Thursday, July 16, 2009

LEVERAGE 201 "The Beantown Bailout Job" Post-game

Hey, you all showed up, and you brought some friends. Thanks.

Right, I won't lie -- this one was a bitch. I mean, we were ecstatic, but we'd been picked up for the summer -- which was an honor, a real vote of confidence from the network -- with little prep time. We'd literally written ourselves out of a show premise. You see, we' sworn to ourselves we'd tell a complete story in Season 1, in case we never made an other episode of Leverage again. No cliffhanger endings for our story!

Well then, too clever by half.

So we started wrestling with how to bring the team back together. The natural reunion is a "help, I'm in trouble" call. It gets you in hot, it immediately covers any motivations, it solves a multitude of writing problems ... and so, perversely, we dug in against it.

Besides, we were basically writing a "second pilot" for all the new summer season sample viewers. A "help I'm in trouble" episode almost always is about one of the characters or a loved one. But the point of Leverage is that they help ordinary people, people who've stumbled into the giant machine of finance and corruption and power. For a "second pilot", we should use a traditional victim.

Not only that, these are characters who are not touchy-feely. Were we going to cheat and say the end of Season 1 really meant "And they never saw each other again ... except for weekends and holidays..." No, they broke up. For reals, as the kids would Tweet. It had to be accidental and awkward. Simultaneous heists? Well, we were saving that for something else ...

Downey joked that he'd like to find a way to get the team back together again during the opening credits. I'd laugh ... and then wistfully sigh. What we arrived at was the accidental reunion of damaged friends, none of whom could summon up the emotional maturity to just come out and admit they needed each other. Instead, once given permission to be together by fate, they could hack away awkwardly, fall into their old family relationship and pretend that hey, it was just a good way to work out the altruism kinks, until the jones passed again.

All except Nate Ford, of course. Nate closed his arc in Season 1. Done. He got his vengeance agasint the men who he felt were responsible for the death of his child. He was forgiven by his ex-wife. Didn't need to drink anymore, conquered his demons ...


Nate Ford ... well, we know Nate Ford a little, by now. Add a line Downey and Berg wrote in "The 12 Step Job":"Maybe I'm a bigger bastard when I'm sober? Did you think about that?" and you begin to understand that it takes a certain kind of person to baste his grief and rage in a furnace of booze and come out the other side as an obsessive, vengeful guardian angel. And that sort of person doesn't go away when the booze does. Hell, the boze was what was keeping the edge off. What happens to a brilliant, obsessive control freak when you take vengeance away from him? Those gears don't just spin down ...

Nate Ford has a very definite idea of who he is and where he belongs in the world. He is, of course, wrong.

Season Zero was about what happens when a nice, stand-up guy with a very black-and-white identity and worldview collides headlong with reality, and reality wins. Season 1 was about that man crawling out of the gutter using what was left of his skills. Season 2 is about Nate Ford realizing that he isn't that nice, stand-up guy anymore. He's changed. Or, maybe, he's just not so good at lying about who -- or what -- he really is.

At the same time, Sophie's coming to a realization herself. How Nate and Sophie each react to their new sense of identity form the first and second "season" arcs of Season 2.

And along the way, we'll watch Eliot, Hardison and Parker deal with "identity" in their own ways.

This season, as you probably know, shoots in Portland, which has turned into a fantastic experience for us. The city is shoot-friendly, looks gorgeous, and the people of Portland have really taken us into their hearts. The show is going to shoot on location quite a bit more than we did last year, and I think it opens us up visually, gives us a little more scope.

The plot of this episode came about because, well, we were just too steeped in crime, after a year, to look at anything in a non-cynical way. Basically, as we were developing the 2nd Season, the government announced the $700 billion dollar bailout deal. We looked at each other and said: "There is no way that you're going to turn $700 billion loose into the world and not have somebody try to grift a piece of it. " Soon after we started filming, the government began prosecuting the first of the bailout fraud cases. Not prescience -- a simple faith in the gravity of corruption.

Bank fraud's a ... little dry, to say the least. I was casting around for a crime story to glue onto the idea (Downey was breaking what would become #203, Berg working on what would become #207) while going over my notes about moving the show to Boston. "Remember The Departed" was scrawled in my notebook, a reminder to use State Police in a story, since audiences would already have a mental shorthand for those sorts of characters. The bleak, joyless existence of the modern mob juxtaposed agasint the luxurious lifestyles of "honest citizens" like Madoff and Sanford pretty much fell together, all of a piece, in an afternoon. Once you know who you want to talk about, the crime stuff comes a lot easier.

Of course, as soon as the actors showed up, it all fell into place. We really are kind of in the business of dropping these characters into trouble, and then getting the hell out of their way.

For the record, first shot of the second season was Kevin Chapman -- who'd been a doorman at Nick's Comedy Club in Boston when I was doing stand-up -- settign up the meeting with Nate Ford over his cell phone. And my favorite line is "... but we usually use a razor blade." Annie Kroy may be my favorite Gina character yet. I could write 12 episodes for that voice alone.

Right, onto the questions.

@scott: It's great that the Season 1 DVD is out, but what about Blu-Ray?? when can we expect the first season in Blue-Ray format???

Don't know. The DVD's are distributed by Paramount, and I think we're hacking out a Blue-Ray option now. It is a shame, as we shoot digital, but I think it still looks pretty amazing, at least for human eyes.

@Stefan Jones: The Oregonian says the new season is supposed to be taking place in Boston. No love for Stumptown?

We always said Nate Ford was from Boston, and it's the home-base culture for both Tim and I. If Nate Ford was going to go anywhere to try to re-assert his old identity, it was home. We will see, however, that he probably didn't really think that out ...

@Robert M: Any idea whether we might see Leverage streaming on Netflix soon? I prefer life without cable, and iTunes has some serious drawbacks as a delivery method for TV.

It's up now on Netflix streaming, although there are a few Season 1 eps missing that are currently streaming on TNT. I assume they'll become available very soon. I do love the Netflix. I keep every ep of Rockford on my Play Instantly queue at all times, just in case the whim strikes me.

Personally, I'd go with the DVD, because then you get all our drunken, ranting commentary.

@Darkrose: Will S2 be available on iTunes, and if so, any idea what the turnaround time will be?

It's up, and looks like it'll be a 1 day turnaround.

@Jenni: Here in Sunny Florida, in Miami there is a big problem with Medicare fraud, maybe Nate and the team could come in and clean that up for us!!! Eliot can kick their ass for people selling their social security cards and companies taking the money and run and not helping anyone.

Is he kicking the asses of the elderly? I think Kane might have an issue with that. Although we haven't done a proper wheelchair fight yet. I think we just shot the meat cvleaver fight last week ...

@Michelle: I had to laugh when Elliot made the new door way. Does this mean that they are all moving into the building? (like a big frat house?)

God, no. Although Nate's not exactly sure where the hell Hardison is sleeping, because he always seems to be in Nate's loft. Always.

@Matt: Did you really need to beat us over the head with the briefcase thing at the end, though?

You know, we're never sure. Testing indicates -- and I'm not kidding -- that about 30% of our audience never understands the con at all. Doesn't stop them from enjoying the show, but particularly for a "second pilot", better safe than sorry.

@Becky: Are we going to get to see what everyone was up to for the 6 months, or was the brief mention in tonight's episode it?

You'll get glimpses, but we're kind of saving those months for something special. We did have a series of flashbacks -- again, not kidding -- picking up the story of Eliot's mysterious monkey. But that's for another day.

@Karie: guess the big reason why everyone split up to begin with is left on the fun train? That's okay, I like the fun train. Will we see more Sterling again this season? Mark Sheppard is a fantastic actor and I love seeing him get work.

I think I covered why the split above, but hey, love to see people embrace the fun train. You can be damn sure Sterling is coming back. After all, he never loses ...

@Calla: I have a question: one of Christian Kane's songs played in an S1 episode - will he get another song in S2 AND might we get to see Eliot sing at some point?

Probably have another song, but both Chris and the writers don't want to push Eliot singing. Does Eliot look like he sings? I don't know. I think he is an artist, and violence is his instrument ...

@Kai: So, it's a very minor quibble that I have, but I'm kind of hoping the little intro credits were a one time deal, sort of a 15-second "you are here" for all the first-time viewers...they weren't terrible, understand, and they were quick, but I have to admit that I liked how season one just went with a quick title and got straight to business.

You will see the intro for a while, but it will probably shift soon. Maybe. At the very least, we're going to play with where it lands.

@Cameron Hughes: How was Nate able to land a job at an insurance company after the events of last year? Also, is Leverage World a year ahead of us the way its been jumping 6 months?

Hardison covered their tracks pretty perfectly. Leverage World is about 3 months ahead of us, but will be normalied to Standard Non-Fiction Time by the end of the Season.

@Mitchy: As an aside, I have to say if I were Nate, having people barging in and trashing my place would drive me straight back to drink. Looking forward to seeing how he continues to cope with the not drinking thing, especially working with this crew!

Nate's grand strategy to stop drinking is basically pitting his own iron will against the booze. In a BAR. Literally staring it down. Yeah, this is going to go well ...

@Shelley: Split seasons, 'eh? Hmmmm. Will this become a habit for future seasons (what, there will be future seasons!) or is this a one-time thing to deal with the quicker turnaround?

If we're granted a third season by the TV Gods, then I believe we'll stay on the split schedule.

@Nato: All in all, big fun TV. You could coast all season on the strength of your lead ensemble, and I'd quite happily tune in. But I'd really like to see you add some nuance and complexity to your villains.

Dude, Bernie Madoff stole FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS. In a PONZI SCHEME. Which is the criminal equivalent of convincing people you are going to fly to the moon in a refridgerator box. The single, unpleasant truth is that most people, particularly criminals, are NOT complex. They are shallow, greedy sons of bitches to whom we attribute genius planning or complex motivations in order to preserve a false sense of order in our universe.

That said, all our bad guys operat ein a world where they are the heroes. You'll hear several different versions of "the evil speech of evil", as we call it, over the next year.

@Micah Seymour: Ok I watched the first episode of S2 last night 'cause you've got a guest star called W.W. coming up sometime. That gets one free viewing, but what I saw last night will at least make me check it out next week.

Wil Wheaton is in, er, I don't remember which episode. Better watch them all. He could be anywhere!

@VideoBeagle: Production question: The CGI car crash. Lots of places, entertainment folk talk about how expenseive CGI is and how long it takes etc...Is it something that's getting to the point that it is though cheaper to make a car flip digitally than to get a car and have a stunt man flip it or are there other considerations that lead to it's use?

Honestly, we just thought it woud be insane to go to Portland and, first day there, flip and blow up a car on a major thoroughfare. Turns out they're pretty cool about it.

Also, we've discovered that old-school miniatures explosions, gussied up with CG, look the best and are the cheapest way to go. You'll see more of those. Although our CG humans did yeoman;s work, I think if we were to do it again, we would have gone practical on the car flip.

@Richard Jensen: (Sidebar: I'm really glad to see Charles Martin Smith still kicking around. I've been a fan since he was hanging out in the tundra in "Never Cry Wolf".)

Sidebar -- Charles Martin Smith is the father of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. By which I mean, he directed the original, unaired premise pilot. Cool, eh?

@Eitan: When will TNT follow pretty much all the major, and some minor, networks and support the Mac OS?

They're actually upgrading this year, and things will be snappy for Mac users such as myself in just a few more weeks, if not days.

@Trent C: The monologue from the banker seems amazingly prescient, given the news story about Goldman Sachs posting record profits after being bailed out by the U.S. government. Reminds me of the senator from The Homecoming job echoing the fall of Ron Blagojevich.

Research is your friend, and greed is universal.

@CindyD1000: Why is Nate wearing a pajama top with a towel?

You know, I'm not sure. I'll ask Tim why he chose to do that. Probably to hide the tattoos.

@JackAttack: Question: When Sophie surprised the guy attacking Nate, why did she adopt a persona (couldn't catch the whole thing but ended with "Stitch this!"). She referenced it to make the con work later on, but it seemed convenient that she went "Irish" ahead of time.

I'm sorry, you think Sophie's voice is that character's real accent? Heh.

@scooter: McRory's is a lot tiddier than any Boston Irish bar I've been in. Maybe you can scruff it up a bit?

I'm drinking and vomiting in the corners as fast as I can, man!

@Rachel: And now I have a question: So when the team meet at the play, we're given the impression none of them have been in touch. Later Hardison tells us he looked for Parker for the whole six months the team has been apart and didn't find her. And yet Sophie managed to contact everyone to invite them to her performance? Is she just that good? Or did Parker maintain contact with Sophie, while avoiding Hardison? I'm confused!

You should be confused. Each one of them has a different relationship with the others. Sophie ... kept tabs on people. Hardison tried to, although he went about it, well, wrong.

Hope that was useful. Now, let's leave with a sneak peek of next week's episode. I actually giggled while watching this the first time; I'd never heard the final sound mix, and Aldis' desperate pleas for help ... just turn your volume way up.


Calla said...

You wrote: "oes Eliot look like he sings?"

a valid point, BUT does Eliot look like he plays chess? or cooks? Do you think all he can do is bust heads? Hardly - the man has hidden depths!

OTOH, you could always have him sing, just badly - because that would be even funnier, knowing how well Christian really sings!

Mark Waid said...

" takes a certain kind of person to baste his grief and rage in a furnace of booze and come out the other side as an obsessive, vengeful guardian angel."


Unknown said...

Very nice character and motivation breakdowns. I guess that is why you get paid to do this.

Astonishing Adventures Magazine

Kes said...

"I'm sorry, you think Sophie's voice is that character's real accent? Heh."

I would have added something like "That's so precious." though your "Heh." basically implies that. I giggled at that answer.

Eventide said...

Maybe not your domain but what's up with Sophie's mom hair? Gina's always beautiful but oy...

After listening to the commentary on the first season I now have nightmares of 'furry things' and [most of all] airport security chewing on my undies. Thanks a lot.

Micah said...

Oh, the clip for next week is fantastic. Parker is totally the kind of person who would just go 'hey, this is fun, I'll ignore the tapout!'

Poor, poor Hardison. Heee. I love how everyone just ignores his cries for help, too, even Sophie "You call this a SPORT?" Devereaux.

Unknown said...

30%? And I wonder why most TV is so dumb. Also, why people lose their money to scammers.

Hooray for Sheppard coming back. Tangentially speaking, you should try to pick up Tricia Helfer for an episode. If only because I'm playing Guest Star Bingo.

On the one hand, I feel like I should point out that Knight Rider did a dirty-MMA-promoter episode. On the other hand, I'm not sure I should admit to knowing that. Oh well...

Robert "kebernet" Cooper said...

Just wanted to say, good opening ep. The reuniting did seem a bit stilted, but once the episode was rolling, it was worth the price of admission.

Comment/questionish: I am really not a fan of the new opening titles now. Is there a reason you guys opted for a semi-flashy title sequence rather than the subdued rolling start from S1?

Becky said...

My dad wanted me to point out that Nate's cookie sheet, the one Sophie whacked him in the face with, must have never been used since it still had the price tag stuck to the back. ;)

Vicki said...

Does Eliot look like he sings?

Well, does Eliot look like he cooks? And yet his knifework was oh, so sublime when he was catering that wedding last season. Who knew?

Eliot is a man of hidden depths.

Anonymous said...

Fun sneak!

I love that Nate never once reacts to the demo takedown.

Anonymous said...

When Sophie admitted to Nate that she had a boyfriend now...I could imagine being able to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the shippers in the middle distance.

I think one of the interesting things about this show is that it deals with crime, but it deals with crime in a fairly different way from most programs.

Take for example NCIS. Which i've been watching some of. A few friends recommended it to me, so i took a look. The show's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. Each of the characters in the show is brilliant in their particular fields, an accomplished and experienced expert of one sort or another. NOBODY EVER CARRIES THE IDIOT BALL on that show.
As a result, the sort of crimes that they are called on to solve have to be, the twistiest and turniest sorts of crimes that i have ever seen on a TV show. I mean most crimes are not particularly complex in form or execution. I give the writers of NCIS mad props for creating these sorts of complex crimes, week after week, but also for making the byplay between the main characters so very important to the structure of the show.

Also: I have a mad crush Paulley Parrette.

But Leverage comes at this from the other end. The original crimes, can be as simple or complex as the story needs because the Leverage LLC is all about the response and the response is an evolution of the original precipitating event. And there's a never a shortage of things that can go wrong when crime is involved. (The Classic Example to my mind is from the Ostrander run on Suicide Squad where Captain Boomerang causes Deadshot's luggage to get lost on the way to the operation.)

Come to think of it, Suicide Squad and Leverage have a lot in common, the commonalities between Nate and Amanda Waller are a little scary.

You know, There might a be a certain bent appeal in having the Leverage LLC run up against some of TV's more egregious cop show tropes. One could border on satire....I'm just saying.

jen said...

I will be curious to see how Sophie kept tabs on everyone - it did seem awkward how everyone just happened to show up at her performance, but I did get the feeling through the episode that she had planned it all to get them back together again.
And I kind of agree with Calla, Eliot is one of the deeper characters that I've come to expect surprises from - I'd love to see him sing... or have some other off-the-wall hidden talent.
Also, LOVE this preview for next week!! I'm laughing my ass off over here. Aldis is always hilarious.

Anonymous said...

so ummm ...
do I understand this correctly.
Apart from being US-citizens-only, all the (so-called) shiny streaming-options are windows- or mac-only?

can anyone tell me why piracy is not the better choice here? Or rather the only choice for a European linux-user?

well I will buy the dvd from, at least they don't refuse to ship it over here *shakes head*

you people make it awfully hard to give you money.

Maya said...

Is it too late if I ask a question after the "post-game" entry has already been posted? Ah, gonna give it a shot anyway. What was that nice little moment between Nate and Sophie at the theater about? Were they gonna hug or hug and kiss? Also, Sophie said something before she initiated it but I can't make it out. Sounds to me like she says "kiss". Not sure.

Can't wait to see how this boyfriend business unfolds throughout the season. It's an interesting subplot but personally, I hope he's gone soon. Sophie and Nate belong together.

Mike Cullen said...

Hardison and Parker introduce themselves to the Banker: "I'm Costello, this is Costigan..."

Took a while for me to get it, but hey, nice Departed reference!

Kate Nepveu said...

Annie Kroy may be my favorite Gina character yet.

I _loved_ Sophie getting to be a badass not a seductress. Seriously, seriously loved it.

Almost as much as I loved her getting a boyfriend in the last six months and not sitting around waiting for Nate.

Anonymous said...

As I said last post, loved the ep. But something ticked at me and I have to say it.
Sophie is admittedly a terrible actress on stage while brilliant on the job. But if she's that bad on stage, how does she keep getting cast?
Is there some bigger meta story going on with that or did I just tie an ingenue to the tracks for the fun train?

Mary Sue said...

Oh, sure, as soon as I shell out for the, you start streaming on Netflix. Hmpf.

Oh, well, Netflix has this annoying habit of skipping VERY IMPORTANT EPISODES in their streaming. And I totally didn't get a chance to watch it last night* so I'm trying really hard not to read the post/comments.

*It was 92 in PDX and like most people I have no A/C, so me and my little junky netbook were hiding at Southeast Grinds where there was A/C and iced coffee and a peanut butter-honey-hazelnut sandwich.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the info Mr. Rogers, can't wait for the next episode!

LOL at Hardison and Parker...

"I'm tapping."
"I can't breath."
"It IS painful!"
"Help me!"
"Let me go, let me go."
"She's killing me."

alikitty619 said...

Awesome episode!! Really love the Q&A here. Are you going to do that for every episode? Because if you are even more awesome!!!!

OhShinyTomato said...

I'm sorry, you think Sophie's voice is that character's real accent? Heh.

WIN. That means my theory was RIGHT. HA.

Okay... done being all "I'm a winner" now...

So, I loved the season premiere, though to be honest with you the Boston accents made me cringe. I'm originally from there and while some of the actors got close... they were still so far off. IMO anyway...

So I'm thinking Sophie and Parker must have at least kept in touch for awhile, for Parker to know about Sophie having a boyfriend... that doesn't seem like something Sophie would just throw out there randomly the first time she talks to the girl. Yes? No? Hm.

Poor Hardison, looking for Parker and failing so badly...

When do we get to see this mysterious boyfriend of Sophie's? I have to ask why he wasn't at her play... did he purposely avoid it because of how bad she sucks? LOL.

Eitan said...

1 - Thanks for the update on mac support. Nice to know they are getting it done.

2 - Spent the $ on iTunes. Great opening!

Keep up the great work.

Stefan Jones said...

Now that was one seriously bitch'n piece of Creator Exegesis and Feedback!

I'm reading this blog very lightly because I haven't seen the first episode yet. Well, I watched the first couple of scenes and then switched to something I didn't have to spend brainshare on; I'll watch a TiFauxed copy on Saturday. That's the only way I can watch TV that I actually like these days.

I promise to watch a few of the commercials.

'ancyth': New sentence structure developed in 2017 after the semicolon is copyrighted by Google.

Anonymous said...

I'd second Richard Jensen's observation. I had a theory that Sophie was bankrolling The Sound of Music production herself because I can't fathom any producer, who wishes to turn a profit, would cast her with her lack of acting ability (on stage) and presumable lack of singing talent. But a friend disagreed with me, arguing that Sophie is quite earnest when it comes to her acting and would not buy herself a career. I loved the episode, but it's a small plot point that has been bothering me.

The sneak peak for next week? HILARIOUS.

Anonymous said...

30% of viewers don't understand the cons?? Seriously?? The cons are my favorite part!!

It's no wonder most of TV is dummed down and silly!! Keep Leverage smart and sassy!!

I do love what you've written here about the characters, it's the same stuff we're talking about in fandom...but to have your perspective match ours so closely just tells me Leverage has some DAMN smart fans!!

Thanks for not handfeeding us a Parker/Hardison romance, I appreciate that! Also...Sophie has gotten much more amazing and loveable in the season premier!

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for more!!

Also...if a fan was going to be in the Portland area...and maybe wanted to catch a look at would a fan do this??

Anonymous said...

The Evil Speech Of Evil has been added to the TV Tropes wiki.

Examples and expansion would of course be welcome. (I used the real-life one from disgraced Ponzi schemer Sir Allen Stanford.)

Anonymous said...

Annie Kroy - any relation to Wendy Kroy of the fabulous The Last Seduction?

Tara O'Shea said...

Annie Kroy made me happy. I have no idea how much of the average American viewing audience is familiar with South London gangster movies outside of Guy Richie, but seriously. SO VERY HAPPY. And once you yell "Oi!" and headbutt a guy *on instinct* I'm thinking Sophie knew she had to go with a "Layer Cake" type for consistency's sake...

"...Let me go... She's killing me..." just BROKE ME. Mostly due to a) sofa placement and b) Aldis' random flailing arm and c) Gina's "I'll take that."

Unsurprisingly (I was the Focus Group of One at the Chicago screening who gave you the thumbs up when Skype failed to convey my glee adequately) Parker and Hardison (and Eliot) also make me v. v. happy. Eliot teaching Parker to fight in their spare time? SO AWESOME.

briddie said...

I'm still iffy on the whole reunion thing. How could they *not* expect the others to show up? Okay, I know Sophie's acting is seriously awful, but they should have been halfway expecting to see the rest of the gang.

Yes, Eliot does look like he sings, maybe not professionally but while fiddling around with bombs, rigging equipment, busting through walls...

Wait...Tim has tattoos??

I so cannot wait for next week. Poor Hardison!

Theliel said...

so. did sophie actually say 'oi - was your mother a sewwer - stitch this!'

if so...i think that's the sexxiest battle cries i've ever heard.

[gir]i <3 this show.[/gir]

Anonymous said...

Just a suggestion. Don't know if any said it already too many comments Read ur entire update though and saw the ep2 sneak. Love to laugh w/u guys.

For the ones (me) that buy the season on itunes, will there be a chance of making a commentaries download as well? It does not matter if we pay for it. Thank you. Margie

Tara O'Shea said...

kinesys: Are you kidding? TWAS A 'SHIPPERS DREAM. I think the reason folks 'ship them is because they love the complexity of the relationship. It's better to have it develop organically than to rush it. And I'm fascinated to see Nate have the tables turned on him this way. (Also, I not-so-secretly am hoping Sophie's boyfriend is a normal joe and she's trying to pretend she's nothing more than a normal jobbing actor and not a world-class grifter, because it amuses me muchly to think of the hijinks that will ensue as a result. Particularly once you throw someone like Parker into the mix at teh awkward "meet my family" group dinner that would have to happen eventually.)

Also, I'm straight and I have a crush on Pauley as Abby Scuito on NCIS. She's made of awesome.

Richard Jensen: My assumption was Sophie funded the production. Cos honestly, no-one in their right mind would cast her as Maria. Not even John Barrowman. I'm more curious as to her thinking when she chose to settle down in Boston, knowing Nate was there...

S. Brady Calhoun said...

That's very Catholic of you, was just a great, great moment. The new opening credits really hit the spot. They tell you everything you need in what seemed like 6 seconds. WIN

J. said...

1 - smelling the alcoholic drink and putting it back as a test - seen in "Rescue Me" last season.

2 - "I have a boyfriend" now that you want to go out with me - see Scrubs seasons 1-5 and The Office seasons 1-3.

But I forgive you, because it's such an awesome show. Keep driving the bar up and we'll be watching.

Kai Tave said...

2 - "I have a boyfriend" now that you want to go out with me - see Scrubs seasons 1-5 and The Office seasons 1-3.

And, like, every other show that's ever had will-they-won't-they romance subplots between main characters ever. I mean, that one is a pretty common well to draw from.

Amongst all this speculation about Sophie's real accent or the identity of her boyfriend or the reason she keeps landing acting question is what could it possibly be that Nathan "Not So Much As a Parking Ticket" Ford keeps under his bed that engenders such a reaction in Sophie, the jaded continental grifter?

Tom Galloway said...

"Although Nate's not exactly sure where the hell Hardison is sleeping, because he always seems to be in Nate's loft. Always."

Um, given that Hardison is Nate's landlord, aren't there laws requiring him to give a day or two's notice when entering Nate's apartment other than in case of emergency? And Nate's the kind of guy who'd take full advantage of those laws as a giggle.

On the other hand, at least Nate won't lose his security deposit over the chainsaw incident.

Was surprised at Parker's first move against Hardison; I was expecting a laser beam like Beth Riesgraf did to the Make-A-Wish kid.

Oh, and related to those videos. I'm just sayin' that should Eliot happen to fight a local professional hockey player in Boston, he would be fighting a bear.

David Hunt said...

So has anyone ever come up with the idea of calling banker criminals like Charles Martin Smith's character "banksters?" I just thought of that and was feeling particularly clever. Then I figured that somebody had beaten me to it. Anyone know?

Video Beagle said...

No comment about adding a beagle to the cast? :(

You can be damn sure Sterling is coming back. After all, he never loses ...

So, I'm guessing that Sterling will be leading Blockage™ (That's the best anti-leverage term with a sinister sound my physics expert could come up with...Fulcrum was taken:)

I was thinking it'd be him or Lauren Holly's character (who'd be neat to reappear, as Nate and co's taking a bow scene at the end always felt like a bad idea to me).

I'm also guessing that Sophie's new guy is the grifter for Blockage™, mainly cuz I saw someone comment they hope he's just a normal guy and the idea popped into my head :D

briddie said...

I love the way Hardison coached Parker on the finger quotes, and the reference to coaching in the next sneak peak. My only concern is that they seem to have gotten to that level of teamwork pretty quickly, considering the mixed results from 12 Step's "apple vs. orange" lesson.

gwangung said...

I will be curious to see how Sophie kept tabs on everyone - it did seem awkward how everyone just happened to show up at her performance, but I did get the feeling through the episode that she had planned it all to get them back together again.

Personally, I thought that it was in the back of everyone's minds, with equal part "Yes! Reunion!!!" and " I really want to..."

Kai Tave said...

@David Hunt

I direct you to this:

CindyD said...

@Video Beagle


Sounds like an intestinal problem. Is this an anti-Leverage team of elderly men from south Florida? Will we get to see an Eliot wheelchair fight scene after all? ;-)

serinade said...

Does Eliot look like he sings: Well not opera, no, but I could totally see his character singing something like House Rules, Whiskey on my Mind or Different kind of Knight...Personally I would love to see an episode where Eliot has to sing as part of a con... In fact I can come up with several plausible story lines where this would come about.

Anonymous said...

I noticed something in not only 201 but on various other shows I can't remember the names of offhand. On what cell phones does one hear a dial-tone? It happened at least twice during the episode, i.e. Nate is talking to someone on a cell phone, that someone abruptly hangs up on Nate. We hear a dial tone & the closed captions say "(dial-tone)". Is it to only emphasize the fact that the other caller has hung up? Or, due to my personal lack of experience with cell phones (I finally joined the ranks & only just got one a few months ago out of necessity) are there some in which one would get a dial tone?

Unknown said...

Totally shallow comment: I *love* Sophie's new hair. :)

Sam Houston said...

You posted a picture of Christian Kane's forehead gash. Will this wound be mentioned somehow in an episode - like the gravel scrapes on his face in "The Stork Job" - or will he just wear that damned knit hat pulled down low for the rest of the season?

Anonymous said...

I'm a Portlander and just wanted to say, our city is your city. Stay as long as you like! :)

I just wanted to mention I love that you are slowly putting Hardison and Parker together. It would have been easy to try to hook up the beef cake Eliot into something awkward with Parker because he's the muscly leading man, I'm glad you didn't take the route. Parker and Hardison are adorable together and it's nice to see the geek getting (or trying) the girl.

I'm SO glad this is back on. While not a fan of the split season format I'll take whatever Leverage I can get. It's also so much fun to see Portland on TV. Are you guys going to shoot here again for future seasons?

Rob Pugh said...

"Does Eliot look like he sings?"

With that long hippie hair? God yes.

What an outstanding Season 2 premiere! Dug it so much!

And MMA next week? I LOVE you!

Carry on.

Rob Pugh said...

Sorry, more from me...

Technically though, the 3 phases of MMA are more like striking-clinch-grappling, but all is forgiven for Hardison's plaintive "She's killing me."

"...can anyone tell me why piracy is not the better choice here?"

Well, piracy is generally the better choics, but I'm a malcontent. Course now that S1 is on the magic DVD's, I'm clicking over to the magic Amazon to make my life complete.

I, and the Jack Daniel's I'm drinking, love your show. Just so you know.

Isaac Sher said...

Loved it! I confess that I was hoping to see more of the abandoned mansion as HQ that was picked up during the David Job episodes, but since the team was completely uprooted after that, it makes sense to create yet another new HQ.

It was interesting to see Nate's resolve breaking early on in the episode and heading towards the bar before the car wrecks by him. But it was made ALL the more interesting by the later reveal that he had managed to keep away from drinking for a few months up until that point. I can't wait to see where you're going with him.

I was also interested to see that Elliot had apparently forgiven Sophie for her faux pas during the David job. The group bonding scene last season aside, he was clearly more upset at her than anyone else. But all seems well now. Interesting. If it turns out that ELLIOT is Sophie's new boyfriend (not the first time Elliot's picked up an ex of Nate's after all), then I will be greatly amused and fascinated.

Since next week's episode involves MMA, I figured you might appreciate this: Penny Arcade posted their take on MMA just last wednesday.

jimsevin said...

What's the deal with the stretched establishing shots at the beginning of the act? No 16x9 stock footage of Boston available, or a style choice?
I realize that I'm silly for noticing.

Auz said...

Should I hold out for a R2 DVD, or will that have to wait until it gets shown over here on the telly first?

Mike Cane said...

I don't know ...


... the bad marketer in me wants ...


-- or maybe Thinker for the last one.

STFU. I do not have OCD!

Tania said...

For those not tuned in to the accent yet, what Sophie says before nutting the guy is,

'Can your mother sew? Stitch this!'

Which made me laugh out loud. Pure Glasgow hardman! (Though obviously, not the accent).
So I have to ask, where did you get that from? Been lunching with Billy Connolly? ;-)

I really enjoyed this episode! It's a measure of how well the show is written and acted, that I kept having to dial down my silly grin of glee at seeing these people interacting again, in order to pay attention to the con. (Which was awesome, btw).

Anonymous said...

As always, love the insights and your time for answering all the questions!

Bryan-Mitchell said...

It is very cool that episode 1 of season 2 is already on netflix watch instantly.

nobodez said...

Two things.

1 - loved the show! can't wait for more Leverage! The characters, the quick thinking, that fact that you acknowledge that 30% don't get the con, but still don't dumb it down for the rest of us.

2 - Yeah, dial-tones on cell phones. WTF? Your folly artists need some talking to.

Callie said...

I think it might be cool to have something of Christian's play in the background. But I realy don't want Elliot to sing. You're right - I don't see him as the "singing" type, unless its badly.

If anyone sings, it should be Hardison. To Parker.


Really enjoyed Toad as a Madoff. Very funny. I've been looking forward to the premier for the last couple of weeks. Thanks for the fun ride!

Anonymous said...

Parker's got Hardison locked between her thighs by the middle of that shot. I don't think she's going to let him go any time soon.

Unknown said...

J 1 - smelling the alcoholic drink and putting it back as a test - seen in "Rescue Me" last season.

With all due respect, I never saw that episode, but like Leary, I am a professional drinker. So the gesture travels independent fo fictional usage.

Unknown said...

You write, twice, in the post that the bailout was $700 million. You mean $700 billion. I know, I know, what's three orders of magnitude between friends, but hey.

Unknown said...

Sorry, I'll fix. I had million in my head because of another story we're breaking. Thanks for the catch.

Jo said...

Heh - the preview for next week is oddly prescient - I had a flier for an amateur quasi-underground UF tourney left on my car while I was at a bar Friday night.

Our corn-fed Nebraskan boys apparently can't resist the opportunity to just kick the crap out of each other when it's not football season.

Mike Cane said...

BTW, Rogers, I saw the episode so I should comment on that too.

Nice touches. Must bop Tim Hutton on the head, tho. He's really underplaying it too much. Oh hell, let me risk the insult: Barbara Bain, Space: 1999. I know he *can* act ... it's just that he's being too subtle about it. Maybe he knows the backstory we don't and maybe it fits for that purpose. All I can do is go by what I see on the screen.

Again, you're having Too Much Fun. Too bad the re-meet was indoors with a low ceiling. I just know Dean would have loved revisiting the overhead shot from S1E1. But he did get the ring-around-the-rosey camera going.

Loved the opening with the corporate zombies. How many times I wanted to do that myself -- and on first day of the job too!

Pitmonkey said...

Was there a picture of Earl Hickey on the mafia guys board?

Coren said...

Oh, we heard Elliot sing last season? Hm, I might have missed that (wouldn't surprise me) unless..was he the vocalist for the punk song in 12 Step? Actually, I know yall had that made for that ep specifically, but can that be found anywhere? Can there be a whole album? Plz?

serinade said...

Christian Kane sang the song More Than I Deserve in the background of the Ep. Two Horse Job (And as you know Chris Kane plays Eliot)

Emily Blake said...

I noticed that Timothy Hutton is looking considerably better this season. Is that by design or is playing the lead in a hit TV show just giving him rosy cheeks?

Chelley said...

First of all, I've just recently started watching the show. Been meaning to for awhile since Christian Kane is in the show and I'm a huge Whedon fan but I've be lazy about watching it... until now. And I have to say I love it. The quick wit of Hardison, the insanity of Parker, and the no bullshit way of Eliot makes me giggle with glee. Add to that the complete over the top moments of Nate's characters he plays during the cons and the complete subtly of Sophie's characters and brilliance doesn't begin to cover the chemistry this group of people have with one another.

So, now that the ass kissing has concluded (although I could go on) I'd like to ask if there's anyway of getting scripts of your shows. As a aspiring Television screenwriter I think I'd have a great time writing a spec for Leverage but as we all know research is the key to great... well, everything. So... is there a place where one can find Leverage scripts to use as research for a spec script?

Tom said...

"Can your mother sew? Stitch this!"

I first heard it from an Australian, but I think they ship it internationally with each can of Foster's.

Mr. R., all I can say is, "Each ep is over too soon. Start writing the movie."

Anonymous said...

You guys rock, the show rocks. Thank you for Leverage, and thank you for the spectacular season 1 dvd commentaries.

GinaFan said...

Along the line of character exposition, I was thinking.
The Simpsons is a long running series, and people tune-in to that series for the characters. One of my favorite moments involved Homer in the bathroom, shaving. I think he was carrying on a conversation with somone in a different room, possibly an argument. You know how frustrating that can be. You are busy working on a task that requires your attention, and at the same time your amazing multitasking ability allows you to carry on a conversation with someone somewhere else. This is awkward in and of itself because you have to speak louder and more clearly, and maybe repeat yourself, because they are in the other room. Then that someone won't do what you tell them to do, and if you could just go in there and make them do it, but you can't, you're busy. Frustration. Frustration is Homer. That's what we tune in for. Not only that, but as Homer shaves his face you can see the 5 o'clock shadow is being removed, but just as he finishes, it all returns, as if he never shaved. Homer just can't win. I think it's my favorite because the multitasking, the communication problems, the resistance from the other party, and the task at hand are all simultaneously demonstrating one of Homers defining characteristics.

Parker is adorable when she is frustrated.

I also wondered if this could work with Hardison too. He could be in the kitchen, getting an orange soda, talking to Nate in the other room, and finds that he can't get the cap off, and the opener was lost in Chicago. Eventually Elliot has to open it for him.

Anonymous said...

I really like the show and appreciate you allowing viewers to talk about it with you.

That said, why an episode on "legal" bar fighting? This crapahoola has no good guys. I'll skip this week's episode, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have to ask, is one of the writers an alcoholic or have experience of alcoholism?

It's usually easy to see who has personal experience and who's just follwing what they expect an alcoholic to be. You nailed it with Nate's behaviour, even as a "dry drunk" and that made me curious.

Of course, because of that he frustrates me and I just want to shake him and tell him to get a clue, but i guess that just means you're doin' it rite!

I was also wondering if you're planing on doing any back story for any of the characters. We know a fair bit about Nate but the others pasts have only been hinted at in the flashbacks (which i love).

Luci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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Obat Kencing Nanah Pria
Obat Kencing Nanah Pria
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil

Unknown said...

Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
Obat Sipilis De Nature
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ampuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ampuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ampuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ampuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Di Apotik
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Di Apotik
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Di Apotik
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Di Apotik
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Mengatasi Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Mengatasi Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Mengatasi Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Mengatasi Kencing Keluar Nanah

Cara Mengeobati Rasa Sakit Pengeroposan Tulang said...

Infonya good sir, I Wait for the new Info

Dede Hani said...


Unknown said...

Obat herbal Pasca Operasi caesar
Obat Pasca Operasi
QnC Jelly Gamat

Unknown said...

Obat Luka Operasi Caesar Yang Aman Untuk Ibu Menyusui

Unknown said...

Obat Pasca Operasi Rahim

jamaludinherbal said...

5 Cara Obat Tradisional Menghilangkan bopeng

jamaludinherbal said...

Obat Menghilangkan nanah dan darah pasca operasi

jamaludinherbal said...

Obat Tradisional Mempercepat Penyembuhan Luka Pasca Operasi Caesar

Dehan said...

Ijin Ser Gan. Untuk Obat Herbal Pasca Operasi Caesar, klik

Ds Herbal said...

Beritanya bermanfaat. Saya tunggu berita terbarunya , Terimakasih

Obat Perawatan Luka said...

Infonya bermanfaat gan. Makasih banyak. Kunjungi juga blog kami

Obat Perawatan Luka said...

Infonya bermanfaat gan. Makasih banyak. Kunjungi juga blog kami

Hanudin said...

Ijin Ser Gan, info berbahaya luka bernanah, kunjungi blognya

Hanudin said...

Ijin Ser Gan, info berbahaya luka bernanah, kunjungi blognya

Salep Penyembuh Luka said...

Ijin Ser Gan, Untuk Obat Salep Penyembuh luka keluar Nanah , Klik blognya

Salep Penyembuh Luka said...

Ijin Ser Gan, Untuk Obat Salep Penyembuh luka keluar Nanah , Klik blognya

Khoerudin said...

Ijin ser pak.

Hanudin said...

Ijin ser pak.

Idoy Dunia Terbalik said...

Info Obat Luka Borok Reaksi Cepat Paling Ampuh 100% Herbal. Kunjungi Blognya

Obat Bengkak Dan Memerah Setelah Operasi said...

Info Untuk Obat Herbal bengkak dan memerah setelah operasi . Kunjungi Blognya

Cara Membeli QnC Jelly Gamat said...

Ijin ser gan. Untuk Informasi Cara Membeli QnC Jelly Gamat, Kunjungi webnya di

Cara Membeli QnC Jelly Gamat said...

Ijin ser gan. Untuk Informasi Cara Membeli QnC Jelly Gamat, Kunjungi webnya di

Felipe Dylan said...

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