Yes, because the only thing better than writing, is thinking about ways to be better organized at writing instead of actually writing. I am not immune.
I come here for the pithy politics, the graphic mag screenies, and the inside tips on writing from a defense compound outside the borders of JesusLand.
That said, BackPack looks pretty cool.
I'm currently playing around with Instiki (free wiki software which runs on Ruby and Rails) and an encrypted USB key, with the software FolderLock to manage the data encryption.
P.S. Just to cut off any potential screams of anguish, if you try to install Instiki, use the .gem package to do so, and if it complains you don't have a library installed, do "gem install xxxx -v yyyy" where xxxx is the name of the missing library component and yyyy is the version which the error message requests.
Yeah, its amazing how much time and energy I put into buying exactly the right gadgets and exactly the right software (I was using The Brain for a large project of mine and may go back to it if I pick it up again) to make sure I could get my writing done.
Interestingly, very few words got done on paper.
It seems I get more done when I just open the laptop and start typing.
37 Signals seems to be rocking the zeitgeist this week. Every day I'm seeing more references to their products in the blogosphere.
I just started using Basecamp to project manage my business, and I'm looking at Backpack to reign in my personal disarray. Both are phenomenally intuitive and easy to use without the usual bloat. I haven't even glanced at their "help" pages yet. Gotta say, I'm a happy convert.
What is this, LifeHacker?
I come here for the pithy politics, the graphic mag screenies, and the inside tips on writing from a defense compound outside the borders of JesusLand.
That said, BackPack looks pretty cool.
I'm currently playing around with Instiki (free wiki software which runs on Ruby and Rails) and an encrypted USB key, with the software FolderLock to manage the data encryption.
P.S. Just to cut off any potential screams of anguish, if you try to install Instiki, use the .gem package to do so, and if it complains you don't have a library installed, do "gem install xxxx -v yyyy" where xxxx is the name of the missing library component and yyyy is the version which the error message requests.
Yeah, its amazing how much time and energy I put into buying exactly the right gadgets and exactly the right software (I was using The Brain for a large project of mine and may go back to it if I pick it up again) to make sure I could get my writing done.
Interestingly, very few words got done on paper.
It seems I get more done when I just open the laptop and start typing.
who knew?
37 Signals seems to be rocking the zeitgeist this week. Every day I'm seeing more references to their products in the blogosphere.
I just started using Basecamp to project manage my business, and I'm looking at Backpack to reign in my personal disarray. Both are phenomenally intuitive and easy to use without the usual bloat. I haven't even glanced at their "help" pages yet. Gotta say, I'm a happy convert.
This was a fantastic article. Really loved reading your we blog post. The information was very informative and
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