I'm actually a little terrified somebody found this. (Thanks, Richard.) '99 I think? Nah, got to be earlier, I'm pretty sure that's Montreal ... mid 90's. But there you go -- I had no idea this was online. Let's just say we all need to get used to the idea of our past, identity and privacy being a little more ... flexible in the 21st Century.
Aww, such baby soft cheeks.
Were they pinched after, or during, the show by elderly maids?
Nice act, by the way. Reminds my of my family, my grandmother, in all her glory of birthing 9 children, thought it was a good idea to train them like Balkanized states.
Yeah, fun. ;)
Still brings the lols...because that stuff's timeless.
Laughed hardest at the ending. "Philippe has left the cage" is even better than "Elvis has left the building"!
I suspect some of your stuff from premium blend is out there too. I caught one of your acts one afternoon and was vastly amused.
The line about "...and you have to guess why." Was funny but also with the sting of pain. It is undoubtedly true that the things that we most need to know about the people that we love, can only come to us the hard way.
Or at least, that's been my experience.
"Bring me the prom dress from 1978!"
That so explains Parker and the Wedding Job.
Some great stuff there, Rogers.
I'm glad I was able to come across the clip.
Although, now I'm kind of troubled by what you said about...what was it...
"Let's just say we all need to get used to the idea of our past, identity and privacy being a little more ... flexible in the 21st Century."
Makes me wonder what there is of me floating out in the ether.
That French accent sure is... coming out of your mouth there.
2 things ..
one thing that happens to me again and again as I see american stand-up comedians on TV (mostly I see actors acting in the role of a stand-up comedian in a TV-show, but anyway), is how different all the little humour-conventions are. But then again, I experience the same thing living amongst ze Germans right now as an Austrian. just across the border, humour couldn't be more different. Weird.
two: man, you used to have an annoying voice ;)
What's so surprising about it showing up online?
The studios have gigantic archives of stuff they'll probably never air again but if you put it online and play an ad before it there just might be another dollar in it as the costs are negligible once you have the infrastructure in place.
This was hilarious!
That was great! I think I remember seeing that when it aired, it looks very familiar. But very funny! :-)
That was some very good material there - very funny.
I'm going to steal: "the mob doesn't hold a grudge the way sisters do."
That was brilliant. A great start to the morning! Thanks!
I'm going to steal that one too (my wife has 3 sisters).
Don't be shy - (at the risk of brown nosing) that is way better than most comedians I see on tv.
I am, as usual, so frikkin confused. Did the physics come before or after that? What, "Physics is easy. But comedy! Comedy is ... hard."
(Oh great: winge is my CAPCHA!)
It's so weird watching your old stand-up. You're the same guy, but I don't know him at all! :-)
Here's a scary thought -- I have seen old university student newspapers getting republished online.
Think back to what you were like when you were 19. Now imagine if a letter to the editor which was published back then ended up indexed on Google for all to see?
MY GOD YOU LOOK OLD NOW! What happened?
Owww...the sister arguments are painfully true. The worst fight I ever had in my 21-year relationship with my husband is when he foolishly interjected his opinion in the middle of a four-sister fight.
"I will tell you this once, and one time only -- don't EVER get in the middle of a fight between me and my sisters. The fact that you actually think you are capable of participating is proof that you are woefully ill-equipped for the challenge."
Any other old clips of you? I'd love to hear your opinions on things like what part of the chicken the McNuggets are made of and why they don't just build the plane out of the black box.
so at 2;08 i realized i'd seen this before....
prolly when it aired.
I think it's a shame you never got a shot at Pulp COmics (a highly underrated show).
I can just see the cage skit now...
Also, no idea what's supposed to be wrong with his accent.
sounds like everyone here in michigan where we speak both types of langauge: English AND Canadian.
When do we see the YouTube remix? The one that ends with a friendly but stern producer looking over the table:
"You do know this audition is for a soap commercial, right?"
When do we see the YouTube remix? The one that ends with a friendly but stern producer looking over the table:
"You do know this audition is for a soap commercial, right?"I heartily approve of that mix.
And I never did the McNuggets bit. Those peaked in the late 80's, early 90's. Standup had moved solidly into the relationship/marriage axis by this point, before the rise of neo-absurdism pre 9/11
Hey, how come us Canuckleheads can't get this?
Oh man, I actually remember seeing this when it first aired. I even remembered the entire Cousteau joke. Great stuff.
Fellow Canuckleheads can find John on the Comedy Network, starting here.
John, you look like Harper's much more genial younger brother.
(And holy crap, I remember watching this one on the teevee back in the day. Nice!)
Oh, wait -- that was the whole half hour show.
Here's the bridesmaid skit for Canadians.
How did you not get a sitcom? They were passing those out to funny, chubby white guys in the late 90's like candy.
Just watched the whole bit on the Canadian site and laughed till I cried. Guy with no arms and the shower sex bits killed me. Amazing!
Oh, come on!!! Now we Americans want to see the rest, with the "Guy with no arms and the shower sex bits", and that link is not available in my region. Somebody please provide a U.S. link.
Michael, John's Canadian. NOT American. Just as you're Austrian, not German.
Kin Jee, two words for you: Hotspot Shield. It opens up a whole new world for us Canadians. After you've installed it, check out Hulu.com. You'll thank me for it.
I enjoyed it very much. Some of the material felt a little "standard 90s relationship comedy", but your delivery saved those bits. Good delivery makes or breaks a comedian most of the time (I'm sure you can think of some exceptions, but even the exceptions tend to be more "loved by other comedians" than "packing 'em in night after night.")
Thanks for sharing!
I love the bit where you pick up the mike stand and point with it.
Haven't seen that done before, and it works really well here.
OH MAN!!!!! It cut out right at the good part of the joke. No fair.
It's apparently your Comedy Now Sense + Nonsenibility episode. Which, as noted, Canucks can watch in it's entirety on the ComedyNetwork.ca website.
In case you want to check that particular contract...
@Tim W. I thought Rogers was born in Massachusetts.
You, you look so very young and clean cut.
It's both a treat and a shock to see. More please!
Oh, my dear LORD!
Sherman! I've told you before: the Wayback Machine is NOT a toy!
oh so true...as only girl in full house of brothers, didn't learn all of this funny/twisted girl-stuff until college. Can happily report that my husband brags that I'm the coolest wife ever!
Ha ha ha... LUV Leverage...awesome show! Best wishes...
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Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********
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Obat Herpes Genital Ampuh
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Obat Penyakit Eksim Ampuh
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *************************
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ..................
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************
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alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami
Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit
Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit
yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..
yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..
yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..
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Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ampuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ampuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ampuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ampuh
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Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
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Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Di Apotik
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Di Apotik
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah Di Apotik
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Menyembuhkan Kencing Keluar Nanah 3 Hari Sembuh
Cara Mengatasi Kencing Keluar Nanah
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Cara Mengatasi Kencing Keluar Nanah
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