Monday, November 17, 2008

Survivor Corps

Occasionally new, worthwhile charities cross my email account. Survivor Corps is dedicated to creating locally-based community support for returning veterans who are dealing with emotional issues after the end of their deployment. Physical injuries are one thing, but it's crucial that we help men and women who have seen and experienced the unimaginable re-integrate successfully back into their post-deployment lives.

There's a tragic culture of shame around suicide and depression in this country, making it very hard for people to reach out for help without feeling as if they've failed in some way. The idea that veterans will be dealing primarily with other veterans with shared experiences is a great way of mitigating that vulnerability.

Not everyone needs this help, of course, but those who do need it desperately. I know that times are tough, but if you can, please swing by and toss the price of a large pizza in the pot for them. Thanks.