Weekend: We're shooting two six-day weeks. So the seventh day is the "weekend." Ordinarily this day involves sleeping in as much as possible. As I didn't want to pay $4.00 per sock to have my laundry done at the hotel, I instead load up my carry-on, Google "laundry" and set off down State St. in Chicago like a homeless person.
Later, we get together at Tavern on Rush and screen the new movie Saul Rubinek has directed -- it's pretty damn great, by the way, and I'll be discussing it more later. The Tavern takes damn fine care of us, and I cannot recommend it enough. I'm still exhausted at this point but there's food, and it's the first time since Gina hit that the cast has been able to get together and get to know each other without being spread all over the set. So we hang about for a few hours. I then beg off and go crash, leaving when the tequila hits the table. Or about an hour thereafter. It was very good tequila.
Day 7 Roll-in -- 5:45 am
Ah, the clock is reset -- thank you, "weekend", and we're back on the early calls. We're at the Hilton Hotel for a the whole day, doing four different scenes. The first where Saul Rubinek recruits our bleary-eyed drunken protagonist, Tim Hutton, see below --
-- shot on the dreaded circular track. There are also three flashback scenes -- Beth doing a bad pickup in a bar, Tim and Gina's "meet-cute" eight years ago involving guns, and then Aldis' flashback to the time he pretended to be the Rolling Stones -- the whole band -- and grifted the penthouse in a luxury hotel. Among other things. Once again, creative use of the entire hotel saves is the dreaded company move.
Tim and Saul are friends, which allows a certain level of trust in the scene. "Trust" meaning that they can feel free to fuck with each other enough to keep things interesting. Dean also has an interesting tool in his directing toolbox. Every now and then he'll ask an actor to give him a take where they play the subtext as text, and really try to surprise the other person in the scene. It is interesting that as writers we spend an inordinate amount of time trying to bury the emotional beats -- nobody in real life talks their subtext, etc. etc. --- but actors, when given full range to just say what the characters mean, often make that simple declaration far more interesting. It's like they can truly tee off on the moment. And since you should always shoot in singles (coverage is your friend, people) you can mix and match reactions.
At one point, Saul is nice enough to turn to me and say "Do you mind if I change this line?" Jesus. I know all writers are different, but as long as the actors land in the same zip code as the line, I'm perfectly happy if it brings out a genuine performance. This is a tricky transition for some writers. You spend hours parsing rhythms just so, and sometimes you really need the scene "as is" in order for it to get all the jobs done you need covered in that it of screen real estate. However, to be blunt, if your priority is your precious words, then become a novelist. The interpretive nature of scripted performance is a blessing and a curse. For me at least, an actor finding the one thing I never would have come up with in a million years greatly. outweighs the occasional "Never quite got that the way it is in my head" factor.
This is part of accepting that the script is not the movie. Hell, even the shot footage is not the movie. Only the final edited version is the movie. At some point during the week Saul tells me something Tom Hanks said. This is from memory, but the gist is: "You have to make a good movie three times. You need to write a good script. Then you need to shoot good performances. Then you need a good edit. You need all three. If any one of those three things fails, then the movie's not good."
Everything goes according to plan, including the day player getting his finger snapped, the squibs for the shootout, and the "party girls" dressed like Princess Leia. Not the most technically difficult day of shooting, but it did lead to the following exchange on the phone.
Tyrone: Princess Leia outfits? Sure, had to have a bunch of white girls --
John: Yes. Actually, we had one black girl who was very funny --
Tyrone: WHAT?
John: ... we, um, had a black Princess Leia.
Tyrone: Did you get a picture?
John: You know, one of the things they teach you at showrunner school is "Don't take pictures of the day players."
Tyrone: A gorgeous black woman in the Princess Leia outfit is the holy grail for black geeks.
John: Yes, that's the entire point of my television career. Introducing obscure fetishes to minority groups so that they, too, can become as emotionally stunted as the white geek population. Wait until my three episode arc on Hispanic furries.
Roll-in -- 11:00 pm
On Day 8, I confront my greatest fear and Chris Kane kicks four guys' asses.
"Wait until my three episode arc on Hispanic furries."
Genius! Seriously, you and Tyrone need to do podcasts. God knows you'll have plenty of free time now.
Latino furries, dammit! Show some sensitivity to the terminology preferred by the oppressed group.
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bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
real drunken boys -
real drunken girls -
real squirt -
sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex on hawaii -
shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
real fucking couples -
2 dicks in 1 chick -
aimee sweet -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
american day dreams -
amys world -
anetta keys -
ann angel -
annie berry -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
asian stud -
ass fillers -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
bang me boys -
barely twinks -
bath house bang -
bear fur -
bet on lesbian sex -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
real drunken boys -
real drunken girls -
real squirt -
sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex on hawaii -
shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
real orgasms -
2 dicks in 1 chick -
aimee sweet -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
american day dreams -
amys world -
anetta keys -
ann angel -
annie berry -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
asian stud -
ass fillers -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
bang me boys -
barely twinks -
bath house bang -
bear fur -
bet on lesbian sex -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
real drunken boys -
real drunken girls -
real squirt -
sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex on hawaii -
shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
my sex tour -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
street ranger -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
taylor bow -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
tinys black adventures -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
water bondage -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
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hot movies -
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hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
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real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
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she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
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ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
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felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
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Wasir atau ambeien adalah penyakit yang terjadi pada bagian anus, jenis wasir atau ambeien sendiri ada dua yaitu wasir atau ambeien dalam dan wasir atau ambeien luar. Dalam penangananya sendiri wasir atau ambeien dapat disembuhkan dengan dua jalan yaitu pengobatan medis dan pengobatan non medis atau pengobatan alternatif. Pengobatan alternatif disini salah satu pilihanya adalah dengan menggunakan tanaman herbal atau dengan ramuan tradisional. Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa adalah hasil pengolahan tanaman herbal daun ungu, kunyit putih, dan mahkota dewa yang telah terbukti ampuh mengatasi wasir atau ambeien baik wasir stadium satu, stadium dua, stadium tiga maupun stadium akhir atau stadium empat. Wasir berdarah, wasir yang telah kronis, semua dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan obat ini selain ampuh obat ini juga aman dan tidak menimbulkan efek samping apapun bagi penggunanya sehingga obat ambeclear ini aman dikonsumsi oleh penderita wasir yang sedang hamil maupun menyusui.
cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami http://obatkutilkelaminwanita.blogdetik.com cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******
Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *************************
Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas
Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************
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