Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Frikkin' Christmas

Yes, it was one of those "I'll post tomorrow, right after I figure out what's wrong with this computer" weeks, terminated only by said computer finally winding up in the shop and me dragging out the old Windows box backup. We should be back up to speed momentarily.

In the meantime, because Tyrone demanded it:

Tyrone: On the roof?
John: Yeah, with rain coming Sunday, just didn't want that much snow up there. So I climbed up and shifted a couple -- hmm, snow's between 10-30 lbs/cf -- yup. A couple tons.
Tyrone: So you shoveled.
John: Beth's done a bunch too, but yes, almost every day since end of November. Why do you sound surprised? I'm very handy.
Tyrone: I've known you ten years. I don't think I've ever seen you actually hold a tool.
John: My pen is my tool.
Tyrone: Exactly.
John: You sonuva -- Fine.

Happy Holidays to all. Bloody Hell.

Oh, and again, just so it's not a post of naught but whinging -- my new personal hero: