Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Crucial Family Advice

... in these troubling times from Giblets at FAFBLOG!

My favorite part of the article "Is My Child Becoming a Homosexual?", from the ever-thrilling Dr. James Dobson (no link because, well, I don't link to trash):

"Evidences of gender confusion or doubt in boys ages 5 to 11 may include:

1. A strong feeling that they are “different” from other boys ..."

If there's a more efficient, telling summary of the worldview of this dying tribe of hateful idiots, I can't imagine what it is.


Isaac said...

According to Dobson, teenage boys should not be allowed to babysit?

Is it just me, or is the subtext of this essay that hating women has driven Dobson crazy?

Anonymous said...

It's not just you, this guy has lost it. What a sad, continuous, joke.

Anonymous said...

Dobson also left out:

1) All men should be named Adam
2) All women should be named Eve

Silly of God to create such a wealth of difference, isn't it? He could have learned from Henry Ford, the dope.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait. I just hit upon the Dobson source material. Really, I think this is actually worse:

5. A susceptibility to be bullied by other boys, who may tease them unmercifully and call them “queer,” “fag” and “gay.”

If this guy was writing back in Salem, it'd be:

5. A susceptibility to be bullied by other people, who may tease them unmercifully and call them “witch,” “sorceress” and “Satan's toy.”

So you see, everyone, it doesn't matter who *you* think you are. It simply matters what OTHERS think you are.

Anonymous said...

Always interesting to see how much more space these family-friendly types devote to worries about gay sons than to any similiar concerns about daughters - sure, they get the occasional mention, but not nearly the same level of coverage.

Perhaps they're less threatening?

Anonymous said...

The future has already arrived, it just isn't evenly distributed.

I for one do not apparently have the "hatred" gene -- the one that makes you hate people different than yourself. Perhaps scientists should search for this gene and learn how to "eradicate" it?! That would end a lot of problems we have in this world. Maybe in 300 more years there will be more people without hatred or fear of the unknown or the different... people who are simply "curious" when confronted with something new, rather than immediately reaching for the "bomb the f*#k out of dem thar terrists!" button.

But alas, only time will tell... for right now 49% of America is being held hostage by just such a back-asswords regime.

Anonymous said...

Very true, Anonymous. But -- and I say this whole-heartedly agreeing with the sentiment of your post -- let’s not forget that that other 51% would simply LOVE your willingness to embrace genetic profiling as a solution to your problem.

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
--Friedrich Nietzsche

Anonymous said...

Homefront: Wow. Thanks for that. It really knocked me for a loop. I FURLed it for safe keeping. It also put things in perspective for me now: Gay men are despised BECAUSE THEY KNOW THE TRUTH! This is not something I *ever* considered; you've enlightened me (and I hope others -- go read that!). Please keep telling the truth! Thanks much again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks andy, I needed that!!

writergurl said...

While I'm not a gay male, I AM a lesbian and it constantly amazes me that these "straight" people spend so much time thinking about gays. Seriously, and I mean no offense here, but frankly, I REALLY don't spend any time thinking about straight people and the ramifications of straight sex. After all, I"M NOT STRAIGHT!

Makes one wonder about the old adage that homophobia is simply homosexuality repressed, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Oy, don't confuse Dobson's ilk with "straight" people. There is nothing straight -- or even true -- about his lot. Amazes me that these "followers of Christ" can be so imaginative about making others feel like garbage. Quite the opposite of the One they purport to want to emulate...

writergurl said...

Anonymous, these people are "straight". Or so they claim. Trust me, I have enough sense not label ALL straight people as close minded and homophibc. Too bad these people don't have the same kind of sense.

Alls I'm sayin'... if you're straight, why you worried about what the gays are doing? In other words why's it matter to you? How the HELL does it affect you? Your straight relationships don't affect me. If my next door neighbor gets married for 24 hours in Vegas, it doesn't affect MY relationship one way or another. Same as if I were to go to Canada and get married there. Wouldn't affect YOUR relationship. So, why oh why, are these people fixated on something that has (essentially) NOTHING to do with them?

Sexuality is fluid but no one is capable of "making" anyone gay. If someone of the same sex as you hits on you, take it as a compliment and do what I do when guys hit on me... say "No thanks." And, don't give me that "Well he could assault me" crap. I, as a woman, am MUCH MORE likely to be sexually assualted then any man living. (The inmate population not withstanding.)

So, once again, Mr Dobson, (and those of his ilk) if this is something that ain't got nothing to do with you, why you thinking about it so much? Hmmm?

Anonymous said...

>>>Alls I'm sayin'... if you're straight, why you worried about what the gays are doing?

Because they're part of the same list of Those To Worry About:

1) Commies
2) Former Commies
3) Democrats
4) Liberals
5) Nader supporters (me!!)
6) Catholics
7) Non-Americans
8) Them there black people
9) Them there brown people
10) Ted Kennedy
11) Anyone surnamed Kennedy
12) The Dead Kennedys
13) The Dead Kennedys who aren't in the band
14) Scientists
15) Evolutionists
16) Doctors
17) Mormons
18) Rockefellers
19) Hermaphrodites (surely spawn of Satan!)
20) David Letterman

--- hmmm, #20 should be #1.

Anyway, I present a Reader's Digest version of their list (which back in the 1980s included the Reader's Digest and its weekly SEX! cover blurbs!)

writergurl said...


But it STILL don't make any sense!

Course, I don't "get" bigots", nor do I understand idiots. Come to think of it, that might be your explaination of my confusion right there!