From the Blagojevich indictment (h/t Gawker). After you watch tonight's ep of Leverage ... you will marvel in our psychic powers. As our story editor Albert Kim just e-mailed me: "The cartoonishly corrupt governor of Illinois might as well be writing dialogue for us."
Which does hammer home something -- every crime we have a bad guy commit is based on a real, suited bad guy. It's not like we're out manufacturing wrong-doing, or even the excesses of these antagonists. We're just covering aspects of crime and corruption previously left unplumbed, as most crime shows on TV are busy with serial killers and rapists.
Of course they do so because that is a successful formula -- and their success can be explained by Harlan Ellison and Joseph Campbell. Which is the subject for another post.
Ripped from tomorrow's headlines!
The complaint suggests that Blagojevich was ticked off at Obama's team because they wouldn't compensate him for accepting their choice for the senate seat. "[Expletive] them."
I am just amazed that any of these guys are this stupid to talk like that on open phone line. If watching the Wire and living in Baltimore has taught me, NEVER talk on the phone about shady business. Som one is always listening.
I love it. I think Illinois is the only state which gives us in Louisiana a run for the money.
By the way, nice to see the people in the other district did the right thing and did not send William Jefferson back to Congress. Election night Jefferson just would not concede. Looked like he was in shock.
But I wonder what it says about the Republican party that we have the first Indian-American Governor and Vietnamese-American Congressman and both are Republicans? Lots to think about. At least it gives me a good point for the screenplay I am writing.
If you want to be a crooked Pol ( and who doesn't?) don't do it when you're under direct scrutiny from every news outlet and every law enforcement agency in the country. WAIT THE SIX GODDAMN WEEKS, YOU IDIOT!
Jesus! When will the kicking stop, daddy?
Now, before all this recent news coverage, I knew that Blagojevich loved money, but I what I've learned recently is how much he loves saying the word "fuck." Every single article or post that I've read quotes him as saying it. He apparently even called Obama a motherfucker.
I'm embarrassed for my state. Did you know that's it's been 16 years since we've had a governor that hasn't been indicted for something?
I am a particular fan of this delicious morsel (also from the FBI affadavit):
ROD BLAGOJEVICH said that the consultants ... are telling him that he has to "suck it up" for two years and do nothing and give this "motherfucker [the President-elect] his senator. Fuck him. For nothing? Fuck him."
Btw, thanks for some quality Chicago porn on Sunday night. You guys nailed all the essentials, from the weirdly filtered light to the appropriately meaty government employees. I could almost smell the Italian beef.
I read the PDF this morning. Rolled on the floor with laughter.
It's just as pal of mine said. Too many of these goons are former elementary schoolers who also ran for G.O. President.
I was going to leave a comment, but honestly, this s*** really does leave me speechless.
Somewhere Boss Tweed is smiling.
Here is a random thought, brought on by how stupid some powerful folk can be, with respect to comm sec, but can you imagine how intelligent the geek generation is going to be able this stuff?
I mean, seriously, between modernized spy genre, our love of all things science fiction and fantasy, the television shows, smartly written novels, and so forth, the geeks of today and tomorrow are gonna have better tradecraft than most sophomore operatives. It is gonna be freaky, yet cool, too.
It almost makes me wanna start my own clandestine service, just for the sheer fun of it. You know, like playing the assassination games when you were a college, or earlier if you were like some others I know.
Nicely done. I laughed out loud at the line when it hit, which made my wife give me a dirty look and jump the DVR back 10 seconds so she could hear it properly.
I solemnly pledge that I will make the live+3 deadline every week, come hell or high water.
So yesterday's show? Hot stuff. The riff on current affairs was entertaining. I just wish the world really did work that way - with superhero style do-gooders to sweep in and clean up a mess.
If this show keeps getting better, I'll be hooked for sure.
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I have heard many good things about this T.V. show Leverage. my friends can't miss any episode and they try to convince me to watch it, but I have my seconds thoughts. Maybe I will watch it tonight
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Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *************************
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
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Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************
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Assalamualaikum wr.wb, Salam Sehat semuanya. numpang komen ya gan.
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Apabila menemukan ada daging atau seperti Kutil yang tumbuh di area kemaluan atau alat ...
Apabila menemukan ada daging atau seperti Kutil yang tumbuh di area kemaluan atau alat ...
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