Went to the Kings game last night, so in a hockey mood. Recently, I walked into my office and found my manager's assistant and the receptionist looking at hockey fight videos on YouTube. Or, rather hockey "fight" videos. ooo, look, shoving. tee. hee.
On a lark, and with little hope, I entered a name into the search bar.
"Terry O'Reilly"
Their amusement quickly transformed into fascinated horror. My favorite bit in every O'Reilly fight is the moment where it turns from a fight into "Oh God get him off me GET HIM OFF ME!!" That left hand -- MAN was he fast.
This post is also for the Aqua Teen hunger Force "bomb scare" -- just to remind everybody that Boston wasn't ALWAYS for wee little girly men.
Specially about 3:15 where O'Reilly ends up on face down the ice with the other guy about mount his back and smash his face into the ice a few times... but the refs jump in of course.
/sorry just like seeing anyone named O'Reilly get beat up. Bill ruined them all;)
Re: Mooninites
Might be time already for a re-post of 'Wait, Aren't You Scared?'. Jeebus, a bunch of 10 year olds on a sleep-over after watching 'Saw' would have shown more poise than the Boston media and city gummint (I live in NH - we got a front row seat for the media frenzy). The good news - most Bostonians seemed to react w/ aplomb. 'News' media and 'homeland security personnel' both have a vested interest in the big freak-out - don't know how we derail that dynamic - other than making fun of them.
I'd recommend these beer commercials:
Ah...Terry O'Reilly. I remember him. And how the Broad Street Bullies outmatched him once upon a time. But not for lack of effort on his part by any means!
Wait, I think I just figured something out... the NHL didn't go on strike, David Stern suspended them for a year.
Wasn't it O'Reilly that climbed into the stands in NY and beat some guy with his own shoe?
My favorite Bruins fight involved Cam Neely. Some new young tough guy (forget who) squared off with Neely. The kid got in a lucky punch and broke Neely's nose. Neely paused for a second, realized the kid had broken his nose and then proceeded to beat the piss out of him.
Ah, the good old days.
Re: Mooninites--does anyone doubt now that We Have Lost The War On Terror? You don't need exotic radioactive material for a dirty bomb; you don't even need to sneak a boxcutter aboard the morning flight from Logan. Just paste up a few hi-tech Lite Brites around town, and watch various law enforcement and talking head types soil themselves, because they can't tell the difference between reality and movies like Speed and Face/Off, where terrorists get all cutesy with their bombs.
I think that all of London laughed at us this week.
Jesus, John, you ain't kidding about that left. Goddamn thing's semi-automatic and he just keeps landing it. Guys trying to duck and move and it doesn't help. Ouch.
OMG. I saw the hit at 2:15 in the video and my immediate reaction was, 'The refs are not going to save your ass from the righteous beating that is about to be delivered in the wake of a hit like that.'
Habs-Pens game was awesome, but the call on Souray was ridiculous. Watch Sunday for rematch.
Re: Mooninites
Let me introduce you to my two good friends, Mr. Risk and Mr. Reward. They get introduced to these strange electronic devices that have been planted all over the city by person or persons unknown during a period where the United States is at war with several groups of people who have a tendency to plant bombs in public places.
Mr. Reward is very small, no matter whether these devices are bombs or not. If they're bombs and they get defused, nothing bad happens. If they're not bombs and the police treat them like bombs, nothing bad happens either.
But Mr. Risk, well...if they aren't bombs, and the police treat them like they are, Mr. Risk gets to point at them and say, "Ha-ha, you scaredy-cat cops! Ha-ha, scaredy-cat Boston!"
Whereas if they are bombs, and the police treat them like they aren't, everyone in Boston F***ING DIES. Mr. Risk is much bigger if you treat them like they aren't bombs.
Personally, I'm far more worried by the hundreds of people who are stating, with great certainty, that they must not have been bombs because they had cartoon characters drawn on them. :)
Let me say loudly and clearly which side I'm on: I support our troops when they kill our enemies, and I believe we have enemies that need to be killed before they enslave or destroy us.
And granted, the ATHF guys are in fact idiots who probably deserve to be ticketed for littering or creating a public nuisance or something.
That said:
If those devices had displayed crescents and stars, the Boston authorities would have pissed all over themselves while declaring that they in no way meant any disrespect to a well-established, peace-loving religion whose adherents were merely exercising their Constitutional right to freedom of speech and religion.
Instead, they arrested the ATHF guys because they knew that neither Ted Turner nor Adult Swim fans are going to order Boston City Hall blown up in retaliation. Heck, there probably won't even be any riots or car burnings.
They arrested the ATHF guys because they'd failed to notice illuminated, flashing devices placed in high visibility locations for days.
They arrested the ATHF guys because they needed to show they were tough on terror without actually doing a single goddamn thing that could actually stop it, because that might offend the terrorists.
It is not the job of citizens to predict what idiot bureaucrats might think is illegal or dangerous. It is the job of law-enforcement and national security experts to find real threats and imprison, deport, or execute the real perpetrators, regardless of who it might offend.
These jerks are hitting harmless, safe targets, not the dangerous ones who are actually plotting real destruction. They are making a laughing stock of the real war on jihadist terror.
So, yeah, I support the troops and I support their mission.
I'll support my politicians when they get the bloody goddamn hell out of the way.
Meatwads, the lot of them.
i remember calling my sister when disney bought an nhl franchise for anaheim, and was going to name it after a disney movie. hockey and disney, i knew it was the end of something grownup and wonderful. and sure enough they did the einser soul stripping. and guess what? there are more cheap shots and nasty fouls than there used to be. because even a weenie like gretzky skated with a goon like mcsorley and everybody knew that mcsorely's reason to be was to kick the living shit out of anybody who got too physical with wayne. i blame eisner.
Ugh - of all the Kings games to go to. Thursday was an ugly, poorly played game... AND the ugliness went into Overtime. Did you at least do something fun with your Dave Taylor mini-jersey?
"Whereas if they are bombs, and the police treat them like they aren't, everyone in Boston F***ING DIES."
Those are some pretty impressive bombs... Really don't know what else to say - I would suggest you check out Bruce Schneier's blog (http://www.schneier.com/blog/) - he spends quite a bit of time trying to debunk the notion that full freak-out is a correct response to terrorist threats (terrorism's goal, as a tactic, is not to blow stuff up- it's to terrorize us).
dr. hypercube:
Darn betcha.
If these things are bombs, then anything and everything is a bomb.
I, for one, do not want to live out the rest of my days under airport concourse rules.
Speaking of which, a local TV news team placed a briefcase behind a potted plant on an airport concourse. For forty minutes, dozens of people, including airport security, TSA agents, pilots, and stewardesses, all walked by without giving it a second glance, much less reporting it.
Package by package security is a joke.
Bruins MSG fight. It was O'Reilly in the stands first
It was O'Reilly first into the MSG stands.
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Little doubt, the dude is completely just.
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