Monday, August 29, 2005

The Last Push

On the same day we wrap up last month's "pay when you're amused or annoyed", I think no one will disagree next month's "Money Where My Mouth Is" charity should be The American Red Cross as they deal with the landfall of Katrina. I assure you, there will be even more crunchy goodness, as September promises to be surgery-free.

Until tomorrow, any donations based on the articles from August will still go to The Army Emergency Relief Fund, to help families of soldiers. I'm matching all donations; the total will be posted and we'll see what we accomplished.


Anonymous said...



It's me...Chaz.

Tues is the end of the month.

But don't worry...I won't tell anyone you fucked up. ;)

david golbitz said...

Actually, Wednesday, the 31st, is the last day of August.

Unknown said...

I wanted to do the push today to do the wrap-up tomorrow, and relaunch Wed. Besides, I'm not all that convinced I'll be that productive over the next few days as I ease back into work.

DJ said...

I just signed over my check from a corporate gig (Aug 30) in Mont St Charles, Quebec, Canada to the Red-Cross…why…’cause Roger’s makes me a better person every time I drink him under the table…. but since he’s been LA we just drink under better tables.

Unknown said...

dj, what are you, high? That money has to go to the separatist refugee fund.

Anonymous said...

This was a fantastic article. Really loved reading your we blog post. The information was very informative and


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