Friday, May 11, 2007

Go Sens!

Still moving, going back and forth from LA to Ottawa. But yesterday was the first full day in Ottawa, and as I walked the streets, my wife noticed me squinting.

"What's wrong?"
"I don't know, something's weird, like noticing something out of the corner of my eye --"
"Don't recognize the neighborhood?"
"No, it's --"

It hit me.

There weren't any blondes.

Much like the moment you realize that the squirrels of Ottawa are black, it's an odd mental hiccup in one's world construct.

The cashiers and service people are also filthily cheerful. So relentlessly cheerful, I keep expecting them to hand me my change with a cheery "Be seeing you," and the eye-circle salute. They may want information, these wily Ontarians, but I am not a number!

When we're back to full service we'll have a couple screenwriting book reviews, discussion on lessons the Bush Administration could learn from the Irish Mob, nerfing 'locks and Presidents, why Lost going to 16 eps a season is rather important, how Life on Mars ended damn well thank you, sir, and other fun. Thanks for waiting about in the meantime. For the downtime:

-- The interface on this Scott McCloud comic is rather interesting. I think such nods to our physical act of reading are necessary for successfully bringing print to screeniness. Discuss.

-- Tyrone sent me the Buck Rogers TV theme as an amusement. Damn him, as I then spent an hour entranced by the fan videos celebrating Erin Gray's suffering from Gil Gerard's fear of committment.

Gil Gerard as sex symbol: what the hell? Discuss.

-- John Robb's Brave New War came out this week, a study of how insurgencies are adapting open-source networking techniques. It is relentlessly good. I'll be straining the very limits of Fair Use quoting it over the next few weeks. A fast, informative read that I am not hesitating to call crucial to our understanding of what the hell's going on and about to go down.

Take care.