Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LEVERAGE #202 "The Tap out Job" Post-game

Man, our friends from Oklahoma told us Nebraskans were too thin-skinned to risk setting an episode there, but we didn't listen ...

I kid, I kid.

Right, this was about as straightforward a show genesis as you can imagine. A lot of times we look at classic con tropes, from movies and real life, and try to imagine the modern day equivalent -- the horse's bloodline/Lost Heir variant from "The Two Horse Job", for example.

Downey came into the year wanting to do our version of a boxing movie. Boxing cons have a long and distinguished history in con culture. The natural update is mixed-martial arts fighting. The writer, Albert Kim, used to be a sportswriter, some folks at Electric Entertainment had actually developed an MMA movie and we were able to go out and get real MMA athletes. It all came together, for once, about as smoothly as an episode of television can. The fun bit of research, actually, was finding out how remote PPV concerts work.

Third one shot, second one aired. We didn't mind this, actually, as the second episode shot, airing tomorrow, is off-template, and we wanted the new summer viewers to get a better sense of how the show generally progressed.

As far as character choices, well, it was a natural that if we were going to have Eliot fight, we'd discuss his relationship with violence. I hope what we were trying to do came across -- Eliot isn't a violent man. He's someone who understands his capacity for violence (and viewers of an old busted pilot of mine will start to see recurring themes). He also put on something like twenty pounds for the show. Coincidentally, so did I, I just haven't taken it off yet. He probably also didn't do it in the Guiness/Black Bush plan I utilized.

The idea that Parker would genuinely adore being in Nebraska amused us. She's comfortable there. Anyone looking at flashbacks would probably get a good sense why. Gina did a fine job of handling the opposing view (I think it was Sen. John McCain who called MMA "cockfighting" first) and being a little bit too precious and spoiled when it comes to her lifestyle.

Let's see what questions we have in the mailbag:

@Nicole: ... Eliot mentions in his conversation with Sophie that he learned a long time ago he can't control the violence. Do you guys plan to divulge any of that sort of background for him this season? Or do you plan to leave us hanging on the mystery, like you've mentioned wanting to do with Parker?

He can't control the violence around him, "around him" meaning anything from his criminal lifestyle to ... well, you guys always do a better job at these things. Take it as you will, you'll probably never get more details about it. Worst thing you can do with Wolverine is show him in that poncy bathrobe running into the woods. Bah.

@elcucuyfeo: So just how did Eliot learn to fight so well and who taught him??

We've always thought that a particular unit in the Army put a fine shine on the skills of his youth, and then he went out and collected techniques in his travels.

@Emily: This was the ep where he got cut because he did his own stunts right? How much of the fighting was actually Christian?

Nope, he got cut doing the elevator fight in #206. He did get dinged up good and hard in this one, though, as that's all Kane, all the time, fighting. Giving me a goddam heart attack. The ring collapsed, too. Fun shoot.

@slarti: Was the build-up to Eliot snapping and beating the other guy down supposed to have a "Bill Bixby is about to have a Hulk-out" vibe? I expected that dramatic chord to sound as soon as his eyes bugged out.

Yes, although we went back and forth -- it was tricky becuase we were both overselling the con to the bad guy and also trying to hit the right level for the audience without going over the top. YMMV (thats for @ashley, too. Gina did a nice job of selling the con)

@Feelred: How was the atmosphere on set when Beth had Aldis in that grapple?

They laughed their asses off. Aldis really does have a ridiculously good sense of humor about his character's physical awkwardness. Considering he could snap my neck one-handed.

@Becky: My question doesn't really have to do with the episode. I was just wondering why they don't show the preview/clip for the next episode of Leverage until after Dark Blue. Wouldn't it make more sense to show it after the Leverage credits?

Or, have the Leverage fans stick around for the first ten minutes of Dark Blue, and try to hook them. Those marketing humans are cunning.

@Ed Dravecky: ... Oh, and I know you'll hear this a million times but... chicken-fried steak in Nebraska? Seriously?

Oh, we'll get to you in a bit, sonny boy.

@Coren: One small quibble - Hardison seemed to get the short end this episode - between hacking a hick and not having the financials in order til episode's end, it just felt very un-Hardison.

We were trying to make a point -- they're not perfect, and if taken out of their comfort zones, they can get rattled. We need them to be a little less the all-powerful super-team, or at the current rate of escalation the season ender would involve conning Galactus. ("The Slightly More Ultimate Nullifier Job.")

@karenmiller: The car Nate revved off in after dumping the producer. Did I miss something? Was that a set-up plant so he'd have a way to bugger off?

You mean the fine Hyundai sports coupe? You missed a LOT. I would, in fact, recommend going to your local dealer and getting a test drive.

No, Eliot picked him up, if I remember, but we may have cut the shot.

@Save-Vs-DM: As a writer, have you ever pulled out experiences from running a game as a DM to inform just how cons might go wrong? We all know that players don't do what you expect most of the time, so was that good trying when it comes to writing a twist?

Breaking a story is a bit like role-playing, but I can't get the writers to use the damn dice. Actually, cons are a weird bird, game-wise. Everyone wants to play a good con game, but the nature of the revealed narrative makes them almost impossible to run.

@marga: any possibility you might serve up cameos from other "experts" in other fields? we got matt lindland tonight... maybe we get a renowned scientist? or software creator? actor? artist? chef? medical doctor? astronaut? magician?

Always tricky with cameos -- you don't want to pull people out of the story. I think Wil Wheaton as a famous geek may be the closest we have.

@Alexandra: Are the episodes airing in the order they're produced this season? ... Also, how do you pick who becomes the emotional center of each episode in its order? I mean, Eliot is the obvious choice for a fight story, but what makes you say, let's focus on Eliot specifically in the 2nd episode of this season?

Because of the split summer season, they'll run in the order shot, with maybe one substitution. We don't peg character beats to episode order, but to the specific context of the story. As noted, last year's "Stork Job" started as Nate & Sophie story, and morphed into Parker. There are two overall character arcs to this season, but they're not super continuity driven.

@Marley: My question - did I see a saxophone in the Trunk Full o' Guns at the end?

Yep. That was the thing Parker bought on a whim at the pawn shop.

@puu: are we working toward an end game with eliot and sophie?

We're currently working on an ending to bloody #213. Anything past that is madness.

@Nato: 1) That WAS a virgin Bloody Mary Nate showed up on the golf course with, right? 2) Was "Triana" a Venture Brothers shout-out?

1.) Yes. For now. 2.) Do you know how many one-name pop princess names we tried to clear? And all of them were taken. Finally, in desperation, we threw in Triana from VB. It cleared.

@Phil Hendricks: I was wondering why all the computer screens in your show emit weird futuristic space sounds, like you're in a cockpit. Computers don't really do this, of course, and it's the only thing about the show that made me want to turn it off.

I feel your pain. You know, we try to be a little hipper with that stuff -- you'll note in the pilot Hardison ran his entire hack off a thumb drive -- but it's one of those TV quirks that people don't seem to cue in on "on screen on screen" info without the sound. Whether that's something in human nature or based on years of TV doing it wrong, and therefore programming audiences for certain cues, I have no idea.

@Robert: Also, I hate to see in the media the casual abuse as demonstrated by Parker on Hardison demo'ing the MMA techniques. ... Why we continue to excuse female-on-male violence as pure laugh-riot material I will never know.

Rob, I feel ya. But listen: my hacker's a hip person of color, my sex symbol isn't an anorexic in her 20's, and my badass uber-thief is a blonde we put in a dress precisely once a season. Even I, on the vanguard of the socialist Hollywood liberal homosexualist agenda, can only punch so many holes on my liberal cred ticket per season.

@Amy: Question: is the doctor's recommendation for Eliot to get a CT scan just good advice (which it is) OR are you foreshadowing future medical issues? Please tell me he's going to be okay and I'm just over-thinking!

We're not really a soapy show. Eliot's got a frequent-flyer card at his local CT clinic, and he's always come back fine.

@NJM: As a Nebraska native, though, I did have to throw a minor fit - not due to any offense, but for the sloppy research. Lincoln a dying agri-industrial center? Umm, it's the state capitol with one of the best-funded state universities in the country. The villain escapes southbound on I76 and dashes across the state line? That's quite a trick, since Iowa is 60-odd miles east... on I80... Yeah, you guys could have spent 10 minutes on Wikipedia and fixed a lot of tiny mistakes. Basic errors like that undermine the good work you guys do.

What is this Wikipedia you speak of?

@Denita: Almost but not quite-which brings me to my question. Did the team just excuse Sophie's lame attempts at an apology (for last season) and forgive her or what?

As fellow emotional cripples, they accepted that as the best apology they were going to get.

@Jason: As satisfying as it was for the team to pull out the con in the end this week, it now makes me want to see an episode where they don't pull it off/settle for a tie kind of situation. Something to rattle their confidence a little. Or, could be the long arm of the Sterling at work... Man, I love this world!

Sterling's arm is indeed long. He will be back. And as we've seen, Sterling never, ever loses ...

@dremiel: Was that the first time we've had an overhead 'scatter' shot where they didn't scatter but followed each other? Yeah, a little more than a team.

First time. Nice of Albert and Roskin to pick that up and use it with a twist.

@Chaz: Here's my question, though it doesn't quite have much to do with the actual show. There has been a long standing rumor that Christian has tattoos on one or both of his legs but you don't see any sign of that in the episode ...

I asked Christian if I could see his legs. That did not go as well as one might hope.

@Nicole: Are you thinking of doing an episode focused on Hardison any time soon? Even though it seems like his background is pretty simple I feel like were missing something and I'd be sweet to see more of Aldis. :)

Not a background-centric ep, but the Winter season opener ought to make you pretty happy.

@Cuy: Is there any chance you guys could work with British screenwriter Steven Moffat on an episode of Leverage? Would be fun to have an ep. set in England with Gina around...

Actually waylaid Moffat at last year's LA Dr. Who con. He is, of course, running DOCTOR GODDAM WHO this year, and if anything I'm the one who's going to be hitting him up for a freelance, not the other way round. Though he did tell me how he got Gina naked that one time.

@Bates: But I like the turn it took instead, that the gang can sometimes get caught with a hand in the cookie jar. Exploring that theme of control -- them having it, not having it, regaining it, and so on. Not all cons run smoothly, and your leet skilz may not always work.*

Why, my friend, you seemed to have stumbled on the theme of this year. Nicely done.

@Mitchy: I forgot to say that, judging by the double rainbow shot we saw, the weather when you were filming the golf scene was extremely wet. Did it hold up shooting?

It was actually raining behind Hardison, if you look closely enough. But the lads soldiered on. I'd be tempted to say "Hey, it's Portland, what do you expect?" Of course, it's now 104 degrees in Portland, and I've learned to assume nothing.

@briddle: two things I've noticed after watching again. First, the con has the same formula as the other one that went wrong (Bank Job), in that they just planned to scoop up the money and leave without taking down the mark in any other way. Was this a conscious decision on your part?

Hmm, I don't think so. it may just be the nature of expanding short cons out to long. Nice catch, though.

@Michael the G: How are the injured parties (in this weeks ep, the local boy done wrong and his daddy) contacting the Leverage crew?

This is one of those things we intentionally don't explain. We know how, and we actually shot the scene where they explained it, but we like to leave it up to the viewers to have their own satisfying theory of how Leverage might enter their life, and right their wrongs.

@Sam: I hope we're going to see some more of Nate being a bit of a bastard, after all, he did say he was worse when he was sober, right?

Oh, he's just warming up.

@Rich Baldwin: The chicken fried steak bit was fun (chicken fried chicken would have been even funnier) - but maybe you could be a bit more accurate about the Midwest - if one could argue there's a single Midwest, since there are actually several, from the industrial midwest to the Ozark region to Appalacia etc. It's nice you all tried to set things in a flyover state, but it would be nicer if you did so in a way that's more representative of the actual where places you're setting your scenes.

... killing me. You people are killing me ...

@EmilyBlake: One observation. When all those dudes approached Elliot to test his mettle outside the ring, I thought -ooooh time to see Elliot's krav maga skills. But then he took the guys on one at a time.

Intentional on their part, as it was a gauntlet, not a beat-down. You'll see multi-opponent fights soon, although we tend to find the one-on-ones offer nicer spots for choreography. As in last season's wisk-fu.

@Jason: If we watch the show on Netflix a day or two after it airs, does that "count" as a viewer in any way that does you any good?

Nope, no ads. (Although, hey, watch it any way you want) It only counts if you watch it Live or on your Tivo within 24 hours. Everything else is nice info but not useful.

Right then, on to the wrap-up. For the Nebraska humans ...

It's a fair cop --Lincoln was a bad choice. This is how we wound up there: we originally set the story in a small town in a flatter, more economically desperate state. Then, looking at the location scout, we said "Okay, no way Oregon, from ANY angle, doubles for that." So -- and this is all happening during the single week of pre-production, among a thousand other meetings -- we cast around for other states with strong wrestling backgrounds, places where MMA does very well (checking with our MMA guys), and wound up with Nebraska as a good choice. It is, however, why the computerized map graphic went the wrong way -- it was built before we settled on a city, if I remember properly.

Now, where we screwed the pooch -- by which I mean I screwed the pooch -- was settling on Lincoln as opposed to using a fictional county or town like we did all first season. Honest truth, 600 pages of script later, I have not a goddam clue why I did that. However, I accept your rage: mea culpa, mea culp, mea maxima culpa.

But this is the great thing about writing for television. You learn so many things. For example, I had no idea until I opened my e-mail account this week, that Lincoln was the Paris -- nay , the Lothlorien of the Midwest, a place where there are LOTS of black people, and no one eats chicken-fried steak. Never. Ever. Ever. It is UNHEARD OF.

Heh. Sorry.

But this is the perfect example of why it's difficult to do shows set anywhere except LA and New York. This is how the cultural conversation basically goes:

TV writers: "You know what might be amusing? Sophie gets an order from the hotel menu, and she doesn't like it, because she's a bit of a princess. Chicken-fried steak is one of those meals that always baffles foreigners. It also has a funny name. Let's have that be the item she ordered off the menu, from among the many things she could have ordered."

TV audience: "You're saying we're all hicks who eat chicken fried steak!"

TV writers: " ... shit. Really? Um, what about the fact that out of all the villains in the show, the team is almost brought down, for the first time, because they got cocky and underestimated the fine Midwestern -- "

TV audience: "Screw you with your flannel-wearing stereotype Red State hate."

TV writers: "Wow, this is not going well. Errr, you know, Parker really like Nebraska --"

TV audience: "Unlike the rest of America, we never mistake one athletic black man for another!"

TV writers: "... Tyrone, you want to handle this one?"

Tyrone: "Not now. I'm busy signing autographs for Clippers fans.*"

Etc, etc.

This is not to say "lighten up" or "we sometimes get it wrong." No, the real thing here is that we always get it wrong. Always. We will always get it wrong in the future.

And not "always get it wrong about the Midwest because we're in Los Angeles and New York." That's "always get it wrong even when it's about Los Angeles and New York."

At the intersection of "all people's individual experience of a place is universalized out as their definition of the place" and "there are only so many hours in a day" lies the fact that all culture deals in shorthand. Last time I checked, the American middle-class was getting hammered by this economy. I've BEEN in those towns where Main Street's gone to hell. We want to to talk about those towns (rather than set another story in LA), we toss it in with a story about the MMA that tangentially links to Nebraska, bam, it's soup.

But the same thing happens for every city, including the ones we writers live in. For example, I live in Los Angeles. We have a lower murder rate than Phoenix, Arizona. A lower murder rate than Indianapolis, Indiana. A lower murder rate than Wichita frikkin' Kansas.

But if you watch television -- made by people who live in LA, shot in the city of LA -- do you ever see The Closer: Minneapolis Hellhole?

No. According to network television, Los Angeles is Murderville, capitol city of Rapesylvannia.

Angelenos and New Yorkers, however, have just learned not to give a shit and enjoy SVU hunting down this week's subway sodomizer. It may be perhaps because we're busy destroying culture, but it's just something we're used to.

All this to say, we're glad you're watching the show, and assume if we come to your town and get something wrong, it's an honest mistake born of scheduling and chaos rather than laziness and willful condescension.

Unless it's about Rhode Island. You people and your stinking "plantations." Yeah, you. We're coming for you.

*NOTE: I have been with him when he has done this. Not as bad as his time in China when he signed his name Kobe Bryant for a week, but still ...


Beth said...

Ah, people. Leverage noticed your home town enough to pretend they were there. They weren't really, which is disappointing, but they pretended that they were. So they got some things wrong. Not a big deal. If they set something where I'm from, Humboldt County CA, they'd probably make pot an issue. I was never into pot myself but I know it makes for a storyline. And, it's always fun when they mess up the directions. The X-Files came to town once (again, only pretend but still) and their directions were atrocious. It was still a happy day. Just think...there's our episode and remember, there was an extra helping of Kane in it, so you should come away feeling good.

Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that, as far as I'm concerned, the whole of America is an imaginary country.

Honestly, unless the characters are standing in front of a SUPER FAMOUS landmark I wouldn't even be able to tell New York or LA apart.

Almost everything I know about America I learnt from TV and movies. You guys are WERID. And possibly don't actually exist. For all I know there is just one studio and giant soundstage in the middle of a desert, and that's America. Where you all eat chicken fried steak. (What IS that, anyway??)

Anonymous said...

"Unless it's about Rhode Island. You people and your stinking "plantations." Yeah, you. We're coming for you"

Haven't these people suffered enough at the hands of Seth McFarland?

Chaz said...

Great wrap up and thanks for answering our very 'though provoking' questions.

And also, thank so much for trying to get an answer on the tattoos! I hope Christian didn't give you too hard a time. ;)

Save-vs-DM said...

I think I finally figured out where you shot most of the stuff for this episode. I have to say, as a Portland native, you've gotten really good at masking where you're shooting at.

AJ said...

@richard jensen -

any attention is good attention. family guy was just the beginning. leverage attention would be sweet.

*especially* if they can work in the whole "providence plantations" thing.

frabjous said...

I'm not taking the "plantations" bait, I'm really not.

But as a proud alum of a RI university, I have to note that Providence is about the most happily, straight-up, corrupt and Mob-ridden city I have lived in, and I grew up in New York in the 70s.

I don't know if there's a good place in Portland to double for it, but if you ever need a small corrupt city to set a story in, that's the one. The idea of Sophie trying to pronounce "quahog" is just a plus.

Jim Kakalios said...

It was approximately half way through "500 Days of Summer" before I realized that it was set in LA. I'm surprised you just don't have them work out of Central City (or at least for the flash backs. Ouch!).

Anonymous said...

You know what really scares me? A Family Guy/Leverage crossover where Quagmire tries to get Sophie and Parker into a three way.
Slashfic fans. START YOUR ENGINES!!

Oh...and may I add...giggity.

Casey Moore said...

I am just waiting for the Chinese Drywall Con so I can mock you getting New Orleans wrong. We let things slide on The Librarian 3 since you nice people gave us work, but this time the gloves are off.

And chicken fried steak is good.

Unknown said...

"According to network television, Los Angeles is Murderville, capitol city of Rapesylvannia."

Word. I saw To Live and Die in LA at much too young an age, and was completely unsettled by this magically depraved shitpot of hell called Los Angeles where everybody is looking to score, sleeping with anorexic strippers they're not married to and getting giant damn holes blown into their heads. I'll stick with Lincoln any day.

adc1966 said...

Nope, no ads. (Although, hey, watch it any way you want) It only counts if you watch it Live or on your Tivo within 24 hours. Everything else is nice info but not useful.

Of course, unless you're a metered household, your view doesn't count at all no matter how you watch it. (At least with a download or a Netflix viewing, somebody knows you watched, even if the network got no revenue.) So best not to worry about it.

Benjamin Russell said...

I will, on the other hand, take the "plantations" bait and assume that KFM is referring to the recent ballot referendum to change the official title of RI rom “State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations” to “State of Rhode Island.” Ignoring for the moment that a commonwealth is actually a sliiightly different legal entity than a state, the Commonwealths of Massachusetts or Pennsylvania wouldn't put up with that anti-heritage nonsense, and I hope RI won't either, regardless of what uninformed, well-intentioned people might first think when then encounter the state's full name.

Sarah Vowell says it far better than I could in the New York Times, so I shan't crib or repeat: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/05/opinion/05vowell.html

Suffice it to say that if language is a fluid thing that changes with the omnimind of the users, and takes the shape of its container, then we are responsible for shaping that container if we value an honest accounting of origins and history, and to do that, we sometimes have to keep the meanings of words, even if they're not used that way any more.

Itinerant Pedant said...

Oh fer...at the risk of igniting the Chicken Fried Steak Wars, I currently live in Wisconsin, was born in Nebraska (Lincoln, in fact) and have lived in Oklahoma (in the Army), as well as Massachussetts, New Hampshire and Vermont and for five somewhat uncomfortable years, North Carolina. So I bow to no one in my American Cross-Section credentials.

Lincoln, Nebraska is well inside the "chicken fried steak line". Do they eat it as robustly as Kansans, Oklahomans, folks from southern Illinois, etc.? No. Have I found it on a batch of menus in hotels all across the (varied regions of) the Midwest. Yes.

As for what Chicken Fried Steak IS...it is Cube Steak, battered and fried in a manner reminiscent of Fried Chicken. Hence, "Chicken Fried Steak". Because it is breaded and fried, and because it almost universally is delivered not only loaded with calories from the steak, the breading and the freaking frying, but also with a cream gravy, the flipping thing is god's little gift to cardiologists.

I speak of course as a current resident of Milwaukee, whose Beer, Brats, and Cheese cardinal food groups culture is god's OTHER little gift to cardiologists.

If you want to come to our town and have the entire con set in a brewery, and whose resolution revolves around the exact time it takes to create cheesy fries and bratwurst, while making Laverne and Shirley jokes, we would be HAPPY to host you, Rogers.

I'm just saying.

Kate Nepveu said...

But listen: my hacker's a hip person of color, my sex symbol isn't an anorexic in her 20's, and my badass uber-thief is a blonde we put in a dress precisely once a season. Even I, on the vanguard of the socialist Hollywood liberal homosexualist agenda, can only punch so many holes on my liberal cred ticket per season.

Can I ask that you punch just one more, please?

Stop having Hardison play the race card.

The only time race gets mentioned in the show is when he falsely plays the race card.

Hardison is never actually the victim of racism. And so even though it's a joke, even though you have good intentions--I assure you that I notice and appreciate that the guest characters are a wide mix of races and ethnicities--the result is that it reinforces the false belief that people of color benefit when they make accusations of racism, and moreover that racism doesn't actually exist because the only time it's alleged is to get ahead.

And because you all seem generally clueful, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that as a person of color, this is just wrong, that racism is real and that calling something out as racist is opening yourself up for a huge shitstorm and, often, much more trouble than benefit.

So can you please ditch that joke? Or perhaps you've already ditched it this season, the same way that Sophie got two whole shows in a row where she wasn't being a seductress.

(And yes, I expect a shitstorm here, from people who will go right past the parts where I say that you have good intentions and are generally clueful and say "OMG SHE'S CALLING THEM KKK MEMBERS!!eleventy-one!" I still think it was important to say.)

Tania said...

Chicken-fried steak looks pretty good to me - but I'm on a diet, so any tv food is going to make me drool!
(Not the pork rinds though. Just, ugh...)

For those complaining about how a tv show portrays your state/city - I feel your pain. Did anyone see the last Bones series premiere? Trust me, for a Londoner - or any Brit, really - that shit was wince-fried wince with a side of cringe.
(Yes, I'm still hungry - why do you ask)?

Idlewild said...

What adc1966 about Nielsen households -- amen. One of the most frustrating things about being a TV viewer and an avid fan of certain shows is that since I'm not one of those magical 10,000 or so people, my "vote" doesn't count.

But what can you do?

Back to more fun topics: when I saw the scene with Eliot in the ring, speaking to Sophie, I was immediately reminded of something that I think Dean Devlin said in a "Behind the Scenes" video, which is that Eliot is perhaps the most grounded of the team in some respects. That came through brilliantly in this episode, particularly in the lines where he talks about how he cannot control the violence around him, but that he can control what is inside him.

Nice, nice Eliot moment. And so true, about many things.

I did not catch Parker being so at home out in Nebraska until you mentioned it, but now I can see it. She does seem to be enjoying herself!

Unknown said...

Oh, I adore you even more after this post.

"We will always get it wrong in the future."

Heeheeeheee. That will be my new watch-phrase for all discussions regarding tv.

Anonymous said...

Totes unrelated to the ep, but someone found Elliot's long lost brother and photographic proof!


Anonymous said...

Though he did tell me how he got Gina naked that one time.


(ya knew someone was going to ask sooner or later)

Chris "Stu" Stuart said...

The "The Slightly More Ultimate Nullifier Job" line here made me laugh, and then made me sad that there is no friend of mine here at work or online currently that I could tell the joke to without explaining way too much why it was funny for them to actually find it funny.

Sad face.

Ardaniel Collier said...

It's OK, Stu, I also found it hilarious.

Of course, I immediately pasted it to Slarti, too, but he's off at lunch right now.

Christina Lollobrigida said...

>> Or, have the Leverage fans stick around for the first ten minutes of Dark Blue, and try to hook them. Those marketing humans are cunning.

I was wondering why I never saw the clips! I always start watching it on my DVR 15 minutes in so I can fast forward through the ads and still finish the episode by the end time, but I never tell it to tape "15 minutes longer"

>>No, Eliot picked him up, if I remember, but we may have cut the shot.

Yeah that wasn't very clear, since you did cut the shot there.

Still overall a great episode that I loved, and thank you for all the additional insight into it! I'm really glad that you're so in touch with your fans!

Havenward said...

Thanks for the answer!

...And I have to say, the continuing comparison of Kane to Wolverine amuses me to no end. You make a very good point about the bathrobe... I do enjoy mysterious backgrounds. I just adore when y'all do flash backs for Eliot, Parker, and Hardison.

Keep up the great work, and I'll keep watching... (And don't drink yourself into a stupor... At least not til September!)

Anonymous said...

As for what Chicken Fried Steak IS...it is Cube Steak, battered and fried in a manner reminiscent of Fried Chicken. Hence, "Chicken Fried Steak". Because it is breaded and fried, and because it almost universally is delivered not only loaded with calories from the steak, the breading and the freaking frying, but also with a cream gravy, the flipping thing is god's little gift to cardiologists.

Sweet baby jesus, America is truly a magical land. That sounds amaaaazing. About a gazillion calories, but still.

(You know the other weird American food I want to try? Pumpkin pie. It's just...pumpkin is a SAVORY vegetable! I can't imagine how on earth you can make it into a dessert! It's like telling me you're making potato pie. And yet every book and tv shows waxes lyrical over it, like come Thanksgiving it's all you eat. I am confused and intrigued!)

Brennen said...

I will second the observation that Nebraska (all of Nebraska) is well inside the chicken fried steak line, if such a thing actually exists. I grew up in bumfuck northeast Nebraska and lived in Lincoln for three years. I probably ate a chicken fried steak (or country fried steak, as it's interchangeably known) at least once a week in Lincoln.

Anonymous said...


Christian does have tattoo's on his legs. He has a cherokee inspired Wolf and Moon on his left ankle and a falcon/eagle on his right with wings up to the knee.

They are AWSOME!!!!!

Bates said...

One of my favorite bits with shows like Leverage and Burn Notice is seeing how characters adapt to the unexpected (not always successfully, but always entertainingly).

Great to hear that this season will really dig into showing the gang outside its comfort zone.

(Clever people doing clever things is all well and good, but it's not compelling if they're always in control of the situation -- the ol' '80s Action Hero Syndrome.)

Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill said...

I'll second Kate's note, as a long-time fan of the blog, and (obviously) a more recent fan of LEVERAGE.
I understand, in story terms, why it's occurring -- it's a potent meme, in a world still struggling with race issues, as the Gates incident shows all too well. Not dissing the idea that it can be a useful con.

But as you've already shown, it's not a necessary one. Pulling the "race card" becomes a jarring point in the stories, to hear someone who is a LOT like me (I'm also a tall, thin-in-my-younger days African-American computer geek since childhood) speaking in that way. I'd love to see less of that, and more of the building of Hardison's overall interesting con skills, as Aldis has been able to portray so well.

Ann said...

I figured you would get alot of feedback from "Nebraskans". Our state is not mentioned much on TV and when it is the natives are usually portrayed as yokels with no teeth. Sorry though if you took alot of heat. I guess Nebraskan air produces thin skin. Although I still say the Okie with the tattoos on his shins is behind the "Anti-Nebraska Conspiracy".

Seriously, I would like to make a quick (& tardy) comment about Mr. Kane's performance. I was amazed at the change in his countenance when he was playing an innocent being taken advantage of. I noticed this in "The Two-Horse Job" also. Just in the softening of his facial expressions he conveyed that he was playing his part in the cons. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

Wait, you mean writers arent omnipotent? Dude, you're crushing my world view here! ;-)

briddie said...

Ann, have you noticed his voice changes pitch, too? Kind of like the voice Sophie uses on a mark.

Nolatari said...

Regarding dyingfire's confirmation about Christian's tattoos...

The tattoo with wings is on his left leg. It's visible in the ring, just above the tape on his feet. Unless the recording was mirror-imaged...

Beth said...

To Ann's comment about Kane's first scene with the promoter - the fear and the vulnerability that he displayed was nearly painful to watch and I mean that in a good way. That was a really amazing job.
Now I'm off to watch this week. Yay!!

Sprog said...

I live in Toronto (so I'm may be kind of getting your shows by illegal means - but I've hooked family and once we can buy your dvd we will!) and there are a whole new slew of shows being set here. Flashpoint is one of them and it makes it seem like we have terrorists, mobs, and dirtbag hostage takers up the wazoo. It's a bit of an adjustment but I'm used to it now.

Actually, I love watching it just to see what they try and pass off as Toronto. There are a few chase scenes where they start off in one part of the city and then they turn a corner and they are in a section 39 minutes away.

I have nothing to add to the whole chicken fried steak business besides the fact that I found it hilarious in my blissful ignorance.

Darkrose said...

I'm going to disagree with Kate and Asim. I *like* the sly digs that Hardison gets in. They're totally in character, and I can easily believe Hardison would say that. (It's the kind of joking around I do with my wife, like talking about how mayonnaise is the food of her people.) I like the fact that Hardison's not "de-racialized", for lack of a better word. He's a geek, but yes, he's also culturally black, and he's comfortable in his skin.

It's not something that he does often, which is the other reason it works for me, and especially in this episode. I remember driving through Nebraska on my cross-country trip five years ago and feeling like I'd been transported to Planet of the White People, even more than when I used to visit my ex's family in New Hampshire. I can totally see Hardison being just a little weirded out by it all.

Jason said...

Re: hardison and the race card

I think it's just another club in his bag. It's not "the race card" so much as it is "throwing people off balance". Nothing shifts your focus faster from offense to defense than being called a racist in public (except maybe rapist).

briddie said...

I'm pretty sure it wasn't his skin color that prompted the matzoh ball comment in Homecoming Job. I think he just uses whatever he can to distract his opponent.

And hey, y'all should move to Texas where we talk funny and have oil wells in our backyards.

Jason said...

I'm from Texas...I'll drive my Boss Hogg Caddy over from my oil well to your oil well, and we can eat big he-man steaks and hate on Messicans who take all our jobs!

Anonymous said...

Of course, it's now 104 degrees in Portland, and I've learned to assume nothing.

you're telling me, buddy. We broke records from 1981. Thank god its 84 today.

Kate Nepveu said...

Re: Hardison falsely accusing other people of racism to further cons: I'm not objecting to this on characterization grounds or whether it's useful to him, but that in the larger context of American society, it sends the wrong message.

Bruce said...

The only reason Chicken Fried Steaks don't have a stick stuck into them is because of the gravy falling off if you hold it up in the air.

Classic county fair food, on a plate.

Ed D. said...

In my defense, I never said CFS was unknown in Nebraska. I will repeat to myself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax."

Oh, and since there were just 62 homicides in the borough of Manhattan in 2008, the "Law & Order" franchise alone is solving roughly 200% of these crimes each season.

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Mikkee said...

Like everyone else, I appreciate and enjoy reading your blogs. It is uncommon for someone in your position to put yourself out there to receive and respond to questions, comments and complaints submitted by viewers.

I just want to second the praise given by Ann and Briddie to Christian for the quality of his acting performances. I, too, have been struck by his ability to effect a total transformation in himself when Eliot's circumstances require it. He did the same thing -- marvelously -- in "Order 23," when he had the brief conversation with Randy. I have replayed that scene a number of times (thank God for DVRs). I was so touched by the way Christian softened his facial expression, and lifted his voice to "disengage" its normally raspy quality to speak with such comforting gentleness to that little boy -- all for a very brief but powerful and moving one-and-a-half lines. It was just exceptionally well done.

Rob Pugh said...

"The Slightly More Ultimate Nullifier Job" = Total Geek Win.

Late to the conversation, but I was on vacation. Huge MMA fan, so I enjoyed the hell out of this ep.

Though every time I see Elliot's long-ass hair I think "huge combat detriment." Now, if you make it detachable wig like Rucka with Batwoman, all is forgiven.

Having been born and raised in NC I can attest to the delicious heart stoppingness of chicken fried steak.

Race flummoxes people. Hardison uses it to his advantage. Well played. The idea he shouldn't is akin to having the crew stop lying, stealing or drinking. Cause we all know THAT'S JUST WRONG. [Feel my sarcasm.]

And as for "female-on-male violence" it remains a laugh riot because tiny women beating up big guys is funny. Yay juxtoposition!

More seriously, a couple friends demonstrating MMA techniques amongst themselves isn't "violence" any more than MMA is "violence." [And before any overly sensitive person goes there - a sport with rules and preconditions, entered into freely by two honorable combatants isn't "violence." If you think it is, you've never done it.]

Context is all.

Unknown said...

I don't know if you'll read this, but I was born and raised in Lincoln, and yeah, I thought you made a shade or two hick for me to believe it actually could take place there. But I will stick up for your whole "Hardison mistaken for a Husker" thing. My high school English teacher happened to be an African American who attended University of Nebraska, and according to his stories, he got mistaken for a football player all the time.

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Anonymous said...

To the comment that said that Nebraska is not mentioned a lot on tv shows. You are mistaken as it has been in Full House, Bing Bang Theory, now Leverage, and others (i can't recall them at the moment). Also when American Idol came to Omaha, guess what the clips showed fields of corn. They could have shown the actual city they were in. They showed the other cities as Miami and Dallas and others, but no, Nebraska it is corn. Also about the race card thing, if you view differences just by the color of skin, yes the majority in Nebraska is white. If you happened to take a closer look into the generalized white category, you see that nebraska is much more diverse than you make it out to be. So many here are proud of their ethnic roots in Europe and such. We have swedish, german, czech, and many other towns, who celebrate their heritage. I know you say lighten up it is just a tv show, but at least don't generalize the whole middle of the state as a bunch of hicks. I get tired of people asking if we have electricity or drive tractors to work.

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