episodes worth of scripts or did you find the extra room gave you more time to do different sorts of stories?

A mixed blessing. We had room to do some more off-speed eps, like the linked "The Girls' Night Out Job" and "The Boys' Night out Job" later in the season. At the same time, that's a full half-season longer than our first. That's near network order, without the money to hire and keep the staff for full network prep. Luckily Downey had the prescience to break a couple episodes for this season at the end of last season while I was up in Portland dealing with the epic finale. That gave us a buffer, which by ... right now has burned away.

@The Goozer: When are they gonna fight some aliens? Or steal a chalice?

Season 5. In the same episode.

@Steue: 1.) Does Nate actually know(or remember) Sophie's real name? 2.)Is the 10/8 split harder to write for? 3.) Is there another seasonal episode this year?

1.) He does not remember. He is fucked. 2.) We don;t tend to write for the break. That said, I prefer a longer winter season. 3.) No.

@Mercedes: How did you get the crack down the ice shot?

Our amazing Production Designer, Randall Groves, built that entire cave on set. Once we lit it, we kept looking at the monitor, wandering back out onto the set, then running back to the monitor. Holy crap," we'd mutter, then run back and forth again. He and our substitute DP Alan Caso made that cave look real as hell.

We then dropped two stunties through the hole, a 14 foot fall. While trying to ignore Kane grumbling "It's only fourteen feet," off to our left, because we wouldn't let him do it. Fucking Oklahoma.

@iTimOSX: Are you guys still using Final Cut Pro and will you use Final Cut Pro X?

We're using Final Cut Pro, and will not be switching to Final Cut Pro X until plug-ins for Red and other workflow considerations are implemented.

@Anonymous: 1.) Did you have a hard time getting Christian to stop riding the snowmobile? 2.) When Parker walks away is it because she's upset that he hugged everyone else first? Or does she even think like that?

1.) Guess. 2.) No, it just never occurs to her to do the casual hug. After all, it's only been two weeks since San Lorenzo, and although they're just starting out what might become a relationship -- as she says, "this isn't going to become a thing, is it?" Anyone who has dated a charming but emotionally unavailable woman has heard this phrase. It's going to be ... complicated.

@Brittany: How was it working on Mt. Hood?

I'm in the red parka:

@Nooch: What do each of you find most challenging in the creation of an episode? Also, each character has had someone from his/her "past" play a role. When will that happen with Hardison?

Each writer has a swing. For example, Downey doesn't really see the episode until he sees the "hats" the characters will wear. I tend to drive him crazy because for me, that stuff is just "making license plates" -- I can't see the episode until I see the causal chain of the underlying plot -- character or con. Jenn Kao, one of our new writers, is like the Wonder Twins, a research fiend. Newcomers Jeremy Bernstein and Paul Guyot tend to favor the emo. They were hard-pitching on the Parker/Alan Scott story in this episode. Everyone's got there thing, eh?

Hardison's Nana ... well, not yet.

@Jackie's TV Media Thoughts: 1.) Will Jeri Ryan and Wil Wheaton make guest appearances this season? 2.) Will there be any "art imitates life" episodes, like the West Virginia coal miners and the swindling Hockey owner?

1.) Yes, possibly on both. 2.) all our villains are based on real people. My only real disappointment is that we didn't have time in "The Hot Potato Job" to really explain just how truly terrifying Big Agriculture is. I mean, yikes, topping out the list of nasty legal maneuvers and utter ruthlessness -- way above any mining/drilling consortium you can find.

@dogdragon86: 1.) How did Parker get her name? 2.) Will Nate ever where a moustache? 3.) Will there be actor commentaries on the Season 4 DVD?

1.) You will never find that out. 2.) No. And ... no. 3.) If they're available when we record them.

@Georgia: Who are the big guest stars this season?

All our guest stars are big. It's the screen that is small!

... No, literally, people are watching on their computers, those are small screens.

How's Danny Glover? Michael Gladis from Mad Men? David Snell from The Wire? Danny frikkin' Glover? Plus some other spoiler-y ones!

@TomGalloway: How come Alan Scott wasn't an engineer or a broadcasting executive? Or have a magic ring?

Because in this reality, the ring wen to a douche-baggy test pilot with daddy issues who fought space poo.

@Scavener: "Let's go steal a mountain. "Again" That bit was for us, wasn't it? :D

After three years, you've earned your in-jokes. Although it took me aback to do the math on that one -- "two years ago" is the right answer. "The Snow Job" aired January 27, 2009. We keep the Leverage-verse aligned with real time pretty carefully (with the exception of this year, saying this job came just weeks after San Lorenzo). That meant that a mountain job happening around June 2011 was just two and a bit years after the first example.

@mephron: So is it going to be buyable through the Apple Store? @theragingcelt: ... and Netflix?

Not just buyable on the Apple Store, but the first episode's free. Netflix, on the other hand, is still a no go.

@Video Beagle: Can't these guys do something about the Etrade baby?

Hardison researched it, but when he discovered the baby's name is "Ftaghn", he decided to let it go.

@Improper Bostonian: Did Beth and Christian really trek in the snow for the mountain scenes or were doubles used?

See the above video. We did use doubles just to get some additional footage for editing, but almost all the shots we wound up using were of Beth and Christian.

@Sherri: I was surprised at Nate coming down stairs with the whole speech about them having dinner in "his" apartment. That sort of came out of left field -- it hasn't been "his" apartment in a long while (he lost control of it during Beantown Bailout). It's been the home of the team for quite a while, the home for his "family". Is Nate putting down walls now, trying to draw boundaries, pull back emotionally from these people, deny the whole family vibe in some attempt to protect himself from...something? Or was that just a throw away to remind us that Nate is not a Nice Guy? (If that was it, that was...overkill, kinda clumsy, so I'm REALLY voting for the first idea. Lie to me and say it was subtle boundaries as part of a new Nate spiral, if you have to.)

Nothing as significant as either. He cranks at them being in his living room like I crank when somebody at the table steals my excellent pens. Faux affectionate annoyance.

@Anonymous: 1. why wasn't tara shown in the one flashback of Hardison hanging from the window in the season 2 ep the maltese falcon job? 2. how much of this ep was filmed on location? 3. was that a little glimpse into Eliot's past the way he signaled to Parker when approaching the Russian's tent? 4. Did Sophie tell Nate her real name on the Xmas ep last season or when they slept together? The fact that Nate doesn't remember it, was he drunk (haha) when she told him and that's why he doesn't remember? 5. they mentioned Sterling at the end of someone that might bug them - whether it's him or not, will Mark Shepard be coming back this season? Will anyone from the past be resurfacing? 6. nana's still alive?

1.) You're going to laugh, but residuals. Showing Jeri in that shot would have cost us multipel thousands of dollars. 2.) Almost everything was filmed on location. 3.) Yep. 4.) When they slept together. She wrote a very detailed clue to her name on the napkin in "The Ho Ho Ho Job." 5.) Mark Sheppard will be joining us this season, in the summer season finale. 6.) Yep.

@C_otter: My question: my understanding is that your team is almost done writing the scripts for the season. Do you make plot adjustments as the season progresses based on overall audience reaction or not? If you do make adjustments - how?

Every episode but the last four were written by the premiere, this year. We tend to make plot adjustments base don how the shows shoot, how we discuss the stories, etc. We're not highly serialized, so it's not too big a concern of us.

Although I dig viewer feedback, previously here we've discussed the boundary that I think every show has to keep -- we write. If we start going to the viewer well, we give up creative agency. Sometimes the right thing to write is NOT what the viewers want ... right now. But hopefully they'll see we honored the contract with the viewers. You will be entertained, the characters will be consistent, and the finale of the show will be satisfying, if not exactly what you were hoping for.

And we will not tell you everything you though you knew was wrong in the last thirty seconds of the season. That is some BULLSHIT right there.

@JoellaBlue: My question is: Since the team is losing their teflon and coming into so many others' sights, will they deal with more past jobs prior to joining the team? Eliot's past with Moreau came up last season and he surely has many other enemies that are hardcore. Hardison's enemies seem to be Chaos and Iceland. We have no idea about Sophie or Parker's past enemies. And then there's Nate. Will we be able to delve deeper into each of the characters this season?

"Consequences." Bad ones.

@Brave: Have only 2 weeks passed in the Leverage-verse since "The San Lorenzo Job"?

Yes. You could in theory watch S3 and 4 back to back.

@buzzby Why is oxygen being used when they're not even above the treeline?

Treeline and altitude sickness are not linked. Altitude sickness kicks in pretty reliably around 8,000 ft with minor symptoms, getting worse as you head higher. Treelines can wander anywhere from 7000 feet to 14,000 feet, depending on the mountain. We were at around 7,000 - 8,000 feet on Mt. Hood, and there were scattered trees.

@marisa: I would love to know how long it takes to write an episode!

Anywhere from 3 days (with me very drunk) to two to three weeks. Assume that if the writer comes in with research and some prep on an idea already accomplished, the eps take a week and a bit to break, then the writer has two weeks to write the episode. Revisions are done sporadically after that.

@Guru: As I watched, I found myself assuming that Alan Scott would be found alive simply because you'd cast an actor of Eric Stoltz's caliber. Was that deliberate, or did you simply want a heavyweight to carry the big scene talking to his wife?

I am a little surprised how many people thought we'd find him alive. He was gone three months. He is an ex-Stolt! He's not pining for the fjords --

Ahem. We needed a great actor for that last speech, and Mr. Stoltz did us a favor.

@Anonymous: OMG!!! The technical inaccuracies surrounding the "mountain" were atrocious and really made the episode hard to get into. From trees being at 8000' above sea level in Alaskan Mountains, to being roped off on what was supposed to be a mountain but looked like a bunny hill. Pretty silly stuff. They really needed some technical consultants; or I know maybe actually film it in Alaska...

I rarely say this, but seeing as we shot in six feet of snow for fourteen hours a day, I almost got buried in an avalanche, and we had one of the world's best climbers on set as a consultant -- you are utterly, utterly wrong. Choke on it.

@Oona: 1.) I thought Nate's speech to the widow was interesting, and I loved the way you guys brought the line "It's a long way down" back up in the end. Is the idea of running up against an obstacle your anger can't beat a bit of foreshadowing for Nate's character arc this season? 2.) Also, it was interesting that Eliot emphasized that Hardison especially would have frozen to death trying to retrieve the body. I thought that was spot on, but also raised the question - if something might ultimately create some tension between Hardison and Parker, will it be the fact that Parker's morality is more slippery than Hardison's? 3.) Annnnnnd, finally - clearly Nate doesn't remember what exactly went down the last night in San Lorenzo, but does Sophie? It's not surprising that Nate was too drunk, but they both seemed surprised by where they ended up, so I would suspect she was pretty snockered as well. Was she testing to find out what he knew or testing to find out something she might want to know?

1.) Not the most subtle foreshadowing, either. 2.) There will be tensions between Parker and Hardison as their relationship progresses, but their differing moralities is not one of them. 3.) Sophie remembers. Hazily, but she remembers.

@Liz: Can I say? Eliot hugging Hardison? Awesome.

Not in the script. Kane improv-ed that as he walked past.

@evening-shadow: 1) I echo the 'What did Sophie write down in Ho Ho Ho Job if Nate found out her real name in San Lorenzo Job' question. If the implication is he used it for the first time while in the throes and has known it for a while, it didn't really come across too clearly.
2) What was Hardison's motivation for denying that Parker should meet his Nana? A fear of commitment? Does he think Parker wouldn't fit in with "the real family?" It seemed a little out of character for him and it was the only sour note in the whole ep for me.
3) Does anyone know of any place where the commentaries are transcribed or, at least, bits and pieces of them? Since I'm hearing-impaired, the traditional commentary set-up doesn't work too well for me and I am especially interested in anything regarding Parker and Hardison. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

1.) Nope, she wrote down a clue, as noted above.
2.) Not fear of committment. Nana + Parker = Hardison does not stand a chance.
3.) oof, we've had issues with making sure our stuff is accessible to the hearing-impaired before. I'm sorry to say that there are no transcripts of the commentaries. I'll see if there's a solve, but I doubt it.

@SueN: At the end, when Hardison finds the bug, Nate says something like, "I thought you swept the place," which implies that's a regular practice So, have they been sweeping for bugs all along, and it's just one of those "invisible things the team has always done," or is it something that evolved out of the Italian-Moreau arc?

One of those maintenance things Hardison does that the team takes for granted. Too much for granted. Which he shall make abundantly clear to them in #416.

@Lydia: 1. (general Leverage question): Watching the “auditions” video that TNT put on their website got me thinking. You've said several times that you wrote Eliot's character with Christian in mind. If the script had stayed behind Christian's couch, who else would you have looked at to play Eliot? Or would you just called him up and demanded he read the whole script? 2. If it's only been less than two weeks since the team took down Moreau and they're already onto more jobs, is Eliot ever going to get the down time he's been asking for for several episodes in S3? 3. Each of them is the best at what they do... is it possible for Sophie to run out of cons, or will her brilliant grifting skills save her?

1.) Christian was in mind, but I didn't even know if he was available at the time. If he'd passed we would have moved on, regretfully. I don't hound actors. We had seom really great auditions, and we may well have wound up with an African-American Eliot. 2.) Eliot will never get the down time he is looking for. because that would bore you, and our job is to entertain you. 3.) Sophie will never run out of cons, because that would bore you , and we are here to entertain you.

Jesus Murphy, how many more of these things? >sucks oxygen< Okay, let's go.

@Anonymous: Finally, and I'm sorry if I'm being completely obtuse here, but I couldn't understand why Eliot didn't tell Parker they'd go back for Alan Scott's body? If they found it once, what was to stop them either going back themselves or, if that were to be impossible as they needed to clear out ASAP following the con, direct others to it?

Because it was more important to get Parker to understand what she was feeling was okay than to logic her out of it. Trying to logic a loved one out of emotional moment is one of those classic mistakes people make. Even after twenty years of marriage. Ahem.

@Anonymous: 1. How does/will Eliot feel about all the 'coupling' in the group and with the particular couples (nate/sophie, parker/hardison)? Will he ever 'interfer' or 'interject' with either couple?
2. Sophie has known and noticed the little things between them for a while, but are Nate and Eliot aware of what's happening between Parker and Hardison?
3. You have mentioned in your commentaries that Parker and Eliot are the most dangerous of the group. Eliot, obviously, knows that he is dangerous, but does he know how dangerous parker is or can be, and is he aware of how dangerous they are (just the two of them) together?
4. Is Parker trying to make amends for her past, or is she just trying to be a better person, now that she has an idea of what that is?
5. Has Parker ever killed anyone?
6. Who is 'watching' them? (I know you aren't going to answer that one, but it was worth a try).

1.) Later in the season, he may offer advice. Eliot has a full social life outside his workplace.
2.) Oh yes.
3.) Eliot is fully aware that they would cut a bloody swath through anyone they chose to. See "The Lost Heir Job".
4.) Less the abstract "being a better person", more the concrete "be like the people I care for." She doesn't feel she has to make amends.
5.) ... probably not.
6.) You are.

@Crescent Moon: 1) Will we ever meet Nana?
2) If we meet Nana, who would be your ideal actress to play her?
3) Does Nana know that Hardison was/is a hacker?
4) Why doesn't Hardison want Parker to meet Nana?

1.) yes.
2.) Not telling.
3.) Wait for it.
4.) See above.

@Famous4it: All your questions were answered above, but I just wanted to welcome you and our other viewers from Pakistan to the show and the blog.

@Anonymous: Is the Italian coming back this season? Does she have anything to do with the bugs in Nate's home?

Nope, our seasons are roughly stand-alone. Every season could be, in theory, the last season of Leverage.

@Anonymous: I'm a little confused as to why Alan Scott would take the incriminating evidence up the mountain with him. Obviously he suspected correctly that his boss could get to his home if he suspected anything but surely there's a happy medium between leaving it at his house and keeping it next to his heart. Or was this a personal journal he took everywhere that where he also jotted down the incriminating evidence?

Explained above, although we did lose some dialogue in the edit where we explained he was gathering evidence from other execs while on the climbing trip. I think you can hear a little bit of it in the Stoltz speech at the end when we're off him.

@Jamesfirecat: 1: Why did Parker need to slip the Russian bad guy the cell, when she and Elliot could have just carried it down themselves, given that they showed up at the tent in time to see the arrest they couldn't have been that far behind him, (they did show up didn't they?) so the cell message would have only gotten played a few minuets later still in time to nail the bad guy
2: It seemed like the Russian guy got arrested in the tent at the end, and if so, for what? Yes he effectively kidnapped/took Parker hostage in order to steal the journal but there's next to no proof that he did it, unless Parker managed to somehow record the entire threatening conversation on the cell phone they'd just recovered... which combined with point one is only more proof for why they should have held onto the cell phone.
3: The hiker's dieing words may be admissible in court, doubtlessly enough to get the guy arrested and bring him to trial, but would it really be enough to get the guy convicted without some physical from the crime scene as well? Unless Parker and Eliot found some in the cave which they took with them before they escaped (since they did listen to it just before they left) but if so, there was never anything saying they did that was there?
Or was the resolution that the guy would get tied up in legal battles with the murder charge long enough for the Leverage team to prove his wheeling and dealing when it came to the phony foreclosures? Either I zoned out during the episode or it felt like they needed another 3 to 5 min to wrap things up properly....

1.) There was no guarantee they'd get down the mountain that fast. You're meant to understand that they got a ride from the Forest Rangers shortly after their encounter with the Russian. In the first draft we had them arrive later, but we really wanted to have the moment where Parker sees the effect the tape had on the widow. Shortened for emo.
2.) Tampering with evidence, having a gun on a mountain, which is kind of a no-no. No real reason to believe the charges will stick on him, to tell the truth.
3.) The mortgage fraud will provide motive to support the murder charge, not to mention his downfall as a businessman. @ChelseaNH did a nice job in the comments of summing up the depressing practice of robo-signing, for those interested.

@Scot Boyd: Given Eric Stoltz's stature, I'm curious if the dead body in the crevasse was played by Eric Stoltz in makeup or a mannequin exhibiting cutting edge fake-Eric Stoltz technology.

The one and only Stoltz. Holding his breath when we're on him, btw.

@Sandy: In my endless quest to ferret out the sources of names in Leverage-verse, I'd like to ask if Parker was named after the thief Parker in the Richard Stark (pen name of Donald Westlake)novels? Check into the world of the Stark/Westlake Parker at :
Also, is Nate's father Jimmy named after the conman from LOST? It came to me one day that Jimmy Ford = James Ford = Sawyer from LOST.

Parker is named after Parker, in homage. Jimmy is just a good Irish name.

@TJ ... Jesus, no way I'm reprinting all those. But, in order: 1.) Two weeks. 2.) A couple chats. 3.) We haven't. 4.) Nate's not a hugger. 5.) Thanks. 6.) Beth and Christian rocked it out. Tim had to pretend to be sik, so he didn't get to show off. 7.) Both altitude sickness and withdrawal. 8.) Type of boot 9.) Because he was needed in the tent. Probably. 10.) Hardison runs a mission this year. 11.) Different woman. 12.) "Coming out of? No no no. 13.) Not her first dead body. 14.) The Moscow Circus is real, not called that, and complicated. 15.) Yes. 16.) No. 17.) I can;t even parse that one. :) 18.) His whole life. 19) There's worse buried in there. 20.) Everyone cried. 21.) Yes. 22.) Interesting. 23.) Whatever makes him most interesting to you. 24.) Natural evolution. 25.) ...

@Anna: 1) I know nothing about mountain climbing, but why didn't Parker, Eliot, Karen and Nate get in trouble for going up the mountain without registering? Also, won't they have to testify at the trials for Mr. Evil of the Week and the Russian, and won't that put them on awkward ground if they're investigated?2) Will Eliot ever straight out know one of the badass evil henchmen? I half expected the Russian to be one of his old mercenary buddies or something. Does Eliot even have old mercenary buddies?
3) Been asked before, but to put it bluntly, are Parker and Hardison "official"? Will there be awkward dates involved?
4) Is Nate's speech to the Karen about anger a sign that he's moving on, or, at least, beginning to heal a little?
5) Will there ever be an episode where Hardison's Nana needs help, and that's how the team gets to meet her? Because that would be awesome, even though Nana doesn't sound like the kind of woman who'd need help.
6) Can we have an episode where Maggie shows up right in time to create a crazy awesome UST triangle? If so, can the con of the week involve her spending extensive amounts of time alone with Sophie?
7) When Parker refused to go on without the body... It seemed to me like there was something more than her growing social skills driving that, something akin to how she refused to leave the orphans behind in The Stork Job. If this is so, would that thing be her younger brother, or something else? Will we ever find out what that something is?
8) Will poor Eliot ever get a steady girl of his own? I just feel like he must feel kind of left out with all this pairing up going on, and even Batman gets to date Catwoman from time to time. Hopefully this year Eliot can do better than his scheduled once a season hookup!

1.) Nate is very good at making sure the chain of evidence is so strong, there's never a trial, almost always a plea out. Again, you people's faith in the criminal justice system is always vaguely touching.
2) That may well occur.
3.) Official. But, really, dates?
4.) Not healing in the least.
5.) tick tick
6.) Kari's busy. But we'll see Maggie again before the series --not season, series - finale.
7.) Nope. Backstory is boring.
8.) Eliot does just fine. Just offscreen.

@Kevin: Friggin' refrigerator moments. The team didn't actually win, did they? The notebook full of proof got burned. The arrest of the CEO isn't going to immediately stop his company from falsely repossessing 3000-4000 houses a year. The team made no money for the widow and are out their expenses.

Ah, lost in the editing, is the fact that Alan HAS the evidence he needs, all on his smartphone. He was trying to email it, but it had to wait until the phone was back in signal range before the files could go through. That's why we made such a big deal about the "voice/data line" on the map. You can hear Alan explaining that in the video. Just one of the things that became unclear in the edit. That's also why Hardison had the line that Alan Scott was getting his own vengeance.

@USRaider: 1.) I felt that actually filming in such difficult conditions brought an edge to the episode (the knowledge of the avalanche days after you left also makes you shudder). However, Jon, have you ever written anything, for Leverage or otherwise, that you said to yourself, "S**t, someone could get hurt doing this?" Is it the professionalism of youself, the cast and the crew that allowed such an episode to even be done? 2.) I have heard comments from friends that they didn't like this season premiere because "there wasn't enough action". I personally believed there was a conscious effort to make the S4 premiere a more character driven one than a slam-bang action fest. Was this a decision on your part, to kind of show the growth of the team personally with each other and individually?

1.) Someone could get hurt doing the easiest thing in the world. If we ever got to the set on the day and said, "okay, not THAT in these circumstances", then ther'es no way in hell our stunt coordinator Kevin Jackson or one of our directors would let it happen. But you can rarely predict what will be dangerous from the script. 2.) It was intentionally character-driven, but I gotta say, if three days on a mountain ain't enough scope for you people, I got nothing.

@Anonymous: I was surprised that Parker would have a glass of wine. Eliot has a beer, Hardison grabs an orange soda out of the fridge. Nate and Sofie have wine, that totally makes sense. But Parker? I would not have thought so.

We've shown her drinking before. She treats it like a spice. If it's what tastes best with the food, she goes for it. Chalk it up to Eliot's influence.

Okay, we're starting to double up on questions, and turn into conversations in comments her,e let me skip through ...

@AndrewB:This has been bugging me (and consequently, I've been bugging Video Beagle): is there a reason Hardison doesn't bother to scan for the kinds of bugs he can instantly identify? I get you're trying to establish that there's an invisible Big Bad lurking out there and they're good enough into Leverage HQ (like Sterling, the Italian, Nate's dad, and Sterling again), but why go with Hardison immediately recognizing the bug as a passive bug which is a pretty common kind of bug?

We actually talked about this in the room. We had a bit in the script where Hardison explained just how tricky a variant on a passive bug this was, but dropped because you and I and VideoBeagle (and maybe writer Scott Veach) are the .00001% of the audience that would give a shit.

And I would read a Claudiasarker story.

@Lydia: After watching the episode again, did Nate purposely set the other receiver where the widow could reach it and turn his back (as there were several instances of NLP in S3, and Nate did learn how to hypnotize people while in prison), or did it just slip his mind because of his withdrawals/altitude sickness

Slipped his mind.


Bloody. Hell. I forgot how relentless you people are. All right, see you next week with #402, and probably #312 slipped in there somewhere. I really, really don't want to even consider looking at the season finale question posts ...


  1. I really, really don't want to even consider looking at the season finale question posts ...

    Um, yeah, you're gonna need a drink. Or fifty.

    But have I told you lately how much I love you? "choke on it." Heh.

  2. Yea, what SueN said. You got us all addicted to your charming, fan-serving, crankypants self. All this detaily, behind-the-scenes stuff is INTERESTING. Also, the writing process is INTERESTING.

    However, I do have tons and tons of respect for your endurance. We outnumber you so very much. Thank you, sir.

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Just a thought - maybe you could limit the questions per person or something. Because 18 or whatever that one person had is TOO many. You're gracious to answer them all but that's just too much of your time.

  4. Oh, btw, best sum-up of the Green Lantern movie I've seen. Thank you.

  5. I enjoy these post-games so much---thank you for taking the time to do them! The process and practicalities of writing and shooting a series are fascinating.

  6. Who else out there would take the time to answer all these fan questions? God love ya, John. We do appreciate it.

  7. Anonymous1:46 PM

    "Nope, our seasons are roughly stand-alone. Every season could be, in theory, the last season of Leverage."

    *Gasp* Don't put that out in the universe. The best show on TV needs to STAY on tv for atleast another 5/6 years.

  8. Tracey2:21 PM

    Thanks so much for that Mr Rogers, you and Leverage cast/crew ROCK :D

  9. I confess to not having seen any new season episodes yet. I'm hoarding them for when I need a "lift" or want to celebrate.

    * * *

    I took advantage of a sunny, warm Saturday in Portland to shampoo the carpets . . . then I drove up to Mount Hood to give them time to dry.

    There's not only still snow up there, but people were SKIING. There were busloads of kids going up there to snowboard. My big shaggy sheepdog pawed and dug and wallowed in the white stuff like it was a pool of chopped liver.

    On July 2nd. That is one bad-ass mountain.

  10. DeeKaye20103:37 PM

    First let me start by saying we're only 2 episodes into S4 and I just wanna say...I *love* you guys. The cast, the crew, writers, directors, EVERYBODY. Leverage is simply the best, most well-written, thought-out and entertaining show on TV right now. That is all there is to it. And kudos to *you*, sir, for all the hard work YOU do to make this a great show, BTW.

    Also love the reference to the Dead Parrot sketch in your answer to Guru (question #24, re: Alan Scott being, he's just restin'...). Monty Python fan, hmmm? ;-) Don't suppose you'd work in a reference or two into the show for the big Python fans out here?

    Thanks SO much for taking the time (ahhh, the time!!!) to answer so many of our questions. Can't wait for answers about #402! Blessings to you and the whole Leverage family.

  11. Chris Adams4:43 PM

    Brief correction:

    David Snell played on THE SHIELD. Not THE WIRE. But I do look forward to seeing him!

    Word verification: mulat. Reminds me of MULAN, serial killer Ivan Milat, and *very* outdated term for certain kinds of mixed-race people.

  12. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Thank you! Can't believe you take the time to do this.

  13. And we will not tell you everything you though you knew was wrong in the last thirty seconds of the season. That is some BULLSHIT right there.

    Thank you. No, seriously, THANK YOU!

  14. Thanks for the fantastic write-up!

    I like listening to tv show audio commentaries while working (I'm an illustrator, it helps to stay in the groove). A lot get kind of boring, or spend the whole time talking about camera lenses, which I could care less about, but the Leverage commentaries are consistently the best I've ever listened to. Thanks so much! And these write-ups you do are the same. Thanks for taking the time to answer all those questions. Can't wait to hear more next year on the Season 4 commentaries.

  15. Thank you so much! If it makes you feel better, I solemnly swear to never hit you with so many long questions at once ever again.

    Also, the answer for Anonymous' "who is watching them" question made my day.

  16. Jd_mccartney11:28 PM

    Just very happy to have you back!

  17. skierfe3:43 AM

    While reading your last blog entry I just realised, that I missed your blog nearly as much as I missed new Leverage episodes.
    Thank God (or whomever) that both are back now.

  18. Sarah ! do you have any collection of Shooting games me pls.


  19. Dawn/StL-MO4:54 AM

    Thank God "asshole fatigue" is gone & our lovable John Rogers is back!!! Appreciate all the time you spend answering our pressing questions. Thanks again!


  20. "Separately they're kind of broken, and together they make one pretty decent human being."

    So... they're Criminal Voltron?!

    "...the [ETrade] baby's name is "Ftaghn"..."

    ::snerk:: That explains so much. Like why it creeps me the hell out. :)

  21. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I just have to say that I love you for acknowledging the contract between writers and audience. There is very little I hate more in the writerly world than the trend of claiming that the "George R.R. Martin Is Not Your Bitch" principle means that writers owe their audience nothing. You owe the story you promised to tell, with the characters you brought your audience in with and the internal logic you established, with reasonable justification should any of these things change along the way. You guys are on my shortlist of show crews that I trust implicitly to honor the contract, and I thank you deeply for that.

  22. It cracks me up that the issue with a rock wall fight was the CAMERA risk, not the chance of someone (*cough*Kane*cough) getting hurt.

    ... How bummed was Kane that he didn't get to do it?

    (Are you ever tempted to hire someone with medical training to follow CK around Just In Case? Only 14 feet, y'know! And that car stunt last season...)

    Also, sticking this here just in case someone reading happens to know: How does one send "fan mail" to actors these days? (Assuming you don't want to just tweet it or put it on a Facebook wall or something.) Send it care of the show production office?

    (I promise I will not send fan mail containing marriage proposals, naughty photos, or anything else freaky and weird using said information. I just don't like twitter or Facebook.)

  23. MacSTL9:24 PM

    @Kris -

    Rogers said in The Boost Job commentary on the DVD that it was NOT Kane getting hit by the car - it was a stuntie

  24. @MacSTL –

    Ah, but in the post-game for the Boost Job, he said it was Kane. Specifically, he said: "And Kane did his own car hit."

    So, Rogers, any chance we could get that cleared up?

  25. Anonymous4:49 AM

    You are a brave man with a lot of mental endurance to make it through all these questions. Frankly it's taken me several days to read it all (the joys of minimal free time and wanting to actually read the content instead of skimming).

    I don't think we could blame you if you needed to put some sort of limit on the number of questions answered given how unwieldy these posts are getting. I would hate for you to dread our interactions rather than enjoying them. A little Rogers is better than no Rogers at all.

    Thanks again.

  26. Kane did the car hit in Season 1, not "The Boost Job"/

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I'm going to have to move 'buying Leverage DVDs' up my priority list, just for DVD commentaries.

    But yeah, I was going by the post-game "Kane did the car stunt" bit. I'm kind of relieved that in The Boost Job it WASN'T him, because, well, ow.

    (I have so much respect for stunt people. I would seriously be happy to just find an out of the way corner and watch a stunt like that being worked out, from the beginning to actual filming. There must be so many things to consider and plan for.)

  29. Thanks for the Posting!!
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  30. Okay, just got a chance to catch up on the new season.

    Um, just one question about 4x01--what sort of battery did Alan have in his cell phone? Cus dude, I WANT one like it for mine.

    "Cold kept the battery good"? In what universe--certainly not in ours? Seriously, I used to work for a cell phone company--cold will drain the battery (as will extreme heat). After three months, there is NO way that phone would have worked without a new battery or being plugged in to a charger.

    Also, if he was trying to send an email with it and left it turned on to do so? Phone would be dead regardless of the cold--it would use up the battery searching for service (which I'm also sure it would've told him it couldn't find).

    It's a small detail but one that was vital to the plot and it's not something that I (as a former cell phone company employee) could willing suspend my disbelief over. Kinda ruined the ep for me. Bad writing, dude. Bad writing.

  31. Not that I hate to alienate specific employees in niche technical fields of expertise, but ... sorry.

    We could have explained how he turned off the phone first, or it was in rest state, but that = boring. Boring = worse writing

  32. the first time to see you posts
    and very nice...
    thank you

  33. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Whoa! Where did the #402 Post-Game thread go?

  34. Thank you for this article, pretty helpful information.

  35. Hi... I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

  36. terimakasih banyak atas informasi menariknya gan.. saya sangat senang bisa membaca artikel anda yang bagus dan bermotivasi ini...

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  39. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
    Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
    Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
    Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
    Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
    Obat Kutil Kelamin
    Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
    Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
    Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
    Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
    Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
    Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
    Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
    Obat Kutil di Kemaluan Pria | PENYAKIT KELAMIN JENGGER AYAM
    Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
    Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
    Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
    Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
    Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
    Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
    Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
    Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
    Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
    Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
    Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
    obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
    Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
    Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
    Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
    Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
    Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
    Obat Kutil Kelamin
    Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
    Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
    Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
    Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
    Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin

  40. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.

  41. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Bagaimana Cara mengobati kutil di kemaluan Tanpa Operasi dengan menggunakan obat kutil kelamin tradisional aman bagi wanita serta ibu yang sedang hamil untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

  42. Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

  43. Kutil pada alat kelamin luar bisa diangkat melalui laser, krioterapi (pembekuan) atau pembedahan dengan bius lokal. Pengobatan kimiawi, seperti podofilum resin atau racun yang dimurnikan atau asam trikloroasetat, bisa dioleskan langsung pada kutil. Tetapi pengobatan ini memerlukan waktu beberapa minggu sampai beberapa bulan, bisa melukai kulit di sekelilingnya dan sering gatal.

  44. Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.

  45. Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.

  46. penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.

  47. Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
    saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
    memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

  48. Anonymous5:38 AM

    dapatkan dan buktikan khasiatnya dari obat herbal kutil kelamin yang aman dan ampuh untuk mengobati atau merontokan dengan cepat aman dan nyaman dari penyakit kutil pada kelamin pada pria dan wanita dengan cepat dan aman tanpa efek samping ataupun ketergantungan obat. produk ini merupakan obat herbal ampuh dan manjur yang terbuat dari bahan alami dari alam Indonesia untuk mengatasi penyakit kutil kelamin dengan aman tanpa operasi dari de Nature Indonesia. Penyakit Kutil kelamin adalah salah satu dari dua penyakit menular seksual yang paling sering menular, dan di sebabkan oleh virus. Penyakit satunya lagi adalah herpes genital. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus papiloma manusia sering disingkat sebagai hpv.
    Penyakit kutil seperti luka yang muncul ini juga disebut dengan nama kondiloma acuminate. Kutil tumbuh dengan ukuran kecil, tampak seperti daging berwarna di daerah genital dan anal. Dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 10-40% wanita yang aktif secara seksual oterinfeksi hpv, meskipun kehadiran HPV ini pada penderita tidak selalu disertai dengan munculnya kutil kelamin.
    Jalur Penyebaran Kutil Kelamin
    Kutil kelamin menyebar melalui kontak langsung dengan orang yang terinfeksi, seperti melalui vagina , anal, atau oral seks. Sekitar enam puluh persen orang yang melakukan kontak seksual dengan penderita kutil kelamin akan mengalami gejala, dan biasanya itu terjadi dalam waktu tiga bulan semenjak hubungan itu.
    Virus papiloma masuk melalui lecet atau luka kecil di area kelamin yang terjadi selama aktivitas seksual. Setelah virus ini masuk, biasanya dibutuhkan sekitar tiga bulan untuk gejala pertama muncul, tetapi bisa juga memakan waktu lebih lama hingga bertahun-tahun.
    Dalam kasus yang jarang terjadi, orang dewasa atau anak-anak dapat terinfeksi secara tidak langsung. Misalnya, menggunakan handuk orang yang terinfeksi , atau jika tergesek alat kelamin. Selain itu, bayi dapat terinfeksi melalui persalinan karena vagina ibunya ada kutil kelamin.

  49. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Buktikan khasiat obat kutil kelamin kami yang terbuat dari bahan alami asli indonesia tanpa efek samping dan sangat manjur. Penderita penyakit ini tentunya bertanya-tanya, bagaimana caranya untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini cukup di rumah saja dan tidak perlu repot-repot harus ke dokter. Atau ada beberapa alasan lainya yang menyebabkan seseorang tidak ingin menceritakan penyakitnya ini, dan anda jangan khawatir karena anda tidak sendirian dalam permasalahan ini.
    Kutil yang terjadi pada organ kelamin ini adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus menular bernama APV atau Human Papilloma Virus. Virus ini dapat ditularkan melalui kulit atau kontak kulit. Hal ini berarti bahwa seseorang bisa tertular virus ini HPV melalui hubungan seksual dan meski sudah menggunakan kondom. Biasanya penderita juga tidak menunjukkan tanda sedang mengalami penyakit kutil kelamin, sehingga hal ini juga mungkin orang lain untuk mendapatkan kutil kelamin dari penderita yang tidak memiliki tanda-tanda kutil kelamin tersebut. Misalnya jika pasanganya anda memiliki salah satu
    strain HPV yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan kutil kelamin, maka Anda juga bisa mendapatkannya. Keadaan juga bisa menjadi lebih buruk, jika penderita menyebarkan virus tersebut yang sudah berbentuk
    Dari membaca informasi di atas, seharusnya sudah jelas bahwa sangat mudah seseorang terkena virus ini yang kemudian dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan kutil pada alat kelamin. Kutil yang tumbuh pada alat kelamin ini juga bukanlah penyakit hina yang membuat anda merasa rendah diri dan malu untuk mengkonsultasikanya, apalagi jika ini masih berupa gejala awal, karena banyak penderita yang mengalami pertumbuhan kutil ini pada beberapa bagian alat kelaminya.
    Jadi jika anda bertanya-tanya bagaimana dapat menyembuhkan penyakit ini dari rumah, maka yakinlah saja pengobatan itu ada karena sudah banyak penderita yang menyembuhkan penyakitnya ini dari rumah. Sebenarnya juga ada beberapa alasan kenapa penderita lebih memilih penyembuhan penyakitnya ini dari rumah, yang diantaranya adalah :
    1. Malu
    Ada sejumlah besar rasa malu yang terkait dengan semua PMS, salah satunya adalah kutil kelamin ini. Untuk alasan inilah mungkin anda ingin menyingkirkan kutil kelamin secepat mungkin tanpa harus memberitahu siapa pun, dan hal ini adalah wajar dan dapat dimengerti.
    2. Privasi
    Pekerjaan anda mungkin yang berhubungan dengan kantor atau dokter, sehingga ingin menyimpan penyakit ini dari catatan medis Anda.
    3. Waktu
    Mengobati penyakit ini dari rumah memang lebih efektif rasanya di jaman sekarang. Anda mungkin harus menunggu beberapa minggu untuk janji dokter dan kemudian harus kembali untuk banyak menindaklanjuti perawatan. Tapi jika anda menyembuhkan penyakit kutil Anda ini di rumah, perawatan dapat dilakukan lebih segera.

  50. Anonymous6:33 PM

    jual obat de Nature Indonesia ampuh dan herbal Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 442 0060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249.Dari namanya saja kita sudah tahu bahwa pengertian dari penyakit ini adalah pertumbuhan kutil yang terjadi pada organ vital atau alat kelamin manusia dengan mengidap penyakit yang seperti ini tentunya juga akan membuat penderitanya merasa sangat malu hingga bisa juga
    berujung dengan frustasi maka dari hal itu bisa disimpulkan bahwa konsekuensi dari penyakit ini bukan hanya dapat berdampak pada fisik tetapi juga emosi penderitanya Menyangkut masalah emosi ini maka paling utama yang dipertaruhkan adalah hubungan seksual penderita dengan pasanganya Jika
    sudah begitu maka apa lagi hal paling utama yang harus dilakukan selain dengan pengobatan yang ampuh Penjelasan di atas sedikit banyak juga sudah menyiratkan arti bahwa penyakit ini disebabkan oleh hubungan seksual atau seks oral yang pernah dilakukan penderita terhadap
    orang yang terinfeksi dan secara lebih khusus lagi dikatakan bahwa penyebab utama penyakit ini adalah virus HPV atau human papillomavirus yang sangat menular Ada banyak jenis HPV yang diduga menjadi penyebab terjadinya penyakit ini dan sekali lagi kami katakana bahwa
    pengobatan secara dini adalah hal yang harus anda lakukan jika sedang terkena penyakit ini Khususnya jika penderita penyakit ini adalah wanita maka biasanya daerah pertumbuhan kutil terjadi di bagian vagina vulva atau perineum anus dan leher rahim Gejala yang terlihat
    pada penderita bukan hanya dari penampilan kutilnya saja yang seperti kembang kol tapi pertumbuhan kulit yang terjadi di sekitar anus dan daerah vagina ini juga akan dirasakan gatal atau sensasi terbakar oleh penderita gejala paling parah mungkin penderita akan
    mengalami perdarahan selama atau setelah hubungan seksual Perlu juga diketahui bahwa virus HPV ini tidak akan menimbulkan masalah kesuburan tetapi jika penderita mengidap penyakit kutil ini selama kehamilan maka akan sangat tidak nyaman dan berisiko Penderita yang sedang hamil juga
    tidak dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi obat atau menjalani prosedur medis kutil kelamin seperti penderita umumnya

  51. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Cara herbal mengatasi kutil kelamin secara ampuh hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249. pertumbuhan kutil kelamin lebih sering terjadi dalam kelompok dan dapat terakumulasi menjadi ukuran yang lebih besar pada jaringan genital. Kutil juga sering kembali muncul setelah pengobatan, hal-hal itu tergantung pada faktor-faktor, seperti ukuran dan lokasi tempat pertumbuhan kutil. Untuk menyembuhkan penyakit kutil ini dapat diberlakukan dalam beberapa cara.
    Sedangkan penundaan berkepanjangan untuk mengobati penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kutil semakin berakar dalam, anda juga perlu tahu bahwa setiap kutil itu sangat menular. Gejala yang dialami penderita mungkin terdiri dari beberapa letupan, dan jika penyakit ini tidak di obati untuk waktu yang lama maka ada kemungkinan kutil tersebut tidak merespon pengobatan oral atau topical, maka salah satunya jalan adalah melalui operasi. Maka mengetahui betapa rumitnya pengobatan penyakit ini seharusnya menerbitkan kesimpulan penting pada diri kita untuk mendapatkan perawatan infeksi genital secara dini, karena penyakit ini sangat menular dan mungkin anda dapat menyebarkan infeksi kepada orang lain.
    Karena banyak penderita yang malu terlibat dalam pembicaraan tentang penyakit kutil kelamin HPV ini, maka mayoritas penderita kutil kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan biasanya tidak tahu apa jenis perawatan tepat yang dapat digunakan untuk kutil tersebut, khususnya pengobatan yang dapat digunakan secara privasi rumah mereka. Selain itu juga diketahui bahwa apapun jenis pengobatan yang dicoba oleh setiap penderita penyakit ini, belum ada yang benar-benar ampuh untuk menyembuhkan penderita sampai semua virus penyakitnya hilang.

  52. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Pengobatan herbal dengan menggunakan obat ampuh yang sudah terbukti khasiatnya de Nature Indonesia hubungi 28fe5a8b/081310563770/085846940249. Penyakit kutil kelamin yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan dapat menjadi sumber keprihatinan paling utama bagi ibu hamil. Ada kemungkinan juga bahwa kutil kelamin selama kehamilan dapat diteruskan kepada bayi. Dan pilihan Pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk wanita hamil berbeda daripada yang tersedia untuk perempuan lain.
    Jika seorang wanita yang sedang hamil mengalami penyakit ini juga merasakan gejala yang lebih buruk. Hal ini utamanya dikarenakan sistem kekebalan tubuh penderita secara alami ditekan selama masa kehamilan ini, hingga membuat penderita lebih rentan terhadan virus dan infeksi. Akibatnya penderita mungkin menemukan bahwa kutilnya akan tumbuh lebih besar.
    Yang menjadi penyebab utamanya adalah human papillomavirus (HPV). Tapi mayoritas wanita hamil dengan riwayat HPV memiliki kehamilan yang sehat dan pengalaman melahirkan. Tapi yang paling ditakutkan karena virus ini dapat ditularkan sehingga penderita beresiko mengidapn kutil kelamin, dan wanita hamil yang mengalami penyakit ini bisa juga mengalami gangguan pada proses kehamilanya.

  53. Anonymous8:10 PM

    sudah terbukti ampuh obat dari kami untuk merontokan kutil kelamin dengan cara memakai obat herbal dari de Nature Indonesia hubungi 28fe5a8b/081310563770/085846940249. Penyakit Kutil kelamin adalah salah satu dari dua penyakit menular seksual yang paling sering menular, dan disebabkan oleh virus. Penyakit satunya lagi adalah herpes genital. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus papiloma manusia sering disingkat sebagai HPV.
    Penyakit kutil seperti luka yang muncul ini juga disebut dengan nama kondiloma acuminate. Kutil tumbuh dengan ukuran kecil, tampak seperti daging berwarna di daerah genital dan anal. Dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 10-40% wanita yang aktif secara seksual terinfeksi HPV, meskipun kehadiran HPV ini pada penderita tidak selalu disertai dengan munculnya kutil kelamin.
    Jalur Penyebaran Kutil Kelamin
    Kutil kelamin menyebar melalui kontak langsung dengan orang yang terinfeksi, seperti melalui vagina, anal, atau oral seks. Sekitar enam puluh persen orang yang melakukan kontak seksual dengan penderita kutil kelamin akan mengalami gejala, dan biasanya itu terjadi dalam waktu tiga bulan semenjak
    hubungan intim.
    Virus papiloma masuk melalui lecet atau luka kecil di area kelamin yang terjadi selama aktivitas seksual. Setelah virus ini masuk, biasanya dibutuhkan sekitar tiga bulan untuk gejala pertama muncul, tetapi bisa juga memakan waktu lebih lama hingga bertahun-tahun.

  54. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Bukltikan khasiatnya obat herbal kutil kelamin de Nature Indonesia untuk pemesanan hubungi 28fe5a8b/081310563770/085846940249. Kutil kelamin laki-laki tentunya penyakit menular seksual yang sangat umum terjadi di kalangan laki-laki saja, khususnya yang aktif secara seksual atau memiliki pasangan seksual yang lebih dari satu. Hal-hal seperti ini yang bisa menjadi resiko peningkatan kesempatan untuk menderita penyakit ini. Kutil kelamin di sebabkan oleh virus yang dikenal sebagai virus papiloma manusia (HPV). Bahkan, HPV bertanggung jawab untuk semua jenis kutil. Penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa HPV terdiri dari lebih 40 jenis. Beberapa sumber bahkan melaporkan lebih dari itu. Anda juga harus tahu virus dapat ditularkan melalui kontak langsung atau tidak langsung. Jadi Anda mungkin Anda mungkin saja tidak tahu darimana penyakit ini berasal sehingga menghinggapi tubuh anda.
    Jika penyakit ini terjadi pada laki-laki, biasanya kondisi yang terjadi tidak seperti kondisi lainnya, penderita juga akan mengalami perubahan dalam kehidupan seksnya secara drastis. Kondisi ini kemudian menyebabkan penderita dihadapkan dengan banyak keputusan sulit, dan harus semakin berhati-hati jika mendapatkan mitra seksual baru. Artinya, jika Anda memiliki kontak seksual dengan pasangan yang terinfeksi, kemungkinan besar akan mengembangkan penyakit ini, dan biasanya itu terjadi dalam waktu tiga bulan. Karena itulah maka hal seperti ini yang harus sudah anda pikirkan dari sekarang, karena bisa saja anda mungkin tidak tahu sedang mengidap penyakit ini. Hal ini yang kemudian menyebabkan penyakit ini menyebar luas.

  55. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Untuk menemukan jenis pengobatan kutil kelamin yang benar-benar ampuh, kita tentunya harus melakukan hal yang sama oleh banyak orang pada umumnya. Dimulai dengan mencari ke berbagai toko obat untuk menemukan berbagai jenis obat itu yang bisa dalam bentuk krim, salep, atau beberapa jenis cairan lain yang diterapkan pada kulit penderita yang terkena. Jika pilihan medis yang dipilih, maka penderita akan mendapatkan pengobatan topical medis. Tapi penderita juga terkadang tidak memahami betul tentang penyakit ini, hanya tahu bahwa penyakit ini sudah membuat mereka tidak nyaman dan ingin secepatnya hilang dari kulit mereka. Tapi jika berbagai usaha kita untuk menemukan pengobatan ini ternyata tidak memberikan hasil yang memuaskan maka keputusan selanjutnya yang dipilih sebelum terlambat adalah segera memeriksakan diri ke dokter supaya bisa langsung menerima pengobatan dengan resep yang terkontrol. Biasanya pada saat itulah pasien akhirnya tahu bahwa yang menjadi penyebab penyakitnya ini adalah virus Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) dan nama penyakit ini juga dikenal dengan penyakit kondiloma acuminatum. Virus tersebut masuk ke dalam tubuh penderita melalui hubungan seksual dan obat yang biasanya akan diberikan dokter adalah obat topical kulit.

  56. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Ada banyak produk yang tersedia di pasar saat ini yang menjamin untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin. Namun, penting untuk mengetahui bahwa pengobatan tidak hanya berbicara tentang penghapusan gejala kutil kelamin, karena hal seperti ini hanya berbicara mengenai perawatan yang menyingkirkan penampilan fisik kutil. Padahal yang bertanggung jawab penuh atas penyakit ini adalah Virus, yaitu papillomavirus manusia (HPV), hanya sayangnya hingga sekarang tetap masih belum ada obat untuk itu. Jadi, cara terbaik untuk berurusan dengan penyakit ini adalah tindakan pencegahan karena pengobatanya masih sulit.
    Fakta lain yang diketahui tentang penyakit ini adalah virus human papillomavirus ditularkan secara seksual. Namun, virus tidak membutuhkan pertukaran cairan selama hubungan seksual agar dapat ditularkan dari satu orang ke orang lain. Sebaliknya, HPV menyebar melalui kontak kulit-ke-kulit dengan orang lain yang terinfeksi dengan virus. Anda mungkin dapat menggunakan perlindungan penghalang seperti kondom untuk mengurangi kesempatan tertular HPV, tapi bentuk-bentuk perlindungan, bagaimanapun tidak menjanjikan 100 persen kesembuhan karena belum tentu menutupi daerah kelamin sepenuhnya. Artinya adalah bahwa Anda masih beresiko terkena virus dan kutil kelamin meski melakukan hubungan seks dengan pelindung.
    jual obat herbal ampuh untuk kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249

  57. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Ada banyak produk yang tersedia di pasar saat ini yang menjamin untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin. Namun, penting untuk mengetahui bahwa pengobatan tidak hanya berbicara tentang penghapusan gejala kutil kelamin, karena hal seperti ini hanya berbicara mengenai perawatan yang menyingkirkan penampilan fisik kutil. Padahal yang bertanggung jawab penuh atas penyakit ini adalah Virus, yaitu papillomavirus manusia (HPV), hanya sayangnya hingga sekarang tetap masih belum ada obat untuk itu. Jadi, cara terbaik untuk berurusan dengan penyakit ini adalah tindakan pencegahan karena pengobatanya masih sulit.
    Fakta lain yang diketahui tentang penyakit ini adalah virus human papillomavirus ditularkan secara seksual. Namun, virus tidak membutuhkan pertukaran cairan selama hubungan seksual agar dapat ditularkan dari satu orang ke orang lain. Sebaliknya, HPV menyebar melalui kontak kulit-ke-kulit dengan orang lain yang terinfeksi dengan virus. Anda mungkin dapat menggunakan perlindungan penghalang seperti kondom untuk mengurangi kesempatan tertular HPV, tapi bentuk-bentuk perlindungan, bagaimanapun tidak menjanjikan 100 persen kesembuhan karena belum tentu menutupi daerah kelamin sepenuhnya. Artinya adalah bahwa Anda masih beresiko terkena virus dan kutil kelamin meski melakukan hubungan seks dengan pelindung.
    jual obat herbal ampuh untuk kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249

  58. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Jika Anda mengidap kutil kelamin, tentunya penghapusan kutil kelamin ini adalah apa yang ada di pikiran Anda sepanjang hari. Kutil juga tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan Anda sehingga pengobatanya adalah pilihan anda sendiri, apakah ingin obat kutil kelamin atau tidak. Bahkan sebagian ahli medis yang melihat penyakit anda ini belum sebegitu parah hanya menyarankan supaya anda membiarkan penyakit ini akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Tapi jika kita perduli dengan kesehatan tentunya akan berpikir untuk segera mengetahui cara mengobati kutil kelamin menghilangkan penyakit ini jika sudah menginfeksi tubuh kita, ciri kutil kelamin yang berbahaya. Jual obat herbal kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249

  59. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Mengalami penyakit kelamin tentunya adalah hal paling memalukan yang dialami seseorang, terutama penyakit herpes dan kutil kelamin. Alasan sederhana sehingga penyakit ini terjadi adalah karena melibatkan alat kelamin tentunya. Sejak zaman kuno, berbicara tentang alat kelamin seseorang sudah dianggap sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran yang paling terlarang untuk dibicarakan. Bahkan di masa sekarang, berbicara tentang genital herpes adalah sangat memalukan. Karena itu juga maka banyak penderita yang terinfeksi, tidak memiliki keberanian untuk memberitahu dokter atau orang lain mengenai penyakitnya ini. Sebagian besar fakta mengenai bagaimana cara untuk mengobati kutil kelamin dan herpes juga belum diketahui hingga sekarang. Dalam situasi ini, akhirnya sangat sulit bagi orang yang terinfeksi untuk mencari obat kutil kelamin yang tepat dalam rangka menyembuhkan kutil kelamin supaya tidak terus menyebar. cara mengobati kutil kelamin, Jual obat herbal kutil kelamin de nature indonesia Izin Ikot DINKES RI No 4420060 V 2 hubungi 28fe5a8b 081310563770 085846940249

  60. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Ada banyak metode pengobatan yang dapat anda coba cara mengobati kutil kelamin, secara umum metode pengobatan tersebut adalah meliputi tindakan medis atau juga dengan obat alternative yang lebih mendasari pengobatan dengan bahan-bahan herbal. Namun satu hal yang juga harus disadari dari ciri kutil kelaimin pengobatan penyakit ini adalah pada umumnya penyembuhan hanya untuk menghilangkan kutilnya saja, sedangkan virus yang menjadi penyebab kutil kelamin belum tentu hilang. Karena itu juga hingga akhirnya penyakit ini sering berulang atau kambuh kembali. Tapi anda jangan kuatir karena ahli kesehatan terus berupaya untuk menemukan obat herbal kutil kelamin pengobatan yang ampuh, pengobatan yang ada sekarang setidaknya juga dapat meredakan gejala yang dialami penderita. Hanya saja obat medis yang selama ini dikenal efektif untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini memerlukan biaya yang mahal selain efek samping yang juga bisa terjadi jika pilihan pengobatan jatuh pada metode khusus untuk penyakit kutil kelamin yang sudah parah.

  61. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Jika penyakit kutil kelamin yang sedang anda derita sudah termasuk sangat parah, maka tindakan selanjutnya yang harus dilakukan adalah mencari obat kutil kelamin. Ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan, diantaranya adalah dengan metode konvensional menggunakan krim oles atau salep kutil kelamin, atau dapat juga penderita beralih ke obat resep dokter ketika mereka menemukan bahwa hasil metode konvensional ini kurang efektif. Khusus untuk pengobatan medis, biasanya metode ekstrem yang digunakan jika penyakit yang dialami penderita sudah semakin parah. Diantara beberapa metode pengobatan ekstrem tersebut adalah menggunakan CO2 atau operasi laser, di mana dokter akan menggunakan laser untuk membakar penyebab kutil kelamin. Metode pengobatan ini juga bisa sangat mahal, memakan waktu, dan menyakitkan atau cukup menakutkan. Metode pengobatan lainya yang adalah cryotherapy. Metode pengobatan ini melibatkan nitrogen cair untuk kutil yang akan membekukan kutil dari kulit. Lalu ada metode pengobatan Loop Electrosurgical Prosedur eksisi (LEEP), yang memanfaatkan alat berbilah berupa pisau yang berbentuk lingkaran. Alat ini dilewatkan sekitar dan di bawah setiap kutil untuk diangkat dari kulit. Tidak berbeda dengan metode pengobatan laser, metode pengobatan ini juga tergolong mahal. Selain itu belum ada jaminan bahwa obat mahal medis ini memang dapat menyembuhkan kutil kelamin secara tuntas, perlu kita ketahui bahwa kutil kelamin adalah penyakit yang sukar disembuhkan karena virus HPV yang menjadi penyebabnya sukar juga dihilangkan. Banyak pengobatan yang ada di jaman sekarang hanya dapat menghilangkan kutil, tapi tidak dengan virus penyebabnya.

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