Friday, December 03, 2004

True Geek Conversations #3892

Ross: But that's why some comic characters succeed over the long term, and some don't. Batman doesn't really resonate until you understand that every day he's struggling not to become the monsters he fights.
John: I was thinking Batman's admirable because it would be easier for Batman to kill the bad guys, and he doesn't.
Ross: Yes, morally --
John: No, literally from a scheduling standpoint.
Ross: (beat)
John: I mean if Batman kills people, he's the Punisher. They're essentially the same hero except for that one choice.
Ross: Riiight ....
John: Look at the books. Batman's working his ass off. He's always exhausted. He's out all night, every night. He barely gets home in the morning in time to pretend to be sleeping with supermodels.
Ross: But in the Punisher books --
John: Franks' brooding, doing monologues, cutting deals with Nick Fury, he seems to have nothing but time on his hands. Why?
Ross: The killing thing.
John: Exactly. Batman's fights take all night. He punches a guy, he punches another guy, the first guy's up and shooting, Batmans' ducking and having to hit the guy again, this eats up time.
The Punisher, I mean, how long's your average firefight? Fifteen seconds? Every book, no matter who's writing it, it's the same story. Frank shoots an informant in the kneecap, he firebombs a warehouse, then guns down the criminals as they run screaming from the flames -- maybe he pries a slug from his ribcage with some needlenose pliers, fine, but he's home before Letterman.
Ross: So you're saying the Punisher's a pussy.
John: No, but I'm saying he has no work ethic.


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Geez. Bag on a guy for being efficient.

  2. Yeah but Frank is doing a JOB.

    The Batman is just stroking his FETISH.

  3. We've all seen how much time and attention Franks spends on "cleaning" his guns. Please.

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM

    So Batman is the confused homosexual, who keeps pitching but never catching and then goes home to women he has trouble "maintaining relationships" with, while The Punisher, he just gets the job done.

  5. Fuck that...Batman is one messed up dude. Everyone close to Bruce Wayne dies. Frank Castle is a cheap imitation of Batman's desire for vengence (a knockoff fragrance). If the two were to ever meet in a street fight Batman would take the Punisher apart. Batman has so much more depth than the Punisher.

  6. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Just because Batman has more depth doesn't mean he'd win in a fight. The outcome of a fight is determined by who is the better fighter, or who has the situation most slanted towards him, not who has the most interesting or complete character.

  7. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Sure, in real life. But not in the comics.

  8. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Batman has a little thing I like to call artistic integrity.

  9. One of the reasons why the Punisher stories are all the same- shoot shoot shoot- EXPLODE!

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