Saturday, December 09, 2006


You know, in screenwriting we say that an ending should be "unexpected yet inevitable", but this may be the first time in almost a decade I can say I actually got the "unexpected" part. (No spoilers in the Comments.) Apocalypto is magnificent. It's visionary in the old-school sense of "one film-maker's consistent vision.". So simple, but simplicity exercised with ruthless emotional efficiency.

It's not a masterpiece but a masterwork. A must-see on the big screen, and the script's got some subtleties in it, a narrative simple, yet rich ... just go. It may not be the best movie of the year, but it's the greatest if that makes any sense.

The only odd thing is, if you stick around for the credits, the evil bloodthirsty Aztec priest is identified as "Rabbi Liebowitz" and the rapacious immoral Aztec Royal Family are "King and Queen Goldman." Minor points.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Making Hit Shows

Like I'd know. My only hit show was the one that never aired. Go figure.

Anyway, while Ken Levine is off on vacation he's got Peter Casey explaining



was created

This is very spiffy, and seeing as I'm in the pre-Christmas draft sprint, I direct you toward it in lieu of any of my own paltry words. That said, we may have some interesting things to discuss in the New Year, as one of these movies I'm working on is the sequel to a much beloved film, and I'm sure you'll have questions about exactly how I ran it into the ground (preview answer: drunk, and cackling).

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Putting the final shine on a draft in a lovely hotel room. Meanwhile, Lifehacker has the 30 Essential Free Downloads for you, if you don't want to be Microsoft's bitch.