Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Host

Is it less than three hours driving time to the only theater playing The Host?

Drive it.

People were screaming. Some people backed up so fast in their seats from the monster charging the screen they nearly came over the top of their chairs. People cried. People cheered. For the final thirty minutes, all critical faculties of my brain shut down and I was, Lord bless it, just an audience member for the first time in a very, very long while. After seeing this, there are very famous directors in Hollywood who claim to be able to direct action who should snap their own necks in shame at even coming within ten feet of a lens.

I will buy it. I may make finger puppets and form little clubs wherein we re-enact crucial moments of the film.

I trust I've made myself clear. This thing is pure movie. Plot development and character that would never escape intact from the Hollywood development process. Go.

Go go go go.