Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez does the honors in an open letter to CNN and the American Media in general:
1. The vast majority of Hispanics/Latinos in the U.S. (75 percent of us) were born and raised here, including many of us who have roots here that predate the arrival of the pilgrims.
2. "Immigrant" is not synonymous with "Latino" and the media should stop pretending they mean the same thing.
3. The CNN analyst who said today "Keep in mind, Latino voters are LEGAL immigrants, not illegal immigrants" should be FIRED for sloppy thinking. MOST LATINOS ARE NOT IMMIGRANTS AT ALL, PINCHE CABRON.
4. Immigrants to contemporary USA come from EVERYWHERE. There are, for instance, 100,000 Nigerians in Houston, and tens of thousands of ILLEGAL Irish in Boston. If this debate is truly about immigration, as opposed to racist portrayals of Latinos, please curb your coverage to be more responsible ...
The rest is over at her site.
Immigrant is not synonomous with Latino. Amen.
or even synonymous
The great thing about the "immigration" debate is how it manages to bring out the ugly nativists not only on the right but on the left as well.
(Probably "great" above should also be in scare quotes, and in case it's not clear my snark is directed at Prof DeLong's allegedly liberal commentors, not DeLong himself.)
Here's a quick way to determine the seriousness level of anyone trying to talk about Chicano immigration to the USA: ask them in what year Texas and California became part of the union and under what circumstances. If they don't say "1847" and "armed invasion of the soverign territory of Mexico by the US Army under one of the flimsiest cassus bellis ever in history", you can safely dismiss them as a drooling idiot.
I just got through watching Lou Dobbs rant about the "special interests" in a report worthy of Nancy Grace.
FYI: according to Dobbs, the special interests pushing the "amnesty agenda" include big business, organized labor, the Catholic church, and the media.
My question is: who's left?
Isn't there some point when you've got enough people together that they stop being special interests and start being, I don't know, a large portion of America with a valid, albeit open to debate, point of view?
where did the "global photoshop" post go?
More thought is needed.
I believe there's racism at work in the portrayels but I also think it's a bit facile to say "They're here. They successfully broke the law and circumvented the established procedure for becoming a citizen so they get to stay."
Not sure I agree with that. A country should be able to control its flow of immigrants as it sees fit. Otherwise it isn't a country so much as the prize in a lottery.
And I'm not sure that "Dual Citizenship" isn't an oxymoron.
Still mulling. I'll get back to you.
where did the "global photoshop" post go?
I meant to save as "Draft" and hit "Publish" instead. I now save everything I write after midnight as Draft until morning. new rule to keep me from ranting too much.
As a Latino, my theory is that the Rebublicans felt their strength on the Iraq issue was waning so much even amongst their constituents, that they whipped up another hot button issue, immigration, for their base to rally around.
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