
There are a slough of vintage guitars out there that deserve attention, but I picked this specific model because I've played one before. It isn't very often I get a chance to play vintage instruments, let alone ones that sound and feel as good as this little beauty. So I was very pleasantly surprised to discover several years ago (2001, 2002?) that a family friend had found one in perfect condition.
Perfect. Condition.
When I was back in Indiana visiting family for Christmas, he told me he had just picked up the "21." It was that old cliche that's every guitar player's dream. The guitar had been hiding in some old lady's house for decades until it was discovered during a centennial attic cleaning (what was so fascinating about the find was that the guitar had been set up for slide so there was absolutely no fret wear). Since my friend was more of a collector and less of a player, he asked me and my brother (who also plays guitar and can run circles around me) to go over and put the instrument through its paces.
The smaller body size threw me for a bit of a loop. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was definitely something larger. But when I stared playing it, I noticed a couple things. The first was its density. It had a sense of substance that was surprising for such a small guitar. Not that it was heavy, just that it didn't have that feeling of fragility I was expecting from a smaller guitar. The other thing I noticed was how impossibly thick the neck was. The neck to body size ratio was such that it felt like the body should have been the size of a Volkswagen. Yet, somehow, the neck was terribly easy to navigate. Even the twisty Joe Chord*** was easy to throw down.
But the most amazing thing about this guitar was the way it sounded. It had a rich, full-bodied tone that sounded meaty without any obtrusive low end. It sounded so good that playing it was a nearly religious experience. My brother and I spent several hours passing it back and forth until my friend eventually had to kick us out of his house.
Fortunately, my brother had along his little Boss BR-8 so I have a recording of it.† Obviously, the quality isn't top-notch, but you can still get an idea of the sounds this guitar produces. So if you can ever get your hands on one, even for just a few hours, do it. You won't be sorry. (The guitar in the youtube image isn't the Martin but a Gibson L-5--it was the only image of me playing a guitar that didn't involve embarrassing O faces.)
* I must confess that I'm not 100% sure about the model number. All I know for certain is that it was made in 1921 and, going from memory, I'd have to say it was a 00-21, 00-28, or 00-42. If I can ever get a hold of my friend, I'll find out for sure.
**If any musician monkeys out there can clarify if "parlor" is a specific style or just a general term used to describe small-bodied guitars, please let us know in comments.
*** It took me six years to get my fingers to play that first Badd11 chord that opens Joe Satriani's Always With Me, Always With You . Hence, it will always be known to me as the "Joe Chord."
† For my fellow audio engineering geeks out there, my brother held an Audio Technica Dual Reference cardioid mic directly at the sound hole on an X axis. I dumped the mono track into Audacity where I fabricated a stereo effect by duplicating the track then offsetting the two by 3 millisconds and panning them hard left and right. Afterward I gave it some slight compression, a few minor EQ tweaks, and then finished it off with a splash of reverb.
you lucky lad. i've had the pleasure of playing some of the very old martins. it struck me too the way those necks simply "fit" a hand that is involved with playing. and that sound! rich, and laden with the magic that happens when strings, wood, glue, varnish, and hands all work together.
i also enjoy the looks of hunger and envy on the faces of other players when i haul out the l-5. it's an under the radar axe, doesn't have the fame of the paul, sg, or other flagship guitars. but, damn, that sound. pure and sweet. lots of balls on the low end. there has never been a better blues axe, it also is my weapon of choice for 20's and 30's stomp jazz.
What is it that you're playing? It sounds familiar and mournful.
A music store guy told me once that each Martin starts to develop a distinctive voice after about 20 years. For instance, Neil Young's guitar he used to record "Harvest" belonged to Hank Williams, and it's pretty easy to hear that it has a unique sound.
My dad still plays the Martin he bought in high school. It's over 30 years old, and sounds just gorgeous compared to even a nvery good new acoustic; I can't imagine how great a 1921 Martin must sound in person.
the designation of "parlor" spans a lot of instruments. it is almost always a smaller, quieter instrument. in other words, suitable for the parlor.
there is the parlor grand piano (which is 1/3 smaller than baby grand), there are parlor pipes. i don't know if martin marketed the smaller guitars as "parlor," but i've played a couple of them that made the trip in wagons from st. louis to santa fe.
there is also a parlor style accordian.
The Minstrel Boy, thanks for the info. I had a feeling you'd be the one who knew. And I love L-5s just as much. They're one of those great guitars that have a sound all their own.
@ John Paxton, "Christmas at 21" is something I wrote back when I was going through my Adrian Legg/Michael Kelsy phase. However, I quickly realized that I wasn't fond of alternate tunings so I used a capo on the second fret to give it a different voicing. It's a painfully simple song to play, but the voicing gives its D A G chord structure a flavor most listeners aren't immediately familiar with.
There are folks who make loving reproductions of old Martins using fine woods and materials. For example, take a look at Circa Guitars, who have a 12-fret model.
My favorite guitar of all time was a similar 00-18 from 1946. Same small body with just this miraculous warm tone. Sold it a few years ago in a fit of "Damn, we really need some money!"
Have now replaced with a Larrivee parlor. I'm hoping that in 50 years or so the tone will catch up to the Martin...
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