.... until the 19th of October. As we have a real hiatus this year, you should see some changes on the blog when I get back, stuff I've been meaning to do for a while. Stay tuned, and enjoy some of the fine sites in the Sidebar.
In the Comments -- book, movie. TV and DVD recommendations. Let's see what you people cook up for each other.
I hope you have an excellent vacation! It's certainly well deserved!
DVD (tv show) rec: "Keen Eddie." Even if you've seen all the eps in the very short single season, it holds up extremely to additional viewings. Dead clever stuff.
DVD (movie) rec: "The Lookout" starring Joseph Gordon Levitt - really well done with an excellent slow-building tension.
Book rec: "The Eight" by Katherine Neville. A bit of an older book with a mystery, Illuminati-esque, secret society plotline.
Just finished "The Billionaire's Vinegar", by Benjamin Wallace, and it is Da Bomb. A book about the most expensive bottle of wine ever sold...which was never drunk, was probably a fraud, and is now worthless. Riveting.
Book(history): How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill. Very very cool pop history that's about the late literacy of Ireland during the fall of Rome and the resulting education of Europe through Irish monk exiles.
Book(history): Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell. Pop history about the puritans of Massachusetts Bay Colony, it explores the social mores, conflict of the colony, and the eventual result of religious freedom in Rhode Island. Engaging and Funny.
DVD(movie): "Wristcutters: A Love Story" one of the sweetest love story about purgatory for suicides since... well since it invented the sub-genre. The only engaging love story that avoids artificial highs that I've seen in awhile.
Book(fiction): "Jennifer Government" by Max Barry, perhaps best known for having the online Nation States game as its publicity tool, it takes post cyberpunk to its limit by making it more personal than anything Stephenson ever attempted.
It's roughly the same idea of Snow Crash in that sections of the country are controlled by corporate interests, and everyone takes the last name of the company they work for. Very Anarcho-Capitalist, the title character Jennifer Government has to raise money before she can fight crime, etc. If you have the time to flip through whatever abysmal book Dan Brown just wrote, then you have no excuse to skip this.
Enjoy your vacation!
Book rec: "Villains By Necessity" by Eve Forward, one of my favorite heroic fantasy novels, the last scattered forces of Evil must save the world from being immolated in a surge of Positive Energy. Hard to find, but completely worth it.
"Who Has Seen The Wind" by W.O. Mitchell, a young boy growing up on the prairie during the 30's learns about life, death and God. Classic.
DVD recs:
Bruce Campbell in "Man with the Screaming Brain" and "Alien Apocalypse"; Double the Action, Double the Laughs, Double the Chin.
Danny Kaye in "The Court Jester", a classic, "A jester unemployed is nobody's fool!"
The Dresden Files Complete Series: ended far too soon, still great fun.
I'm spending today catching up on old Kung Fu Monkey posts and watching "Space Ghost" on Boomerang...and laughing far too much. I hope you have this much fun on vacation.
I wish I'd dared watch Leverage when it first broadcast, but I really was scared that it would be like so many shows I really liked -- canceled mid-season. It's like a curse. So I held off.
Now, Leverage is the only fiction TV series I watch, so maybe I'll have to tour season 1 dvds again (this will make 9 times). I hope the commentary on the subsequent seasons is as great (I've listened to that twice). The show has the same lovely flavor as Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat books or Stephen Brust's Taltos books -- clever, pulpy, and fun, with a little, important thread of darkness.
Reading -- hmmm. Camile Bacon-Smith's "Science Fiction Culture"; Laura Anne Gillman's "Burning Bridges", and Elizabeth Moon's "Speed of Dark". The book on copyediting isn't nearly as much fun.
DVD (tv) rec: Black Donnellys. Canceled after only one season, but well worth the watch. I'm a big fan of Paul Haggis.
DVD(movie) rec: Gattaca. Great Sci-fi with a 20's aesthetic.
Book: The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie. Hilarious book about arms dealers.
@Calla: Ahh, "Keen Eddie," I watched that a few years ago and was very amused. Seconded.
Currently-airing TV rec: "FlashForward." Based on a novel of the same name, though the show uses little but the high concept: Everyone on Earth blacks out simultaneously for 2 minutes and 17 seconds, and sees a vision of themselves 6 months in the future. I didn't have much expectation going in, but the first two episodes were solid.
Book rec: Neal Stephenson's "Anathem." Not for everybody, but because I'm a huge nerd, I enjoyed the plays of vocabulary and etymology, the Socratic discussions on the nature of cognition and reality, and the occasional physics lecture. There's also a rollicking adventure story wrapped up in there somewhere.
Video game rec: "Batman: Arkham Asylum." I have few other recommendations because this has been eating up my time recently. Note-perfect as far as I'm concerned; you're Batman, and you get to lurk in the shadows, beat up mobs of angry henchmen, and get your detective on. Solid voice acting too, particularly Mark Hamill as the Joker.
Older book, but I recently found Don't Know Much About History by Kenneth C. Davis. Witty, interesting American history lesson - very engrossing and enjoyable.
Book: I second the motion on The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie. It's hilarious, action-packed and has a great story.
DVD (tv): Slings & Arrows, complete set. The horror that is "Eastwick" has sent me back to enjoy Paul Gross' better work.
DVD (movie): Fired Up. "You're got to risk it to get the biscuit."
The comic timing is brilliant.
Have a great vacation!
Have an awesome (well-deserved!) vacation!
DVD: "The State Within". 6-part BBC mini-series starring Jason Isaacs as the British ambassador and Sharon Gless as the U.S. Secretary of Defense. Everyone in the cast is brilliant, and it's scarily plausible. Don't try to do anything else while you watch it; pretty much everything that happens is important later.
I'll second the "Villains By Necessity" suggestion. It's not high lit, and it's clearly a transcript of someone's D&D campaign, but it looked like that was one fun game to play. The concept is that in the aftermath of a Victory By The Forces Of Light, the world's been put so out of balance that it's up to the last remaining "evil" people in the world to save the day.
I will STRONGLY urge everyone here to read "Bridge of Birds" by Barry Hughart. Inspired heavily by classic Chinese novels, it's set in "An Ancient China That Never Was", and is absolutely brilliant. A must-read.
I'm also a big fan of "The Lies of Locke Lamora", by Scott Lynch. A band of thieves and high-stakes con artists getting swept up in events way over their head, in a wonderfully realized fantastical version of Venice. The followup, "Red Seas Under Red Skies" is also quite good.
In the non-fiction category, one of my old favorites is "A Year At The Movies" by Kevin Murphy, aka Tom Servo of MST3k fame. He spent all of 2001 seeing a movie in a theatre at least once a day, every day, all over the world. He has some very interesting insights about the moviegoing industry, filmmaking in general, movie fandom, film festivals, theatre food -- he touches a broad range of topics, and his observations are still relevant nearly a decade later.
"Shin Mazinger: Shougeki! Z Hen" (Translation: "True Mazinger: Shockwave! Z Chapter"), a sort-of-remake of the old anime chestnut "Mazinger Z" from the early 70's, this version is directed by Yasuhiro Imagawa of "Giant Robo" and "G Gundam" fame. Total giant robot CRACK. It's ludicrous, it's strange, it's thoroughly Japanese for good or for ill, and it is GLORIOUSLY over the top. Just don't try to think too hard about what you're seeing.
A manga that is criminally overlooked in America: "DOMU: A Child's Dream", by Katsuhiro Otomo, who is most famous for his long-running epic AKIRA. Domu is a one-volume standalone, written before AKIRA, that tells of a mysterious series of deaths at a sprawling urban housing project. Let's just say that some of the themes explored in AKIRA got some workout here first, and I'd argue that Domu is a superior work overall.
I'll second Isaac's nomination of Hughart's Bridge of Birds. A great and flavorful fantasy. The sequels are merely passable, though.
I just saw "9" -- a CGI SF-Fantasy flik -- this afternoon. Good CGI, good voices, nice baroque technology. Not a five star classic for the ages, but worth a matinee ticket or DVD rental.
Another thumbs-up for Anathem. Stephenson never writes small or simple. You may love it or hate it.
DVD ... Frailty, directed by Bill Paxton ... creepy Texas thriller.
DVD ... THE BLOOD OF HEROES, written and directed by David Webb Peoples ... a low budget post apocolyptic sport film. Yes, that's what I said.
BOOKS ... THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE by Karen Armstrong ... much shorter and more personal than her other non-fiction books, this autobiographical book covers her study as a nun, how it affected her and why, she wondered, she didn't feel god. At all. Great book.
Have a great vacation, John!
The one recommendation I would like to make is DOLLHOUSE! This is incredibly smart, challenging television that is being so sadly overlooked. It's been given a second chance at life, and it's stronger than ever, creatively, but the numbers are very sad. I would highly recommend this show to anyone who likes their entertainment to make them think a little, to challenge their ideas of what it means to be human and how to define good and evil. It's also got a stunning cast of mostly unknown talent that will blow your mind week in and week out.
You can catch up for free on Hulu!
It's also got a stunning cast of mostly unknown talent
Enver Gjokaj is Best Actor Least Likely to Be Nominated for an Emmy. BTW, check out Sarah Zettel's debut novel "Fool's War."
Georgette Heyer is my favoritest author ever. "The Grand Sophy" is a minor feminist icon; my favorite is "Faro's Daughter." I've recently started reading her mysteries. Fans of The Thin Man movies will find themselves at home (although no one drinks like a fish).
I recommend pretty much anything by Connie Willis. I like "To Say Nothing of the Dog" the best; "Passages" is her most ambitious work; her short stories are excellent. She reminds me of Ursula LeGuin in that she works the SF/fantasy space but isn't a genre writer.
Speaking of short stories, definitely check out the work of early SF writers, from before we knew there'd be no deep-sea fishing on Venus. Phillip K. Dick is an obvious choice, considering how many movies he has inspired, but I also enjoyed Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov and Roger Zelazny (whose "Lord of Light" is one of my favorite books ever).
Anyone who enjoys Tolkein and DnD needs to experience "DM of the Rings" @ http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=612
For movies, I'm still in love with "Diva" (French New Wave from 1981 with a stellar chase in the Paris Metro) and the tragically abbreviated oeuvre of Brandon Lee ("Showdown in Little Tokyo" is stupid, "Rapid Fire" is ordinary, "The Crow" still holds up, but Lee is worth watching in all of them).
is there anyone who hasn't read Harry Dresden yet? or Thursday Next?
I'm kind-of jealous of you,
getting to read them for the first time.
True Blood for all your mindless entertainment needs. I'm very pleased with the tight plotting and the fact that it doesn't take itself seriously.
I'm currently reading the Three Musketeers, and realizing how awesome a TV show it would make. Like the Tudors, but with more swashbuckling and humor. I never realized how funny and odd the book was. Makes me wonder how they could make such bland movies from such a fine book.
I was in the mystery section at Borders yesterday (who can let a 40% off coupon go to waste) when this elderly lady and I struck up a conversation.
She mentioned "People of the Book" by Geraldine Brooks and highly recommended it. Has anyone read it?
And my current read is "In the Woods" by Tana French. I am loving it and already have "The Likeness" in my queue.
Declare, by Tim Powers. From the same genre as The Eight, but more spy-flavored and involving Kim Philby and a city of djinns at the top of Mount Ararat.
The Venture Bros DVDs, any season, all seasons. Funny, funny Jonny Quest parody.
The Felix Castor novels, by Mike Carey (who also wrote the wonderful Lucifer comic). Supernatural noir, sort of a Hammett to Jim Butcher's Chandler.
I'm currently reading the Three Musketeers, and realizing how awesome a TV show it would make.
Steven Brust has a series (starting with "The Phoenix Guards") set in his Dragaeran empire written in the style of Dumas. I enjoy his work in general, but being able to appreciate the homage makes it ten times better.
In the theatres:
"Paranormal Activity" is a very low-budget but effective throwback to those scare films which relied on deriving its scares from building up emotional tension. No spectacular special effects or onscreen gore to speak of, so if you liked "The Blair Witch Project," you'd like this.
In graphic novels:
"Grandville" (a partial recommendation since I haven't finished it)--Bryan Talbot does funny animals mixed with Quentin Tarantino in a neo-Victorian world where France ruled England for a while. Lots of pop culture jokes including references to "Omaha The Cat Dancer" and "The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre."
Essays, by Wallace Shawn, sounded interesting, from what I heard him reading on TV on the weekend.
Are those canoes or kayaks out there? Have you done that, and where were you.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.
I think I remember you recommending The Wire a while back. I bought the whole thing after netflixing it! Many thanks for that. I was surprised that McNulty and Stringer Bell are both brits!
I was wondering, what shows do the characters of Leverage like to watch? :)
Have a great vacation! I'm currently listening to "Lottery", by Patricia Wood, about a not-quite-retarded young man who wins $12 million in the Washington State Lottery. Just a delightful book and very well read by Paul Michael.
Book: "Hardwired" by Walter Jon Williams. It's as perfect a blend of sci-fi and western as you're ever going to find, a note-perfect story about a smuggler and a bodyguard who get mixed up in a rather large web of intrigue between corporation blocs. It's back in print again, and it's my favorite book of all time. Probably the most overlooked gem from the cyberpunk movement. I reread this book at least once a year, simply to remind myself why I continue writing.
Music: God Is An Astronaut. I've been big on the post-rock movement as of late, and GIAA (along with This Will Destroy You and post-rock luminaries Mogwai) have been making some of my favorite late-night writing music in the last decade. Worth listening to.
DVD: Red Dwarf - "Back To Earth." The 3-part miniseries proved the RD crew is still funny as hell, and insightful as ever. Worth making the time for.
TV: Castle. I know it's "Murder, He Wrote" but man if Nathan Fillion doesn't have the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies that make writers writers down to a tee. (There's a point where he's talking to himself about what the plural of "safe" is, i.e. a place where you keep your money, and I had to pause the DVR, because I was laughing so hard because I SAW MYSELF.) It's certainly a little fluffy of television, but I do look forward to each new episode with a certain sense of glee, whilst privately hoping I eventually get to the point where I can pray I don't turn into that ego-centric a writer...
Have a great vacation. :)
movies: How to Be a Serial Killer- dark comedy. Dameon Clarke was awesome.
One Eyed Monster- horror/comedy featuring Ron Jeremy and Amber Benson. While shooting a prono up in the mountains, Ron is possessed by an alien creature and his 'monster' breaks free and then goes on a killing spree.
Trick R Treat- finally released on dvd, it's a decent horror movie with 4 storylines woven together.
Repo! The Genetic Opera- I love this film and the soundtrack. Dark, funny, great music, a ton of people you'll recognize, and it's good.
tv shows:
The West Wing- great show, no idea why I never watched it when it was on the air.
The It Crowd (UK version)- very funny comedy series. I highly recommend it.
Psychoville (UK)- Weird series. Closest thing I could compare it to would probably be Twin Peaks. Here's the description: Psychoville is a dark character comedy mystery in which five different characters are strangely linked. The main characters are: Mr Jelly, an embittered one-handed clown who makes balloon animals with his hook; Joy, a desperately misguided midwife; Robert, a lovestruck telekinetic dwarf; Mr Lomax, a blind avaricious collector; and David Sowerbutts, a serial-killer-obsessed man-child. All five are at first seemingly unconnected, but they share at least one thing in common... despite having different backgrounds, different interests, and coming from different parts of the country, they have each been sent an anonymous, black-edged card marked with the words: "I know what you did..."
For current TV shows & DVDs, I have to reccommend Supernatural.
Get the first 4 seasons on DVD and then jump into season 5 on tv.
Two brothers driving cross country in a '67 Impala fighting evil. It's dark, funny, engaging, and entertaining.
Plus if you enjoy the male form, both of leads are VERY hot! Sometimes they are even shirtless.
If the male form isn't your cup of tea, the car is still awesome.
TV (well, Hulu): Green Wing, a British comedy that plays like ER on magic mushrooms. Hilarious, sometimes excruciating in that good "The Office" way, and sneakily sweet. And it ends in a kind of startlingly poignant, surreal kind of way. Only available on Hulu in the U.S., and worth every ad you'll sit through in viewing it.
Books: "Bite the Hand That Feeds You: Essays and Provocations" by Henry Fairlie. Pitch-perfect, razor-sharp observations on politics and American life, courtesy of a drunken, womanizing, perpetually indebted British raconteur of epic proportions. Espouses a wonderfully big-hearted, pragmatic, and passionate centrism, politically speaking, that is rare and refreshing and well worth considering.
Book (politics): "The Great Derangement" by Matt Taibbi.
Book (humor): "Leave it to Psmith," by P.G. Wodehouse.
Book (comix): Anything by Jim Woodring.
DVD (Britcom): "Father Ted"
Enjoy the break!
Cory and I just finished S01, and are completely hooked. LOVE IT.
A very well-earned vacation, indeed!
Books: I third the nomination of Hughart's Bridge of Birds. Lovely book. Also Graham Joyce's The Facts of Life (or anything of his, really).
TV: Castle, and Criminal Minds, of course.
DVD-wise: I've been revisiting the BBC production of Dorothy L Sayers' "Lord Peter" novels. Still wonderful.
I'm also a big fan of "The Lies of Locke Lamora", by Scott Lynch. A band of thieves and high-stakes con artists getting swept up in events way over their head, in a wonderfully realized fantastical version of Venice. The followup, "Red Seas Under Red Skies" is also quite good.
I'll second the vote for Locke Lamora. I didn't think that book 2 was as good, but I'll be on board for book 3 whenever it pubs.
I'm reading A World Lit Only By Fire by William Manchester right now. If you're interested in the insanity that was the Middle Ages, this is worth your while. If you prefer your history in fictional form, The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett is one of the best books I've ever read. Ignore the Oprah sticker and read it anyways. World Without End also sucked me right in.
I hope you had a great vacation, John.
DVD- The Big Bang Therory seasons 1 and 2. I'm not a mathematian or a scientist but I speek enough geek to find this show extremely funny. (If a person can understand Hardison's geek humor this show is nothing but.)
Book- Pride and Predjudice and Zombies. I'm a Jane Austen Purist and I found how they worked the zombies into the novel. It is a fun read.
Movie- I'll second the Danny Kaye "Court Jester". An oldie but a goodie.
Book: Anything by Terry Pratchett
Other Book: Quirkology by Richard Wiseman. All about human nature - it's fantastic.
DVD: Doctor Horrible's Singalong Blog
TV: Castle and Doctor Who
Have an awesome time! Can't wait to hear what you've been up to! :)
Um, right, recs...
TV show: 'Sons of Anarchy'. Can't believe no one has mentioned this one yet.
I've just been mainlining it after being sick for the last few days.
All about an Outlaw Motorcycle Club in the fictional town of Charming in California. Fantastic show.
Book: Anything by the Scottish Author Iain Banks. Also known as Iain M Banks.
Movie: Gridlock'd - Tim Roth and Tupac Shakur. Fantastic little offbeat film about two drug addicts who pick the wrong day to shake the habit.
Have a wonderful vacation!
Thanks for offering this recommendation forum - it always leads to some great stuff. Clever damn audience you got here.
TV - Brit mystery series WIRE IN THE BLOOD. I will need a 12 step to get over my recent addiction to it. Should be a cliche, should be predictable, but instead pulls off awesomeness - gritty, charming, nail-biting, smart as a whip TV. I seriously recommend it to any and all.
Alright I posted earlier but I can't believe no-one's recommended the following:
Wonderfalls(DVD)- Imagine if Joan of Arcadia is a 28 year old Brown graduate working a dead end job in Niagra Falls. Now picture that was spoken to not by god's but by inanimate objects with faces like lawn flamingos. Now imagine she's convinced she's schizophrenic with an overbearing family and a boss at a retail store who's still in high school. Add in an overarching romance thread, relationships with her atheistic theologian brother and her OCD secret lesbian lawyer sister. By the guy who did Dead Like Me and Pushing Daisies. There you have it, go buy the one and only season now.
SPACED: Complete series(DVD): It's basically an English mix between Friends, Three's Company, and a batch of brown acid. Tim and Daisy are both chucked out of their apartments and looking for a place. They find a listing for professional couples only, thus they concoct a ruse to fool their lusty alcoholic landlady. The drugs actually make the non-sequitors make sense. Starring & Written by Simon Pegg, Jessica Hin featuring Nick Frost and others. Two seasons at 7 22 minute epis a piece.
You can watch it in one sitting if you like plus it's got two commentaries(one normal one with a celeb guest like Tarentino) per track, extras, a reference-o-meter subtitle option, and more(I think)!
Futurama: Any season you choose, I like the fourth for the episode "Godfellas". Nuff said.
Movies: I know everyone has seen it already, but for those few poor deprived souls who haven't, Hot Fuzz. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and a fantastic bad guy turn by Timothy Dalton. Such a clever movie.
Also, not enough people watch old movies. Scaramouche is one of my favourites, 1952 movie set in the time of the French Revolution, basically a rom-com with enough in the way of sword fights to keep the lads happy too.
Books: Currently I'm reading the Dragons series by Robert Aspirin, Dragons Wild and Dragons Luck are out already and are very good.
TV Show: Have to be Psych. Very funny, even if the crappy love triangle this season is kind of ruining it for me.
Book rec #1: "Child of Fire" by Harry Connolly. Slick, gritty urban fantasy from a first-time author. I just finished it, and he's going straight on my "buy next book as soon as it comes out" list.
Book rec #2: the Joe Pitt novels by Charlie Huston, a pulp/noir take on the vampire genre. Huston has an absolute gift with dialogue and the series is packed with lively (hah!) characters. It's a five-book series, and the last one's just been published.
During my vacation, I Picked up"Labyrinth" and "The Dark Crystal'on Blu-Ray. Both of which are excellent examples of Jim Henson puppet artistry. Highly recommended.
I also feel the need to mention that I'm typing this on the wi-fi enabled shuttle bus from Klamath Falls to Medford. Why yes,I like living in the future. Thank you for asking. :-)
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Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
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Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.
Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ..................
penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************
manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur
alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami
Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit
yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..
yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..
شركة رش مبيدات بالدمام
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام
شركة مكافحة الصراصير ببقيق
شركة مكافحة الصراصير بعنك
شركة مكافحة الصراصير بالجبيل
شركة مكافحة الصراصير بالقطيف
شركة مكافحة الصراصير بالظهران
شركة مكافحة الصراصير براس تنورة
شركة مكافحة الصراصير بسيهات
شركة مكافحة الصراصير بالخبر
شركة مكافحة الصراصير بالدمام
obat ambeien wasir paling manjur mengobati penyakit wasir ambeien tanpa efek samping terbuat dari bahan alami herbal seperti daun ungu mahkota dewa kunyit putih
Assalamualaikum wr.wb, Salam Sehat semuanya. numpang komen ya gan.
Apabila menemukan ada daging atau seperti Kutil yang tumbuh di area kemaluan atau alat ...
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Sipilis
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah Manjur
Obat Kencing Nanah Paling Ampuh
Obat Kencing Nanah Pria
Obat Kencing Nanah Wanita
Obat Kencing Nanah Alami
Obat Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Obat Kencing Nanah Di Apotik
Obat Kencing Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Penyakit Kencing Nanah
Penyakit Kencing Nanah Pria
Penyakit Kencing Nanah Wanita
Penyakit Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Nanah
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Nanah Pria
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Nanah Wanita
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Ciri Ciri Penyakit Kencing Nanah
Ciri Ciri Penyakit Kencing Nanah Pria
Ciri Ciri Penyakit Kencing Nanah Wanita
Ciri Ciri Penyakit Kencing Nanah Ibu Hamil
Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kencing Nanah
Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kencing Nanah Pria
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
Obat Sipilis De Nature
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Mengobati Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Alami
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Alami
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Alami
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Alami
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