Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Pre-Production Day 6-8 (edited)

Casting. Which is, of course, the one thing I CAN'T post about while we're doing it.

"We love her. She's who we had in mind for the part all along."
"According to John's blog, you were really frustrated you got turned down by three other actresses first."
" ... could you hold on a minute?"
And the bloody Cavemen parody video, which substitutes "Black Men" every time they say "Cave Men", has been yanked, so there goes posting Plan B. I have not seen the recut pilot, but I will say the ambush of the writers at the TCA based on the original pilot was ... um,

EDIT: You know what, I think I crossed a line here, in that the dialogue I quoted was probably cut from the broadcast pilot, The show's apparently been heavily recut, and although I will stick by my opinion that the original version was ... thoughtless, I don't think I should slam anything not broadcast yet. I will leave intact, however, my conversation with Tyrone

John: What's the premise?
Tyrone: It's a new look at racism.
John: I didn't know we were done with old racism yet.
Tyrone: It's the perfect network show. A way to do a television show about the black experience in America without all those pesky black people.

All this to say, by the way, there are some really good actors in this thing, and they are swinging, man, just chopping wood as hard as they can.