Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Where Anime Gets it Right

Via BoingBoing, an article from Fortune Magazine about how not treating the audience like the enemy may somehow be -- wait for it -- more profitable. From the article:

Anime and manga firms have taken on forms very different from Hollywood studios or publishing houses. They more closely resemble the constantly updating startups of Silicon Valley. Their ethos is to get the product out to the right people -- whether it's on a DVD or over a mobile phone or downloadable -- and see what happens. If it succeeds, milk it; if not, try something different. And if the fans are into file sharing (which they are), keep the lawyers leashed and find a way to make piracy work for you.

(...)Female fans now make up about half the attendees at the conferences. Responding to the interest, CosmoGirl last summer began running its own manga strip on the back page of every issue. 'We started hearing girls say their favorite books and favorite things to read were manga,' says Ann Shoket, the magazine's executive editor. 'The girls have drawn their own manga for us. Not just one weird girl -- a lot of girls.')


Anonymous said...

ADV is a good company. I've been anime con staff and they've always been wonderful to us.

I what that live-action Evangelion movie so bad I can taste it. Did you see the designs WETA come up with. They're incredible!


Roger Alford said...
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Xactiphyn said...

Most of the "tv" my nine year old daughter watches is anime, most of it downloaded from the internet. To the young'ns it is all natural.

(But if you really want to get sucked into a show for it's I-can't-stop-watching-this-train-wreck appeal, you really need to see the live-action version of Sailor Moon. Truly scary.)

Sizemore said...

Sailor Moon has nothing on Cutie Honey. I just finished up with Samurai 7. Man, that was good.

Somewhere there's an alternate UK where money was thrown at 2000AD back in the 80s so they could launch Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog toons. Damn, imagine if Alan Moore had found a happy home writing for British manga... I'd be downloading SKIZZ right now instead of Elfen Lied.

There's some decent Simon Pegg voiced audio adventures up on the Beeb, but I'm greedy.

(Slightly off topic but John, what was the name of the Japanese show you were telling me about with the hero's wife in a box? I have an itch to see it).

Unknown said...

mpd psycho, although the TV version is somewhat modified. Instead, she just has her fetus ripped out and a phone placed ...

There is something wrong with these people. Anyway, the maga's out on the evil bittoorent and the manga translating websites.

Sizemore said...


I will of course wait until the BBC gives it a prime time slot as a follow up to Doctor Who, Torchwood, Cow Hot Rod... whatever.

No evil illegal torrenty goodness for me. No siree.

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