Monday, August 08, 2005

Kia ora

... to our massive influx of new readers from New Zealand thanks to Public Address. And I only know how to say that thanks to one of our Spec-monkeys, Hadyn at Grabthar's Hammer. When I'm running my post-apocalyptic compound up in Canada, I look forward to a brisk trade in canned goods and fresh fruit, all by solar sail-ship, with our New Zealand brethren


Anonymous said...

man, i laughed my ar$e off at that post on creationism... you're officially bookmarked...

we'll arrange a free trade agreement for canadian salmon and mink hats.

Lindsay Stewart said...

when you're ready to move north, your first tim horton's coffee is on me, brother monkey.

Josh said...

Yep, New Zealand thinks you're just peachy. I personally have you on my "you all should really be reading this guy, you know" list.