Sunday, December 18, 2005

More World Wars

Mike Nelson, author of the popular on-line novel Dingo (really, you should be reading it. It is packed with remarkable ass-kickery) is doing a new book for Boom! Studios.

Mike explores a very simple idea. Say that the aliens who invaded in War of the Worlds, who were smart enough to pull off interplanetary war, suddenly licked the whole "oooo, wet coughs, didn't think of that" hink.

They're back. And they are very, very pissed. Read about War of the Worlds: Second Wave at Newsarama.


Kevin Church said...

I'm looking very forward to this. Something about those bastards having contigency plans appeals to me very much.

That can probably be blamed on a stupidly over the top love of the War Of The Worlds tv show when I was a wee'un.

Unknown said...

That TV show, first season, was the shit.

I like to think that after the first invasion, the Martian Congress pointed out that the Martian President had pulled off the invasion, but had planned poorly for the post-war planet-building, and replaced the Martian DoD.

Anonymous said...

Awww . . .

With Wells being sixty years dead and all, people can do whatever they want with WotW. (In fact, there was an unauthorized sequel in 1898, "Edison's Conquest of Mars:"

But I personally never got into the revisionist / remake / what if stuff. WotW was a period piece, based on late-19th century ideas about science and technology, with a specific message about human arrogance and imperialism for its time. Well's martians were more advanced because Mars was an "older" world. They'd just plain forgotten about disease because they'd conquored it so long ago.


Cunningham said...

Maybe this will lead to a movie sequel...only this time Cruise bites it in the first ten.

Then we go into a series of Capra-esque WWII-type doc footage of grunt soldiers going toe-to-pod with the tripods. Battle after battle. Campaign after campaign to rid ourselves of the unearthly menace. "Band of Brothers" meets... well, "War of the Worlds."

At the end, when we've whomped Martian butt (okay, 'discharge orifice'), a little girl asks her grandma, "What did you do during the war, Gramma?"

To which an aged Dakota Fanning, still anorexic and pop-eyed, betraying the fact she's Gollum's love child says, "I survived, sweetie."

You can tell I've given this a lot of thought...

Sizemore said...

War of the Worlds is all about creaming London, but if those fuckers tried to walk through the Thames these days their legs would disolve pretty quickly methinks.

Kevin Church said...

I would pay $10 cash money to see an alien hand burst from Tom Cruise's chest in a WOTW sequel.

Jacob said...

"I mean, what if, when the aliens died, humanity didn't unite in victory over their common enemy? What if we all tried to take advantage of the chaos and tear each other apart? What if the red weed survived and started growing out of control? But most importantly, what if the aliens tried again? I kept asking these questions until Ross finally suggested that I read David Gerrold's War against the Chtorr.

Phentermine said...

So, I do not really think it may have success.

Unknown said...

Be that as it may after I advised my sister-in-law to keep running the other way, as well as report what she had gotten to the correct specialists.