Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Red Cross

Looks like every blog on the planet is recommending charities -- and I must give it up for the Instapundit-affiliated humans, they're spending all day tomorrow ceasing to cry socialism and pointing people at worthwhile charities. Good on them. In the spirit of bipartisanship, I will even abandon my Presidential Vacation Watch. I ... won't ... even ask ... why he did't just ... go straight to Washington ... after yester -- ... GAHHHHH.

*pant pant pant* Okay. Ooookay. Letting it slide. We're all together in this.

I won't presume to write too much on Katrina here -- there's far more and better coverage out there than anything I can do. And we know how I feel about grief-surfing. However, I will point out that some people have suggested checking your company's donations policy for matching funds. Excellent idea.

I will continue the tradition of personally matching your donations done through the Paypal button (with all due respect, linking to a bunch of charities is one thing. We put our damn money where our mouth is here.)

Money slammed through the Kung Fu Monkey hut will be doubled. I did get an e-mail about the delay in donation to the end of the month, but I've got to say -- folks, rebuilding New Orleans and Biloxi will take YEARS. The refugee crisis alone will be at Condition Red well through 2006. This will streamline the administration of the funds here, and also allow me to give you some value for the donations.

So, as always, if you're amused by the site, drop us four quarters. If you think I'm a jerk, write a bigger check and strip me of my ill-gotten gains -- all of it going to a desperate and noble cause.

Meetings this afternoon, then a spate of writing essays for the spec-monkeys in the crowd.


Anonymous said...

Dammit, I forgot all about this when I did my donation to the ARC. If you want to take my word for it, donate $150 as a match.

Unknown said...

done sir.

Anonymous said...

I put in my $100. If I had a 1000x that I would give it.

Anonymous said...

Good on you, John Rogers. Thank you.

Oh, and thank you for the site, too; politics and writing all in one place... it's a one-stop shop!

Anonymous said...

(oops, that last was from jon, above)

Shawna said...

Hey John --

One of your spec monkeys know I don't fully agree with your politics, but I love you man. I emptied my paypal account (only 30 bucks) via your link, but rest assured I'll be giving much more. Just don't want to break your bank. :-)

Just wanted to say, I appreciate you and what you are doing. As Martha would say, 'It's a good thing.'

Doctor Memory said...

Hey Rogers: donating through a paypal account that goes to you personally feels a little weird. Would you take an email receipt of my donation to the Red Cross instead?

Unknown said...

sure, I'll even take your word for it. I'm not going to assume that people are trying to rip me off.

If everyone wants, I can have a acan of the charity checks done, with my account info fuzzed, done up for posting online.

Paypal's just easiest for me to total up and the end of the month and bang out the check. This place, is, after all, a hobby.

And Shawna -- what politics? I'm apolitical, just pro-reality. :P

Shawna said...

I feel like giving you a big hug right now.

Doctor Memory said...

John: cool, thanks. Receipt's in the mail to you (I know, you just said I didn't have to, but...I'm weird); $150 is the number.

Shit is getting very, very bad out there. The National Guard radio scanner is...unsettling. Bush is promising that the national guard will be out in force... next week. Snark fails.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that mean the noble thing to do is to try to rip you off, for the greater good?

I've just donated 6 billion dollars to the Red Cross in accordance with your noted efforts.

Unknown said...

Damn you sir! Now, if you just send me the receipt ...

Lee said...

I have sent you one hundred of your Yankee dollars. British people please note, this is only a meagre fifty-five of our Majestic pounds, so don't be shy, especially those of you who joined in the PSP stampedes yesterday.

Matt said...

$50 sent, my good man. Came here via Ezra Klein, I haven't read you before, so I'm trusting that this won't go towards booze and women. Well, entirely on booze and women. A little indulgence is inevitable. Seriously though, thanks for doing this. Hope my little bit helps.

Mark said...

Kudos, sir. One thing: can/should this be channelled through Liberal Blogs for Hurricane Relief?

In any case, a contribution will be along shortly.

Unknown said...

Actually, I can't in good faith channel this through the liberal blogosphere thing. This is first and foremost a screenwriting/geek culture blog. But when it enters politics I have way too many independent/conservative readers. The stance here is that pragmatism, realism, facts and a good sense of social contract rule here at the Monkey, regardless of anyone's surface political affiliation.

This blog only comes across as "liberal" because I often criticise the current Administration and fundamentalists. Well, the current guys in suits are adamantly unrealistic and anti-science, and fundamentalists are, by the very definition of the word, retrogressive. If you want to live in a Golden Age of American culture which never actually existed, great. Don't keep trying to legislate the rest of us out of the 21st Century though.

At the same time, I despise a big chunk of the DLC/Washington power structure. My essay "Learn to Say Ain't" got two responses -- positive ones from Western Democrats saying "Yeah, that's how were winning our elections" and ferociously, I mean VICIOUSLY, negative attacks from Kerry humans who said, to wit, shut up and VOTE HARDER.

I may make a personal donation through the LibBlog thing, but I'm here to facilitate everyone who hangs out here who wants to donate. That means making sure the charity stays as ideologically independent as we usually are here.

Mark said...

Excellent points. I like your blog for its independent thinking and you are wise to protect that atmosphere. Absolutely your call. I'm just fuming over Rushbo's efforts to spin this against "liberals". I need to stay away from there, I guess. Thanks for the thoughtful response.

Anonymous said...

Hey John,

I forwarded you the receipt for my $750 donation this weekend. I just wanted to make sure it didn't go astray and gets tallied in the master list. I never assume any individual email made it to its destination.

Thanks for doing this. I'll be sending another chunk of cash straight to you before the end of the month.

muebles said...

It can't work in reality, that's exactly what I think.