Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LEVERAGE: The First David Job

This will be your open thread, until air, and then after broadcast I'll EDIT the post to answer questions from the last two weeks and address some spoilery stuff.

EDIT: Screw the edit, we'll do a separate post on Wed. I just ate too much of Mark Sheppard's food and listened to his stories of his days in a band opening for U2. Bed now, dishing tomorrow.

EDIT the 2nd: The Church Girl in The Miracle Job was DB Sweeney's assistant, not a previous version of Maggie. There's no way we'd introduce Maggie and then not have a scene between she and Nate. Also, she's inappropriately young. C'mon, Nate Ford doesn't roll that way.


Anonymous said...

This is something that some friends and I have been wondering in general for a while... In "The Homecoming Job," Hardison mentions getting hockey in the office sports package, and looks at Eliot when mentioning that "you(r?) people are into that kind of thing." (And, indeed, Eliot responds in a... possibly pleased manner.) This seemed to imply that Eliot was Canadian, which we enjoyed because it facilitated our existing Wolverine jokes about him, being the team's scruffy, grumpy combat monster. But, then, in "The Two Horse Job," we find out about the years he grew up in Kentucky, although it's somewhat ambiguous as to what the time frame was for that.

So, is Eliot originally Canadian and just spent time in Kentucky as part of his Wolverine-esque worldly travels, or was the hockey joke some sort of glitch, or did we just misread it entirely?

Darkrose said...

slaarti, I assumed that "you people" in that case meant "you white people".

Darkrose said...

So I was re-watching "The 12-Step Job" last night, and I noticed a couple of things that I missed the first time around.

I love Gina Bellman and I think Sophie's awesome, and I'm fine with eventual Nate/Sophie. But--and maybe this was the airing order issue--Sophie's in danger of coming across as a nagging shrew with regards to Nate's drinking. It also strikes me as unrealistic, because a woman of her age and experience would know that Nate's not going to change until he's good and ready to, and constantly bugging him about his drinking is only going to make it less likely he'll admit there's a problem. Nate's not a unique fixer-upper--you take him as-is. Going in expecting to fix him is a losing game.

The other thing that bothered me was, sadly, the fanservice nod to my Leverage OTP of Alec/Eliot. I loved the slash (and for the record, I'm not one of those slashers who wants her OTP to be canon--that's what subtext is *for*), but having Alec go all stereotypically swishy did make me wince on a second viewing. I'm not sure if that was the intended reaction.

Anonymous said...

"You people" sure are opinionated... some to the point of obnoxiousness. The writers were nodding to YOU? Really? Me thinks you need to get over yourself a lot more than Sophie needs to get over Nate.

Darkrose said...

Anonymous, given that Mr. Rogers made a point of calling the episode a "fanfic grenade" before it aired, and that he's far from ignorant about fandom...yes, actually, I do think it was fanservice. Or do you have some other reading of a comment that specifically references fanfiction?

Anonymous said...

I thought the woman with Father Paul at the beginning of "The Miracle Job" was Maggie, at least that's what I inferred at the time. Not that it's unheard of for two actresses to play the same role in a series, but was that the intent in "The Miracle Job"?

Bryan-Mitchell said...

I'm confused about the ex-wife. Doe she have two ex-wifes? Didn't we already meet his ex-wife in the Miracle Job?

Unknown said...

Oh so you have to give me a new line:

"I am a functional alcoholic. Focus more on the functional and less ont he alcoholic."

Bad quoting I am sure, but damn funny line. And really, Burn Notice bad guy reunion this quick? Come on, we gotta have a cross over.

Anonymous said...

That... was absolutely the best hour of television I've seen this season.

Honestly, the show just hit a whole new level.

As for the "fanfic grenade"... let's just say the Sophie/Parker shippers are going to be pulling all-nighters tonight. :-0

jenniebee said...

Well Rogers, thanks for making now until next Tuesday the official Longest Week Ever.

Bad enough the Sims release isn't happening this Friday, now I'm going to spend all week waiting for the exciting conclusion of this special two-part gaaahhhhh!


Anonymous said...

To the legally embattled Swedish websites!

I've missed a bunch of episodes, and this one reminded me that hey, I should really stay on top of this stuff... right after I work through my Middleman eps.

alice said...

*Loved* the roof scene.

And I agree with jenniebee: from now to next Tuesday will be the Longest Week Ever.

Anonymous said...

You know,it's possible to see it coming and still enjoy it.

No questions, Just warm fuzzy Crime-Nerd Happiness.

Anonymous said...

Just when I think this show can't get any better...it does. I can't imagine what you're going to do next season to top this!

I tried to post in my blog about this episode and I couldn't get any farther than "OMGOMGOMGOMG." Believe me, it takes a lot to render me nearly speechless ;)

That really was one of the most exciting hours of TV I've ever seen. By the end, I felt a bit like Eliot must have after the fight in the hangar. Wow.

Is it next week yet?

How about now?

Anonymous said...

So along with Doctor Who, it seems that Hardison is a fan of more classic science fiction. In Starship Troopers, Rico grabs a bomb off his belt during a raid on a city and throws it -- it starts saying in the local language: "I'm a thirty-second bomb! I'm a thirty-second bomb! Thirty! Twenty-nine!..."

Or was he quoting something else?

Anonymous said...

Kari Matchett!

Thankyou, thankyou.

So good to see her together with Timothy Hutton after such a long time since Nero Wolfe.

Mark Waid said...

Also, I would eat a fistful of bees just to be allowed to stand within thirty feet of Kari Matchett.

Anonymous said...

I really liked this, though the continuity problem around how/when Sophie hooked herself up on the roof made my head hurt. Felt like a real step up in danger and stakes, the way a season finale should.

While TNT is rerunning episodes, any chance of getting an originally-scheduled order list for the full experience?

Anonymous said...

Yay Parker in her wheelhouse. This is what I was talking about - when committing intricate heists, she is the most normal person around. It's in "normal" social settings that she is uncomfortable with. In another life - she'd be a science major!

I assume the Black and White filling in the blanks as to how certain things were set up (when did Sophie attach the cable on the rooftop) will be revealed in the finale. Also, the five turning on their heels from the circle and walking away (the Leverage version of the Fantastic Four overlapping hands) returning from the pilot - very nice.

I was expecting more of a cliffhanger ending. This was like an old school Silver Age comic - still a done in one - but you know the story is not over. I was expecting Sterling, so that part was not a surprise. But very welcome.

Very much looking forward to next week. Kudos to all.

Bill Reed said...

Hey, those two were on Burn Notice last week... ha.

Yeah, this was the Blue Beetle #25 of TV. By which I mean it was epic and awesome. Funny the same guy wrote 'em both.

And there's still one more! Woot.

Anonymous said...

So, Mark, only 30 feet on the restraining order at the moment? Seems a bit close for such. : -)

Unknown said...

How do you know an episode is working on all cylinders? When my teacher wife stays up past her bedtime first because she is intrigued and then because she's too involved to quit watching. Good work there, Rogers.

(I liked it, too, btw.)

Thomas said...


Brian said...

John, I've loved your work since Blue Beetle. And I love Leverage more than is probably healthy. But there was just one thing that totally pulled me out of this episode: the heist from the vault. You guys are so totally great on realistic security measures and countermeasures, but here it just fell apart. First, the laser tripwires? Reflected by aluminum foil? We all know that aluminum's not a mirror like that. Second, in a room where there are vibration sensors, ambient temperature sensors, AND the aforementioned laser tripwires...why isn't there a single closed circuit security camera? Why, when the vibration sensor went off, didn't the security guys just look at their little screens and say, "Oh, there's someone in there!"

Otherwise, though, fantastic how it all goes to hell.

Anonymous said...

Thought this episode was really good. The last 20 minutes had me on the edge of my seat.

Can't wait for the conclusion next week.

Love this show. :D

Anonymous said...

My vote for best line: "No! No... no... we can't let your ex-wife anywhere *near* our little naked man!" And, not to be a Parker fanboy, but I also loved the bit about "Some people do crosswords...." Her mindset gives me the warm fuzzies much the same way that Veronica Mars pulling B&E tools out of her purse did.

I don't think it's coincidence that this and "Bank Shot" were two of my favorite eps; having the Big Challenge come way out of left field and split up the team brings a lot of tension. Well done all around, and tremendously looking forward to the finale.

R.A. Porter said...

Great, great episode. Thank god Hardison saved the portrait of Nate, especially since Eliot *still* thinks it's weird.

I also really like that for Team Leverage, an intervention is an excuse to say, "let's get our revenge on."

My only very small complaint is that I wish you'd given Alex Carter more to do. That guy's *funny*.

More of my thoughts in my review.

Darkrose said...

Is it next week yet?

Olli Sulopuisto said...

You might wanna link to the episode of KCRW's The Business where Dean Devlin talks about Leverage: http://www.kcrw.com/etc/programs/tb/tb090216technology_and_the_b

You've covered pretty much the same stuff here on the blog, but it's still interesting and a concise interview.

Tania said...

I've heard some of those stories, too - Mark is a hell of a raconteur! Ask him about his experiences on 'In The Name of The Father' some time...

I haven't seen the latest ep yet, my *cough*naughty downloading*cough* isn't working right now. But I've loved the rest. I wonder when Leverage will come to the UK?

Unknown said...

After watching the latest episode, Leverage just graduated from one of my favourite shows to my absolute favourite show currently on air. Can't wait for next week.

From 'we can't let your ex-wife anywhere *near* our little naked man' to thinking like the other teammembers would and the fight scenes to the guest stars - even though I have the urge to watch Men with Brooms now.

Anonymous said...

The two Maggie's might be a bit confusing for those who remember the brief presumed Maggie appearance in "Miracle Job," but as far as I'm concerned, Kari Matchett, whom I adored in all her many incarnations in "Nero Wolfe," can steal any woman's character whenever she wants. I *hope* we get a lot more of her next week. I also wouldn't at all mind seeing more "Nero Wolfe" actors in "Leverage" next season -- Saul Rubinek was a terrific villain in the pilot, and Tim and Maury Chaykin going after each other would be absolute heaven.

Best line last night -- for me, the bloodied but unbowed Elliot wins it in a walk:

"What would Hardison do?"



Maya said...

This was the most awesome Leverage episode ever. I loved the others but this... really powerful stuff. I've been waiting for some insight into Sophie's character for the entire season and now we get such a wonderful treat at the very end. Everything was top notch, really - the directing, the soundtrack, the acting including all the guest stars. This one was riveting from start to finish.

My favorite would have to be the Nate/Sophie scenes, the first one in one of the offices, the one with Sterling and the one in Sophie's warehouse. That was some good writing - and acting by Timothy Hutton and Gina Bellman in those serious, dramatic scenes. Loved the comedy bits as well. Sophie's jealousy was certainly evident and I'm glad Nate said "no" after Maggie said to call her. Thank you for that.

Oh, a question. Was it a coincidence that Nate punched Ian in the face right after he'd kissed Sophie's hand? Could it be that there was a tiny bit of jealousy on his part as well? It may be that it felt good to punch him on several levels. :-P

Can't wait for the conclusion next week. And then the second season.

Unknown said...

I didn't quite get why Nate never told his ex that she's working for the man responsible for her son's death.

Also, I'm really hoping that the season finale isn't set three years from now with a drunk, bearded Nate yelling at Sophie, "WE HAVE TO GO BACK!"

Patrick said...

That was awesomesauce!

The first heist was a little iffy, and I think instead of a rope attached to Sophie it would have been better as a parachute (or have her fake-stumble or something, so she could attach the rope), but the rest was... yes, better than the Burn Notice Bank Heist despite having the same actors :-)

What's great is that after learning to trust each other, now the team has adapted strategies from each other. What would Parker/Hardisson do, indeed.

Next week, we'll get to see what those approached combined can do, I hope – time to kick some insurance ass!

scooter5203249 said...

Fantastic episode! Kudos and thanks to all.

Hey, I agree with Sarah, I'd love to see more "Nero Wolfe" alumni in "Leverage." And how about throwing the "Nero Wolfe" fans a few bones like you've done with the "Dr. Who" fans? Would it be so out of character for Nate to utter a "satisfactory" once in awhile or to tell Elliot or Hardison to use their experience guided by intelligence? I know such terrific writers could work something like that into the script easily enough.

Great episode and I can hardly wait for "The Second David Job."

The Minstrel Boy said...

fine job rogers. fine job indeed.

add me to the fan listings. i love the nuances and little moments.

parker is really becoming interesting. there's a rich lode of raw material ripe for mining as she tries to do something "normal" by allowing herself to care about these folks, especially hardison.

the what would ---- do? conceit worked beautifully. i don't care when sophie hooked up the lurch line, i don't care about the real techniques for defeating laser security, i don't care for little piddly nagging bullshit when i'm having so much fun.

the nate and sophie tension is a good thing, it might be something that you never want to lose by allowing them to hook up.

so far, i really enjoy the way you are handling nate's drinking. as someone approaching 17 years of sobriety it is nice to see the subject handled with a measure of sophistication.

i loved it on "the 12 step job" when it turned out that parker was the one who benefitted from rehab.

Emily Blake said...

My boyfriend hates stuff with plots. He will watch every episode of every show on Discovery Channel, but if I try to make him watch 24 he does nothing but whine.

He LOVES Leverage and last night he was absolutely giddy about that episode. It is the only show with a plot that he will willingly watch.

I've never seen him excited about a season finale before but he's looking forward to next week. It's the damndest thing.

Anonymous said...

First, I would like to say that I have never, ever said anything even remotely like what I am about to comment.

I was shocked when the thought came to me and I realized it was true, because I have spent the last few weeks go in a bi-polar state going from "Next episode of Leverage - hurry up and get here!/Can't wait for awesome two-part finale! YAY!" to "Oh no! Finale starts next! This means soon no new episodes of Leverage! BOO! (Until next season - YAY!"

I have seen people saying that this is the "perfect first half of a season finale" but frankly?

I would be completely satisfied as a fan if this WAS the season finale.

And, like I said, this goes against ALL my past history as a fan both in general and of this show specifically.

THAT is how brilliant it was.

Kudos to you all.

Nato said...

Mr. Rogers, please don't ever make Gina Bellman have to say anything like "We're all ADDICTED TO OUR PASTS!" again.

Otherwise, truly awesome episode. So much to love here: Poor flummoxed Hardison, Elliot's insulted "... Six guys?", the iconic shot of Parker on the rooftop, Sophie throwing her arms wide with that radiant smile on her face ... good stuff. And Maggie joining the team(?) next week looks mighty intriguing.

Jay said...

I just ate too much of Mark Sheppard's food and listened to his stories of his days in a band opening for U2.

With comments like this (and the anecdote waaaaay back when about having Ben Edlund pitch for GLOBAL FREQUENCY) you garner a lot of my nerd-jealousy nowadays.

Tara O'Shea said...

"We should pretend to make out," are my most favouritest words in the English language right now. No lie.

*draws hearts around your name on the front of my Trapper Keeper*

Anonymous said...

For the life of me I couldn't figure out why y'all thought you'd already met Maggie. So I watched The Miracle Job again this morning and realized... it's kind of our fault. We cut straight from the church assistant watching the priest get beat up to Nate getting a call from his ex-wife telling him about the beating. So, yeah, I can see where you'd be confused. I might've made the same assumption myself if I were watching at home.

The First David Job is my favorite episode, too. And wait until next week! You guys should really see these eps like we saw them... as a two-hour movie projected onto the big screen.

Chris said...

Are we then yet??? And damn me for having to watch this episode for the first time at work on my iPod! GRRR!!!

After that I'm reduced to aping other sentiments and muttered swearing: I couldn't love Parker any more. I had a hunch that some of those plot points would come up but I can't remember when I was so happy to be right. "What would ____ do?"

Yeah, this is definitely my favorite show on the air. I've even gotten a couple of friends hooked. And after this Longest Week Ever, I look forward to the Longest Wait For The DVD Set Ever.

Anonymous said...

I was the first one who mentioned the confusion about Maggie and "The Miracle job" (Anonymous - 7:31 PM), and I'm glad that's cleared up. Thanks to Amy Berg in the comments and John Roger's post edit for the clarification.

I haven't watched "The Miracle Job" since it first aired, but my recollection was that there was a very brief crossing of paths between Nate and the woman with Father Paul in the hospital, and I remember thinking that they played it like they were ignoring each other because of the whole ex-relationship.

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching and First David was more fun than is probably legal.

Too much good stuff. The "intervention", the rooftop scene, the Parker/Hardison scene, Sterling, Sterling, Sterling, Sophie's revelation at the end, "Get out of my house!"...and Eliot's "Ohh" after finding out he had picked up Nate's ex-wife had me laughing so hard that I had to rewind and pick up things I missed right after.

I have no idea how any of this is going to get resolved, but I can't wait to find out. In the mean time, to tide us over, c'mon with the the background info!

Carolyn said...

Some impressions from last night...

Parker and Hardison are SO damned sweet together. Especially in the van and during the fake make-out scene. I loved when Parker was talking to the statue, to Hardison's dismay.

I laughed out loud when Eliot wanted to know who made out with whom as the distraction. I didn't quite get the faces he and Nate made until afterwards.

Boy, does Christian have the ability to realistically portray pain. Yowsers! I was clutching my own ribs and wincing along with him by the end of that (spectacular!) fight scene. But even then, there were some lighter moments, like him skidding into the camera view.

For a moment there on the rooftop, I thought Sophie might have been a bad guy all along and I was so unsettled by that notion, I realized how much she has grown on me. Her arms-wide stance and the twin gleeful shouts as she and Parker escaped off the roof was VERY satisfying... a nice homage back to the pilot.

I forget how very droll Nate's character is until he suddenly switches gears into seriousness. That's some damn fine acting.

And as I said last week, this show is seriously re-watchable. I stayed up way too late watching it again, then zipping around to favorite parts. Please, PLEASE get the DVDs out soon!

If I didn't watch BSG, Leverage would be hands-down my favorite show on TV. As it stands, they are tied for first place: both supremely satisfying in their own ways, and both made up of 100% awesomeness.

Geoff Thorne said...

"Pilot has problem with black authority."


vampirefan said...

LOVED this episode!

nathan and sophie in the storage room is a fantastic scene!

i don't normally ship het, but nathan/sophie is something i'm totally on board for.

the ww___do? was inspired!

i'm torn between being excited for the next episode and sad because it's the last episode this season.

TheAma1 said...

Probably the best broadcast Leverage yet IMHO.
Really great episode.

OhShinyTomato said...

This episode is SO. MUCH. LOVE. I'm serious. You had me talking/yelling/encouraging the TV throughout the whole episode. I'm so glad I live alone right now, I must look nuts xD


I liked Parker making out with Hardison as a distraction, particularly because he was all "Omg, we should talk about this" and she was so blissfully ignorant about it all and just did it for the job.

Eliot: "Which one of you did she kiss?" GOD. I COULD ONLY WISH... But I loved that, and Sophie's look like "you pig" xD

I really loved seeing more character flaws in Sophie. Trying to con the team into stealing the First David for her... ah, classic. Can't blame a girl for trying!

STERLING. STERLING. STERLING. I didn't much like him in two horse, but I absolutely LOVED him in this episode. Him taking Parker made me scream at the TV haha.


Hardison saving the painting.. I love it.

No questions, my brain can't even begin to think of one. I just felt the need to gush and tell you how epicly amazing this episode was and I'm anxiously awaiting the season finale!

Cunningham said...

When you want to take down the Super Friends you form The Legion of Doom...

I'm interested in seeing more Maggie...wait, that didn't come out quite right...

Denita said...

No questions again this week. Just popping in to say that "The First David Job" was the finest hour of television I've seen since the series finale of "Angel".

Kudos and thanks to all of you. Wonderful, spectacular job.

SimplerDave said...

Next time you're eating Mr Sheppard's food, could you just ask with reference to his unbilled cameo in Murder She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle - where did they get that car?

Lesley said...

I loved this episode so much! I got emailed at work by a buddy saying I had to watch it, so I managed to squeeze it in between getting home for work and going out. And now I'm up past my bedtime talking to said buddy while we disect every.single.scene.

So much love for all the characters here, the plot was twisty, the dialogue was mostly sharp, Sophie kicking Nate's ass on many levels was fab and I am still squeeing over the Parker/Hardison scenes in the van.

Have to agree with the other commetators who've noticed the synergy with last week's episode of Burn Notice. That tickled me to death :)

I have a technical question about the ear pieces the team uses - oddly, Hardison kind of addressed it tonight but I didn't quite catch all the dialogue. When the team are wearing the ear pieces, they can hear what the other members of the team are saying. So how does that work when they're seperated and may all be talking at the same time, or having conversations amongst themselves? Is it just a cacophany of noise they have to learn to tune out and pick out the important stuff from?

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go and squee about this episode some more. SO looking forward to next week, even though I'm sad because it'll be the season finale.

Unknown said...

Since everyone's talking about how this episode compares to last week's Burn Notice, I'd like to suggest doing a crossover with Burn Notice. You could Sophie and Parker thrown into a women's prison with Fiona and Carla to, oh hell I don't know, steal some valuable prison stuff. They could all be put together in a cramped cell, have tense, sweaty showdowns in the yard and rousing fights in the shower. If that doesn't win an Emmy, it proves that the Emmys are rigged.

Stellar Drift said...

What is "inappropriately young", eh? :)

(Don't remember the age of the person in question *g*)

lummox said...

I would like to thank you guys for not ending the episode on a cliffhanger. When I hear "a two-part episode" I imagine one big episode cut in half which I really hate. But The First David Job actually tells a whole story, even though it is obvious the story will continue.

Oh and the roof scene, when Sophie drops her coat and spreads her arms, that was simply a Crowning Moment of Awesome! Good stuff!!

Stellar Drift said...

Oh that woman, Hollie Overton? What's she 25-26 ? What's wrong with that?

Rogers are you a prude? :)

Well we know he doesn't roll that way given Sophie has an age in a medium where they tend to prefer them below 30.

Stellar Drift said...

(Since you can't edit comments - tsk tsk blogger)

Random notes:

Berg, I don't understand why people thought that was his wife either, so we didn't all do that.

A bit too heavy foley on the bare feet me thinks.

Always nice to see Badger, even if he is evil, you should get his father on - best soul hunter ever.

Oh and rating: 2 (of 5)

Mike Cane said...

>>>The Church Girl in The Miracle Job was DB Sweeney's assistant, not a previous version of Maggie.

About to go to sleep, haven't seen last night's yet, but now I can sleep with some rest now that you've cleared up that mystery that I kept forgetting to ask about! kthxbai

Unknown said...

Wow, just wow! What a frigging great episode! Kari Matchett as Maggie was a brilliant piece of casting. She and Hutton played off each other so well in the Nero Wolfe series, it's great to see them together again.

And what a set up for next week. I cannot wait to see how things are resolved.

Daiv said...

I just want to know how long do you think it will be before you see your first "What would Parker do?" T-Shirt?
standing on the edge
eternal question rises
what would Parker do?


Unknown said...

Thank you for that episode, it was beyond brilliant in every way. I have to say, I immediately loved that Sophie was the one who set up the revenge scam - and then to find out she was conning the team at the same time!! A thing of beauty. Yes, they might be using their powers for good now, but I'm so glad to find they haven't completely left behind who they were. And that Sophie, in particular, had a life before Nathan Ford. For the record, Sophie is by far my favourite character, and it's possible I proposed to Gina Bellman in my reaction post after seeing this episode.

I will also totally have the babies of whoever is responsible for Parker and Sophie's scene on the roof. I could have died, it was so good. Loved it, and the other callbacks to the pilot.

Also, WWPD and WWHD - mottos to live by. Two of the most crazy badass characters on television right now.

I'm kind of dying to see the episode next week - and very anxious about where the second season will take them. They blew up their headquarters! Their covers - gone! Ack! What will they do? Where will they go? *worries*

Anonymous said...

The scene in The First David Job, where Eliot says to Sophie "So which one of you did she kiss?" sounded suspiciously like it was Christian Kane ad-libbing... Which got me to thinking, how much of what we see on screen is scripted and how much is the actors ad-libbing? And who forgets their lines the most?

Tania said...

OK, I've seen it now, and it was really good!
I love that you've mixed it up before it got too comfortable. Their headquarters are gone, they're on the lam, their faces are known - gulp!! The possibilities are fantastic. I can't wait for next week. And getting more back story on Sophie and Nate was nice.

I have to say though, Christian Kane's hair is looking more and more like Brad Pitt's in 'Interview With The Vampire' every week. Not that I'm complaining.... ;-)

Stellar Drift said...

You'd think their faces would already be known - unless they have never ever been caught.

Anonymous said...

This was an excellent episode! I don't care if lasers don't work like that with tin foil - it was cool (although it would irritate people who know more about that.) There were so many great scenes, lines, looks. I also loved Sophie having to break Nate's grip on Eliot after he had "picked up" his ex-wife and Eliot trying to explain why she gave him her phone number. Here is what I couldn't figure out - when Parker got into the armored car and met Sterling, she didn't have a mark on her. When you next see her surrounded by Sterling's men, she has a big smudge/bruise on her cheek. If it was a smudge, why did she still have it in the last scene when the team scatter? Eliot had time to clean up blood, she could have wiped off a smudge. That makes me believe it was a bruise. Where did she get it? Did Sterling slap her around?

Also - in the pilot, Nate says he had chased all of the others at one time or another. We have been treated to Nate/Sophie's chance encounters. Any chance that in season 2 (and thank God there is a Season 2!) you will give us a glimpse of Nate meeting the others?

Jodih said...

OMG, just saw preview for next ep... the wait is going to kill me! This little show has defiantly become my favorite hour of TV each week! Think it just keeps getting better every week!
Unlike many others here (and on the TNT message board) I am easily able to suspend belief (it is TV after all!) for the duration of the show and just enjoy excellent entertainment. thank you to all who work hard each week to bring us this great new show! Cannot wait for the DVD release!

Only requests... 1: More Christian Kane singing. 2: hey, the guy has a great chest, would love to see him without a shirt sometime... Why not, I'm only human after all!

Anonymous said...

Terrific episode! Loved the "Nero Wolfe" alumni reunion between Tim Hutton and Kari Matchett.

I need a snow day or a mental health day...something! TNT is going to run a "Leverage" marathon next Tuesday, 2/24 beginning at 10 a.m. All the eps leading up to the finale at 10 p.m.

Mike Cane said...

OMG!! What did you do????!!!

Just saw the episode. I liked how Devlin used the overhead walkaway shot from the opening movie.

I do a photo crossover: Leverage & Lie To Me

Denita said...

Okay so, I do have a question today about the episode order that TNT is airing the Leverage marathon in. Is that the order the episodes were meant to be seen before they got switched around?

Gregory said...

Great episode as always. Anyone else notice that in last weeks Burn Notice the word 'leverage' is used twice in a very emphatic manner? Little shout out from one great show to another? Just a thought.

And yeah, the tin foil was a bit much, but I was far to distracted by Parker in the blue dress to care. WOW!

Anonymous said...

It seems Gina didn't make her usual blog entry for the First David episode. I know she usually gives us an intro and glimpse behind the scenes. I expect spoilers are guarded against extra tightly right now, so when there was no entry, I assumed she was just preserving our innocence. I was hoping she would post apres air, but there still hasn't been anything. Do you know if she's alright, and still blogging?

Unknown said...

w00h00, another "Parker takes her clothes off"-job! And then even with the Nerd getting a kiss!

I do have to say the laser-thing almost threw me off, after all, I used to work in a Laser-Lab .. and .. well let's just not discuss it.

But Parker in that dress was sortof enough distraction ..

I do wonder, if the DVD-Set comes out and it predictably will be Region 1, will I be a double-pirate for a) knowing about the show via the legally embattled swedish website, and b) buying an RC 1 DVD even though I live in Region 2 ..?

Funny to think about.

And I do have to say, this episode was one of the finer moments of TV-making. Won't go as far as saying the finest, as some here have, because I reserve that for certain episodes of Top Gear, but very fine indeed.

More kisses for Hardison please!

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of this and I really love this episode :D
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Anonymous said...

Top Gear! Yes! That show is fantastic. I wish we had it.

"Which one of you did she kiss?" - thanks for that. I went back to watch it again and I couldn't hear what he was saying. I had to turn on the subtitles. Then I laughed. I knew that was worth a thought!

Beth is really throwing off sparks with her characterization of Parker. Truly adorable. I like how she runs at Gina on the roof. Really digging in. Was she into track and field or other sports in school?

Unknown said...

Top Gear! Yes! That show is fantastic. I wish we had it.
Well, you "have" it in the same sense that I (in Germany) "have" Leverage.

"Use the internet for porn and piracy, it's what it was invented for!"

Although in the case of Top Gear, piracy is straining it a bit, given how often the producers of the show wink and nod in the direction of the pirates ..
(go here)

Carolyn said...

I had no idea Mark Sheppard's food was so potent. Where are you Rogers? What did he feed you?

I'm dying to hear the promised spoilery stuff...

Chris said...

I watched this episode again last night and it just dawned on me why I like this show so much.

When the show started, I tried to explain it to my friends and kept coming back to "It's like a modern twist on The A-Team but different." And it worked but I was never satisfied with it. And then last night...

Never mind the "What would Parker Do?" question, almost every role was subverted from the beginning (and before). You had Eliot, the muscle, playing an intellectual and obviously doing it well while the anti-social thief was glamorous and the geek was, grudgingly, a waiter. Then Sophie jumped off a roof and, well, TV gold.

I can't think of another show that has done this quite so gleefully. BA Baracas playing chess? Phelps hacking a computer? Emma Peel entering a jury? Not in a million years!

And to think, only a few more days left.... are we then yet?

Mike Cane said...

Now I've read the Comments here too.

Rogers, I'm filing suit against you on behalf of my poor brain. It's going in circles trying to figure out how the hell you're going to resolve all of this!!

Let me just say it better NOT be a drunken Nate waking up having dreamed all of it during DTs in a rubber room!! That would be UnAwesome.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Elliot will give Sophie a snog in part 2, to balance things out.

He could also do it for the same reason Parker did Hardison.

There's got to be some excuse to do it.

Sometimes ensemble characters represent slices of the main characters personality. I am assuming Nate is the main character.

What does it mean when Nates girl nerd is kissing his guy nerd? I guess they did do when they were pretending to be extroverts.

Anonymous said...

OK - here's where I can suspend my disbelief no longer!

Forget whether lasers work that way or not.

Tin foil does not work that way! The perfect ninety degree angle, the perfectly straight edges, the lack of crinkles....

Not that I cared a bit during the show. It's just an issue with the live action recreations my neighborhood community theater puts on every Wednesday night.

Unknown said...

Tin foil does not work that way! The perfect ninety degree angle, the perfectly straight edges, the lack of crinkles....

Well, yeah. Plus, even if she gets it right at the start, as soon as she starts shifting the very wide piece of foil lengthwise along the beams .. and it is cleary visible that she doesn't manage to keep it at 90 degrees ..

which is why I said "let's not go there". Plus, the dress. For me, the dress was enough to convince myself to not scream at the laser/tinfoil thing.

Even though the normal "let's give them some leeway here" excuse doesn't work in case of our esteemed host, who, fer beeps sake, is a PHYSICIST. Grrrr. *fellow-physicist-growl*

Unknown said...

Speaking of Mark A. Shepherd, where does he find the time to be on every television show currently on the air? I imagine this coming week, I'll see him play a wacky coroner on "Two and a Half Men" and a guy with the power to communicate with turkeys on "Heroes".

briddie said...

Is it too late to start wishing for a third season??? Fourth, fifth, on and on until Parker's too old to jump off buildings and Eliot's too slow to handle six at once?

briddie said...

Oh, and one more thing. I can't wait to see how Nate's relationship with Maggie stands after the second part. I figure either she turns against her boss and blames Nate, or she ends up looking incompetent after the fakes are discovered.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do in the show...DO NOT CUT CHRISTIAN'S HAIR....It is so amazing and sexy and all or most of the women love it long....He is wonderful on the show and we tune in to see that sexy hunk of man.....

Mike Cane said...

Rogers, you got a firestorm brewing!!

Do NOT cut the "epic hair": THEY MIGHT CUT ELIOT'S HAIR OMG

Chris said...

Utterly unrelated, but I just watched a series of ads for Twining's tea featuring Stephen Fry and Aldis, which makes me hope and pray that somehow you manage to bring Stephen over for a cameo next season. Please.

Tara O'Shea said...

As a chick, I would just like to go on record as saying I have no issues with Kane's hair getting cut. You know, should it come to that. Hard to kick serious ass when you've got Fabio's mane in your eyes. That's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

"I do love shrimp."

Damn you, Rogers! I laughed out loud and got busted for watching tv on my iPod at work!

(It's okay, wasn't my boss, just a coworker.)

Anonymous said...

Try and get a Hugh Laurie cameo on the same show as Fry!

Anonymous said...

Just so you guys know, Rogers is not dead. We've just been incredibly busy breaking stories and writing outlines for season two. There's only three of us at the moment, with fifteen episodes on the horizon and an early April start date for production. So, yeah, madness.

He'll be back to blogging as soon as he can. Hell, maybe later tonight for all I know. :-)

Please tune in for the season finale Tuesday night and the all-day marathon leading into it.

Thanks for watching, y'all!

R.A. Porter said...

Amy, if you happen to catch this before you go back to the grind, what can you tell us about the episode order for the Tuesday marathon? It doesn't look like your intended order, though it certainly differs from TNT's original order.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I have no idea how TNT arrived at their chosen air order for the marathon. It didn't come from us. Although today John, Chris, and I did write down OUR preferred air order... which is hopefully how they will appear on the DVD.

We probably should've recorded the DVD commentaries in the right order so that what we say makes some sort of sequential sense... but, hey, what fun would that be? :)

Maya said...

I say don't worry about blogging, we're just happy you guys are working on season 2! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks John for checking on Gina. She came back and did an entry for Second David, and a nice sign off.

I asked her to do lots of DVD commentary, but it sounds like you have it in the can already.

I won't be able to sit down and watch all the shows in the marathon, and I can only record one tape. The picture quality on my cheap cable is kind of fuzzy anyway. I missed the pilot and most of the early shows.

When do you think the DVD's will be available? Can we preorder? :)

Anonymous said...

Gina did specifically ask you guys for some romance in season 2. She also wanted Nates wife to stay away from Nate. :) John should definitely read her post.

gwangung said...

Gina did specifically ask you guys for some romance in season 2. She also wanted Nates wife to stay away from Nate. :)

This, of course, does not mean Sophie romances Nate...

Carolyn said...

Oh God, after reading gwangung's comment, I imagined Eliot developing a crush on Sophie... that could be all sorts of interesting. Could one character realistically be the third wheel in two budding relationships on a single show?

Then again, it feels a bit fanficky.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. She left the romance idea open. But I think the wife staying away from Nate mildly implies the expectation. She was also hoping that Kari would come on the show more, because she enjoyed working with her.

Personally, I don't think Sophie's romance even has to involve someone inside the troop.

Imagine if Sophie gets a relationship going with a civilian. It might compromise their secrecy. It might be with a villian, and Sophie doesn't recognize it, and then requires rescuing. Well, that wouldn't make sense, because a grifter is supposed to be attuned to character. Unless it's another grifter.

It could also be with a mark. I would love to see Sophie put on a seduction clinic to reel in a bad guy. It could be accented with voice over and parallel cuts to an edutainment speech she making to the troop.

Anonymous said...

Some of these points could be source material.

Anonymous said...

Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.

Unknown said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di http://obatkutildikemaluan.blogdetik.com/ untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Unknown said...

cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami http://obatkutilkelaminwanita.blogdetik.com cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,

Unknown said...

Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.

Unknown said...

Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu AmbeclearAmbeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Unknown said...

Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *************************

Unknown said...

Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************

Unknown said...

Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan

Unknown said...

Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................

Unknown said...

Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................

obar herbal manjur alami said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...


Unknown said...


obar herbal manjur alami said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...


Unknown said...

manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur

Anonymous said...

Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit

Anonymous said...

yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum wr.wb, Salam Sehat semuanya. numpang komen ya gan.

Unknown said...

 Apabila menemukan ada daging atau seperti Kutil yang tumbuh di area kemaluan atau alat ...

Anonymous said...

Penyakit kulit adalah penyakit infeksi yang umum, terjadi pada orang orang dari segala usia. Gangguan pada kulit sering terjadi karena ada
faktor peyebabnya, Antara lain yaitu iklim, lingkungan, tempat tinggal,

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Jangan berpikir kamu tidak mampu melupakan masa lalu. Tutup pintu masa lalumu, karena Tuhan selalu buka pintu masa depanmu.

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