Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fine, Fine, I'll Comment

I have a lovely show on right now, and although the whole GF thing was a personal heartbreak, I wish the new guy all the luck in the world and many, many residual checks for Warren with which he can buy replacement robot parts for his ailing meat-being.


gwangung said...

GF vs. Leverage. Leverage vs. GF.


bourgon said...

Wow! I didn't realize that you had done the pilot in 2005. Cool.

That being said - I'm loving Leverage. If Global Frequency happens, awesome and good luck to the guy. But I have (at least) two seasons of Leverage, so I'm quite content.

Brad said...

I hold it as personal canon that >50% of the Leverage team is, in fact, on the Global Frequency. Nate is unaware of this, and if he ever finds out it's going to be A Thing.

Not because he objects to them moonlighting, but because he wonders why Miranda Zero's never showed up on HIS doorstep with a phone. He's cool, isn't he? Or at least he's not UNcool, right? You know what, never mind.

WWWeaves said...

Did you know this about yourself? And I think he mean's vulvas. At least, I hope so, the plural of the other, in gold, would be uncomfortable.

gwangung said...

Not because he objects to them moonlighting, but because he wonders why Miranda Zero's never showed up on HIS doorstep with a phone.

Nah, it's because it's outside his understanding and control.

And Hardison isn't on it either (though Chaos might be). (Actually, what would drive Nate up the wall is that Hardison knows and Nate didn't have an inkling)

Lydia said...

Whereas gold vulvas would be comfortable?

Brad said...

In my universe, Hardison was one of the naked people Aleph promised Miranda she would stop having in the control room. (Which has a name that I am not sober enough to remember.)

Seriously, you cannot tell me that Aleph does not, in slow moments when the world is not in danger, go through her extensive dossiers on 1,001 people going "I'd do him, do him, wouldn't do him, do her, DEFINITELY do her, might do him, wouldn't do her, do BOTH of them..."

And we all know which list Alec Hardison winds up on, don't we?

cappadocius said...

You know, GF for me means "Girl Friend" and Warren and Robot Parts made me think Joss Whedon, and I was trying to figure out if Messrs. Rogers and Whedon were going to have an internet feud over Whedon stealing Rogers' Buffybot mistress. "How... odd," I thought, "you would think their lovely wives would disapprove of such public shenanigans. I should comment with a polite WTF"

Then I saw people mention Global Frequency in the comments, and it all clicked. We live in strange times that I could go as far down that line of thought as I did without moral outrage.

Evan said...

My reaction was exactly the same as cappadocius's, except that I still don't know what Global Frequency is.

Someone stole John's girlfriend and it broke his heart but he still wishes the new guy well, and he hopes Warren will be able to buy lots of robot parts (presumably after growing a new skin), and... what?

Daiv said...

So, Miranda Zero has an uncanny talent for finding the best person for any given job.
Has she given out a phone (or, perhaps, more than one) just for the occasional booty call?

gwangung said...

Has she given out a phone (or, perhaps, more than one) just for the occasional booty call?

Oh, that's on a different frequency altogether.

Anonymous said...

For those of you unawares, Global Frequency was a pilot John worked on that was goddamned freaking awesome. It leaked on to the Intertubes, which pissed off a lot of Suited Humans as they didn't really understand this Internet thingamajigger back then (or now?). It might still be floating around said Intertubes, but the CW has decided to give another go at it, sans-John (sad).

Halloween Jack said...

Scott Nimerfro... hmm, could be worse. (He has done scripts for Special Unit 2, a show that I liked a lot but had the misfortune to be on UPN, which lags behind Fox for shows unjustly and prematurely killed just because they weren't around nearly as long.)

DB said...

If it means anything, YOU are the reason I picked up GF this year and loved it.

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