Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Question Post for LEVERAGE #209 "The Lost Heir Job"

Posted from set. For the summer season Finale, post your questions, compliments and kvetches.


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Anonymous said...

Jeri Ryan, whose acrimonious divorce and scandal drove Jack Ryan from the Illinois race for Senate in 2004, resulting in the candidacy of Alan Keyes, resulting in Tyrone's legendary Theory of General Crazification...'s the cirrrrcle of liiiiiiife....

Taima said...

Loved it! and LOL at how pissed off Parker looked when Jeri (er..Tara?) called her adorable. Something *I* found adorable was Eliot's refusal to hit cops.

I do have a question though. Did Nate know from early on that Ruth was Kimball's daughter? Or did he come to that conclusion while he was in court?
Also I enjoyed Jeri Ryan's role in this ep. But I miss sophie already, do you guys know when we'll be able to see sophie again? Since I assume Ms Bellman is still recovering from her pregnancy...

Jocelyn said...

Fantastic episode tonight.

Great character moments all around. Nate and Sophie continue their dance of unspoken feelings (Nate) and confusion (Sophie)

Great side arm throw from Christian with the rock and according to him that was all real. How many takes do you have to do to get that just right?

Nate's suits were so amazingly hideous too.

All in all great episode....but now we must wait til January for new shiny Leverage....makes me sad.

ita said...

Are you pissed at TNT for spoiling that Jeri's character was a grifter just before the last segment? Are you allowed to say if you are?

Thomas said...

Does Beth Riesgraf do her own stunts or do you use a stunt double?

James Kiley said...

Jeri Ryan is just while Gina is huge / new-parental, right? Right? I can't live on Jekyll and Coupling reruns forever, John.

Barb said...

If the lawyer is listed as a beneficiary, he shouldn't be legally able to be the executor of that will.

...not trying to stop the fun train, just wondering how ya'll decided to make that play.

Also, whoever came up with Nate's "I like a wise latina judge" line needs a cookie. I'm trusting you to make it happen. :)

Anonymous said...

I like Jeri. I also like Gina.

In the days and weeks and months to come there will come a great storm. A choosing of sides. There will be much wailing and gnashing and teeth.

Just make certain to tell Ms. Ryan that no matter what the internet says, I like her just fine in that role. And tell Ms. Gina the same, and that we'll miss her till she returns.

As far as the episode goes:
1) I did see that one coming. But i do have to say, it was a good reveal.
2) The scene in the hallway with the two cops was priceless.
3) Once Tara was out as herself, i can't help but think of a missing flashback sequence where sophie explains in detail exactly how to inveigle her way in,
4)It bothers me greatly that Blanchard was able to have a picture up of Parker on a BOLO in that short amount of time.
5) METH!

CatCchester said...

I thought the episode was good, and i loved the courtroom reveal at the end. With Jeri Ryan though, something just wasn't right. I thought about it, was it bad chemistry, bad acting etc, but i'm sorry to say i came to the conclusion it was bad writing. If i'd been reading fanfic, i'd have been hitting the back button faster than you can say Mary-Sue. At the beginning i thought maybe they'd twig when Hardison ran an ID check. I knew she wasn't that woman's lawyer, surely career theives should have more sense than me?

She was just too good. She can create a fake ID good enough to fool Hardison (who can create CIA level fake ID's so should know what to look for). She can grift well enough to completely fool the everyone on team. She can pick locks (i assume they didn't give her a key to the apartment). Added to that she's beautiful, confident, more skilled than Sophie (since she obviously avoided being on Nate's radar) and ends up laughing at having pulled the wool over the team's eyes. I'm just surprised you didn't have her disarm five armed thugs and mastermind the whole thing.

Much as i love the team, it's their character flaws that make them "real" and humanise them. I hope you'll round out her character in the second half of the season but now I'm stuck with a cannon Mary-Sue for four months. The brats are going to have a field day writing her.

CatChester said...

Just been reading the glowing comments abobe...

You're all gonna hate me now, arent you?

On the plus side, I think Jeri's acting was great, just not so much her character.

talea said...

Jeri Ryan's Tara is fine as a guest star and as an added passenger to the fun train; but what Sophie brings to the party is that "foreign" quality (yes, I'm an American). That means Sophie's worldliness adds a nuance that the other members of the crew can't match.

Think of Sophie and Nate as the conductor and the engineer. Can't run a train, fun or otherwise, without those two roles -- and with the international tinge.

I sincerely hope that Gina Bellman will return (I had no reason to believe she wouldn't until Nate's comment that 'Sophie' didn't know herself whether she'd be back. Although I completely would understand a mom who chose to take a few years off from acting for her baby). If Bellman doesn't return, well, the show just lost a bit of luster that Ryan's obviously American character can't replace. I think you gotta have that international tinge to make this show work.

talea said...

That should be: WITHOUT the international tinge.

MelodyAnne88 said...

You were right. This ended the summer season beautifully. I cant believe I have to wait till January to get my weekly Leverage fix.. I'm definately going to go through withdrawls.

1) It made me smile when Eliot and Parker were running from the cops and Eliot refused to hit a cop. Guy has principles.

2)Jeri was AWESOME! I knew there was going to be another grifter brought in to cover for Sophie in this episode and yet I was STILL surprised at the ending. Didn't see it ending like that AT ALL! kudos!!

3) This is doesn't really have anything to do with the episode.. but are you guys considering doing more viewing parties for the season 3 premier? I took my mom to the one in Tampa, FL for her birthday. (She is a HUGE fan and I wanted to say thank you because I totally gave her a better present than my brother. haha! And I got to ask you a question via skype! I still annoy my friends constantly with that story...)

ugh! I cant wait till Jan!!!

Erik said...


/At the beginning i thought maybe they'd twig when Hardison ran an ID check. I knew she wasn't that woman's lawyer, surely career theives should have more sense than me?/

I was of the same mind until she showed up to meet them outside the prison. Hardison did a double take upon seeing how gorgeous she is which led me to believe that the files he accessed about her had no photo attached. She probably just co-opted some other woman's profile that already existed, but didn't have an ID photo.

Not knowing the reveal beforehand, I assumed that the lawyer had set her on the job once he found out that the Client had been in touch with Nate. Then I gradually came to think that she really was who she said she was, until the reveal at the end (and the TNT promo spot, epic timing ftl!).

Unknown said...

so, nate didn't catch tara with her hand in the cookie jar because he was sober and off balance, right? and the kids trust dad to spot the bad guys so they didn't look too hard at tara, right?
honestly, loved jeri ryan's portrayal of tara, don't like tara that much. this is when i have to eat my words and wished tnt had aired this ep in the winter, that way tara's arc could be completed without a 4 month break for us to fester a grudge against her, which is what most of us will be doing bc of her kiss off moment at the end of the ep. i sincerely hope the character gets p0wned within the next few eps, bc as of right now she's unbearable.

Unknown said...

I liked the episode however, if I was just now watching the show, not sure if this would hook me or not.

Loved Chris Kane and the rock throw. Like Jocelyn, I wonder how many takes or was this just pure luck.

Love the 'Where's Waldo' segment.

I like that the team is human and didn't see that Tara wasnt who she said she was (even though we did). Someone else menioned that she has ALL the skills so this should be interesting. But I echo everyone else --- Tara is no Sophie.

I also noticed that Parker is getting sexier while crawling through air ducks. Off the shoulder top and hair down with loose braids. I kinda miss the old Parker.

ChelseaNH said...

Stupid internet. Once you know Jeri Ryan is stepping into the grifter role, the "she's with you, no she's with you" switcheroo was pretty obvious. But at least I could amuse myself with wondering what her goal was -- right up until the last commercial break. Stupid network.

Stuff I liked:

1) Peter Riegert, the pickle man
2) Nate left hanging
3) Nate failing to put one over on the team
4) Parker's walkover out of the air vent is just cool for some reason

Stuff I'm not so fond of:

1) A missing will? Seriously?
2) Slo-mo rock throwing just bugs me for some reason
3) Eh, this one felt a little forced all around

CaseyL said...

This was a very very fun episode.

I never got into Voyager, and so this was my first look at Jeri Ryan's acting. I gotta say - nothing at all against Gina, but I like Jeri's character more because she has a quicker, sharper edge. Also loved, loved loved how she scammed her way onto the team.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to comment... please don't keep Tara around for long. She's okay but too Mary Sue. When the other established characters have to make mention of her skill and good looks, it's time for her to die. First impressions a bitch ain't it?

Antaeus Feldspar said...

I have an episode idea, based on some real-life egregious offenders whose fictional comeuppance would sure be nice to see. It would also provide the opportunity for the team to get surprised by the situation and have to rethink their plans on the fly.

You see, the team would originally go in thinking that they were helping a Little Guy who wasn't getting justice in his case against a Corporate Interest. But when they looked closer, they'd discover that the Corporate Interest really hadn't done what it was accused of - the Little Guy, and hundreds of others like him, had been tricked and were being used by a litigation firm trying to extort big settlements from nuisance suits.

(I realize this would pose a challenge to the writers: even if the audience grasps that, this once, the Big Faceless Corporation really is the victim, will they care? But I suspect the writers could handle that challenge.)

SueN. said...

First off, I *loved* the "Where's Waldo?" bit. Really, Nate, you don't think your merry band of thieves keeps tabs on you? Seriously?

That little gem was followed by a serious "awww" moment at the looks on PH&E's faces when Nate told them Sophie wasn't coming back. Bless their crooked hearts, they just looked lost! Lovely little moment reinforcing just how much of a family they've become, and how dependent (co-dependent?) on each other they've grown.

And during the Nate-Sophie scene, hubby and I were both on the edge of our seats going, "Just *say* it!" Poor conflicted, confused, emotionally crippled mastermind. (Pets Nate.)

I also loved "Mom" looking out for "the kids" by sending in Aunt Tara to watch over them for her. Though it doesn't seem she made a great first impression on them. She might want to watch what Eliot puts in her food …

Speaking of Eliot, I did have a moment of "What?" when he said he wouldn't hit a cop. It just seemed a bit … strange? Especially for a career criminal whose career is, well, hitting people (among other things). So my question is, why?

I can't imagine it's some sort of latent appreciation for or admiration of them. After all, these are the people whose job it is to put *him* in prison, and Eliot's sense of self-preservation is sharply honed, to say the least.

Is it simply that he *is* a professional, and knows that hitting/hurting a cop would only complicate things at the moment? That his and Parker's best chance of getting out of there in one piece and *not* in the back of a squad car depends on his not pissing off the local constabulary?

I'd like to think it's just a case of his picking his battles as a professional, and not some starry-eyed regard for those who serve and protect. 'Cause I need Eliot to retain his bad-assedness. I'm just twisted that way.

And, finally, what the hell am I supposed to do with myself on Wednesday nights until January? And don't say laundry. It's just not the same!

ita said...

Especially for a career criminal whose career is, well, hitting people (among other things). So my question is, why?

He liberated Croatia. He probably gets paid to beat up on bad guys and not good ones.

CindyD1000 said...

Barb said..."If the lawyer is listed as a beneficiary, he shouldn't be legally able to be the executor of that will."

Yes, he can.

I won't bore you with a legal discourse on the subject nor related ones which COULD cause a problem due to his being the decedent's lawyer but suffice it to say that a beneficiary can be, and in fact quite frequently is, named as the executor of a will. With spouses, for example, it is often the surviving spouse (and largest beneficiary)that is named the executor. Happens all the time.

Taima said...

I dont know CatChester I didnt see her as mary sue ish I mean first of all she was playing a role the whole time, ie we havent actually seen what Tara herself is really like so it's a stretch to say that she has no flaws yet and I dont think her being very good at her job (which they all are) makes her a mary sue or without flaws.
Also as for how she was able to fool everyone, well she is sophie's friend right? Sophie knows the team well and she has a very notorious name among other thieves and grifters so I think it's safe to say that Sophie knows her shit. Assuming that Tara is even half as skilled as Sophie and has the intel on the Leverage team courtesy of Sophie, then really it's not that hard to buy that she could fool them all. Especially since none of them are grifters usually. It was only one job and the team's focus was on the mark/doing the job not Tara.
I think it was a good way to introduce the character since we the audience have to feel like Tara can match up with the leverage team in terms of skill and competence. They are the best of the best afterall. If Tara had been found out mid way even with the excuse that they are a smart bunch, I think it would have diminished faith in her character's ability considerably. Anyway that's my five cents. You are still entitled to think Tara is a mary sue of course just thought I'd bring in an opposing POV :)

Save-vs-DM said...

<< And, finally, what the hell am I supposed to do with myself on Wednesday nights until January? And don't say laundry. It's just not the same! >>
Try D&D. That's what I do. *grin*

As for this episode, I think it was a smart decision to extend the summer season out to 9 episodes. This felt like a better ending than episode 7.

I'm still up on the air about Tara. I don't like her all that much right now, but that's because I liked Sophie. I can see a lot of tension building up between them. So I'll give her a chance for now, you guys have done well so far.

Oh, and a little tip - playing the "spot the Portland landmark" drinking game with this episode is not so smart.

Darkrose said...

I liked Tara, but I admit that I want a good explanation for why Hardison didn't figure her out. It also seems a little odd for Sophie to send her without telling the rest of the team.

The other thing that struck me as odd is that last week was all about how bad Hardison is at grifting and basic thief skills, yet here, he was back to being pretty good as a grifter, and being good enough as a thief to plant the keys on Blanchard.

On the plus side, I loved the "Where's Waldo" bit, and the way the kids looked totally lost when dad told them that Mom wasn't coming back.

Kathleen said...

excellent excellent twist!!

gwangung said...

I also loved "Mom" looking out for "the kids" by sending in Aunt Tara to watch over them for her. Though it doesn't seem she made a great first impression on them. She might want to watch what Eliot puts in her food …

Or what roles Nate gives her...

Oooh. I see possibilities there...

gwangung said...

I was of the same mind until she showed up to meet them outside the prison. Hardison did a double take upon seeing how gorgeous she is which led me to believe that the files he accessed about her had no photo attached. She probably just co-opted some other woman's profile that already existed, but didn't have an ID photo.

This is not hard to do. Start with Martindale & Hubble or FindLaw and do a basic search. Cross off the folks you can find pictures of, and those who have lots of news articles or google hits. That still leaves you with an awful lot of folks, and they generally run small offices.

Calla said...

I thought this was a very exciting ep! It felt LONG (not long as in boring, but long as in feature-length, lots of content & story directions).

And, it did feel like a season finale!! Much more so than "The Two Live Crew Job" did - so it worked out well that it was pulled up from winter season.

I tried to say spoiler-free, but I knew little bits and pieces about Jeri Ryan. The way you set it up, though, I thought maybe she WASN'T playing a con on the team, but then I thought maybe she was, then I thought maybe she wasn't. Which is good - kept me guessing. Sounds like it's good I didn't watch the TNT commercials during the show, too - not fair of them to have given it away! Spoil sports.

I immediately caught the not-blue irises at the beginning - couldn't believe it was a flub on your part, so I was really happy at the end with the flashback/reveal - I felt a moment of triumph for having noticed it in the original scene.

As for Tara's reveal to the team... I LOVED how they were all up-in-arms about it, annoyed by what she'd done. They would HAVE to be - especially after how Sophie had conned them at the end of Season 1 with the Two Davids. They reacted badly to that, so they should act doubly as badly about this. I sincerely hope she has to spend the remainder of the season working REALLY HARD to EARN their trust. Eliot, especially, given his "you don't con your own crew" philosophy.

I don't have a question this time, but I do have a suggestion. While re-watching Season 1 (on DVD), I thought "Sterling needs a brother!" - David Hewlett (from Stargate:Atlantis) would be perfect!!

Also Julie Benz would be a fantastic guest-star if you can snag her while "Dexter" is on hiatus from filming.

Oh, and I guess I do have a question - when will all y'all start filming the Season 3 eps - winter/spring 2010 for airing next summer maybe?

Anonymous said...


Last week, was in Rogers's own words, a big reason why Hardison should never work the LONG con.

On short duration grifts and social engineering, he's just fine. But anything that requires long term focus is hard, even in the episode where he has to infiltrate the office building and be in character all day, you can see the cracks starting to show.

In other news:
I suspect it's going to be interesting to work with Tara, especially since it looks like Tara is only in it for the money, and at this point, no one else is.

Patrick said...

That was fun all around. Eliot not hitting cops, "I like Meth! / Are we going to get Meth?", suspended - not disbarred, the prison scene... and imagine how much fun Tara must have had, playing the do-gooder in front of Nate?

Also, Nate's outfits as the lawyer... I am partial to the yellow one, but they were all so hideous. I hope Mr Hutton got to keep them and take them home to wear to the Oscars and other official things :-)

As for Hardisson's grifting, I think he's fine as long as he can play intense, which means short bursts. But in the end, the characters are all little Mary Sues – they can do what they need to do, and they can't what they need not to be able to do. So I don't mind that, most of the time.

I also liked Jeri Ryan, though I hope Gina will be back.

And my question: what's the secret web address for the streaming video of the remaining episodes? I mean, there is a way to see them before next year, isn't there? Tell me!

Anonymous said...

The season has been awesome...I can't wait til January. When will you start shooting Season 3? And please please please, keep Eliot's hair's just so him.

catchester said...

@Taima - Well, i just did a Mary Sue test for Tara. Seeing as we know so little about her past i thought she'd score low (so many of the questions are about ho awful a past the character has)

But even being unable to answer a lot of questions she scored 76. I've copied/pasted the score levels below.

0-16 Points
Most likely Not-Sue. Characters at this level could probably take a little spicing up without hurting them any.

Probably not a Mary-Sue, although a character can go either way at this point. Fanfiction writers should pay attention to ensure that their characters aren't getting too Sue-ish. For an RPG or original fiction character, however, you're probably perfectly fine.

Some definite Sue-like tendancies here. A little polishing might be in order to put original fiction and RPG characters back into the balance. Fanfiction characters should probably have some work done.

Fanfiction authors beware - Mary's on the loose. There's still a chance you can save this character with some TLC, though. Role-players and original fiction characters, you should also strongly consider giving your character a workover.

Fanfiction authors, you might just want to start over. Role-players and original fiction authors, at this point your characters are likely to provoke eye-rolling and exclaimations of "yeah, right!" from your readers. Immediate workover is probably in order.

Kill it dead.

Improper Bostonian said...

Awesome "finale". Like seeing the Boston sky line from time to time (and mention of cities in area) okay you're sick of me saying that and beating a dead horse....I get it.
Jeri Ryan's character is going to have some interesting dynamics to group. Parker became attached to Sophie.....gonna love how she warms up to this one.

BTW....did anyone get blinded from the brightness of Nate's yellow suit? Personally I had to put my sunglasses on when he was on screen in it.

talea said...

"Oh, and a little tip - playing the "spot the Portland landmark" drinking game with this episode is not so smart.'

Had to laugh. I wasn't doing a drinking game, but I noticed a number of Portland landmarks in this one -- I moved from there to the midwest in June and it's become a regular Wednesday event for me. Thought the use of the Ross Island gravel operation as the site where Nate and Parker were shot at was inspired -- and I saw Pill Hill in the background, where my mom spent her last days. Also seems the show runners like to show Portland's bridges, which are pretty cool and distinctive from Boston (spent time there, too).

And the tunnel out of last week's plot? Was that at Willamette Falls near Oregon City/West Linn?

talea said...

And how can I forget the most amazing location in this one: Wapato! (For those of you non-Portlanders, Wapato jail was built by Multnomah County YEARS ago and has yet to be opened because the county government boneheads forgot to include the funds for operating it in their budget. But I recognized it from numerous photos the photogs at my former newspaper employer took of it while empty.)

Steve said...

Nate's suits were indeed ungodly awesome, and I too liked how Eliot handled the cops.

But Gina Bellman FTW! I certainly hope this is temporary, nothing against Jeri but Gina was one of the reasons why I stayed with the show. I'll still enjoy the show, but she added an element I really like.

And I too loved Parker's dismount from the air vent.

marga templeton said...

yay for finally actually doing the lost heir con, spur of the moment as it was and twisted as it got :-)

loads of trekkery this season. any chance you might further pillage the whedonverse for guests? i would love to see christian kane and david boreanaz together again, and mark sheppard will always be 'badger' to me.

Bonn said...

I really don't like Jeri Ryan. Didn't like her in Voyager, didn't like her in The Sentinal, absolutely DO NOT like her in Leverage. So how many episodes is she going to be in? Hopefully just the 6 to finish out this season. Please Gina hurry Home.

Idlewild said...

First, I am so glad that Gina Bellman is continuing to play a role in the series in spite of her maternity leave. Her initial panic at seeing Nate on her doorstep ("Who died??"), and her subsequent reaction at realizing why Nate was really there were wonderful. If there is flak from fans over Sophie stepping out of the picture temporarily and Tara stepping in, I think that's a testament to how much we all love Gina and Sophie both.

The introduction to Tara was pretty clever, I thought. Though I knew from following "Leverage" news that Jeri Ryan would be taking on the role of a grifter with the team, this episode left me wondering what exactly she was up to until almost the very end. I'm also very curious about how much of the "real" Tara we got to see, if any at all.

But my favorite part of this episode was Nate. He shows up at Sophie's door...after telling the team to respect her space (and by the way, the "Where's Waldo" bit was classic!). Best of all, we also got a reminder of how preternaturally smart this guy is. Kudos to Timothy Hutton on his performance.


So. No new Leverage until January, huh? What do you guys want to do 'til then?

GinaFan said...

Just when I was doubting Nates usefulness, he skates down the ice, deeks past the defenders, and puts it in with a back hander. Sweet.

My gut hit the floor when Tim said Gina would be away indefinitely. I guess it covers your but, and gives Gina all the options. Some friends of mine just had a baby and the wife took a few months off just after the birth. Eventually she got back to work part time, and then they hired a nanny and she resumed full time. Sometimes the Nanny couldn't make it, and someone had to take a day off. I recommend having a backup Nanny. I know you like to work long days in show biz. If they could afford a Nanny, Gina must be able too. Fingers crossed.

I can see the mechanic between Nate and Sophie. When Gina runs away, Nate chases. When Sophie, in turn, persues him, he runs away. I can't believe he won't even say the smallest thing. Nuts!

I have to say Jeri is throwing an interesting twist into the show. I like the freshness of a new character, and the reactions. Something also tells me that Bethany Jean and Jeri are like two peas in a pod. Beth is a little devil, and I think Jeri can be too. Man, are you're gonna have your happy hands full.

My favorite line, "dogs, do I have dogs?".
Of course you do, Jeri, and they are barking. Set them free. :)

She's no Gina though. I would tune in each week just for another moment with Gina in front of my eyes. Absolute heaven. Jeri doesn't really cast the same spell for me.

Unknown said...

Longtime reader, first-time commenter.

With Jeri on board, I can finally ask this serious question: Whose hair takes the longest to style -- Gina's, Beth's, Jeri's, or Christian's? Because sometimes Kane's flowing blowout (a.k.a. The Mane of Magnificence) distracts me from other action onscreen.

Monica said...

Poor Sophie, seeing Nate outside her door and her first question is who died, kinda like that reaction you get when the phone rings at 3am. This makes me said because she's worried about her 'kids' and daddy's ability to keep them safe. Also the fact that she thinks that's the only reason Nate would come see her.
Loved the 'kids' reaction when Nate gives them the Mom and Dad are not going to live together but we still love you speech. Alec looked angry that Nate couldn't make her come back, Parker confused, and I'm sure it's just me but Eliot looked sad/resigned like he knew having a family wouldn't last.

Liked how the team was already so into the case that they never really checked out their clients surprise Lawyer. Afterall what would she have had to gain.

Miss Sophie, I'm glad we are getting little tidbits of her each ep to prove she's not really gone.

I'm intrested to see how Jeri's character interacts with the group. She's already got 2 strikes against her because she conned them and because they want Sophie back. I can see them giving her the evil eye/cold shoulder.

Wonders if Sophie gave her the idea to 'con' them...after all she wouldn't want the kids getting attached.

One thing though...Jeri's character on The Sentinel tried to kill Blair...Blair had long curly brown hair......keep her away from Eliot. :)

My question: Any chance that you could publish some Leverage books? Imagine the cons, locations, and explosions you could do without the worry about expenseive CGI.

Looks at calendar and whimpers...January is a long time away.

Nato said...

Big kudos to Ms. Ryan, who gave maybe the most delightful performance I've seen from her. She clearly came ready to play, and I thought she fit right in with the rest of your terrific ensemble. I'll sing the praises of Ms. Bellman until the sun goes cold, but Ms. Ryan should make a fine substitute until she returns. Oh, and is "Tara Cole" in any way a reference to "Tara King," the replacement for Diana Rigg's inimitable Emma Peel on "The Avengers"?

Also, I loved Parker's sullen, instant dislike of "New Mommy." And Peter Riegert's character, who was a dirtbag with just the tiniest, most fascinating glimmer of a conscience. (The "I've done things no lawyer, no human being, should have to do" line, I mean.)

Becky said...

I figured out both reveals before they happened. go me. \0/

Nate not only had one, but two very loud and awful suits, which made me wonder if he has an an entire wardrobe of them lurking away somewhere.

I love METH!

Eliot not beating up the cops and being annoyed by Parker with a taser amused me.

I guess my question would be, if Jeri going to be in the rest of the season or is it just a few episodes?

Havenward said...

Loved the episode, of course. Nate's suits nearly killed me, I was giggling so much. Especially the yellow one. I think this was my favorite twist to the plot by far - Did Nate figure out she was the guy's daughter when he split up from Eliot and Parker? Or did they split up for more safety related reasons?

I liked Jeri and the way she played Tara, too. She was adorkable as the lawyer, and I was amused to realize she'd pulled the same bait and switch on the team that Sophie uses on Dubenich in the pilot. The way I figure, she pulled out every trick she had to fool Nate and the team, though I have to say I was surprised they never once doubted her goody-two-shoes act....

My other question is this: How long til you guys have to start breaking season 3? I know y'all were rushed when season 2 was announced. Will any of the writing team be working on other projects we should tune in for in the meantime?

PhantomMinuet said...

With spouses, for example, it is often the surviving spouse (and largest beneficiary)that is named the executor.

True enough. OTOH, you can't be a witness to a will and be a beneficiary under the terms of that will, at least in my state.

I don't really have a question. I liked Jeri's turn as Auntie Tara, but it brought into sharp relief how much Gina's Sophie brings to the team. They all looked so lost and incomplete without her. And Tara won't be able to act as the ameliorating influence on Nate that Sophie has always provided.

CindyD said...

OK, we've had the summer finale and I still don't know the reason Eliot sawed that new door into Nate's apartment in 201. WHERE does that door lead? WHAT is inside the room through that door? WHY did Eliot need access to it? The possibilities are endless. Will my curiosity ever be satisfied?

buzz said...

Great episode!

Question: I didn't understand the ending. Tara gives the team an invoice for "my share of the inheritance" and then says "We're making money already!" Nate gives his incredulous team a look of resignation.

What does this mean? The team doesn't charge clients for what they do, and are ot getting any of the inheritance, so why does Tara lay claim to a "share"? Is the incredulity and look from Nate more about Tara maybe not understanding that the team does not do this for the money? I just didn't get it.

Comment: I was happy to see Jeri Ryan, despite missing Gina Bellman. Jeri's "7 of 9" was one of the few good things about Voyager (besides the Doctor). I think she is often underrated as an actress. It's a little strange having two hot blondes on the team, though. ;)

Oh, and seeing Peter Riegert as our villain was awesome!

Tracy said...

Loved Nate's nod to Justice Sotomayor. It was especially well-timed with Wednesday being her first day on the Court!

Charles said...

I don't normally leave comments (by that i mean this is my first or second time), but i felt compelled to talk about this.

I think Tara would make a very good villain and rival for Parker in the series. It's already clear that the rest of the gang doesn't trust her from how she took the money at the end of the episode. I think that she will either intentionally or unintentionally try to break up the gang by getting them to not trust each other among other things.

I also see her trying to seduce Hardison at some point because she'll discover that Nate only has eyes for Sophie and Eliot sees right through her. If she does this it would really piss off Parker because she's used to having all of Hardison's affction directed towards her, so naturally that wouldn't be easy for her to take. I think that would be the best way to go with it, either that or a slow reform on her part.

Question: does she have anything on Sophie to make her move in on the team?

Chris Ayers said...

Really enjoyed this episode...

Loved, loved, loved Parker's no look stun-gunning of the cop.

But she also seemed especially comfortable in social situations, more so than usual. While this has been a nice character progression, I kinda miss awkward, slightly "off" Parker. I hope she's not gone for good.

Also...nice nod to "The Great Escape" using "Hilts" as a cover name.

Can't wait til January.

Unknown said...

I loved this episode. There were a couple of moments when Jeri Ryan impressed me -- in particular, the subtle awkwardness she embodied (whole hand pushing up her glasses instead of a single finger, how she awkwardly bent to pick up her bag) I think that she has the acting chops to work with the team, and really, that was my only concern, because I trust the writers on this show.

I love how Tara called Parker adorable, reminded me of Parker calling Maggie adorable.

I don't think Tara picked the lock to get into Nate's place -- Sophie gave her a key, as well as the alarm code, or Hardison's cell phone would have gone off when she tried getting in. You don't think he has their new office rigged to blow? Of course he does.

I don't consider Tara a Mary Sue -- not more so than any of the other characters. And again I say -- I trust the writers. We'll see her flaws soon enough.

My question is: How many months do you have off before you start writing the third season? Will you write it like you did the first season, that is, starting very early, and having most (all?) of the scripts in the can before you start shooting?

CaseyL said...

Someone here said a problem with Jeri is that her character's just in it for the money, whereas Nate's regulars aren't.

Well, sure they aren't: they all made 6 or 7-figure fortunes in the first season, didn't they? They're set for life.

Tara wasn't in on any of that. For her, it *is* still about the simoleons.

That might actually be an interesting dynamic to explore, plotwise. Tara having to prove she can keep her eye on the ball even when she's not going to get a big payoff... or Tara threatening to blow a grift because that gives her a bigger payoff.... or Nate using that dynamic to make the mark *think* Tara can be persuaded to betray the troupe...

Hey, you could do a lot with that.

catchester said...

@ Leah - No, we won’t see any flaws for another 4 months. Leverage isn’t back until January.

All of the other characters have character flaws, defects that were shown to us in episode one.
Nate was a functioning alcoholic.
Parker was socially inept
Hardison was easily distracted
Eliot was in a perpetual bad mood
Sophie had feelings for an emotionally unstable alcoholic.

These defects have been expounded upon and in some cases other flaws have become evident, but the Leverage team was never perfect.

Most of them also had a very limited skill set. That's the whole point, they needed each other's skills to pull off these cons.

Tara can do almost everything herself, I’m left wondering why she'd condescend to even work with a team she thinks is so inept.

USRaider said...

This ep was good, but more of a detective operation than a con job. Although both Tara and the crew were on the job (and all did very well), it was Nate who put things together on the fly to essentially figure out why the victim had been chosen by the billionaire for his philanthropy. Although Nate admitted that his choice of daughter was "50/50", he still was able to figure out, much like a detective would, the details of the crime, so to speak.

I do have to agree with some here that we can't make Tara a better grifter/thief/lockpicker (etc.) than Sophie. That would not be right and would cause a great deal of problems with the team dynamic ("just get out of the way and let ME do it").

I also didn't like how she popped an invoice on the team. I would have thought Sophie would have explained what the team does and, if that wasn't enough, paid for it out of her pocket.

A good ep overall, but we now have to wait until JANUARY for something new (DAMN)!

gwangung said...

Tara can do almost everything herself, I’m left wondering why she'd condescend to even work with a team she thinks is so inept.

Ah, no. Absolutely no.

Tara is a grifter. Everything she did falls squarely into the grifter skill set. And with the absence of Sophie, that's the one thing the team is missing.

Watch again. Nothing she did required Eliot's skills, or Nate's mastermind skills or Parker's thief skills (particularly if Sophie gave her the keys) or Hardison's hacking skills.

CatChester said...

Did ya miss the fake ID Hardison couldnt crack?

And why would sophie give a stranger a key/codes to the office? Eliot would hit first and ask questions later.

gwangung said...

Did ya miss the fake ID Hardison couldnt crack?

Didja miss my comment on how EASY that would be? Pure grifter.

Sammie323 said...

January is too long to wait for new episodes!

I think Jeri Ryan is OK as a a temp, but when Gina comes back, please give her a raise.

Small question: What are all those keys Hardison was carrying around for?

And please, please let Christian Kane keep growing out his hair. The braids are really hot :)

Codger said...

SueN said: "Bless their crooked hearts..." and from now on, I need to work that into every conversation I have about "Leverage."

I liked Jeri a lot. Expecting good things from her in the winter episodes. Still gonna miss Gina, though.

My question has to do with Eliot refusing to hit cops, yet in the pilot episode, after the explosion and when they were handcuffed in the hospital, he suggested to Nate that he could take out all the cops so they could make their escape. Until Parker vetoed that and said that if he killed the cops it would ruin her getaway. Kill or not, he certainly didn't have any reluctance to hitting the cops then. What changed?

Unknown said...

Codger Asked...

My question has to do with Eliot refusing to hit cops, yet in the pilot episode, after the explosion and when they were handcuffed in the hospital, he suggested to Nate that he could take out all the cops so they could make their escape. Until Parker vetoed that and said that if he killed the cops it would ruin her getaway. Kill or not, he certainly didn't have any reluctance to hitting the cops then. What changed?

BUT --- if his only choices were jail or some use of muscle, dont you think he would take out the cops? Not random -- just his ONLY viable option.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily a question about this week's episode - but hey!

Now that Christian's long hair is so popular, would you veto his taking a role in the break that required it cut short?

Unknown said...

Anonymous asked....

Now that Christian's long hair is so popular, would you veto his taking a role in the break that required it cut short?

OH -what a great question! I do like Chris' hair - but it is almost a little too long for my tastes. With that being said -- I dont want it short again. Gives him too much of a baby face when it is short.

** blush... co-workers ask why such a look on my face and sigh on my lips...** as she dreams about grabbing into that hair...

CatChester said...

@Gwangun - No, but i think simply picking a profile of a lawyer without a picture is too easy.

Hardison should have been cross referencing, going to social networking sites, business sites, confrence reports, not to mention checking social security, taxes etc etc. Your trick should never have fooled Hardison.

Either Tara's really really good, or Hardison is slacking. Either way it is designed purely to make Tara look good at the teams expense.

Anonymous said...

@SueN - Tara should worry less about Eliot and more about Parker. You know, what with the razorblades in fruit and all. ;)

Two questions.

1) Sophie vouching for Tara's skills, combined with the element of surprise to pull a fast one on the team have, for now, sold me on her being able to keep up with Team Leverage. However I'm curious. Why did Sophie choose to send someone who is the complete opposite from her when she knows that they need someone who would be more open to being a team player? Of course, grifters are loners, but the way Tara conned the team was just about the worst way to build a working relationship with the team. Sophie must know from the way they called her that they need someone to hold them together not create more conflict because of differing priorities. Couldn't she have found someone with less of an antagonistic personality?

And on a related note:

2) Since Tara's tentative acceptance on the team depends mostly on Sophie vouching for her, are we going to find out what their relationship was/is? Is this strictly a favor to Sophie or does it have more to do with Tara wanting to work with the "nastiest crew on the East Coast" and scoring really big?

Hogan said...

Sad Parker ("Not now, or not ever?") makes me sad. Happy Parker (kissing the accordion folder as she takes it out of the safe) makes me happy. Stun-gun Parker scares the crap out of me.

Great to see Peter Riegert.

Anonymous said...

Pogo92000 said:

" OH -what a great question! I do like Chris' hair - but it is almost a little too long for my tastes."

Firstly - thanks (I am anonymous)
Second - I agree it's a little too long now. How about the length it was in the first episode?

Lesley said...

Adored this episode because even though I knew Jeri's character was joining the team, I still got suckered into thinking she was really a lawyer. Nicely done, my friends.

I think Tara will bring an interesting dynamic into the team while Sophie's away, which doubtless gave you guys some fun stuff to play with. Looking forward to seeing how it develops. I've always liked Jeri Ryan, people tend to underestimate her acting ability and it's undeserved.

Lovely team moment with the "Where's Waldo" thing and then the solomn announcement from Nate that Sophie wasn't coming back. How lost they all looked - that was incredibly well played by all the actors.

If I have any gripes at all, it's that Hardison's prison guard was almost unitelligble, he was gabbling so fast. Guess that's one scene I'll think more of when I see it with subtitles.

Otherwise, I thought this made an excellent season ender but am now very sad that I have to wait until January for more eps. Seriously, who thinks split seasons are a good idea? I don't know any fan that likes them. Who do I have to write to complain bitterly about that?

gwangung said...

@Gwangun - No, but i think simply picking a profile of a lawyer without a picture is too easy.

Hardison should have been cross referencing, going to social networking sites, business sites, confrence reports, not to mention checking social security, taxes etc etc. Your trick should never have fooled Hardison.

Um, the trick is that the person is real; the only con is that the face doesn't match the person. Conference reports, taxes, social security, etc. tell you nothing since there are no pictures associated with those records--they just tell you the person exists. And it's not that hard to determine if a person is on a social networking site (basic grifting).

Now you MIGHT be able to tell with DMV records, where records ARE linked with images. But that assumes that the person involved drives a car...(of course, I can't remember if the person was seen driving or not). And there aren't quite THAT many databases out there where images are linked to names...

Unknown said...

Anonymous..."How about the length it was in the first episode?"

First episode as in the pilot (The Nigerian Job)? I would like it a little longer than that.

*blushes AGAIN as she thinks about running her hands through it*

ChelseaNH said...

of course, I can't remember if the person was seen driving or not

She got out of a car at the prison (with the guys gawking). But this is Boston, so that doesn't mean she actually has a drivers license...

It is something of a stretch to say that you can do a background check on someone and not turn up a picture. It means that you're taking their word for it that they're who they are, which is counterintuitive to a background check, if you're a suspicious person. On the other hand, if you're just trying to find out what the person is like, rather than who they really are, you wouldn't look as hard.

Paranoia should be a class skill for everyone in this crew. After all, Hardison checked up on what Nate was doing with his time.

David Hunt said...

In regards to Tara's ID getting past Hardison's checks...

First, we don't know how much time he had to check her out. He may have been rushed. That restriction could cause synergy with...

Second, who says she pulled setting up the ID herself? She could have paid a high-grade professional to do that who either stole someone's ID or made it up out of whole cloth. I'm sure that Sophie's got lots of IDs out there that Hardison didn't create.

24jg13 said...

I absolutely agree about Chris' hair, needs to be a little shorter and a little more layered like it was toward the end of last season and the beginning of this season. Seems he is always moving it out of his face these days, whether on the show or when he's singing.

AS for Tara coming in on a con, not sure the team would have let her in just because Sophie "sent" her. She had to prove herself and we don't really want her to fit in perfectly cause then we wouldn't miss Sophie. She just may be enough of a catalyst to finally get Nate to say the right things to Sophie by seasons end. I am hoping so.

As for between now and January, I will be rewatching the the first season on DVD and the second 9 from this season on tape.

talea said...

Well, it's nice to see we're fixating on/discussing a man's haircut for a change.

I think Christian Kane is adorable no matter what his hair looks like.

But his acting is what I really like. Great doubletake when the other security guard said he should check out the prisoner. Like, "well of course, dumb ass."

Courtney said...

1. "Anybody wanna play 'Where's Waldo?'"
2. Parker's walk/flip out of the vent...that girl is flexible!
3. Eliot bitching about the sunglasses Parker grabbed for him.
4. Parker tasering the cop...twice.

1. Scene at Sophie's apartment with Nate. It just didn't feel right.
2. The fact that we KNEW Jeri Ryan's character was a grifter and all we were really waiting for was the big "reveal".
3. Plotholes. Seriously.
4. While I love Eliot, y'all need to give Kane something more to do than just hit people. Maybe then he wouldn't look so grumpy in all those twitpics.
5. Last episode until January. That makes me cry inside.

I know some people have brought up the whole "lawyer can't be the beneficiary" thing. I don't know about the legal stuff, but I know of caregivers who have gotten themselves into the will. And if they couldn't get into the will, they bled the estate dry while they were in a position to do so.

Jeri Ryan was okay, I guess. So when is someone going to explain to her that she isn't getting paid? Yhis episode just made me realize that I miss Gina. :( She just brings something extra to the role of grifter for the team.

How is it that Tara's ID didn't raise a red flag for Hardison? Does she know a world class hacker or something?

I'm going to quit blathering now.

WWWeaves said...

I suspected Tara was a fake, then got lulled, so still surprised.
I hope her asking for payment has payoff further down.
I twigged on the real daughter only a couple of minutes before the reveal, but then realized how nicely the clues had been laid in.
Exposition Porn! aka Where's Waldo, so hot.
I have the impression that Eliot doesn't like hitting cops for two reasons:
1. It causes trouble.
2. They're poor schmoes doing their jobs. Eliot doesn't seem to be into hitting the uninvolved.

Your jail looked just like the psych wing at the state penn in New Hampshire. (Med School class trip.)

EleanorJane said...

@Catchester - it's of course entirely possible that Tara got her fake ID(s) by paying for them, or hiring a hacker for it. Underground industries exist to do this; there's nothing saying she did the technical stuff herself.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, the Leverage team has already been conned at least once by someone pretending to be a good guy when they were a criminal. Remember the Nigerian Job and Nate's comment about why they didn't see the doublecross coming?

Secondly, Eliot hitting cops. Perhaps when he would have beat them up to escape, he would have done that because he was a criminal. Now, he's here to help people, and he's spent enough time with them after all. He's been with cops a couple times in the different cons, and probably had a chance to see a side of them you don't see being a criminal. Just a thought.

scooter5203249 said...

Hey, I loved Arch...I mean Nate's yellow suit. Can't help it, Nate's Papadokolis patter and that suit reminded me of Tim's Archie Goodwin - Death of A Doxy.

Loved "Where's Waldo," the scene in Sophie's apartment, and Parker's taser fun.

You had me worried for a bit. I thought this might be the ep where, as predicted by Sophie, Nate loses control of the situation and has a melt down. A Sophie no-show, a chaperon, an attempted hit on Parker, and Nate looked out of control running for the courtroom, but in the end he pulled it off. My hero.

How many days til #209?

Ashley said...

Once again, a wonderful, exciting, action packed Leverage! The scenes where Eliot wouldn't fight a cop, and Hardison's impersonation of a jail guard were HILARIOUS! Only thing I didn't like was Tara. Grrrr.

Quick question! Who came up with Nate's lawyer name?

Another one! Will any of the old clients ever come back for blood?

SueN. said...

@Anonymous - Tara should worry less about Eliot and more about Parker. You know, what with the razorblades in fruit and all. ;)

Maybe she should just bring all her own food, all the time.

SueN. said...

(Sorry for the double post, I forgot something.)

@ita: He liberated Croatia. He probably gets paid to beat up on bad guys and not good ones.

But Eliot's a criminal. Nate chased him, remember? And he himself has admitted to being a bad guy and to hurting people.

I love Eliot to death (duh!) but he's no saint. And as someone else mentioned, he did offer to take out the cops in the Nigerian Job. So … why the new no-hitting rule?

I'm thinking it's a context thing. If it will just make things worse, no hitting cops. If it's the only option and his butt (or one of the team's) is on the line, I'm betting he hits.

As know, Eliot is all about context. ;-)

ita said...

@SueN: But Eliot's a criminal. Nate chased him, remember?

I'd love to know exactly why. Because he beat up people and took things that Nate had to get back, I guess? It's weird that Nate would be chasing a mercenary.

I think Eliot thinks of himself as a good guy criminal. He does illegal things to bad people, and the cops weren't the bad people in this later scenario--but the cop shooting at Nate was, so he beat up on him.

SueN. said...

@ita: I'd love to know exactly why.

So would I! We know so much about the others' skill sets and why Nate would have chased them. But what exactly did Eliot do to have an insurance investigator come after him? Obviously not his mercenary stuff, and most likely not the hitter stuff. So, as a "retrieval specialist," what, exactly, did Eliot "retrieve" that had Nate on his tail? And how is a "retieval specialist" different than a thief? Or is it?

Inquiring minds want to know! (Hint: S3?)

Unknown said...

So, a lot of people have mentioned Eliot's refusal to hit a cop, but I have to ask, specifically, was that a Bureau of Standards & Practices joke?

Lydia said...

It seems awfully premature to complain that we haven't seen Tara's flaws. We haven't seen Tara, as herself, for more than about 90 seconds. And in fact, we did see a flaw, from the perspective of Team Leverage -- she's in this for the money, and doesn't appear to be interested in helping people.

I hate the way that female characters so often get labeled as Mary Sues. Tara's a very talented, very self-confident grifter -- that doesn't mean she has violet eyes.

SH said...

Crying "Mary Sue" after seeing the actual character for all of five seconds is precisely why the term has lost all meaning other than "I don't like this character". Nothing she did was out of the norm for the pulp universe of hyper-competent thieves Leverage operates in.

Yes, the pilot also introduced some of the idiosyncracies and flaws of the team, but you're ignoring the difference in structure between the episodes. We have the entire running time to get to know them, while all we see of Ryan's character is a facade, except for the very end.

She might actually turn out to be rubbish, but it might be prudent to wait until there's more to base that judgement on than a last minute reveal.

SH said...

...and Lydia beat me to it. That's what I get for not refreshing before posting.

Cat Winchester said...

@ all those saying Tara isnt a Mary Sue. Maru Sue doesnt mean good girl, nor love interest, nor strange hair colour/eye colour.

Yes, the term gets bandied about a lot these days, but this only the third time i have personally ever described a TV character as a Mary Sue (the others are Jack Harkness and Rose Tyler from Dr Who). It's not a term i use lightly.

Seriously, look up a few tests on Google so you understand what the term actually means.

Anonymous said...

What is up with Eliot always being all "honorable" and rescuing horses/beaten children, not using guns, not hitting cops, ect. When one works as, essentially, a walking weapon, can you really maintain intense values? It seems like Eliot would be walking off a lot of jobs when he's not working with the Leverage team.

Anonymous said...

Just to say, after reading (about half of) the comments to this blog before watching the episode, I personally was quite pleasantly surprised by Jeri Ryan's turn as Tara.

There is nothing in the world that irritates me more than the dreaded Mary Sues.. and I honestly didn't get that impression with Tara at all. She's a grifter, and a damn good one, and I get that people are bothered by just how good she is, but c'mon, people, she was hand-picked specifically by Sophie; surely you'd EXPECT her to be one of the best!

Honestly, though, what really sold it for me was that she seems to KNOW just how good she is. She's confident, maybe even bordering on arrogant, and in her line of work, I'd say that's exactly the way she should be. I actually quite like borderline-arrogant characters, when done right; that sort of attitude is a flaw just like any other, and it's one that can be explored just as interestingly as Nate's alcoholism or Parker's.. Parkerishness. And, if ever there was a show to use a borderline-arrogance like Tara's in exactly the right way, it's Leverage.

That said, as many other people have pointed out.. impressed as I was by her, Tara is no Sophie and Jeri is no Gina. She's a great recurring guest star, and I have no doubt I'll enjoy every minute of her airtime.. but, and with no offense to the actress or the character, I'll be cheering my backside off once we get Sophie back.

...we ARE getting Sophie back, right???

CLynnGo said...

Hokay, question...

Why is the finale disc-only on Netflix? I couldn't watch the episode in real time or record it (my family preempted it with Obama's speech instead), but I was counting on the handy-dandy Netflix instant watch! Will the episode ever be included in the on demand queue?

SueN. said...

Re: the whole "Tara as Mary Sue" thing, let me add my voice to the chorus saying I don't get that, either.

Yes, she is clearly *very* good at what she does. Then again, so is the team. And why wouldn't Sophie send someone of that calibre to take care of her family? These are people she has grown very attached to; she's not gonna send a second-stringer.

As for the Hardison-proof ID, we don't know how deeply he dug. And we don't know where she gets her stuff. Much as we all love Hardison, he's not the only hacker out there (Chaos, anybody?), and if Tara's as good as she seems, she's only gonna buy from the best. Her success (and probably life) depends on that.

@CatChester, I’m left wondering why she'd condescend to even work with a team she thinks is so inept.

I never got that. When did she say/imply that? Yes, she called Parker adorable (and, yes, it was rather condescending), but I never got the "you people are incompetent" thing. What I got was a "I'm gonna make a ton of money with you people" thing.

Mary Sues, as I've read and gagged over them, are better at everything than everybody, save the day with their mad skilz and manage to make the hero fall in love with them, while having the women want to be their best friends. Didn't get that. *Nate* is actually the one who saved the day by pulling the clues together. Tara never hit anybody, never stole anything, didn't hack anything. All she did was play the grifter, which was precisely what Sophie sent her to do. Neither Nate nor Eliot nor Hardison was sleeping with her and pldging undying love by the end, and Parker is *not* her best friend. In fact, I get the definite impression the kids don't like her and Dad is bemused.

As for character flaws, um, arrogance? I definitely got that, even in the few seconds we had. But all we had was that little tag at the end.

Tara's clearly *very* good at what she does, and she knows it. Then again, our team is very good, and they know it. I'm not sure you'd want an insecure shrinking violet as a grifter.

So I don't see Mary Sue. I see a potentially interesting character who might add another dimension to the team. She's gonna have to learn to play with them, and they're gonna have to learn to play with her. Could make for some nice tension. And maybe more phone calls to Mom from the kids to complain that Aunt Tara's driving them crazy. :)

I still think she should watch her food for a while, though. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm more inclined to believe that Nate knew Tara was conning them all along. The 'look' on his face right near the start when Tara put her hand on the daughters shoulder.

Nate knows how to spot when someone is working on a mark, so I'm guessing he played it all the way through to see just how good Tara was.

At least, I like to think that Nate is that smart!

Top episode, although can't wait to have Gina back :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, SueN., for making exactly the point I was trying to get at, RE Tara's not being a Mary Sue, and for making it in a way that was actually A) eloquent, and B) legible.. both of which my own previous comment failed epically at.


Cat Winchester said...

Will people please learn what a Mary Sue is! Yes, the very worst swoop in and save the day, but not all of them.

Put simply a Mary Sue is a character the author values too highly, often (but not always) to the detriment of the other characters.

They very often are arrogant. They can even be bad guys.

Whether Hardison wasnt good enough to crack her fake idea or was just sloppy and didn't look very hard, it's putting her mad skilz top to Hardisons detriment, they very definition of a Mary Sue.

Then there's the fact that all three men checked her out. Hello? Have they not met Parker and Sophie? But apparently Tara is just SO damn hot it she gets checked out and her hotness commented on where as Parker and Sophie are just part of furniture. Their beauty is rarely (if ever) commented on by the team.

I never got that. When did she say/imply that [the team is inept]?

It's things like "It took you long enough." Then there's her eye rolling when they're, surprisingly, not happy about what she did and then she laughs at them. Not with them, at them.

You don't condescend to people you respect.

I have a nasty feeling the second half of the season is going to focus an awful lot on Tara.

I really hope i'm proven wrong. The four characters left are amazing in their own right, they all have so many aspects left to explore and if it does become the Tara show i'll be very dissapointed.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

When did the comments section of Rogers' blog become a message board? I get that some people don't like anyone who threatens their view of Sophie and need to cast Tara as anything from a transexual to a Mary Sue by any contortion of events necessary, but TNT has a message board for this stuff, people.

From me, just a word of thanks for sharing the great tweets and pictures yesterday. No big questions, but if you wanted to chat about how it is Hardison didn't suss Tara as a con (I think it was because he wasn't looking for a con) it would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

I don't get this channel on my tv (can't afford the cable), so I watch it on my computer through Netflix. I am EXTREMELY upset that this episode, one that I have been eagerly anticipating for weeks, is not being streamed. Does anyone know where I can get a recap?!

Lydia said...

Put simply a Mary Sue is a character the author values too highly, often (but not always) to the detriment of the other characters.

It's not that we don't get your point. It's just that we don't agree with it.

Cat Winchester said...

Then provide evidence of your alternate point of view.

You can tell me something till you're blue in the face, but i wont believe you unless you provide evidence.

Anonymous said...

Then provide evidence of your alternate point of view.

I could be wrong, but doesn't a point of view negate the need for evidence? It's an opinion, for pity's sake; you can't lend evidence to what is, when all is said and done, a matter of perspective.

We all saw the same episode. You read one interpretation of the character, and other people read a different one. The 'evidence' you're providing is just a dictionary definition of the word you used to describe your interpretation of the character. Explaining what the term means doesn't make it fact when applied to a character you've not seen all of. You're just clarifying how you feel about what you've seen of that character so far.

An explanation of what a Mary Sue is, and why you feel that way about the character, is no more 'evidence' than "I disagree" is evidence from one of your opposers. They're just opinions. Nobody is trying to change yours, they're just expressing their own.

Anonymous said...

As a big fan of the show, I felt there was no conclusion of the season. Rather, the introduction of such a skilled character and a storyline that just felt like another ep... left me not content at all.

Sammie323 said...

I absolutely agree about Chris' hair, needs to be a little shorter and a little more layered

But when it's longer and all one layer, it's easier to put back in a ponytail, which is more practical for playing different characters like prison guards :)

Stef said...

I completely agree that this is not a message board but since I forgot my original question while reading through this silly argument I'm going to just say that I don't think Tara is a Mary Sue, either. In fact I feel it's pretty rude to apply fan fiction terms (mostly) to a character that's the product of a collaboration among writers, an actress, cinematography (that slow pan up), costume and who knows what else. A G/Mary Sue is mostly about self-insertion. I unfortunately do not have an arbitrary internet test to "prove" my opinion.

Actually, John, I just thought of a question: how do you/the network deal with the internet? Do you see us as a representative subset of your viewers? Does the network come up to you with message-board print-outs and demand to make Sophie more likable (I loved her from the word go but she was many posters' least favorite) or Eliot's hair a main character?

ChelseaNH said...

Then provide evidence of your alternate point of view.

People have disagreed with you, and explained why. If that's not good enough, perhaps you should trying stomping your feet and holding your breath.

All you've really got is:

1) They didn't figure out that she was a con. This is a flaw in the show, to be sure, especially since a crusader tends to have a high profile and visibility. However, does this mean that Tara is the griftiest grifter that ever grifted? Or does it mean that the entire structure of the episode would fall apart if the team twigged Tara from the outset? I gotta go with option B. So much of the episode didn't even involve Tara, I can't believe she was supposed to be Ms. All That.

2) The guys and the camera drooled over her (once!), when they don't do that for Parker or Sophie. Actually, the camera has drooled over Parker and Sophie on more than one occasion, and we've seen marks fall over themselves in response to them, so it's not that the show has been unappreciative of their natural gifts. It takes more than one "rowr" to make me feel clubbed over the head by the almighty hotness that is Tara.

3) Tara laughed at the team after she revealed that she conned them. We've already covered the con itself (see point 1), so that leaves the laughing. It's not like the team thinks she's so great for laughing at them, so this proves what now?

You can tell me something till you're blue in the face, but i wont believe you unless you provide evidence.

Exactly. Can we be done now?

Anonymous said...

Stef said: Does the network come up to you with message-board print-outs and demand to make Sophie more likable (I loved her from the word go but she was many posters' least favorite)

How can you claim that Sophie was many posters' least favorite? Just because Gina/Sophie fans aren't like Eliot fangirls screaming all the time that she's hot or something you gather that she's least favorite? Don't you think it's possible her fans decided to speak up now that they think she's gone from the show? I'd say it's pretty obvious how popular Gina's character is by the overwhelming response online to her possible leaving. Wouldn't you say so?

GinaFan said...

From this website I surfed up:

The Quote:

Note: Please know that the latest TV Guide reported that Gina Bellman is expecting a baby and will be taking time off from the show, but she and her character Sophie will return.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, that really came out kind of wrong. I apologize. I had the - subjective - impression that message boards were a little more critical of Sophie than of the other characters (especially during the first season). The fact that fans of one character might be more vocal about their favorite than others was actually part of my point.

I'm clearly not expressing myself well, so I should stop digging that hole now.

Anonymous said...

Lol at all the predictable crying of "Mary Sue". If what we've seen of Tara so far indicates Sue-powers, then the whole main cast are all Sues.

I approve of Kane's longer hair style, and also the merciful laying off of the hair mousse. I've always thought his hair needed to be either longer or shorter and looked kinda greasy with styling gunk; this looks much better.

My inane question: was Blanchard's difficulty with Nate's fake name entirely scripted? Because his stuttering in the courtroom was very convincing, hah.

Cat Winchester said...

@ Anon - If you dont have a basis for your opinion, if you cant defend your point of view, you dont have a right to it. On subjects i am not well versed on, i dont offer an opinion. There are even a lot of things i am well versed in, and still cant pick a side because both present a very convincing argument. And thats okay, i dont have to have an opinion on everything. The world wont fall apart if i dont.

@ ChelseaNH - However, does this mean that Tara is the griftiest grifter that ever grifted? Or does it mean that the entire structure of the episode would fall apart if the team twigged Tara from the outset?

It doesn't matter why they wrote her a certain way, it matters that they did. I'm not reading writers room transcripts, i'm watching Leverage and judging what i see. If i got the wrong message, thats a flaw with the show because it's not supposed to come with cliff notes.

With regards your second point, yes, the camera and marks sometimes linger over the characters, the team doesnt. Thats the difference. Even Parker in that dress wasnt commented on in the show. They left it up to the viewer to find her hot or not, they didnt have to tell us she was hot.

Your third point, it proves she thinks she's better than them. Or it's at lease very strong evidence she thinks that way.

@ Anon (same one? dunno) Anyway, i think Sophie is the least popular. Hear me out, it's not my opinion.

I have tribute vids to Sophie, Parker and Eliot up. While Sophie's has been up the longest, it has the least amout of views.

Taken as a percentage of the total views Sophie's vid has 12%, Parkers 31% and Eliots 56%.

Unknown said...

Just watching the ep again now (great way to start my weekend...)

Question - How does Tara know who the client is? She comes in and one of the first things she says to Nate is that Mr Kimble died last week....

Nate didnt tell Sophie - and it looked like all he handed her was a plane ticket.


kresky's dame said...

"I hope you have a Plan B or F or something in the first half of the alphabet."

A reference to the pilot and the line "In Plan M Hardison dies"?

Or am I just geeking out on the show a bit too much?

Brad said...

I'm flatly amazed that 115 comments into this, everyone just takes it for granted that Sophie actually sent Tara.

Put me down as another viewer who doesn't like or buy Eliot's not being willing to hit cops. Never mind that it's part of the general cultural capitulation to the Man, on the show where I go to get away from that. I just don't buy it. Is Eliot unwilling to hit ALL government enforcement agents, or just one specific government? Or if it's the "they're just working joes doing their job" justification, how does that make cops different from the rest of the low-level muscle Eliot usually beats up? It can't be that the beating victims are criminals and therefore Bad, Eliot and all of his friends are criminals. I just can't find any way that line makes sense with the character.

I realize it's not my job to find a way that line makes sense, but I'm curious how the inestimable Mr. Rogers justifies it.

Anonymous said...

Cat chester said: I have tribute vids to Sophie, Parker and Eliot up. While Sophie's has been up the longest, it has the least amout of views.

That seals the deal then. LOL You must be kidding providing this as any kind of proof of popularity. I'm a fan of Sophie/Gina and I don't look for her tribute vids online. People can be fans and don't look for those kind of things. I read the TNT board and many people registered just to show support for her character, probably never go online to talk about their TV shows. We're talking casual viewers, not necessarily only the fanatics.

mikkee said...

Wonderfully entertaining episode with all the drama, plot twists and spot-on humor that we have come to expect. I can't say enough about how well the cast members play their roles -- bringing their characters to life. January sure is a long way off without my weekly Leverage fix. Thank goodness for S1 DVDs!

Oh - my question: What does "CGI" mean?

And one more comment: I apologize that a number of my fellow posters found it acceptable to use (abuse) your blog as a forum in which to wage personal battles! We all *should* understand your purpose in establishing this marvelous line of communication between Leverage fans and yourself. And I don't believe you intended it to be a forum in which individual fans would attempt to assert or debate their intellectual superiority, skills of perception, or freedom of expression. Before we post our opinions, we should be measuring them against the ultimate purpose of your blog. A lot of comments would go unmade -- and in many cases, that would be a positive outcome. I'm afraid that if we don't police *ourselves*, you will tire of the bickering and pull the plug entirely. Who could blame you?

babysmoke said...

Well said, mikkee! I'm in Australia, and I fully appreciate the lengths to which you(John)go to keep us engaged in the show. Heck. Fans of Leverage have got to be the most pampered and well-informed of all fans!

I loved and didn't like the episode in equal parts. Ambivalent about Jeri Ryan's character. The "mary sue" comments went right over my head, probably 'cos I don't write fiction. Loved the interactions between the family. The actors were just fantastic in portraying their emotions with subtle facial expressions and body language.

Thanks for making huge efforts to provide us with 42:30 of pure escapism. Let all obstacles in front of the fun train be gone!!

Oh. And. Party hard, rest well, and we expect Season 3 to outshine Season 2 and 1!! Thanks, John!

Anonymous said...

Knowing Mr Kane is doing 99.9999% of the fight scenes,reading he'd had 17 stitches on a head wound made me feel so bad for him. But he never revealed how he got it. So now I hear it was in that elevator scene in TBB - poor Christian got KOed by the "box?!" Apparently he turned too fast into the edge of the box, OUCH! I'm thrilled that Christian's timing was not caused it, BUT I'm angry with the prop people! My question, it having been an empty box at the time I'm sure, shouldn't it have been lined more in according with aspects of safety for Christian?
I have heard Christian explain about his hair length being the way it is..I mean this man knows what he's doing. Please give him due respect for doing what he does so well. He's bringing so much to his character on Leverage and the hair suits his quiet, charming, baby-faced but explosive, short fused personality beautifully! Christian's moves are the best I've seen of any actor, I hope Leverage gets something for that in the awards nominations.
I'm so thrilled Leverage will be back with a third season.

Unknown said...

Here Here Mikkee!

We all need to play nice or Uncle John will stop this car and make us all get out and walk...

and no one wants that.

Thank you again, John, Dean and EVERYONE at Leverage, for treating us all so well.

The Masked Brute said...

I know that there are 121 comments as of my posting this so it might get lost...

...but any word on why Netflix seems to have added-then-removed the 9th episode from their Instant Queue?

Cat Winchester said...

@ Anon - I wasnt offering that as absolute proof, just the reason i agreed with the OP.

And it's fairly safe to assume that a similar percentage of Sophie fans watch vids as Parker and Eliot fans. Or are you saying that Parker and Eliot fans are more likley to watch vids? I'm curious why you would think that.

Anonymous said...

Or are you saying that Parker and Eliot fans are more likley to watch vids? I'm curious why you would think that.

My point is that you can still be a fan of a character and not go out of your way to find fanvids of them. Your example doesn't prove anything.

shahea said...


Color blind is usually not "white is blue" but rather, "is that green? It's blue? Really?" Very, very, very few people see in just shades of grey. But ok, maybe she's one.

I laughed like a loon at the rock throw. The hair is flouncing around and the slo-mo - all that was missing was the white charger. Lots of fun.

I loved the bit in the beginning, showing Nate continuing to almost - but not quite - tell Sophie he misses her. I know I miss her. Jeri did a great job, but I really just like Gina's acting, her looks, her timing, her character better. I miss Sophieeeee!

Not my favorite episode, but I think that may be because I like the show with Sophie. (WE GET IT, SHAHEA - YOU MISS SOPHIE.) ;) I loved the meth bit. I liked the switch to "GG" at the courthouse. I laughed at the inability of the Evil Lawyer to pronounce the last name correctly. I am a little intrigued to see how Parker reacts to another women who clearly is not looking at her in a motherly fashion, but as more of competition. (At least, that was how I took Tara's "adorable" comments. It sounded like the kind of catty, faux-nice some women put on when confronted with another woman who competes with them.) I wasn't impressed with all of the boys being "drop the shades" impressed with Tara getting out of the car. That seemed forced.

How did you guys decide on Jeri Ryan? Was the it Star Trek Connection?

Unknown said...

More questions...

Just watched for the 3rd or 4th time and yes - I really really need to get a life.

I digress...

When Parker & Nate are at the meet for the payoff - two things stuck out this time

1) How did Nate get back to the courthouse?

2) Did the dirty cop not know that Nate was supposed to be 'Jimmy'? Dont you think he would have mentioned that Eliot called out 'NATE'... perhaps he was going to do that right before he was shot.

Cat Winchester said...

Another question, i was reminded by Pogp's comment above.

If Parker and Nate are both headed to the courthouse, why did they split up?

Miranda said...

Someone earlier said they would like to see Leverage books. I want to see them too. I would love to read new, fun stories about the characters.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to say that as good as Gina was, all she "did" was do the con by her impersonation bits, like the accents and dressing, right? Gina I read has done stage plays like Hamlet in England. So I'm just guessing here that clips of Sophie's contribution to a con could be a tad boring. Cons by Eliot and Parker is more physical in nature, and put to music Christian looks great in slow-mo! It helps tremendously that that's not a stunt guy! On that note, does Beth do all those somersaults? Between Gina and Tim, video clips of Tim, with his disheveled hair and anxiety attacks(?) are more dramatic.

Anonymous said...

Gina is 43 (born 1966) and Jeri Ryan's just 2 years younger at 41..Timothy's 49 I think. Anyway, my question, just wondering if this Tara character would want to make a move on Nate at any time? Sophie (if Gina comes back), may be swayed (motivated) to 'rescue' Nate from Tara's claws uh clutches?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of *numbers* as in ages, if Parker's playing her true age on Leverage, she'd be 31. Beth's acknowledged as being a 'professional photographer' in real life, so those somersaults and flexibility flipping out of small spaces...I'd want some confirmation on that only so I'd be envious she was able to do them so well!

Anonymous said...

It's just me I'm sure, like *picky-picky* but so far I've enjoyed how Christian's Eliot interacts with Aldis/Hardison more than Hardison with Parker. There's a fun element in it when they sort of bicker over things, the spilled slush in Eliot's car, fighting over the same uniform (from TBB). They also have good lines like "..a cowboy with low self-esteem" and the way Hardison spits out, "'s a com-PU-ter" to Eliot upon locating the bomb. Funny.
Parker's not strong in communication/expressing emotion and tagged as 'insane' by Nate/others for the risks she takes? But at times she frowns too much and comes off as just verbally aggressive.
My question, any chance Parker's going to clash badly in her interactions with Tara in Season 3?

David Hunt said...

Regarding who's performing the flips that Parker occasionally executes, I think they're using a stand-in (flip-in?). The cinematography is always obscuring the face of the athlete when Parker is doing that. I'd think that if Beth was doing that they'd want us to see that it was her doing that.

This isn't criticism of Ms. Riesgraf. Those types of gymnastics are wicked difficult. I've never done either, but I'd think that they're more difficult than the fight scenes the Christian Kane is performing.

Bottom line, I think if Beth was doing it herself, she'd generally be filmed so that we could see it was her doing it herself.

Work verification: dings

Anonymous said...

This isn't criticism of Ms. Riesgraf. Those types of gymnastics are wicked difficult. I've never done either, but I'd think that they're more difficult than the fight scenes the Christian Kane is performing.
Well..what if Beth had a background in something that allowed her to flip for close-up shots? LOL Okay, this is not important whether an actor/actress would have a stunt person do these stuff for them. But I just couldn't let slide that Christian's 'fight' scenes weren't *tougher* than doing somersaults in a straight line? Could 17 stitches (a life-time scar above the eye) caused by a plywood box prop stand as proof that there's some possibility it is?:) I've read his close actor/professional stunt coordinator friend Anthony Longis explain better on why Christian can be trusted in a fight scene (one of a few actors) - there are too many disciplines he went through for me to recall here. But a few are: Inner discipline, distance, perfect timing while still keeping in character. I may be wrong, but I don't think doing 4 or 5 quick back flips alone, in front of a blue screen (in segments?) require what goes into a 'fight' scene.

Kanedoras said...

Huh. No thoughts on Tara (let it play out), but I can't stop thinking about the legal aspect of the episode.

What's the time frame? I get the impression that the events of the episode only take a few days, which seems like a remarkably fast amount of time for Nate-as-Papadocolous to file for compulsory joinder (assuming that the client's charity was an out-of-state corporation, had diversity of citizenship from the attorney, and therefore was already in the federal district, as opposed to county probate, court). Then there're motions, counter-motions, responses, all before you get a hearing. Of course, the obligations of service of process play havoc with Tara posing as a the client's lawyer without the client's knowledge. Then there are questions of discovery; IIRC, under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a DNA test and the accompanying expert's report would have to be done more than 30 days before the trial to be admissible as evidence.

There are also problems with the resolution. In most states, a child excluded from the will can't recover from the decedent's estate [unless that child is a minor], especially since a decent lawyer with a philandering client would have put a clause in the will specifically excluding any illegitimate children.

Looking at the comments, it seems like I'm getting hung up on the wrong things, instead of being concerned about whether or not Hardison would have caught the fake ID. But yeah, definitely great character moments and all around fun.

Lia said...

Just wondering what you guys (writers, producers etc.) think about the reactions to the new Tara character or Jeri Ryan? There's hundreds of fan messageboards out there and you probably don't read all of them, but people seem to be split - they either like her or not. I have to agree with what I've read that perhaps it would have been better to have Tara's intro delayed until the Winter season, so that we can quickly adjust to her being on the it just seems like there's all this time for everyone to "stew" and grow much more antagonistic towards the character. I do love Jeri Ryan, and I would have loved to be able to see her in action again this week. Although like most people, I do have to ask...when does Sophie get back?!?!

Anonymous said...

How did Nathan know that Kimball was colorblind?

David Wintheiser said...

"Put me down as another viewer who doesn't like or buy Eliot's not being willing to hit cops. Never mind that it's part of the general cultural capitulation to the Man, on the show where I go to get away from that. I just don't buy it. Is Eliot unwilling to hit ALL government enforcement agents, or just one specific government? Or if it's the "they're just working joes doing their job" justification, how does that make cops different from the rest of the low-level muscle Eliot usually beats up? It can't be that the beating victims are criminals and therefore Bad, Eliot and all of his friends are criminals. I just can't find any way that line makes sense with the character."

As a fan, I don't see it as an 'honor' thing on Eliot's part, but as a 'rationality' thing.

Eliot beats people up, and he's one of the best in the world at what he does. Your average big-city or small-town cop simply does not have the skill or training to match him, but usually still has the attitude that 'the perp' can't be allowed to just do whatever he wants. Ergo, Eliot understands that, if he were to fight a cop, the cop would very likely end up dead, whether Eliot wanted him to or not.

On the flip side, people who kill cops tend to become extremely hated, and with Eliot right now calling Boston 'home', getting a rep as a 'cop-killer' in that town would not be the most professional thing he could do.

Anonymous said...

There have been flashbacks of Eliot having been on some "missions" or may be covert operations around the globe. Eliot's *met* the Butcher of Kiev (TWJ) and been thrown in prisoner of war camps (the nod to Deer Hunter!) Parker wanted to know if Eliot was a member of the "consul" that was responsible for the various conspiracies (3DotHJ)- to which Eliot says he was not at liberty to to me Eliot would come off like a brainless dick(?)to beat-up all(e.g local cops) whom crosses his path without considering the situation or weighing the consequences of his actions at the time.
In the Nigerian job Eliot seemed anxious that he'd had his fingerprints processed, and the results of his/their identity would be out in 10 minutes. Parker was against "taking out" the cop as it would prevent her getaway.
There's a lot about Eliot's background *work* that's still not clearly established. In fact "Eliot Spencer" is not even his real name.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Eliot's line something about disliking hitting cops (not being unwilling to hit cops)? I figure there are other things about getting kicked and punched that he's not crazy about either.

I thought the line was offered as contrast to Parker's "whee! fun!" glee when using the taser on the same cop a minute or two later. But since Eliot's apologized to security guards, etc, just before knocking them out, it seemed consistent enough with his character to me.

Anonymous said...

Parker seems to harbor a meaner streak than Eliot when she's pissed! In The Stork Job she suddenly stabbed that guy in the chest with a fork..In the BTB Hardison handed Parker the stun-gun to use on the bad guy after his hurried confession. Parker had a smirk when she was preparing to tape up that guy to the steering wheel too (the detective said he was found that way). Also in the Top Hat Job when Nate explains office politics, Parker remarks that she's glad she's not dealing with the *real world* like that. So what's up with Parker's (in)sanity issues?

Anonymous said...

I don't care what kind of rating your get from Jeri Ryan's apperance, be sure she is only temporary and remember there are four other members of the team. I don't want to see a great series messed up because TNT decided to bring in a space babe for Trekkers to drain their phasors.

briddie said...

Did Gina's pregnancy change the direction of the Nate/Sophie arc, or is that where you planned on taking it anyway, seeing as how Nate is 1) sober and b) a bigger bastard?

CaseyL said...

Just re-watched, and saw something I missed the first time. At the end, after Tara's reveal and she's handed Hardison her invoice, and everyone freaks out with all the cross-talk, Tara - enjoying herself hugely - says "Oh, see; I'm getting paid already."

I didn't see that as referring to the money from the inheritance.

I saw that as her saying the satisfaction of putting a con over on the cons was as good as money.

Am I right to interpret it that way?

Anonymous said...

The adage "You can't con a con man" was what was NOT going on here? Nate should be the one looking out for the others on that aspect. An example of that was when Sophie was *found out* during the First David Job trying to run a con on the team because she already had in her possession the Second David. Eliot said something to Nate and Nate gave Sophie a tongue-lashing, on not trying to con your own team.

ChelseaNH said...

An example of that was when Sophie was *found out* during the First David Job trying to run a con on the team

Part of that was due to Nate knowing how Sophie operates (e.g. using the voice she uses on her marks).

It is interesting that Nate isn't familiar with Tara; if he has chased her, he didn't have her face to go on. We know Sophie likes art, but Tara seems to go for cash. This would make her less likely to trigger an insurance investigation. There's also the possibility that she was playing in the minors and only jumped up to the majors after Nate "retired" from IYS, but that's not a lot of time for such a big career "promotion."

Trilby said...

Blogger talea said...

"....what Sophie brings to the party is that "foreign" quality (yes, I'm an American). That means Sophie's worldliness adds a nuance that the other members of the crew can't match."

That helped crystallize a thought I've been on the verge of having for a while now. Nate and Sophie are a lot like Fred Astare and Ginger Rogers, only in reverse: Sophie's presence lends Nate a little sophistication, and Nate's presence lends Sophie a little earthy sex appeal.

Anonymous said...

Woh, just came across an old interview (Dec 2008) and I was surprised that Beth has a 6 year old son already. Beth also spoke about being surprised that on Leverage she'd be coached doing stunts using harnesses.

Eyetee Monkey said...

At the end of the episode Parker (love to bits) sniffs Tara. I know that she randomly sniffs objects but this is only the second time (that I noticed) that she sniffs a person. The other being Maggie.

My point being is that is this a conscious choice by Beth or just coincidence that she seems to sniff out other mother type figures?

Sophie is someone who was pretty much there from the start and that is what she knows and feels safe with. Is she testing out possible rivalries for the "family"?

Loving the show. Got 11 people hooked on it so far just using my trusty dvds. Spread the love people.

Anonymous said...

I loved the "Where's Waldo?" scene at the beginning. Very funny, very cute.

I love that Sophie sent someone who's pretty much her opposite. I think it'll lead to interesting new relationship dynamics, and I think it's only logical that Sophie, when trying to find a grifter to replace her on the team, would be unable to find someone with the "right" personality. How many grifters are there in the world of Sophie's caliber? I'd guess somewhere under 50. It's not like she's got a huge selection to choose from.

Also, I loved Parker tasering the cop, and Eliot getting mad at her. Every know and then I forget that Parker is batshit crazy, start thinking she's just a little odd. You guys always remind me she's insane right quick. lol

Anonymous said...

I thought I was going to have an issue with Jeri Ryan on the show and, as it turns out, I was right. It all comes down to timing, I guess. I honestly think it's too soon to have a new character on the show; we are barely in the second season!

I must admit Gina/Sophie were my least favorite when Leverage started, but I've grown to really like them. I'd rather have those little moments with Sophie than a new person trying to step in.

I might be biased, though. I don't think I've ever seen Ryan in something I liked. She actually ruined Shark for me.

Anonymous said...

This doesn’t have that much to do with the episode, but about how old are each of the characters supposed to be?

Anonymous said...

In a behind-the-scene taping, each character was briefly explained by DD and he says Parker has a mild case of Asperger syndrome. Looking it up, it's supposed to make that individual lack non-verbal communication skills, have limited empathy with their peers and physically clumsy(?). Well that explains my earlier question on what's really up with Parker saying and doing some stuff:)

OhShinyTomato said...

I seem to be one of the few that didn't take to the "I lovvvve meth" line. That was triggering, and in a little fucked up way kind of glorified it for me. Since I'm trying really hard to stay clean, that scene kind of made me do a double take. I understand it was done for comedy purposes, what with Parker not even realizing what the hell it was, and you can't always take into account what can be and what might be triggering for other people, but personally I guess I just don't find it funny. But like I said, probably one of the few on that count...

That said, I think I adore Jeri Ryan. The end.

Antaeus Feldspar said...

Believe it or not, a question which isn't about Jeri Ryan! If Kimball had the same kind of color-blindness his daughter does, which keeps her from correctly identifying blue, how did that get to be his favorite? Or is Kimball supposed to have had a much different form of color-blindness, so he could see and identify blue irises but his daughter couldn't?

Anonymous said...

Came across deleted scene clips about Parker's "problem" - she not being a "people-person" shown in a flashback. It was (tried)to be fitted in a few eppys too. So it was during a con and she meets a guy at a bar. The man puts his hand on her lap...Parker grabs his hand and almost breaks all his fingers!
I appreciate the scene now in the Lost Heir Job where Parker's on the phone with Sophie, getting tips on how to "manage" a similar con, having assured she'd be "fine" doing it to Nate. To Sophie she confides that the last time she had to do this type of thing...she stabbed the guy with a fork! That was in the Stork Job.

Anonymous said...

Oops no, no it's not the LHJ! Sorry, my bad! Parker's scene was for The Ice Man Job...playing Hardison's "galpal":)Parker played Sophie's grifter part in the team:)

Anonymous said...

The con lives on:

By LISA RATHKE, Associated Press Writer: MONTPELIER, Vt. – Authorities say a con man who has made a living stealing from wealthy hotel guests around the world has been arrested in Vermont.

Federal authorities say Juan Carlos Guzman-Betancourt was nabbed Sept. 21 at a gas station near the U.S.-Canadian border in Derby Line. He is being charged with re-entering the U.S. after being deported.

Authorities say the 33-year-old Colombian has claimed at least 10 aliases, using his good looks and gift of gab to get into rooms and locked safes.

He has been convicted of larceny in Virginia and New York and fraud in Florida. He has been wanted in Canada, Colombia, Japan, Mexico, Thailand and Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

In a weird sort of way, Eliot was right in asking, "What's a Sophie?" in the Pilot episode;) In the FGP opening scene, "Sophie" reels off her other *identities* - Catherine, Karen, Michelle, Elizabeth...but is it possible that she's really Sophie? Because initially (for 10 years?) she wanted Nate to "decide" where their relationship was heading? But now that Nate seems "undecided" (when Maggie came on board)- she wants to *hide* her hurt in another identity:)

Mike Cane said...

FINALLY! Just caught up on this episode this morning. Chris Downey FTW! Great season ending and classic Leverage structure too.

Yes, I *know* you've been pulling at the seams of the show this season, seeing how you can stretch it. But we all fell in love with the structure of season one and expect that. Too much Fun in some episodes this time round, too little Train.

Like: the briefings? You think that's dull pipe laying. It's the time when we get to see their *characters* come out in a no-pressure setting (Parker: "I have a fever.").

And we like the character childhood flashbacks.

And we like the How They Did it retro-reveals.

Anonymous said...

Will there be more Eliot/Parker scenes in the future episodes? They were close to nonexistent last season, but now that you put them together they make a very interesting and entertaining pair.

Anonymous said...

Watched The Snow Job, again! I truly appreciate the writers letting Eliot come up with the "PLAN B"- SERIOUSLY GOOD OF YOU! I could already *see* the deep thinking intelligence that is Christian's Eliot from the Pilot The Nigerian Job:) You guys didn't "waste" that, thank you!
Anyway,LOL compared to Hardison's shallow PLAN A,that involved literally (?)injecting some dye into Parker's brain to mimic a brain tumor..with "death-like symptoms,SERIOUSLY?? What con is worth doing *that* to a team member (rolls-eyes!)? Also, the way Christian offers the alternative PLAN B kinda reservedly,amidst the silence, made for a very satisfying, enjoyable scene:D
Can't wait for S3!

Ann said...

On reading your answers for 208, you kind of address something I've noticed in a few episodes-changed dynamics in the Eliot/Parker relationship (& others actually). She seems more tactile this year. Sitting on the arm of Eliot's chair, leaning against Eliot as they lean against the wall in "3 days of the Hunter", also the shifting on the sofa after Sophie leaves. Are you trying to show that while she is not a people person she can be conforable with the team now?
Also, the family dynamic... is it also the dynamic with the cast? Or maybe is the cast "family", Dean, you etc as the parents & the whole cast as the kids?

Anonymous said...

IMHO, Leverage doesn't need to have ANY PAIRING off/love angles among its *members*-EXCEPT FOR NATE! Nate has already "established" some sort of "history" with Sophie, 10 years earlier lol. Being the boss, and somewhat control freak, "brain" for "his team"(deliciously unpredictable as they are!)- THAT should precisely be his woe..I also think Nate's on-off drinking problem adds to his composure and short fuse being tested at times by Hardison AND Parker's wild,over-board,go-it-alone mentality! These help create tension and the danger in a con.
Now it seems like Eliot, being the specialist who survived in foreign prisons (with great intelligence and skills no doubt!)is the ONLY GROUNDED INDIVIDUAL on Nate's team;D..The only type of *pairing* I'd like to see continue? Eliot in distress when he's with either Hardison or Parker in the middle of a con. Things can go horribly wrong with those two!
Hardison has been delightful as the nerd who thinks that pulling accents on mobs and thugs(The 12 Step Job)can diffuse a potentially dangerous situation - Eliot has to think fast and *speak* the crooked guys *language* in order to save the to speak!
Parker on the other hand has a "mild case of Asperger?" So that *quirkiness* is built-in into Parker's personality, right? A con/situation can go MANY DIFFERENT weird?)with her. Even Nate has to repeat himself to Parker("No stabbing Parker") get her less anxious and focused on the job. Eliot "already" senses "there's something wrong" with Parker,as her responses to critical situations have been pretty aggressive, warped or comical even, right from the The Nigerian Job episode!:) I wouldn't want them to start *behaving normal* enough to be totally "comfortable" with each other..
Now I only wait patiently for S3;)

Anonymous said...

Catching up with an older post for query on Q & A Explosion,there were some interesting things said here.
1. The timing of our "vengeance against fatcats" show does seem to be fortuitous." Yes,AGREED!:)
2. We joked the other day that our promos should just be 15 seconds of Chris Kane beating the shit out of the CEO of Lehman..Now THAT would rock for me..I mean Chris is visually super in ALL the fight scenes!
3. This was about the explosion in the warehouse, "..somewhere along the line we'll blow up the very warehouse we're all standing in..That surely seemed like a better plan at the time..
4. At noon, we had everyone outside. There are a ridiculous number of safety talks, and then we're moved behind the fire line..
5. The "blow" as is called, goes off in two steps.
Alright, it sounds like a long (6 hours?)tough scene to make.
6. So what was the *results* of that take?.."if you SQUINT you can see WEE STUNT PEOPLE running just ahead of the explosion."
7. Okay, so the next follow-up *story* to this I can't comprehend completely though! It goes, " Our actors..particularly Kane, who's quite the shitkicker - feel cheated that we're not letting them run in the explosion. Not wanting to deprive them of all the fun, we then put them in front of a real fireball, shoot them with a long lens - and get footage of them escaping from the inferno." My question: Aren't you guys pleased that this scene turned 300x better than the squinting required to see "wee stunt people?"
So,maybe I'm *reading* this (a joke?)the wrong way, but why go on to say: "Nothing like a little heat blast and that OOOMPH of the air compression wave to help them appreciate the value of the fine stunt community?"
On a totally different note - for all the work that Mr Kane has put in for TNT, plus choreographing some fight scenes in Leverage (taking a scar from a real plywood box too!) - why shouldn't he be credited right after Tim Hutton rather than Gina..?

msd said...

Since you haven't answered these questions I'm going to try and sneak another one in. On the DVD everyone talks about the insane 7-day shooting schedule. What are your schedules? Does everyone get a "weekend" off in between episodes or what? I'm just curious.

If anyone hasn't listened to the commentaries on the S1 DVD - please do. There are great insights, techie stuff and y'all are very complimentary to each other and about the actors and crew. It just adds another layer to how great this show is.

Bob Frazier said...

Re: Did the dirty cop not know that Nate was supposed to be 'Jimmy'?

This is a "plot hole" created by cutting a few scenes - including one where detective Lind grabs Jimmy Popodoculus in an alley and beats him up for a while, and another where he chats with him on the courthouse steps.

As for Eliot... of course he beats cops up - Detective Lind IS a cop.

Another plot hole - why would I (I played one of Detective Lind's cops) give my gun to a lawyer just so he could shoot my boss, detective Lind?

Anonymous said...

In Eliot's mind it's not worth getting things *messier* by "roughing-up" ANY COP (brings in too many variable,Eliot said once). But then again if the said cop was already a *dirty cop* AND willing to kill anyone, especially team members..I guess that would make the "cop" just another criminal to be dealt with accordingly, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

Watched The BTB, The Wedding Job and the Top Hat Job episodes again, and I really liked that Nate has Eliot's back when Hardison sends him (Eliot)on reconnaissance work without Nate's go-ahead. In the THJ Hardison wasn't attentive at all - security was at its highest level there - Eliot fights his way out. In the BTBJ, Nate was wary of mob involvement - too late for Eliot again, he "met" the mob! AWESOME fight scenes though:)
The Wedding Job, ha! The Butcher from Kiev, Nate asks that Eliot stays away from that guy because Sophie's adamant in staying to see the con through alone, Butcher or no Butcher!
A funny scene I missed the first time I saw The Top Hat Job was Parker asking (only) Hardison to hook up the cable end BEFORE she "dives" down the elevator shaft! Hardison mumbles he doesn't see he could hook it to anything - WITHOUT REALLY LOOKING..and all this time Parker's falling down the shaft at breakneck speed. MY HERO ELIOT saves Parker's LIFE by hooking up the end to Hardison's belt! Hardison beomes the *stopper* for Parker. Parker comes to a stop with a few feet to spare (pure exhilaration!)- not knowing what just transpired between Hardison and Eliot in the elevator a few floors up;D Well Hardison didn't think him being yanked to the ceiling was funny, but Eliot did save Parker's life doing that:)

Anonymous said...

Is it me OR there's an eerie (silent) "creepy contest" going on here ?;D ..for what it's worth - HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!! I'm LOVING REPEATS of Leverage from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Though it's still early (9.55PM FRIDAY)..I just didn't want to forget!

Anonymous said...

Did Nate know from early on that Ruth was Kimball's daughter? Or did he come to that conclusion while he was in court? Also I enjoyed Jeri Ryan's role in this ep.
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Anonymous said...

She probably just co-opted some other woman's profile that already existed, but didn't have an ID photo.
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Nate know from early on that Ruth was Kimball's daughter? Or did he come to that conclusion while he was in court?
I'd thought Nate having been an excellent "investigator" in his former line of work,is always adding up the details to come up with the correct "conclusion" - this aspect of how Nate's mind "works" has been established quite a few times in each episode - Attention must be paid! - LOL Anywaaay, in the first scene, wasn't it odd that Ruth refers to the Yellow irises as Blue? That being "..his favorite color?" I saw Nate taking a second (slightly quizzical)look at the flowers as Ruth waved them in the air before excusing herself.
May be the part where someone in the team "discovering" that both parents had to be color-blind for their children to be colorblind too (a rarity?),was edited out? Too much revelation..cancels out the suspense:) But Ruth failing her driving test 3x? Now *that* was mentioned..

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Was Parker sexually abused by her foster father? Did she kill him?

Anonymous said...

Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
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Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Gejala Penyakit Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi

Anonymous said...

Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
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Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
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Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
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Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
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Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
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Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin

Anonymous said...

Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.

Unknown said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

Unknown said...

cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

Unknown said...

Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,

Unknown said...

Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.

Unknown said...

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.

Unknown said...

Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu AmbeclearAmbeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia

Pengobatan Ambeien Wasir said...

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Unknown said...

Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????

Unknown said...

Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *************************

Unknown said...

Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************

obar herbal manjur alami said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ..................

obar herbal manjur alami said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................

Unknown said...

penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.

Unknown said...

Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas

Cara Mengobati Wasir Ambeien said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................

Unknown said...

Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien

kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................

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