Tuesday, February 03, 2009

LEVERAGE: The 13th Step is "Shut Up About It Already."

First, a lovely little article about some of the FX in this week's episode over at IF Magazine. We work our VFX guys pretty hard, and average about 300% more FX shots than the usual 1 hour show.

Tonight's episode, "The 12 Step Job" was one of the last written, a gang-bang by ... well, there were only two other writers on staff at that point besides myself, so I'm not sure that counts. More of a menage-a-trois with the script, involving Chris Downey and Amy Berg. I was off writing the first half of the season finale while they were wrestling this to the ground. We can discuss some of the funkier dynamics once you've seen it, but a.) the bad guy isn't our usual bad guy and b.) Aldis and Kane spent the week calling each other "Riggs" and "Murtaugh." We may have created a monster. This ep is a fanfic grenade. Oh, and c.) I'll show you the last page of the script, and we can discuss something that's been heating up the message boards. Let's just say -- it's been on purpose.

This was actually meant to be the last regular season ep before the two-parter finale. It's out of order, but for an interesting reason -- clearance issues for some background footage on "The Juror #6 Job" didn't come through, and we had to switch eps to buy time to yank-and-replace the background imagery. Ah, well, the best laid schemes o' mice an' men/Gang aft agley. Welcome to weekly television production.

(You know, if I had to do it again, I would name my company "Gangaftagley Productions.")

Although I like all the episodes we made this year, I will say the next four -- "12 Step", "Juror", "The First David Job" and "The Second David Job" are a straight run through what I always thought of the show becoming.

I've got two mailbags to dive into, and you people were chatty as all hell. Let's see what we've got ... oh, wait, I mentioned back here that there were a few things cut for time from "Mile High" that I really missed. Now, first, go back and watch that episode.


Okay. In no particular order a.) the flashback scenes from Tuscany and Paris were actually written, but not shot. b.) the scene explaining how the Security Guy was in chargeof the cover-up, so he had to die too, and most important, c.) when Hardison originally arrived at Genegrow in the morning, the security guards were distracted because they were talking to a police sketch artist who was sketching the "furry thing" based on their eyewitness testimony. I believe Berg still has that sketch around here somewhere.

Right, now the mailbag, covering "Mile High" and "Snow Job" and miscellany.

John Seavey: But the real question is, (in "Mile High") do your airplane restroom walls contain a trans-dimensional portal in the mirrors out of which zombies can inexplicably spring forth to assault the hapless occupant, as in the classic film "Flight of the Living Dead"?

Shit. That was the fourth thing we cut.

Kathryn: I have to say, what excites me most about tonight's ep is the fact y'all got Jeremy Roenick on! Yes, yes I know. Forget the con, the victims, Sophie speaking French, it's the hockey player that gets me.

You know what, Jeremy was frikkin' great, and a real pro. Apparently he wants to move into acting, his agents contacted us, and so we took a shot. He didn't let us down.

Alan Scott: (earlier post)I tend to construct the villain plan absent the heroes, then drop them in. (Alan) Is that the Dungeon Master school of writing?

Terrifyingly, yes. I've had very good experiences with characters letting me know that they had somethign much more interesting in mind than I did when I started writing the script. I tend to trust them and let them run around in the world.

R.A. Porter: What I want to know is if the causeway landing - which was ridiculously cool and looked really good considering your budget - was inspired by the urban myth about the Interstate Highway System of if it was just done because it was cool.

Necessity is ... that epsiode ended differently, and Dean came in and reminded us that we had a fully functioning VFX department in house, and we should take a run at a big action ending. The company had causeway footage, so we just used that.

We of course didn't write a water landing, because at that point, every water landing had fatalities. Didn't bank on a miracle.

On the other hand, these things are tricky. The Core opened up right after the Columbia tragedy, and of course has a big-ass sequence where the space shuttle nearly crashes, and winds up landing safely in the LA river. We waited, breaths held, as the audience watched the movie's space shuttle roll to a stop ... and then they burst into thunderous applause. People stood up and whistled. Fiction is how we work this collective id shit out, and you never know how it's going to break.

Keith DeCandido: The Doctor Who references made me jump about. The World of Warcraft bonding made me laugh loud enough to scare the cats. Bravo! (And we already know that Hardison's a Who fan, since he mentioned Torrenting Who episodes in "The Bank Shot Job," so he probably picked those aliases deliberately.) Now we just need a Farscape reference.

Berg picked the Who aliases (she's nto a fan, but knows how to make the boss chuckle), but yes, Hardison in theory builds all their fake ID's. They tend to be ... consistent. I'm shocked you haven't realized that while I say the show is based on 60's and 70's heist shows, it's plainly a Farscape rip-ioff. Hardison's laptop is even named Winona ...

Jill: Definitely a fun episode - but was there a scene cut that linked Hardison's "birthday" to getting back into the main guy's desk? Or did I look away at the wrong moment and miss it?

It was cut -- more of just an angle to establish geography, but the location didn't cooperate.

Joshua James: Question ... it seems from the sample you posted that you all use traditional screenplay formatting for your scripts, as opposed to (what I've read, anyway) TV format (with Scenes A, B, C, and action lines all in CAPS) ... true? If so, how did that come about and is that possibly a new thing (because screenplay format is more accessible, I think)?

That format you mentioned (SCENE A, ALL CAPS ACTION) is the traditonal half-hour multi-camera format. One-hours (traditonally "single camera") have generally used filmic formatting for, well, as long as I've been doing it, which is around a dozen years now. I can check with my more veteran writer friends and see if the half-hour format was ever the standard for both styles of show.

Michael Clear: When Parker was giving the instructions about water landings and the emergency exits, was it clueless insensitivity that generated the comments about drowning and burning to death or was it the puckish sense of humor of someone who isn't afraid of being fired? Also, the amount of background research the team does is amazing. How do they always know that every man Sophie meets wants to sleep with her?

Annoyance at having to play a role, along with her usual cluelessness. The lecture to Sara Rue, however ("death haunts us all") is actually pure, sincere Parker.

As for the second bit ... yeah. When we finished the first take of the pilot, with Saul Rubinek trading barbs with her face to face, he stumbled over to me after the first take. I asked him if he was okay. He smiled grimly and muttered "John, you have no idea what it's like to be the full focus of that woman's attention."

Andrew Cunningham: When it comes to snipping bits, I'd far rather you cut the client meetings. They tend to be rather dreary, with lots of concerned looks and restrained tears - and this episode had enough references to what they were up to that it would have worked just fine without the opening scene. I wonder if you haven't got into a habit where you assume you need to drive home the cause they're working for, when that side of things occasionally serves as a sour note in an otherwise terrific episode.

You know, the client scenes are tricky. We're of two minds about them ourselves, but we've found that the eps where you don't connect with the clients don't land as well. I think we found a good balance later in the season, but yeah, they're the bane of our existence. Murder shows have it easy -- the victim's dead, and they can just show up.

Richard Jensen: The plane landing at the end was a pretty spiffy bit of CGI. I was wondering if it was done in house or if you had to farm those shots out to an outside effects house?

All in-house (see above.) Welcome to the future of television. Everything under one roof. When we began working on Leverage, the Electric Entertainment offices were on a studio lot. Across the way, a giant steel and glass building was under construction - a new post house. I idly asked Mark Franco, our VFX supervisor, what they did in that building. "Everything we do on six Macs," he answered.

"So that's not the future of visual effects?" I asked.

"John, the future of visual effects is four guys in a garage with a bong."

Patrick: The twist didn't make any sense to me. Why would Haldeman send his head of security on the plane to kill the accountant if he was just going to blow up the plane, the head of security doesn't need to be around to make sure she dies ...

See above. He was in on the original cover-up, but that bit got cut for time. Ah, the bitch-goddess of pipe. You never know what people will miss ...

All right, most of the next are off the "Snow Job" open thread:

Kimm: In addition to being filmed early in the process, was it also originally scheduled earlier in the season? It sure seemed like it to me - even though that really didn't take away from the enjoyment of the show.

Should have been the third or fourth episode. It was the second shot, based on a real-life scam, and we used a returning serviceman because the fact that the 2005 Bankruptcy bill didn't protect active-duty servicemen pissed me off. The second episode aired, however, "the Homecoming Job", also had a serviceman as a vic because we were working backwards off the giant pool of cash gone missing in Iraq. But it was written sixth -- no way we could have anticipated that victim duplication. So in retrospect, we would have split up the episodes by a few anyway.

Scott Edwards: Now, when you say second episode filmed, is that "after the pilot" or "including the pilot". I was watching this and it totally felt like the third episode (after the Nigerian job and the Homecoming Job). Nate's drinking problem just felt like it was something of an early show to a season.

Filming order was "The Nigerian Job" (the pilot), then the writer's strike, then "The Bank Shot Job", then "The Snow Job" and then "The Wedding Job." "Bank Shot" was always meant for the middle, and I'd always reserved the #2 shows as a soft relaunch I'd write later, so the original ep broadcast order should go Nigerian/Homecoming/Snow Job/Wedding. I'd argue that the group belonging in the first half of the season, except "Homecoming", can probably be shuffled in that half about to no great damage to the character arcs.

On the other-othe rhand, Nate's drinking flares up in a nice place where the epsiode landed in the season. So ... there's no lesson there. Just "so."

Richard Jensen: 1) I'm curious about the discussions in the writer's room about how far to take Nate's drinking problem. You need it because it gives an emotional grounding to the character. But if it gets too heavy, it could (To use your term) derail the fun train. Can't wait to see where your going with it.

It's a constant argument. It does pay off, and I have to say I'm a bit surprised by the people who think it's gone away. Go find me the episode where he doesn't have a drink in his hand -- particularly when he's stressed.

It may just be that because I'm a high-functioning ... well, not alcoholic, but I am a writer, for chrissake -- I tend to write characters who are not obviously drunk when they are, indeed, drinking.

Laci: this doesn't relate to the Snow Job- I have it DVRed and haven't watched it yet... but, I wanted to know if any of the writers are connected to the Midwest or Kansas in general. I have noticed that the state has been mentioned a few times, and you really never see it mentioned in TV or movies. Not unless you're talking about the Wizard of Oz or tornadoes. Just curious.

Kansas is the perfect comedy name for a state. Has a "k" sound.

Caseyko74: Also, why not use the name of a real county in Mississippi? Was it a clearance issue or just not wanting to offend anyone there?

Clearance. Counties get very tetchy about shows implying they lock up heroic Iraq veterans or cut deals with con men in order to arrest contractors.

ita: How long has Nate been single? With all this history with Sophie I can't but wonder what his status with the mother of his son was.

Hi ita! Nate's been single about a year and a half -- his marriage broke up almost immediately after the death of his son. Nate and Sophie, as detailed in "The Miracle Job", had a very borderline relationship, but never slept together during Nate's marriage. Many people may find that not cool, but I think Nate's a more interesting character for having been tempted but never succumbing, rather than being so saintlike he's never been tempted.

That's why Sophie said "I knew you two years ago." Nate dropped off the face of the earth when Sam died, and started drinking (more) heavily. She's just now figuring out he's not the man she thought he was ...

Michael: I still don't get how or why ppl in the movie/tvshow biz seem to think this is irrelevant or whatever, but PLEASE OH PLEASE, if you show somebody from Germany, allegedly speaking German, why does it have to be somebody who can't and who very obviously doesn't! Would it really cost too much to find somebody for the job who could actually deliver that ONE fucking line right? And also maybe correct it from the writing, where it was obviously fucked up?

As addressed in the comments -- the line was written by a native German speaker, but delivered (very funnily) by an Austrian actress. Unfortunately, at the time, we had no idea the trouble this caused, until our intrepid assistant had to run down the version for the dubbing. The line, if you're curious, was: " "This is the only thing that belongs to me. I curse the day Father put me on a sled."

Mitchy: If I have any complaints at all, it'd be that we don't see how or why, exactly, everyone stays with Nate (Sophie excepted). Eliott had good reason to walk out, so did Parker yet they didn't. Will that get explored at some point? I know we've had eps saying "we're more than a team" but I don't really think it's been established WHY they would feel that, when they're such loners as a rule.

They don't feel that way at this moment -- that's why the next couple eps are about them forming the team they become during "Bank Shot." Nate, at this moment, has a LOT of currency to make up, and that's why Sophie gives him the warning at the end. She knows it was a near thing that everyone stayed.

Darkrose: One thing, though...I know it's just a TV show and I should really just relax, but there are a couple of things that are straining my ability to suspend disbelief. It was nice to see Jonathan Frakes notice Nate talking to himself, but it made me wonder why more people don't notice. The bit in "Mile-High Job" where Alec ducks behind the cabinet door, still talking struck me as particularly silly.

Ideally, they can whisper, almost sub-vocalize with those earbuds -- but acting in a whisper, particularly when conveying pipe, sucks. So we tend to try to block the scenes so people are clear of them. Sometimes, we screw up. I'd absolutely admit that scene is one of them. We should have blocked the actress so she crossed out fo the room, or Aldis moved farther from her.

Darkrose cont'd: The other thing I'm wondering is how the team's clients find them. Given that they work for law-abiding people who got screwed over, it doesn't seem like it would be easy for them to find a bunch of thieves. In "Snow Job", the victim apparently uses his one phone call to get in touch with Nate--how did he get their number?

The other long-running conflict in the show's development -- how to explain where the clients come from. Hardison glosses over it in "Homecoming", but assume they seek out news items that pique their interest, mixed with legitimate web links off legal aid websites, etc. It was one of those things we spent a lot of page count on in one version of the show, but nobody really missed it.


All right, this is your open thread for "The 12 Step Job." Also, we're starting to put together the DVD set for Season 1, including Commentaries. We will consider all reasonable suggestions for DVD bonus features as submitted in the Comments below.


Spec Odyssey said...

I'm sure you're aware, but if you type "Kung Fu Monkey" into google, you're the first result, 2 results above a video of an actual monkey doing kung fu. That's gotta feel good.

Anonymous said...

Re: Clearance causing one episode to air later than planned.

Although we've talked much about episodes being aired out of order, I don't think I've ever seen the explanation of WHY that was done. Is it always a clearance issue, or sometimes something else...like, what, for instance?

gwangung said...

Any chance that these comments HERE, from kfmonkey, will be included in the DVD in some form? I mean, I KNOW we'll have it around, but it'd be kinda fun to include it on the DVD, as well as being more convenient. (I think that's reasonable, if, perhaps, not very exciting....)

(or, maybe, more exciting, to have the actual bloggers record their questions and...nahhhhhhh.....)

Anonymous said...

Oh, there are tons of things I'd love to see as a bonus feature. Of course, there's always cut scenes and outtakes.

And it sounds like everybody is having a lot of fun on set, so it'd be great to see some more of the behind-the-scenes stuff. I suspect I'm not the only geeky viewer who likes to know how things were done and likes to watch everyone working.

Anonymous said...

Re: "I can check with my more veteran writer friends and see if the half-hour format was ever the standard for both styles of show."

FYI there are several collections of scripts for the original Twilight Zone (by Serling, Matheson, Beaumont, et al.) that have been published, as well as Harlan Ellison's script for The City on the Edge of Forever. And all of the ones I've seen used the feature film format (with the inclusion of more technical directions, as was the practice of the time).

Anonymous said...

"Four guys in a garage with a bong" That could replace Pixel Liberation Front as my favorite effect house name.

And I would love to see featurettes on the gadgets and see how much is invention and how much is real life tech.

gwangung said...

And I would love to see featurettes on the gadgets and see how much is invention and how much is real life tech.

I smell product placement money....

Unknown said...

Wishes and hopes for the DVD set:

1. Episodes sorted in story-telling order as opposed to juggled by necessity order.

2. Outtakes/bloopers. I realize actors are of two minds when it comes to these thing, as a viewer, I love 'em.

3. Timothy Hutton on a commentary or twelve!

4. Deleted/extended scenes. You know those little character bits that always get sacrificed for time.

5. Did I mention Timothy Hutton?

6. Disk art! There seems to be this trend to go back to blank or grey disks, bad trend!

Kat said...

I would love to see a gag reel. Have a list of what order the shows were originally supposed to be in. Deleted scenes. The behind the scenes vids y'all have done.

And congrats on getting renewed!

Anonymous said...

My wishlist for the DVD collection:

1) Commentaries from various combinations of writers, directors, and cast. If they're half as good as the stuff you post here, they'll be twice as good as most commentary tracks.

2) Deleted scenes and blooper reels. I can't get enough additional information about the characters, or for that matter, flubs and cursing in the middle of serious moments.

3) Sequence the episodes in the order they were meant to be seen. The leaping back and forth in terms of the teams' development is slightly but noticeably distracting.

4) Audition footage, if you can manage it.

5) A collection of all of the footage where the characters are using aliases, maybe with a pop-up captioning feature explaining the source of the names.

Zed said...

Something I'd like for the DVDs:

On one set of the Prisoner DVDs, there are listings of the various orders in which one could watch the episodes. An insert in the packaging with that information would be excellent. Basically, something which condenses your various explanations of order into a couple lists: order aired, order produced and a recommended order for story purposes would probably cover the bases.

Darkrose said...

Thank you so much for answering my questions! Those things make much more sense now; I appreciate the explanation.

Re the DVD set:

1. I'm a big fan of actor commentary. I know it can be tough with people's schedules, but I'd love to hear from any of the cast members.

2. You've got a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff here and on the show site, but more is always good.

3. I don't know how doable this is, but I'd love to see some PC/Mac-only features, in particular, information about the real-life events that inspired some of the episodes (without you getting sued, of course).

4. Background information on the characters that's not spoilery, like who Hardison's favorite Doctor is and which NHL team is Eliot's favorite.

5. And of course, as everyone else has said, optimal viewing order listed somewhere.

Unknown said...

You know, as long as you can function, and you know breath mints...

Riggs and Murtaugh, glad that came out because that was what I was thinking. At the end, I was really hoping for the mark to get stuck under one of the cars.

Like the North Korea reference and the bit about counterfeiting. Have done some research on that one. You ever read about the superbill? Fun stuff.

As far as the DVD, you know what I want? I want a big time, in depth doc on Apollo and the small cons and bits they do.

And I guess I just don't have much love for MS counties, but that's a personal thing. By the way, recently drove the coast and there is still a lot just not there anymore. This myth that Mississippi Coast is all back to normal kind of irks me. None of it is back to normal. Probably never will be.

By the way, loved Nate's last line in The 12 Step Job.

R.A. Porter said...

Speaking of clearance issues...I've been trying for the life of me to figure out this song that Jack Hurley's grunting over in the opening. It sounds like Shane MacGowan to me, but it's not a Pogues song I know. I can't get a very clear listen to the lyrics and can only grab a few snippets, but when I searched based on those I came up empty.

So I figure I'll turn on closed captioning and see if that helps. It sure does. Looks like it was *intended* to be "Drunken Lullabies" by Flogging Molly. Definitely a good song for Jack Hurley to love.

So what/who is that playing?

Anonymous said...

RIGGS!!! I saw the preveiw and turned to my dad and first words" Lethal weapon?seriouly? AWESOMENESSS" I love lethal weapon. I also loved Parker FlyingHigh!Jump on Elliot, dude I do that to my brother all the time.

As the for the DVD.

Delected scenes, gag reel, commintaries from EVERYBODY. and mayeb some pop up triva for the little stuff, like names, cons, etc/

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see a gagreel or two on the dvd set. Maybe some clips of the actors auditioning for the roles.

Hardison and Eliot scenes are my favorite to watch and tonight's episode made me giggle like a fiend.

Do the actors ever get to ad lib any of what they say or is all of that in the script?

Michael the G said...

I smile as a text from one of my Faves drops on my Nokia to the strains of Kanye, I take a sip of frosty Coke Zero and stretch my fingers over the sexy silver Dell....

Hyundai? Well, whatever it takes to keep the fun train rollin' ;) Kudos for making it relatively seamless.

On a technical stagecraft geeky bit question, I have an audition in two days that involves some stunt goodness (ooh a gun disarm!) and I have been ripping off Christian Kane's moves for blocking practice left and right but I was wondering why he seems to switch from Aikido to Krav Maga to Thai Krabi Krabong to even a little "Fuqyu" all the time? It's compelling stuff to be sure but dang it, it's hard to break down his blocking! That is one seriously talented cat. Does he work with different fight coordinators in different eps? Also, do we ever get a little more backstory on Elliot? I mean other than "liberated Chechnya"

DVD wish list? I would love to see the R & D that goes into these script sessions. I mean, I know Google and Wiki are just strokes away but some of this stuff puts the "eso" in esoteric. Your Kung Fu is most strong.

CtRokJ said...

For what I would like on the DVD set...

Well, the order you would have REALLY liked the show to have aired in.

Actor commentary with some staff as well.

Something to explain what some of these cons names really mean. Like just what is the "Apple Pie" from Snow Job?

Deleted scenes and outtakes are always something I look for.

Some behind the scenes stuff also like with the cast on set and such.

Jodih said...

First, love the show. it made my week to learn that it had been renewed for another season... cannot even count the # of times I have gone back and watched all of these epps again on my DVR.

as far as the DVD set (And I will be one of the first in line to buy it no matter what is on it!)

I agree, gag reel & bloopers would be great.. This show is so much fun, and the actors seem to be having fun making it.. It would be great to see more of that behind the scenes.

My favorite pick for commentary would be Christian Kane.

Would love to hear full version of Christian Kane's song More than I deserve (From 2 horse job) on the DVD set.

Always love to see interviews with cast members on DVD sets. I have watched everything available on TNT.TV, but always love to see more.

Keep up the good work and keep the great story lines coming... As someone who has been screwed by a system where those with money and power always win.. it is nice to see that change, even if it is only fiction!

auntieamy said...

What I would like to see on the DVD's?

1. Commentaries from the actors and/or producers, directors, etc. I too, realize that these things take a lot of time but I just LOVE them.

2. Blooper reels, outtake reels, gag reels. Same as above. Again, I just LOVE them

3. As someone else mentioned I think it would be cool to have something like a pop-up type thing that would appear in the ep. and point out stuff.

That's all from me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating such and awesome show.

ita said...

Hey, John! Loving your show !
On the DVDs: Shots of fight training. I'd love to hear each shot broken down and the various influences that came to bear on each one. If we could also see how the fight was written, and get to follow that to the eventual mayhem, that would rock.

Andrew Timson said...

"Four guys in a garage with a bong" is more or less how Star Wars's effects were done, from what I can tell; good to see the industry getting back to its roots.

I don't know how serious you were with that Farscape comparison, but… it fits. Too well. In a good way. :D

"12-Step Job": I thought it was a fun bit of character interplay in the clinic; Hardison and Elliot, less so. I'd have thought that the parking lot confrontations were pretty much Elliot's forte; why the hassle with the bomb to scare them? Well, obviously, because the episode would've been over if he killed them all, but still—! :)

Funny as the last line was… it scares me that Nate is that clueless, if he truly was going to go get a drink. How did he rationalize the fact that he had to detox? And when he gets himself killed, who's going to run the joint? Sophie can probably handle it, I guess, but putting any of the others in the center seat is asking for disaster.

(Even with Sophie, I'm not sure she could keep Elliot around. Hell, I'm not sure how Nate does. Sophie seems like a good person at heart, as does Hardison; as long as they're provided for, they'd probably keep doing the work. Parker gets unique opportunities with Leverage that she wouldn't elsewhere. But is Elliot really that hard up for people to beat to a pulp?)

DVD features I'd like:
* A release on Blu-ray (WB has been great about their TV releases hitting Blu-ray, Fox less so but have some, and I don't think that Paramount or Universal have done any TV on Blu-ray; can you say which house is handling Leverage?)

* Presented in intended air order

* Scenes cut for time reintegrated into the episodes (movies often get this treatment, but rarely TV, unfortunately)

* Scripts (as PDFs on the discs, preferably, like Spooks/MI-5 does; Buffy's view-it-on-the-TV thing is just too hard to read)

* Writer commentary—especially from baby writers, if they're willing; I'd like to get their perspective on what it's like seeing your first script make it to the screen

* A featurette on just how effects-intensive the show is; some stuff like the plane in "Mile High" is obvious, but from the insane number of green-screen shots you mentioned for "Two-Horse", there's obviously many shots that we don't know about when watching (which is good!)

* A pocket-sized clone of Parker, preferably with kleptomania intact.

CtRokJ said...

OK just thought that I would second the Full Verison of More then I Deserve.

gwangung said...

"12-Step Job": I thought it was a fun bit of character interplay in the clinic; Hardison and Elliot, less so. I'd have thought that the parking lot confrontations were pretty much Elliot's forte; why the hassle with the bomb to scare them? Well, obviously, because the episode would've been over if he killed them all, but still—! :)

Distance, from two directions, I think. Elliot's good, but he's no superhuman...Most of the stuff we've seen is actually pretty grounded, but bleeding edge...like the tech. Don't think we could buy being outnumbered, outgunned, outranged AND in a crossfire...

Speaking of which...another note for fight breakdowns...

Unknown said...

First of all, I love the show. I love the characters, the arcs, the careful, consistent writing, everything about it. I really see the difference with having all the writers together banging out the scripts before shooting starts. I hope you get to do a similar thing for S2. (And congrats on S2!)

I would love to see more of Apollo on the DVD extras. He fascinates me. Along with the things other people have asked for -- actor/director/writer commentaries, blooper reels, audition videos, scripts in PDF format, flowcharts showing the different ways to view the eps, etc.

Question -- is there going to be a Leverage presence at ComicCon? You have been attracting Fans (with a capital F)

One other question -- while I'm thrilled that TNT has ordered a second season, why didn't they order 22 eps?

And lastly --
>>This ep is a fanfic grenade.

OMG you have no idea.

Unknown said...

Distance, from two directions, I think. Elliot's good, but he's no superhuman...Most of the stuff we've seen is actually pretty grounded, but bleeding edge...like the tech. Don't think we could buy being outnumbered, outgunned, outranged AND in a crossfire...

"Guns have a specific range of efficacy."

Not to mention having Hardison in the crossfire.

gwangung said...

"Guns have a specific range of efficacy."

See, this is why you're the pro (and making the big bucks as Exec Producer) and I'm schlepping around in fringe theatre.

Robert Kern said...

12 Step Job: When Nate calls back to the office, the background noise in the conference room sounds faintly like the computery noises from the bridge of ST: TOS.

Am I out of my mind?

Unknown said...

Wishes for the DVD Set ... most things were mentioned already, but I'd like to second them. :D

1) Outtakes/Bloopers/Gag Reel. I just love those and there's not enough of them out there ;)

2) Commentaries. And please, if possible, at least one with Christian Kane, too. I just love his voice. There's never enough of that. :D

3) Subtitles/Closed captioning. I don't need stupid german subtitles but there seems to be a lot of technical stuff in there and my vocabulary most certainly sucks in that department. As I had to learn on Supernatural Season 1 close captioning is not automatically included ...

4) Behind the scenes featurettes, Interviews and all those things

5) Auditionings for the roles... would be interesting!

6) More than I deserve, full version. Yes, please!

7) intended order stored somewhere on those DVDs would be nice.

8) Cut scenes, extended scenes. Hell, make them extended versions of the episodes *lol* I totally love extended stuff.

I know this is a lot and probably you'll have to pick a few things so the whole thing doesn't get too expensive. But there's just never enough specials on a DVD *lol* And I'll pre-order anyway no matter if there's any specials on it or none at all. Been waiting for too long to get my hands on this show. :D

Anonymous said...

Also a Blu-Ray edition would be nice!

Unknown said...

So, I gotta ask, is the knife that Eliot used a Benchmade Auto Stryker, with the tanto drop point and one-inch of serrated blade?

Now I ask simple because I own that very same knife and when Eliot was slicing open that tire it looked like he was using that very same knife, so I figured I'd ask.

Good show, by the way, as it was pretty cool watching Eliot and Hardison do all the leg work, while Sophie, Parker, and Ford were doing the inside job. They seemed ready for their own buddy movie, although I think they'd be more of a Tango and Cash than Riggs and Murtagh. Now I was surprised that Parker didn't sleight of hand away the meds, but I shouldn't be too surprised at it was very impulse, as our girl tends to be.

Damn good episode and I'm quite happy and glad that you all got your second season, as I am so tired of shows I adore getting the shaft.

Unknown said...

As addressed in the comments -- the line was written by a native German speaker, but delivered (very funnily) by an Austrian actress. Unfortunately, at the time, we had no idea the trouble this caused, until our intrepid assistant had to run down the version for the dubbing. The line, if you're curious, was: " "This is the only thing that belongs to me. I curse the day Father put me on a sled."

Even more weirdness. Didn't sound Austrian either. Sounded like "American Actress told to 'read this'". Anyway, looking very much forward to watching this new episode in the bathtub tonight (perfect place for watching Leverage, really!)

Anonymous said...

This is probably a very geeky question, but have you actually made character sheets for the main crew, using whatever system you favor? (I know that I've done it using Spirit of the Century) I know that you mentioned that all the characters have Thief 101 skills, but in your mind do you actually prevent them from doing something because "it's not on the character sheet"?

As for the DvD set, one thing I'd love to see would be a section on how you filmed some of the physical cons and lifts. That part is very interesting to me, but for the life of me I can't figure out just what they did or how you filmed it.

Actually, if you have the data, being able to do multi-angle shots of some of the picks and stuff would be awesome!

John Seavey said...

Mental note: When you make snarky off-hand comments in the comments section...John Rogers notices. His eagle eyes miss nothing.

Mockette said...

I'm loving this show. I hate that the season is almost over but thrilled that we are going to get a second season.

I really enjoyed the Hardison and Eliot interaction in "12-step" - from when they realized that they were going to get to go to a strip joint to the bomb scene. But I about cracked up at the end of the episode when I realized they were fighting over who had to sit next to Parker in the back seat.

I love how there is a (dysfunctional) family dynamic with Nate and Sophie as the parents.

On the DVD - I love behind the scenes stuff: how the scene develops, working out the blocking, etc. Of course you can never go wrong with a good gag reel.

Question: I saw someone comment somewhere about a missing "wink/nod" between Christian Kane and Sam Anderson. Was this a cut scene or just something that was scripted and never made it to filming?

Anonymous said...

First of all, YAY for the show and the way it handled Nate. It works that he is broken and isn't likely to want to TRULY deal with that yet. His experience probably informed his self-awareness in a positive way, but it's not enough and he's not likely to face those personal demons just yet. Still, DT's will definitely make you pause before you have that 3rd scotch.

As for the DVDs, I agree with the commentaries, extended scenes and gag reel, but the other thing I'd really love to see are bits and pieces of their 'jackets' on the team, past job, arrests, suspected but never arrest, etc. One, because I love that sort of background and it can help round out the characters without revealing all that much. And two, to get a feel of how 'big' they are in the shadow underworld of crime. And who they might have worked with\for in the past.

Just my two cents and keep that fun train rollin'

R.A. Porter said...

If anyone's interested, here's a link to my review of last night's episode. The buddy-cop stuff was fantastic, but what really excited me was the depth of Nate's problem.

This isn't Jesse* with caffeine pills: he's going to have a problem for a long, long time.

*And it's unlikely Timothy Hutton is ever going to play a stripper on screen at this point.

Matt D said...

I'd personally love a featurette/sitdown about the shows' influences but I'm not sure that's the sort of thing that could be considered "reasonable."

Anonymous said...

It made my day to see that we are going to get a 2nd season. This is one of the best shows in a long time.

Wishes for DVD
* episodes in order
* close captioning - I always end up watching each episode with the close captioning on and it is amazing what one could miss in the rapid dialog. It is also funny when the captioning doesn't match what they are saying.
* bloopers, behind the scenes, blocking fight sequences, some of the little clips from TNT
* commentaries from actors, directors, producers

As long as there is a DVD - I'm happy - this is just a wish list.

Unknown said...

haven't seen todays episode yet (like I said, it's in the queue for viewing tonite), but something that definitely has to be used at some stage after all the other geeky shoutouts is some Babylon 5 reference.

Maybe just have Peter Jurasik as a villain or something. In fact, do that for season 2 and you are my hero for life ;)

Anonymous said...

just a quick question... Are all of the original cast members going to still be on board for season 2? Hate when a great show goes on but without one of my favorite actors... Almost enough to have me quit watching (ie. Stargate SG1 & Richard Dean Anderson

Kate said...

Fabulous. FABULOUS. My favorite episode yet, for real. I love how y'all can combine the broad comedy, like the Hardison/Eliot scene (Slasher fanservice? You? Awesome.) with heavier stuff like Nate's obviously-serious problem. Also, more Sterling! More Sterling, Please!

As for DVD's...commentaries commentaries, commentaries! I can't get enough of them. Also, yes, another request for at least a cheat-sheet for viewing order. I gotta say though, I like the way these last four episodes shook out. I like having 12-Step late in the season. Was that the way it was intended to go?

And for everybody in the comments who keeps asking for a full version of More Than I Deserve, I'm with you, but go bug Mr. Kane. Go to his myspace, friend away. That album he promised us is now like, two years past due!

Anyway, can't wait for Juror #6!

Gerald So said...

I'm biased, but get Boylan in on the commentary on "The Miracle Job". Great season, everyone. Congrats on the pickup.

briddie said...

DVD wishlist - well, first and foremost, the entire Nigerian Job episode, not the second-run edit. I would like all episodes in the order they were originally planned instead of air date, or at least a list so they could be watched in that order.

Outtakes, gag reel, definitely; cast interviews, and cast/crew commentaries would be great, too. Especially cast commenting on how they feel about the interaction. I would love to hear Christian and Aldis talk about the way their characters mess with each other and hear Beth talk about how she approaches Parker's character.

Anonymous said...

What all others said...
Are there plans for a Region 2 release? If so, please with all extras of the Region 1 version *begs*
A lot of European fans would be very happy :-)

Elke, Germany

Anonymous said...

This ep is a fanfic grenade.

Yes, and thank you.

As for "More Than I Deserve," there is an acoustic live version of it on Kane's Acoustic Live in London! (I swear the exclamation point is there on the actual CD, even if it's not listed that way on the merch page.) As much as I like the song, I actually found it an annoying example of shoving in music that didn't quite fit for cross-promotional purposes - it's not a goodbye song, and it didn't belong over a goodbye scene.

kimshum said...

Congrats on the renewal.

b.) Aldis and Kane spent the week calling each other "Riggs" and "Murtaugh." We may have created a monster. This ep is a fanfic grenade.

HA! I died laughing at that. You do know your audience. And then Winona! Oh, man, let me come work for you. For free, even.

I adored "The 12 Step Job." You balanced the humor with the action and the drama, yet you never plunged into farce. That's tough to achieve. It's a credit to you guys. Kudos.

As far as the DVDs go, I was gonna be all original and ask for script PDFs, but then that other guy beat me to it, so uhh, what he said.

Many have mentioned cast and producer commentaries, but just in case, can we get writer commentaries? All writers aren't producers, after all.

Anonymous said...

I second and third all the requests for blooper/ behind the scenes clips for the DVD. And deleted scenes, man, you talked about so many I want to actually see. That would be awesome!

Audio commentaries can also be great fun.

God, I love this show.

Darkrose said...

This ep is a fanfic grenade.

Yes, and thank you.

Seconded, definitely. *rubs hands together* I can see that my work is cut out for me. Thanks for making it easy. :)

Rike said...

Just wanted to say that I loved Elliot not going into gay panic mode when Hardison proclaimed them boyfriends. Instead he just rolled with it and also didn't spend the rest of the episode proving that he was oh so very heterosexual. Slasher fanservice or not, that was awesomesauce.

Is there any way to get Aldis and Kane to cut back on the mumbleing just a little? As a non-native English speaker, sometimes they're damned hard to understand.

Unknown said...

Is there any way to get Aldis and Kane to cut back on the mumbleing just a little? As a non-native English speaker, sometimes they're damned hard to understand.

Are you serious? I mean I am a non native speaker and Aldis, to me, is a marvel of understandingness .. or however that is supposed to be correctly phrased.

After seeing the episode: so very cool. Although I wondered when those Chileans might turn up and then they didn't.

Tom said...

Michael's comment about the SNOWJOB accent struck me as a bit odd. I'm not a native speaker as is Michael, but I did start learning Deutsch pretty early.

I thought the actress sounded Schweizer Deutsch, but she was going so fast it was hard to be sure.

TWELVE-STEP JOB was terrific. Just terrific.

What I want on the DVD set is a copy of Rogers' creativity and business knowledge.

No one's ever going to be happy, entirely, with the matter of regional and dialect pronunciations.

Mike Cane said...

>>>gwangung said...

>>>Don't think we could buy being outnumbered, outgunned, outranged AND in a crossfire...

SOMEONE missed the first episode!!

Stellar Drift said...

Well that was depressing.

Although I like all the episodes we made this year, I will say the next four -- are a straight run through what I always thought of the show becoming.

Eeek. I wonder if I'll like the direction or if I shall gaze longingly at the next station.

It's a constant argument. It does pay off, and I have to say I'm a bit surprised by the people who think it's gone away.

No no, we are just hoping ;)

Clearance. Counties get very tetchy about shows implying they lock up heroic Iraq veterans or cut deals with con men in order to arrest contractors.

Ack! There is no longer freedom of speech - the terrorists have won!

Stellar Drift said...

You know what, Jeremy was frikkin' great, and a real pro. Apparently he wants to move into acting, his agents contacted us, and so we took a shot.

Never heard of the guy - but I thought he was excellent as well :)

Berg picked the Who aliases (she's nto a fan, but knows how to make the boss chuckle), but yes, Hardison in theory builds all their fake ID'

Berg! Could you add some Firefly references?

Hardison could start to use the superlative "Shiny" (As in "Shiny! I got a raise") - or they meet a twenty something female mechanic who loves strawberries.

we're starting to put together the DVD set for Season 1, including Commentaries.

I'd like to suggest what I would always suggest for people who do DVD commentaries: Remember, you may have to do it for nothing, but people pay to hear it and some like it, so:

1. Be prepared. Watch the episode before you come. Make notes about what you can say.

2. TALK - don't sit in silence and say "lets not talk here" - Yes! People switch on the track to hear the talk, so talk please.

3. Don't say "I've forgotten about that" makes it seem very sloppy.

Also, generally its good with more than person. 2 or 3 if the chemistry is good, so if the "I've forgotten about that" should arise they can at least witter on about something else which may very well be entertain.
(It can go too far though, listen to Peter DeLuise on the last couple of seasons on Stargate Atlantis, he clearly couldn't be bothered by then and brought a friend and they went of on all kinds of peculiar tangents *g*)

Oh, and it would be great if Frakes would do a commentary, it would be nice to hear his voice again.

Oh yes, and a sequence with Parker in a Supergirl outfit.

Sonja said...

Michael's comment about the SNOWJOB accent struck me as a bit odd. I'm not a native speaker as is Michael, but I did start learning Deutsch pretty early.
I thought the actress sounded Schweizer Deutsch, but she was going so fast it was hard to be sure.

I just re-watched the scene and this clearly wasn't a native speaker. Maybe she once watched 'The Sound of Music'.

She said: 'Was is des? Des einzige Ding was zu mir gehört. Ich verflüche den Tag an den Vati mich an den Schlitten gesetzt hat.' At least that's what I could make out after re-watching that scene 5 times.
Those words in correct German would have been: 'Was ist das? Das einzige Ding, das zu mir gehört. Ich verfluche den Tag, an dem Vati mich in einen Schlitten gesetzt hat' - and that's just the lines she actually spoke, I'm not even talking about the catastrophic grammar here. Anyways, that were just a few seconds in a good episode and it was funny so what the hell. My beef with this episode is that after 5 Toblerone free years (2 of them for insurance reasons, I kid you not) I had to go out and buy some...

Elke, are you sure your DVD player can't play region 1? Most actually do, they just don't advertise it.

As for the DVDs, I'm one of those who really enjoyed the videos on the TNT website and would like to see more along those lines. I'm a sucker for making ofs, especially fight scenes. I suffered through the entire special edition of Kingdom of Heaven just for the special features...

I also agree with everyone who said bloopers and commentaries.

Mike Cane said...

OK, there's nothing I can add to what others have asked for on DVD. Well, except, *DVD*, and not just Lets' Go To The Blu-Ray. Oh, and, except, you know ... maybe a snap of Beth gazing at my screensnaps of her at my zombie blog. (Hahahaha! I kid on that one!)

Man, the expression on Eliot's face when Hardison pulled that couple move on him soooo makes me wish I still had a general-interest blog and was doing the weekly massive screensnap posts!

And PARKER!! How could you put her on a Happy Pill!!?? But: GENIUS!! -- was it in the script or did Beth get her character so much that she KNEW Parker would first SNIFF the pill?!! Parker, I luvz you!!!

TNT's seeming out-of-order airing is really getting up my nose. I'm so tempted to do a post about it -- and still might.

And, ahem, if anyone has to play a doctor again, bring in the Who reference: Doctor Donna!

That is all. Just four more to go? Grumble, grumble.

PS: OMG. The CAPTCHA is ovenize!

Carolyn said...

Oh, how I love, love, LOVE this show. I watch it live, then watch my Tivo'ed version and laugh my ass off all over again.

I want to second the DVD wishlist suggestions of a blooper reel, full version (hopefully with video) of CK's song and as many commentaries as we can get!

jill said...

Count me in as one of the people who loves the Hardison/Elliot dynamic. I love to watch actors having fun,* and these two guys appear to be having tons of fun.

One question - I know that this was the last ep written, so perhaps this will be straightened out in later (aired) episodes, but where did Hardison learn to fight? Last I saw in "Miracle," he was freaked out at the very thought of violence. Now he's an action hero?

*That is, the underlying fun of an actor with a great script and the chops to do something with it. Not the "I'm having SO MUCH FUN don't you wish you were me?" wink/nod to the audience which is just annoying.

Mike Cane said...

I HAD to do it, dammit!

Parker Sniffs The Pill!

Anonymous said...

"Oh yes, and a sequence with Parker in a Supergirl outfit."


Anonymous said...

I got an enormous kick out of seeing you use the full quote. It is a very popular one in my family but when I say "gang aft agley" to those outside the fam I just get weird looks.

"I'm shocked you haven't realized that while I say the show is based on 60's and 70's heist shows, it's plainly a Farscape rip-off. Hardison's laptop is even named Winona "

I cannot even begin to tell you how much this made me geek out! And just as I was getting over seeing that Keith deCandido had posted!
I am totally hooked on this show and thrilled to hear it will be back, though the thought of only three more eps this season made me sad.
I agree with most of the posters here that commentaries, especially with multiple people and including cast are much appreciated.
Like the Firefly DVD's, putting the eps in the intended order would be appreciated.
I also loved the idea of adding back in scenes that were cut for time.
Thanks for giving me a show I love!

gwangung said...

Oh yes, and a sequence with Parker in a Supergirl outfit.

Uh, if Parker's in a Supergirl outfit...what are the others wearing?

Sophie in a Zatana costume?

bourgon said...

Obviously, commentaries (specifically by you guys; the actors have something to add, usually, but I want more like this blog), behind the scenes... but I'd really love to see an in-character commentary. :)

Anonymous said...

I second R.A. Porter's inquiry as to the song playing in the opening scene. Dropkick Murphys maybe? On a second listen, I'm amused that the banjo line is the tune to "Drunken Sailor."

Carlos said...

Awesome ep!

"After seeing the episode: so very cool. Although I wondered when those Chileans might turn up and then they didn't."

Man, I'm chilean so I'm really intrigued by when those awful car-bombing chileans are going to be back (I don't think they will but still)

As always a great job by everyone, John and congrats for Season 2!

Unknown said...

Man, I'm chilean so I'm really intrigued by when those awful car-bombing chileans are going to be back (I don't think they will but still)

funny also how the Mexicans and Koreans just took one glance at the bomb and said "Chileans!"

Anonymous said...


re: Region 1
I'm not sure - it says it can only play 2 and 0. I have to find someone who owns a Region 1 disk to try it out - honestly I don't wanna buy one just to find out it doesn't... *g*


Unknown said...

re: Region 1
I'm not sure - it says it can only play 2 and 0. I have to find someone who owns a Region 1 disk to try it out - honestly I don't wanna buy one just to find out it doesn't... *g*

So, note to our host, just in case he has any influence on these matters: Sell the thing coded region 0, thereby making it playable wordwide. That would _so_ rock!

Anonymous said...

Hardison works well with everyone so could we get more Hardison and Sophie next season? Or will I get some Sophie/Hardison interaction in the last 3 shows? Thanks for a great show

Nato said...

"Jack Hurley"? A taco-loving guy with addiction issues and a compulsive need to play hero? Tell me that's not a LOST reference. (:

I'm really enjoying the series, and glad to see it's been renewed for season 2. (And bravo to TNT for using DVR viewers as part of the ratings calculations, since that's the primary way I watch the show.) But what's all this about fan controversy and the last page of the script?

Denita said...

Wonderful episode and stellar performances from the entire cast. I loved the Hardison/Eliot dynamic and thought Parker taking that pill was the best thing ever. It was only seconded by Eliot's hand shaking as he prepared himself to pull those wires. (And the expression on his face when Hardison announced they were a couple to that woman was to die for.)

Timothy Hutton was amazing in this episode. I've got to admit that that there have been a few scenes in previous eps where I felt he over-acted (so much so that it took me out of the story) but "The 12-Step Job" more than made up for that.

I thought it was a perfect episode, truly.

As for the DVDs, I echo everyone else asking for deleted scenes that were omitted. One of my greatest frustrations with the Angel DVDs is that the deleted scenes that David Boreanaz and Christian Kane talked about in the commentary for the episode "Soul Purpose" were not made availble in a special feature. This annoyed me to no end because I wanted to see them.

Anonymous said...

Twelve-Step was my hands down favorite so far. So many elements came together in this one. Nate in rehab was both funny (his scenes with Sophie as his therapist for one) and frightening (by God, he was going through actual withdrawal). If the scenes throughout the first season of Nate with drinks in his hand didn't drive the point home, this surely did. I want to see where this is headed. I'm worried about where it's headed!

Eliot and Hardison were a great team this time out, both for the comedy and the action. I liked that in dealing with that bomb, Eliot's hands were actually shaking. Hell, he even looked pale. Made the scene resonate that much more. And I know someone else asked this, but I'd like to know as well if there is any ad lib in the show. Some conversations between these two, and the others as well, just seem so natural, like they're making it up as they go along.

Parker was so cool. I didn't think I'd like the character in the beginning of the season, and I'm happy to have been wrong.

And now...wait, only three episodes left? ARGH! How long do we wait till next season starts up?

Stellar Drift said...

Uh, if Parker's in a Supergirl outfit...what are the others wearing?

You'll find out in the DVD extras for season 2,3,4 and 5 ;)

Oh, and the original onepiece body - not the one with the bare midriff that's so teenage ;)

Lesley said...

I loved "The 12 Step Job", it was interesting not to have a "Bad" bad guy and it was great to see Nate wrestling with withdrawal. Kudos to Timothy Hutton for his acting in the scene were he hallucinates Sterling, that was powerful stuff. And his last line was a killer.

I second every suggestion on here about DVD extras. I'd particularly like a feature on how everyone got cast, that always fascinates me. The one main request I have is please, please, PLEASE have subtitles for everything - episodes, features and commentaries. It makes a huge difference to those of us with less than perfect hearing :)

Congrats on the S2 pickup, that's the best news I've had in 2009 so far.jh

Anonymous said...

Props, arguably mad in nature, to whoever came up with taking the Goddamned Obligatory Explosively-Propelled Flying Tire and making it relevant.

Also find enclosed some extra whuffie for the aforementioned lack of "gay panic" and for setting up an entire "shakabuku" episode for Nate for the sole purpose of yanking the rug out from under it at the end.

I haven't seen a show compete this hard for the coveted "best subverter of tropes" slot in my consciousness in years.

Alan D said...

Hmm. That's interesting. Amazon has made both 12 Step and Juror #6 available to me. It appears I can now watch Juror #6 before it actually airs?

Too bad I have to wait for my wife to get home to watch them...

R.A. Porter said...

[Alan D's Devil] Psst...You don't have to wait for you wife. She'll never know.

[Alan D's Angel] Hey! Oh, wait. For once I agree. Watch it now and watch it again later!

This message brought to you courtesy of Friday afternoon.

Alan D said...

Well, "have to" is a bit of an exaggeration, but the cost-benefit analysis works out that way. :-)

Anonymous said...

WRT to the DVD, since SOP seems to be to forget wrapping up this particular piece of licensing, the original soundtrack as aired would be a nice bonus...

Anonymous said...

PS: Almost forgot - Jack Hurley, given his exit, Nates "watching" comment, intended as your Harry Mudd?

briddie said...

It's great the way Eliot throws in some random information, like recognizing the accent of the bad guys. (Or being hauled away with questions about the monkey's whereabouts.) It's even better that it's not explained, although I'm still wondering about the wooden Indian in Bank Job.

For the DVD, another thing is closed-captioning. It's really frustrating that a lot of TV show DVDs don't have that.

David said...

Notes and Feedback:

Could you please write a couple sentences (or maybe even a whole post!) about taking and implementing notes from the network and how you have dealt with that through the run of the first season. What do you fight? What do you take? As an aspiring writer, taking feedback is always hard because you're not ever sure which differing opinion to trust or whether to listen to yourself. Any tips on how to weed out good vs. bad feedback and how NOT to be defensive/argumentative when getting feedback? Love to hear your knowledgeable opinion/approach.

Anonymous said...


Ok sorry for the screaming but I freakin love that song and want it out of my head and on my ipod. I have been searching for info on it anywhere and nada.

As for the DVD ...

All the behind the scene stuff you shot. - Dne.
A photo gallery from the show including the promo shots and the beaver drawing. - Done.
Commentaries - a given but I would not just limit to the regular actors but perhaps some of the former guest stars as well. In particular Mark Sheppard who is a very interesting person who can talk on many levels about the stuff and is always entertaining and can capture on audience just with his discussion. (If you need proff check the Medium episode he did a commentary for (Season 3 - I think). Also how about asking fans to supply commentaries. Do it high tech style, this would be an interest litle special thing that will get those who are included to buy a few extra copies. :)

How about a featureette featuring Apollo teaching the ladies the art of the lift.

Maybe an Age of the Geek featurette focusing on your high tech techs who enable Hardison's mad skills.

Show some love to the stunt people including Christain's skills. I know a few of those are out there but would like to see more.

The last thing is when will the DVD be released, rough time is fine. Just give us something else to look forward to besides the new season.


Anonymous said...

Since everyone and their mother keeps asking about the song from 12-Step, thought I'd chime in. Although I'm sure this info will appear in a future blog post by Rogers.

In the script, Chris Downey and I indicated our desire for a Pogues-slash-Flogging Molly type tune. Because purchasing source music (prerecorded songs from established artists) isn't in our budget, we left the task in the very capable hands of our talented composer Joe LoDuca. "Can't Go Home Again" is the song he created for us. At the moment, it's not available anywhere. Will let you know if/when that changes.

R.A. Porter said...

Thanks, Amy! If you get a chance, let Joe know that this fan thinks he did a great job on that. A really good song that totally fit the bill.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to second Michael Bourgnon's request: Commentaries by directors, producers, actors, etc can all be very interesting, but what I would love to see is commentaries by the characters. I understand the writers are gonna be busy writing season 2, so I don't see this as very likely (unless the actors ad-lib it), but it would be awesome.

Anonymous said...



OhShinyTomato said...

@ BERG: You have Joe LoDuca?! Damn, I didn't even realize that. And I'm an obsessive Xena fan, you would have thought I would notice his name in the credits or something haha. Ah, just another reason why this show is freaking great.

I'm so late as to commenting on this episode, but that's because I was so late in watching it due to real life getting in the way of my obsessive television watching xD But I actually just rewatched it to show a friend what I've been so obsessed over - which he approves of, by the way lol - anyway I remembered I have a lot of say about this episode, so expect a long comment. Then again, when aren't my comments really long? xD

I have to say that this is my favorite episode that has been done thus far. I'm a strong Nate-hater. But this episode made me finally feel for him and sympathize. I know exactly how it feels to withdraw like that as of late (attempting to change my life right now), and actually when I watched this episode for the first time like five days ago I was going through my own withdrawal bad, getting sick and stuff, so it really hit home.

This episode made me cry with how powerful Tim's acting was during those scenes. However, to be fair, it didn't seem like alcohol withdrawal to me. It seemed more like what I was going through, which is actually a "very serious" and addicting drug withdrawal. I give it second only to heroin. Though to also point out another fair point, I've never gone through alcohol withdrawal, and maybe it is like that for some people. Regardless, just the reality of that scene, maybe as just addictions as a whole, was nicely done. You made me cry, and that's hard to do haha.

I'm actually slightly aggravated at everyone's hurry to get Parker out of rehab. Not that I personally think she needs it, but it's difficult to get to that point where you say "I need help, I want to change," and she seemed to have gotten there, and no one really even cared. If she finds her stuff to be a problem, I think they should have supported her. But that's just my opinion.

The happy pills were ace though. Though also objectivly I didn't like Hardison's comment on "I kinda like THIS Parker." Kind of like saying her real self isn't good enough.

I have a lot of strong feelings about this episode, if you can't tell. Alot of it hits home, but that's what I like about this show so much.

Anyway, on to my question: Did you end up getting professionals opinions on the disorders/addictions touched on in this episode, or was it just written from research? I thought it was done very well, with more opinions found more likely from actual counselors than just from research, but I'm just curious.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff on 12 step! Loved the balance of light and heavy. Loved the guy that played Hurley! He felt like he was part of the team! Well done all around and congrats on season 2.

Anonymous said...

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obat kutil Kelamin No 1 said...

Salam Kenal Aja Gan

obat kutil Kelamin No 1 said...

Nama Obat sipilis Di Apotik, Jual Obat Sipilis Raja Singa Super, Obat untuk Gejala Sipilis, Obat Sipilis

salep kutil kelamin said...

ciri-ciri kutil kelamin dan obatnya, obat kutil kelamin yang ada di apotik, Obat kutil kelamin pria dan wanita, obat kutil kelamin yang super herbal manjur, obat untuk kutil kelamin perah dan herbal

Anonymous said...

Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Obat Penyakit kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek

Anonymous said...

Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.

Unknown said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di http://obatkutildikemaluan.blogdetik.com/ untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Unknown said...

cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami http://obatkutilkelaminwanita.blogdetik.com cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.

Unknown said...

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.

Unknown said...

Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu AmbeclearAmbeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

obar herbal manjur alami said...

MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******

Unknown said...

Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan

Unknown said...

MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********

Pengobatan Ambeien Wasir said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *************************

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************

Unknown said...

Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan

Unknown said...

Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ******************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...


Unknown said...


Reseller De Nature said...

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pengobatan herpes kelamin wanita
Obat herpes
Obat herpes kelamin
Obat herpes zoster
Obat wasir berdarah
Obat sipilis pada wanita
Obat kutil kelamin untuk ibu hamil
Obat wasir
Obat sipilis paling manjur
Obat kutil kelamin di apotik
Obat kutil kelamin wanita
obat sipilis denature indonesia
obat kutil kelamin
obat kutil kelamin
obat sipilis
Obat kutil kelamin untuk ibu hamil
Obat kutil kelamin resep dokter
Obat kutil kelamin malaysia
Obat kutil kelamin apotik
Obat kutil kelamin di anus
Obat kutil kelamin kaskus
Obat kutil kelamin dokter
Obat kutil kelamin mujarab
Obat wasir alami
Obat wasir berdarah
Obat wasir tradisional
Obat wasir ampuh
Obat wasir untuk ibu hamil
Obat wasir apotik
Obat wasir paling ampuh
Obat wasir ardium

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...


obar herbal manjur alami said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...


Obat Keputihan Herbal Alami said...


Unknown said...

manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur

obar herbal manjur alami said...

alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami

Anonymous said...

Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit

Anonymous said...

Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit

Anonymous said...

yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..

Anonymous said...

yang sangat mengganggu. Ambeien atau wasir ini muncul..

Pengobatan Ambeien Wasir said...

cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta cinta

Unknown said...

 Apabila menemukan ada daging atau seperti Kutil yang tumbuh di area kemaluan atau alat ...

Anonymous said...

Penyakit kulit adalah penyakit infeksi yang umum, terjadi pada orang orang dari segala usia. Gangguan pada kulit sering terjadi karena ada
faktor peyebabnya, Antara lain yaitu iklim, lingkungan, tempat tinggal,

obat kutil kelamin said...


섯다 said...

A very well article written . Keep up the good work!

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What a nice information, great article.

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