Sunday, March 25, 2007

Writing: 300 and Viewpoints

or: Why does King Leonidas hate Private Ryan?

Kevin Drum mentions the weird schizophrenic nature of 24 today -- while Jack Bauer is a conservative torture lover's wet dream who does what he has to to keep us safe, dammit, the political storylines centered in the White House almost always show right-wingers as insane hawks or blubbery messes under thin, posturing candy-coatings of machismo. This more points out the danger of trying to read intent into mass media, than being representative of some fundamental schism in that show's writing staff. Creators are notoriously tunnel-visioned. They have an idea that intrigues them, they pursue it, and many of the accompanying details are so much background music. The audience, however, takes in the work as a whole and strives to create coherence. This is particularly treacherous in television, where the simple feat of getting 22 hours of the bastard to air is the miraculous bit. That all 1,320 minutes be what you intended is impossible.

Watching 300 today, I was struck by ludicrousness of trying to find a single, unifying political or even moral idea in the film. Zach Snyder wanted to shoot the comic, he wanted to fry your brains with pictures. And did so -- kudos to Zack. One can argue Frank Miller has either become a typical post 9/11 chest-beater or that he's always been so but he's forgotten what irony is. His misogyny, of course, has become a feature not a bug. But his religion, his core political/personal framework is not conservative or liberal. It is for the lack of a better term manly anti-authoritarianism. Man the fuck up and do the manly thing, men. Sometimes, as when Batman kicks the high holy snot out of Superman in The Dark Night Returns, this means fighting the very embodiment of stereotypical American virtue. Sometimes, as in 300, this means celebrating what are plainly American proxies going and kicking the high holy snot out of the darkies. (Weirdly, there's a strain of authoritarianism in the writing, too -- always an ur-man, a Batman or Leonidas who we would be blessed to follow. Always looking for a fuhrer or a king...) But what surprised me the most, while watching the movie, and remembering the love heaped upon it by right-wingers ...

... 300 is startlingly anti-American.

It is so in a way that's illuminating for you Spec-Monkeys. What got me on to this? The scene where Leonidas and his ab-tastic Spartans run into some Greeks who've decided to tag along to fight for freedom. The Greek leader, Patheticus, points out that Leo's brought just 300 oddly naked dudes to war, while the Greeks have brought quite a few more. Leonidas points to one of the Greek soldiers. "What's your profession?"

"Potter," the fellow replies.

"And you."

"Farmer," says the next.

"And you."


At which point Leonidas yells back at his posse, "Spartans, what is your profession?" And they hoo-ahh! like crazy. Leonidas says "Looks like I brought along more soldiers than you." Pretty cool scene, actually.

Now, what's fascinating here is to roll back our national mythos to 1998, to Saving Private Ryan. This is the definitive film capping off the Baby Boomers' guilty late love letters to the Greatest Generation. In one of its crucial scenes, Captain Miller -- Tom Hanks -- at long last reveals to his guys that he was a teacher back home. In almost every version of the Greatest Generation myth -- and let's be honest, that is the de facto American myth -- the citizen-soldiers, the guys with day jobs who leave 'em behind to fight and die, are the heroes. Even more, this quality of our warriors, their ordinariness, is not just a factor of our national identity, one could argue it defines our national identity. That we are not professional soldiers is why we're the Good Guys. From the Concord Minutemen to the accountants tossing grenades into bunkers at Normandy, the Unlikely Amateur defines the American hero.

At one point in 300, the Spartan narrator even tosses an offhand compliment to the Greeks. "Amateurs. They did their job ... More brawlers than soldiers." (I'm quoting from memory here). That bit of dialogue would fit perfectly in the mouth of the standard Dismissive Authority Figure in about a thousand American movies, who will Soon Be Proven Wrong. You can, in fact, take that scene with Leonidas, drop it into a movie about these brave, untrained Greeks trudging off to fight a war, classic underdog hero story, and you can do so without changing a single word.

Simply, the heroes of 300 heap an enormous amount of scorn on the heroic tradition of America. In the world of 300, Captain Miller, the boys of Easy Company, the Band of Brothers, are fucking saps.

There's a similarly fascinating scene -- from a screenwriting standpoint -- when Leonidas meets the scorned humback who desperately wants to be Spartan. He's got the uniform and everything. Leonidas patiently explains to the humpback that he may have a lot of spirit, but he just isn't big and fast enough to play their Spartan games. If, however, he wants to tend the wounded or carry water, that's right, be the Water Boy ...

... for Notre Dame, sure, but there's no way you can ever play, Rudy. You're just too small. Again, this scene could play in countless American movies, with Leonidas as the antagonist, and barely a word changes. Another defining staple of the American myth, the Little Guy who Overcomes the Odds, gets pissed on. For God's sake, at one point the bad Spartan, Sellouticus, even taunts the Queen by saying "All men are not born equal, that's the Spartan belief." And these are the good guys. Wow.

On the other hand, the independent hero, the guy willing to risk it all and die for freedom, that's classic Americana. To have both in the same movie is whiplash-inducing.

Aside from the interesting exercises in screenwriting analysis, the movable feast conservatives make of movies every year, movies with wildly divergent themes, may be illustrative. From Saving Private Ryan to Lord of the Rings (the point of LotR is not Aragorn uniting the West, it's that the unlikely hobbits nuke Sauron, you idiots), to the various reads on Star Wars to 300, there is no unifying idea but one ...

... We gotta get off our asses and kill some people!

Sometimes reluctantly, sometimes nobly, but let's get to manning the fuck up and doing manly things! By "manliness" I use the same definition of a completely insecure white dude in a suit: other people fighting and dying so he can write about how important fighting and dying is. I think fighting and dying for a cause is noble, too. But it ought to be lower than number three on the list of spiffy things to do. At the very least, I'm certainly not going to have a hard-on while I'm discussing it. I would certainly see the hypocrisy of supporting the guy who lands on the aircraft carrier dressed up like Leonidas, pretending to be Leonidas. Let's just say, when you're rooting for the guys who don't believe All Men Are Created Equal, who would laugh at and mock the Band of Brothers or the Happy Few, you may want to rethink what America means to you.

That said, I liked the movie. But I went in with different needs. I don't need or want a king, or metaphors to help me convince my fellow citizens that another Great War is upon us, that we're just as special as the Greatest Generation and it's time to send more under-armed Tennessee National Guardsmen to fight Xerxes while I cash my think-tank check. I just needed two hours of entertainment. 300 got that job done.


Anonymous said...

You make very good points. And I'm sure I would have sat in the theater scratching my chin going, "Ah, yes, he was right" (I've read it already, and, well, any woman who's even glanced in the direction of a Frank Miller book knows what's the what).

But unfortunately, my friend sent me this YouTube clip, so... that's what I'm gonna be thinking about instead.

Anonymous said...

They were Unlikely American Amateurs goddammit and therefore better than other countries' professionals.

It's not 300 as Anti-American Myth, it's Spartans=Americans.

Anonymous said...

Great analysis, thank you. I can't wait to see the movie here in Denmark.

Anonymous said...

"It's not 300 as Anti-American Myth, it's Spartans=Americans."

Hello, Mr. Entirely Missing the Point.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it. Will probably take me 10 years to see it (I am 20 years behind in movies as it is...).

So I just have one completely dumbass question:


For real?!!?

Benari said...

I had almost this exact conversation with someone the other day. Despite the fact that the Spartans very nearly break out into a "USA!" chant at times, Americans were never bred to be solely warriors. America is made up of the "tired," "the poor," and "the huddled masses." Spartans may be what Americans would like to be, but the American culture has never been so single-minded as the Spartans.

Also, this is a story about a determined, suicidal band of zealots taking a stand against an unstoppable juggernaut of a foreign nation that has invaded the Spartans' homeland, spreading their unwanted foreign culture and using force to squash out ancient Greek heritage. Um...the closest thing to representing current American foreign policy in this movie is Persia.

Also, I STILL enjoyed the hell out of 300.

John Seavey said...

Maybe I'm misremembering, but wasn't it this very blog that pointed out the way right-wingers have this whole mythos of, "Soldiers are more important Americans than the rest of us, because they're the ones willing to fight for this country and all the rest of us do is talk about it?" Didn't you even have a link to a right-wing poem-y thing about it, which talked about how it wasn't poets and bakers and merchants who made this country free, it was soldiers? (And then didn't you point out that no, it was poets and bakers and merchants who made this country free. The professional soldiers all fought for the British.)

This isn't sarcasm, BTW. I genuinely can't remember if it was you or a different blog. But either way, no, to the right-winger there is no contradiction here. There's a sort of cult of militarism in conservative thinking, which says that professional soldiers really are better than the rest of us, as a sort of "obvious exception" to the "all men are created equal" thing.

And I thought the Ephialtes scene was very clear--the Spartans have _good reason_ for killing deformed babies, see? Deformed babies grow up to be losers and traitors.

(And kings apparently grow up to be deaf to anything that happens behind him. "I sure hope the Persians don't find out about that other path." Six feet away: "I will have my revenge, Leonidas!!!!!!!")

Anonymous said...

Ironically for someone who starts out saying it would be futile to seek a single unifying, political idea in the 300, John does a better job of making the case for its standing as a paean to movementarian ideology than anyone I've seen thus far.

PIPER said...

First, I think it's interesting how much analysis this movie is getting. I myself am guilty of it. It is in effect a comic book about a real battle. I'm pretty familiar with the works of Miller and I can say that there isn't a bunch of depth there. It's cool. It's gritty. And it's not much else. That's great for a comic book and a real cool looking movie, but not so great when you want to dig deeper for greater things.

In my opinion, I would say that this movie is a great recruiting tool for the military. It says fight with honor. Ignore everything else. And I guess that's what interested me in the movie. The lack of emotion interested me. These were great soldiers whose job it was to fight. It was not a good day unless they were fighting.

I thought that interesting. And yes, I too enjoyed the movie.

Anonymous said...

Most of the film was so clearly utter fantasy-image that I couldn't take any possible offense seriously.

I was a little put off by the number of shot-reverse shots of Anglo Tanned Muscle Man staring off Dreadlocked/Pierced Snarling Black Man. That, and the voices, which isn't a problem of the have all the Spartans speaking with accents from various parts of the United Kingdom, while the Persians all get to talk like Foreigners...

...It actually put me in mind of the use of tribal images in the first LotR, which served to aptly reinforce Tolkein's Anglo-centric worldview by making all of the monsters look like dark skinned natives.

There's probably an argument to be made against most creators developing that tunnel-vision you speak of. I have no doubt that it exists...but so does ignorance exist in a racist. Both are correctable.

The Minstrel Boy said...

my biggest problem with 300 is that i'm a total geek on the classics. what happened there at thermopylae didn't need any pumping up. it was impressive enough. i kept expecting andy kaufman as latka to come out and play xerxes. the thing i enjoyed most about it was that i took along three teenaged boys. i got lots of vicarious enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

Look, the wingnuts don't want to be Spartans, they just want to know there are Spartans out there to cover their sorry asses. That's why they dig it. I mean, of course Americans aren't meant to be professional killers - at least, not Americans of their social standing.

Anonymous said...

Let's just say, when you're rooting for the guys who don't believe All Men Are Created Equal, who would laugh at and mock the Band of Brothers or the Happy Few, you may want to rethink what America means to you.

I think a lot of people already have rethought what America means, and have been teaching it to their children for quite a while now as well.

The unlikely amateur hero, in an American military context, is no longer the norm because we haven't used the draft since before I was born.

U.S. soldiers are volunteers now (though often from backgrounds with few other options open to them), and the heroes of this paradigm largely epitomize the image of the career-driven, professional warrior.  The new mythology of these men (and women, but only occasionally in this fantasy reality) is that they are the guardians of the U.S. first, family men second, and civilians only once they get old and retire.

The culture is adapting to this in strange and often disturbing ways.  For example, there's a new image of sexuality ascribed to military men, an image of virility, that often cuts across political boundaries in interesting ways.

Tie that in with the right-wing hacking away at the advances of the civil rights era, and this identification with Spartan culture among many is not anywhere near as surprising to me as I would like it to be.

Anonymous said...

Or, as I should say, this identification with fantasy Spartan culture...

Anonymous said...

"Since when do Americans cheer when truce parties are murdered?"

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's almost as if the presence of a standing professional army entirely divorced from the polity it protects is having exactly the kind of corrosive effects on our democracy that the founding fathers near-unanimously predicted it would.

Whoda thunk?

Alex Epstein said...

Especially (as so many have pointed out), it was the Athenians who actually defeated the Persians, by crushing their fleet at Salamis. (As they had defeated them years before on the beach at Marathon.)

You know, the Athenians who invented democracy in the West, and voted the funds to build up their fleet.

I find the Spartans oh-so-unlikely avatars for America because back when I was studying Greek history, the Spartans = The Soviet Union, while Athens = America.

Cunningham said...

This movie isn't about the Spartan ideal of warrior society, it's a about a small band of characters who stand up and sacrifice for what they believe in:

- even when their own government (and their religion) is against it(and actually plots against them).

- even when the odds are stacked entirely against them (like in SAVING PRIVATE RYAN).

- even when they are tempted to compromise their ideals.

I don't think that is anti-American. It's about leadership, responsibility and honoring your word. We've seen that going back to MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON, THE ALAMO and other movies, which after I have some coffee I'll remember. 300 is an underdog story. There is no way they can win physically...

Yet they beat the pants off the Persians in idealism...becoming beautiful martyrs for the cause and eventually rallying the support from the rest of the armies of Europe.

Sure, 300 makes its point with the tip of a spear, but that ideal is always what I saw as the underlying theme of the movie.

Unknown said...

First off, the political stuff really was secondary. The point of the post, to me, was the interchangeability of the scenes depending on the viewpoint. Good exercise for the Spec Monkeys.

I agree with the intent, Bill, and 300 certainly is meant as an underdog story. There are certainly echoes of other movies. I'm not saying it's divorced from American hero myth. I'm saying, however, that you can't ignore the weird (unintentional) slams on traditional American myth. They're not tone elements, they're the DNA of the movie. Just too strong to discount. There's easily a version of the movie where you can focus on the elements you discuss without these other elements. Now why they didn't is an interesting question, and the answer is probably more a matter of accident than intent.

David Brin said...

Great analysis. I do believe that there are a lot of mythmakers out there who are deeply opposed to the egalitarian values that you describe as Americanism.

Indeed, as I point out in my recent book STAR WARS ON TRIAL, it astonishes me that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are friends. Did Spielberg ever read Lucas's NYT interview in which he openly dissed democracy and called a "benign dictatorship" the best for of government?

As for Tolkien, I am more respectful because he's honest. See:

Thanks & good luck.

With cordial regards,

David Brin
author of The Postman, Earth, etc.....

Unknown said...

Now tat ust tickles my gek heart deep. David frikkin' Brin. Damn. Good to see you again.

Unknown said...

Argh. accursed sticky keyboard.

coltrane said...

I think you missed the bigger picture John. The primary idea underlining 300 is martyrdom. It is what motivates our hero. When he marches off to war, he not only knows he's going to die, he's counting on it. He hopes to die in a heroic and spectacular way in order to become a symbol his people can rally around. This was his plan from the start and only breifly, in the heat of battle, does he believe he might defeat Xerxes. All these analyses about whether the film is pro or anti-american aren't really looking at what the story is truly about. They're just grafting their own political views onto it because the film is ripe with metaphor.

Anonymous said...

Point of order, completely lost by Mr. Miller, and of course, many history-impaired fanboys: The 300 Spartans died. So did 1000 "amateurs" fighting at their side from the city-state of Thespia. That's right, right-wing monekyasses, The Spartan professionals died alongside... actors. Who's more brave? The professional soldiers, or the volunteers who know just as well that to stay is death? Now That is American.

Doc Nebula said...

Interesting points, especially your last. Sometimes we just want something that moves quickly and makes loud noises on the screen. Within that context, 300 works fine.

My take on the movie is a little bit different from yours, for whatever that's worth.

I suspect the reason why so much of the movie defies our standard American mythology in the ways you point out (scorning the citizen soldier, etc, etc) is because the Spartans in this film aren't "plainly American proxies going and kicking the high holy snot out of the darkies". That's a common misperception. It's actually both simpler and more complex than that. The Spartans are neocon/wingnut proxies, kicking the high holy snot out of the decadent pansy liberals.

Neocons and wingnuts, absurdly, see themselves as he-man ur-warriors. They don't regard themselves as being citizen soldiers, and so are perfectly capable of holding such amateurs in rank contempt. In Jonah Goldberg and John Podhoretz's hearts of hearts, they ARE Leonidas, or, at least, they're marching right behind him, idiotically all metal shield strapped to their arms, insanely long spear over one shoulder, naughty bits waving proudly in the early evening breeze, ready to fight and die for a nation that mostly despises them, to buy said nation just a few more precious moments to awaken and take up arms against the encroaching left wing threat.

The Persians are 'darkies', sure, because, you know, neocon/wingnuts are deeply afraid of darkies. But they're also everything to the left of the John Birch Society. One can very nearly hear Lou Gossett Jr. sneering to Xerxes and his rabble through Leonidas' larynx -- "Where you been all your lives, an orgy?" And in fact, from what the movie shows us, this is indeed where Xerxes and his legions have been all their lives, bedecked in jewels and layered in rouge, too.

Despite all that, I'm fascinated by the implication of your last paragraph. Is blatantly hateful, insanely xenophobic, pornographically violent propaganda really okay, as long as the target audience is smart enough to ignore the implicit message while enjoying the pretty pictures' raw entertainment value? And what if the target audience isn't comprised entirely of guys as wonderfully well balanced as John Rogers?

Unknown said...

John Rogers isn't as wonderfully balanced as a theoretical John Rogers modelled on this blog. Really interesting analysis, Highlander. I'd recommend folks swing over to yours to check it out.

I didn't miss the point about martyrdom -- indeed, I think that's kind of the redeeming point of the movie. I do think, however, the other elements are too great in the movie to dismiss so we can embrace the martyrdom theme solely.

Again, we're reading a lot into this flick. But what people take from it is interesting to me.

bob said...

Isn't the idea of a small, professional army of soldiers (as opposed to an army of civilian draftees) exactly what the Bush administration (and other neo-cons) is advocating/supporting?

As to 24- isn't there a big difference between how individual characters are portrayed, and the reality upon which the narrative is premised? 24 is premised on (demonstrably false) ideas about how torture works, and the effectiveness of intelligence operatives that don't have to follow rules or acknowledge civil liberties, for instance. If a film was, say, premised on Nazi ideology (that Jews are evil and subhuman) but then portrayed Nazis as terrible people, that would hardly equalize the politics of the work.

Steve Malley said...

Cincinattus is the American hero no on remembers. The general who could have marched his legions into Rome and ruled but returned to his farm instead. The war was over.

When the Senate sent for him again, the messengers found him behind a plow.

Citzen soldier, indeed...

coltrane said...

Maybe I've just always felt theorizing about the allegorical content of a film like this is kind of pointless, because I don't think the majority of filmgoers, especially the ones who flock to movies like this, analyze stories that deeply. I don't think 300 to them is about anything deeper than some guys fighting and dying for what they believed in.

Doc Nebula said...

Mr. Rogers,

Thanks. It's very decent and kind of you to read my analysis, much less recommend it to others.

It is interesting what people are getting out of the movie, but I do tend to think that it's much easier to analyze the subtext of blatant propaganda than of actual art, or, for that matter, a non-artistic attempt at sheer escapist entertainment trying to convey no 'message' at all.


Isn't the idea of a small, professional army of soldiers (as opposed to an army of civilian draftees) exactly what the Bush administration (and other neo-cons) is advocating/supporting?

Yes. It's important to note, though, that the 'small, professional army' the neocons/wingnuts are so avidly supporting is entirely made up of somebody else's kids. They fantasize about being the Spartans; in real life, however, that's a 'joe job'. They're too busy fighting the War on Terror from behind their keyboards to bother actually picking up a weapon and standing a post.


Cincinnatus does indeed embody the ideal citizen soldier. I suspect most modern folks forget about him, though, because, y'know, driving a plow doesn't seem very glorious to us these days.

Okay, I'll modify that. Most moderns don't know about Cincinnatus because, you know, they either can't or don't read anything, and Joel Silver has never produced a movie about the guy. Most LITERATE moderns forget about him for the reason I've specified. ;)

Tony said...

To steal from Freud, sometimes a Spartan is just a Spartan.

The Greeks of that era were most emphatically not Americans. Even the Athenians with their proto-democracy (such as it was) do not readily invite comparison to modern Americans. But the Spartans, even more so than the Athenians.

To compare them to us, as a political statement, seems to me a wrong-headed and fruitless endeavor.

What is most important about this story is the bravery involved in fighting such astounding odds. As I explained the awful import of the odds to a friend: Imagine you, and, say, all of your closest friends, picking a fight with everyone in a packed Yankee Stadium. With knives. It's mind-boggling that you could fight nearly to a draw against so many (but for Ephialtes, of course)...

That's the story. My question for those who analyze differently is this: what makes you think these men are any the less heroic just because they might be monarchists? Who cares that their social structure was obviously unsustainable? (Helot revolts, anyone?)

The source materials (Herodotus, etc.) are actually more interesting than the film or graphic novel managed to be. Frank Miller clearly lacks the talent of, say, Aeschylus, who, when writing "Persians" could have beat his Greek chest... and instead, wrote a wonderfully human story about their vanquished enemies.

One wonders what his version of "300" might have looked like.

James said...

I think you're dead on except for one thing...

Take a step smaller.

I think it's more self reflexive.

I think it has more to do with the big comic book companies Marvel and DC being in control of comic books.

And here is Frank Miller with his style that really is niether.

In the 70s when Miller started you either had to do it the Marvel or the DC way or not at all.

Miller was one of the first artists to buck that trend.

This oppression was what lead to the formation of Image. Exact same reasons for different artists.

The movie hints at it... but the comic really drives it home...

We do this our way or die trying. We will not submit to any outside force. If they don't like the way we do this then F@#$ you. This is what we do.

That's the way I take it. Mainly because the majority of Miller's work shares the same theme.

Unfortunately, the movie really didn't hone in on any central theme.

Swan said...

So let me ask:

What explains the failure of the mainstream media to cover the purge scandal for so long, and so many other scandals? Do you think somebody just set up newspaper editors to cheat on their wives, and threatened to tell if the editors wouldn’t play ball when they come back some day and ask for something?

It wouldn’t be that hard to do, when you think about it. People wouldn’t talk about it.

Anonymous said...

John, as usual, your analysis rings true for me here. I was surprised at much I *didn't* enjoy the movie. I did try discern the themes of the film, what we were supposed to take away from it, and it really is futile.

You know what really bugged me? Xerxes' host was comprised of dozens of different peoples from throughout the region, and he wasn't forcing anybody into uniform. It wasn't like he was swallowing the identities of the world--there was more diversity and tolerance evident in his camp than in Sparta's.

Anonymous said...

You know, you've given me an inspiration. In the movie, Leonidas and all his manly men are put in the front lines to save Greece and die.

I can't think of a better use for them.

Anonymous said...

the central irony of the film to me was the fact that it depicts a small band of Westerners defending the Western tradition against the overwhelming forces of an enormously larger army while the reality of today is rather the opposite- in Iraq (not Persia but next door and it could be Persia soon) a small, and perhaps psychotically determined, band of fighters is repelling the overwhelming force of a Western army, often in the name of defending their own 'tradition', i.e., Islam...Xerxes=Bush and the Persian army with its ingenius fighting devices=the US army and the spartans=the Iraqi resistance, psychotic, yes, but just defending their tradition against an onslaught from afar

Anonymous said...

How can Leonidas embody the classic American go-it-alone spirit, while yet being the anti-Rudy heavy?

Easy: He's a flawed hero.

Leonidas could have treated the hunchback more kindly and found a way for him to fight the Persians... just like Mr. Incredible could have found a way for Buddy to tag along as Incredi-boy, instead of dissing him. In each case, the hero's high-handedness came back to bite him in the ass.

So much more interesting than when the main character is always right about everything, wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous said...

Saw the movie tonight.

First, Spartans = Blackwater today. Above and beyond over the top crazies.

Second, there were some great lines. The deformed guy throwing his uniform over screaming "Dad you were wrong" was a classic.

Beating up the little kids from age seven on so they'd be great warriors, what a classic.

The guy crying after his kid was beheaded, probably because he distracted him, then saying the only regret he had was not telling his son he loved him was yet another. There was a lot of black comedy in this one. A Classic. But maybe I'll return to HBO's Rome for educ-tainment.

Anonymous said...

the rumsfeld doctrine--vindicated at last!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been over here in awhile, but ya got any Rome commentary with the series all wrapped up and everything now? I was just so impressed by the whole thing. Everytime I begrudge that extra 13 bucks a month I cough up for HBO, I have to remind myself of shows like Rome. Fuck the Greeks.

Gabriel Ratchet said...

My $0.02 on 300: It's like Frank Frazetta and Tom of Finland got married and gave birth to two hours of Molly Hatchet album covers.

Anonymous said...

If 300 is anti-American, are we defining anti-American as undemocratic fascist warrior elites who euthanize their weak and have obvious homoerotic tendancies?

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaactually, the 300 Spartans made their stand with 700 Thespians, and it is more likely the latter did most of the killing, along with the dying.

Shouldn't we really be watching a movie called 700 Thespians?

I can see it now... 1-2-3 kick it you bitches!

Anonymous said...

*pompous sounding voice* In my opinion, 300 is a classic symbol of. . . the tendency of bloggers and their readers to read too much of their own political beliefs into a movie:P

Like Gaijin Biker pointed out (thank you!), the uber-professional Spartans paid for their disdain of amateurs with their lives. If they were committed amateurs, they. . . still would have died, as Saving Private Ryan shows; war sucks that way. But maybe they would have used the human resources they had better to last a bit longer.

Anonymous said...

Unlikely American Amateurs once, but no longer true necessarily.

ie. Blackhawk Down

a small number of professional soldiers fighting against overwhelming odds.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me about Cincinnatus (sp?): i have heard that our Founding Fathers had an organization called The Cincinnatus Society. It is in connection with that group that George Washington is supposed to have uttered one of my very favorite lines: "Anyone who wants the job of President, doesn't deserve it."

Anonymous said...

Interesting reading all the views regarding this film. I personally tend to take a passive role regarding my film-watching, just as I did with The 300. Entertainment first, subtext, metaphors and hidden meanings second. In all honesty, you can find a message in anything if you look hard enough, or are motivated enough to skew a scene or a piece of dialogue to make your point.

I'm much more interested in judging a film by its artistic/entertaining merits than what it's trying to say to me, or what you think it's trying to tell me. Now regarding The 300, it was entertaining and what I did was rather than try to find metaphors and similarities with our current situation in the middle east and other places, I just looked at what it was trying to generally say about human nature, freedom, honor and duty.

In my humble opinion, the film's main points are would you rather live under the heel of an oppressor or die free? Would you betray your history, culture and way of life just to live to see it burned down? I won’t mind if you apply modern politics and events however you wish to suit your views as long as you don’t mind if I don’t.

Anonymous said...

a review from a slightly more left point of view :)

Anonymous said...

As a writer, John, I was hoping you'd talk about 300's interesting use of the "unreliable narrator."

This, combined with the fact that the central character isn't a viewpoint character, are more interesting subjects of discussion.

Anonymous said...

FUC(K U u stupid Americans!!And get the fuck out from Iraq!!And btw stop thinking that u the shit and think that the whole world is terrorists!!BUSH is the #1 terrorist!!SOOO USA SUCKS ASS....

Anonymous said...

David Brin!!! How about a new Uplift Book?

Anonymous said...

If 300 is anti-American, are we defining anti-American as undemocratic fascist warrior elites who euthanize their weak and have obvious homoerotic tendancies?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.

Unknown said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Anonymous said...

cara yang alami menyembuhkan penyakit wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat

Anonymous said...

wasir ambeien bisa sembuh tanpa harus di operasi maupun injeksi cukup dengan obat wasir ambeien herbal ambeclear herbal de nature dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu AmbeclearAmbeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.

Pengobatan Ambeien Wasir said...


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Unknown said...

MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********

Unknown said...

Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.

Unknown said...

Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************

Unknown said...

Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan

Unknown said...

Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas

Unknown said...

Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ...............................

obar herbal manjur alami said...


Unknown said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...


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Unknown said...

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kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

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