Friday, November 09, 2007

The Albatross

And I like libertarians. But c'mon people.

Someone linked to this silliness at Biz of Showbiz. in the comments. It recycles the usual "Writers make 200 G a year" crap, along with taking the spiffy new angle that this is about powerful, wealthy writers attempting to strangle the free market in order to avoid competition.

The good, high quality writers will always get their due, and good upcoming writers need the freedom to be able to break into the industry without having the union albatross hung around their knecks.

Whether there's a writers union or not will have no impact on the industry or writers; that's what they need to learn. Writers are needed, that's known. What also needs to be known is the industry overall would benefit, as well as the writers, from an open, and free market where everybody can compete. That will only strengthen the product they offer.
I've noticed several similar comments in a few posts, along with the usual suspects over at Megan McArdle's place at The Atlantic blogs.

First off, good writers can always get their first jobs non-union. It's called the Taft-Hartley Act, sparky, and it's utilized so often that the phrase is used as a verb in Hollywood. ("We'll just Taft-Hartley your first script.")

Now to the main beef:

Listen, before you spout off the usual "The free market will out" along with "Hey, I'm smart enough to negotiate my own contracts, why aren't you?" with a side order of "just go somewhere else if you don't like it", you need to understand some things. If you don't, then every argument you make is without merit. Period. It's like trying to discuss the Middle East without the fundamental understanding of the difference between Shia and Sunni.

There is no free market in Hollywood. In television for example, with the dissolution of "finsyn" rules in 1995 almost every independent producer has been either absorbed into one of the big media companies or dissolved. We've gone from 40 producers in television to the big Six.

Six. Six companies control almost all mass media in America. They control all, and I mean all, the standard distribution channels in America. They are also negotiating as a single entity, the AMPTP. If you've read your Adam Smith, you know that this is actually one of the situations he notes in Wealth of Nations which will indeed break the fingers of the invisible hand.

(Now, as noted on this blog, the rise of the internet as a distribution channel will indeed change things ... over the course of the next ten to twenty years or so.)

This is where I'm always amused at libertarians, because they so love markets but never seem to understand how business actually works. If you, my fine libertarian friend, decide to forego the union and negotiate your own contract vis a vis residuals (or pretty much anything else), you will find that unless you are one of the maybe eight out of 12,0000 most famous and profitable writers in Hollywood, you will get exactly the same deal from each studio, or slightly worse. Because what possible motivation would they have to share their profits, relative to each of the other five competitors? That's just common sense.

Asking why writers don't just go start a new United Artists instead of negotiating for a fair residual on new media is like asking why autoworkers, if unhappy with their current contracts, don't just go start their own car companies. Sure, some of us are actually trying -- did anybody notice, in my posts on the pilot, any mention of a studio? -- but what the hell are the rank and file writer supposed to do in the meantime? And how does the remote possibility this could be done in any way justify the AMPTP's position, that they will reuse our material for free for the foreseeable future? And AGAIN, people, try to be clear on this -- we have intellectual property rights on this material. If you believe authors and songwriters should get royalties, then you believe screenwriters should get residuals. Period.

You will also, theoretical libertarian free agent, have given up most of the protections afforded by the Guild, including the protection of making sure you actually get whatever deal you may have negotiated. As John Bowman noted, we are one of the only industries in which corrupt accounting is so common, we actually have the term "monkey points."

I've seen a bunch of people arguing "well, that's what litigation is for." Yes, what a spiffy world that would be. Each individual writer against the legal departments of billion dollar multinational corporations. Enjoy waiting ten years for your check, assuming you win. Even with the Guilds in place, people still have to litigate all the time. Peter Jackson had to sue for his share of the back end, because New Line tried to stiff him on FELLOWSHIP OF THE FRIKKIN' RING -- $870,000,00 worldwide, DVD unknown.

That. Shit. Happens. All. The. Time.

Oh, and try getting a hold of those DVD numbers. They are so infamously untraceable they're a standing joke among writers and even producers.

Once again, real world business experience vs. libertarianism -- RLWB 2, LIBS 0.

Let me tell you a story, leaving most of the juicy bits/names out. I recently worked on a very large movie. When the time came to arbitrate the credits, long after the movie was written, shot and cut, one of the producers claimed a writing credit based on an outline that neither I nor any of the other writers had ever read. (PS. Not Don Murphy. Don is cool.)

Now remember -- and this is important for the story -- credit arbitration is largely dependent upon how similar your written contribution is to the movie as filmed and released.

During the arbitration process I, being a nice guy, was willing to accept that maybe the studio screwed up. Maybe they had the outline before ay of us started work, but didn't show it to the writers. If so, I firmly believed the outline should still be considered by the arbitration committee. Whatever the committee thought fair, I'd live with.

"When did the studio buy the outline? When did it enter into the chain of materials?" I asked, trying to nail down a timeline. And remember, this was about two years after I'd written my draft, as first writer on.

Pause. "The studio is in the process of acquiring it now."

I cleared my throat. "So the question is, should you give away a writing credit -- and therefore a chunk of my income -- based on an outline that nobody's ever even seen, that only now is being purchased by the studio after the movie is cut, submitted by one of the only people who's viewed the final cut of the film as it is to be released."

"... yes."

That. Shit. Happens. All. The. Time.

Only the Guild-mandated arbitration process gave me any recourse short of litigation of dealing with this. And in the days before that arbitration process was established -- through the Guild's struggle with the studios -- they wouldn't have even had endure the pretense of submitting the outline.

You know what I felt, as a "young writer" when the "union albatross" was slipped around my neck? I remember, indeed, my first horrified thought. "Wow, a living wage!", followed immediately by "Now I can get my loved ones better health insurance." Years later, as a successful writer, that albatross was the only thing keeping much more powerful, connected humans from taking some of my .3% DVD residual above and beyond what they were already making.

Listen, I get it. You love free markets. So do I. I just know that they weren't designed by Jesus. They're not perfect, and sometimes you need a union not out of any high moral stance, but just to maintain fair business practices.

To paraphrase a previous post -- I live with the tiger, I love it, but I respect its teeth and instincts. Stop asking why I don't just pet the kitty.


Anonymous said...

At least libertarians are coming at this from a philosophical standpoint, dumb as it is. There's an entire segment of society that doesn't support the strike because TV shows these days aren't as good as M*A*S*H was before Trapper left.

nick said...

Borehole, wouldn't a philosophical standpoint have some internal consistency?

Unions operate as part of a free market. People have chosen to create and join the union. With their freedom.

So, the libertarians are for free markets except when they arent. I get it.

Go writers. Stand tough. I will have to do without The Office for a while, but in the end what you're doing is important. Very, very important.

Unknown said...

Fantastic post. In fact, this entry should be linked and relinked across the net to help explain to everyone exactly what's going on. Most people haven't a clue, and the media coverage is very lacking from what I've seen so far.

Again, thanks for keeping the air clear...

Noah Brand said...

I find that if you scratch libertarian philosophy, you always find that they don't want a fair system, they want a system that's unfair in what they perceive to be their favor.

Even when you can get one to admit that libertarianism inevitably leads to brutal economic feudalism, they smugly tell you that's how markets are supposed to work, because deep down they believe that when 95% of the world is peasants supporting a few privileged types, they'll be one of the ones on top.

There's actually a name for this: it's called the Renaissance Faire Fallacy.

Whaledawg said...

And AGAIN, people, try to be clear on this -- we have intellectual property rights on this material.

Actually, you don't. Which is the real root of the problem, not the fact that 6 studios run the business. And if you explained the real problem to libertarians instead of crying monopoly they'd be on your side(in spite of the knee jerk anti-union reaction).

The problem is that in America if someone pays you to create a work of art they assume authorship rights. Not, you can sell them authorship rights, you have to.

You don't pay a playright to write a play, you pay him for the rights to perform it. You don't pay an author to write a novel, you forward him an advance against what you'll pay him in your per volume publishing fee.

However a script is different, the guy paying you owns it entirely. Otherwise you would never let them change your script or bring on new writers. Otherwise they would have to get your permission to release it in other formats.

If you were still considered the author in a legal sense you wouldn't have to strike for more money on residuals, you would have the power to stop them from using your work. And if AMPTA wanted to destroy the union immediately they would change the law so that you retained ownership, thereby making representation by a union illegal. But they know that this situation works better for them than that one.

The problem is not a monopoly, it's the law. And when you make arguments like:

Because what possible motivation would they have to share their profits, relative to each of the other five competitors?

You make yourself look like you don't know what you're talking about. What motivation do they have to pay you over a million dollars for a mediocre script that they have to rewrite 15 times just to make a crappy action movie(I'm looking at you, The Island)? Because they think they can make money on it and other studios also want it. To argue that a script people want to make can't be leveraged to increase residuals but can be leveraged in increase the upfront fee is rediculous.

Also when you say:

Once again, real world business experience vs. libertarianism -- RLWB 2, LIBS 0.

You just seem snarky, not smart or correct. I mean, you gave yourself points and then threw the score in their face, think about that for a second.

kkisser said...

I realized not too long ago that libertarians are like hippies, in that both want to drop out of society. The difference is, hippies are OK with living in a yurt and eating twigs and berries whereas libertarians still want to drive their Hummers and buy leather couches. They act as if roads, bridges, and film distribution networks are natural resources that they can exploit without having to preform any upkeep and look at you cross eyed when you try to explain, slowly, how this is freekin retarded, that the conveniences of the 21st century are built on a social contract that takes some form of collectivism as a given in orde to make things run.

Reverend Peter Sears said...

I'm a little bit surprised that someone hasn't taken it into their heads to burn the whole damn town down.

I don't see how you keep from doing it. I think i would have gone completely HELTER SKELTER on them bitches if "Global Frequency" had been my baby.

The problem that you guys are going to face is in the long run of this strike.

In every single strike that i've ever witnessed, in the begining, public sentiment always favors the union. Every person has worked for some scumbag at some point in their life, and they can empathize with people receiving a raw deal.

But as a strike wears on and it begins to inconvienience the American public. (Not HURT or INJURE mind you, just bother...) Sentiment turns away from strikers. Internet jerk-offs won't have new episodes of "Heroes" to obsessively analyze and rip to pieces on their website/penis substitutes. And this will be aggravated by the big media trying to spin you all as a bunch of commie/islamofascists for squeezing the life out of their poor innocent companies.

Bring on the the fourth wave sez I.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that in America if someone pays you to create a work of art they assume authorship rights. Not, you can sell them authorship rights, you have to.

Whaledawg, I don't have the detailed knowledge of intellectual property law that you are implicity claiming by making such a bold statement. However, I have every confidence that someone who actually works in the industry and, thus, lives with these issues everyday will come along and (metaphorically) give you the spanking you just earned.

I've been reading Mr. Rogers' blog for 18 months and have gone back to it's beginnings and read the whole thing from the start. I have never seen him make the type of mistake that you are accusing him of. For you to be right, it would mean that he had made a statement that was patently false, yet breathtakingly easy to factcheck. About industry standards that he's been living with for over a decade. And that he would have written such a bold lie on a blog that is regularly read by many other people in the entertainment industry.

Put on top of that, to believe you, I have to believe that the Big Six studios are paying residuals,(royalties essentially) on something that they own all the intellectual property rights for. I have to believe this of people in an industry so famous for it's willingness to use corrupt accounting practices that they say, with a strait face, that Forrest Gump and Fellowship of the Ring, didn't make a profit. If these companies had the property rights that you say they did, they'd never pay a penny of residuals. Ever.

Sorry bud, but I know what reason tells me and it's not to beieve you. Try not to cut yourself shaving with Occam's razor next time.

Whaledawg said...

David Hunt:Whaledawg, I don't have the detailed knowledge of intellectual property law that you are implicity claiming by making such a bold statement.

Most WGA screenwriters are very aware that we do not retain copyright on our scripts. When we sell them to the companies, we do so on a work for hire basis. What that means is that we agree to provide our literary material to the company as an employee, and the company becomes the legal author of the script.

From The Artful Writer. Granted I was very loose with the terms authorship, ownership and copyright(which I didn't use and should have). But the gist is the same.

David Hunt:For you to be right, it would mean that he had made a statement that was patently false, yet breathtakingly easy to factcheck. About industry standards that he's been living with for over a decade. And that he would have written such a bold lie on a blog that is regularly read by many other people in the entertainment industry.

I don't know why you would assume malice in what he said. It's perfectly reasonable for 2 people to have access to exactly the same facts and come to different conclusions, no one has to be evil or stupid for that to happen. Every human being has their own set of predefined beliefs.

David Hunt:Put on top of that, to believe you, I have to believe that the Big Six studios are paying residuals,(royalties essentially) on something that they own all the intellectual property rights for.

They're doing it because it's in the union contract. The union put it in the contract to make up for the fact that the authors don't hold copyright. I don't see what's confusing you.

David Hunt:Try not to cut yourself shaving with Occam's razor next time.

I don't know what that means.

Jeff Lipton said...

I like libertarians.

Why? I've met exactly one (1!) that wasn't just a selfish jerk.

Take this:
However a script is different, the guy paying you owns it entirely. Otherwise you would never let them change your script or bring on new writers. Otherwise they would have to get your permission to release it in other formats.

Right. So after Mel Brooks sold The Producers or Young Frankenstein, he no longer owned either, and what is on Broadway is a figment of your imagination.

Moreover, the writer's contract is for some money up front (more for established writers, none for n00bs, and the rest based on performance ("residuals"). The studios want to reneg on the (teeny) percent of PROFITS that the writers are asking for.


Unknown said...

However a script is different, the guy paying you owns it entirely. Otherwise you would never
let them change your script or bring on new writers. Otherwise they would have to get your permission to release it in other formats.

If you were still considered the author in a legal sense you wouldn't have to strike for more money on residuals, you would have the power to stop them from using your work. And if AMPTA wanted to destroy the union immediately they would change the law so that you retained ownership, thereby making representation by a union illegal. But they know that this situation works better for them than that one.

And then you quote Artful Writer. Leaving out the pages and pages of Craig explaining how, even though we work under work-for-hire, residuals are a payment for reuse of authorship. Wow.

While you're quoting the letter of the law, I'm explaining what the law means. We're both shorthanding. Yes, we give up authorship of the work, allowing the producers the ownership necessary to allow the market to function efficiently -- but only in trade for residuals. Residuals are the price they pay to use our authorship UNDER THE CONTRACT. It is, to wit, an implicit admission that we're both fucking with how copyright law works. If they hadn't granted residuals, we wouldn't work under work-for-hire. If we stopped doing work-for-hire, yes, then we could stop them from changing the script, but it would also grind the entire industry to a halt.

So although much like you I'm shorthanding, I'm shorthanding to get to the spirit of the thing. But while you keep dismissively saying "Well, the studios pay residuals on material they own just because it's in the contract" you're rather completely missing the entire point and scope of said contract. BOTH SIDES are bound by the contract, and not just because the AMPTP feels like they owe us something. The second they stop honoring that contract (and our implied intellectual rights compensated with residuals) is the second we stop doing work-for-hire everything crashes down. Which is, actually, kind of whats happened.

So unless we want to completely derail the industry and effectively put EVERYBODY out of work until a new model emerges, we have to negotiate within the boundaries of a contract situation, which means, unfortunately, a strike when the other side refuses to negotiate.

It's almost as if the current model evolved under decades of a highly competitive and generally efficient market, with the odd "fuck you" thrown in just to be interesting.

You make yourself look like you don't know what you're talking about. What motivation do they have to pay you over a million dollars for a mediocre script that they have to rewrite 15 times just to make a crappy action movie(I'm looking at you, The Island)? Because they think they can make money on it and other studios also want it. To argue that a script people want to make can't be leveraged to increase residuals but can be leveraged in increase the upfront fee is ridiculous.

Here are the real world reasons your lovely Econ 101 business model doesn't apply to the actual industry you're describing.


In theory you can do this with a hot spec script -- that is, a script that is a complete text that can be (roughly) appraised within the value of the marketplace. In this case studios will pony up enormous amounts of up-front money, but will almost never, ever, ever change the residual deal. You may get monkey points, amusing your agents and the studio greatly.

Why has this situation occurred? Because, being very smart companies, the studios know that an extra 100K or three compared to even a half a point of the back-end is peanuts on an even moderately successful project. The risk/reward ration on coughing up upfront money makes far more sense -- or, for you libertarians, is a far more rational choice -- then the risk/reward ratio for changing back end points. Hence, they will make one deal but will not make the other, no matter how ridiculous that situation may seem to you.

To use an example -- if Paramount/Dreamworks DOUBLED my upfront fee on the script, that would still be cheaper than granting me an extra .2% back end on the TRANSFORMERS script -- that's one fifth of one percent.

And let's not even get into what the definition of a moderately successful project is.

This is why the strike is about residuals, by the way, and not up-front money. That's the Hollywood Econ 101 lesson. And probably a good bonus lesson in assuming that the argument of someone who's worked in an industry for twenty year is ridiculous.


But wait, there's more. Let's take this one step farther. Now if Hollywood waited around, with a regular film and television production schedule to feed, for nothing but spec scripts, the industry would melt down. Not to mention, television just wouldn't work. So you have to hire writers based on to a great degree their reputation as a past or potential performance. You are hiring writers to produce scripts that have an as of yet unknowable fair market value, and you need lots and lots of them to feed the beast. The studios, of course, don't want to pay the full POSSIBLE value of the script up front, because you never know if you're getting SEINFELD or EMILY'S REASONS WHY NOT. The writers, on the other hand, would not be rational marketplace participants if they sign over rights of their work for less than their full market value. If only there were some way to establish a minimum payment, and then make the residual payment later depending on what full market value turned out to ...


This is one of the reasons that fact there are only six production companies is relevant. In the old days, writers could cut occasionally cut a separate deal with producers depending on personal relationships, past performance, etc. The distribution arm could give a shit, and only had to keep the accounting fairly honest. With only six companies, and the accompanying corporate structures they inhabit, you're essentially Joe Shmoe --and the most famous, influential writers are at best Mr. Shmoe -- trying to change an entire legal department idea on fair residuals, not to mention convince them that their bosses won't kick their asses for giving you a better deal than everybody else -- because in Hollywood corporate structure, the worse you fuck your opponent, the better an agent/lawyer you are assumed to be. Whether it's good business or not is often secondary.

You cannot have these discussions in a meaningful way without taking into account the real-world business history, traditions, and particularly corporate culture at the studios.

And I didn't give myself point. I gave Real World Business the points. I didn't make the rules, or the situations Hollywood works under -- and it that real-world facts-on-the-ground business context that kicks libertarians' "wouldnt it be nice" asses, not me.

Matthew E said...

I have to say I don't get this whole libertarian thing. I mean, I'm sort of a libertarian--I don't claim the label, but I had a prolonged Ayn Rand phase that I allowed to recede into the background without actually repudiating. (And I do try my best not to be a selfish jerk.)

But, as a libertarian, to the extent that I am one, I don't see what the problem is with unions, with collective bargaining, or with the WGA's position here. Seems perfectly reasonable and straightforward to me. And not, I don't know, anticapitalistic or whatever.

NBarnes said...

whaledawg: That's your cue to bow politely and exit the area, having been, as they say in China, schooled.

Anonymous said...

I've produced, written and directed a couple dozen "feature-ettes" and mini documentaries for DVDs. My union, the WGA, told me that those works would not be considered towards my earnings for P & W, etc. WTF?

So, after not making the minimum, despite working constantly, I wasn't a member anymore. I'm still pissed ab out this, and wonder what the Guild was thinking.

So, I'm supporting the strike, but I'm still pissed at such short-sightedness. And NOW the Guild thinks "new media" counts?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this helps at all, but I signed the petition at:

and i just wanted to let people know it was there in case it is of any value whatsoever.

And I really hope that it will not turn out to be true that public support will turn against the striking union if the pause in production lasts too long. It is issues and situations such as this that is the reason unions were formed in the first place. We need...yes, NEED protections for the workers because they do not individually have the financial resources to make big businesses act in an ethical manner. And history has proven over and over again that big businesses will not do so voluntarily. They need to be forced and held accountable legally.

I wish you and all the rest of the writers the very best of luck. And if there is anything at all that the general public can do to help, maybe you could say so in your blog. Because I know that there are many of us who would very much like to give you support in a meaningful way.

Ken Lowery said...

Jesus. When Rogers shames you, your fucking ancestors feel it.

Geoff Thorne said...

I have said it before and I will again.

Comedians should not be trifled with in games of insult. SMART comedians, like the Monkey King should be handled with kid gloves as they don't really make the big iron ones with the spikes on the knuckles anymore.

Anonymous said...

Libertarians seem like the first ones to say "let the market decide," and also the first ones to run to the government with "my kid's toy has lead in it."

The "free" market needs controls because it's not an abstract structure, it's run by people with human motivations.

This post, bringing out the concepts of what happens in the real world, is right on.

Unfortunately, for the strike, the guild itself is often failing on telling its story to the masses and the producers are using the "greedy writers" line as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

I shake my head in wonder at these stories. My industry is Silicon Valley. Developers/engineers in a startup will typically get stock options instead of residuals, but it's more or less the same economic relationship as writers for a new TV show. Yes, they company will own all my work, and for that I get a stake in the company. Typical for an early signer who isn't a manager, is .1% of equity. Of course, you might get diluted by further rounds of funding.

However, creative accounting doesn't enter into it. I perceive that this is because there is, in fact, lots of companies competing for my work, and new startups are formed all the time.

I know a libertarian that I actually like, and I would never call him selfish, but he doesn't seem to understand that a market dominated by a monopoly (or in your case a sextopoly?) is not a free market.

Doc Nebula said...

Libertarianism 101: Give any man/woman a 10,000 acre ranch in the mountains somewhere (maybe Mars, or Procyon IV, yeah, that would be excellent), a working fusion generator, a functional force field generator, and one of those molecular re-arranger things that turns empty tin cans into t-bone steak (or, y'know, just gold coins, that's fine, too, because of course there's going to be a free market where gold is incredibly valuable, oh yes we're sure that's how it will work) and then EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT.

Well, maybe you'd want just a few cobalt warhead tipped missiles, just in case one of your neighbors on an adjoining continent/asteroid/planet gets uppity. But that's a LAST RESORT, buddy. Just don't mess with anyone, and you'll be okay.

Now here's Corporatism 101: Your 'fusion' reactor needs new power cells every six months and there are only five companies that sell them and, oddly, all of their prices are within a percentage point of each other. Your force field projector and matter re-arranger all run off the fusion reactor, so, you know, see you every six months. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Union 101: If you want to design fusion reactor power cells in THIS town, you need to join the union. We'll get you higher wages, better benefits, and a guaranteed higher royalty on every power cell you design, assuming, of course, that your dues are paid up and you've made enough power cells in the last quarterly period to continue to qualify for benefits.

In the end, corporations of all kinds suck hard, libertarians are infants, and unions are most likely the lesser of many, many real world evils. That doesn't make unions cool by any means, and strikes pretty much always end up hurting everyone involved, and, unfortunately, the corporations one is striking against end up being the ones hurt the least -- but if you can't hurt these guys at least a little bit every once in a while, well, you never ever get any ice cream.

And life without ice cream is a bummer, man.

Reverend Peter Sears said...

Libertarianism is anarchy for rich people

Doc Nebula said...

Sorry, forgot to subscribe to the thread, so I'm just dropping back in to do so. As you were.

Anonymous said...

John: That has to be the THE finest thing you've written here yet. Just brilliant. Thank you!

John Seavey said...

I've always wondered about the intelligence level of people who say, "Leave it to the free market!" My answer always is, "If that worked, we would never have wound up with unions and labor laws in the first place."

Or, to quote my general mantra about conservatives, "A conservative is someone who believes that a human being is dangerous and untrustworthy, but a company run by human beings is saintly and needs no oversight whatsoever."

Anonymous said...

I support everyone's right to work. But when you tell someone else they're not allowed to work -- especially when they choose not to join your club -- I will never support that.

Anonymous said...

the bunnyman: -- but if you can't hurt these guys at least a little bit every once in a while, well, you never ever get any ice cream.

And life without ice cream is a bummer, man.

The ice cream, like the cake, is a lie.


Patrick J. Rodio said...


Good post, by the way. said...

I like the story of the tiger.
It explains a lot about today's situation.
Making money and fucking the others is a process that brings you to the point where you won't make any money any more.
Because for making a good business it needs two: the one who produces and the one who consumes.
But the one who consumes also has the need to make the money to consume the stuff of the one who produces...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this. I $#@! online libertarians. The real world Libertarian Party folks aren't very different. One local lib who keeps running for office is a retired engineer from a defense contractor. He made his living working on government projects, paid for by taxpayer dollars, to create technologies for conducting war.

Andrew Bellware said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Richard said...

First, Ayn Rand is NOT a Libertarian. She rejects them entirely, even though two of their founding members were her students. Those two, and most Libertarians, took her notion of Freedom without the proper understanding of the ideas and logic that underpin it.

One would think that a writer would read well enough to grasp the difference between Rand and Libertarians. Given the number of articles and books written about her ideas, based on an incorrect understanding of them, apparently a very great many writers do not read very effectively.

Second, in a proper free market, contracts would be upheld by the courts. America's founding fathers tried to set that up, but the American academics in Law produced practitioners who misconstrued honesty, integrity and justice in thousands of different ways.

Third, a Union of writers would be just fine provided there are no laws to give the Union the coercive power all Unions now have.

The upshot is that you are advocating more of the same wrongdoing without properly expressing why it, and the factors that make it necessary, are all wrong and un-American.

America, as originally intended, is sliding to Hell in a Handbasket. Ayn Rand sought to save it, but too many American minds are already too confused or dishonest to grasp what she grasped so clearly.

Writers ought to be foremost among Americans in understanding philosophically what they write. Free speech is not an automatic thing any more than freedom is taken to be by Libertarians. Whether Ben Franklin said it or not, the point is a good one: "It's a Republic, if you can keep it." Writers ought to be a part of keeping it!

If you advocate ideas that undermine individual freedoms, someone is bound to accept the same faulty premise and one day use it against you!

Anonymous said...

Ayn Rand is NOT a Libertarian

Riiiiiight. Know who else is constantly rehabilitated by his disciples saying that he was not connected with what became the Communist Parites of the Soviet Union and China? Karl Marx. Marx and Rand, two misunderstood geniuses.

It's this kind of Utopianism ("if only we could follow true purity this time then everything would be perfect") that this article argues against.

Ken Lowery said...

Third, a Union of writers would be just fine provided there are no laws to give the Union the coercive power all Unions now have.

You're not actually.. paying attention at all, are you?

What would you define as "coercive power"? The ability to actually stand toe to toe with the studios when the situation is untenable? Are they "more American" if the unions are simply powerless to do anything for its members? What, precisely, would then be the point of a union?

It's ironic that you talk at length about reading comprehension and somehow missed this oft-repeated point, but here we go again: If writers could work without having to be part of the union, studios would never again hire anyone who was part of the union. Hence, the union disbands, and writers are now back to fending for themselves, individually, against corporations that do far more than simply "fend for themselves." We're right back to the catastrophically uneven playing field.

And then, of course, a union would arise.

The America you talk about (but never actually elaborate on) is nice and Utopian, but we're not dealing with a world one person wrote in some books awhile ago. We're talking about the one we actually live in. When you care to join the rest of us in what I like to call "actual reality," come on back.

Anonymous said...

And who are you to tell me I'm not "allowed" to work?

You do not own me.

Ken Lowery said...

No one "owns" you, Anonymous. But if you get the benefits of a union you also must give to it, as well. You reap the rewards, you pay the price. This is how things are done in the adult world.

Seriously, Rogers, it sounds like you may have to do a Union 101 class or something. These are not difficult concepts to grasp.

Matthew E said...

Well, Rand actually wasn't a libertarian. I can't help it; she wasn't. But that's not the point. My point, at least is this: what exactly is it about the WGA's position that's so incompatible with either Objectivism or libertarianism? Because I can't think of a thing.

Anonymous said...

"But if you get the benefits of a union you also must give to it, as well."

Let me guess: You'll claim I 'get the benefits' even if I don't join the union, and so they still have the lawful authority to prevent me from working if I choose to?

Ken Lowery said...

Let me guess: You'll claim I 'get the benefits' even if I don't join the union, and so they still have the lawful authority to prevent me from working if I choose to?



Nope, they won't accept that. But thanks for anticipating my next move.

I could say why this thinking is stupid, but ugh. I already have. Just read the post above my response to you. You may not like that to work you must sign up with the union and give away some of your "freedom," but it beats the alternative, which is where everyone (and I mean everyone, because believe it or not you're part of the mob) gets repeatedly raped in the ass and mouth by acid-soaked bears. Metaphorically speaking.

Antid Oto said...

And who are you to tell me I'm not "allowed" to work?

You do not own me.

The control isn't over you, it's over the studio. The union tells the studio, "Fine, you can hire nonunion people. You just can't also hire any of us." And the studio tells you to take a hike because the writers who do belong to the union are more important to it than you are. You're welcome to work wherever you can, but no one's obligated to hire you and no one's obligated to work alongside you.

Andrew Bellware said...

I dunno if I really wanna get involved in this but: technically the union cannot force you to join. They don't employ you. The employer cannot force you to become a member of any labor union either, as that would be illegal under the Taft Hartley Act. And in a "Right to Work" state that's all there is to it.

However in, say, California the employer CAN require that you pay the "financial core" of union dues to a union in order to be employed by the employer. Typically this requirement is part of the contract which the employer has negotiated with the union.

Ugh. No, I really don't want to get involved... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Libertarians object to unions because they're so un-PC. Columnist Walter Williams, for example, once wrote that unions by definition give their members higher wages than those members deserve--because if they deserved more wages, their employers would already be paying that.

Barry DeCicco said...


"Second, in a proper free market, contracts would be upheld by the courts. America's founding fathers tried to set that up, but the American academics in Law produced practitioners who misconstrued honesty, integrity and justice in thousands of different ways."

Yes, if it weren't for those d*mn professors, we'd have Utopia.

Curse those academics, who wield overwhelming power!

gwangung said...

Libertarians object to unions because they're so un-PC. Columnist Walter Williams, for example, once wrote that unions by definition give their members higher wages than those members deserve--because if they deserved more wages, their employers would already be paying that.


That makes absolutely no sense, as it's pretty contra-factual, both in a historical sense and in a theoretical sense.

Anonymous said...

Libertarians don't want less government, they want exactly the amount of government that would personally benefit them, no more, and not one iota less. If they own and carry a gun, they don't want cops. If they don't, then cops are OK, but they shouldn't write speeding tickets, unless they've been rear-ended by a speeder. And so on.

Milaka Falk said...

Wonderful, comprehensive explanation of the sh*t that happens all the time. I, being a regular ole TV fan (but one who supports the writer 100%), had absolutely no idea that that kind of sh*t was going on. I'm appalled. Again. The more I learn about this aspect of the industry, the more I'm glad I chose to stay out of it. (I have a degree in film and ultimately chose to stay at home and raise my kids.)

Keep educating us! I hope you don't mind if I link to this post from my blog.

Anonymous said...

Libertarians object to unions because they're so un-PC. Columnist Walter Williams, for example, once wrote that unions by definition give their members higher wages than those members deserve--because if they deserved more wages, their employers would already be paying that

Because if it's one thing that business owners are renowned for, it's spending money on wages when they don't have to.

Anonymous said...

You may not like that to work you must sign up with the union and give away some of your "freedom," but it beats the alternative, which is where everyone (and I mean everyone, because believe it or not you're part of the mob) gets repeatedly raped in the ass and mouth by acid-soaked bears.

But see you're TAKING AWAY MY FREEDOM to get raped by acidic bear-cocks!

When will liberals stop violating my freedom to be violated?!

Anonymous said...

An earlier commenter wrote: 'I've always wondered about the intelligence level of people who say, "Leave it to the free market!" My answer always is,...'

My answer is slightly different. It's "You think free markets just happen by themselves? They don't. You have to make them happen."

Adam Smith noted several necessary characteristics for free markets to actually exist, and subsequent economists have pointed out even more characteristics.

When dealing with a cartel of large corporations which acts as a monopoly, most of the necessary conditions (multiple competing businesses, equal access to information by buyer and seller, neither is under duress) don't exist. By creating and supporting a union, you end up with a more equal situation, and therefore one closer to a free market.

Yes, trust-busting Hollywood down to the level of ten thousand or more separate production companies would be even more effective. Does anyone who's thought about it think that's going to happen while Hollywood has Congress in their pocket, if ever? No. And if it does happen, it will be through political pressure much of which will come from unions.....

Bpaul said...

Hell of a post, linking to my blog now.

Thanks for the work.


Anonymous said...

Funny how the meaning of words change. Until the 1970s, "libertarian" meant anarchist or a socialist close to anarchism.

Anarchists like Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman supported unions and strikes, supported the IWW and so on. They recognised that capitalism was an authoritarian system where the bosses have power over their employees and argued that workers had to organise and defend themselves against their bosses.

Since the 1970s, the term "libertarian" has come to mean (at least in America) right-wing supporters of free market capitalism. They are usually fanatically anti-union and pro-boss.

As an anarchist, I'm horrified that this has happened. How much "liberty" is there in the capitalist workplace? Not much -- you do what the boss says or you get fired. Unions help increase liberty for workers, which is why bosses hate them.

Ultimately, for right-wing "libertarians" property is more important than liberty and so are against unions. For genuine libertarians, i.e. anarchists, liberty is more important.

The strike should be supported and let us hope they win quickly -- and that it inspires other workers to stand up for themselves and their liberty!

An Anarchist FAQ

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Bagaimana Cara mengobati kutil di kemaluan Tanpa Operasi dengan menggunakan obat kutil kelamin tradisional aman bagi wanita serta ibu yang sedang hamil untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Unknown said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Unknown said...

cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,

Unknown said...

Obat sipilis di apotik adalah antibiotik. Fungsi dari obat ini adalah untuk menahan pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab sipilis. Namun sayangnya adalah obat ini tidak seampuh yang dikira.

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

obar herbal manjur alami said...

MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******

Unknown said...

Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan

Pengobatan Ambeien Wasir said...


kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *************************

Unknown said...

Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************

Unknown said...

Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan

Unknown said...

Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas

Unknown said...

Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ************************************

Unknown said...


obar herbal manjur alami said...


Anonymous said...

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Obat Kondiloma Akuminata Manjur
Pengobatan Kondiloma Akuminata Mujarab
Nama Obat Kondiloma Atau Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengobati Kondiloma Akuminata Herbal
Pengobatan Ampuh Kondiloma Akuminata Tradisional
Bagaimana Mengobati Kondiloma
Obat Penyakit Kondiloma Akuminata Alami
Kondiloma Akuminata dan Pengobatannya
Pengobatan Alternatif Kondiloma Akuminata
Pengobatan Kondiloma Akuminata Pada Wanita
Penyebab Kondiloma dan Pengobatannya

Obat Kanker Payudara Paling Manjur
Mengobati Kanker Payudara Dengan Cepat dan Aman
Pengobatan Herbal Kanker Payudara Stadium 3
Mengobati Kanker Payudara Tanpa Operasi
Cara Mengobati Kanker Payudara Ampuh Stadium Akhir
Cara Mengobati Kanker Payudara Mujarab
Inilah Obat Kanker Payudara Yang Ampuh
Penyakit Kanker Payudara Tanpa Operasi
Obat Kanker Payudara Tanpa Operasi Stadium 2
Cara Tradisional Menyembuhkan Kanker Payudara
Cara Menyembuhkan Kanker Payudara Tanpa Operasi

Bagaimana Cara Mengobati Jengger Ayam
Obat Tradisional Penyakit Jengger Ayam
Cara Pengobatan Jengger Ayam Mujarab
Cara Menyembuhkan Jengger Ayam
Obat Herbal Penyakit Jengger Ayam
Obat Mujarab Untuk Jengger Ayam
Mengobati Jengger Ayam Pada Wanita
Mengobati Jengger Ayam Pada Pria
Pengobatan Tradisional Jengger Ayam
Apa Nama Obat Jengger Ayam
Obat Jengger Ayam Ampuh di Apotik

Unknown said...

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obat khusus untuk kutil di kemaluan
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Unknown said...

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obat sipilis Pada Wanita said...

Jual obat sipilis
Gejala sipilis
Obat raja singa
Obat gonore
Cara menyembuhkan sipilis
Sipilis pada wanita
Obat sipilis
Obat sipilis pada pria
Obat kutil kelamin
Obat sipilis pada wanita

Unknown said...

obat jengger ayam
obat kondiloma akuminata
obat kutil kelamin

Obat gonore manjur said...

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obat herbal untuk gonore
penyakit gonore dan cara mengobatinya
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