Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Bruuuuuce 2

Everyone who reads the blog knows I'm a fan.

His work is invaluable when writing Leverage. Taking advantage of people's blind spots in security is what our guys do. And, again, most of what's on the show is real. Especially the unbelievable bits.


  1. Wow. Fascinating. I had some dim perception of this trade-off idea, but he makes it explicit. I can get my brain around these ideas and make some clearer decisions.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. There were some tricks I saw at DefCon that later made it into Leverage too. For a "bog-standard cable show", the research is pretty impressive

  3. Ooooh. Just in time for my Leverage game on Friday.

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I realize this is about security, but it is incredibly applicable to how we take in and interpret data in science. It's actually terrifying when you realize that the scientist's feelings are defining the model of reality prior to it getting filtered through the media to the public. And on top of that, reality is changing faster than we can discover the feelings to develop models.

    I think I just broke my brain.

  5. AndyG9:18 PM

    good, but he does not address the issue that not all risks are the same. For example, the closing example of the RFID baby/mother bracelet is a bad one - although the probability of a baby snatching is vanishingly small, the cost of such a mistake to the mother would be infinitely high. Infinitely high times vanishingly small equals something finite that is worth worrying about.

  6. As an airline pilot's kid, I lived this for at least a decade in the 70's/80's. It's astonishing how many adults will say to a kid between the ages of eight and whatever* something like, "Aren't you afraid that your dad will die because of his job?!"

    I learned to say, "Why should I be worried?"

    They would say, "Well, you hear so much about plane crashes in the news!"

    I would respond, "Yes. That's because they're rare. Car crashes aren't newsworthy because they're common. If I wanted to be worried about Dad, I would worry about him driving to and from the airport."

    *Utter inhumanity and stupidity of someone who would say this to a CHILD is left for others to sort out. I only know that I experienced it often enough to have a pat response.

  7. You most definitely have made this blog into something thats eye opening and important. You clearly know so much about the subject, youve covered so many bases.

  8. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Thanks, I hadn't seen this one before.

  9. Yeah, ask him for an autograph of his book, like I did. He will scrawl a cryptogram on the title page and hand it back to you. I still have no idea what it means.

    And don't ask him about why he blogs about squids on Fridays.

  10. Sriraman9:29 PM

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  12. i saw some wicked tricks , really impressive,

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  13. There ain't a lot of things in my favorites on my Apple TV, more so if you look for things that aren't related to gaming, but you'd find Lifehacks and TED.

    I try and watch a TED a month, as whether I agree with them, or not, I feel that I'm better informed and reasoned for experiencing them. I should try and crank it up to one a week.

    Of course, I tend to think the same about watching certain shows, such as Leverage, Sherlock, or Luther. Go figure. ;)

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