Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Although I loves me some General, one cannot argue that Barack Obama isn't a dedicated public servant and a helluva speaker to boot. (The "Don't You Dare Kill Obama" t-shirts are being designed as we speak. And no, I'm not kidding)

I'm in the " '08 is too early for Obama" camp, but there is an interesting essay (via MyDD) arguing otherwise, in particular making the same point I discussed last year -- extended periods of time in the Senate are deadly for a potential presidential candidate. And, of course, as one is always inclined to agree with arguments that somehow validate one's own opinions, I recommend the essay.

Hey, my arrogance and self-awareness are on two different frequencies, and so can co-exist peacefully in my skull.


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    "Hey, my arrogance and self-awareness are on two different frequencies, and so can co-exist peacefully in my skull."

    That's a variation of something I say every day.

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    he's not that much more inexperienced than bush was in his first term.

    then again, look how well that turned out.

  3. Dead right, and glad you like the blog. I wonder if ABC did that TV series, woud they be as insulting as they were with Commander-in-Chief.

    "This fall ..."

    "hold onto your motherfucking hats"

    ".. a black man will be President."

    ".. no, seriously."


  4. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I have my heart set on Edwards/Obama '08. And I want the shirt as soon as you have it ready.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Rogers, you have hit upon a brilliant idea! We can get great Presidential candidates out there before they're bogged down by that pesky Senate voting record. Kind of like the Republicans are trying to do with their SCOTUS nominees.

    I would say Edwards is done with politics. He's got a family to raise, a wife with cancer, and too much money to make in court or on the speaking circuit.

    Put me down for an Obama shirt as well.

    Btw, speaking of Illinois Dems...I knew who Rahm Emanuel was, but until recently, I didn't know Ari was his brother...

    Kind of puts the Defamer Agent Dance in a whole new light.

    *secretly pleased!*

  6. The "Don't You Dare Kill Obama" t-shirts are being designed as we speak. And no, I'm not kidding.

    The only place I've ever seen that notion suggested is on this website.

  7. here's what I want to know;

    Did Castro really call Jeb George W's fat younger brother?

    Cause that's hilarious.

    Obama 08 is soon in my kenning. The Democrats need to do what wins for them: nominate some Governor. That's what works. That's the only thing that works.

    And anyway, before we all engage in the 08 squabbling, don't we really need to make the GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER IN 06 case?


  8. The only place I've ever seen that notion suggested is on this website.

    Oh, I'm going to sell the t-shirts. My friend Tyrone is convinced that the only thing that'll keep some the Evil White Man conspiracy (tm) from killing the most promising black leader in the last decade is the fact that there will be no actual elections in 2008.

    I occasionally despair of his cynicism. But it's no like he doesn't have any historical precedents for his argument.

  9. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Normally I lurk, and live for the rants, but I live in the state just north of Obama's (get a map!) and I agree with not in '08 commentary for this reason...

    Obama needs some executive experience and some distance from the day to day compromises in the Senate. He should run for a second Senate term and then jump to the IL Governers' race (or if the election geometry works out, take on Blagojevich this cycle...I'm not certain if Obama was elected in '00 or '02, nor frankly do I pay THAT much attention to WHEN the IL gov race is). Run for President in '12 or '16. That obviously depends on whether a Dem or a Repub wins in '08. Being a primary "spoiler" to an incumbent is not a route that pays off all that often (Reagan notwithstanding). The exception being the run against Blagojevich (like most IL pols, he has mud that's starting to stick...I'm betting the party elders would bless him).

    Having been Governer of a major state with both deep rural and major urban center issues should prove advantageous. The rural bit gets you some "Red State" cred, and means attacks against him in the South and Midwest will have to skirt perilously close to racist. The urban bit gets you "Blue State" popularity, particularly if you embrace pragmatic centrist policies (plus to be rudely blunt, race SHUTS UP some of the kamikaze leftists that currently negatively impact Dem primaries).

    I think a run in '08 puts a permanent spike in Obama's career track...I don't think he wins, but he might get the nomination, get the snot kicked out of him by "flip flop" attack advertising, and lose to the Repub (unless THEY'RE nuts enough to run Frist...oh please, oh please), thus killing further advance past the Senate.

    And I need several Obama shirts.

  10. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "I would say Edwards is done with politics. He's got a family to raise, a wife with cancer, and too much money to make in court or on the speaking circuit."

    That was his original campaign website. He reactivated it at the start of the year. He's been raising money for candidates all over, running a PAC, and generally keeping his hand in. His wife's cancer is treatment apparently went well, though it's still early to tell.

    He's keeping his hand in, hasn't gone back to court so far as I know, and is cery clearly still intending to be a player on one level or another.

  11. "This fall ..."

    "hold onto your motherfucking hats"

    ".. a black man will be President."

    ".. no, seriously."

    My God that is funny.

    Your Monkey Kung Fu is mighty and to be praised. Good luck with Blue Beetle. With Hamner and Giffen on the book I was already on for a couple of issues. Now, discovering that that "John Rodgers" and the curator of Kung Fu Monkey are one and the same...well, it's time to make room in the pull box.

  12. Anonymous2:25 AM

    I dunno; I'm seeing a Warner/Obama or Richardson/Obama run, depending on who doesn't spend his political capital too early.

    While I don't think she'd be all that very bad a Prez, I don't want Hillary running; I think there'd be too hard a backlash.

    Richardson/Obama raises an interesting question: Can even a white-looking Hispanic and a "safe" black win?

  13. Anonymous9:25 AM

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  14. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I'm an Obama Mama!!

    And I have the shirt to prove it.

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