Saturday, June 11, 2005

One last GF question ...

And off to work. Somebody who saw the torrent e-mailed me and asked if we would've abandoned the "multiple guest star" structure from the comic for the show. No. In order to have some semblance of continuity for network audiences, I needed some viewpoint characters -- but it couldn't be Miranda, because you never knew what was going on in her head. As a matter of fact, part of the entire five-season arc was that you were never sure what Miranda was up to.

The only person who knew what the entire five season arc was was, actually, Michelle. She knew what Miranda's full plan was*. And if you've got the torrent, watch her face in the final scene. When Flynn and Dr. Finch hook up, to start the five year journey. That is not a happy face ...

So we were going to use Josh and Jenni as the focal characters, but toss in a rotating cast of guest characters to be the expert of the week. Neatly, of somebody hit, I could then have built them up into recurring. Then, if the audience really started to like them ... I'd kill them.

Yep. The show format beautifully leant itself to actual, almost unheard of suspene. I could kill anyone, at any time, and other experts would just step in. It makes a nice tool for keeping your actors in line. "No, fine, go back to your trailer. I've got every character on the show's death scene pre-written and waiting."

As a matter of fact, at least one of those characters in the torrent doesn't make it past episode 13.

Again -- what the hell was I thinking?

* In a giddy moment, Michelle came in for her audition, and told me how the show ended five years later. And she was right.


david golbitz said...

Just finished watching the pilot.

Holy fucking shit.

That would be the absolute best show on television. It is criminal that that's all we get.

Who can we write to? Who can we call? How can we get this show on the air?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get that link for the torrent to work for me...but thats OK I have the whole weekend to find this little treasure of T.V. Obscura. Odd how Warren Ellis never posted any on the show.

Anonymous said...


I just got through watching this and man was it SWEET its the best program I have watched since Special Unit 2 I am really pissed they will not be continuing this program they are bloody morons WTF were they thinking not going past one episode they should just see the amount of people dl'ing this.

And thats just the people who know what they are doing and have the internet.

Amandarama said...

If you have Usenet it's available on alt.binaries.multimedia .

Not, that I would ever download anything illegally, because that would be wrong and stuff.

And, having watched a copy a buddy had - Damn.


Who do we write to about this?

Anonymous said...

Downloaded and watched. Twice. Good look, good dialogue, great characters. I can't remember another pilot that made me sniffle. I'm sorry we don't get more. I'll be on the lookout for your other stuff, and I think I have to go buy all those comic books now.

"Then, if the audience really started to like them ... I'd kill them."

Oh, you *are* a Tim Minear fan, aren't you?

Kidsis said...

Michelle Forbes is so great. I've admired her since way back ST:TNG days.

Let us know if there is anyone we can write to. Looks like you've got a GF band mobilizing...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I waited awhile to get this on BitTorrent. I stayed up until it was ready to play.

It's 3AM and I just got done watching the show.

You should be fucking proud of what you made. It. Was. Great.

I got teary eyed at the end of the show, proud of what I think individuals CAN do when they put their mind to it.

Get this thing back in gear, any way any how.

And the music was fantastic. Can you tell us what music was used throughout the show?

Again, nice fucking job. Pat yourself on the back.

Anonymous said...

Downloaded it overnight and watched the first twenty minutes before going to work this morning. Only intended to watch the first five. No wonder Warren Ellis is so pissed about it getting canned. Where can I get a high definition copy of this.

Anonymous said...

Great Great Pilot,better than 90% of the shows on the air

Anonymous said...

really totally goddam *phenomenal* show! oh man... I *wish* I didn't have to wish to have GF get a real touch by a hand with the power to bring it back. breathe life into it's hibernating body, get it out of PURGATORY! unfortunately, I think the only way it would be accepted by one of the networks is if the script was dumbed down to average local yokel levels. and that would ruin it.

good luck to all involved and all those who have seen and LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

Watching this reminds me why I write.



Anonymous said...

Truely an amzing show. Hope that somehow the impossible happens and this show gets a second shot at life.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what song or artist it is for the song that is used when Miranda Zero is infiltrating the Zulu facility. The song that is one when she takes out the second guard and Aleph hacks the keyboard panel to the retinal scanner? It has the lyric "I always loved you". I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me what it is. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Great pilot , it truly will suck if this is never turned into a seried or a series of er miniserie or something more then what it is!!!

Anonymous said...

I had the same question about the song, sounded familiar but not obvious enough to guess.
Final answer - "Love Dump" by Static-X
I had a copy on the Valentine soundtrack, also on the bands Wisconsin Death Trip album.

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