Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Best New Show: LIFE

With the strike-shortened season pretty much wrapped, I'm making it official. Seriously. All eleven are frikkin' tight. (Okay, the videogaming one - eh.) They tied up one of the main mysteries without killing the engine of the show. And yet, if it disappears now, it's like a British show -- story mission accomplished.

Best NEW network show of the year.

Even the occasional attempts to remind us that Sarah Shahi is gorgeous instead of allowing us to just enjoy the fact that she can hit a joke were thwarted.

Start your BitTorrents.

(NOTE: Some of you will insist Pushing Daisies is the best new show. It may be the most different. But a.) I don't see how it functions much past Season One, where I can project how Damian Lewis ad Sarah Shahi entertain me for many years to come and b.) the show is so twee, I must admit I only really tune in to watch Chi McBride rain on their parade.)

"I Saw You Looking at Agnosticism's Ass!"

Laptop crashed just as I started blogging again. And it's a MAC PRO. What are the odds of that? It's just stuck in boot-up, little wheel a'spinnin.

Even more insanely, it's Boot Camped. On a whim, before I brought the thing over to a Mac Repair joint (no Apple mothership in Ottawa), I booted into Windows -- which is how I'm updating right now.

Wow, Microsoft actually wins one.

I refuse to blog politically on a day when Congress is wasting time debating a resolution to declare Christmas is important.

You know, for a religion that survived centuries of persecution under the greatest Empire in existence, and then went on to convert billions of people over the following centuries, and is so entrenched as a moral framework in America that every Presidential candidate (hell, 99% of politicians in general) has to claim to be not just a follower but a devout follower ...

... Christianity's been acting kind of needy lately. Like, "crazy girlfriend who suddenly believes you're thinking about how to pack your shit in ways she won't notice and sneak it out to the car, and so perversely thinks the way to keep you from bolting is to demand you tell her she's super pretty every hour, which, ironically, is what actually prompts you into thinking about packing your shit, even though you weren't before but now ..." needy.

Come on, Christianity. Stay classy.

Sunday, December 09, 2007