Sunday, October 21, 2007

Farm Fetish Follow-up

In a sign that modern discourse has gone somewhat mad, famous economist Paul Krugman has linked to my old Farm Fetish post. On his New York Times blog.

In this post I simply point out the ridiculousness of certain politicians, and most of the media, constantly referring to rural small-town Americans as "REAL" Americans (in the cultural sense), considering that according to the US Census and Department of Labor, only 17% of Americans live in rural settings anymore, and roughly 2 million Americans farm for a living. I do this by mentioning that there are more World of Warcraft players in the US than professional Farmers.

Of course, some people have missed the point completely.

There are the comments that farmers produce, while WoW players do not. That farm living has more intrinsic value. That I'm stating urban voters and computer geeks are more "real" Americans, that city dwellers are "out of touch" (with what, for chrissake?)...

Blah blah frikkin' blah. Separated from the context of a discussion of culture, the statistic is indeed meaningless. The point I was making is that in the US many people, including the dominant political commentators and pundits, use as the defining cultural identity for America a cultural identity held by less than 1 in every five citizens. That this is, when given a moment's thought, ridiculous. Any definition of culture which automatically excludes roughly 240 million out of the nation's 300 million citizens is, one would think, inherently ridiculous.

I was using the most opposite identity group I could think of -- computer gamers -- to make my point. Of ridiculousness.

Also -- orc joke. I believe that is the first orc joke ever linked in the New York Times, and I am taking my win and going home.


JD Rhoades said...

Let's get to the REAL issue, John, which is why you hate farmers. And America. And probably puppies.

Anonymous said...

You know you got BoingBoinged earlier today for the same post, right?

Anonymous said...

Right wing politicians and media perpetuate this stereotype of REAL Americans because it helps them win elections. It's more a code word than anything else. George Bush is the candidate for 'real Americans' (people who work for a living, like farmers), whereas John Kerry was for latte drinking elitist homos. Farmers are just used to symbolize in the starkest possible terms the idea of the self-sufficient working man the Republicans feel are their base. This is total BS as farmers are subsidized up the wazoo and more dependent on the government than probably any business in the country, but such is the irony.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if the media uses farmers as "What America Thinks" but more as "What The Other 50% Of America Thinks", a counter-point to what the average city dweller thinks.

From the statistics of who voted for Bush last election, older rural males are the right ones to ask for an opposing view. They don't have to be farmers, they could be tractor salesmen, mechanics, or anybody else peripherally connected to the farming industry.

I think the main difference is that when politicians pander to people they tell them what they want to hear. For some reason, rural-types like to hear that they're the heart and soul of America, whereas urban Americans just don't.

Anonymous said...

It's stuck in our national mythology; Clark Kent, raised by decent hardworking farmers, is pure of heart in a way that Bruce Wayne, vengeance-obsessed victim of urban crime, can never be.

Anonymous said...

It is a matter of the myth of America. The Jeffersonian yeoman farmer who reads philosophy and law by lamp light, awakens at dawn to labor on his farm. The self sufficient community that sends its most trusted elders to the state and national seats of power to direct the incidental matters of state and then returns to the earth. It tugs on the heartstrings.

But it is a myth, an illusion, that shelters a real disparity in economic class, education level, and race between political parties. Their heart of America is poor, uneducated, white people that are mostly concerned about their jobs, finances and the peculiarities of their church. And as long as you keep telling these people that they are special and you are protecting them from the bad black-tino homo-atheist terror-crats that want to take away their special place in the sun, they will vote for them.

And to put this in perspective, I am currently writing this from my family's farm. It is not a way to make a living. It is a way of life that I am not following. I am currently waiting for my Bar exam results and didn't want to pay rent. But there is something special about farming that provides an interesting perspecitve on life, but what makes it interesting in modern America is its rarity, not that it is the heart of the country.

Hawise said...

Clark Kent was an illegal immigrant sheltered by his adoptive, infertile parents using forged documents and lies. Thus is the heartland a true bellwether for our times.

Anonymous said...


anybody know where I can adopt a kid like that? He (or she) would be worth the paperwork......

Antid Oto said...

You do remember what happened to Clark Kent's parents, don't you?

Anonymous said...

You do remember what happened to Clark Kent's parents, don't you?

You just have to pick the right continuity. Just fill out HHS Form BK-1419 and check either "Trusted Mentor" or "Touchstone to Origins". Don't select "Catalyst for Change" (a.k.a, "The Uncle Ben").

Or if you'd rather not be involved in the dealings of gods among men, go for "Mentioned Once and Never Brought Up Again" (a.k.a., "The Chuck Cunningham").

k said...

That is, seriously, one of my favorite posts of yours and one I often mention to friends, because, seriously, not such a large percentage of voters or citizens as they loom in the imagination. Plus, as you say, orc joke!

Xactiphyn said...

Of course, if a farmer is someone out in the field actually working the land and picking the crops, aren't most "real Americans" illegal immigrants from Mexico?

Noah Brand said...

The pervasiveness of the lack of clue on this point is interesting. In a comment to a post that makes clear that around 17% of the population is rural, someone here has ALREADY snapped back to the "other 50% of America" bullshit, as opposed to "the average city dweller".

But then, this is really just symptomatic of a similar problem, the notion of the default person. Let's face it, we have, in our culture, a large unexamined assumption about identity. We assume, usually without being aware of it, that the default mode for "human being" is a youngish heterosexual white American male from an upper-middle-class background. This is especially true in fiction.

Those of you about to dismiss the idea, hang on a moment. Notice how much people in fiction are defined by their difference from that default. If a character is black, they're the Black Character. If a character is female, she's the Woman Character. If someone's rich, they're the Rich Character. Likewise for the Poor Character. If, however, you picture a character who does not have any specific tags or modifiers, what do you get? That's right, the default. And he's usually the Big Hero, you'll notice.

Those who wish to dispute this point may begin by explaining why, in RATATOUILLE, there was an entire colony of rats without a single female.

Anonymous said...

Cause cartoon rats don't have genitalia to begin with...And next time you want to make a point, don't start with an obnoxious statement like, "The pervasiveness of the lack of clue on this point is interesting..."

gwangung said...

Truth can be obnoxious.

Xactiphyn said...


You are absolutely correct. The first time it really hit me that the "default person" was male was thinking back to the Sesame Street of my childhood. Here these liberally minded folks went way out of their way to give us all races and genders in every possible role, usually against type.

Plus muppets.

Every single muppet was male. Every one. Even Big Bird who I thought was a girl was actually a guy.

And no one on the show noticed. I didn't notice. It wasn't until many, many years later that it occurred to me.

Default character: male.

Noah Brand said...

Jesus, mark, good point. Here I am being all full of myself with my keen insights into media representations of gender, and I miss fucking SESAME STREET, easily the most important show for two entire generations. I had literally never noticed the point you raise. Because hey, I'm an educated white male... I don't HAVE to notice it.

Oh, and anonymous... cartoon rats don't have genitalia, but they have voices, bodies, and faces. If you don't think those carry gender markers, you're either not watching enough cartoons or not watching enough human beings. I'll take my point as conceded.

Greg said...

Cartoon rats don't have genitalia, but all the rat actors were voiced by men. Remy had a father and a brother but, apparently, no sisters or mother.

Hawise said...

Anyone remember Barnyard? All the cows had male voices. Not only does this illustrate how Hollywood uses men as the baseline, but also how they know nothing about rural realities.

Anonymous said...

Your perception may be accurate, Noah, but the reasoning is not. In animation, this default person is of one gender because most animation is made for children, and having male and female characters brings the undertone of sex into the picture. In animation for girls, all the characters are usually female (My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake). I'm betting most of the Sesame Street characters were male because most of the puppeteers were.

Unknown said...

Orc joke FTW. I liked the inevitable degeneration of how Warcraft is a waste of time written by people wasting time commenting on blogs.

Also, Sesame Street was not oriented towards males.

And Electric Company completely rocked.

Anonymous said...


Man, that movie bothered me so much I wasn't able to finish watching it. I was just amazed that the animators would give a FEMALE cow (complete with udders!) a MALE voice.

And not just one, but practically all of them.

Xactiphyn said...

...this default person is of one gender because most animation is made for children, and having male and female characters brings the undertone of sex...

I still have nightmares of Charlotte and Wilbur doing it in the barn. Good thing most animators avoid that problem for the protection of our youth.

Niles said...

Barnyard characters didn't just have male voices, they were also treated as male, what with the patriarch elder male trying to get his ne'erdowell son to straighten up and fly right.

Although I'm not sure how that would occur when the young 'guys' considered wild milk fights (ammunition nozzles, their own udder teats) the height of juvenile fun.

That happy hermaphrodite male flick took elimination of females from a storyline to new lows.

gwangung said...

I surprised that it's even an issue that there are default assumptions. Anybody who's a non-white actor knows that this has been traditionally been the case up for many, many years.

"Why are you at this audition? This part doesn't call for an Oriental." is something every Asian actor in LA has heard,

Noah Brand said...

Well, gwangung, that's the nice thing about white male privilege. We get to not even notice all KINDS of stuff like that. All these little assumptions and double standards work in our favor, but most of them do it invisibly, so we can still point at our achievements and say "I did all this with pluck and gumption and hard work!"

But yeah, John's larger point is entirely right; we have these assumptions about what a "normal" person is that are, in fact, totally abnormal.

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose that if I slip Tom Friedman a twenty, he'll link to the Crazification Factor?

Because that, my man, would make you the Winner of the Internets and the readers of the NYT op-ed section a lot smarter.

Hmm, perhaps we could ask for a Rogers-of-the-Week Club in the editorial room. Can anyone really write about the Republican primary without referencing the seminal text, I Miss Republicans? Face it, Ron Paul calls out for context and the air rifle on the roof IS the context.

rvman said...

We use farmers for 'default American' because the elites know New York ain't it, and can't come to terms with the undeniable fact that the average American works as payroll admin(Largest employment category, from BLS - administrative and office staff. Largest categories, admins, then accountants) and lives in a subdivision in Orange County(CA, FL, doesn't matter, pick one). Suburbia is the largest subclass of Americans.

arto said...

So the average Real American is sitting at a desk obsessing over their red Swingline stapler?

Anonymous said...

the undeniable fact that the average American works as payroll admin

So the average Real American is sitting at a desk obsessing over their red Swingline stapler?

Herbert Kornfeld - the Face of America, yo.

Anonymous said...

"Barnyard"? Man, that movie bothered me so much I wasn't able to finish watching it. I was just amazed that the animators would give a FEMALE cow (complete with udders!) a MALE voice.

Even better, it's been turned into a series so it can creep everyone out on a weekly basis:

Thanks a lot, Nickelodeon.

Anonymous said...

My son lives on a farm and plays WoW, so he is twice as real as nonfarming, unWoWs.

Anonymous said...

Especially when he's farming in WoW, right?

Anonymous said...

Also, if farmers are the Real Americans, that would seem to include farm workers, who are often Mexican migrant workers.


Inconstant Reader said...

Part of the problem is the extreme overrepresentation of rural areas in government, because of each state being allotted 2 Senators regardless of population. That is why farm subsidies will never go away.

Anonymous said...

No arguments from the ideas behind this post.

On a sidenote, it's nice to see a bunch of men who are getting it about the Default Character.

Lucy Kemnitzer said...

The rural population is a lot higher than the Census figures show, because "migrant" workers -- and also permanently or semi-permanently settled workers with no papers -- are seriously undercounted. The same is true in the cities, though, and I don't know which way the proportion would change if they were properly counted.

What's really being obscured by all this is class. By defining people who do certain kinds of labor as "middle class" whether they have the characteristics and privileges of middle class or not: by undercounting and underrepresenting the parts of the working class we don't want to think about: by dividing the working class into false regional factions: by elevating real (good, right-wing farmers, when you can find them) working class Americans into cardboard saints and derogating other working class Americans as underclass and gangbangers and foreigners and giving yet other working class Americans the job of being stupid and repulsive (see "Blue Collar Comedy") -- we create an atmosphere where hardly any American would say, "we are the working class and we're getting screwed as a class and we could do something about it as a class."

I'm going to predict that somebody will read the above and be embarrassed for me, because I use the concept class. So outmoded -- everybody knows we're beyond that. Which is why income disparity grows and grows, and services and benefits shrink, except those related to -- oh, I can't say the ruling class.

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inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
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milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
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teeny bopper club -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
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euro sex parties -
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her first lesbian sex -
his first huge cock -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
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coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
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her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first huge cock -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
all reality pass -
all sites access -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
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big league facials -
big naturals -
big tit patrol -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first huge cock -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
all reality pass -
all sites access -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big naturals -
big tit patrol -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first huge cock -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
we live together -
8th street latinas -
all reality pass -
all sites access -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big naturals -
big tit patrol -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
his first huge cock -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -

Anonymous said...

pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
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xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
all interracial -
all interracial movie galleries -
all interracial movies -
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all interracial pictures -
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all sites access -
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bang boat -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big naturals -
big tit patrol -
bikini contest porn -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
texas dildo massacre -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
vanilla teens black cream -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
allinterracial -
all interracial -
all interracial movies -
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all interracial pictures -
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all interracial vids -
all reality pass -
all sites access -
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big naturals -
big tit patrol -
bikini contest porn -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
texas dildo massacre -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
vanilla teens black cream -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
all interracial -
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all sites access -
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bare foot maniacs -
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big naturals -
big tit patrol -
bikini contest porn -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
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we live together -
xxx proposal -
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all interracial -
all reality pass -
all sites access -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
bare foot maniacs -
big naturals -
big tit patrol -
bikini contest porn -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
texas dildo massacre -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
vanilla teens black cream -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
all interracial -
all sites access -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
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big naturals -
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bikini contest porn -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
vanilla teens black cream -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
all interracial -
all sites access -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
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big naturals -
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bikini contest porn -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
texas dildo massacre -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
vanilla teens black cream -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
all interracial -
all sites access -
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bang boat -
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big naturals -
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bikini contest porn -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
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we live together -
xxx proposal -
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all sites access -
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black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
vanilla teens black cream -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
all interracial -
all sites access -
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bikini contest porn -
black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teens for cash -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
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we live togethers -
xxx proposal -
8th street latinas -
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all sites access -
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black cocks white sluts -
blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf seeker -
mr chews asian beaver -
pink candy shavers -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
round and brown -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
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we live together -
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blind date bangers -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cumfiesta -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
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mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
round and brown -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
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we live together -
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boys first time -
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captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
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euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gang bang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
i spy camel toe -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
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mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
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we live together -
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coeds need cash -
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euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
gangbang squad -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
horny spanish flies -
inthevip -
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mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
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mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
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pornstar tryouts -
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xxx proposal -
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mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pornstar tryouts -
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the big swallow -
xxx proposal -
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coeds need cash -
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mike in brazil -
mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pornstar tryouts -
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the big swallow -
xxx proposal -
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coeds need cash -
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please bang my wife -
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the big swallow -
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coeds need cash -
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mike in brazil -
mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
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xxx proposal -
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mr chews asian beaver -
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pornstar tryouts -
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xxx proposal -
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coeds need cash -
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mike in brazil -
mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pornstar tryouts -
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the big swallow -
xxx proposal -
big league facials -
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blind date bangers -
coeds need cash -
in the vip -
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i spy camel toe -
jerk that cock -
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mr chews asian beaver -
please bang my wife -
pornstar tryouts -
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the big swallow -
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xxx proposal -
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mr chews asian beaver -
mr chews asian beaver movies -
please bang my wife -
pornstar tryouts -
pump that ass -
round and brown -
screw my sexy wife -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
all hairy girls -
all reality pass -
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coeds need cash -
ebonyauditions -
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please bang my wife -
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pornstar tryouts -
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round and brown -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
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coeds need cash -
ebonyauditions -
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please bang my wife -
please bang my wife movies -
pornstar tryouts -
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round and brown -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
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Anonymous said...

xxx proposal -
all reality pass -
bare foot maniacs -
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pornstar tryouts -
pump that ass -
round and brown -
screw my sexy wife -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
all reality pass -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
boob exam scam -
bus stop whores -
coeds need cash -
ebony auditions -
i spy camel toe -
jerk that cock -
mr chews asian beaver -
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my cute panties pics -
please bang my wife -
pornstar tryouts -
pump that ass -
pump that ass movies -
round and brown -
screw my sexy wife -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
all reality pass -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
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boob exam scam -
bus stop whores -
coeds need cash -
ebony auditions -
i spy cameltoe -
jerk that cock -
mr chews asian beaver -
my cute panties -
please bang my wife -
pornstar tryouts -
pump that ass -
pump that ass movies -
round and brown -
screw my sexy wief -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
all reality pass -
bare foot maniacs -
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boob exam scam -
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coeds need cash -
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jerk that cock -
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we live together -
xxx proposal -
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coeds need cash -
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all sites access -
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please bang my wife -
reality pass plus -
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all sites access -
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cam crush -
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coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
dangerous dongs -
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i spy camel toe -
jerk him off -
metart -
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please bang my wife -
reality pass plus -
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tinys black adventures -
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all reality pass -
all sites access -
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boys first time -
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captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
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dangerous dongs -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
jerk him off -
metart -
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please bang my wife -
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tinys black adventures -
8th street latinas -
all reality pass -
all sites access -
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big league facials -
big naturals -
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boob exam scam -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
captain stabbin -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
dangerous dongs -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
metart -
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please bang my wife -
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Anonymous said...

big naturals -
big tit patrol -
boob exam scam -
boys first time -
bus stop whores -
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i go both ways -
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in bed with eva -
in bed with faith -
interracial -
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milk my cock -
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moms i would like to fuck -
more gonzo -
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my friends hot mom -
my girlfriend squirts -
my naughty latin maid -
my naughty nanny -
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my sisters hot friend -
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Anonymous said...

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hardcore interracial fantasies -
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i go both ways -
in bed with ashley -
in bed with eva -
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jena kay ricci -
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kandy valentine -
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mandi rose fanelli -
maniac pass -
milf vixen -
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milton twins -
mommy got fucked -
mommy loves cock -
moms i would like to fuck -
more gonzo -
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my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my girlfriend squirts -
my naughty latin maid -
my naughty nanny -
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porn access -
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college fuck fest -
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maniac pass -
milf vixen -
milk my cock -
milton twins -
mommy got fucked -
mommy loves cock -
moms i would like to fuck -
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moms i would like to fuck -
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Anonymous said...

ann angel -
asian 1on1 -
ass hookers -
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ass then mouth -
ass traffic -
bare back bottoms -
bi curiosity -
big cock crew -
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bikini banger -
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black dong in hong kong -
blowjob races -
book worm bitches -
border bangers -
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bubble gum dreams -
cam club -
chloe 18 -
chloe dove -
college fuck fest -
cream covered faces -
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dakota rae patrick -
d cup -
deep oral guys -
desperate latina sluts -
diary of a milf -
diary of a nanny -
dildo drill -
dirty anal girls -
dirty latina maids -
dp fuck fest -
dripping creampies -
eat some ass -
emily sweet -
euro fuck trip -
extreme alex -
extreme holly -
extreme sophia -
faces of goo -
fast times at nau -
foot infatuations -
footjob angels -
fuck her right -
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get dirty with juliet -
girl girl spank -
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hooked on teens -
horny tickling -
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i go both ways -
in bed with ashley -
in bed with eva -
in bed with faith -
interracial -
jena kay ricci -
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just 18 -
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karups private collection -
kayla banks -
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kung fu whores -
latin adultery -
leg action -
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lesbian stepsisters -
lesbian training -
little april -
little lupe -
little summer -
madison summers -
mandi rose fanelli -
maniac pass -
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milton twins -
mommy got fucked -
mommy loves cock -
moms i would like to fuck -
more gonzo -
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my girlfriend squirts -
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obscene machines -
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poke my throat -
porn access -
pride access -
prime cups -
pro squirters -
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amateur teen fuck fantasies -
american day dreams -
anal thugs -
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ann angel -
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bi curiosity -
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blowjob races -
book worm bitches -
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college fuck fest -
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dripping creampies -
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fast times at nau -
foot infatuations -
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Phentermine said...

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Anonymous said...

Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.

Unknown said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Unknown said...

cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,

Unknown said...

Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu AmbeclearAmbeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia

Unknown said...

Pada pria, gejala awal gonore biasanya
timbul dalam waktu 2-7 hari setelah terinfeksi. Gejalanya berawal sebagai rasa tidak enak pada uretra dan beberapa jam kemudian diikuti
oleh nyeri ketika berkemih serta keluarnya nanah dari penis.

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

obar herbal manjur alami said...

MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******

Unknown said...

Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *************************

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************

Unknown said...

penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.

Unknown said...

Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...


Unknown said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...


obar herbal manjur alami said...

alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami

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